THE VVtEKLY JQ GHII1A SUBMITS ; 10 Kin IsubUskM 1878 r n r ' .1 i i ii fauuaned is Two Section. ar Tuesday and rnday. at Journal Bulld-6S-C0 Craren Btreet , CHUoxs l. snnirs,' ' EDITOR AND PROEEHTrOR. Official Paper of - New Bars : and Craven Oout?. it '.'i SUBSCRIPTION BATfla Two Months.. .. ., .. .. . ..I M Threa Months.. .. .. ., .. II ftx Montha.. .. .. .. .. .. .. M twelve Months.. .. ... .. .. .. LOO ONLY W ADVANCE. Tha Journal la caly asat on paT-ln-tdranca basis. Subscribers will r aeiva notlca of expiration of their eub wtiiptiona and an Immediate response V notlca wvi oe appreciated by the Journal. - ' " Advertising rates turnlsaed upon application at tha office, or naon in ' rjulr by maJ1 v'-v -: '.J Enteid at tha Poatotflcs, New Bern. N. C. aa second-class matter. New Bern, N. C. March, 81. 1911. WHY ABE CITIES. The natural laws govern the de velopment and growth of cities. First location, then the first nucle us of a citizenship that co operates, Local standing together on every local matter. Local betterments, continually. The promotion of in dustries that are suitable to the" environment, and the securing of all others that can possibly be brought in by local inducements. With such a progressive move ment cities are created. Like sue cess, cities grow tremendously be cause its citizenship works towards and upon lines that make success ful growth.. Men rush to cities be cause of this very apparent success, tho prosperity may not be their portion. But the opportunity ists somewhere about the city, and while thousands must contribute their hours, their labors, even their lives for the few who accu mulate vast wealth, yet this same opportunity lurks ever in the great metropolis, to attract outsid era to attempt the securing of this opportunity and making it win them honor, fame or wealth, or all three. While the metropolis has the greater drawing power of men within ito borders, yet every town or small city can attract men, if its citizenship shall make the proper endeavors. Every community has at least one attractive feature, and others can be developed. It is just a question, a local issue, will the effort be made t And it is not just gaining desirable citizens that is all that is involved in making a place attractive. For lessen the local attractions that make life pleasant, and there is created the dislike, a dissatisfaction, locally. Women and children find nothing to do, to amuse them, and the men are soon looking outside for a new home. Make the local situa tion attractive in every way pos sible, and people will rush in, and add their effort and weight to fur ther the local betterments already begun. THE NEW YOEK HOLOCAUST WABUTNG. Epidemics, sudden deadly cala mities overtaking communities, frightful railroad , accidents, all fearful visitations of death, both shock and cause people to look more seriously as to the safety of , their surroundings. ;TJ;,', X ' The New York holocaust of last Saturday, with its penalty of lives sacrificed, due to the lack of any itafcguards, will no doubt result in the taking of much needed pre cautious against the repetition of any such disaster in other work shops, filled with human Uvea. But it is not these after precaution ary methods, that are so import ant. It is the prepareness that is demanded in advance, that every liuilding, hall, theatre or public place of any kind shall have taken the full measure Jo insure those who may be in their places against every reasonable accident. The New York work shop was not so 1 it-pared. A fire meant certain , -;th to the majority of thone Who , ut be unfortunate enough to ' i t work, and t!!3 was known if t : nowlo1,;'-1 before the fjar : ; f l".fj Uch took place on ' y. , i if a Ktf; t examination l.ta or city, Liu v one if ., I- f -1 The Origin of Royster Fertilizers; Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the . Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster's idea Twenty-seven years ago and this is his Idea to-day; thefesult has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply the demand for Royster Fertilizers one or many human beings. No Such number as those who were de stroyed in New Yorh, but it is not the question of numbers, a single life unnecessarily imperilled is a crime that the authorities every where should be ou their guard to see rescued in advance, by having the menace removed, thur making those who have such dangerous places, properly protect those who may frequent them by every known means of safety in case of sudden fire. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of John Cavanaugh, convicted of placing dynamite on street car track in Colum bus, Ohio, was snteoced to 10 years in the penitential y. