ri BEST SUBSCRIPTION -OFFER r-"Includes the Papers Every Farmer' and his Family in this Value For Only EVER Sec ion MADE $1.50 FoucHigh-Grade Papers and a Dandy Premium for Just a Little ' v Than the Price of One Paper. M ore. THE JOURNALPROGRESSIVE FARMER The Semi-Weekly Journal, - - -The Progressive Farmer and Gazette, Every Woman's Magazine, - -National Poultry Journal, - One Pair 8 inch "Bver Sharp Shears, 9 9 . Total $1.00 LOO .50 .50 .50 OFFER OF IT! Four High-Class Papers and a pair of fine Nickel-Steel Shears for THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND GAZETTE , of Raleigh, N. C. 1 The Progressive Farmer is too well known to need any boosting. lis policy has al ways been to' give the farmers of North Carolina a paper that will help them in every branch of work. It is tdited by home people fully acquainted with thv soil and climate of this Bection and who know what crops are bBt to grow. A department tf the paper is devoted en tirely te women and home life. As before stated, it is the South's beat Agricultural paper, The one that every farmer needs.. NATIONAL POULTRY JOURNAL . 4- sr Is the South's best farm paper. .Weekly 52 Big Issues Reg ular Price $1.00. This offer applies to new subscribers only to the Pro gressive Farmer "aqd Ga zetteNew or renewals to all the other papers. The SemiWeekly Journal There is big money in poultry when r National Poultry Journal modern mithods are used. Give THI t Drvotttf rmnl Floakrt "Pk jour boys and girls a chance to do something for themselves and they will be better Loys and girls. The Poultry Journal will tell thrm what others have do le and what they can do. One wo man made $500 from her chickens last year. The National Poultry Journal is included in this big offer. "Regular pi ice 50 cents a year, . , , Is in its 34th year. Its news columns contain neighborhood correspondence, matters for the farm, concerning Fish and Oysters, industrial development and educational advancement. Along lines of progress for a third of a century the Journal has stood prominent Conserva tive, Optomistic, Impartial, Clean and Pro gressive has been the honorable record of the Journal and made for it the high standard it bears. EVERY WOMAN'S MAGAZINE One of the best woman's and home publications of the whole country. Each i.ssue i , chuck ta of good things. The department of fashions not only furnishes the latest styles, hut.- -jsraesfci how I best to make over your old dress for ittle motvy ; shows you how to dress your child 'en chonply and well. It has a department of cooking witli new and dainty receipts and a dep; rttn ;nt for boys and girls. Each i3sue contains several short stories in addition to the featu e serial stories. This magazine appeals to every member of the "household. Jiegular price 50 cents and a bargain at .that price. STORES IN BURMA 1 Vou Can Make Purchases In Them W You Try Hard Enough. ! You may walk through the muddy J ! old markets of Rangoon. for hours ut a ! time or through the bazaar ut Manda lay without any of the salespeople tak i lug tbe slightest notice of you as a ! possible purchaser of their wares. The i dear little ladles sit erosslegged upon j long tables In front of the high cup I boards containing tbelr goods. They oty placidly smoking or chatting or painting their faces or braiding thi'lr buir. They are not attending to busi ness In the least. If the European Is conspicuously dressed or presents a figure which the Rurinan, with hisJuely trained sense of humor, considers at all ridiculous then n gay ripple of laughter posses along the stalls, and then indeed the would be customer is not toed, but othr erwise the tourist -is an object of no interest whatever. It requires a great effort to get a Rurtnese sbopwomuu (they nre nearly all women) to show you her silks, and when at last she has spread her mer chandise broadcast upon the table and you are reveling in the illusion that you nre living In the miiUIUe.of n rain bow, with a chance of holding fast to some of its colors, she will ask her price, which Is seldom more than a rupee too jnuch, and will stick to it like glue. She Is an Indolent Indy in many ways, who loves a quiet life, and she has determined that her most com fortnble course is not to haggle in the market place. So you may make up your mind that bargaining and persua sion nre useless arls to practice In Burma, however valuable they may be elsewhere.