No. 97 NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. FRIDAY MARCH. 3. 1911 -SECOND SECTION 33rd YEAR DECLM!ilST AH Except Oua Bill . Seeking . Amend,metits City ' ' . Charter. - . FORESTRY BILL PASSED The Bill to Amend Tollocksville is Eatified. er Bills Passed. Charter of .Oth- The call issued-for a mass, meeting for the purpose of discussing the propos ed amendments to the ci.y charter and increased tax levy, brought out between 50 and 300 citizens to the court' house, who gave close attention' to ' the pro ceedings, i :'J.:'y,',:U p C; J. -McCarthy called J as A. Bryan to the chair, while. the city editors Were made secretaries, V? Mr, . McCarthy sta ted the object uf the call for the meet ing,' He read a stat 'merit showing gross receipts of city, and expenditures, indi cating an apparent surplus of $10,000 a year. But the purpose of the' meeting was to consider seven bills that had been sent to Itept tentative Nunn to introduce and have passed, these being 15c per $100 increase general' fund tax. 10c far -partial pail fire' department. Consolidation 5th and 6th wards, $1,000 . to Chamber Commerce for advertising, $1,800 salary , city" tax- collector. In crease maximum police mo-ithly to $70. Ex-Judge Guion addressed the meet ing, to pet its "eense as to the several matters in the call; nit t) influence any one, out to get to a q never conclusion, .than by lengthy discussions'. Mr. Gui- nn then clearlv nresented his , views, which were briefly; First, accor ding to" Mayor McCarthy' figures, thi present tax levy of 60c was sufficient. In discussing 2d and 3d, a glowinf trib- www na jihiu , viiv - iviuiyvvi ,iiviui -who even with the proposed Are expen ditures, would Btill have to run on foot, while the chemical enein rushed bv. Fourth, Consolidation was not shown to be of advantage or beueBt. People had "'had no ctiance to dise.nssun .it. ; Fifth, ' public improvements of $50,000 in last . 3 years, with other things, bi-centenni-- at was sufficient advertising at present" r, .i. x. 'it. i . i oixin, tux collector was put in per cent basis ought to continue. : It was well ' earnrd and profitable to city. SeventS, present maximum salary for police was nof sufficient for duties of pot it ion and aldermen should know whether an in crease was' warranted. - ' " . 'IDE Henderson offered amendment and presented me of four petitions - which he said were signed by citizen. His had 10Q signatures, all favored de feat of bills. Discussion followed. Wm. Dunn NJr." thought hilla should - be voted upon separately, also offered a rnotion that' Representative Nunn be inafnintiwl I A itTot nt Kill frrt lArvlalafti hum ubu iy va,wa u J vw iwkioiuwk w thaf interfered with present salaries of county omcers. Mr. aoy, ui nn unanv ' ber Commerce made a forcible plea, why the $1,000 should be yoted for ad . vertising. 1 J" A Bryan showed paniph let issued by Norfolk Southern, ami - circular issued by the Chamber of Cenv mdiraa io or' una- w. in nn nt. t la roil - were ample at present for advertising purposes. ,.' . The following resolution bv D E Hen derson with amendment of Judge Guion was adopted and the meeting adjourned, .Whereas,-certain bills have been in troduced in the general assembly of North Carolina to Increase the rite of taxation in the City and issue new bonds, and aUo to change the present wards of the city, and whereas, the present tax rate is sufficient to- take " care of the finances of city, and there ie no general public demand for. a new . bond issue for any purposes, and where , as, the best interests of the city de tnands that tue war is in said city re main as i hey r.ow are, therefore be it Resolved, That we the citizen of ; the city of New Bern, Craven county N. C , in mass meeting assembled, do 'endorse (he petitions hereto attached, and respectfully requst the" general - assembly of North Carolina to. defeat ' the aforesaid bills 'mentioned in the premises, - " '."' ' , .- Guion ' amendmend Provided - ,tht this resolution shall not apply to pend ing bills for the ratification of the pre sent city bonds jnd the tax levy to meet the same and shall' not apply to the bill increasing the power of the Board ef Aldermen to pay policemen $70.00 But shall apply to the appropria tion of $1,000.00 for advertising pur poses. ., : ; . ' '-.'