- - ' Wwt ft , No. 103 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY 'jiARCH, 2-, 1911 SECOND SECTION 33rd. YEAR 1 VIOLENCE l TO VOTE OH RE- F, Willi THREE NEGROES PEACE SDOn II 00 FOR HIE RICH : AreparAsites DOWNWARD FORCES OffMEX- ; . Oil FRONTIER IQRTH 110 CORDERS COURT out tmy, : Mexican Trouble Likely to End Within Week, and Eiplana- . " tions 01 ten. - Washington, March 20 The Mexican Ambassador, has received telegraphic advices announcing the arrival in Mexi- co City of Senor,, Limantour, Mexico's Minister of Finance. No-secret is made of the fact that Senor Llraan tour bears important data on the situations it affects Mexico and the United Slates and that this information will be con veyed to President Diaz, -. . . In order to arrive,- if possible at a ' speedy settlement of the dispute be tween the Mexican Foreign Office and the Stats Department over whether Ed win Blatt and Lawrence Converse, two -Americans,, were arrested by Mexican officials on American or Mexican soil, Senor de la Barra and Mr, Huntington Wilson, Acting Se;retary of State have practically agreed to expedite the ne- . gotiationa bearing on the case, . , : -Both Governments are desirous ' of having the matter settled without delay because of the feeling which controver sies of this kind are Mki ly to engender among ttn people of both countries Peace is assured in the Repub'ic of .Mtxico within the present week if cer tain influence now at woik toward that end prove effective.'"' With the errival in Mexico City of Senor Limantour. President Diaz will begin a serins of conferences which, it is expected, will lesult in the announcement within three or f ur days of a reorganised Cabinet. Minister Limantour will present an exposition of the' demands of the revol utionists, and the changes in the official family of Pre sidtnt Dias, at wll as the inititution of certian reforms, are eon- -fidently expected to appease the insur gents. 'f f'-. -. ' .'' .'.-,'' In the meantime, President Taft, who will arrive here from Augusta, Ja., will confer with Ambassador de la Barra and thera is good ground for the assumption that the troops now con centrated in Tex-a will immediately be gin a series of maneuvers and return shortly Jo their posts, " " Io addition ti this, when oondilfons again are normal in Mexico,' a complete statement of the thing which actuated the mobilization of the troops will be issued by the White House. If your neighbors chickens like your vegetables you bet ter see theJ. & Basnight Hdw Co., and - purchase a Pitts burgh Perfect Fence to chan ge the range for their appe tites. Phone 99, 67 S. Front St.- - ' , ',: Notice to Marine els. ' " Diamond Slioal LightvesseL No '71, to be replaced on station about Mare i 26, 1911, and Relief Lightvessel No. 72 to be withdrawn, t No change, has been made in the characteristics of Llghtvessel No. 71, excepting that she will show white lights during periods of 26 seconds sep arate by eclipses of 5 sounds' duration, as heretofore publiahrd. " Not to Be Hushsd. Bishop Uttlejohn of long Island. who died at the ace of ninety, refused . up to the day of bis death to accept the "- assistance of a coadjutor bishop, de- olartng that be was.perfectly able to . v ' perform his duties and care for his ' people. At a meeting of the clergy in the last year of bis life Archdeacon uryan was reqiieniru iw . w ing to oraer. " Mue rcnuraicwi and requested the delegates to give at i tentton. remarking: - "The blshon wishes to .say , a few words."'.' ' "A few words, sir; a few words!" In terjected the bishop. "I would have It understood, sir. that the blsbop will ui msnv words as be pleases. Local Police After Big Reward. ' One of the most interesting descrip tions of a criminal received by the local police In some time Was the one receiv ed from Montana. The party 'wsn'ed' Is a young man only 25 years of ae and is described as a veritable Apollo and a full blooded sport. He was cash ier of a bank and left with the funds entrusted to bis earej Another Inter eating citcular received a few days ago offers the largest cnh rsward for police r information of tha Just few years, pos sibly the largest ever offered by the local authorities fr the capture of an offender against Slate taws, te sum of 125,000. This munificent reward la oft ferd for Information leading to the ar - r..tnd conviction of persons suRDect- . t i tu. ,..... . ." 