- Blackwood's Mngnziue. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A ACT QUICKLY, Delay Has Been; dangerous :.ltt, New Berut , ' D the right thing at the right Xime, Act quickly in time of danger. Backache is kidney danger. ; . Doan's Kidney Pilla act quickly. Cure all distressing, dangeroiu kid ney ill. Plenty of evidence to prove this. Mrs. C. Pennington, 27 E. Front St., New Bern, N. C, says: "I suffered in tensely from backache and sharp, shoot ing pains across my loins. Often I was so lame that I could hardly straighten after stooping. I knew that my kid neys were disordered, for their secre t ions 'looked very unnatural, I used just one box of Doan's Kidney Pills that 1 got from th'e Bradham Drug Co, and this was sufficient to dispose of my aches and pains. Doan'f Kidney Pills have been a greater benefit to me than any other kidney medicine I have ever taken." (Statement given January 24, 1908 ) KE-ENDORSEMENT. Mrs. Pennington was interviewed on November 28, 1910 and she said. "I can still recommend Doan's Kidney Pills, for they gave me permanent relief. You may cortinue to publish my for mer endorsement of this remedy." For sale bj all dealer, frtoa 61 oenta.. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doo' na ake no other. PORTUGAL TO OSECOLOISt England Thought To Be Making . Preparations to Seize All " of Them. London, April 18 The dispatch of the English cruiser Forts from Cape Town to Delagoa Bay, in Portuguese East Africa, is generally believed here to be preliminary to the virtual seizure Rnd perhaps the complete disintegra tion of Portugal's colonies. v Today's Express says: ' The control of this great port (Delagoa Bay) must be intrusted to a government capable of maintaining orders. Portugal doe not offer the necessary security, and she must reach an honorable arrange ment with some other power assuring good government. " England has long coveted Delagoa Buy. It U the gateway to the Transvaal. Failing of the Average Man. There's always room at the top, but the average man can't stand high lati tudes. Washington I'ost. ITS EQUAL DON'T EXIST. No one has ev -r made a salve oint ment or balm to compare With iiuck len'o Arnica Salvo. It's the one peifect Dealer of cuts, corns, burns, bruises, sires, scalds, hoita, ulcers, ccz ma, sslt rheum. For sore eyes, cold sores, Chap ped hands or sprains its sunreme Un rivaled for piles. Tryit. Only 25c at a'l druggists. The Retort Courteous.1 James Uussell Lowell was once a guest nt a banquet lu London where he was exacted to reply to a toast. The speaker who preceded Mr. Lowell said many contemptuous things about the people 'r the Culted Stares, nvow ing and repeating again and again that they were nil braggarts. As Amerl can minister nt the court of St James Lowell could hardly overlook this speech, so as he rdse he said smilingly: "1 heartily agree with the gentleman who has Just spoken Americans do brag a great deal, aud I don't know where they got the hab it, do you?" THE YOU NEED ANOTHER PAIR OF SHEARS. Every woman must hive two pair of shears, one for ordinary work and one "best pair" for particular work. Here is the chance to get "The One Best Pair Free. We don't want the men folks to get the best of everything, so we have determined to look out for the ladies. In this jrreat subscription offer we not only include a year's subscription to a charming magazine for women, but give absolutely free orie pair of eight (8) inch Patent Tension, "Ever Sharp" Shears. You will be delighted with them. The retail jVice at any store would be 50 cents. You get them free,' The Semi-Weekly Journal, New Bern N. C. 25 iBsWW HARDWARE I - AND ; Building Ma ierial Paints Oils -: :and -.t;-'-;'y Varnishes American Field Pence lew Ben, I. C ENNElTS'"--''''':'.:-'.: PREPARED Agricultural Lime makes every acre count and every testimonial good. Is prepared fcr ell soils and all n ops. Write us for prices and testimcr.iu!3. "AGRICULTURAL LI"S CO. NEW