. fci ..; AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL . COURT FOB CRAVEN COUNT , " '- ',' VT T ollna do enact: - , - . ' Section 1. A special court for the . trial or misdemeanors and . certain civil causes and to h designated as . the "Special Court for Craven Coun- -ty is hereby created and establish- d. , -1 .- ;, Sec. 2. Said court shall be a coun of record and' shall be presided over bv a adeG'al luris tihn ahull ti, a licensed attorney at law of good morai character and of good stand- ed to hear and hind over to the prop ping in hie profession, and who shall er court ' all persons charged with be, at the time of his election and any crime committed whereof the qualifications, an elector in and for preliminary investigation is now con- : the said county, and in his absence or sickness by a substitute- spedalr-and . juuge wuo gaai iposeess ine same renuer sucn juagment in sucn mat- qualifications of the special judge .ters as now provided by law; pro- Sec. 8. Said" Judge" and substitute vlded, that in any case where prose special judge ' and a -cierk of said cutlon has" been commenced prior to -court shall be elected at a joint meet- the ratification of this act tus court . . Ing of the members of the board of in which said prosecution has been aldermen-of the Cltx of New Bern instituted shall have . Jurisdiction and the members of the board, of thereof; and any and all cases heard commissioners of the County ' of by the Judge of the special court es Craven, at the Court House in said tabllshed by this act as committing county, on ther first Monday of June, magistrate against any person or per- . .. one tnousand nine hundred and elev- en, to serve as special judge and sub- stitute special Judge and clerk, re - spectively,-until; the first Monday in vcvouiuci, uuv iuvuhuuu . nine nun - dred and twelve. At the next gen- : eraf election in November, one thous- . and nine, hundred and twelve, the .special Judge and substitute special' - juage and clrj shall be elected by th,e voters of Craven County and shall hold office for tw0 years beginning the first Monday in December, one tnousand nine -hundred and twelve, - Said Judge and substitute special, -Judge and clerk shall, before enter- Ing upon the discharge of tbe'r du- - ties, . take and - subscribe, before a person autnomea ; to administer . oaths, the form Of oaths required of ... juuge and clerks or the. Superior Court, respectively, which said oaths snail be recorded by the clerk of the Superior Court, . The salary of the special judge shall be twelve- hun- on justices of the peace or the super dred dollars per year, and the salary lor court of Craven County to sent of the clerk Shall be six hundred ence any person convicted . in said dollars per year, o be paid monthly court of any offense below the grade as hereinafter provided. AH vacan- for which the punishment prescrlb cles for Judge", prosecuting attorney ed by law Is imprisonment, to the and substitute Judge' and clerk shall common Jail or to be worked on the . be filled by said two boards until the public roads of said county, as now ... next regular ternt. ,;t v i; - . provided by law,, and the clerk of Sec. 4. The'cdurt shall hold dally the said court shall issue commlt eesslons, Sunday--excepted, at the ments -therefor in the same manner Court House in-Craven County, ex- as now provided by law for clerks of cept when the' Superior Court shall the superior courts. be in session in' said 'county, during : -h); Warrants may be issued by the which time the sessions of sat spe- special Judge of said special court clal court shall be jheUj at such place for .any ; person er persons charged as shall be provided the board of ' with the commission -of any crimin commissioners of Craven' County and al offense 'of which the said court the board of -aldermen -of the city has Jurisdiction, final or otherwise, of New Bern, Or. designated by the . (IV The said special court shall , judge, and it is hereby made a duty have Jurisdiction of any and ' all of the said board of eounty commis- criminal- offenses committed before aloner and the board of aldermen the ratification of this act, and with of the City of New Bern to provide in the jurisdiction hereinbefore con- a suitable place f of Jtbe holding of ferred, and of which no court has the said court during the terms of taken Jurisdiction. . ' the Superior Court of Craven Coin- (1)' The said