. v , " PILES CUHE0 IN 6 TO H D4YS , PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to , cure any case of Itching, blind. Bleed ing or Protruding Tiles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c , . ' ID - Raloigh, Feb. 28 -The Senate recon sidered the vote by which a bill to pro tect the forests of North Carolina pass ed Saturday nigrdj and it was recalled from the House. yM ''.fy: : '.:. The Senate bill to prevenf, forest fires is now to be amended in the house com mittee so a number of counties be ex empted, these including Transylvania, Swain and Haywood. Fire wardens are to be paid out of a tax'of one-half cent per acre on large tracts and a flat tax of 25 cents on owners of as much as 50 acres of forestA-';;:;'A y','VU':j;'-y' The bill requiring medical supplies and surgical appliances to be kept in factories employing 25 or more people passed with an amendment making the penalty for failure to keep these first- aid materials $25 instead of $50. " Killum, of New Hat over, made an unsuccessful attempt to get an amend ment that no boat or vessel shall be taxed more than $60, but this was voted down. Rawles offered an amendment that was lost to strikeout the $1 oyster tax. This bill creates the State Fish Commission that has 'the regulation of ihq commercial fishing1' interests of the State. . : '. ':'':.-',. ; The bill to amend the charter ofPol locksville was ratified. Bills passed fi nal reading to allow New Bern to issue uggested that a physician be called in, This however was not done. Monday night she retired at an early hour and sometime during the'" night she was I taken with another attack of heart di sease and before she could summon aid her soul had flown unto its maker. . Arrangements for the funeral had not been completed yesterday afternoon. re improvement bonds; to provide for terest on bonds; t? amend charter as to levying; tax on property. The bill to regulate fishing in Neuse. river pasBid final reading. -v. flLCSl PIIES4, PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind.Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts,, Sole by druggists, mail 50c and 1.00. Williams' M'f 'g. Co . Props., Cleveland, Ot ARAPAHOE ITEMS, Feb. 28 -Our, farmers are getting busy in their farm work, and the weath er is ideal for the work. " Some have planted potatoes, and others, are get ting the land ready for the reception of the seed. - ' Our people have organized a Farmer's Uni6n which is growing rapidly. . They have made an effort to have it in order to better protect their rights, but there is fnough to oppose -it, to make it a failure. . - : ' ; IN HER BED v-.... . Mother Attempts to ' Arouse Daughter and Finds That She is Dead. - : When Mrs. M. E. Taylor attempted to awaken ber daughter in-law Mrs. C. Taylor, who resided at No, 152 Broad street, yesterday morning she received no answer and upon investigating found that she was dead. Mrs. .Taylor, wbo is the wife of Mr. F. Taylor, . a saw filer 1 who is now working in South Carolina, has fre quently had attacks of heart disease but by prompt action had succeeded in gaining relief . within a short while. During the past few days she had com plained of feeling ' unwell and it was it is supposed that it was caused by a STUBBORN FIRE : PAVING CONTRACT - f ST NIGHT IS AWARDED LEGISLATURE IS HEARING CLOSE Destroyed the Eubank Building I To Georgia Firm. Some Protest! N-S MAKES BIG INCREASE Against Brick. Other tracts Awarded. Cou- Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock the Board of Aldnrmen met at the city hall to award the paving contract. After the meeting had been called to order the aldermen went into executive ses sion and repaired to the ante room where each of the samples of brick sent Last of Desperadoes Ricttnond, Va., March 2-Behrayed by the woman with whom he had en trusted bis secret, Matthew Mebane al ias Kid Johnson, a desperate negro wanted in Wilson county, North Caro lina, for complicity in the recent mur dr of Deputy Sheriff George Mumford, was