No. 2 NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, FRIDAY APRIL, 7,' 1911 -SECOND SECTION 34th. YEAR D11IER5 III SESSIOI! Number of Important ' Matters - .Brought Before the Board Yfcsterday. . Hit SCHOOL DI5 Yesterday, morning the Craven . i County Board of County Commissioners met in this city in regular monthly . aion. f'y't ;The first matter brought' 'before the hoard waa a pepitlpa. frmn Jfr-W. fl. Osteen ask tag that the hoard tflow her a certain amount each month for the v maintenance of her family, her husband being' a paraletlc The board allowed ,' her $5.00 per month. Mr. Wm. Dunn ' ' brought up the asaesmenta of the taxes : on the Norfolk-Southern warehouse. - This matter however waa put aside for the time being. ' . , V.;f;;N' Mr W. S, Dunn, of Bridgeton ap , peered before the board and asked that ' be be relieved of payment of his taxes on account of being physically unable to work. Tbe bosrk ordered that he be - relieved of paying hie poll taxes. ',' . ' . Mrv T. S. Holton appeared, before the board and asked (hat he lb allowed to build a fence across the Cedarville road and that this road be ordered closed. Tine matter was continued until the next meeting but Mr. - Holton wsa.1- j owd to put a fence across the road in .'" IDS IIIH-Illlllir. " .,;-. V1 , : :.. The following jurors were drawn for the May term of Superior Court for tbe trial of civil casesr ' : V. r ' I. D. W. Franks, M, C. Adam. W. H. Piemen, Sara Ipock, G. W. Borrow, 0 R Purifoy,.Theodre" Willis, W. L. ' Gilligan, J. N. Pate, G P. Tlppett. J. M. Kiggs, O. T, Waters, D. H. Heath. : Hnirh I.ind. K. A Beamnri. B. S Guion J Q Ad tms, J. E. Barber, C. J. Brio son, 8. J. Hudson. Joseph Stephenaon, O. L Wetherington, Clyde Eby, B. E Dod'ey. W. F. Aberly. G. W. DeBruhl, W. E. Gaskins, J. S. Hill. S, B. Car penter, J. B. Paul, John W. Hudson. Fred Bellangier, W. G. Cuthrell, W. F. Richardson, Philip Howard, L M Daw, Z S Butler, J. M, Mitchell, R H Laugh inghouse, Abner Wetherington, A N - Whitford, W, O Gutherie, W C White, U. B. Harrington, a. ci. rurtroy, k u J 0 Hawkins, A B" Willis, R C Russell, : Alonzo Hill, Geo. N Ives, J F Purser, B C Whitford, J E Atkins, C B McCoy, J E White, Walter Glover, J L Robin " son, A C Rawe. C E Forrest, J M Reg ister, W D Stapleford, Hugh Lane, J C Whitford, T J Bellinger. Dan Gas kins, W 0 Register, W P'M Bryan, N H Gaskins. ., - " ' - The next matter brought before the board was a petition from W F Taylor and Benj. Bryan of No. 6 Township ask big that they be relieved of paying poll tax. this request was granted! Mr. A. E Stevens ' appeared before the board in behalf of the-Neuse Train . Traction Company and asked for a right of way for a street railway on Trent ' road from the city limita to' the eross - ing of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company for a period of fifty years. The petition was granted. - . On motion J. A. Miller ' and Amos Conner were appointed road supervisors In No. 7 Township. . 7 The following list fakers were ap pointed, 9th, Township R, B. Lane. 3rd. township T R Lane, 6th, township J B Morton, 6lh, township vT E Haywood, " 7th, township H C Wood. 8th, township AH Bangert, E E Harper, L S Wood, Mr. Won. Dunn appeared before board in the interest of the Central Highway Commission and asked that tne hoard assist the commission in building ths . road. Tbe board aggreed' to help them as much as they were allowed by the law. This road, it is estimated, will cost about $50 per mile and as there Is . about fifty miles of it in this county the approximate cost wiU . be about $2500. - -', . '- C' The board decided to purchase six mules and a number of wagons and plows to be used in working the roads. Mr. C. D. Brsdham was delegated to sro to Norfolk or some other suitable eity and purchase the animals. TRICTS PETITIOH To Hold Elections and County Vote ou Farm Life ' , SchooL : Monday waa the first of the month for county board of education to meet for business and it we a busy one, Particularly in tbe matter of districts seeking electione to vote for- special ecbool ttx, five seeking thiV Croatan, Bellalr,; Sprmr Garden, Ernuf. and Clarke, The elections for these will be May 13th and 18th. With these five dis tricts carrying the tax, there will be seventeen dhtricta , in Craven' county having voted for the special school tax a splendid showing. r ' ? ; Ths board waa petitioned by the Far mers Educational and Co-operative Union ef Craven county that it should petition the County Commissioners to call an election- for the voters to ex press their, wishes at the polls in the matter of establishing , a Farm Life School in this county, the State to give anr-ually $2,600 and Craven county the same amount This was granted by the commissioners. : Good Stoves cook good meals. . Bucks are the Best Call and see "our line of Cooks and Ranees. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co.. 67 Front St.. Phone 99. v Serious lire at laGrange. The little town of LaGrange which had such a disastrous lire a few weeks ago had another last Sunday night. Three wooden buildings belonging to Miss Lula Wafers were burned. The three buildings were valued at $2,000. No insurance. The office of the La Grange dentinal was completely gut ted. The fire waa evidently incendiary. CRAVEI1 FARMERS i WANT SCHOOL Farm-Life School .t Teaches Prac- tical Farming Meth ' , ods. "V. ';. The Journal yesterday asked Repre sentative R. A, Nunn about the pro posed Farm Life 8chool for Craven county and he had the following to say; The establishment of Farm-Life Schools" has for many years been discus sed by the thoughtful farmers and the leading educators of North Carolina. The late Cbas. D. Mclver, Dr. F. A. Aldeiman, J..Y. Joyner and others in augurated the revival which met with wonderful development after the elec tion of Chas. B. Aycock as Governor. Since 1900 the progress made in our public schools has been remarkable. We have lengthened the term, have built hundreds - of new school houses, have provided better teachers and have es tablished training schools in order that the teachers themselves may be bettei orenared for their work. The Stale University , has been provided for as liberally as the resources of the State would permit. The State Normal school from a small beginning ha, within the past few sears become a great, institu tion. The Indians and the negroes have been provided with schools, and money has been appropriated to maintain them But in the general educational fysiem we have not provided schools that are situated where the great agricultural class may receive the benelUss as many other States have done While we have agricultural and mechanical colleges for white and colored races, these institu dons are situated in Raleigh and Greens boro and only a very small pr cent of tbe boys have an opportunity of attend ing them. Only a small per cent of the boys of this State ever reach the Uni versity, A & M College at Rale'gh, or any of the other colleges in the State or elsewhere. Only a pnvill per cent of the girls ever reach the State Normal School at Greensboro, or any of the other higher schools for girls in North Carolina or elsewhere. The gap in our IooMsa In FottXtfOttJeceipta. ' The report of the local post office for the past month shows that the receipts were $3,078.28. For the corresponding month durinsr laiO the receipts were $ 2.245.42. This shows a very credits ble increase for this year of $832.86. - . Notice. - The Belgradeachool will give two plays, "Tbe Deacon's Trlbalations" and "A Nigger Night School' Friday night, April 7. Admission 25 and 16 eenta. ' - get up before day to feed 'and water the stock and look after his farm work all day and retire at night to an ill fur nished house, badly lighted and without a rurning water supply and as Jong as it is necessary for the products of the tarn, to be hauled for mHes over miser able toads; that farm life will not ap peal as strongly to the average boy on the farm as life in town where he may have, at nominal expense, the modern comforts of life. As long as a farm hand receives less for his work and at the same time has to give mote time than tbe mill hand, ; er jemployeea of lumber concern, or. the- employees of railroad cpmpaoieejy thueboys born on the farm will naturally leave the old place and seek employment with the lumber companies or railroad compa nies where his hours are shorter and hia compensation greater, 1 , "I know of a farmer In one of out counties who owns land worth some thing like $100,000. For more than fifty years he has walked a quarter of a mile for drinking water. ' He IrVes as uncom fortable as can be imagined; every one of his boys have left the aee and gone to work for lumber concerns and rail road companies where they can escape the unnecessary