.NEW BERN ' CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C; TUESDAY APRIL, 11. '1911 -FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR CHECK FLASHER " IN THE TOILS SUPT. JOYNER Oil : HU LIFE SCHOOL paralyzed " mock DEMQGRATIG l v WASHINGTON RANKS DISTURBED VISITS NEWBERN NEW BERN'S -IIOEHBE The Athous Opens Tomorrow Night. A Magnificent Palace of Eutertainment EFFECT JAPAN'S HEW TARIFF Made Interesting Talk at Court House -j Yesterday,. ; morning. ' Yesterday morning the Craven Coun ty Teachers' Association .and -the Cra ven County Farmera' Union- met at- the Court House in thil city in joint Ses- : sion to hear Slate Superintendent of Public Instruction J; Y.'Joyner discuss the Farm Life School, its object ' and its benefits,' ' ' " After being lotroduced by Supt. S. M. Brinson with a fw well-timed re marks, Supt. Joyner said in part: . "I esteem it an honor and great pleasure to be in your-historic city and am more than pleased to be called upon to speak upon the subject of Farm Life Schools. ' I am -more than gratified -that this meeting should be held under the auspice pf two esteemable organi sations as the Teachers' Association and ire Fai mars' Union among whose members are the very men and women ' who direct the destinies of the people and the farmers who represent a large majority of Ihe population of the coun try.'. I congratulate Craven couity on beipg the first county in the State to a.Jm - -1 i .' t iLt. I n viurr ail viei-uun ivr una vcuuut, oev- ;ertl days ago I received a communica tion fiomthe Supt of Public Soools In Robeson ; county- stating that th y had ordered a a election to be held on May 9.h. 1 was In the act of writlrg to him and congratulating ' him ' when I read in a cop; of the New Bern Journal 'that Craven county had ordered an el ction to be held on May 2. I am more than glad that this section of the State was the first, to older such an t lection becaune.it is my old home and of course I am personally- ir.tereated in ita welfare. My ancesiors landed on the shores of Eastern North Carolina and began to till the 'soil and 1 am de lighted tp see it forging ahead in ag ricultural lines. A1 of my people were farmers and I am only the degenerate son of ajonff line of soil-tillers and deep down in my heart I am yearning tit return to the farm in the calm after noon of my life and be next to nature, ; . There is a change going cn in the wot Id. 'This is sn age of universal education, the seeds of which were first planted when the Pilgram fathers first Landed on our shores. This universal education puts every man on an equal footingand gives to every man equal righta Our first system of education was formed under aristocratic auper vision. At first it wai intended only for a few, no it is for the multitudes. Then with the spread of the spirit.uf Democracy the extension of education was begun. Then there arose the idea that theim of education was to fit out for profession, such as a lawyer, physician or literary man. This idea nominated until quite recently but now universal education is predominant At first the modes of education taught did not deal with farm life In any wav. . and the tillers of the soil saw their sons wend their ways toward the cities where they had better advantages. It waa the common man who saw the trend of conditions and demanded that there be a change, that there be some mode of education that would fit different class a of people in their different environ ments, that education slwuld be adap ted to fit any mode of life. ' More than 82 per cent of the ' population of North Carolina live on the farm. More than 05 per cent of the children of thla 82 per cent only'go to tchool for a few months of their lives. Our'purpose is to f provide in the country a school that hall give this 95 per cent an opportu nity for better prepjratb.t for life on , the farm and to teach them to be maa - ter of any aituation that might porsibly arise. . '"' ,i ' ' City people should be as much inter ested in this Farm Life School as their country brothers, and I hope that the people of this city Will rally to. U.eir support in large numbers. Less than 18 per eent of the people in North Caroli na dwell In the cities, the progress and prospects of these depend on the sue cess of the farmers. There should be unity and sympathy between them be cause one is dependent upon the other; and it is the duty of those in the city te at lint them at much as