-'- . ' 1 rlAA I ttfttl No." 6 NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. FRIDAV APRIL; 21. 19irSECOND SECTION - ' : . . ... . , 34th. YEAR IIE0AF- BULLETS CROSS TRENT RIVER - TER 42 YEARS PLAMES ARE SAFE THE F SUPPORT TAFT Ji L1 4rs " . JVL 0 WHERE AERQ unfair, wmm AGE OF RA1LR0ABS BOTH PARTIES 1110 RAILROAD GO ITJSUHREGTQS SUF FER SEVERELY In Trying to ' Rescue Prisoners . ; From Federals, Who Losif!r. - Fow Men, " j phihuahun, Mexico April 17 Forty or more insurrtctoa .were., killed and over lOtt wounded in a battle fought be tween Sauz and Santa Clara Canyon. bout 50 miles north of here, according . . to Federal couriers. The ' couriers brought orders to havii hospital oota ready for the Federal wounded. The Federals report five ... , ki led,Uh"t later developments are expected to change the figures, A number! of wo men and children ard,' believed to be among the kl led," v' ; . ' .-. ' Coming serosa from Casas Grandee on their way to Chihuahua with piitoiers under Gen. Luii Valdez, tbV Federate, followed by about 100 refugees, .were attacked.; "'' '' .:rX-" "x Wv''-.-.'': ;'' - Five hundred .fnsurrectns under Gen,, erals Orozo and -V ill had been mstruc : ted by Francisco Madero to head off the, Cases Grandea oontinget.t and if .- possible capture and release the prison , era. v" '!' $'.-" ?t.1;': The fight occut r. d on' a hacienda as the prisoners, shackled together by .-ropes, and the rqmen and children re fugees, weary from the long tramp,' - were scattered jn a long,; broken line. The Federals Immediately responded with heavy firing nnl ptacfd the prison ers and non-corubfltants under protf ct : ion. J The fighting continued for Several hours, and resulted In the sending nort h from here of 'General Rabago with 600 reinforcements. ' 'j ..'' "7- ' f ' The extent of the figh becamo known when r'derless horses arrived here with ; evidences of having left the front in a stampede. So far as is known, none of the prisoners, among whom are believ . ed to be many Americans,, was wound ; ed, and none escaped, although these statements are based on unofficial re ports. t:. -' s. - .-.'' Rheumatism Relieved in Six Houri Dr. Dotch'on'a relief for Rheumatism osaally relieves severest cases in a Jew hours. Its action upon the system Is remarkable and effective, ' It removes at once the cause and the diseasti quick ly disappears.' First doso greatly bene fits. 76c and $1.00. Sold by Bradbam Drug Co. - , . Frank Sanders Now in Craven County Jail." . B.F. Sanders.of Newport, who skip ' pVthis bond at the last term of the U S. Federal Court , in thW city and who ''has been at large since that time was " captured near Morehead 'Ci y Sunday ' afternoon byDputy Marshal Lilly and Deputy Sherilr L. , H -. Frlow , was brought to this cjty yesterday morning and placed in the', county jail for safe keeping until his trial comes up at the next term of the U. S. Court When he was arrested Sunders was in a buggy " with his wifn anl children and made no resistance. ' I1. David Croc&ett. v Dayld Crockett was born In Tennea ee in 1786 and died heroically at the famous Alamo In 1830. , lie had prac tically no education, . having.-been to school Just about long enough to learn to read and write, but he was a man of great comimm sense aud had a won derful ' knowledge, of human '. nature. He was elected to congress hi 1820, serving two terms,' and his rough but bonest ways, bis fli-ra aud blunt straightforwardness of speech ' end manner made Llm very opiilar.- Ha was incapable tf anythlug, that was mean or, dishonorable, and' bis nam Ylll always live in our unnnls In con nection with the brave. struggle for Texan Independence. New.: American. .- r." 5 York -,( , Motorboat Birtlt to Cross the Atlantic CaDt John Well sr. a eaman and boat builder of Crlatadt, New Jersey, la to attempt to cross the Atlantic in a 60-ft. raised-cabin m Ho-boat cruiser, which he has been constructing for the past several months. The little vssel la 60 feet long, with a beam of 12. fret and a draft of 3 feet. She fa driven, by a 87 horse power gasoline engine, which la expected to give a steady spefc. of a little over tn miled an hour.. -. The trip across the Atlantic sUrts at St, Johns, the course between the two! transatlantic lines from Quabbec and) New York? th contmplat d landing' being at Galway Biy, Ireland. The May number of Popular