hardships of living im posed on them by the old man at home. One of his boys learned something about putting pipes together, ami having made enough money out of the railroad com pany to buy a little piece of land, erec ted a house and equipped i with tubs, pipes and faucets, and, haying enough energy to look around,, located a water supply a few hundred yards away from the house, laid fcipes between the house and the water supply, and; toy gravity supplied himself1, with very little ex punge, with an- unfailing supply of good water. His houie is . pais. ted and at night it is well lighted. He lives more comfortably on tffe farm than the aver age man lives in town. By resding the bulletins furnished free from the State Aericultural Department, he has be come a p-acticil farmer, w'uh an ex pert knowledge of how and when to do thiiign. He U making money.! By im proving his place and making a succest f his operations he has greatly enhan ced the value of, all the lands around him. One good farmer in 'a neighbor to(1, meeting with success, will net on ly improve the method of farming, bu ill also raise the value of Jill the landt :r OF SUCCESS Hence Demand . Besignation of Diaz. Will Fight Until Se I cure This. ' Madero's Camp, Near Chibuabua, April 5 A declaration that all talk of peace la futile as long as President Disz refuses to resign and that the Cabinet changes at Mexico City have served only to convince the insurrectos of their Ultimate success was made by Francis co I, Madero, Jr. the provisional Presi dent, in an interview. The interview, was an amplification of one which he gave a few dsys ago. Madero declared he waa confident of "the final triumph of arms in the over throw of Disz." In all Northern Mexico, he said, the insurrecto movement was spreading un til now the Federal troops were con fin ed to The garrison towns, "at which the insurrectos were preparing to strike a decisive blow." Referring to his father and Gustavo a.. Juadero, nis brother who were re ported to have initiated peace plans with Finance Minister l.imantour with a view of ending the war, the insurrec tionary President intimated strongly that they had no authority to act for him and he would not accept any pro posals which were not addressed direct ly either to himself or to Dr. Vazquez Gomez, his confidential agent in the United States. AGEII OFF War Veterans Share Greatly Be- duces The Congressional Pro. , rata Spoils, Washington, April 6 The patronage of the House, cut down by tbe action of Saturday's caucus bom $744,000 a year to $562,000, must suffer further depletion before the special committee can begin parcelling it out to the con stitutors of the winners at the Novem ber election. After the committee clerkship and additional help have been deducted from the total the old soldiers' roll must be included, for the veterans of the civil war still serving in Congress have to be retained, politics or no poli tics, This brings tbe total patronage avail able for distribution by the members of the House outside the chairmen bf the fifty-six committees to just $266,689.25, not a huge sum when it is considered that there are 171 such Congressmen about $1,600 per man. The Republicans uped to distribute more each. GREAT BniTAlfl APPROVES TUFT'S ..M .""""aoundbiBu-Tha SUWhe established common public schools and tTOTrtglTOr t""" .vTc,-, .j i. PILES CURED III 6 TO 14 OrYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of. Itching, Blind, Bleed- Police Court News. ' i The noon session of the Mayor's court waa rather larger yesterday than ususl, Some of the cases disposed of being car ried oyer from Monday, : Gerry Hawk, and a young roan by the name of Boone, were up for fighting It was self-evident from the appear ance of the two defendants that some body hsd been "scrapping," and neith er one denying the fact, the Mayor im posed a fine of five dollars upon each, with costs. It developed in course of the trial that there had been two round foueht. with an interval of two hours between So they were taxed, with tbe costs in another case, Three or four young negroes likewise contributed $5.00 each and costs for be ing "crsty drunk" as one of the wit nesses defined the, charge. Another negro waa charged with cur sing an old man, which was finally ad mitted, but the offender declared that be did not mean to give any offense, and "just carted the old man for fun." It turned out that the negro la slightly nop compos mentis. So the Mayor warned him to hereafter obey ' the in junction of the Bible and. "swear not at all." ' ' ' ' fir at Bridgeton.