CERN. N. C. DIAMOND CMiESTER SPILLS BRAND LADIES I r ft roar OrarvM for Ctlt-CRKS-TRR'tS A (j'AMOND hKAND PILLS in jIrd and j Goto metallic bwn, (colnl wilh lu0 Ribbov. TaiI ho otbeb, flay.at ToirV ramrtal ak fer !Ut-CUKS.Teu V MkHOSU BWANB PILLS, fat twrntr in ,w Trgttti at nt,ttafck;, AlwtNr "-llalile. MM SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE TIME WORTH FORALE! Big Mammoth Soja Beans, Field Peas of all kinds, Oat, HayCorn, Brand, Ship Stuff Beet ;Pulp, Distillers Grain which is the highestvin Pro teids of any feed sold on this market, and . produces,milk iri quantities, Alfalfa horse feed, ': "i burrus CO. 31 3 Middle St. New Bern, K. O. - ! Phone 184. s ."" Past ThatfNow. J ; Bystander MyUoy. some day you'll bring sorrow to your father's - gray hairs. The Bad Boy-No i danger, sir. Worrying about- me has i mnde him bald. Philadelphia Times. A Few Words. , "Did you inve mnny words with "No: only a few. words buty they ere repeated- Yorv ofien.". FOLEY ton Backaoh. Kidncysanu Bl ioi. There Is nothing so ensy Dtit tint ii becomes difficult when ynn do, It wlttx reluctance. Terence. . , K RELIABL . MEDI('1NEN0T A . NARCOTIC - . . v ' Mn. F. Marti. SU Joe, Mich., says: "Oar little hoy contracted a revere bronchial trouble and as the doctor's medicine did not cure him.. I trnio him Foley's Honey and Tar Conovound in which I have great faith. It enred the cough as well as the choking and kar- ginff spells, and he got well in a hort time. Foley a Honey and Tar Com pound bas many timet hawed us much trouble and we are never without it In the honse." F. S. Duffy. . ' -I. i. - - ' : " England's Oldest Part. - Falmouth Is pi-Qbnbly (be oldest port In England. It was used by tboI'hoe- niciaus at wast 2JW yeui-s ago. , Lak; DrummondCanalit W.iter ' Cq. ' Lake Drummond Transportation ; Co. Laki Drummond Towinj: Co. Dismal Swamp ) Canal ) An Inlanct Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth - i Always.; ' 7 Quick Transit for Traffic Prompt Towing and Freight Movement . For tolla towing and freight rates apply at office in Seaboard Bank Build ing and .at I'eep Creek Lock, Va. M. K. King, Pres. ' J. A. Mitten," Sec. J. B. Baxter, Supt. . J.s T.: Whiteliurst, Traffic Manaotr. Norfolk Office, Bell Phene 621" Up to Snuff. The farmer had bought a pair of shoes in the city shop. "Now, can't I sell you a pair of shoe trees V" suggest ed the clerk. "Don't get fresh with mo. sonny," replied the farmer, lirlstling up. "I don't believe shoos kin bo raised on trees any more'ii 1 believe rubbers grow on rubber plants or oysters on oyster plants, b'gosb!" Kxchaiige. I ONE CONDUCTOR HELPED BACK TO WORK. Mr, Wiiford Adams is his name, and he writes: "I waB confined to my bid with chronic rheumatism and ussd two bott!o of Foley's Kidney Remedy with .rood effect, Ttie third bottle put me on my feet and 1 resumed work as conduc tor on the Lexington, Ky.. Street Rail way. It will do ail you claim in cases of rheumatism " It clears the blood of uricaeid.-F. S. Duffy. - . ' ii'iiig Oyster. The piviniitoi1 of n London chop house some years ng made fame ;iud fortune by (he discovery of a musical oyster. A distiutt whist lim; sound came from a newly opened barrel of oysters. With eagerness he hunted for the cause and found an oyster which seen led to niniise itself by whistling. The Innkeeper advertised It. and hundreds came daily to his hostelry to listen to the musical oyster. In due time the oyster died, and its secret died with it. It 'is supposed that the sound was caused by the In spiration and expiration of nir through n tiny hole in the shell. To this day tho inn Is known as the Whistling Oyster. SOUND SLEEP OF GOOD HEALTH. Cannot be overestimated and any ail ment that prevents it is a menace to health. J L Southers. Eau Claire, Wis. Bays; "I have been unable to sleep soundly nights, because of pains across my back and soreness of my kidneys, My appetite was very poor and my gen e-l condition was much run down. 1 have been taking Foley's Kidney Pills but a short time and now sleep as sound a a rock, my general condition iscreat v imnrovfd, and 1 know that ImiIp Kidney Pills have cured me, Duffy. The Crab. A crab seized while feeding by a greater and stronger will continue Its meal while being Itself devoured. Constipation brings many ailments in its train and is the primary cause of much sickness. Keep your bowelsr eg ular madam, and you will escape many of the ailments to which women are subject. Constipation is a very S'mpe thing, nut like many simple tnings, may lead to serious consequences. Nature often needs little apsistance and when Chamberlain's Tablets sre eiven at the first indication, murh distress and suffering may be avoided. SJld by all dealers. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Tlti Kind Yon Have Always Bought Dears the Signature o, !-; , , Csvutious. . .v' .Tbcuftst-Wlll you, take gas? " 4 ' lAIft TbOttwad Ves er whtt 1 are yonar nloterratos bety?- Judge. I ' -' - Cooking Vegetables. ' ' r.Vecrotnbles will tak? longento cook, but will be wuclr nicer ,aurl of better y,or (f bollort unentered, j -v; 1 , j, , The Mohammedan Jvdgment Day. The Koran bus this to say concerning Uie general "Judgment day," which ue;irlv all religions teach In common: "When the sun shall be folded up. nnd when the stare shall fall, and when the mountuln shall be made to pass away nnd when the wild beasts shall be inhered tocether, and when the seas shall boil, and when souls shall again be Joined to their bodies, aud when lie girl who hath been burled alive snail nsK for what crime she wns put ,t denth. and when the books shall be laid open, aud when the heavens shnll be removed.. and when hell shnll burn flencely, and .when paradise shall be broucht near, then shall every soul know what It linUi wrought" J, mmmm for backache, rheuraatiara,- kidney orstladder trout e; it A urinary r eeulaxitle. Toley Kldaey Tiilt purify blood, rstorQ lost vJ tali tj and vigor. Re fur iubatitmtes. FOR SAL'13 BY F. S. DUFFY. " . Good results alwsys follow the use of Fowy Kidney nils, iney give prompt relief in all cmps of kidney and bind. der disorders. Try them.- F. S. Duffy, Evaporated Liquids. Steam emanating from boiling milk If , condensed would become water. TJih mnv be' seen lu the manufacture of. condensed milk. wlnTh Is only ordl nsrv milk boiled down until the water Is out of It If a llipild which contains solid bodies lu solution be evaporab'd the solids sre left behind. That this Is so may be shown by adding to ws ter that Is In be distilled a trace of magenta and little salt The dhi tilled watpr I as no taste and Is color less. ' 'J.e iiinKenta Is generally depos Itrd npou the sides of the boiling Ves sell '' t Foley -F. S. FDLEYf KIDNEY PILLS FOnRHCWMATiSMriONCVSANOBLAaBCSi Salt Eaters. Idiosyncrasy often takes the form of a special craving for instead of an ob jection to certain foods. Many people possess an extraordinary relish for common salt a ad will eat it by the tea- spoonful when opportunity admits. This sometimes leads to obesity and dropsy, but it has also the peculiar ef fect of Increasing the weight A Curious Custom. Robert Dulwlch. who bas traveled extensively in the lessee known gtons of the Himalaya, gives an Inter esting account of a native sect known ns the Tharys, who have some curious practices. The sect are worshipers of the goddess Kail. They believe either In self destruction or In the sac rlflce of one of tbelr angers to appease the deity. Thus It comes about that when tho eldest member of a family Is married the nn happy mother Is expect ed to cut off the first two Joints of the last two fingers of her hand. . PrifiH cesses and other' smart people In this remarkable sect are allowed to offer a substitute of linger Joints, modeled in gold. Eastern World. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A NOTICE OF ELECTION. At a regular meeting of the board of county commissioners of Craven county upon petition and request of the county" board of education of said county in ac cordance with the provisions of sf etion Nc. 1 of the Act of the general assemb ly of North Carolina, session of 1911 of an Act entitled an Act to provide for the establishment and maintenance of " County Farm Life Schools, and for the iromotion of agriculture and home-ma king. An election is hereby called by the said board of county commissioner?, at its regular meeting on the first Monday in April, 1911, for the purpose of voting upon the question of establishing and levying and collecting a special tax on all laxsble property and polls of said county, for maintaining and equipping said school in accordance with the pro visions of the Act of the general assem bly aforesaid, and it is hereby ordered that a new registration of the voters in said county shall be taken in accord ance with the general law governing general elections. This election is called to he held on Tuesday, the 2d day of May, 1! 