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reacn tne diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused bv an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian 'lube, when this tube is. in flamed you have a rumbling sound or lmperiect hearing, and when it is entire ly closed, deafness is the rewilt. andun less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed forev er; nina cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam ed condition of the raucous surfaces. 1 We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused bv ca tarrb) that cannct be cured by Hall's iatarrn cure, send for circulars free, i F. J. CHENEY & CO.,Props, Toledo, 0 . Sold by druggists, price 75o. Take Hall's family pills for con stipation. Chance for Office. The United States Civil Service Com mission announces a stenographer and typewriter examination to be held at Goldaboro April 6 and Wilmington on April 5. This may prove a good oppor tunity for some New Bern boy as it is understood that a vacany in the local U. a Engineer Office will be filled by an eligibla from this examination. Parties desiring to take thistxamination should write the Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C, for information. Application form No, 304 ia required. ' " A PLEASANT PHYSIC When vou want a Dleasantnhvsic (rive Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets a trial. They are mild and gentle in their action and alwaya produce a pleasant eatbarti effect. Call at all dtaler'a drug store for a free sample. Countess Luise Von Bernstorft, the daughter of the German Ambassador, and Count Raymond Pourtales were re cently married In Washington. WOMEN : Women of the highest type, women of superior education and refinement, whose discernment and judgment give weight and force to their opinions, highly praise the wonderful corrective tzl curative properties of Chan l ::L'a's Stomach and Liver Tab I.'.j. Urcrout tLe Eany stages tf wc:a' life, from g:r".ood, C t'.s crisis cf mc'.!.cr- .'AiUi:cV.-:-2jtzr$,C:rt u ! . r err: r; r;. i r "Mi'sT i y7 F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES. NORFOLK, VA. TARBORO. N, C. COLUMBIA. 8. o BPARTANBURQ. S. O.' MACON. QA. COLUMBUS. QA. MONTGOMERY. ALA. BALTIMORE. MO,' LEES CHAPEL NOTES. Jones County, March 27th. We are having some very, changeable weather now. ' some of our progressive farmers have already planted. Mrs. B. F. Eubank, of Little Hell, is visiting her son and daughter, Mr. N. K. Eubank and Mrs. Molsey Collins, of this place. i Miss Aurora Collins and Master Geo. Hughes r'oy and Misses Sallie Foy and Gladys Collins, of this place, visited the home of Mr, Henry Harrison Saturday afternoon. Messrs Johnnio Rouse and Henry Hall visited the home of Mr. C. W. Foy Saturday night. Mr. Tolson Riggs. of this place, spent Saturday nieht and Sundav with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Riggs, of White Oak. "TULIp" ,, Foley's Honey and Tar is the best cough remedy 1 ever used as it quickly stopped a severe cough that hnd long troubled me." says J. w. Kubn, rnnce town, Nebr. Just no quickly and surely it acts in nil cases of coughs, colds, la grippe and lung trouble. Refuse sub stitutes. F. S. Duffy. Blending the Odors. It has boeu provvd that two odors which do not seem to bare anything In common, that of patreQed cheese and that of pineapple, are so closely allied from the chemical standpoint that ltriakea but a few minutes to transform an Intense stench Into a sweet fragrance. This curious experi ment Is easily made and requires but a small a mon tit of three chemicals valerianic acid, sulphuric acid and amyllc alcohol. Care must be takeu not to spill over the fingers or dress any drop of the first two namedliq uids. Sulphuric acid is exceedingly caustic and the stench of valerianic acid, besides being unendurable:' la very difficult to get rid ot London Family Herald-; : - v Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S , CASTOR1. A . , . T . The Mikado, in an autograph letter. congratulates President Diaz open his recent re-elecaoo. - If von hare tmnhU In trttnr -iA ( - - VW!lg IIU.iV. your coia you may Know, mat you are noi treating it properly. There ia sno reawwi whv ft nlH shnnlri ka. " 'J UW vl, vl weeks and it will not if you take Chamber ibid iougn stemcay. for sale by "all dealers. .- . .... l Forestalled. . t ' "Widows." said the observing mail, "are very attructlve. bot about a wid ower ther Is always something un canny, something almost clammy-H mean, of course, from the matrimonial point of view. J: "I kdow a widower who la thinking of marrying again. . He thought he'd broach the matter delicately tha otbr morning to his Ilttla daughter, so be aoid: .. . f.... ..... ;, i "'An. my dear, bow I did lova your motberl .!,, , "But the Ilttla girt Rave him a sus picions look and snapped: t -Bay "do." not .'did," papa,' Wasblngtoo Star. . ; A MOTHER'S SAFEGUARD. A Falev'a Honev and Tar for the chit dren. Is best and safest for all coughs, eolds. crouD. whonninir coo eh and bron chitis. No opiatua. F, S. Duffy. - Ground "Hog. 1 ' "Cart," said yet another teacher to a dull but attentive pnpll, "you seetn to have lteteoedi carefully to tba mi oral history lesson, so you may tell us whet a ground bog Is. "Pansngo," was the bom fanner's reply.