court Bhall have full ,'ty.. The first session . of the said Jurisdiction to Issue search warrants court to be on the. second Monday In in all cases provided by iaw, and June, one thousand ;;;nlne hundred shall have Jurisdiction, exclusive, and eleven.,- Thei Secretary of State original and1 concurrent, -. of peace Is directed, upon; the, ratification of warrants as herein provided for othr this act, to forward certified copy er offenses. , ! thereof to the, board. of aldermen of Sec. 8 The costs Of serving war the City of New Bern and the board rants, subpoenas and other process of elections ef Craven County, and S8Ued by the special court shall be theJoard of county-commissioners the same as now fixed by law nnd of Craven County...,. , . Bnan De paId to the officer perform Sec. 6. Said court shall have a seal Ing such services. The fees for is- , with- the Impression "Special Court suing the warrants, subpoenas for of Craven County." which seal shall witnesses and for making ud bill of . be used in attestation of writs, war- costs, and for any other process or rants or other proceedings, acts or writ Issued by said court or services , judgments of : satd court, whenever performed by said clerk, for which . required and In the same manner and a fee Is now prescribed by law, shall : to the same effect as-the seal of oth- be the same as now fixed by law for er" courts of record in the State of Justices of the peace and clerks of North Carolina. ; V :,,', the superior courts In similar cases; Sec. 6. Before entering1 upon the and every defendant convicted, ad : duties of his office as such clerk of judged guilty, or who pleads guilty . satd court, lie shall enter Into a bond In said court shall be taxed with the with good and sufficient surety, to be costs of the prosecution, as now pre approved by the . board of comm's- scribed by law; and all such costs stoners of Craren County in the sum of orosecut'on. as now nreacrlbpd hv ; of one thousand (11,000.00) dollars, law; and all such-costs recovered for the true and faithful Terform- and collected In said court, except ance Of his duties as clerk, and for costs due to sheriff, consable, police the faithful accounting for all mon- officers or specially deputised officer, eys which may come Into his hands shall be paid on Monday - of each as such clerk. - week by the clerk of said court to - Sec. 7- The 'jurisdiction of said the treasurer of Craven County who court shall be as follows; shall keep a separate account there- la)' Said court shall have final of, and who shall report to the board . exclusive original, jurisdiction of all of aldermen and the board of com crlmlnal offepses committed within tnlssloneff of the County of Craven the City of New Bern which are now. on the first day of each month the within the jurisdiction of the Justices amount paid by the clerk; and the ;. of peace, or which mjiy hereafter be Bald .clerk shall file with the board wlth'n the Jurisdiction of "the just- ot aldermen of the City of New Bern Ices of peace., , (b) Said eourt inall have final exclusive original jurisdiction of all violations of. town Ordinances com- milted within the 1 mits of the City of New Bern.' - t - c Bald court snail Have final concurrent original jurisdiction ot all criminal offenses : -committed In -monthly the salary of the said judge Craven County, outside of the City of the special court, the salary of of New Bern, which. are now, or may the prosecuting attorney and the sal hereafter be within Jthe Jurisdiction ary of the said clerk of said court, - or tne justices or the peece. , . (d) Said court shall have final oriKiuai exclusive -jurisdiction ot an criminal offenses .committed In the County ot Craven abeve the Jur- Isdlctlon of the Justices of the peace' e'ent to pay the salaries of the spe and below the grade of felony, as clal iudKe. the orosecutlng attorney now defined by law; slso. final orlg- and the clerk of the said court, ineii lnal Jurisdiction larceny, and the the difference shall be paid, one recelvlng of stoht goods, knowing half by the City of New Bern, and them to have twen stolen, when the one-half by the commissioners of the property stolen dos not exceed County of Crsven. If the fees at the twenty ($20.00) dollars In value, ex- end of the year shall be In exoesm cept larceny from the dwelling by of the salaries of the special judge, ureaniiiK miu eiueniiR- in m qay time. All crimes