captured' here yesterday , and left for Wilson county this morning in com pany with the sheriff of that county, who arrived here last night i , The Arab Steed. An Arab 6teed of pure breed would probably bo outpaced in a race by ah English thoroughbred, but In other re spects It outshines fts western rival. It Is so docile that It la treated by" its owner as one of the family, and It has an Iron constitution, for It sleeps out at night without covering or shelter. Nature protects the Arab horse with a thick, ,furry coat, which is never touched by brush or comb and which falls off at the approach of Bprlng, when the body and legs, which had been shaggy as those of a bear, again resume their graceful Jjeauty and glis ten In tbe sun like polished marbla. Loudon Chronicle. ' Located ou the Corner of Broad and Middle Streets. Shortly before 8 o'clock last night fire was discovered in the Eubat k build iog, a wooden structure located on the corner of Broad and Middle streets, and before the alarm could be turned in it had gained so much headway that the entire building was practically destroy ed before the flames could be extin-1 in by the bidders was thoroughly" ex guished. I amined. After considerable discussion Just how the fire originated could I it was decided to award the contract to not be learned but when first discovered 1 the Georgia Engineering Company, of the blaze was issuing from the second Augusta, Ga., whose prices were for story over Carter Tisdale's store, and I the "Augusta Block."' the brick that wm oe used, $1.44 with sand tiller and $1.48 with cement filler. East Front street and a section of Pollock street will be paved with asphalt, Mr. Frank Hackney was given the contract for putting down the sewers on the streets that will be paved Tbe New Bern Iron Works were awarded the contract for sand pit covers There were protests from citizens on East Front and Pollock streets against the use of brick on those thoroughfares. defective flue. Mr. Tisdale was able to temove the majority of bis stock of goods before the flames rcachid him J..D. Barfield, colored, who conducted a grocery store adjacent to Mr. Tisdale lost a portion of his stock of good, Joseph Rahid, ati Assyrian merchant on the Middle street side Bangcrt building, carried his stock of merchandise out of his Btore and placed it in the street where much of it was ruined by being trampled upon. Thomas Jihn. a fruit dealer located adjacent to Rahid had portion of his stock damaged by water and smoke. . Eubank building was partially destroy ed by file Beveral months ago and had been repaired. A fair estimate of the entire loss would not reach over $5,000 Whether'. any insurance was carritd could not te ascertained, but it is more than probable that there was some in surance on part of the property.-' Important Bills Pass Final Read Company Turned Over to the Re ing. Governor Kitchin Seuds Message. Raleigh, March 1. The House passed on final reading the bill for a $250,000 fire-proof State administration building and sent it to the Senate for concur rence in the amendment cutting the amount from $500,000, the vote in the Senate to be in changing from the orig inal million dollar bond issue the Boy den bill carried. A bill of State-wide interest passed by the House was to aid in road build- organized Company. Still Pending. ('ISO Norfolk, March 1 Bv decree of -United Sates Judge Edmund Waddill Jr., H. K. Wolcottand Hugh M. Kerr were yesterday discharged as receivers of the oid Norfolk and Southern Rail way Company aad there is turned over to the r. 'organized Norfolk Southern Railroad Company the sum. of $15,337, 03 remaining after the payment of all receivership expenses and cost of court. The decree also carries with it. full ing by authorizing the Sute to issue 4 discharge of all receivership indebted- February Weather Temperature Rain. H You Wish to Keep Your Wheel. If y i are tho owner of a bicycle end mi-ih to I e crtaiu of retaining posses' '( ( f y iur wheol it would he a wise i t b i a strong b'k and put '-vcr you hi not using it. A ' ) of tin! I i. ycles stolon hi Ti I ,i tf.'