1 ...... ...... v ui niw ''- ........ .jj - , guloS. California v '. a h caused the con sternation of t' e aire west at the time of its o- T!n ll.L- iMTll (! for sry g-.11 V it.'- ry. e Uft October, t txtra is offered rn stion cosicarniii Masses Are The Producers Evolu tion or Revolution at ...' Hand. , ' New York, March 21-'The days of the idle rich are as a tale that is told. Tomorrow in this land there will Je one of two things," say a Millionaire Fred erick Townsend Martin, in the current Everybody's, "evolution . ortevolutiony Either class represent wifl be merged into the body of the nation, or we shall stand face to face with the forces of anarchy, socialism,' trade unionism and a hundred other cults that either do represent or claim to represent ' the spirit of this mighty people. I cannot see now the business world of America can long escape a reckoning that has, for years, been overdue. : (,- ; "The first result of the growing con sciousness on the part of the rich of the unrest throughout the country is a sud den increasing interest in charity and reform.- In the last days of Rome the plutocrats stilled frenzied mobs by bringing ship loads of corn from Egypt and distributing it free. Then, While the mob ate the plutocrat sought out the mob leaders and killed them, . . . But the rich in America forget when they try this process here that the plobs of America are not slaves, and that theii leaders, of whom there area hos are pretty nearly as welt educated are certainly as shrewd and probably as strong legally, as the rich, "In Rome the masses were a race of parasites In America, on the con trary, the masses are the prtducing elements of the nation, and the-rich are parasites " , Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours Dr. Detchon's relief for Rheumatism usually relieves severest eases in a few hours. Its action upon .the system is remarkable and effective, It removes at once the cause and the diseaao quick ly disappears. First dose greatly bene fits. 76e and 11.00. Sold by Bradhara Drug Co.., t Auction Sal at Oriental. Next Saturday .-morning one of the greatest auction sales ever hold in this section will be held at Oriental by the Southern Reatty and Auction Company, of Greensboro. ' Many of ths lots that are to be sold are-along the river front and will make an ideal place for r, .Sum mer home, othen! are further inland. Oriental is stilt in its infancy and while these lots can be purchased for a small sum is the time to purchase. Some dsy this little town is destined to become equal to any other In eastern Cat- olina. The terms of the sale are easy and the price will be just wbst you mske it Remember the date, March 25lhr '.; . F-ILEI CURED IN TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any ease of Itching, blind. Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60s. . . ' J " x . Fire at GrayivlUe. A dwelling house In Gray sville. across the river, belonging to .Edward Boyd, colored, was destroyed by lire yester day afternoon. A defective flue was the cause of it, and the flames had made such progress when discovered the oc cupants bad no chance to save anything The lose of the building was about 1300.00. that to the contents is not known.. ' :'; HAD A HARD -SKULL The Bassbatf Catcher Who Was the - Original Bonthsad. . Ed Ashenback, for many years a manacer of minor league teams, in bis book, "Humor Among the Minors,' claims to be tbe originator of the ex pression "bonehead," which Is now, with Its synonymous terms of "solid Ivory." "ma botany bean," "concrete dome" and "cement skull," so common In baseball. Ashenback sirs that wbeif be was managing tbe Bbreveport team of the Southern league some years ago he had a catcher who could hit some, km who had tbe very serious weak ness of not belug able o gauge afoul ball oo matter bow easy It was. One day a batter raised a btgn foul directly over tbe plate, ana tne eaten er. misjudging rt, was hit squarely on top of tbe heed by tbe descending sphere, which knocked off his mask and txundd sway some thirty feefe That Dk-ht Ashenback finished bis aUppr early and was passing out of tbe dining room when be happened to 1 walk behind this cstcber, who