1 WEEKLY UTS PNUUMa m two Sections, every Tuesday and rridsj, at Journal Build KS-SO Craven Street CHABLE8 L. 8TEYKHS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. of Maw Ban and Craven SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two months $ 26 Three Mootha It U Months M twelve Montha 1.00 ONLY 3N ADVANCE. Tha Journal la cajy east on pay-Jn -idvanoe barta. Subscribers will re ceive notlca of expiration of their aub riptions and an Immediate raaponaa . 1o notice tu oa appreciated by tha Journal Advertising ratea tarnished upon application at tha offioe, or upon tn inlrr by maT einteied at the Poatotflc , New Bern, tf. C, as second-ciass matter. New Bern. N. C. Feb. 28. 1911. INDIVIDUAL AND COMMUN ITY BENEFITS. There are .persons who will harshly criticise their own kin folks, failing to realize that often - the faults or sins of those criticis ed, reflect in some degree upon the critic, while the offense committed is a personal affair that might call for condolence and sympathy, in stead of harsh treatment. There are also those in some communities, whose policy is to discredit local condition, to find fcult with everything possible in a city's daily life, and to consider that trade and commercial com petition consists in pulling down character and reputation, that to mount upward, to succeed in busi ness, is to do so upon the besmir ched reputations of men who have been forced into failure, because of unjust and untruthful commercial and social treatment A community is only a big fam ny, wnere the relationship may not be blood, but it should be a relationship baaed upon a fraternal sentiment that higher civilization, education and a liberal Christian ity can fasten upon a people, malt ing them truly citizens, in the best sense of the word. Every city has natural advan tages, that mark it, make it pe culiar in its personality. Every trade, profession, business man, citizen can increase these local ad vantages, and by so doing the city goes forward with a commercial rush, so that every citizen is bene fitted. All this mutuality of ef fort and work has individual sin cerity and honesty in it, and there is a joint confidei.ee shown, and not one person betrays this com munity confidence, by attempting to work some individual "scheme on the side." Such united action and confidence can only be follow ed by a healthy growth, a live municipality, with every citizen a partaker in the local prosperity. it is tne tauure to fully recognize this mutuality, this joint propriet orship, this inseparatenBss of the individual from his community, that works local deadneas of trade and growth. Every municipal benefit, is a citizen benefit, there fore it is good business to strive for the union of a citizenship, that will work for local benefits. THE DATE ON COLD STORAGE FOOD. The sensational climax in the forced let go of immense quantities of cold storage food, eggs and poul try specially, with the resulting loss, of millions of dollars to the cold storage people is but a natur al result For years both the pro ducer and consumer have bean at the mercy of the cold storage trust which had to keep piling up food products to hold prices up. irt unately this country was able to over up ply the trust food bsjrersj and failure came. At present the price of eggs is at the lowest point in years, and other food products are tower. But 'ill this does not warrant the abolishment of cold storage plants, for these serve a moat useful and necessary purpose whan rightly conducted, and will pay the owners a good return upon the investment. There is no reason for cold storage speculation, that is, tha cold stor age trust buying food products from the farmer at their own price, and holding these products for the consumer to bny at a forced price. More than this, the consumer must buy an article that might be six months or two years in storage, Where Does Your Shoe Pinch? Feet that ache arc ill treated. No foot ever complained that was not pinched or rubbed or bound by stiff leather. If your feet are tender or sensitive, if you arc on your feet continuously, don't force them into stiff, unyielding shoes. THE SOUTHERN GIRL $?.o SHOE S2.50 it made in many patterns on many lasti in many styles. Go to our dealer in your town and let him fit" you. Ask to see this shoe shown here. We call it Old Ladies' Comfort, but many young women wear it for a house shoe because it is so easy under foot. Whatever your taste in style, we make it of better leather, with more wear, than you bought before for $2.00. loo for the Red Bell on the Bom CRADDOCK-TERRY Lynchburg, Va. CO., paying for it as though it had just come from the producer. Freezing will preserve meats and fruits, eggs and poultry, but this preser vation has a time limit, ana no person will buy cold storage pro ducts, if the same can be purchas ed in the grocery store or meat market. When cold storage is men tioned it is suggestive not of pal table food, but of food of uncer tain age, that must have its storage taint and no matter how skillfully