" i : ThePeoples Bank NEW BERN. 4 o:paid; ON o SAVINGS PRESENT DAY BUSINESS MEEDS. "V.The growth this bank has enjoyed since its establishment is the Best evidence that the service rendered is in " accordance with 1 present day business needs. - We welcome the manufacturer, the merchantsthe .farmer, the : Salaried clerk and the day laborer as customers, assuring each one of a courteous, prompt and safe service regardless of the size of his account. J :- ;.;.: - :,,. There is not one of (he above classes of people which would not ? receive numerous idvaiitsges frcm trenir.g an. account .with this 1 tank subject te check and adopting this safe and convenient plan of paying all expenses. - ? ' - " ; WM.DUNN . . PR EST. . CD.BRADHAM VICE PR EST. DANIELS IHEWBERRY J V LIVESTOCK CO. , JUST RECEIVED ' VT? A CARLOAD K A JUST RECEIVED M L E S S. Front-Street, NEW BERN BUILDING The attention i of the New Bern public is invited to the fact that the next series of the NEW BERN BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION opeus April 1st, and that no better or safer investment is offered for their favorable consider ation. The stock of this popular investment is now on sale through the agency of the undersigned who will be pleased to explain Its merits and method of operation to anyone interested. , - , . - w. G. BOYD, Elks Building, . . .. , Telephones: Office 400,1 Home 259. (ha us of t good laxative, to keep the. bowels open and prevent the poisons of 'undigested food from gettinginto your system. ' - - - The latest product lA science Is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gen'ut, reliable and of a pleasant, aromatic taste. Velvo acts on the liver, s well as on th (toBUCii and bowels, and Is of the greatest possible efficacy in constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, feverlshness, collc,natulence, etc. Try ' . VFl U U LJ For Planting Burt or 90 day .Rust Proof, Native and Western. . White Spring. : For Feed White, Mixed; : N c. STRONG 'COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE TA.UZZELL . CA5HIER New Bern, N. C. & BBS Uncle Sam with his estimated seventy five million population can not make a better selection in case of war, than you can to make your seleotion from our stock of 'Hand-made Buggies and - Carriages. Come to see us. ; " Yours to please, . . ' - G. S. Waters & Sods BROAD STREET ' ' NEW BERN, N. C. LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP IE) i ll r,) (mi ILLINOIS CORN GR0W . ER-WINS W. K. EEL LOGG NATIONAL TROPHY R. A. James of Charleston, III is the Winner of the $1,000 cup Grows Best Ear in the 3,125,713,600 Bushels . of Last Year's 1 -1 4, j j ,, r.Ti '') V &.1 Form 4 R. A. James, Winner of W. K. Ketyogg Trophy, with the Trophy and the 1910 Champion Ear - V R. A. James, of Charlestcn. 111., has the proud distinction of having grown the l;et e irof corn in all the 3,125,713, 6)9 b(isht-!s of last year's bumper crop At the National Corn Show just held a'. Columbus, Ohio, this gentleman was awarded tie W. K. Kellogg Notionn Corn Tro; hy, d-n.at.ed in 1909 by W. K. Kellogg, president of the Kellogg Toast- 3 s it S- fit 't.' , Z( 'f Ci W..aW-jj iorm 1 The W. K. Kellogg National Corn Trophy 1 ed Cam El.ike Co. of Battle. Cretk Mich. ' ' .' - r.:t Thousanis of the ears of corn from all purti of the country anJ of all varle ties were fntercd in ..the competition. The selection of the- gfand champion Sweep-stakes and the award of the Kel logg trophy: were made on general points of superiority.'. : 'I ;(.. ..'; The ear of corn grown by Mr. - Jamss is of Reid'a Yellow J)ent variety.' It is 10 inches long, Tj'njhas in bircumfer ence, and has 27 rows of kernols, 6 t' the Inch in the row, average i of an inch In depth, and 5-15 of an insh In width.- Il is indeed a very correct type Lof yellow 3ent corn. , V; :; . - ' Mr. Jam's, the winner, is a.vigorom farmer ub fat 4') years of age and of pleasing personality, a' man who has given carfc.'ul atuJy to c"rn culture; and who h an a :hleve1 hia succ 83 ai a gran I champion vuirter only by yeira of hard work and .jiinstlliing seed selection and careful breeding fro n season to season. Illinois ( towers are especially elated oyer the r s'ul' for the reason that lb s is the first tithe in four year? that i fie hor.ors hav ' been w.rcsted from the state of Itdiaria List year s champion ear the first oner of the Kellogg trophy, was giowi by-- Mr.- Fred Q.j Palin, of Newton, I d. It-was also of Reid's f-e tlie1 ilicw. .MokI p( ' it nf the present trtiiy find heriier k" ju n t:ime If not nliopethor lUiiih'tmtid kI1uh'. : lurf there wire times wli- rt ft1 win exciting, and in tui fomii' y fis well ns Kiiglnmt.'