was do- vourlng bis evening meal with gusto land enthusiasm. Eton-log at the ta 'he. El osssed his bands over the backstop's bead, feeling for the bump which he thought would surely be there on account of the contact witb t!i tnll that afternoon. But thre ttt!1 no lump to be felt "No wondur,' t-M Ash. "ITotv could there be i In-; pt Tout Ltfcl Is soHi bone." Insurrectos to, Try to Stop Ship ment of 100,000 Cattle to '- United States. El Paso, March 21 According to re ports received from what are ' consider ed unquestionable sources interference with the activity of business peop'e are growing in Northern Mexico to such an extent that thousands of . non-comba: tints, including many Americans, are leaving the country. Americans are allowed to depart free ly, but not without being detained by armed men an J, in some instances, de prived of their valuables. Cattle and horses are taken without regard to own ership. It is. given out that depreda tions are not countenanced by the inaur recto army, but are performed by a law less element. American cattlemen who have come to the border report that 100,000 head of cattle which had been contracted for by the United States from Mexico in April will be prevented by the insurrec tos from being brought apross. A report that there had been a fight near Casas Grandes, that Col. Rabago, the federal commander, had been cap tured by the insurrectos in a canyon called Chocolate Pass, and that the in surrectos bad agreed that the Mexico Northwestern Railroad was to be open ed th Juarez as soon as Casas Grandes was taken by the insurrectos reached here, but was not confirmed. Catches Large Rock. A large rock fish weighing more than 12 pounds was caught a few miles down Neuse river yesterday morning by a local fisherman in a very peculiar man ner. The fisherman had started down the river to place his nets, and in some way one of them dropped overboard and being heavily weighted bt gan to sink at once. The owner of the net began to pull it back into the boat and foun 1 that it had meshed the fish'. The member of the finny tribe was doubt less hibernating in that vicinity when the net fell overboard and when it de 9cended"aTtempt3d""t(f pass" through, its meshes in attempt to escape.' , The Vacant Literary Thoni. There Is. we mimt iidinli, today ftc monurcb In any tongue upon the liter ary throne, no sovereign world ilium iu iKH'try or prone. In whom, as has happened before uow, not so muny generations ago, lu royal niK-cession to Scott. Byron. Goethe, Hugo, Tolstoy, all tbe civilized world Teuton, Latin. Celt. Slav, oriental Is Interested, for whose new works It looks or where It seeks the gospel of the day. Niibocn llsli, to use an Irish word that became a Tavorite with Sir Walter Scott, it does not matter. Do Dot let us nurse tbe humor of the despondent editor who mournfully told his readers. "No new epic this month." Nobody can tell bow the wonders of language are. performed nor how a book comes Into tbe world. Genius Is genius. - Tbe lamp that todny some may think bums low will be replenish' ed. New orbs will bring light. Litem rtire may be trusted to take cure of Itself, for It Is the transcript of the drama of life, with all its actors, moods and strange flashing fortunes. Tbe curiosity tlmt it meets Is per petual and Insatiable, nod the Impulses that Inspire It can never be extinguish ed. John Borley. Candidates Are on The Job. As the time for the election 'of the city officers draws near, poiiticing be comes the order of the day. The various candidates for the different offices are resorting to all manner of nrnns to got their names before the voters. Th-jre ire a number of contestants in the fit-li for the offices and as there is, in each :ase, more than one candidate for the office, some one is scheduled to have a mighty depressed feeling the "morning after." - S. v.; We now have our Screen Doors and Windows in stock and can fill your orders at once. J. b. rsasnipht Haw Co.. Phone 99,; 67 S. , Front St. Noted Lecturer Coining. Mr. Cameron Johnson gave six lect ares illustrated with bit exquisite pict ures of the Etst, in IlibcrnUn Hall in Charleston, S.C. last week.' His audi ence grew each 'tiightf. till standing room could not be had. To Say that Ik pleas'd apeoplo sometimes consider. h) fastidious, la