possible." Superintendent Juyner then went into details In regard to the school which v the people of this section are endeavor ing to secure. He " said . that these ' schools have been establised all over the western part of the United States and have proven a complete success and esq, be operated at a comparatively low cost. In conclusion of his talk on the, . subject he said; .' . "You may jrett assured that the methods employed in this school Will be the most modern know U) science. That only the moat competent leathers will be employed. That the amount you ex pond on it will te repaid an hundred fold." At the conclusion of his speech a num ber of thost pre Interesting tails I jct Frosn !..! Is an s t t U t' ? ' nt made short but ii favor of the pro nt in lotions the i f .. I t It it r t Jin Diving In Shallow Water. Sad Accident to Dr. Faulkner at , Dover. ' - Dover April 7 This community was greatly shocked today by the accident Or. Graham Faulkner, our young physU clan, who tonight was taken on the lo cal freight train, Buffering from paraly sis in his lower extremities, to Kit.- StOD. - . ' . . .. . ' The story is, that Dr. Faulkner call ed to see a pattbat at Maple Cypress, was afterwards invited to a sail on the river, On the boat, .the Doctor, the weather being warm decided to take a swim and diving into the water struck his head, thedpth of water being much leas than estimated. The shock caused paralysis of the lower limbs. Friends with care and haste carried the Doctor to Dover from there going to Kioaton hospital. . - The hope to that the shock is only temporary - - - 1 , .WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous ays tern and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladderT Have you pains in loina, side, back, groina and bladderT Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyeaT Too fre quent a desire to pass unneT If so, Wil liams' Kidney Pills will cure you-at Druggist, Price 60c, Williams' M'f g. Co., Props., Cleveland, 0. Torpedo Fleet Returns to Charleston. Unless some unavoidable circumstance prevented them from so doing, the three torpedo boats, Tihgey. Foote, and Bid- die and the torpedo destroyer Worden, which arrived in thla port Thursday afternoon, are now well on their way to the Charleston Navy Yard accompanied by the torpedo boat Dupon. which has been stationed here for several months. The fleet wilt atop enroute to their destination and fire a few whitehead torpedoes. '' -' ' Recess. Meeting Board ol Aldermen ' Last Night. Mayor McCarthy presiding, Aldermen present r A. H. Bangert. Wm. Ellis, J. H. Weddell,.H. W. Simpson, J. H. Smith, Wm. T, Hill and R.J. Disos- way. ; J ";v"v X Alderman Bangert read the report of the committee appointed by, the Mayor to wait on Wm. Dunn Sr., relative to tho purchase af the sewer in - Riverside and recommended the purchase at $500 on two years terms. . Upon motion of Alderman Hill the proposition was ac cepted and the Mayor and city clerk signed two notes in payment of the same.': '.' ' - : - '.- Uoon motion of alderman Hill and seconded by Alderman ' Disosway the portion of GriflUh street to be paved and avenue A. was ordered to be male the same width as that part of Griffith street ejready paved. R. A. Nunn ap peared before the Board relative to th proposition of the Norfolk Southern R tilway Company in regard to paving Hancock street, and protested against the acceptance of the same. Upon mo tion of Alderman Simpson the matter was deferred until Friday, April 14th, 1911. Matthew Hall appeared before the Board and asked for twelve leng h of fire hose, six for each Hre company Upon motion of AldeVman Simpson the present fire hose was ordered to be tested and the chairman oi tie nre de partment was empowered to advertise for bJs for twelve lengths of new hoe for tournament purpose. t Upon motion j of Alderman Ellis the Board took a re cess nntil 'Saturday at 11 o'clock. A Fth Aids 8citnca. ;r Tiere appear tu Im iio limit to ari entitle curlontty. laliy lu'Uer many. Not' nmg ago a wleuflut ol Leipzig, wlaiiliig lo aacertalu wbetlier fish are warmer than the water they live In, atuck a needle connected with a thermoelectric circuit Into a llvlua flab In an aquarium. The needle formed oue element of the circuit while the other eleaent was Immersed In the same water that contained the dsb. The letter was not seriously Injured by the needle and quickly , became ludlf ferent to It. Then as the