Mechdnid Magaaine contains pictures of the boat. Don't be, troubled during the warm weather with' a smoking stove or one. that doesn't bake well. Call and -see our line of Buck'3 Stoves and Ranges. - J. S. Bacniht Hdw. Co.. 67 S. Front St. Chief ' Bobbed Bich and . Spared . ' Tne Poor.' -Rome, April 17 Alfonae Carbor.e. a faiinn ThnKnn hviirunH mfiAaA Tnliif near'y half a century ago terrorized the mountain village of Avellinaand whote sentence of death was eommdteirto penal servitude for life, has just been pardoned after forty two years' impris onment Carbone proved himself a model convict . t. His story was one of romance. As head of a law'eas gang who jived by brigandage, he had sworn vengeanoO against tha law for the life sentence passed an his brother, and when on'y twenty he joined the band of the cele brated brigand Pico, whose place he fil led as chief on Prico's death. Hia reck- 1 'sa daring and chivalry in refusing to pillage the weak had gained, for him a certain popularity among therud and scattered population of hia native prov ince, f'in V;v.:"-;-:'', - ":;'. '-" - Carbone leaves his captivity a white- haired and gentle old -man with a soft voice.'twld eyes, ttio opposite in all re apecla ohttt would be expected from his eal irig. interviewed, he asked that a veil might he drawn over the past "I havealwiiyi b en an honest - man," he said, "and theae memories are painful, I never hurt a women or child and 1 was once a youth full of life and hope, with a rood future before me." ' One day Carbone's gang held up a commerciattraveller who had $5,000 in hia portfolio. The captive begged with tears for tne sake of his wife and child that he might not be deprived of hi all. Carbone had him set at liberty and re fua ;d to take a cen. Oft the same ex pedition his men fell in with a well known baron whose ransom cost him $50,000. . Second Primary Official Result The Democratic Citjf Executive Com mittee, Thoa. F. McCarthy Chairman, met last night and Canvassed the reult of Friday' primary, making the of ficial returns as follows. - Alderman Firat Ward Wm. Edia 77. Thoa. P. Afford 67. Chief of Police C. Lupton 499, W. H. Griffin 867. Mr. Fly and his family will soon call. Greet them with well screened windows and doors and save a doctor's bill. We have the Screens. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co.; phone 99, 67 S. Front St. Dr. Julian S. Rodger to Come to the .Tabernacle. Rev. A. C Shuler, pastor of ihi Bap tist Tabernacle, has' secured Dr. Julian S. Rodgers, of Atlanta, to assist. Hm in a aeries of meetings at the Taber nacle Bap Ut church which in all prob ability will start next Sunday. .; Dr. Rodgeia is no stranger to 4 many in our city, having once before led. a meeting at the Tabernacle when Rev. J. W. Ham was the church's pastor.; Dr. Rodgers is a man of culture deep learning, and ripe experience and, is sought for in revival woik the country over. He will be heard with pleasure by many of outf people. PLAYING "A WITNESS. Msthods of Twa Fameus Cross aminsrs of th Irish Bar. . - Two famous cross examiners at the Irish bar. seya Francis L. Wellman In "The Art of Cross Examination." were Sergeant Silllvan, afterward master of the rolls In Ireland, and Sergeant Armstrong., Barry; O'Brien In his "Life of Lord Rossell" describes" their methods with perjured witnesses, "Sullivan," be says, rapprosched tie witness nulte In a friendly way, seem ed to be an impartial Inquirer seeking Information, looked surprised at what the witness said, appeared even grate ful for the additional light thrown on tha case. " -' 1 ' - ' ' . ' ' v " 'Ah, Indeed! Well, as you have said ao much Derbaps . you can ncip us little further. Well, really, my lord, this Is a very Intelligent man.' - "So playing the witness with caution and skill, drawing Dim steaitnuy on, kecilmr him completely, In the, dark about the real point or atiacK, me 'little sergeant waited until the man was in the meshes and then flew,at htm and shook him aa a terrier would a rnt ." - . " ' ". "The big sergeant (Armstrong) had more humor and more power.but less dexterity and resource. " His great weapon was ridicule. He laiujhed it the witness and made everybody else lniit-'h. The witness got confused and U)Ht his temper, and then Armstrong pounded blin like a champion la the Imprisonment Brigand Mast be Above One Thousand Yds B- 1 ft