putting it mildly. Our people were delighted with his lecture!, snd with his illustrations. WehaveLeen gratified at the expressions of appreci ation voluntarily sent to Mr. Johnson by Roman Catholics and every branch of the Protestant church represented in his audience, as well m very appreciutiv Words from some of his Jewivh hnarers. Dr. Sprunt in the Presbyterian Stand atd, of Charleston, S, C. Board of Elections of This County Met Yesterday and Completed ' Arrangements. ' ' Yesterday morning the Board of Elee tions of Craven county met at Jfhe of fice of Mr. Wra. Dunn, Jr. Secr'yof the Board, for the purpose of calling an election of the qualified- vbtersf this coun ty to vote on RecotderV, Court Thursday; May 2, was the time , desig nated for the election to be" held. It was alio ordered that the bill 'calling this court be published in both local pa pers twice each week until that time. The polling place in the 4th ward was changed from Hargett's; store 'fo the 4th ward reel house. ' -rb ' .. ; ' ' !' , The Successful Careen 1 . of a young man or woman depends upon properly investing surplus earn ings while possible to so do. Procrasti nation has caused the loss of millions, while money idly spent in youth creates want in old age. ' , There's a way out of all this. 1 A few dollars invested monthly in the NEW BERN BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIA TION (est. 1888 and one of $e beat conducted associations in the country) it the desideratum. . s-- Will you grasp the opportunity that lies before you, or sleep on while others make good? The; April Series now on sale by the undersigned, for further particulars, call, address or phone. ' W. G. BOYD, Agent Elks Building Telephone Office 400 Home 258 His System of Self Defense. "H.are you ever studied tbe art of self defense?" said a young fellow to niun of magnificent physique and nohlu beurlng. The older man looked at bis ques tioner with a quiet smile and tbeu an swered thoughtfully: "Yes, I have studied and practiced It." "Ah !" snld the other eagerly. "Whose system did you adopt?" .. J, 'flomon'B,'5 was tha reply. wi,.. ... Somewhat abashed, tne youth Stam mered out: "Solomon's! What iw tM special point of his system of train ing?" ' "Briefly this." replied the other: -'A soft answer uirneth awy wrath.'" For the moment tbe young man felt au Inclination to laugh acd looked at bis friend anxiously to see whether be wos serious. : But a glance at the ac complished athlete was enough, and soon a very different set of feelings came over the youth as bis muscular companion added, with silent empha sis, "Try It" Christian Endeavor World. v Tha "Green Flash" at 8unst A correspondent writes that during the course of a voyage when midway between Marseilles and the strait of Bonifacio a "green flash"-was seen at sunset. The sky was perfectly clear after a cloudless doy, with little wind. As the sun approached tbe horizon tne line 'twixt sen and sky for about forty- Ave. degrees each side of the sun be came suffused with a rich dull rose pink, and tho waves reflected a mar relous ruby shade on their surfaces facing the sunset, while (he other faces were an opalescent blue or green from the upper sky. The two colors flashed and changed lu a marvelous way. - Such Intensity of coloring had never been seen by those on board. The sun set clean into the sea, and about ten (or less) seconds after It bad disappeared a bright green single flash. Just like a railway signal lamp, but brighter far, met our. view and re warded our watching for It Symona' Meteorological Magazine, A Great Physician What He Said of . Germs that ' Cause Disease; . M.' Pasteur, sometimes called the Greatest Physician often said "I believe that we hall one day rid the world of all diseases that are caused by germs." Of all the diseases caused by germs, catarrh is one of the most persistent and kyithsome. Catarrh can be cured, but only by destroying the germs. Breathe I1YOMEI (pronounce It Iligh-o-me) and cure catarrh by killing the germs The HYOMEI" method is the only sensible method, because you breathe the highly antiaeptie and germ killing air directly over the entire mora bran infested with catarrh germs IIYOMEI will cure- catarrh. There may be some complicated casea where it will fail, but the chances are ten to one in its favor, and the sufferer from catarrh takes no risk, because HYOMEI is a guaranteed remedy, and if it dosen't cure, Bradham Drug Co., will rtfund the purchase price. ! IIYOMEI will also give instant relief an'd cure in bronchitis, coughs,' colds and croup. A complete outfit, Includ ing hard rubber pocket 'inhaler, costs cmly f.100. If you now own a Hyomei inhaler you can gut a bottle of IIYO MEI for SO cents at druggists every here or at Bradham Drug Co , New Bern N. C. ' But How Far Can He Go Ts Puz .