11, in accordance in all respect with the gen eral laws governing general elections, to be canyassed, certified and returned to the board of county commissioners at its meeting to be held on the first Monday in June 1911 it being the Tith day of June. At such election, those favoring the levying and collection of such a tax for said purpose, shall vote a ballot, on which shall be written or printed the words, "FOR COUNTY FARM LIFE SCHOOLS," and those opposed, shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "AGAINST COUN TY FARM LIFE SCHOOLS." The polling places in said county and city of New Bern, Bhall be as hereto fore made, except in the fourth ward' in the city of New Bern, which polling place is changed from Hargett's store 10 uie iourtn war a reel nouae on nroaii street. The following registrars are hereby appointed as follows, the llrst name in each being the registrar. No. 1 township, Vanceboro H. C. Butler, N B Ipock, T S Jackson. Maple Cypress E F Adams, J J Gas kins, W H Caueey, No. ii township, Truitta Lovin Gas kins, N T Pulcher, G L Toler. Bridgeton-S W brooks, S C Dun ham, McDuff Laughinghouse. No. 8 township, Dover-W B H. Blandford, i M Wbitford, Jesse B Griffin. "Our baby cries for Chapberlaln'B Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T,' B. Kendrick, Rasaca, Ga. "It is the beet cough remedy on the market for coughs, colds and croup. For sale by all deal ers. : . Cove-W E Jones, D S Faulkner, T J Wetherington. Fort Barnwell G L Moore, H L Ar nold, J W Biddle, Jr. No. 6 township, Taylor's Store Claude Taylor, Josiah Adams, J L Tay lor. t No. 6 township, Lee's Farm-T E Haywood, J B Williams, J F Godwin. No. 7 township, Thurman H C Wood J A Miller, J W Conner. . No 9 township, Tisdale-W F Crock ett, John Shu te, Carter Tisdale. beach Grove J B French, Daniel Line, Kelly McKeel. No, 8 townshipGum Row-J C Wil cox, B B Scott, D F Atkinson. Jasper, No, 9 township J E Weth erington, 0 H Perry, II T Weeks. , By order of the board of County-Com missioners of Craven county. ' S CD BRADHAM, ' Chairman Board of Co, Com'rs. Handwriting on Iron. It wns an accident that led to the discovery of the method of transfer ring handwriting to Iron. An , Iron founder v while experimenting ' with molten iron under different condltlous acchlentclly droped a ticket Into a mold. He presently fonnd that the type of the ticket was transferred to the Iron In distinct characters. Fol lowing up the Ides which this fact suggested, be procured a heat proof Ink, with which ho wrote Invertedly on ordinary white paper. . This paper was Introduced Into the mold before the molten Iron was poured In. When the mold cooled the neper nsd been consnmed by; Hie heat, bnt the Ink, which had remained Intact, bad left a clear Imtresslon on the. Iron. . ' t.., N 1 In cases of rheumatism relief from nin makes sleep and rest possiple. pa This may be ohtaind by berlain's Liniment I dealers. applying Cham 'or sale by all Instead of Liquid AnlbcpticsttPcroxIdo . many peoplq are now using v M H W I IBM llllf"! Mill llIll The new toilet germicide powdwrto be dissolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses it Is better and more economical. To cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, de- L purify the breath. . ' J To keep artiBoial teeth aud - nrlilirework clean, odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To. eradicate perspiration aud body odors by sponge bathing. The V' antUrptic Trash known. Relieves and strenfrtliens tired. Weak, inflamedeye ll'ais sorcthrout.woiir.ilrt and cuts. 25 snl 50 cti aVr, d mo-fiats or by mail p"-' "''i'l. I ' " 1 1