and offenses In this section are d" !ard potty mtsde- mesnors. If said court ilis.l fall to take official csn!;nn- of such of- fi sos within s x'y days after their ro..m!Hlon, saM court shall have co. .current JiiH ilrtion with the iu- .perW court. - ' (e) Ii r'l ' ' 1 crises I rati ty Ju tf f . snd of rc-Ti- nt. i if fi, i c- :. ty ..',-a , ; or J)-!, i f r any offense Included under Section '(d) of this act. in which probable -cause or guilt it found, such person sonal. recognisance with surety, to appear at the next succeeding ses- slon of the spec.al court of. Craven County for trial, and in default of such surety such person or persons shall be committed to the common Jail of Craven County to await trial (f) In any other criminal matters -wherein the said special court has Ant final furlarileHnn ' I ahntl have power, and Is hereby fully authoriz- ferred on the Just'ces of the peace tbemaTJUoJL iNewern.ajid to sons for any, offense whereof said court herein established has not jur- .Jsdlction in which probable cause of guilt is found, such person or per- ," cuurgoa iuuii oe oouna in undertaking or recognizance, with sufficient surety, if the crime be batt- able under the law. to appear at the next term of the superior court of Craven County for the trial of crim- lnal cases, and conditional for the payment of cost upon-conviction and in default of such bond, or recognlz- ance, such person or persons, shall be committed to the common jail of Craven County to await trial, as aforesaid; If the crime be not bala ble, then to commit the defendant so cnarged-to the common jail of Crav en County to-await the action of She superior court thereof. (g) Said special Judge shall have all the power and jurisdiction and authority now conferred by law up- and. the board of commissioners of the County of Craven an item 'zed statement of all costs collected by him and paid to the treasurer of the County of Craven for the month pro ceding. Out of the fees so paid to the treasurer of the County by the clerk ot the oourt there shall be paid and the expenses of stationery, books. flies, dockets and other expenses of said court, ir the fees so collected and paid to the treasurer of , the County of Craven shall be insuffi mi proeuting 'attorney and tne clerk of the said court, the said cess shall be paid by the treasurer of Craven Ctnmty, one-half to the treasurer of the City of New Bern snd one-half retained by the said treasurer of the County of Craven and credited to the peneral county fund of the County of Craven. The c! :sr proceeds of all fines collect tx ly t'.e c' rSc of snlj fecial court h' h'.l t j :'. to t'.e t npr of C:av i c ... 7 a..l r' 1 la lie! J by the said treasurer for the- purpose now provided by law; provided, liow- ever, that" all fees due salaried po licemen of the City of New Bern Bhall be paid to the treasurer of the City of New Bern, to be disbursed and expended as . now. provided by the charter of the City of New Bern and the amendments thereto. Sec. 9. ; The warrants, subpoenas and other 'processes Issued by the said special court shall be directed to the sheriff or other . lawful officer of Craven County, .and the service thereof shall be lawfully made when made by the sheriff or deputy sher iff of said county or any constable of said county, or any police officer of the City of New Bern . or other town or city, or. In the absence of such officers, by- any; proper- person specially deputized by , the special judge, in , writing, to make service snd said warrants, subpoenas, : and other processes of said court, when attested by the seal of said court, shall run anywhere In the State ot North Carolina, and' shall be execut ed by all officers acocrding to law. ; Sec. 10. Whenever any person Is convicted or any offense- of : which the said court has jurisdlctionr and the punishment 1 imposed' is a line or imprisonment, .. or imprisonment and Cotst, the special Judge shall sentence the defendant to the com mon jail of the county,: or to be worked r. upon the public roads of the County of Craven - until such sentence has been complied with, and the clerk of the said-court shall issue commitment of the defendant in accordance with the judgment of the said court, provided, such sent ence may be made to work on the streets or other works of the City of New Bern, as now provided In the charter of the City of New Bern. - Sec. 11. Said court shall have all