--..sling The Presi dent. Wasbingten, March 22 The tentative Ways and ; Means Committee of the next House is even now framing tariff reforms jn the textile schedules, and to these probably will be added bills on farm implements, sugar and meats. The President realizes that these bills will be passed at -the- extra session anr) he will take up at the Cabinet meeting the question of how far his administra tion can go at this time in impressing the idea of tariff revision downward on the country as a Republican instead of a Democratic policy. He has summoned Prof. Emery, head of the Tariff Com mission, to conference. If the commis sion can report on any schedu'e at this time, the President will recommend a revision do wo ward. In any event it will be made plain in the message to the extra session that the Administration is in sympathy with a downward revision on many sched ules.. . One solid week of uninterrupted dis cussion of the revision of the tariff it the work which the tentative Commis sion on Ways ' and Means has cut out for itself, Early and late the Demo cratic members of the tariff-making body will struggle with schedues. They hope that the by next Saturday they will have their programme of reductions in such shape that they may immediate ly resume the committee-making por tion of their work. Avoid Frauds. A paint fraud is paint that looks fair for a year or so, andthen makes repaint ing necessary. Don t waste your money and injure your property. The L. & M. Paint has been in use for thirty five years. You make one half of it by adding J of a gallon of Linseed Oil to each gallon. It then costs about $1.60 per gallon, and is the best paint that can Be made. - Our agents areiCaskill Hardware & Mill Supply Co.. New Bern, N. C. Goveremeut Cotton Report. New York March 20 The Census Bureau announced today a total com mercial crop of cotton 11,941,000 bales this is the final crop report Ibe crop last year was about 10,600,000 bales. 8wetnei That Nevtr Palls. During :i MlMifpioss night tbe Vizier Mujjeduddm Kuuilja dispatched bis slave, Bedrnddin KJas. to brtug blm sweets. The slave procured a copper kettle heaped witb . many kinds of fruits snd sweets, and Mujjeduddln began to eat "Ton relish them, my master?" asked the slave. . The vizier shrugged ' his shoulders. "These fruits are sweet for tbe mo ment" be said, "but show me a fruit tbe sweetness of which will endure even unto the judgmeut day." "Such fruits these are, my master,' cried the slave and hastened toward tbe Mesched Huso, where be awoke tbe starving orphans in the bouse of Allwln snd led them forth Into the room of bis master. Overjoyed, tbe famished children devoured tbe fruits. "Look. oh. my master," said the slave. "Here you see fruits the sweet ness of which endures unto the judg ment day." Two Little Bills. . Robert was In the habit of expecting reward for every little service. At the end of the week be made out a "Mir to bis mother and carefully laid It where her eyes wonld fall upon it Tbe Items were as follows: "Mother Owes to Robert , "Five cents for ruuulng errands. "Five cents for being good." , That evening there appesred beside Robert's plate a paper upon wblcb was written: , , "Robert owes mother, for years of happiness, nothing; for nursing him through long Illnesses, nothing; for do ing good to blm, nothing." Thoroughly ashamed of himself, Robert ran to mother, threw bis arms around her and sobbed: - "Mother; I will do everything I csn for yon after this, and I'll never ask you to give me anything but Just kve." Oiashs World Hersid. - Announcement. I hereby at once announce myself lafu candidate, and may I bow thank my many friend for past patronage. I now shall cut prices on sll kinds of sawed shingles, a large stock on hand, , must be sold bv April 14fh; will close out cheap as I expect to make some change in my business. You win and I lose, BIG HILL . The Shingle Man. Quarrelsome, Potly-I never knew such a quarrel some girl as Molly. Dolly-Thafs tight Half the time sbe Isn't on speaking terms with her own con- - edunc. rhlladulphla Ledger. Prepared For Any Kind of Ac tion. Junta Look For . Peace.