the cook may disguise it, the hu man stomach will rebel against it. Legislation is demanded that eve ry article of food going into cold storage shall be dated upon its reception, so that every package will be known as to its age in cold storage, and thus the consumer may know exactly the age of the food purchased, and the public inspector may know when cold storage food is at the state when it should be condemned as unfit for human food. , CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. Tin Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature Emperor William will send the crown prince to Home to congratulate the King and Queen on the golden jubilee of the selection of the Eternal City as the capital. How s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Seward for any ease of Catarrh that annot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole do, 0. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his Inn. WALDINQ, RINNAN & NARVIN, Wholesale Rruggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, anting directly upon the, blood and mucous surfaces of the -yHtem. Testimonials sent free Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by alt Druggists. Taks Hall's Jamily Pillg for con stipation. - . . ' j m A Landsman's Idea. In the port of Galveston one day a darky from the Interior wag looking at the shipping In' the harbor. A roustabout was explaining the whole thing to blm. Finally the roustabout said: ' "It's low water now." At that the negro, shaking bis bead sagaciously and pointing to a heavily laden tramp steamer that waa pawn ing, said: "Den It's a good thing for dat ship daPs going ixist. He water's near de edgy of her now." Harper's Muga.lne. Foley's Kidney Pills Wlsst Tbay Will De for You Thsrjr will sore your backach o, Strengthen your kidneys, cor- met urinary irregularities, build p tht worn out tissues, and eliminate tha excess urio acid that causes rheumatism. Pre. went Bright' Disease and Dia hates, an4 restore health and substitute a. F. S. DUFFY. ever This , ! shot In ' brand $2.8043.00 It Ooodmr Welt tewed; In our College Woman s Walking Shot, S3-S3.50-t4, It towls the beit custom moke. When a Ship Turns Turtle. to "turn turtle" means, in nautical language, that a ship rolls too heavily. rails to recover herself and after brief period on her beam ends turni topsy turvy, bo that her keel points Skyward. Then, of coarse, she sinks. Frequently the compressed air lmpris? uueu in uer nuu mows ner Dortom out as she goes dowD, or If she la a steam er ber boilers burst, with like results. As a rule, ships torn turtle because they are burdened with too much "top Hamper" or from lack of sufficient bal last or both causes combined. Rarely does It happen that there are any sur vivors, but there Is one notable excep tion in the case of the battleship Cap- tarn, which was lost after this fashion In the bay of Biscay. In her case! ex actly three minutes elapsed from the time she Brst turned turtle until abe Anally sank, and forty of her crew of rjM man ntamlmpiul im l.n- .Ua ., - " ' ' ' Vl 11 y UCl HUV a. BUS rolled over and on to ber keel, t Of these eighteen men were eventually rescued and were able to describe later on precisely what occurred. Pearson's. Emma Eichner, 18 years old, of CaW ia mhga- co, worsted a frantic man with sine pistol and probably saved the Uvea i iui 1.111. UICM. ATTACK LIKE TIGERS. " In fighting to keep the blood pure the white corpuscles attack disease germs like tigers. But often germs multiply au i asL mm nine ngn wrs are overcome. Then see pimples, boils, eczema, salt rheume and sores multiply and strength and appetite fail. This condition de mands blectrie Bitters to regulate tha stomach, liver and kidneys and to ex pet poison from the blood. "They are me uem oioou puriner, writes U' T Budahn, of Tracy, Calif., "I have ever round. " 1 hey make rich, red blend, strong nerves and build' up your health. i ry mem, ooc at ail druggists. Mining For Coffin Planks. One of the most curious Industries In the world Is the business of mining tor coffin planks, which Is carried on In upper Tonkin, a portion of the French possessions in southeastern Asia. In a certain district in this province there exists a great underground deposit of logs, whicti were probably the trunks of trees engulfed by an earthquake br some otber convulsions of nature at a comparatively recent period. The trsfca are a species of pine known to ike natives and also to some extent to Shi- ropean commerce1 as "nam-bou." Tne wood Is almost Imperishable and baa the quality, either through Its nature or as the result of Its sojourn under ground, of resisting decay from da nip. us quatuy makes it particularly val ble rmmroe manufacture of raffias. and for t bis purpose It is largely ex ported to Europe. The trees are oftjb a yard In diameter. Thev are bnrual in sandy earth at a depth of from two to eight yards and are dug up by na tive labor as demand Is made for tbeeV Harper's Weekly. BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM, SLEEPLESSNESS