Jurisdiction and powers inlvil mat ters arising in said : county which are now, or may hereafter be given to justices of the peace, and In addition- to the - Jurisdiction conferred by this section shall have exclusive: original jurisdiction of all other civ il actions arising in said county or on said contract, where the sum de manded does not exceed the sum otj five, hundred ($600.00) dolalrs, anrli those . arising on tort where the value of the property on the amount in controversy does not exceed five hundred ($500.00) dollars. Sec. 12. Any person desiring to appeal to the superior court in a criminal or civil case from a judg ment of ..the special court shall be allowed to do so In the same man ner as now provided for appeals from the courts pt justices ot the peace, upon an undertaking in double the amount of the judgment rendered to stay execution and to secure the pay ment of costs, provided, however, that an order may be made as is now provided by law,- in forma pau peris, , upon certificate and affidavit to appeal without giving undertak ing for costs. Sec. 13. All civil actions shall be commenced In said special court by summons-issued by the clerk of the special , court, and shall be return a ble the first Monday after service; provided, service shall be had on or before Wednesday preceding the day of -return. -The plaintiff shall file a written complaint on the return day of such summons. The defend ant shall file his written answer or demurrer on or before Wednesday night following the return - day ol said summons, and the case shall stand for trial on the first Monday after the return day thereof. . Sec. 14. 1 All' judgments . In civil actions, 'except those for' costs Only, rendered by the judge of the special court shall be duly docketed in the office of the clerk of the superior court, and " execution - shall issue thereon, as now provided for by, ex ecutions.' '. . Sec. 15. Nothing In this act shall prevent - the Judge and substitute judge of the special court and the prosecuting attorney of the special court from - practicing law In the higher , courts of the county and State in any and all cases which have not been passed upon by the said judge, or prosecuted by the said at torney in the said special court. - 5ec. 16, That either plaintiff or defendant In actions in this court may demand and have a Jury, as provided in' courts of justices of the peace, except that' the jury shall be twelve in number Instead of , six; that the judge of the said court,-in all. cases in which, in jar-Judgment, the ends of justice would be best served by submitting the issue to a jury, may have a jury called of bis own motion, as above provided, and submit the issue to the Jury. : . Sec. 17. Said court shall have jurisdiction to try all actions for re covery of any penalties Imposed b law or this act, or by any ordinance of the City ot New Bern, for any act .done within said City : of New Bern contrary to law or said ordin ance, and said penalty shall be re covered tn the name of the said City of New Bern. Sec. 18. It Shall be the duty of the clerk of the said eourt to keep an accurate account and true record of all costs, tines, penalties, forfeit ures and punishments by said eourt, imposed under the provisions et this act, and the tald record shall show the name and residence ef such of fender, the nature of the offense, the date ot hearing of trial and the punishment imposed, which record shall be, at all times, open to and subject to Inspection by the board of commissioners -of the County of Craven and the board of aldermen of the City ot New Bern, and other persons having business relating to the said court. He shall provide a permanent aosket for recording all the proe?es Issued by said court, which shall conform to the dockets kept by the clerk of the superior court. He shall, also, provide prop er files to properly Jteep records of all causes which shall be disposed cf in said court, and what dlspotl tion has bt-fin nm(! of them. 1 19. All cases which TaVe heretofore been bearable; by -the may or of New Bern shall,' after this act goes into effect, be tried by the spe cial court created by this act? and all cases which are pending ihlthe superior court of Cravfn County at I the time, this act goes into effect and which this court as jurisdic tion under Section-eleven of this act,' aha 11 ha f-ianafafAri si nAnAl court, and the same sh hill be dispos-t