-vwi It woulJ place r nt n' 2). YVit-rd'iy t v. 1 1 o 1 t I'll 1 h Kti i'ct by ii ri"turnin; failed '. ' ' tin; I'C-aofis t ; t u :i ;:y fri.itl T : i , ' -t 'V: r t ) Mr. Herbert Land passed through Arapahoe today. , , Mr, W. B. Nunn an J family of Cath arine Lake, N.C. have-moved to his res dence near Arapahoe which he purchas rd some time ago of Mr. H, N. Banks. Mr. Henry Banks has moved to his new home near Arapahoe., . , . , Mrs. Beraie . Joy ner nf near Kinston is visiting hut parents Mr. and Mrs, B. Miller near Arapahoe now. She is accompanied on the trip by Miss Joyner of nearKinstoh. . . ." . Mr. Willie Price and family who mo v ed to Ashwood, N. C some time ago, has moved back to Arapahoe; , Mr. Nelson Caroon of Ashwood was la visitor in Arapahoe Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. M. ' E Broughton of Janeiro, were visitors of, Mr. and Mrs, G, A. Brinson Sunday evening. .. . Mr. Jacob Paul of Arapahoe was the guest of Miss Maud. Rawls of Janeiro, Sunday. . r; -:: , Rev. N, O. Stilling of Baybore was in Arapahoe Friday night and Satuiday delivering bibfea for which he bad taken order some time ago.' :' -Miss Bessie Jordan and Mr. Langley of Oriental were visitors in Arapahoe Sunday. - -V . Mr. G. E. Brinson went toBayboro Saturday to attend a Teachers Union, Mr. Floyd Real of Reefsboro who is teaching in the Arapahoe public school went home Friday and from there at tended the Teacher's Union at Bayboro Saturday.,,. "' ; . . '. ,..' ' Messrs Lethers and Kirkpatrick. re presenting the Peoples Bank of New Bere were in Arapahoe last Friday and Saturday. ; . -" . t : Mr. Willie Boyd of Grantsboro was the guest of Miss Sudie Brinson Sun day. Miss Lonia Boyd of Arlington' Farm spent last Saturday night and Sunday with Mia Sudie Brinson. .- Rev. Alford filled his regular appoint ment at the Free Will Baptist chuich Sunday. -1 - 'B." A Woman's Letter. Hailed as "tbe master bf feminism," Marcel .Prevost endeuvora to make good bis right to the title by the fol lowing bit of philosophy: "Is a wom an's hat meant to cover her head? Is n woman's sunshade meant to suade her from the sun? Are a woman's shorn made for walking or er be- Jeweled watch meant to tell her ihe time? Why, then, should a woman's letter be meant to convey her real thoughts?" Exchange. The following completes tho Feb ruary weather temperature, maximum and minimum on dales, to complete the month. The total rainfall was .X8 of an inch. Bogus Cloth. What is Paint? Some people think anything labelled "paint" is paint, but there's a difference, just as much as between one kind of cloth and another. Cloth nine-tenths cotton and one tenth wool, is bogus cloth. Cloth all wool wears to the limit Paint at a price be tween 75 Cents and $1.50 is like bogus cloth. The L. & M. Paint is all wool and wears to the limit. There's a rea son. Our sales agents are: Gaskill Hard ware & Mill Supply Co., New Bern, N C. per cent bonds and float them, using the ( ness including receivers certificates is proceeds in loan to counties cn a 5 per, sued m the sum of $1,442,865. These cent basis. certificate had been issued for better- Passed on final reading and sent to I mi nts, first for $1,000,000 under date of the senate the machinery bill for the December 2S, 11)09, and second for administration State revenue bill that $442, 8fi5 under dBte of November 17, has passed the house and is pending in 19;it. the Senate. The bill passed wi hout ma-1 Tne receivers had on May 4th, li)10. terial change from the form in whih it I delivered all the physical properties of came from the Finance Committee. It 1 the Norfolk and Souther Railwav Corn- leaves the Corporation Commission as a I pany to the reorganized Norfolk-South- state tax commission, makes county I em as successors butbad beencont'nued tax assessors and county commissioners I without final discharge because of (he the boards of equalization, and makes pending receivership indebtedness as a county assessor a new ' officer a aortl result of failure of the new owneisto of supervisor and adviser for township I complete all financial arrangements and ward assessors who visit property I following the last attack of the Van owners to list property for taxation du-1 Oyke-Zell Syndicate, of Philadelphia, ring May and June. The State tax I m the Virgina State courts against the commissioners are to visit all counties I reorganization. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2fi . 27 28 50-36 56-33 64-45 77- ii- 58- 37 66-27 46- 22 47- 22 49-25 59- 25 71- 32 72- 41 74-41 Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours Dr. Deletion's relief for Rheumatism usually relieves severest cases in a few hours. Its action upon the system is remarkable and effective, It removes at once the cause and the diBeasu quick ly disappears. First dose greatly bene fits. 75c and $1.00. Sold by Bradham Drug Co. A "Friendly Match." I speak of a "friendly match," nov at all forgetting that dictum or tne old Scot to whom his opponent, break ing some trivial rule, said, "I suppose you won't claim thnt In a friendly match?" "Friendly match!" was the reply. "There's no such thing at goiri London Telegraph. Much Is done In the name of frlsndV ship; so are many.--Exchange. Craven County, Teachers Mettlng. . At the meeting of the Craven county Teachers' Association which will be held in the Griffin Memorial building on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, a num ber of classes from rural schools in this county will give demonstrations in res itttlooH. ' Superintendent Ragsdale, of Pitt county, will address, the teachers, and it is hoped that there will"be a large attendance, 7 ' - i ;:, ,!. ; - - .. Cloud Him Up. "I never permit myself to become the slave of a habit" , v - "Don't you? I had an idea that you had become a good deal of a slave to the habit of boasting, about your strength of : wUV-Chicago Record Herald. ' -'.;'- - J' Wife Beater is Sent to the Whipping Post. Baltimore, Md , March 2 The specta cle was witnessed in the Criminal court here yesterday of a white mm who had brotally beaten his wife, pleading for mercy with tears streaming down his face when he heard the sentence of five lashes at the whipping post and impris onment in jail. But there was no morcy because the testimony showed that Frank McCauley struck his wife si-ven or eight times, choking her and then took from her moie than $.), It was the second sentence of a wifebcater to the post by Judge Duffy within a month. A' Well Known Judge Hanfe V Down u Opinion. T Money Back .Th Only Kind. 'n-Md yon j-rt n plnin t' i) i'y ly , I I ( l t- Tle rf ' .f The Savodine Company ,; : , , ' : " .New Brtr," N. C' Dear Sirs: From thtie I have made f SAVODINE I believe is to be a very valuable remedy for eattrrh and eolds. It gives almost immediate relief incase of difficult breathing and, inhaling It freely checku and gives relief in severe coughing,- So fur as I have had oppor tunity to use it. which is only a short time, I am much pleased with' its effi ciency, " .' ' ' . r j . - ' Very truly yours. " ' ' .'. .'''; V' T F SUBPARDj '." By City, Mich. Jud(e T. F. Shrpard is widoly known and highly erteomed. He is a Inwyer of rerngnized ability. Forycnrs hewas Orcnit Judge of tho EBtrn Dwtrii t .f r'.-bVun. Bradham Drug Co., Sells Eemark. ' able Catarrh Cure Pour a few drops of HYOMEI (pro Lnounce High-o-me) into the hard rub ber inhaler and you-can then breatue into the lungs the very same antiseptic, germ killing air as you would breathe I street, in the Australian forests of eucalyptus, where catarrh is unknown And HYOMEI is so pleasant to use; you'll like to use it; when you breathe it the effect on the inflamed catarrh In fected and germ' riddoir membrane is soothing and healing, , In five minutes you get such wonder ful relief that you will know that at last you have a cure for catarrh. ' BRIDGETON NOTES. March fst. We are glad to say all the sick of our little town are improving. Miss Florence Potter left Monday to visit Broad Creek. Mrs. Lena Stanley, of Wilmington, came Saturday to visit her mother Mrs, N. M. Farrow on B street and returned home Tuesday. Mrs. T. W. Moore is visiting her sis ter Mrs. Frank Wilson at Trenton. Mr. Will Cromwell, of Wilmington, spent Sunday and Monday in our town visiting at the home of Mr, N. M, Far rev's. Mr. George Chailion,' of New Bern. wan in our town