Result from disordered kidneys. Fol ey Kidney Pills have helped others, this will help you. Mrs. J. U. Miller, Syr cuse, N. Y. says, "For a long tual sunerea wun Kidney trouble and rhal unereu mun a Satiam. I ha It all played bottles of Pole had severs backaches out. Alter takiosr olev Kidnev Pilla mt b acne is gone and where I used to awake with rheumatic paint I fleep in comfort. Foley Kidney did wonderful things for me. them now. F. 8. Duffy. Qreefc Fire. The so called Greek Are was sons sort of combustible com portion, prob ably naphtha, that waa thrown from engines said to bare bees Invented bf Calllnlciis of Hellopolls abont the nusT die of the seventh century to desti tbe sbl)M of the Saracens. From accounts the effects of this c were, fearful. It Is claimed that SO.i Saracens were consumed by It upon single onuulon. A no called Of fire, a - addition of phosphorus la sulphide of canto, waa employed the siege of Charleston In York A'tnerlcau. When her child is in dansrer a will risk bsr lifs to protect it. No act of beroisfr. or risk of tike ism arv to protect s child from fhsmber Iain's Coach Mswesad danger is avoided. For sale dealers. r.rj The Principles of Gas Making Ful ly Explained by Mr. F. . Saw yer, Gen. Manager. Yesterday afternoon it was the city edit jr's pleasure to visit tha plant of the New Bern Gas Co. And to be shown oyer it by the nial and courteous manager Mr. F. H. Sawyer. What be saw there is told here in a brief and precise manner. Doubtless every person in this city is aware of the fact that we boast of having a gas plant within our city lim its. Very few of theae however, real ize the magnitude of this enterprise. thinking that it is men child's play to make thia oxygen ah which furnishes light and heat for so many homes, this, however, is not the case. Probably no variety of manufacturing enter- so much esse and attention exercised over it as doss s plant where gas is made. We wars first taken to tbe room in which the apparatus foP making gas located. Tbe gas la first formed in huge generator which is heated to 800 degrees. After leaving thia it pi through a carbureter sad a superheater each 14 feet in height and 5 feet in di ameter these carry hosts of from 1,400 to 2,000 degrees which is pumped in by a large fan which makes between three and four thousand revolutions a minute. After being made the gas passes thro a system of condensers sad scrubbers. Near theae condensers is located alarm pump which takes the gas from these and carries it to the purifying boxes which sre Ailed with iron pyrites and Other material which takes all the im purities and any foreign substances from it From these boxes the gaa paaaea through a large rotary meter in to large storage gasholders which were erected at a cost of several thousand dollars and is then ready for consump tion by the public. To go into details of the ingredients of gas would take up much space and as thia is entirely unnecessary it is omit ted, but manager Sawyer says that on ly tbe highest grade materials are used in the making of the product by the lo cal company. There are 6 buildings used by this company and each one of them is filled either costly machinery or with materials for thy manuf actnre of gas. Without any doubt this is one of the most modern plants bfjts kind in the State and is being well patronised by Hie people of this city. Foley Kidnev Pills are a reliable mm. eay lor backache, rheumatism and uri nary irregularities. They are action, quick hi results and tools in afford. prompt relief from all kidney disorder at r. a. uuny. A Unique Cemmsnt. An illiterate Irishman had lust been convicted of cold blooded murder, and tbe death sentence was about to be pronounced upon him. Ail through tbe trial he has shown little Interest in what had been going on, had not seemed to realize any of the proceed inga and had sot opened his mouth to any one but has counsel. lo pass sentence upon him tbe court ordered bta to stand. He stood, blink ing at those around him. "Have you anythlna- to sav." droned the judge nnnrsastvely, "why the sen tence or death should not be pro nounced upon you st this time?" Whereupon the Irishman whispered to has counsel, who was standuur bv: Ain't he th' gloomy dlvll r Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Archbishop Ireland, In aa address at Peoria. III., said the day on tbe aboli tion of war had not yst A KING WHO LEFT HOME. snd set ths world to talking, bat Paul Matholka, oLBuffsls, N. Y. eaye he al ways KEEP8 AT ROME the King of B-wisMinayii his scb family . Cars he. indigestion, dys at all dealers. Ths taeretary Bird. The long legged South African sec retary birds fflVsl m Pairs, male and female. If diStttrtfcM 'tested their pace U abbot as fast as fast of a) Din; none. wiuga and if eslspsIM to do so can Soar to a cessgdstsbj height They build bulky nests, snd whet trass are to be had they select one fifty to s hundred fast above the ground. Their are built of sticks and sods. Inked grass, and SaeWis as much as Ave fast In dUsCssSar SisS tnsssa fWt fi thickness. As s rule only two Mid Incnbaitoa Safcee six which hi doe her Tbe jama have Iq Mats hj several montha bast they can on their loan. slsnsW less, which are very weak and brittle The voons ssauy weak their lacs If dttturbed - New Ufa esDiessingtoa l . . iSTSift tolW'IUDNEY PILLS .inl.iistl.fh nUlsMItTd a BSJII am of mgnWm Ha, - nw e- - IpY f? 