ea ot in tnts court; and all cases pending before the Justices of the peace of Craven County shall be tried and disposed of by said justices in accordance with the law as It ex isted at the timeof the ( ratification of this act. '.' ... r Sec. 20 In ;the absence of the special Judge from the City of New Hern,-or in the erenfttf sickness or disability to hni h.'iativ ,ain of said court, lift fcourr shall ba rtre- sided over by the substitute special judge elected as herein provided,, . have all! the powers, and he Bhall and perform all the duties the same n v v. . . i .. i n . . . . aa me epeiTlIU judge., ?i MIS COUpen' sation simii hA flv fiftftni Ani. per day, to be paid out of the salary or tne special Judge. Sec. 21. The apeeial judge, sub- stitute special judgej prosecuting at - S7Vn 6 Clerk , the 8i'd court may be removed from office by the board of aldermen of the City. of New "Bern and the board of com- missioners of the County of Craven In joint session, afters hearing and notice to the officer whose.. removal !mmnrHw Tr"'! J immorality or continued neglect of the duties of his office; and If either of said officers is removed, the boards. at a Joint meeting shall elect his suc cessor for the'-unexpired term. Sec. 22. There shall be elected at tht Rflma Hma . aflrl' tn ihn oamn manner as the special Judgd.Ni pros- ecutlng attorney who ihall be a li censed attorney at law, of good mor al character and of godd.andlng L?-mfMV?M'a?4 at the time of his election and quat - location, an eleetor la and for the said county and wfiolshall.' before entering upon the discharge of his duties, take and subscribe the oath In the form required of solicitors. before the clerk of the superior court of Craven County, or other per sons authorized to administer oaths, yhich said oajh shall be recorded by said clerk. The said prosecuting at torney shall prosecute, actions be fore the special court, , and his sal ary shall be' six hundred dollars per year, to be paid -monthly, in like manner as the salary of the special Judge.-: , , fi : .. ... -... See. 33 Tharo o lit. 11 h'k tna,1 tn ti.. bill of .costs In each case a fee for cu"v? sof Governor Kitchin as an the prosecuting attornejas jiow pro- aditional clerk authorized by the re vlded in eases for the solicitor in the cent Legislature, he having received superior court. Such fees shall be the "appointment from Governor Kit paid into the cost fund as other chin some days ago. He was educated col1sect8edd t0 be U3ed Sec. 24. It shall be the duty of clerical work in Jacksonville since his the prosecuting attorney, ypon re- graduation, quest of the solicitor, in all cases of - appeal to the superior court to assist the solicitor in said court, without any additional compensation. Sec. 25. All Justices ot the peace of Craven County shall have ' the same Jurisdiction as heretofore to Is- dud naiiauiB m uiiiuiuai vase., uui in the C'.ty of New Bern, the same shall be returnable to, and triable before," the special court, and .other Justices of the peace of Craven County In sections of Craven County other than that of the City of New Bern, may -by order as therein or thereon endorsed, make the warrant In aiiv case, "returnable in the nnnclal court, and all such rases the special court shall have jurisdiction as here- In provided. Sec. 26.. All witnesses compelled to attend by the supoena of the spe- cial court Shall be entitled to the same fees as is now provided in the superior court, to be paid as provld- ed for in cases in that court. Sec. 27.' That this act shall" be- come operative when submitted to the voters of the City of New Bern and County of Craven, and approved! by a majority of the votes cast at the regular city election held in May, one thousand nine hundred and elev en, and at a called election to be held In the precincts outside of the City of New Bern on the same day, to be advertised for thirty days In some newspaper published in Craven County, and In other respects to be held as .general election, and to be canvassed, certified .and - returned. fato whlch tha c U,B hM Mcently XZLliiun moved.Mr. Rogers will also soon hav. in tne same manner as general coun- . ty elections. Arid at the said election t8 Methodiat parsonage ready for oc those In favor of the adoption ot this cupancy. act shall vote a ballot en which shall w' , 'J.'