a I as rroveu Dy itine .Test. Washington, April 19, "It is reaon able to believe that an aeroplane 1.000 yards away would stand nobhow if on- I : ;1. . .. I " ' That is th-conclusion of naval offi; eers, expressed in an official reporfcto the Navy Department on the drat at tempt ever made to shoot an aeroplane shaped kite from a battle ship. The experiment was made April 6 when the Atlantic fleet was at target practice oft! Hampton Road. Then only the service rifle was used in firing at the kites. Now pn pa rations' are bein made to tise a thri e-inrh gun. ' The kites used r box-shaped, 4x2 feet In the third v.lley, aimed at the fl st kite sunt up, the string by which the kite was being towed was cut by a bullet, and it sailed away without tl e number of hits being disclosed. Of one hundred shots, fired very rap idly at the second kite, forty hits were made, several cutting the braces and frames. "As the bunting covered not more than three fifths of the total area Of the kite as presented to the ship," said the report, "it gave the excellent result of forty hits out 160 shots at an area of about five tquare feet at a rap idly plunging target 600 to 7 0 yards distant in the air." Sure of a Raisa. An enterprising woman who rcn 1 several apartments In u new 1 u i 1 d i 1 1 k and sublets tlieui furnished, room by room, has profiled at the rate of u- era! hundivd dollars a year ly woin an's propensity for telling everything she knows. To each applicant for :i room she named an exorbitant price to start with. "Now, understand, this is a conces sion to you alone and must be regard ed as strictly confidential. If you tell a soul In the house that I bare made a reduction in your favor 1 shall bare to charge the original price." Within two weeks rents had goiifi op. ' Mrs. Smith .tejls.me,". anld the astute landlady to each gossiping ten ant, "that you told her you pay only $0 for your room Instead of $7." And as no one was In a position to plead not guilty the additional rental wns exacted. New York Times. Churber Commerce Meeting and Ad- dresses.. ' The regular quarterly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will take place at the court house Thursday night at 8 o'clock. At this meeting the organiza tion will be addressed by Mr. B. F, Rice, Industrial Agent for thejNorfolk South em, who will make a short" talk on the subject of advertising local advantages. Mr. Rice has spent many years in this line of work, and is thoroughly versed in all phases of the subject Sometime ago he made an addresu to the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce hich waao'h helpful and instructive. The meeting will also be addressed by Mr, S. A Thompson, Field Secretary of the Nation 1 Rivera and Harbors Congress, who is touring the South in the interest of that organization. Mr. Thompson is rco:n'zed as one of ' the leading authorities of theU iited StateB on the subject of waterways and is a forceful and eloquent speaker. He has been a stddent of the subject for mire than 25 years, and has gathered a great store of facts relating to the transpor tation question, some of which are star tling in their nature, and would hardly be creditable it thev were not taken from official reports. Mr., Thompson has a memory which seems to have no limit, so tie is able lo speak without eo much as a scrap o( paper, and quote facts and figures with absolute accura ey. out any one no expects a dry sta tiftical talk" will be agreeably disap pointed. United States Senate r. Dun eanU. Fletcher, of Florida, aaa of him: "He can interest any audience anywhere and at sny time." TheTole. do Ohio Times, in reporting an address in that city said: "His talk was intense ly interesting. . There was not .a single dull moment in it from start to finish." Every business man . Bhould hear him, and it is safe to say that all who do will have a clearer idea of the vital im portance of improved waterways and the development they will bring to , the country in general, and in Nw Bern. North Carolina particularly. Every per son iu New Bern, whether a momberof the Chamber of Commerce or not, is invited to hear these two addresses on Thursday night. . ' ., . J. LEON WILLIAMSV; J v Sec'y. Cham'r of Cuny . PILES! PILES! PILES! . Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at Am., nrtm na m nmiltieA. iriuft Infttjint relief. ' Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Pile Mid itching of the private parts,. So'e by druggials, mail 60c and $1-00. Williams' U't'g. Co. Props., Cleveland, O, . ' ., ; " Is Charge Made Against the pov . . A rut . . .1." f 1 J- ernment- Through lleguli i ting MwilSei vice, y ' New York, April IS-. Direct charges that the Postoffice De artment, tinder present management, is 'holdinj-tip" the rjBiiroadsCot the'i'Ofintry fofJiaore than $20,000,0. 0 a year Ire Wle by President Ralph Peters, of the Long Ial and Railway. , As vice-chairman of the committee on railway mail service," which Repre sents more than 200.000 miles' of. road. Mr. Peters has issued a statement saying thit the railroads will demand that the government, inasmuch '-as it insists on regulating their rates, shall treat the companies the same as ' other business concerns are cimpelled' to do. "More tiian a yi ar ago," said Mr. Peters, "the Postoftice Department collected statistics from the railroads as to their receipts from express, mail and passenger service. The result of the inquir- han been mipprossed by the g overtime it but an analysis by our committee of the reports submitted shows that at the average rate receiv ed for eve-j thing carried on passenger trains, txi ;-pt.ing mails, $1,250,000 more would hav bien puid for mail transpor tation dur ng the .single month covered by the ir.q dry of tin- Postoffice Depart ment than actually whs paid, or $15,- 000,000 foi tiiis item alone. " The rai reads are '.pi rating ' 3,800 apartment mail cars for the conven ience of tto poatc (lice in assorting mail in transit ' . ithour. receiving a cent for space. 11 is work would C(S,t the de partment 1,0(10,( 00 a year if perform ed underci ntract. "The ra ronds ;ue compelled "to ren der free p; sage service not provided for by law n transporting mail clerks while off d iy that would amount to over $1,000.0 H) year at the rate of 2 centa a mile, be r dea lieing forced to carry free all off :e.rn, inpcctors and agents of the dup rtment. 'By tht jxjction tha government puts itself n a position of undue ad vantage w ich woi'ild not ba permitted to olner us rs of transportation facftt- t'.es. Ifwiare to have government regulation! and control we must have also goven ment protection f jr the in vestor." Lawn Party. There will be a lawn pariy at the homo of O. H. Perry, Wednesday April 26th, from 4 p. m; to U p. m. for the benefit offspring Garden j B:iptisyi c mrch. Tennis and crrquet in after noon. Everybody invited. An Animated Dummy. A merchant In a Kansas town Is very particular, to have -everything In his store In proper trim. In the Indies' suit department Is a dummy which Is al ways dressed in the height of fashion and which always stands in the exact center of a certain rug. In the dusk one ever, ng bo walked in nnd saw the dummy out of place. With a snort of disgust and Impatience he walked over, picked It up and set It down where If belonged. To hi great amazement It moved and UilUed some too. IXa had picked. up a live woman. Housekeeper. PILES CURED IN. 6 TO 14 DAYS , PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded., J 50c. ITEM J-FRO LOWER BROAD I , CREEK. . ' Pamlico county,-April 18 I bave seen no items from this pUce lately I will send you afewr 'We people down here think .this sec tion is the garden spot of North Caro lina and in fact there is as much pros perity henv per capita, as anywhere else to be found. " " '. ' ' "'-.' The chief industry is fishing but we have some very fertile farms jind suc cessful farmers. . . . , - ... . -J . , . Our prize hog raiser is Mr, Frank. He has. a herd numbering forty-five head, a good many of them weighing two hundred pounds each. 1 . : Corn is'i p and growing nicely. Or.e farmer reports Laving cotton up. .; f" , Mr. Ca!in Mil's has embarkrd In the mercantile uusinesa and has a well se lected stoc ; of groceries and general merchandit V . ; A Strang r cama visilin? a few day ago at the ome of Capt. Dawson Deia mar. 3he s a sweet little girl and ie ceived a hi arty wekome." -, , '. Fish are fairly plentiful and herrirgs sro abunennt.' They are sailing for twonty cei ts' the hundred with little demand. S 'me large catches that could not be hau 'led otherwise were compost cd in h8 fi Ma fo)r ma"ure r - : , The pupi s of Pamlico academy; are on a tern, orary strike. There - was aomediaag cement about