'is fcilsTiialii ssss i aw s a 0O. iSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl EWCUTOR'8 NOTICE. Th uixUrmtgrtud htvtasdutar qualified as sx- "aSSaisfaXU. WSIIisn nottiias U miiM to whom Im ni Indebted or have claims demlgnad executor for payment on or before the ttnd. dayef Ma. tendon- authenticated or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All li mimS hlSsllleS. to tbe Sscesssa are required to sake bmnsArte payment to tbe undersigned. H. G! DRANEY. ' Executor. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. North Carolina. Cravwi County, In tbe Superior Court Abigail Andrewe Ell Andrews The defendant shore named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Craven County to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony and tbe said defendant will farther take notice that he Ir required to appear at the February term of Superior Court for said county to be held on the 6th day of February. 1911. at the court house of aald county in New Bern, N. C. and an wer or demur to the complaint in said action the nJamtuT will apply to the court for the relief in said complaint W. M. WATSON, Clerk of the Superior Court ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. North Carolina: Craven County. Having qualified as administrator of Penelope Treadwell. lets of Craven County North Caro line, this Is to notify all persons having claims asaUak estate of the said deceased to present us same ior payment n or before the 11th. day ef Feby. 1SU or this notice will be plead in bar of All persons indebted to estate will mediate payment 11th. Mil. M. M. MARKS Administrator. R. W. WILLIAMSON. Attorney. MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to s power of sale contained in that certain real estate mortgage executed by Jan. L. Dixon and Sarah Dixon to Bank of Vanceboro bearing date the 9th. day of January 1907 the asms being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county in book 162 psge 431. I will seU at tbe court house door in New Bern N. a, on Monday the 18th. day of March 1911 st the hour of 12 o'clock M. to the highest bidder for cash, all of the following described property as conveyed in the mortgage aforesaid to-wit; Bounded on the north by the lands of Witt Ful cher, on the east by the lands of C. A. I pock, on the south by the lands of N, B. I pock snd on the west by the land of J as. L. Dixon, containing 10 acres, snd being tbe land purchased from D J. Fulcher and wife by Jas L. Dixon, also another tract adjoining the above, bounded on the north by the lands of W. M. Fulcher. on the east by the sbove dsssilssd tract ef land, on the south by the suds of N( B, I pock and on the west by the lands of W. H. Ipock containing 12 acres more or less snd being the lend purchased from W. M Fulcher by the said James L. Dixon. Vanceboro. N. C, Feby, 2nd. 1911. BANK O VANCEBORO. Mortgagee. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Thomas Gates deceased, late of Craven countv. North Carolina. Thisii to notify sll persons hav Ing claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 6th dsy ot Feb ruary 1912. or this notice win be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All parsons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. JOE K. WILLIS. Administrator, This 6th day of February. MIL E. M. GREEN. Attorney. a prieoner on trial in London on charges of bigamy and otber offenses is said to have married several women in the United States. - SFEEDY RELIEF FROM KIDNEY TROUBLE. I bad an acute attack of Rricht' disease with inflammation of the kid neys and bladder, and dizziness," aays aare. tvora inorp. Jackson, Mich. "A ootus U Foley's Kidney Remedy over come uts attack, reduced I he inflam matioo, took away the pain and made the bladder action normal. 1 wish every snow oi mis wonderful rem- S. Daffy. Wall Papers. Htsmped paper for walUdecoratlon was first made in Spain or Holland. or simultaneously in both countries, aooui loos. For some reason thia ear hlset form ef wsll psper waa succeeded by wsll iMnginga of velvet and floss BDout ikm Abont s century later pa per came Into rogue again, but it h oniy ror tne past fifty-years or so that tbe pspeHog of ths walla of houses has been general. A lS-ysar old girl was lifted 0 feet by a whirlwind at Bradford, England and dashed to death. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exer cise, Insufflclent mastication of food. constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, are tha most common causes of stomach troubles, Corrct your habits snd take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets snd you will soon be well ror sale oy all dealers. Mask Inhabitants of France. Lying so much off the beaten track, the village of Port Leans, in the Jura dspsrtment of France, Is visited by hot Saw from the outside world, and coaasnueatly thia tiny community ef men asd women of color is bat little knows. It Is not a large village, for Its Inhabitants number only about a hundred, bat every one Is either black or copper colored It owes Its origin to the fact that about a century ago the fa toons negro chief, Touasalnt LOuvertore, was brought from Haiti and imprisoned la Fort de Jotrt. Mam of his friends, all negroes, fol lowed him and encamped near his prison oa ths bank of the little river the village of Port Lesne. sad when nssnas; one could S0y."-F. MMaMMisATuusSiOMKYaAataaLABoia near an ascribed to certain mt clops only one eye aj placed In tbo center of their foreheads. The cyclopean eye exists today the brains of men In a rudimentary form, for In the pineal gland we And the last vestiges of that wntcb was once a third eye and which looked ont Into the world. If not from the center of tbe forehead, at least from very "piear that point. There is alive today a little creature which would put to shame tbe one eyed arrogance and pride of Polyphemus and Arges and Brontes and Steropes and all the rest of the single eyed gentry who, In the days of myths and myth makers, In habited the "fair Sicilian isle." The animal in question Is a small lizard called Calotis. Its well develop ed third eye is situated In the top of its bead and can be easily seen through the modified and transparent scale -which serves It as a cornea, Many other lacertlllans have this third eye, though it is not so highly organ lzed as it Is in tbe species Just men tioned. A tree lizard which Is to be found in tbe mountains of east Tennessee and Kentucky has Its third eye well de veloped. This little animal Is called the "singing scorpion" by the- moun taineers. On dissection the third eye will be found lying beneath the akin. It has n lens, retina and optic nerva New York Herald. . - Vocal Practice, Practicing siugitig In too small rooms is ruinous to many .excellent voices. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA President Truesdaleof the Delaware. Dackawanna and West-rn Railroad, admitted that he had refused a salary of $200,000 a year with the Missouri Pacific. THIRTY YEARS TOGETHER.. Tiiirty years of association think ol it How the merit of a good thing stands out in that time or tho wortb lasBne.is of a bad one. So there's no guess work jn this evidence of Thos. Aris, Concord, Mich,, who writes : "I havi- used Dr. King's New Discovery to' 30 years, tnd its the beet cough and coli cure I ever used." Once it find entrance in a home you can.t orv it out, Many families have used it forty years.. it s tne most lntanima throat and lung medicine on earth. Untqualed for la- gnppe, asthma, hay-fever, croup, quin sy or sore lumrp. Price 50c $1.00, Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all drug- gists, All gambling houses and "blind tig era" in French Lick Spring, Ind , have been cloaed. Wants! Wants! TO PURCHASE Soja or Soy Beans and Field PSas for which highest prices will be -paid. FOR SALE Hyde Co., grown Burt and Rust pjoof Oats, Hay, Oats, Dairy Feed, Corn, Brand and ship stuff and all kinds feed BURZUS $ CO. 31 33 Middle St. NewBern. N. O, Phone 184. Lake Drummond Cana! & Water Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing; Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Dentil Always. Quick Transit for Traffic, Prompt Towing and Freight Movement. ror tolls, towing and freight ratea apply at otnee in Seaboard. Bank Build Ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Va. I. K. King, Pres. J. A. Mitten, Sec. J. B. "Baxter, Supl. J. T. Whitehurst, Traffic Manager. Norfolk Office, Bell Phone 621 ,- i WOMEN Women of tne highest type, women of superior education and refinement, whose discernment .and judgment give weight and force to their opinions, hiehlv praise the wonderful corrct snd curative properties of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throughout tho many stages s y e, mm f, trom m tl YOU'LL enjoy true comfort and the satisfaction of being prop erly hatted if you wear one of these very smart and sw igKer Gold-Bond Soft hats. We uncon ditionally guarantee tbe Gold Bond hat by giving you a signed and sealed guarantee bond of complete satisfaction or money back. Every fashionable coloring and many other styles. Gold-Bond Hate are only $2.00. FOR SALE BY S. LIPMAN Cor. S. Front and Middle Sta. HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial Paints. Oils' ASD Varnishes American Field Fence SWALLWOOD. lew ra, 1. C, HENRY'S Prescriptions from aM physicians. Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choke Toilet articles. v a Pharmacy PHONE 173 .ICE. Made from pure distilled filtered water. NEW BERN ICE CO. 10 21-33 Griffith St Phone 28 ENNETT'S j PREPARED Agricultural Lime UltM E. K BEST HiS JO; I Phone 174 Middle St

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