fish swsm sbout, csrrytng the needle, the Ingen ious savant closed the circuit and kepl watch of the galvanometer, .it suow ed no deflection whatever, from which be concluded that the fish and the jea loai uw uu puu luv .precisely equal In tempera - ad either been warmer than a current would have, been water were ture, for bad the other generated In the circuit-Chicago Hec ord-Herald. - . ta polities tie -proof of the pudding Is the i'.atniiotloa of the elumt. the election. " The following committee wss appoin ted to munu the campaign of the Fam Life f.ilioul. I). P. V. Li! for I, J. g. t:,rton, Daa'l l C. V. I ' ' P.. A. Nunn, C ' ' ' :'t i) ! " . Negro Man Forces Payee's Name ' to Check And Secures Tho Mouey. J In the police court yesterday after noon' Jihn Thomas Aliens colored, and an old offender in '"police circled, was given a hearing on a rather serious change, that of forging the payee's name to a check and rtceiving Ihe mon ey for name. Probable cause was fouud and the defendant, bound over to the next term of Superior Court 'under a band of $160 in default of which he was committed to jail. - " Several days ago a colored man nam ed Capt. Hyman sent ;a number of logs to the Pine Lumber Compiny. A few daya la' ter Allen called at the of fice of the company and represented himself as being t he-man who sent the logs. Mr. W. F. Abberly, the treasur er of the company made out a check for the amount of $6,73 and gave it to him. Allen then went to Kennedy's drug store and asked Kennedy to cash the check, at the same time telling him that he could not write his rame but would make his mark. Kennedy wrote the payee's name on the back of the check and gave it to Allen to make his mark on it. After he had done this he gave him the cash. When the bona fide payee of the check put in his appearance the deception was discovered and the bogus Capt. Hyman located and placed under arrest. When asked whether he was guilty of the crime Allen replied that ho ' did not kn6w, that at the time the transaction occurred he was "foolish in the head. " This assertion will doubtless curry very litt'e weight when the case is brought before the Judge at the next term of court. ' Brazil. . The easternmost part of Brazil, owing to the sharp bend that part of the continent makes to the etist. Is really much ' nearer "'IS "the European conti nent than most Americans are apt to suppose from their study of ordinary maps. A line drawn due south from New York would fall to the west of the entire southern part of South America. . School News of The Week. It is hoped that in a week; or so We may have a contest in New Bern with with Kinston and in Washington Washington, The concret sidewalks are about fin ished and in another week the walks from building to building will be down and the unsightly piles of brick remov ed from the green. When the work is completed and the" low places in the centre of the green tilled, the entire ground will drain towards the street and the familiar "ponds" on the' green will be a thing of the past. Some few may have misunderstood the recent regulation 4n regard to vc cination. No pupil will hereafter f rt m April 1st, be allowed to enter echo 1 t.t all unless successfully vacctnnated This applies to this year, net and on Pupils who will be six years old neX'. fall must be -vacctnnated before they can enter school. In other words no pupil will be allowed at tchool, at all, at any time, who has not been success fully vaccinated. , -; . -- , ' l " Eridos In losland. A quaint old hiiicykiI;Ioii In licliiu la that every bride muni liivlte'nll liei friends1 to n dinner In her own Woiim and every article of food nmxi be pre pared by the bride hetnelf. If she i eucvewful In pleasing ber guests she not only receives praise for ber ovvu skill, but helps along her younger wix ters, who are then Hsnmed to be equally good at -cooking nud coime queutly haven much better eliauce of getting married.- .' Woolgathering. "For one's wits to, go woolgather ing" Is an alluxiou to a pitiful Indus try sometimes seen In older countries, In parts of Frauce, Germany ajid Bpaln very old people are sometimes employed In gathering , wool from bushes In sheep pastures, where It has been plucked from the fleece as the animals pass too close to tber branches. I ' . . . . The Successful Career. - of a young man or woman depends upon properly investing surplus earn lugs while possible t so do. Procrasti- I nation has caused th loss of millions, , . ,, -- , ., fc , - 1 wh,1 -Wly ipent in youth creates f wnt w o1'' ' . There's a wav out of all this. A few dollars Invested monthly in the NEW BERN BUILDING.