.'i-.V' iii.v fJ A be printed -or written "For Special',, Z'C1 htt NickLeary of Court," and those opposed shall vote Pollocksville, has contracted to build 2 a ballot on which shall be written ''ore houses on Front street for Mr. T. or printed "Against Special Court"; H. Pritcbard, Sr. work baa already be and 1f a majority vote "For Special gun on them a?d they are expected to Court." then this act shall , be In u dy i .bout sixty days, force and become operative. I - , Sec. 28. All laws and parts Tf.. ; Our boss carpenter, Mr. 3, P. Rogers laws In conflict with this act are Is erecting for himself a tenr nice two hereby repealed. Secv 29 This act shall be in force and. effect from and after lta ratlfl- cation. - ' : ; ' .. : . . -. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this 4th day of March, 1911. - . . J . , , J W. C. NEWLAND, ' I " : President of the Senate. - W. C. DOWD. Speaker of -the House of Represent atives.-. .. ; - ; . ' Examined and found correct: ;. A. U QU1CKEL, ' ' - ' For Committee. - Will Discuss Finn Life School - , - ' . The Craven County Farmers' Union Bslttit Swindell; Mr. Morris Hatsell, will meet at the court house in this, with Mies Eva Littleton; Mr. Scott city Saturday April 8th. Business of Swindell with Miss Carrie Blount; Mr. much importance will be discussed and Robert Heady, with Misa Annie Doster; it is hoped that every member will be Mr. Ernest Dennis, with Mist Mamie present. The Craven County Teachers' Davis; Mr Carl Tolsoo, with Miss Ete ABsrcia tion will meet at the court house tilta Woodhull; Mr. George Merrit', at the same time and the pluns forpetl- with Miss Ida Dennis: Mr. Pearl Brite, Honing for a farm life school will be disfusssd. THE FAITHFUL SEEK JOBS Xle itunarea jobs to be Disposed " ; of Among Democrats Af ' ter April .4th. ' Washington, March 29th. -boarding houses arid hotels are filling up with Democratic aspirants to jobs which the House will have to dispense after April JZ i? t , . J died of these jobs, ranging from clerk 4tb. There will be more than B I and sergeant-at-srms to elevator coo- ductorand furnace 'tender. They are now held by Republicans, some of whom have been in for lfl vmm There are approximately 100 seekers i.t i i a , , for each job. Only five or six Repubh caDB wiu 06 retained, that number of jods always Demg conceded to the mi- nority. J . The Democratic members of the Ways and Means Committee now sitting on ,l.(oj. a tn 1 , "nd 0ther matteP8' are beBet w,th c,RUnots, and Champ Clark, who " studying how to be Speaker, can hard )y find lime for his lessons,, while many Jot the hungry ones await at Union sta- tion tbe " "tatesmen whom tho Ki. . , , .... they helped to ktor' laat falK ; . Bogus Cloth. What is Paint? Some people think anythi"e labelled "paint" is paint, but mere s a amerence, just as much as between one kind of cloth and another. Cloth nine-tenths cotton and one tenth cloth- Cl0th a11 woo' TO00 t , " .... . . . . Wea e 1,mit J ,Pamt at 8 Price be" tween 75 Cents and $1.50 is like bogus c'th. The L. & M. Paint is all wool and wears to the limit. There's a rea- son. Our sales agents are: Gaskill Hard ware & Mill Supply Co., New Bern, N. C. Assumes His Duty. Raleigh, Mareh29-Mr. JohnD. War lick of Jacksonville, Onslow county, has arrived to take up his duties in tbe xe Blast Cut all Her Masts off. r 1 ' The schooner Mary S Bradshaw, an old Norfolk trader, Captain Nottage commanding,, which was a three-master when she sailed from New York for Norfolk the other day, with a cargo of fertiliser for the D. B. Martin Co., was towed jn here today from Delaware Breakwater with a couple of stumps standing ane her mainsail ly ing downon ber deck. She was struck by the late severe blow off this coast and the masts went by the board. She later made the Breakwater and was towed thence to Korfolk. It Is said that she Is not leak- . . ,.f.i . . K ad attained no other damage than loM of her thrM npsUnding spars, She lies anchored between Norfolk and Portsmouth and having a queer look be- cause of missing masts attracted much attention. -Norfolk Dispatch, -.. ( ' ... SWANSBORO NOTES. - - - - . March 28 th. Our town seems to be still going ahead, and we are glad to see it. There are several more new buildings going up. Mr. I. E.' Rogers hsa completed the dwellimr house of CsDtain John Little- story dwelling. - - . Mr, A. B. Bloodgood is gathering ma terial together preparatory to erecting new dwelling bouse. : Mr, and Mrs. T. M, Woodhull gave J their