-Chlcago Keoord Ilfrald. John W. SickvlHmith, Gri'niilforii, Ph., has three children, and like m rlnMri-n tln-v freniu-iit'w lake c. .. e l:ave (, 1 'vor' I i ' i f i VNAOS'MaRK REGISTERED. TRUTH JIOMPHS. New Bern Citizens Testify for the Public Benefit. -A truthful stalement of a New Bern citizen, given in bia own words, should convince the moat skeptical ahout the merits of Doan's Kidney Pillf. If you suffer from .backache, nervousness, sleeplessness, urinary disorders or any form of kidney ilia, the cure is at hand. Read this: C. F. Harget, 46 Burn St. New Bern, N. C, says; "I am just as pleased to endorse Doan's Kidney Pills at this time as I was after I first used them some years ago. My back ached a great deal and I had much pain through my kidneys which plainly showed that I was afflicted with kidney complaint. Doan's Kidney Pills were procured from the Bradham Drug Co., and they ao ef fectively removed ' my trouble that I have only had need of them once aince then. At that time they again acted promptly and gave me entire relief. I know that this preparation acts as re presented' and is worthy of the highest praise." . For sale by all dealers. Price 6i cents.. Foster llllburn Co., Buffalc New York, sole agents for tba Unites States. Ramember tha 'name Doaa'i an' take no otner. An electrical storm of cyclonic force did much damage north of Philadelphia, demolishing buildings, unroofiing houses and killing on man.. FOlEYt KIDNEY PILLS ronnMBUMATiaMKiDNBYaANoaLsi0a Dr. D. E. Morris and four of his chit dren were burned to death in their home near Aurora, Mo. FOR DISEASES OE THE SKIN. ' Nearly all diseases of the skiu such as eczema, tetter, aalt rbeum and bar bers' itch, are characterized by an in tense itching and smarting, which often makea life -a burden and disturbs sleep and rest Quick relief msy be bad by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It al lays tha itching and smarting almost instantly. Many oases have been cured by its use. For sale by all dealers. Taking Away From the Subject When Frederick Robertson of Brigh ton, the great preacher wbo bad writ ten much about Tennyson's poems and for whom the poet had a' high regard, first called upon him, '"I f eK," said Tennyson, "as If ha had coma to pluck out tha heart of my mystery, so I talk ad to hint about nothing but beer," WARNING TO RAILROAD MEN. ; Look out for severs and even danger oua kidney and bladder trouble result ing from years of railroading. Geo. E. Bell, 689 Third St, Fort Wayne. Ind., was many years a conductor on the Nickel Plate. He says: "Twenty years of railroading left my kidneys in terri ble condition. There was a continual bain across my back and hips ana my kidneys gave me much distress, and the action of my bladder was frequent and most paioruL I got a supply of roleys Kidney Pills and the first bottle made a wonderful improvement ard four bot tles cured me completely. Since being cure! I haV recommended Foleys Kid ney Pills to many -of my railroad friendV."-F. 8. Duffy. - - , s . She Admitted It A Mrs. Malapmp said to Clara No vello, the noted English prima donna. "Too will admit' that there la a great deal of evil Ufa in the toaster." "Trne. Indeed." replied Clara, lint n wblcb aide' of the curtalnr IfXir.Vr:: 3)MMMMbJIMb Grants Without Reserve The De mands of The Bear. Land Grabbing From China, k - Peking, March-27 China ia not pre pared to antagonize Russia completely, and as a result of prolonged conferences the Chinese foreign office today assured the Russian minister, M. Korostoxeia that China acquiesces unrservedly to the demands made in the Russian nlti niatura concerning the provisions of the trenty of 1881 R usia instated upon an answer before Tueadny. , ' j. V -, It is generally considered that there was no alternative course in view "of China's unpreparedness for war. In tense interest ia being manifested' in the attitude of Japan, which is obvi ously holding entirely aloof, although more powetful than ever at Peaing. jytiile the issues between China and Russia have been almost obliterated by the recent series of ultimatums, and, theoretically,' insufficient cause for oc cupation exists, Russia apparently fear ed that she could obtain only paper promises, which the Chinese would not observe unless intimidated. Russians here po'nt out tliat they have less now in the way of concessions from China than when the trtaty was signed. "Some sections of the legation quarter ridicule Russia for not following in the first instance the recent example set by Great Britain in occupying territory and awaiting Chinese readiness to dis cuss the contested poiots. But it is re cognised that Russia, by failing to do this, has shown that she does not poss ess aggressive designs. The Chinese newspapers, which are intensely igner ant of foreign affairs, are very hostile against Great. Britain, which they aa cmed.ot beginning the present land grab, and they prophesy that both J a pan and France will rot be long in fol lowing suit. Reports from Harbin state that the Russian Railway has refused to trans port several carloads of arms and am munition destined for Chinese garrisons on the frontier. From elsewhere in Manchuria come Indications of Japanese Lreadiness to invest South Manchuria should the Russian investment in the North' assume a serious aspect. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A 7 he clergy of Cincinnati are going to start a crusade against the open Sun day theatre and the problem . play with the "eternal triangle" as its main theme, and the pictures of domestic unhsppiness on the stage. NO NEED TO STOP WORK. When your doctor orders you to stop work, it staggers you. '.'I can't" ou say.- You know you are weak, run down and failing in health, day by day. but you must work as long as you rsn stand. What you need ia Electric Bit ters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent breakdown and build you up. Don't be weak, eWtly or ailing when Electric Bitters willberefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them lor tneir glorious neaitrrand strength. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 60c at all Druggists. . - "'' Spartaous. Bpartacus was a Tliraclno-f joble birth. While serving as an officer In an auxiliary corps of the Roman urmy he deserted, and, being appreheuded, he was reduced to slavery and made a gladiator. . Escaping, be collected a body of alavea and gladiators. 73 B. OU and ravaged all southern Italy, de feating several Roman forces that were sent against him. He wsa de feated and slain by Crassus, 71 B. O. His revolt at one time threatened the very existence of. the. republic. . - FORCED TO LEAVE HOME. , ' Every year a large number of poor sunerers, wnose lungs ara sora and racked with coughs, are urged to go to another climate. (But this is costly and not always sure, There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home. "It cured ma of lung trou ble," writea W R Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gain ed 47 pounds in weight lis sorely the king of all cough and lung cures. " Thou sands own their lives and health to it. It's positively guaranteed for eoughs. colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup all tnroat ana lung troubles, oue ana si.uu. Trial bottle free at all Druggists. " Tha Department of Agriculture an nounces its readiness to begin tha pur chase of lands to protect tha naviga bility of streams. A SPECIAL MEDICINE FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS. , Many elderly people ' have found in Foley'a Kidney Remedy a quick relief and permanent benefit from kidney and bladder ailments snd from annoying ur inary irregularities due to advancing years. Isaac N. Regan, Farmer, Mo. , aays; "Foley's Kidney Remedy effect ed a complete cure in my case and I want others to know of it "P. S. Lkif fr. ' An Aoeldtntal Omission. The cynic was discoursing on matri mony. "You say Jhat no nian ought to mar ry a woman wbo Is fat or tlilu, tall or short, large or small,' be said. Then, In your opinion, the only sort of wom an one-ou(;lit to marry is one who la of medium sirs?" i "Mercyf wild the cynic. "How for getful I ami I forgot berl" Llpi la cott'a. ) 1 sALCOHOL 3 PER OR NT. AUgetablerVeparallonrorAs slmilatiir5ltierMan(IIfriiih (ingtlte Stomachs andBowetstf IlKW.Ui'aTTs'Ttj Promotes DMonJheerfur ness and Ifesl-Contains neittw iiai rat's OpiuniIorphine norNiaeraL! NOT NARCOTIC. ? ftttpka Sad" MMeSitt '.AmSml Awls'', . JUrnSeti' : CaiifiatSimr ' mnftrnTianr. Apcrfect Remedy forCbTCfljU- iinn . shut aiuiikui.uiai iiwu Worras.Convulstoiisjevensn ness aiidLOSS OF SLEEP. licSimile Signamre oT . NEW YOKK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. III !! IIMIIKIITT'- '" . 1 I J mm llli Guaranteed under the ThePeGplcs Bank . NEW BERN.. N. C .. 4 O PAID ON o SAVINGS A Recking Account Thre is no need of taking the risks or undergoing the inconveniences of paying for everything in curren cy when, without costing you a penny, you can avail yourself of a checking account with this bank. Vou will actually save, money as well as time and worry and besides will have yourjinahces 'on a simple, system atic basis. - One dollar opens a checking account with this bank. W M.DUNN .CD.DRADHAM TA.UZZELL" - PR EST. " VICE. PR EST. CASHIER - LIVESTOCK CO. . JUST RECEIVED s ,A CARLOAD' OP MULES S. Front Street, ; -aa-aa ' I POST CARDS! - AT V For Planting Burt or 90 day ; Rust Proof, Native and Western;. White Spring. i i - " For Feed White, Mixed. m Tot Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature. of ' TMC KNTUH mMMNVi HCW YOUR AlTT. -STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE New Berry N.NC. i STORE If 1 J u m the (kf Use For Over Thirty Years wwvwih- la . ti

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