& LOAN ASSOCIA TION (est. 18Sa and one of the best conducted associations In the eountry)la the desideratum. Willy'ou gratp the opportunity that lies before you. or sleep on while others make good? Tb April Series now on sale by the umlertigned for further particulars, call, sd.lrees or phone. W, G. DOYD, Agent. T'.kA EuilJin Telephone Offieo 40 Over Martin of Virginia Accused Of Being -Bailey's Tilend. V'-Protest Meeting Ueldl ' : ' Washington, April 7 -Diicord opened briach )n thrrnkiiiftlji Democratic Senators On the surface it wasa fight over the selection of a floor leader, but . helowtbat was the mt important take of Democratic membership on the . .... 1 inance Committee. , Senator Martin (Dem., Va.)hasbeen brought forward as a "compromise" leader. His campaign fl "Urishtd until the Democratic friends of tariff revision accord with the Denver platform were seized with the suspicion that Mar in was allied with SenatorJ3ailey (Dem Texa-v) a conservative. It was discov ered that Martin had voted a number of times with Aldrirh on certain schedules in the Payne-Aldrich Tariff bill, and he was declared to be friendly to big busi ness interests. ' As evidence of their strength, the anti Martin forces declared that 19 of the 41 Democratic Senators allied to their cause attended a .meeting in the office of Senator Kern (Dem, Ind.) It was explained that Shiveley (Dem. ml,) who was r.bsent because of illness and Martine (Dem. N. J.), who also was flot present, were against Martin. On that showing ' the anti-Martints would havB 21 votes a majority. The sentiment against the' Virginian was saiil to have been particularly strong among new Democratic Senators, many of whom came from doubtful States and were anxious that there be no flaw in t?ie party record on the tariff bill, While these advanced tariff revision ists and advocates of reciprocity star.d together in their opposition to Martin, they have not united upon a leader of their own, Former Leader, Culberson (Dem. Texas) was considered, but it is said he. declines to be a candidate. Stone (Dem., Mo.) haa a following and may be brought, forward. s ..Martin'jj .ppponentasay 4hereu is no reason for hasty action, -The calling of i conference rests with Senator Shive ley, vice-chairman under Money (Dem,, Miss.), who retired on Mach4. It may not be held for several days. Makes Everything New. Old kitchen chairs, old furniture, old closets, old bureaus, when worn out made new again at a cost of 15 to 20 cents with a can of either Home Finish Domestic Paint, Home Finish L. & M, Varnish, or Home Finish L. & M. Varn ish Stain. Directions for use on each can. Any body can use it, - Get it from Gaskill Hardware & Mill Supply Co., New Bern, N. C. Delegates to Diocesan Council. The following gentlemen were elec ted by Christ Church Vestry, this city, tp at tend the Diocesan Council at Fy etteville on May 20ib. . Delegates G. H Hoberts, Judge H. R. Bryan, E. K. Bishop, Ihr. H. M Bonner. : ' Alternates W. Dunn, Jr. T. D. Wir ren, II. is. bmith, M, Uissosway. ' - ' When Hi Wn Bad. It Ii:ih Iimi snid that yon uever know a iii.iu tin vou trifvel with him. and :-ui'inliit.v trnvrlitig has a tendency to iirinu out. nil the depravity Innate in fiiuuiau niiture, out of this test, how ever. Iteiilauiin DlHrnell emerged with flying oolorn. This Is what waa said oi him by Mr.'. Austen, who with ber bushuriil traveled with him when he was quite fl yoiiiig man, -as related In Mr. MouyiH'uny's biography:, , -Vour brother." she says (the letter was addretwed to Disraeli's1, slsten. "Is so easily pleased, so accommodating. so h musing and so actively klud that 1 ahull alwaya reflect upon the domes tic pnrt ot our. "journey with the great est pleasure. Your brother has -be haved excellently, except when there is a'hutton. ur. rather, buttons, to be put on his ahlrt: then he Is violently bad, and this happens almost dally." A Matter For Quick Action.' ' A week or so ago the Lyceum Course was reported as being behind $5 70 for the year. Since that time $5.00 has been received from a purchaser of season ticket leaving the final deficit only 70 cents. In the next 60 days all who desire a Lyceum Course for next vear wiii be Biven tmj oDDortunity to .ui,rihe foe tickets. A verv favora- - - - ble chanc8 for , Me,ent course has been made by a proposition to have the B8me attractions at New IWrn, Wash ington and Elizabeth City. And in cane all three take the course,' special terms Have been offered oh the entire course. Washington has already decided the matter and will take the' course as of- ferfd .The proposed course is from all indications bel ter than lent year and includes a lecture by Richmond Pesrson Hodson nf Merrlmao fam.e. '; jf w, want m c mra with the best tai.