friandi a reception at their new residence last Friday evening In the ' way of a dance, which was a very en joyable affair to our young people, and ; in fact to all who attended, Tha dance 'was opened with tha "Old Virginia" Reel" with tbe following couples: , Mr. W P Ward with Mrs T M Wood hoi: Mr. Larry Stanley, with Miss Bet- .tUWard; Mr. Earl Tolsoo, with Miss) with Miis'Nettie Merritt - ; . .' "GUH23," '. HEW. YORK ( CllPIIOL BUILOIHG Destroyed By Fire No Insurance. Libraries With Eeoordg Lost. 7,000,000' Loss. Albany, N. Y. Mwch29-A fire which started at 2:30 a. m. today in a room On the third floor used by Assemblyman A, J. Levy, was swept by a high wind across the intervening course to the old wings destroying the $26,000,000 State Capitol Building also the Senate As sembly and the State Libraries, togeth er with their priceless records, and do ing a damage estimated at $8 000,000. The wings were constructed of stone and supposed to be fire proof, but the partitions and furnishings were of word and there were many adornments of in flammable material that helped to feed flames. There was no insurance. Tbe fire was well under way when discovered. ' It was fed by tons of pap er id the library rooms and spread rap idly, and is believed to have started from electric wires, as the insulation was worn from some of them and steps were being taken to repair them. Tbe entire fire fighting force of the city bat tled against the flames for five boors bef re they were sure of saving the' Senate and Assembly chambers. The legislators aided th fire fighters. The Democratic caucus had just ad journed when the fire was discovered and many of the legislators were still up. - AUeged Lorimer Bribers Not Guilty. Springfield, III., March 24 State Senator John Broderick was found pot guilty by. a jury in the Sangamon coun ty circuit court this afternoon. The j'iry was out twenty minutes. Broderick was charged with bribery in connection with the election of U. S. Senator Lorimer. Testimony was heard at the trial that he had given $2,500 to former State Senator D, W. Hoist law. of Iuka, in consideration of the Iuka Senator's vote for Lorimer. Holstlaw testified he was paid the money in Broaderick's saloon in Chi cago. '' V; While the Senate sub-committee was investigating the Lorimer. election in Chicago last summer, Broderick refused to answer some of the questions asked him, taking refuge behind his constitu tional privilege to decline to incriminate himself. ;. ;. The other man charged with having bribed members of the Illinois Legisla ture to vote for Lorimer is Lee Oiiiel Brown. He was tried for this charge sometime ago and was also pronounced not guilty by the jury, thus both of the alleged bribe givers have been acquit ted. We're Proud of Our Record. Established in 1868. Capital over $2,000,000. Headquarters for the farm ers of North America. Over 2," 00 sales men on the road. Over eighty first class household articles needed in every home at every season of the year. Our plant contains over ten acres of floor space. Right now we need a reliable energetic younf; man to travel and sell our products in Craven county. Ad dress The J. R. Watkins Company, 113 South Gay Street, Baltimore. Maryland. Established in 1868. Capital over $2, 000,000. Plant contains lD acres floor space. BY FAST FREIGHT Postmaster General r" Thinks New , Plan a Solution of Pending : Controversy. .. . . J . Washington, Msrch 28 After July magazines and other bulky periodicals will be transport -m! In carloads as fst freight at freight rates In the third eon tract section of the country, comprising the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Mis souri. v "The plans I have decided upon," said Postmaster-General Hitchcock, are aot proposed as a solution of the controver sy over the suggested . increase of sec- ! ond clssa mail rates on the advestising I -f V.... . I.- -UU sections of ably will tend to bring about a solution of that question the more easily," ' , Distributing terminals bave been es tablished in Boston, New York, Phils- delphis, Chicago, St, Louis, Omaha, St. Paul and Cincinnati Arrangements will be made with the publishers for a finer separation in the publishing offices and for an earlier mailing of their; mat ter, so that the slower method of trans portation may not affect the regularity of promptness of its delivery. ; "We expect," said Mr. Hitchcock "to effect considerable economies, not Only in the cout of transportation L t al so in the railway pobt-c:r!,e car y."