visiting Sunday. Mrs Mary E. Willis is visiting rela tives in New Bern. . Mr. Dan Weeks, of Kinston, was in our town last week visiting relatives. Mrs. Lillie Stallings, who has been with her husband, Mr. Will Stallings, at Stewart's Sanatorium, has returned home. We are glad to see some more new building going on in our town. Mr, C. A. Ryman is having two new buildings put up. Mr. Huddie Rowe nnd Miss Janie Daw were married Sunday and have com' menced keeping house on C street. Mr. Taylor, who has been living on Craven street in New Bern, has moved in I he house with Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mrs. Gosley, on A street. Mr. S. D Parker and family, and Mr S G Parker and family spent Sunday in New Bern attending the fdneral of their uncle, Mr. J R Parker, who died last Friday. There will be prayer meeting at the M E church Thursday night at half past seven o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend. Lev. J M Wright filled his regular appointment at the Methodist church here Sunday. Mrs. Daniel Lane and daughter, of Bellair, spent Sunday in our town. Mr. Frank Bunting, of New Bern, wax in our town Monday night visiting his brother, Mr. H M Bunting on A Mrs. Bertha Thomas and children, of Olympia, are in our town visiting her sister, Mrs. H M Banting on A street 'GRAY EYB8." and to have the final say as to equaliza tion of tax value standards, as they shall apply among counties. Gov. Kitchin sent to both houses ot the general assembly a message relat ing to the bonds the United States gov ernment has of North Carolina of the class of the South Dakota bonds, and recommending steps for adjusting the differences. The government has $58,000 of these bonds, purchased many years ago with certain Indian funds of the government they being ot the class or bonds com promised in 1870 at 40 cents on the dol lar, the interest and all on these now rounding up something like $300,000. Our Forty-Fourth Year We started this business in a small way in 1868. We have grown enor mouily because we have always treatod the public and our salesmen faisly, giving them more and better goods than they could buy elsewhere. Now we have over two million farmer cus tomers, supplied by over two-thousand traveling salesmen earning on an aver age of over $100 per month for them selve. We need a bright energetis yonng man right r ow to travel in Craven county. Address. The J. R. Watkins Company, 113 South Gay Street, Balti more, Maryland. Established 1868. Capital over$2.000,0O0. Plant contains 10 acres floor space. This case ia still pending but with the payment of all receivers' certifi cates, etc., there remained nothing for the old receivers to do aril they were discharged. Norfolk, Va., 28 -The stockholders authorized an increase in the company's bond issue from a ptvsent maximum of $12,000,000 to $35,000,000. It isnot the id'.a t ) issue bonds at once to the auth orized limit of $35,000,000, but simply simply to make it so that theNorfolk- S,)Uihern and expend the grow by ex tension of iU own iines or the acquision of others. The capital stock of $10, 000,000 will remain just as at present. Of the old $12,000,000 bond issue there are out-stacding $5,780,000, plus $:, 220,000 to take care of underlying se curities. With authorized' bonds of only $12,000,000, the Norfolk-Southern there fore had but $3,000,000 upon which to work. This was deemed inadequate and this the action of today in provid ing for an authorized bond issue of $3"),000,000. Lorlmer Retains Seat. Washington, March 2 -Senator Wi) liam Lorimer, of Illinois, aft-)r one of the mobt sensational contests in tl e history of the senate, will retain his seat in that body. The vote being 46 to 40 in his favor. The Circulating Library. Must It Go 7 BAIRD'S CREEK ITKMS. Feb. 28th. We are now having very pleasant weather, especially for the farmers. Mrs. Battie BrinBon, of this place, spent yesterday visiting relatives at Reelsboro. Concert Tour Oxford Orphanage Sing ing Class. The singing class of 1911 from the Oxford Orphanage will start on the first or Eistern concert tour on Thursday, March 2, The first tour will close in 8 or 10 weeks, and after