-rH H is necensary 16 arrange .for it tirly or the attractions wanted may be Ball Game, and Spelling Pee Be tween Pupils of the Two f Graded Schools. In the game of base ball between the local Hich School IntrtonUiiih1 School team, which, was played yesterday afternoon at the' col- ored ball toark, the .local team won bv a score of 7 to 2 - The, game was scheduled to be called t 3 o'clock, and Jong before that time the fans and fanessf s began to arrive. When the teams arrived and began to warm up" both of the grand stands were tided with cheering humanity. Shortly after three o'clock umpire Lyle Smith walked out on the diamond and called'the game. In the first inning New Bern failed to score while Washington made one lun. In the second inning New Bern made 2 runs while the Washington boys failed to get a hit. In the third inning New Bern scored another run and Washing ton again failed to cross the plate. Du ring the remaining five innings tho pitchers on both teams got down to real ball playing and not a single run was made. Bell and Howel', ' the batteries for the local team, although they made sev ral errors, Bhowed that they have the making of good ball player's in them and by their fast work carried their team to victory. Flanner, of the local team seemed lo have a fascination for con- ecting hi bat with the ball and made several long drives which brought forth much applause from the spectators. Seymour Hancock, first baseman for the locals also showed up well and re ceived considerable applause. Morgan and 'Gardner did the pitching and receiving for the visitors, and but for the fact that they havo had but very little practice lately, would have given the locals a harder fight The other members of the team did some good work at times and were loudly applaud ed by their followers. The Griffin building was prettily dec orated last night, the occasion being the final contest between the Washington and New Bern schools, as represented by eight from each school, who in a pelting bee in tha auditorium gave a most interesting double session, twenty minutes each. Prof. Moser most ac- eptably giving out the words to the ppsllers. It was an exciting time to the friends of each side, rather noisy at times, as the enthusiasm overcame the spectators. It was a close contest, and perhaps stage fright led t New Bern's defeat I y a rcora of 17 mispelled words to Wasuingion'8 16. There was some good music and Prof. Craven gave a few very fine stereopti can views, all making a very pleasant occasion. A reception ended a day that must have given pleasure to both trie- visitors and those who enjoyed their coming. Such gathering are helpful uutsii'e of their social features. Judg ing from expressions heard the Wash ingtonians had a good time. Certainly they will e welcome again. Ladies, would you have your rooms look clean, cozy and coolr l hen try ii. f. b Klat.wau rinisn, phone or write us for coior cards J. S: Basnieht Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St., Phone 9, ; "The Texas ef Europe." In the reminiscences of Mrs. T. P, O'Connor, 'l Myself," the author tells of ber Bret meeting with Ileury James, wfeom she calls ''a sort of Massachu setts Sir Galahad:" . ' The first time I met htm I sat next him at a dinner. I bad just come to London, aud he asked me if I liked It. I said I hadn't made up my mind, and he said I would-that lu London you were allowed every Independence ef opinio and actfbn.-only you must con tribute something socially beauty (and be bowed very courteously to me, and I bowed very prettily to him) or wit or ngreeableness fend then Loudon ac cepted you.' 1 said: "History repet Itself. In Texas, where I was born, they say a man la not asked bis nationality.- bis rellglou or his politics, but ouly If be Is a good fellow." "Ah," said Mr. James, "then London Is thv Texas of-Europe." , '' ' Jolted Mark Twain. "Mark Twain," said a magailne ed itor, -brought out "Joan of Arc' anony inously. Before be acknowledged It authorship be sometimes Untied for compliments about it. Oue evening tt a dinner he said carelessly to a sou ator: - ','.".