- 7 sssawwsesB Shortly after .1 o'cloek yesterday afternoon the home of Mr. J. W. Brooks, Ing or Protruding Piles iq 8 to 14 days located near the Blades Lumber Comp- or moniy refunded. 60c Shipping Newt. The schooner Grace G. Bennett, Cspt. S. H. Lamora, has arrived with mixed cereo. and will load with lumber for Washington, D. C. ' . ."" ... The schooof r Thos. J. Ehyrork, Cspt Wm. Inslev. Is fcsdinsr lumber at the Neuse Lumber Cos. Kill, for Baltimore, Maryland.' - .The schooner Philip U. Brooks dipt John Munford, is dweharging fertiliser for Martin & Co. and will load lumber at Moiehcad forew York. . Tbe Bare VuU'nO has arrived from - Baltimore. !.U., with a load of gravel for ilulitui r & Ci x.' The sth r CUrence Holland Capf. EJ. Jar.ei, I tisafor V siMrion, D, C, La.' 1 V-h lumber. institutions of learning. This gap: has nartlv been fi led in the towns of tbe State by the establishment of high schools, but only in a few communities of the State have good schools been es tablished for the people outs de of towns.' The Farm Life Schools are in tended to mend this gap in our educa uonal system. In advocating the es -lahlishment of the Farm Life Schools, it is not intended to admit in any way that the schools which webavflfnil -d to accomplish their purpose, on the othe hand, the men and women who -have been,' and are new advocating the Farm Lift Schools, desire to see all the other ichools of the State improved and bet tered by lengthening their terms ar.d their school property improved and add- d to. As most of the property end most of the people in the State live outside of the towns of the State, it ne ceasarily follows that all the public schools are supported in a greater d gree by the people living outside of the towns, and it is only fair that the coun try people should have such schools as they demand, if there be any necessity or good reason why the same should be established. . The State Association of Farmers is earnestly advocating the es tablishment of Farm Life Schools. Its representatives led by Dr. Alexander of Mecklenburg county assisted by Dr, Hill, President of A & M College at Raleigh, and by the State Superintend ent of Public Instruction and other pub ic spirited men of the State, appeared before the General Assembly of 1911 and advocated the bill providing for th establishment - of Farm Life Schools, and the members of the General As sembly were convinced that such schools were very much to be desired, and the bill, after careful consideration, was passed and the same became a law. The law provides in substance that such school may he eatabiuhtd in a county the people now whom will provide suitable site and equipment consisting of building and lands worth not lea than $26,00, and in addition thereto provide fund of not less than $500 per annum for the support of the school. . 1 Upon such provision being made by thepeopt of a county, the State will ; contribute $2300 per annum to assist in the mala tenance of the school. It Is propone 4 to teach In such schools not only the rudi ments of education, but practical farm ing methods. Tne science of living id the eountry is to be taught. The bes several test farms in tbe State, and hi every locality where these test" farms have becnestablished the methods of farming in the whole section has been changed. Vanderbilt operates a farm Buncombe county. He keeps fine stock. Hehaa experts for the dairy and experts to look after the chickens, hogs and crops. He employs several hundred men who are carried into his property by special train. In the few years he has been conducting this farm the method of farming and running dairies and of raising chickens and hogs have been improved troughout that sec tion, and it is not unusual to tee better crops outside of Vanderbilt's estate than may be seen at the same time on bis lands. What has been done by him in Buncombe county, may be done on a smaller scale in any county; "It is the purpose And intent of the promoters of the Farm Life School to carry the information and instruction to many boys on the farm rather than to carry a few boys from the farm to a few schools located at central points in the State. It does not mean that every boy or girl who attends one of these schools shall be shut off from all other occupations in life except the occupa tion of farming, but it is believed that the trend of the people away from the farm and rural districts will be In a measure stayed by the improvement to the methods of the work and the man Atlantic Hotel to be Improved. It is learned that the Norfolk-South ern Kailway Company are making extensive preparations for repairing ind improving the Atlantic Hotel at VIorehesd City before it ie thrown open o the public for the season in June. The owners hope to make the next season one of the most successful in the history of that popular hosekry. Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours ' -Dr. Detchon'a relief for Rheumatism usually relieveaaaverest, cases in a few hours. Its action upon tbe system is remarkable and effective. It removes at once the cause and the diseasii quick ly disappears. First dose greatly bene fits. 76c and $LO0. Sold by Bradham Drug Co. Weather and Rainfall March The following completes the weather report for March, the first 16 days hav ing already been published . in these columns. Tbe temperature la msximun and minimum, with rainfall on the days as follows; March 17-65-25 18- 48-22 19- 59-28 20- 73-33 21- 71-45 .47 22- 71-44 23- 74-42 24- 68-29 26-60-26 26- 62-87 27- 67-64 .76 28- 60-41 .03 29- 68-42 y 30-73-44 31-68-34 Total rainfall for the month was 4.61 inches. Proposition. For Anglo American Arbitration Treaty. Ger , mauy's Sea Outlet. - London, April 6.--American Ambas sador Reid la receiving for presenta tion to the State Deparment at Wash ington numerous resolutions adopted by city and borough councils of the United Kingdom approving President Taft's suggestion for an Anglo-American ar bitration treaty to cover every dispute. Sir Oliver Lodge, writer and princi pal ot the University of Birmingham, in a long review of the possibilities for universal arbitration, holds that while everything arbitral should be arbitra ted there are certain things which no nation would consent to submit to ar bitration.! For instance, he does not' believe the United States would agree to arbitrate the matter should a European power be unwise enough to interfere in the event that difficulty arose between the American government and Mexico. Sim than $2 60oilarly England would never except ar bitration abould a foreign power insist upon home rule for Ireland, or if France desired to arbitrate an issue in Egypt. Touching upon the position of Ger- Jones painted his house last year. I many, Lodge foresees in the near fu- It looks dull, dead, no life to it I 1 turt the question of a German outlet to Smith painted his house 10 years Bgd, the Mediterranean ocsupy ing the cen It looks clean, nice, and don't need re-It re of the stage in world politics. This paint ing,fecause he used L, &M. Patot,! he also considers outside tbe poBsibli- and added three quarts of Oil to eacbjty of arbitration, as he believes that to gallon. j 1 secure such an outlet has been a long- The Oil gave life and preserved it. I standing secret policy of the German Besides adding the Oil reduced its I government. In navy and military cir- cost 40 cents a gallon less than . other! clea tbe suggestion has been advanced paint J more than once privately that the real Thirty-five years use in N. A. &S. A. 4 objective of' the German navy is the Our agents are: Gaskill Hardwire & I Mediterranean, not tbe North Sea, Oli- House of Jones. Mill Supply Co., New Bern, N. C. New Store Nearlng Completion. The finishing touches aie now being added to Mayor C. J. McCarthy's new store on Pollock atreet When eonr pleted this buUdlng will be on Jt Jthe most modern of its kind in the city. ; In the centre of the lower floor is a tmhll fountain. Directly above on the .ceil ing is a star, fashioned from vari-eolored electric lights. Tbe counters are placed around on the aides of the building and there is ample room for a large crowd. i 1 Mill Accident at darks, j - " 1 ...'