a brief rest a second tour will begin. These annual concerts have reached a really high standard of excellence. The children and those who accompanv them represent a cause very near to the hearts of our peopU. Even if the tour and entertainments were not in the in terest of a great work, the character of the concerts would merit large and liberal patronage. An admission fee is. as a rule, charged and for tins the children certainly give full value and moro. The funds brought to tiiis institution through these tours help much in its maintenance. Today it is providing for 330 children, and since it was est iblith ed in 18'2, by the Grand Lodge of Ma sons of North Carolina, more than 2,600 it iris nd boys have come directly under its blessed ministry. Never have tin benefits of this noble institution been restricted to the children of Masons. The primary conditions of admission have always been the destitution, the need of the children. While the management of the Oxford Miss Eva Pipkin spent yesterday at Arapahoe visiting Miss Carrie Bennett. We have employed Bro. Ambrose to I preach for us this year, hope he will I enjoy being with us. Our schorl will close next Friday, we I Orphanage strive to exercise the strict- are sorry that it will not continue any I est economy consistent with effective- longer. I ness in the work, we have information Mr. and Mrs. Ri ch Scott, of Grantr. t l" uf ' 'neo i ..j.. ;k m, .nH Mn I now essential ior lie maintenance even J. J. Brinson. Mrs. Alice Brinson and two of her up to its present standard of effi :iency. Surely our whole people will see to it that this work is not restricted because daughters, Maude and Minnie, attended otltcil nf n ancia iUpport, The Circulating Library is again told to pay more rent or move. Who ia to A.HY0MEI outfit .which consists of helf W thle higher rent! Who la to one bottle of HYOMEI, a hard rubber! maintmne wor.ry n oui.r ,v.u..t ihh-w. a mfldieinfl d,onrr .nd ways T. Does this community want the simple instructions .for use, costs only $1.00, and extra bottles:' of HYOMEI, if afterward neededcoat only 60 cents, Circulating Library to continue? Is there any local enthusiasm or pride in having this Library maintained as It the Bible school at Arapahoe on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. G. F. Pipkin spent Sunday with parents at Arapahoe. Mrs. Ben Johnston spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitcbel Paul; she returned boms Sundav afternoon. We hope she en joyed her stay. Messrs, Seth Wil li and Will Brinson attended Sunday school at Arapahoe Sunday. "FAIREST ROSE.", The class t egins its first tour I br equipped than usual and with bright prospects for a most successfnl tour. Our people will delight to patronize the concert, soon to be given. It is our atwtavilafv A fmnfrtflllA frt saultlf. In ttllj yt aw VMS' vvhuiuh w sweeww wiew and in any other way cause to worthy. these issues. - I . I ,J V . r - . - .L tl r And beside- urh, remember that : noo,1 rJ?am ?T "7 """"" HYOMEI is ausmnUttd to cufe'.athma. 1 Saturday night at 8 o'clock and answer croup, bronchitis, cough', colds, sore throat, or money back. HYOMEI Is sold by loading druggists everywhere, and by Brndhnm Drug, Co. Trlalsnm I1 free from .Booth's Jlyomei Co., l!u!Talo, N, Y ' The Butinese End of It. "I would die for yoe," said tbe rich suitor. "How soon?" asked the prac tical girl LIpplncott1. Gain Height for Navy, St, Paul, March -Frederick mussel, 17 years oi l, who. Is half an inch too short to join the navy, is swinging dsily in a harness attached to his head to gain the necessary height. The rigging was fixed up by a friendly fireman. - After keening at it lor a week he has Full blooded Barred Plymouth Rock, I .aa . Quarter of an Inch to his height Black Langshans and Buff Orpington S n4 .in be 18 years old on March 8. and C. Eggs for sale. ' A setting of 15 eggs af , tbt he must add two inchoa to be for $1.00. . Apply t 4 , I accepted by the navy sergeon. Every MRS. JOHN HUMPHREY, . I morning he swings ant il he le sore end By r hone or Mail, . Clarke, N. C.I stiff. , EGGS FOK SALE.

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