or- with the teacher.; - . . . , Regardless of this Government's "'--Warnings." Xon Combat- . ants Wounded. Dougfas, Ariz. April IS, Regardless of th warning given by the American government leaders of both Federal and inaurrecto forces in Mexico, a rain of bullets poured Into Douglas, Ariz., from the battle fought at Agua Prieta. Sev en non-combatant Americans in Doug las were wounded, one of whom may die, Rchoolhouses, res;d nces and the custom house were riddled with Mexi can bullets. The battle began at dawn, the Fed erals attacking the insurrectos, who oc cupied the town. The national troops were repeatedly repulsed, with heavy losses, it being estimated that more than 2(H) Federal soldiers were killed and wounded. The rebel loss was 20. The United S'ates Government made a second demand upon Mexico for as surances that A inerican lives in border towns shall not be endangered by shot from battles on Mexican territory. Avoid Frauds. A paint fraud is paint that looks fair for a year or so, andthen makes repaint ing necessary. Don't waste your money and injure your property. The L. & M. Paint bus been in use for thirty five years. You make one half of it by adding ? of a gallon of Linseed Oil to each gallon. It then costs about $1 GO per gallon, and is the best paint that can be made. "Longmae & Martinez, Manufactur ers - The L. & M. Pure Paints, Varnish es and Paints for every purpose, for sale by-Gaskill Hdwe. & Mill Supply Co., New Pern, N. C. Meeting of Chamber of Commerce Tonight. There will be a regular quarterly meeting of th.3 Cnamoer of Commerce tonight in th court house at 8 o'clock. The meeting will be add eased by Mr. B E. Rice, Industrial Agent of the Norfolk - Southern. Mr. Rice is an authority on advertising local resources and his talk will bo intensely interest ing. Mr, ,S. A. Thompson will also ad dress the meeting on the subject of deeper waterways. He is ihe field sec retary of the National River and Har bors Congress. He has made this sub ject a study for the last twenty five years. Kvery citizen of New Bern, whether a member of the Chamber f Commerce oeiot, is invited to attend this meeting. Purchases Mebane Leader. It will be of interest to his friends in this city to know that Mr. J, O. Foy, a well known newspaper man who at one time resided in this city, has purchased the plant and fixtures of the Mebane, N. C. Leader and will in the future edit that periodical. The Leader has hid quite a spectacular career since its birth two years ago, having been own ed by twenty-three people during that time and it is hoped" that Mr. Foy will succeed admirably in the venture. MAYSVILLE NOTES. Mr. Ernest Mills and Miss Lpla Scott, bilh of this vicinity were hap pily married Monday night at tha home of the bride, Mr. A. A. Eabanks offic -ating. There will be a picnic at Maysville, Wednesday April 20 ;h. under ths aus picious of Brother-hood Lodge No, 284. I O. O, F. Everybody invited to come and bring well filled baskets there will be gooJ speaking by the Hon. Leslie M. Davis. A run-away horse belonging to Mr. G P Rodgers created quit 1 a little ex citement yesterday, the vehicle was to tally demolished, but fortumtely no one was hurt, Friends and relatives were grieve 1 to learn of the sickness of Mrs. R. L. Jenkins, also Hugh Parker the little son of Mr. and Mr. Clyde Mattocks. We hope for their speedy recovery. We understand that a s?ries of meet ting will begin soon at the academ ' conducted by the Northern s M. E. Church. -r . t , A handsome residence is being built (in the southern part of the city for Mr. A. C Foscne. This building will be a costly one, and will add much to the town. ;;',, ' ' . '' .'"- :''y,'';:-"':; -' Mrs. Moire of Greenville, N. C. Is viiting her daughter Mrs. J. E White - hurst. ' After Hours. - .' -Jndge-Tou are sentenced to twenty years at hard tabor. Have you any thing to sayf . . f Prtsoner-8ay, Judge, can't you nx it . .... . 