- .'"' ''Are you a novel readert " 'Yes. a. great novel -reader,' was the reply. " -"'I don't suppose you're following that auouyuious uew serial, "Joau of Arcr" "'Indeed I am, though, every In stallment.' "What do you think of lt Is It good? "That's hardly a fair question to ask me.' the senator, whu knew the book's rVml author, replied. "You -e, Pwner, Lefsees . Architect , Contractor . Decorator . Special Director . W.B. Blades. . Lovick & Taylor. . H. W. Simpson Harrison S Hancock. . R. B. Blalock. . . E. T. Berry, E'eotric Light, New Bern Electric and Supply Co. New Bern's new theatre. "The Ath ens," will open tomorrow night, and the opening will be an event in the growth of ihe city, as the new play house is one of the finest in its class in the South and is finished inside and out side in the highest degree of beauty and perfection, is fireproof and sanitary and complete in every way. The theatre is situated on Po'lock St. west of the Elks Temple, and the front is of yellow br.ck with much decorative work. There are hundreds of electric lights and a large electric sign showing the name of the theatre in red lights. and also two flaming arc lamps of 4,000 candle power each. The front entrance is in tiling and the mosaic settings in the floor represent "Tragedy" and "Comedy." The theatre is owned by Mr. Wm. B. Blades, and the lessees are Lovick and Taylor. Architect, H. W. Simpson, has the credit for the design of the struct ure and has worked out the problem to an entire success. -The contractor was Harrison S. Hancock, and the work speaks, for itself. The cost was about 125,000. - ; Entering the theatre the attractive interior is seen to have a scheme of col or in green, the walls, furniture, seats aud drawings being in that color. The theatre accommodates 700 people, of which the balcony -provides room for 200. The stage is 41x26 feet, and the stage or curtain opening is 21x2(i feet and from the floor of the stage to the gridiron is 50 feet high. There are six dressing rooms, toilet and lavatory and property room with bricit extension at the rear of the Btage, and the stage will accommodate any theatrical troupe coming into the State. The drop cur tain represents 'Ben Hur Chariot Race' and with the scenery, was furnished by the Kansas City Scenic Co., and - is all very elaborate. At the sides of the stage are 4 boxes, 2 on each side, seating 24 persons in all. The chairs are of mahogany and leath er, and the finish of the boxes is rich, the hanging and gilt railing being very attractive. The seats in the house are com fort a ble and are five ply veneer. The veri" tilation has been especially attended to by eight ventilators in the ceiling, and there are nine exits, and a nre escape raV the balcony. The house is heated by steam, there are two lines of ' fire hose ready for use and gis as art, auxil- liaay light, the house being lighted by electricity, and will always be lighted sufficiently to te convenient when pict ures are on the screen. , On the stage is a mammoth switch board with the latest improved "dim mers" for the stage, with separate switch for each separate circuit in the house, a switch board in the office at the front controls the light in the front of the building.' : The picture screens for moving pict ure shows is hung ten feet Lack on the stage, and flanked by scenery adds to the realistic effects of the pictures. The picture screen is aluminum or . "silver light. The picture service is the best sssociation picture service and the vau deville the Lest obtainable. There are two Edison latest improved machines with outside shutters, making the pict urea flick erles and harmless to the eye, The orchestra will ''play to the pict ures," as it is termed There will be daily ma'inees at 3:30 o'clock. The admission price will be 5, 10 and 15 cents. The opening .night will attract a large atldimce anxious to be present on the occasion. ' Announcement. I hereby at once announce myself a tafu candidate, and may I now thank my many friends for past patronage. I now shall cut prices on all kinds of sawed shingles, a large stock on hand. must be sold by April 14th; will cl out cheap as I expect to make some change in my buainess. You win and I i. ':''.;"'. I. . . BIG HILL The Shingle Man. China's Rtllglana, To tfie ranging eye the fruits bmngbt forth by the religion of China appear to be numberless temples, dingy and neglected; countless dusty Idols' pni traylng hideous deities In violent attl tude expressive of the worst pbshIoo Sn army of Ignorant prlents, as skep tlcnl as Roman tugim, engaged la dl fining, exorcising and furnlNhlng fu neral ceremonle" for guln. and a lulty. superstitious and Irreverent, given to perfunctory kotowing ar-1 fm r Jroir;,tr:l 1 y t! .3 Ii t ' ' t -C Ou Trade With This '.'