- HIES SEII.ffilS INTERVIEWED Expresses Ilia Opinion of tbe , Payne Aldrich Tariff to Jour nal Representative. Senator Simmons, who has ben 8 pen-" . ding the time between the ees-iions of -Congress, at his home in this city and who will leave -next Saturday for-: Washington to take up his duties at the- extra session of Congress, said yester-' day to a Journal representative; "I am glad to see in today's papera that Mr. Underwood, our new Demo- -cratie Chairman, of the Ways and -Means Committee, and Mr. Clark, spea ker to be, have decided that there must -be some real tariff legislation at the ex tra session of Congress, This is indeed good news. If the Democrats in Con gress shall do something substantial and real during the extra session to re- -vise that abomination of iniquity, the Payne-Aldrich bill, even should Taft veto it, and to amend the Canadian rec iprocity agreement so as to eliminate its protection features and remove its outrageous discriminations against tha farmers in favor of the meat packing trust, the great roller mills and brew ersthose of us who bave stood against "me tooing" Taft's policies and meas ures without dotting an I or crossing a T, and against delaying relief from op pressive tariff burdens to "a more con venient season" will have been amply repaid for all tbe criticism and censure we have endured from those who, while hof and eager for the relief they de mand for themselves, are willing that the people should wait for theirs until Spring comes again." Another Well Known New Bernlan Dead Intelligence reached here Sunday of the death, at Jonesboro, Lee . county, Saturday night March 25th. of Mr. James M. Hines, a resident of this city. f. iThe deceased left here a few weeks ago to visit his daughter, Mrs, Daly riraple who resides at Jonesboro, and soon after his arrival there was taken JXl. 1 1 1 i H . in. . wiio lagrippe, duc nis conuuion was not considered serious, in fact he was mwwtuv w W H(lnVTIU nuvu Vll KSSl : came suddenly. . i mi. nines was porn oo years ago in Lenoir county, and has led an active and useful life. He was held in the highest regard and esteem Ly all who knew bim. He was always congenial and pleasant, and made many friends, but very few enemies. ' j He served gallantly in the Confeder al Army and at the time of his death was an honored member of the New ' Bern Camp Confederate Veterans. Mr. Hines has made his home in this city for a good many years and was at one, time connected with the New Bern Journal. He was a faithful ami consis tent member of Centenary Methodist church, and a member of one or two . secret orders.' daughters. Mrs. Dalyrimple, of Jones boro, Mrs. Culpepper ef Richmond, Va. and Mrs. M. H. Edwards of this city. . Tha interment of the body will be : made at Institute, Lenoir county, in the grave yard at old family home. Several relatives and friends of the deceased left here yesterday morning to attend the funeral. ' - - f - ' . - , .. . , I . Improvaments Mai Made. It is noticed that a number of im provements are being mads on the cam pus surrounding the graded school The -hew granolithic walks leading from the sidewalk to the building are to be laid. . 11 of tha curbing around the walks which lead from one building to anothor Is to be removed and brick walks put dojrn. The Jcurbing which surrounds tjie ground la also to be lowered several inches and the campus will be graded down These Improvements will great ly aid the appearance of this beautiful Spot J... - . fox-Smallwood. At home on Wednesday March Wlh, 1911, Margaret Ssyre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Semoel W. Smallwood, to J as Randolph Pox.' - v : ! i. ' i . " ) ' Morehead City's New Hospital. Tbe Morehead City bospital will soon open for the reception of patients. It Will be equipped io pp-to-date style snd bava a modern operating room A call bell system will be installed through out the building, and every room light- I by electricity. Water la amply sup plied for ssah room. The honpiui v. ;:i contain five privsteroomsand two 1; : ' wards, providing accommodations f r twenty patients, if necessary. A lit. ' -etij dining too, a, linen closet, f' j i ar.J t'".-e ere pov'. ' J l i .v orr-tV X ii ' .i s-l st-:.;.. ' i t ,jtn. v.-... i Ci'.v I..'.wrL;

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