1 .n n.M fnr up VUIUV . u J mv . vm R - - , 1- -1 1 . affiw vverume in vbhu tuuuiu umi iy loncer? Puck. : From Swansboro on The Atlantic Ocean iti Onslow County to Farm villc in Pitt County. Through the efforts of Mr. J. K Dixon, our esteemed fellow citizen and Honorable Representative, the member from Jones county in the. last legisla ture, the charter of the Trent River Railroad Company was granted The first purpose of this charter is, as before stated by advocates,, to con nect by a short line of railroad in every part of the county. There are now three North and South lines of railroad running through Jones county, which do not meet the demand for interior development nor aftrd a direct connection with all sections of the county with each other and the ouWdq world. These lines are: 1st, The Atlantic Coast Line from New Bern to Wilming ton, via Pollocksville and Maysville. ' 2nd. The John L. Roper Road from New Bern to Catherine Lake, via Pol locksville and upper White Oak p.nd evidently destined to point further South. These first two roads are in the lower or eastern end of Jones ounty. 3rd. Th Dover South Bound from Dover to Richlands, via Foys' Taylor's, Phillip's, Dudley's and Comfort in the upper or western end of Jones county. None of these roads reach our county seat at Trenton or pass through'the rich middle section of our county. Under present conditions it will take about two days to go from Maysville to Com fort by rail, In fact one can make the round trip to New York City and spend a day of business or pleasure in that Metropolis in less time than it will take to make the round trip by rail from the Eastern to the Western end of Joo 8 county and spend a day In building a new railroad it is in -pnrtant that we take advantage of our natural facilities, and while it cannot b ; built, literally, by every man's door yet every man in the county will, prac- ticully, have a railroad at his immediate convenience. The proposed Trent River R;iili o id will develop the entire county, put our county seat on a railroad-' line and do the most good to all the people for, "Breathes There a Man With Soul so Dead etc." The charter of the Trent River Rail road proposes to construct a railroad from some point at deep water on Trent river at or near Pollocksville in Jcnes county via Trenton to some point on the Dover South Bound with the privilege of extending East and "West to make any other railroad or water connection. The distance from Pollocksville via Trenton to the Dover South Bound is about (17) seventeen miles. This seven teen (17) mi es of railroad will connect and link together every part of Jon s county and put every neighborhood in the county in touch with the outside world. And the end is not yet. The building of this seventeen (17) miles of railroad, opt ning a large, rich section of our county, giving easy, quick trans portation to a large per cent of our people, who have so long been deprived of these developing agencies, putting our county seat, Trenton, on a railroad line and on the march lo growth and prosperity but the construction of this seventeen (17) miles of railroad makes the following lines feaaiable and. practi cable, for instance, at Pollocksville you connect with the Atlantic Coast Line for New Bern and Wilmington, the John L Roper road for New Bern and the South, the Trent river with deep water for New Bern and the Atlantic Ocean. From Trent river secure trackage over the John L. Roper road to the White Oak road at Miss O'.dfield's plantation, build a line from that point Eastwardiy crossing and connecting again with the Atlantic Coast Line at MayavHle, thence d wa the North Side of White Oak river throught the celebrated Long Point Plantation, which now belongs to the estate ef the late Henry H. Rogers, who it is said had -ttuj distinction of building the Virginia Railroad from the coal fields of West Virginia to Norfolk harbor, a distance of 400 miles at a cost of forty million dollars, without a single bond or a dollars worth of stock liabili ty against it This celebrated Long Point plantation has six miles of water front on the White Oak river in Jones county and contains possibly the most valuable ori ginal pine forest of any .tract of similar size in North Carolina. Crossing from the North side at Stella in Carteret county, to Swantboro on the Atlantic ocean, .... . We understand that Mr. Lovitt Hines will build a railroad to a point within four miles of Phillip's crossing on the Dover South Bound. He already has a road from Kinsto i t j Snow Hill in . Qreene county. We understand there is already a graded road bed from snow Hjll to Farmville in Pitt 'ounty. Now we have the proposed line from Swans boro, on the Atlantic via Stella, Mays ville, Pollockvill piiver's. Trenton, Kinston, Snow Hill to Farmville In Pitt county, connecting the counties of Ons low,' Carteret, Jones Lenoir. Greene . ... , , , ' AAn Pitt. nrincrUiir them In r.lnnA tnuih , -...