.Piir Ing th)' involution a drama. ""The Blofknde f"Hoton.Vtvriii lieing per formed by r.riilsh snldlerH In a theater of thai c'-fr. in the course ftf one of the acts ;i (5er(reilpf; niBhid on the stage wit! n it hi hnt and shouted: "The rebei: Thtf reMs! , They're tit tacking lb heck.'V The audience np plnuded ihi actur'a fervor, not renll; ing until H few nilinites after, when they hcnrd'th" tumnd f "drums, that he wflU warning 'them of "Hn. actunl hnppenIn2V r The actors had to run H o their duty. . . ' ' ." Lame Shoulder ia nearly always due to rheumatism 'f the muscles, and quickly yields fci-thrt free application of Chambcrlain'a Liniment, -l'or salo' by all dealers.' V ' , . An Uphill Job. ' ;. f. llnn't yfiii wIhIi yon could live llfu over itL'fif m '? rVrrT-Well. I 1 m( t"i l'r (-.it n Iccnty ymir Bumper Xrop. Yellow Dent variety, cr f sed with Al exander Gold Standard. Last year's prizewinner in the most perfectly form ed ear of the two, though it requires a careful judge to distinguish the points of superiority. The trophy awarded to Mr. James was made by Tiffany, of New York, LEor Mr. W. K. Kellogg, U a cost of $1,000. It is made of Sterling silver, bronze and enamels, and is a truly ar tistic creation. It stan da 30 inches in height. Mr, Kollogg's interest in corn growing can be understood when it is stited that the Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake Co., of which he is president, has an output requiring 10,000 bushels of corn a day, raw product, for its manu faature. A peculiar feature if that the Kellogg product is maJe ex clusively from selected white corn, the Kellogg trophy has been won each time by a yellow corn exhibit. The trophy is offered for annua I competition unt il i'orm 3 World' Beit Ear J Coro V..'.'' ' - for 1910 won twite by the iami grower. The National Corn Show at which the award was made, was an event of trt -mdous magnitude.. .At one of ike session? , President Taft was present endxlelivered an address. Don't Quarrel. -. Quarreling will spoil a good appetite cmciter than ; anything else in the worlcL-Attblson Globe. .i i i ....' 'U :WGMEN Women of the highest type, women of mperior education and refinement, whose discernment hand judgment give weight and force to Uieir opinions, k highly praise- the wonderful corrective 'and curative properties of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throughout the many stages of woman's: life, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother hood to the declining years, there is ta afcr or more rt'ia'Je mcJ- i t i s l. ' j ere 19 lh3cWZi II 1 CRUSHING A NAT1C& - Th Catnbray League and tha Fall of . tha Venetian Rapublio..tur,ju :Tt)e League of Cambrsy was the po litical combination of continental Eu rope In 1508 against the Venetian re public, which tore from the "Queen of the Adriatic", her resplendent crown and forced to her lips the cup of deep est humiliation. ; - ; Back of the league and causing Its formation were Jealousy, ambition and the desire of crippling the proud, peo ple, whose history was-the wonder and envy of the world. Too powerful to be overthrown by any single -power,' It was resolved that Venice should M crushed by the combined forces of all Europe. . . . .. k, During the terrible days of Attlla, about A. I). 4,ri3. Venice was founded out iinimiK tli lagoons of the Adriatic, where. It was felt,' safety would be found from the ravages of the Hun. The lilstui-y of the thousand years from the foundation of the city to the year 15D8 rends like magic. Rising from the waves. VenU-e became the wonder of tvlUe. world. Iler navy cut the waters of every known sea. Her merchants were the greatest on earth. Her bank was the financial center of the world. Her palaces, which seemed to be float ing upon the blue waters of the Adrl ntlc. were the envy of the kings and queens of the continent. Wealth, fash ion, splendor their abode was Venice. And so for more than ten centuries did Venire remain the glory of the world, (he center of wealth, opulence and power, the home of culture and intelligence, the hearthstone about which sat the finest of the Intellectual graces and hospitalities, and such she might have remained but for the League of Cambray, which, with Its overwhelming forces gave her the blow (nt Agnadello In 1500) from which it was impossible for ber to recover. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Foa Backache Kionsys mo Sladdcn Impertinence. Mr. Todgers Why have you sent Maria, the servant girl, away so sud denly? You told me yesterday that she was the best girl you ever had. Mrs. Todgers She's an Impertinent hussy. I wanted to borrow her rub bers, and she said she waa afraid I couldn't get themQn. ONE CONDUCTOR HKLPED BACK TO WORK. Mr, Wiiford Adams is his name, and he writes: "I was confined to my bed with chronic rheumatism and used two bottlea of Foley's Kidney Remedy with good effect. The third bottle put me on my ieet ana 1 resumed work as conduc tor on the Lexington, Ky.. Street Rail way. It will do all you claim in cases of rheumatism." It clears the blood of uric acid. F. S. Duffy. An Authority. Peter McArtbur was once talking with a friend when be quoted another man as a financial authority. His friend disputed the right of tha per son quoted to be considered an expert Mr. Mc Arthur insisted tha i1 the man had a right to speak like an oracle. "What is your definition of an au thority V asked- his friend. "My Idea of an authority." retorted Mr. McArtbur. "Is a person who bluff beyond myjlmit." THE SOUND SLEEP OF GOOD HEALTH. Cannot be overestimated and any ail ment that prevents it is a menace to health. J L Southers, Eau Claire, Wis. says; "I have been unable to sleep soundly nights, because of pains across my back and soreness of my kidneys My appetite was very poor and my gen eral condition was much run down. 1 have been taking Foley's Kidney Pills but a short time and now sleep as sound as a rock, my general condition is great ly improved, and 1 know that Foley Kidney Pills have cured me."-sK. S. Duffy. A 8ad Awakening. In one of Theodore Hook's stories the bridegroom, departing with his bride for their honeymoon, Is disturb ed by a continual tapping on the floor of the postcbalse. It begins to both er him exceedingly. "What the deuce Is that noise?" at last he mutters. "It Is nothing, darling," answers the bride sweetly, "it is only my wooden leg." Only that and nothing more. She had got accustomed to it from long use, but the information put him out ex ceedingly and caused a coolness which was permanent ' ',v Ohildren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A ' a -. . ' Buooasa. The talent of sucreRs Is no more than doing what you can do well without a thought of fame. Longfellow. : Good results always follow the use of Folev Kidney Pills. They give prompt relief in all cum of kidney and blad der disorders. Try them. F. 8 Duffy, When Baronets Wara Bold. - It was lu the nlgn of good Kins James that naronpta Brut rame Into eilatenr. Today you could hardly M a baronet from a banker. But In th year 1011. when James I. needed read money and created 200 "little barons" to supply him with cash, they swag gored abont Id their baldrics and sash ea and behaved In the courtliest ot fashion. Each baronet In order to Justify - his title bad to maintain a small army of thirty soldiers for three years. In thls'wsy the crafty king not only Increased his revenue, but actually lightened his expenses. It Is not generally known that the title of "baronetess" has twice been bestowed on women. One of these was the mother of a Dutch geueral. The other was a Nottingham lady named Dame Maria Rolle. who won her way Into the good graven of 'Charles I. and received the tit lo from bis haml. Lonrton Tit Hits. 7:7r ? Ple'ase Read Th( The following letter from Mrs. Orville Rock' will -prove hovr tit it ia for women tojsubniit to the dangers of a surprtcal operation wi may be avoided 1y taking Lydia E. Knkham'a Vegetable (Jomp. She Wa four weeks In the, hospital and'eamo home enfiv worse than before.' Then, .after all that suffering Lydia E. J ham's Vegetable Compound restored her health. HEBE IS HER OWN STATEMENT. 2i'lwPa;Mieli."Two yoars ago I eufi very severely-wltn be on my feet for a long- time.- My phys treated me for several months without muc lief, and at last sent me to Ann Arbor fur a i eratinn. I waa there four weeks and came I sofferine worse rvised me to try umpouna, ana i atu. Lo-iny l nm wci strons and do all my own housework. I o health,, to Iordia.Er'Pinkham'g Vegetable pound and advise every woman who is nfn with any female complaint to try it." Orville Bock, B. B. No. 5, Paw Paw, Mich There never Rockport, Ind.