! I Word comes from Clarka of a de plorable accident , happening -; there wherein Mr. J. M. Register waa -sen ously and perhaps permanently injured. Mr. Register owns and operates a wood working plant at that place, and was f AMlino lumber to a small circular saw f ,r when the accident occurred. From what waa Warned, Mr. Register's sleeve must have been caught by the revolving taw. Anvwav. his arm waa terrible locerat- ed so much that it la feared tha h'mb will have to be amputated. .,: ) Mr. Register has many friends in thecitv and elsewhere who wil be vejr now openly voices the same idea. suggesting that upon the death of the Austrian Emperor Germany will mane a great effort to secure a seaport on tha Adriatic with a territorial connec tion with Gormany. . j ... The new German Navy, the writer contends, is intended to overs we Italy i and France in order that the operation., may be done peacefully in spite of their protests. In such an event he main- taint that Great ' Britain should keep her hands off and np.t attempt ' to curb Germany's just colonial ambitions. VOICE OF f HE PEOPLE. - THE RECORDERS COURT. Isn't it rather strange that the pro position for the establishment of a Re corders Court here should meet with such enthusiaatie opposition from cer tain quarters, when it is a known fact to all who have investigated this mat-. ter, that these courts are sow in oper ation, or will be in operation in the next few months, in Elizabeth City, Wash ington, Aurora, Belhaven, Wilmington, Fayetteville, GoWaboro, Plymouth, Terboro, Rocky Mount, Henderson, Nashville, Durham; Burlington. Monroe Sabsbury.MouQt Airy, Charlotte, Ashe ville, and other .placet, and are saving pained to learn of thi. grievou. Kf.iZZ tune overtaking him. iastic opponent of the Recorders Court in the County of Craven, uses as an ar gument the fart that Craven county did without this court for two hundred years, and thus could do without it many yean more, ' However, when ha Leva of Trass, We find our moat soothing compia lonshlp In trees among which we have a . . in 1 1 1 1 ii. mi ill i- ui t a vus - up Don t wait :or tne rusn.i hnv n,anlaA w. iM ..Min.t them. c--- rAarB .o- V nrnnt. snd the never betrav our trust they lo winusuuucaiiy lupponea we propo- JUKIIUIUUiiwiiwv. Jw'"r" I T,-,., I V ' .... llt-,- In.M.u, th hnttmof the I Vila IIIVU IVUS w .u- - - l nUlt-lU US irUlU IDV -HJBBB BUU ItVW WW w -.w-.-- w--r ker and profit of living on the farm. I ly executed I10W Dy US anai-ain. their spring welcome is a new Icitiaenship of New Bern by issuing The cost of such a school would be very I vQll can secure CarDenterS I Wltn WD,cn never taMg ,t nnnw I bonds to tht amount of $160,000, and small. Few men llvlntr in this county K - ...... 1 'I they lay their beautiful robee t iDavlmr tht streets, he did not refer to - W fl VJ.M..A.-v s 4 . - m m ' ' J O. oasuiKUl nuw. ui iroet in autumn; in winwr luey mmuu .. kj,w Rern naj jone with . . . . j . , any a mill at uriugeion was aesiroytu bvfire. At the time the fire was dls covered the wind Waa blowing a gale and had soon fanned the flames to such an extent that it was impossible to save the building althrough an engine andmetho(i 0f farmlnir tht lands and the hose wagon was sent over irom inisr, of producing crops from the Unds is The building was valued at $00 .to be taught. It it 'ui wid take tha timt to figure out the in dividual cost to themselves for the amount which it will cost them. Tbe money can be raised by submitting tbe question of special taxes to tbe people, and by private subscriptions. It will py any land owner to tell off a part of hia land and give tbe proceeds for such a school, because the establishment 'of such a school will greatly enhsnce the value of the land retained by the own er. The people who live In towns eaa make no better investment than taxing themselves to build up and make pros perous the lands lying In tht eountry outidde of tbe towns, beeaust In the last analysis, in this State, which la al most wholly agricultural, the property of all the people depends almost entire ly upon prosperity of those people who till the soil. but only $1000 insurance was csrried on it There was no Insurance on the furniture. ;t ' ; PIUS ! PILES! PILES I ! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itdiing Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant reliof. Williams' Indian Til Ointment U pT" ared for Pils and Itching of the piivk'.s r Fo'e by drurglats, mall 61e andll.O;). Williams' MTg, C:an 1, O. Co. usless to mention the benefits to flow from such training, because any intelligent person knows that anything that wl.l make -farm life more attractive and living in the coun try more comfortable and ths work of the farmer more profitable, wid add materially to the wealth of the State and the hapi-byss of its cjti-ens. "Without entering into an extended discussion of the rea-ohs why so many of the old time plantiti'Mis bsvs been sbandonod and permitted to run down, It miy be plainly understood that so long as a by on the f.r,n is required to . . Farmers, Attention. ; ,',..". - - iuz All of ths farmers of Craven county and their friends are invited to meet at the court house in New Bern Saturday April 8th at 11:30 a. m. Hon. 4. Y. Joyoer.'Statt Supezuttn- dendent bf Public Instruction Will be present and will address tbe meeting. He will explain the object of the Fartn Life School, show its bensfiu sad tell us bow we esn see-re one for this coun ty, - . The county teaohers art c In- vitod to be present D. P. WIUTFCr.D, rres. Coutiiy Isrmsrs' Union, and wait emblems of patience and f truth, for they hide nothing, no even Hia HttU leaf hnda which hint to DS of hope, tbe Isst element lu their triple symbollsn- Dr. O. w. Holmes. . i' Abeve tne vuitar uf. - . Until 1870 It waa against tht law and sacred custom for any subject to I look at tbe emperor of Japan. 1 Hia political advisers and attendante sayf only bis back. When he first left .the palace the shutters of all tne..pcva S. Front SU Phone 99. r. Jurors Drawn For April Term u. circuit and District Court. Tha following list of jurors wss yes terday drawn to aerve at tha next term of the U. S. Circuit and District Court convening in this city oh April 26th. with Judge H G. Connor presiding. Pitt county-W E Tucker, Greenville, R. F. D. Wm. McArthur, Greenville, 1 had to be drawn, and no one 7 i 1 .R RPD.WS Blount Avden. R L Davis. I mltted lo tbe atreeta. Bvem y L L Klttrell, Wintervllle, Jones county -R B Parker, Trenton, A J Collins. Msysville.D B Heath Com fort E B Isler, Cadiz,. Enoch Noble. Craven count? -Tboe. II Davie, W F Crockett, L H Cutler Jr., C E Foy, W R Barrlngton, C W Munger, G V Rich rdson, E E Harper, S R Street I-nolr county Henry French. J H Mewborne, D M Stanton. , " . Pamlico eounty-W J Swan, Ben Willie Heary Carrswsn. J C Muse, M N Jones, Clsud Hasklns. Wavne county John Herring, MC Eornegsy, W B Glisson, K D Smith,, Carteret eouoty-Gso. A Willis, Jr. C t Wallace, Harvey Hancock, A X Willis, John Forlow. . Onslow county C G Cox, R P Ilin- ton, John M Francks, Geo, H Bender, Ralph Bender, Greene county R A Hardy, Lemuel Aldridee. W H DalL Andrew Jones, W J Jordan, Eeaufort county W W Hooker, Henry Koye, C S Dixon, Bve' tvhen the emperor has the prtvt; ; of driving through the ttreeU-l'. n'-ope of hia subjecta, It it not eet, re i . - ,!-. 4 t . qoil ptuvmr w m -s ; KKperleeee. -J. '; ''. "Experience Is the best ttather quoted tbe wist guy. . :. ? rr "Yes, but her cbargee are- r'"fcty high.", added tbe simple asog r v- fielphla Record. . -ii' " ' 1 ' -i ' " Nsitorelly. ' ' ; v I beard he was la baA eia ber family. Is thst truer 'f ' t" ! Draw your own conclusion. ; It vra a centless marriage." Baltimore X: -lean. ':.'.. " : nenith'lles In labor, and f rs U rt earthly royal road to it bat tolL-WendeU TbllMpt. I out7 paved streets for two hundred years, tad thus could do without them tor many years more. ., This is an age of progress. The crim inal courts of Craven county are block ed for tbe trial of misdemeanors that would be disposed of by the establish ment of this court, Witnesses who heretofore hava to tit around the court house one solid week to give testimony in torn misdemeanor and have their witness ticket paid by the county, under the new system, would only be taken from their work an hour or two at the most Instead of having to serve on the grand jury 000 ' Week, the grand jury would be done with its work in two days. There hat been some objection , to the establishment of the court that the fit- izentmp wouu om mien cnueu uu i serve on juries in this court. Tho bill provides that the pl iintil or the defen dant shall have tht right on trial by jtury juqt tht ssmt ts he now has be fore a tn;istrate, and sny one who is famUki with t! sd.Unijt ration of jus tice at present in Craven county, kaows tl-t there is not a msgufrata in tl'i cou-ty who bes ba 1 tn jury triula l i te Is styssr, TL rs U not Hubby An4 what c'i tht r Wfey nt said, "Put oi:t J ioe." Huhhy III t' ! ' Ovsnrt. '.. ' r 1 aii'--ient; it is e""! 'y got' if E-e dl t',-nt f- 1 1 a v' Bvtlle to s't ea t' a j y. 7: tf t' t 1 i . .'1 c l' X it i a 1 t - i 4 ' 1 rv-r t ' ' ' v ;. 'i - i t' ' : to t' j n 1 1) to t 1 r 1 y