--.- y 1 with Duplin. Craven. Pender and New'. President's fToRitfon On Mexican Situation Tension Somewhat Relieved. ' Washington, April 10 "An invasion of Mexico, designed for a limited and temporary purpose, might be likMouch ing a match to a tinder house. " Senator Bacon, of Georgia, ' ranking minority member of the Senate Com mittee on Foreign Relations,' thus epitomized'-the sentiment of leaders of , both parties in the two branches of Congress.' While recognizing the grav ity of the situation in. Mexico. Con gress is satisfied that the President is doing everything that can be done un der the circumstances, and nowhere i there seen the slightest disposition to embarrass him w his program. it was learned at the close of a con ference at the White House at which were Senator Cuilom, chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Rela tions, and Representative Sulzer, chair man of the House Committee, on For eign Affairs, that President Taft, for the present at least does not contem plate sending to Congress a special message, dealing with Mt xican affairs. The President, however, is keeping the leaders of both parties in Congress thoroughly acquainted with develop ments, with the result that the closest co-operation exists between the Capitol and the White House. Positive assurance that the Mexican government will adopt a "definite re striction policy along the torder. and news from Douglas that the rebel for ces have evacuated Agua Prieta, has done much to relieve the high tension nnder which President Taft and mem bers 4f his official family have laboied. The assurances from Mexico followed demands of the State Department that fighting which endangered American lives in the border town must be stop ped. Dispatches receive I at thi White House from Douglas indicate that the situation along the border is now quite satisfactory. A m ssage from Govern-, or Sloan, of Arizona, slid in part; . ' Gadd. order , .prevails, and situation entirely satisfactory. Am satisfied Federals took reasonable precaution to prevent firing into Douglas during tha fighting." NOTES FROM RIVERDALE. ApriH.9 The weather continues cool , for tha time of the year. The farmers are busy planting corn. The Easter services were thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended the Melh odist church Sunday. Mrs. L. N. Latham and little son Harvey spent Monday in New Bern. Misses Hellen Rouse, Thelma and Vers Horn, are siending a few days with friends and relatives at Dover. Misses Janie Conner and Nellie Bray of Thurman, spent Sundiy with Miss K ite Olesby. Mr. Cicero Taylor and family form- el y of Clarks, have moved in our midst. We extend to them a cardial welcome. Mr. Walter Wynne of Havelock was a visitor at Mr. H. C Wood's Sunday. Mrs. B. E. Williams and little son Car! of Croatan were visitors of Mrs. L. N. Latham Tuesday. Mr. B. B. Mallison, who has a posi tion with the Roper Lumber Co. at their place, spent Sunday with his family at Pine Grove. A number of our young people at tended prsyer meeting at the Thurman school house Sunday night. . We 1 ejrot ' very much to know our school is so near a close. The pupils have advanced very rapidly under the skillful management of Mr. M. A Hill of Beaufort, dm ing the past session aud we sincerely hope to be fortunate enough to have .him teach our school next term.' ' 1 ' ' , - . - With Best wishes to The New Bern ' Journal. " ', ' ' ' ' ; '- "GUESS? ' We have Screen Doors and Windows, in all sizes and styles, k'nbeked down frames ' and wire cloth.' ; We" can fill your orders promptly, Pon't aeiay, me rusn is ; aue .in a few; days. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co" yriv-i Hanover, pawing over some of the moat fertile and productive lands in North, Carolina, railroad proposition that will develop the Central Eastern portion of our State more than anything ever yet undertaken,' a' proposition ' that every piogreesive splri'edmsn can take hold of with the satisfaction of know ing that he is striking a blow for his ard coming generations, placing '-his on vantage ground with other highly favored tactions.-,' " ' - ; , , ... WHITE OAK. TTT.TTV. TT KxTrTn

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