-Country Average Specific liate ; Doubled. Yokohama, April 10 Just Xvhat the Japanese tariff that will go into effect in July will mean to the American and other foreign importing houses doing business in the Mikado's empire, i dif ficult to say. Generally, however, the duties on all imported goods are largefy increased in many instances doubled by the new law, and foreign firms will face a tariff not for revenue only, as heretofore, but one in which the princi ple of protection haa been made para mount, v England will suffer most in th's gen eral shako up that will follow the in troduction of the new schedules. Great Britain exports annually something like $45,000,000 to Japan, the bulk of which arrives in the form of shirtings, sheet ings and ammonia sulphate. The United States, however, is a far better cu Corn er of Japan's than Great Britain, buy-1: ing about $02,500,000, Japanesa tea, raw silk, piece goods, porcelains and linen drawn work last year. Japan would l:ke to cross the Pacific and buy from her best and nearest customer: but : English goods are cheap sr. S it is that in spite of her superiority of trade volume the United States, because of her own tariff wall, is a t disadvantage in competing with a free trade country like Great Britain and finds her hands tied when it comes to asking for trade concessions. This is especially so when it comes to asking for trade concessions This is especially so when one remem bers that tho highest rates imposed by the American tariff are levied on Jap- .... anese products. : uespite tnis iaci, ana the apparent indiffererce of the United States to her Oriental trade, Japan has not retaliated. Cotton, the largest sin gle item of her trade with America, was on the free list in the old tariff, and re mains there in the new, ' Keroseno oil, in the new schedules. One feature of the new tariff is tho increase in specific rates over the old. There are more classifications as well. The average specific rate is more than double the present. In all there have been 1,014 specific articles provided for in the new law, and only 445 ad valorem rates. There are about 250 articles specially provided for in the present law that the new schedules have no men tion of, but the tariff contains rates for 625 that are not referred to in the pres ent, a difference of 875 items. One hun dred and ninety-one items have been changed in the new law from ad valor em to specific duties, and 28 additional items have been placed on the free list that do not enjoy exemption from tax ation in the present law, Tho average specific rate is raised from yen 14.27 sen to yen 33.90 sen, while the average ad valorem rate has been raised but 1 per cent., from 30 to 3L The highest ad valorem rate in the hew law is 855 per eent, on cigars, cig arettes and cut tobacco, now assessed at 250 per cent. The lowest rate is 3 per cent, on marine glue pitch, now as sessed at 30 per cent. Bull, oxen, cow and buffalo hides have been placed on the free list. Food tuffs, such as fresh vegetables and meats have been but little changed in . the new schedules. Perfumed watere of all kinds are heavily taxed, 90 yen per hundred kin being the rate. newspaper Makes Its Appearance. The East Carolina Industrial Weekly an eight page, four eolum newspaper. published by the E. J, Land Printing Company, made its Initial bow to the public yesterday afternoon. ' Among the other polities of the paper they put tha ban on whiskey advertisements, saying in their salutatory that they do oot intend to "hold the cup to our bro thers lips" through their columns. We with the new publication and its edi tors much success. "1 r i) I ( I Drip Ccffeecan, not be. made, unless the. cxtf fee itself is .pre j)artd, blended and roasted ac cording to tilt famous French (method., Use ) ( ) ( Tor r r-.' f r H t ''1 i limned in oi'.'-r ! ut-s an 1 out of n I vi rote "Jonu of Arc" i ;-:r.'

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