BUSINESS UNDERTAKING is entirely beyond the possibility of a reverse and for this reason the man who wishes to feel independent of his busi ness should maintain a separate account as protection. There is no better way of obtaining this protection than by opening an account in the Savings Department of this bank at 4 per cent interest. It's a good investment because your money besides earning liberal rates of interest, is always available. nBtfsaSfi eanIVTaeaffierNeaaaVeaaa!r9 Hh HORSE INSURANCE PAYS. New Bern, N. C, April 17, 1911. Mr. W. G. Boyd, City. We beg to acknowledge receipt of check from you for $133.00 covering one of our horses that died recently, that was insured in the SOUTHERN LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE COMPANY, of High Point, N. C , for which accept our thanks. We have insured a number of oui animals in your Company and do not hesitate to recommend it. (Signed) SCOTT & CO. W. G. BOYD, Agt Elks Building, G. S. BROAD STREET Portsmouth Corned Mullets NICE LOT JUST RECEIVED. Fresh Fox River Print Butter only 34c. lb. Fancy Elgin Tub Butter 30c lb. Small Blue Band Hams 18c. lb. Pic-Nic Hams 14c. lb. Uusu a) Saturday Bargain Day syatn this week. Prices same as last Sat urday except for Butter, which is as quoted above. If you cannot come or send, phone your orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prompt delivery. , YOURS FOR CASH ONLY, J. L. Mc Daniel 41 Middle St. Phone II s of Dixi BY MARY NORCOTT AT TRUCK PACKAGES BEST BASKETS AND BARRELS Right Price UNION POINT LUMBER CO. PHONE 66. Telephonei: Office 400, Home 258. Uncle Sam with his estimated seventy five million population can not make a better selection in case of war, than you can to make your selection from our stock of Hand-made Buggies and Carriages. Come to see us. Yours to please, Waters & Sons NEW BERN, N. C. 91 New Bero, N. O ENNETT'S BRYAN STIIE e FOR RECORDERS COURT HON. WHITEHEAD KLUTTZ FA VORS IT. Hon. Whitehead Klu'tz has the ol lowing tosiy in reference to what Kw an county Recorder's Court has dor.t : "'I take pleasure in saying that the Rowan county Court hrs worked veil and has giyen general satisfaction. Be fore the court was established our civil docket was one of the most congested in the State, and it took two years af ter isBu ng summons to reach a case for trial (Craven county is in the same lix todiy). We have two weeks of stpr sior court, the first week b ing for ' i al of criminal and the second week civil cases, and the criminal cases frequent ly took practically the entire two weeks and court would adjourn at times with ont reaching the civil cises at all. Now we get through with the criminal dock et always the fiist week and frequently in three days or even less. The civil ac tion can be tried in a year at most, and we arc shortening the time constantly. I will add that figures cannot adequate ly express the economy affected by the success of this court. Th y cannot tell tne story of the saving in j ul tc s where a defendant getH an immediate trial iiisttid of staying in jail 3 months, for instance, nor can they expreps Ihe conveni.'i c i to witnesses of getting a case off in a day instead of wait ing around a week, as was often the case before. The fines collected by this court have been on the whole latter than those collided by the Supeiior Court in like esses. It has alw ys seemed to me these courts with thair large jurisdiction, should be con tv courts, with records kept in the cnjrt house, and likewise that they should be uniform throughout the State." CLEMENT MANLY'S ENDORS, -MENT. Mr. CJement Manly, of Winston- a- lem, who for many years a resident of I New Bern, wriles as follows in reg; -d to what the Recorder's Court has Ui le for Forsyth county: "I presume it is unnecessary to f .y anything in regard to its eslablishnu it as a great help in the administration of justice. Formerly such courts sf re likely unnecessary, but now with r increased population in towns, it is solutely essential that men have a sp -dy hearing of their cases, and tint e made to suffer for the charge for ; y length of time without trial. A a great saving in a financial way, it is proved quite remarkable. The com. i the creature ot the city, and lheref e it takes from the county the expense ;f trying a large preponderance of crin '.; by the employment of a solicitor, to whrm we pay $5i) or $75 per month, i id the charging of a-$2 solicitor fee in each c tee, the receipts have paid t o entire expenses of the court and police force, and its results also show that toe fines going to the school fund under ihe constitutional provisions have not been decreased. So in every respect, it has proved quite a good thing. The Judse and Solicitor of the Court are good law yers and are clean, upright fellows, aid