- ' San Antonio, Tex., March 224-1 he force under General Carter numbers 697 officers, 9,898 men, divided aa follows; Officers at division headquartes, 23; 1st brigade, 149 officers, 2,428 enlisted men; 2d brigade, 54 officers, 812 men; 3d bri- gade, 152 officers, 2,478 men; field artil ery, 59 officers, 1,148 men; cavalry bri: ?ade, 103 officers, 1.148 men; sanitary corps, 39 officers, 408 men; engineers, 14 officers, 594 men; signal corps,' 4 offi cers, 92 men; non commissioned officers in the staff. 11 cooks, and bakers. 34. If intervention comes 1,251 officers and men of the cavalry brigade, will cross the Rio Grande while others will join three thousand troops under Genef al Mills at Galveston and embark for Vera Cruz makings total infantry force of approximately 11.000 men in the march against Mexico City, To thes probably would be added 2,000 marines from Guntanamo, Cuba, ' If the caval ry crosses the Rio Grande it wou'd h joined by the Third cavalry, already pa trolling the border. , ' Although army men gathered here believe that conference progressing be tween Finance Minister' IJmantour. President Diaz and other high officials if the Mexican administration will , def termine within a few days whether America is to intervene, they admit they are continuing preparations for in tervention as rapidly as possible ; Junta leaders say they believe Amer ica is preparing to recognize the rebel- ion and intervene to restore peace. ; Whatever the administration at Wash ington decides to do, it will find the for ces here prepared for quick field serv ice. Major-General Carter has ordered the 1st brigade, commanded by Briga dier-General F. A. Smith, to Leon Springs, Texas, for mvnoeovers and t? teach the rookies how to shoot General Smith asked for a regiment of cavalry, which was : refused because the com manding general does not wish to break up the cavalry division. ' 7 3 . Again the Banana Peel. - . ."1 An aceident that came near causing one of our local attorneys a nnmber of severe bruises and at the same time brought to our mind a selection we once saw which ran like this; - The lawyer fell, and tore his clothes, And the mishap made him feel That as the phraseology goes, He'd lost a suit on appeoL" ' occurred near the Elks Temple yester-M day morning when tbe gentleman stepped on a banana peel that had been carelessly thrown on the sidewalk. Fortunately for him he escaped with only a few scratches on his ban J and a wrenched back. ' ' Searoaly Credible. ' ! Tbe tramp looked shrewdly at Miss 8parbawk. and she returned bis gsH with equal shrewdness, but her ex pression did not Hoften In the least "You aee, tfs like this, ma'am" saljl the tramp humbly, -lowering his eyes until they rested on Miss Bparhawk's congress shoes, neatly showing below her short skirt "Six months ago I bud a little home of my own, but 1 made an unfortunate marriage. My wife's temper was such that it kept me in hot water all the time." ' : - "' "M-mt" said Mk Sparhawk dryly. "It's a pity there couldn't have been a UtUe soap with It Only tlx months ago, did you say J" Youth's Compan ion. . '.'' .'4 He Wasn't Afraid. - When Bishop Phillips Brooks was "commanded," as tbe phrase goes, to speak before the queen some one ask ed if be was afraid. ."No." be replied, smiling; "T have preached before my mother." - - ,. y . -; f- Hoi Sertoue. - T "Husband. I found a lock of hair among your old papers. 1 never gave It to you." ' , , - ..' ... rt)'" "Yon needn't worry. I don't retneiq ber who did." Louisville OourlerJdnf nal .