- There never was a worse case of wov ills than mine, and I Cannot begin to tell you what I suf f For over two years I was not able to do anything. I was in for a month and the doctor said nothing but an operation vi enre-me. My father suggested liydla E. Pinkham's Vegei Compound; so to please him I took it, and X improved woi fully, so I am able to travel, ride horseback, take Ion? rid never feel any ill effects from it. I can only ask other sufft women to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comiound a before submitting to an operation." Mrs. Margaret Mere B. F. D. No. 3, Bockport, Ind.x , We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will pro' us that these letters are not genuine and trutliful-or that eitli, these women were paid in any way for their testimonials, or tha letters are published without their permission, or that the. ori letter from each did not come to For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female Ills. No sick woman does Justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. . "s Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Tha Kaiser's Arch. : " V TJnter der LlDilen. Berlin's beautiful boulevard, is divided from the Thier- garten, Berlin's park, by the Branden- burger gate. The gate has five arches, which are taxed with traffic; but, de spite this fact, the central arch Is re served for the use. of the kaiser. It does not matter whether the kaiser be in Germany, in Norway, in Italy or at sea, woe t the German whose carriage passes through the sacred central por tal of the Brandenburger gate. . Two soldiers and two state policemen are constantly on watch every hour of the day and night Chicago Post , CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haie Always Bought Bears tha Signature of The Easy Part- Teacher After all the trouble I have taken yon are most Imperfect In your lesson, surely you could not have found It so hard to learn.'. mpii it wasn't because It waa so hard to learn, teacher, but because it was so easy to lorget' y LA healing salve for burns, CHAPPED HANDS' AND. - . SORE NIPPLES ; s v v As a healing salve for burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped bands Cham berlain s Salve is most excellent. It allays the pain of a burn almost instant ly, and unless the injury is very severe, heals the parts without leaving; a scar Price, 25 cents. For sale by all deal ers. '-.! ' " V; . - - Had. Good Raaaon to Worry. They are telling this story of the pas tor of a metropolitan church who has made a study of palmistry and kin dred subjects: "-. , ' , . A woman came to him and begged that he read her liana." T3be"was a spinster, and sn Interesting network of lines bad spread over, ber palm wltb the years. . Tb minister -decided to give ber a bit of advice." "You should never ! think of mar rlage," he sald -'. b , , "l don't" replied the spinster prompt ly; "I worry' about lt"New-4ferk Tribune"' ''-iyytf '. ..' ; " :, : Xlinalce All Round: "Oh, yes, I proposed, but when I through she shook ber bead." " ' "But surely that didn't discourage you." ... . ' v 'Well, no, not as much as the fact that her father came along and shook bis flafExchange. . . la cases of rheumatism relief from ain makes ' sleea and rest pony i pie, his may be obtaind by applying Cham ber ain's, Liniment, For sale by dealers. . , ; .' ! . ' . , . . A Cauae of Drowning. In awlruming under a blazing sun the body Is submerged at a low tem perature, while the full force of tlie sun beats on the unprotected li'-nd. To aiM to the obvious dangers of nm h a MnN' of things the blood l foreed tutu the head by the'' pumping urtimi of the limbs lu swimming, thim thu-'-z arterfea in other t utii of the I be overlil! 1.' T ' i ' ten a vl..: f t ' ' v . f ' 1 I y . " ' tie wo Letters. a alBulaoement I coul than before. 3Iv mothe Lydiat E. l'inkliam'H Vegro was a worse case." us entirely unsolicited.; SOUTHERN n set: i . - ': i NEW TRAINS BETWEI, NEW YOEK, WASniN; AUGUSTA and JACKSON Effec ive November 27, 1. SOUTHERN RAILWAY will i feet new train service betwet York, Washington, Augusta ui sonville, schedule of which will follows: . ! No. 31. Lv. New York . 1 Ar. Washington 6:1 Lv.. Washington ' 6:: Ar. Augusta via Blaekville 11:1 Lv. AuguBta via Trenton 11 Ar. Jacksonville i No. 32. Lv. Jacksonville ,' 9: Ar. Augusta via . , - Trenton 3.i Lv. Augusta via ; Blaekville , '3. Ar. Washington' Lv Washington - 8 : Ar. New York " 2: The above trains will be kno SOUTHERN'S SOUTH E A!; LIMITED and will consist of Pullman Sleeping Cars, also Di Service. This train as well as SOUTHERN RAILWAY TR.' arrive and depart from the N sylvania Station, Seventh Ay Thirty-Second Street,. New Yi For all information pertiiinii same, address the undersigned , H. F. CARY, Gen. Pass. A ' Washington, FOLEYiRIDNEYI roaMsuMATibmoHi3Mu Lake Drummond Canal t Co. Lake Drummond Tranr; :,.,' CO. : Lake Drummond To v, ', Dismal r -j Ca nal An Inland Rout Protected ! t Nine Feet of Water Minin. rot Always. : Quick Transit for TruIIV. Towing and Freight V. -r.-For tolls, towing and (V apply at olRce in Senboa; t i Ing and at Deep Creek I.- M. K. King, Pres. J. A. " 1, B.. Baxter, i J. T. Whitthurst, Tr; Norfolk Office. T ' all lllllklwll' I tr.-j r:" the to ciyiEi'.; t ii "X. mm mm i

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