- , . . -. ! . Thrifty Harry Lauder. There are msny stories told of the wonderful thrift of Harry Lauder, the Scotch comedian. Once when Lauddr waa In New York be waa in a wine buying party at the Astor. EverjlxJdy but tbe Scot bongbt wine. When it ceine bis turn to buy be sighed. "Well, boys." he said, "lt'a my tarn to treat Come aloug with me. Tve got a One bottle of old Scotch up In my room. I brought It over with me." On another occasion be was with a drinking party and Instead of lienor be took cigars, for which those wbo treat - ed blm paid 50 cents apiece. Hurry put nil but vne In his pocket tletpeot two hours smoking that one. After f..e drinking was ever tbe little come ";a went to the cigar counter and t..;J to the ninn In charge. "I say, man. w.l ve mind glvln," me ten cent c!:"r furl these fafty rent onmiT" The !..- " i Was made, and Harry went to V t t With 6w tlnms D'aoy c'.-irs i l ' td sf tliH f '-t To Superior Court Charged With 7". Stealing One Huudied and v . Fifteen Dollars. Among the eaies heard by the Mayor yesterday was one . wherein three ne groes; Oscar White, Dave Bryan and Charles Slade were accused of robbing from another negro. Ed Moore, one hundred and fifteen dollars. - '! Moore had been to the West End lot sale Wednesday, Feeling pretty good from the effect of a liberal libation of , bug juice and the knowledge of possess ing a tidy little sum of money he proud ly if indiscreetly exhibited his roll to anyone who was interested enough to take notice., The three negroes, just mentioned became very much interested nd followed Moore home, wbere one of them bantered Wm fori a wrestlo and while the tussle was in progress anoth er removed the pocket book from Moore's pocket. The other negro who was sitting on a dray acted as a 'fence.' . Moore reported his lost to police headquarters,; Officer . Foscue was de tailed to work up the case and he used cmsiderable adroitness and expedition in detecting the robbers. .Each one of them was arrested separately and apai t and one knew not what the others had told. .' vf t .,-- v,r-, 'r When they realized that they were in the toils of the law they were anxious to make restitution to their victim. This, of coarse, they could not do at tbe time so they gave Officer Foscue the money, at least, $90 of It. The rest ! of it was not accounted for. Mayor McCarthy held all throe in bonds of $300,00 each for appearance at he next term of Superior Court for Craven County, in default of which they were sent to jail. Over 2,000,000 Fanners In every section of the United S teats and Canada are being canvassed by over 2000 traveling salesmen for Wat kins' Remedies, Flavoring Extracts, Spices, Toilet Articles, etc. Just now there is a rare chance for & bright energetic young salesman to handle the business iti Craven County. -Address. -The X. R. Watkins Company, 113 South ' Gav Street Baltimore. Mat-viand. Es tablished 1868. Capital over $2,000,000. . Plant contains 10 acres floor space. , Beaufort Notes. Beaufort, March 23-Tbe whale which was caught near here a few days ago fas a good catch in every way as it has netted $1,600. C , This week off the Hook a haul of 3.1 C00 lbs. of trout was made, 30 thousand of these were sold in varying lots from two to ten thousand prounds ach at from two to two and one half cents per pound after selling '.thirty thousand pounds' the demand was filled up, the remaining .five . thousand pounds being left on the beach. . Land Sale at Oriental Tomorrow. . Tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 10:30 o'clock one of the greatest land sales ever conducted in that section, will be held at Oriental, Pamlico coun ty. The Southern Realty Company, of Greensboro, will have charge of thia sale and all who purchase may be as sured of fair treatment The majority 6t lota that are to be sold are situated along beautiful Neuse river and will . make ideal places for homes. Ten years ago this little town was almost unheard of, now it is one of the most promising villages in that county. Thia only shows the rapid growth. Ten years hence it will probably be as large as any town in Eastern Carolina. Buy property there now while you can se cure it at almost your own price.' 1 :' Russia is said to wish more detail as to Chinaa's reply. to her recent ultima tum. . -' , - ,, " . ' ' Farm Seeds. '' We; ate headquarters for the beat in all Farm seeds. ::lCcra, f 'tnS:ea, (: t ri, f ' r-.r.it 8 8 V.V :,i Crc? Inued monthly . 1 ! ' . J ; r iv 1 1 .it i. ; srmation to i-.c-i t j i t t t" a j-f r, ',jr ' 11 tr- . i r t ': 5 month m f r ccrr, r If l I tru .11 iPTnvnTipnpipnnnr i

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