have the confidence of the community, and the Court has the confidence of t ho ! community." WHO IS PROMOTER OF RECORD ER'S COURT? For some reason the "editorial col umns" of the afternoon paper has for some time made an attack upon the lawyers of New Bern in reference to the establishment of the Recorder's Court, especially the young lawyer?. They have stated from time to time that the movement to establish a Re corder's Court originated with the law yers and was simply gotten up to give one of them a job. The last Board of County Commiss ioners, in its report to the board of magistrates, recommended the estab lishment ot a Recorder's C iurt. Does -he mean to charge that these honora ble men made this recommendation for the purpose only to give 'somebody" a job ? The last grand jury, of which Mr. William B. Blades was foreman, recm mended the establishment of a Recor der's Court, stating that they belle' ed it would save the tax payers money. Does he mean to charge that these hon orable gentlemen made this recommen dation for the purpose on'y of giv: g "someliody" n job? The October gn nd jury, of which Mr. O II Perry as foreman, made the recommendation that a Recorder's Court be establish' d, believing that it would save money to the tax payers. Does he mean to chat je that these gentlemen hsd any other purpose in mind in making this rec n -mendation than the welfare of the t ix payers of Craven county ? Does he or one moment mean to imply that th- e mn made th' recommendation o give "somebody" a job? The above is exactly bow the mo e ment for the establishment of a 1 corder's Court started in the city 'f New Bern. After these three hon ir Able bodies made the above recomm n dations, Mr. R. A. Nunn, the Rep c sentative from Craven county, sugg s ted that a petition be circulated in N w Bern simply to find out what th maj r Ity of the tax payers felt about the s tablishment of this court. Two hund id andnineteen of the largest tae piy in New Bern gladly signed the petili a, req testing the last legislature to p the act to befsubmittod by Mr. Nui n. On the strength of these four eugk -lions, Ihe board of county nromlaal n ers, the last two grand juries and the petition, Mr. Rom Nunn passed ths bill with the proviso that the voters of the county should have an opportunity of ratifying the same. And yet the Editor of the afternoon paper claims that the whole thing is OLD NEWSPAPERS. Their U-;ftlncss Is Not Gone Just Decju'-a You Have R;ad Them. The mere fact that moths cannot read Is no reason why they should de test newspapers, hut they do neverthe less. It isu't exactly the newspaper or Its editorial policy that moths dislike. Ifs the ink used In printing the type that makes the moths stay away. That is why. in the absence of mothproof baps and cedar chests, some house wives park their furs and woolens away wrapped in newspapers at the end of the winter season and find that Is a satisfactory way of preserv ing them against the ravages of moths. There is nothing better than old news papers for use under the carpets for lie same reason. Old newspapers have many other uses as well. Wet in water they serve to dean out the stove splendidly. Crushed newspapers are excellent to clean lamp chimneys. They can even be used for an iron holder for an emergency. Newspapers dipped In lamp oil are useful for cleaning windows. Irons uot much soiled can he rubbed on old newspapers and thus made fit for use. Dipped In lamp oil they are splendid to rob the outside of the dishpnn. They keep it bright and shining. Torn In shreds, slightly dampened and scat tered over the carpet, they keep down dust when sweeping. They clean the sink of its grease ahd sediment. Nolh lug is better, for the greasy paper can be at once burned after use. Many times folded newspapers will serve ns a mat to stand hot and black ened pots or kettles on and save soil ing the kitchen table. The kitchen stove is kept bright after the cooking of each meal with old papers, and this saves many polishing. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature A Proverb Spoiled. "Den rest, if I werc far, far away could you love me still?" "Why, Reggie, what a question! I'm sure the farther you were away the better I should love you." A HEALING SALVE FOR BURNS, CHAPPED HANDS AND SORE NIPPLES As a healing salve for bums, sores, sore nipples and ch pp' d hands Cham berlain's Salve is most excellent. It allays the pain of a burn almost instant ly, and unless the injury is very severe, heals the parts without leaving a scar Price, 25 cents. For sale by all deal ers A Wiseacre. Tommy What is uu acre, dadl "Four roods." "What Is a rood, dad?" "Forty square rods, poles or perches." "What is a wiseacre, dad?" "One who keeps a spare rod, pole or perch to apply to a boy who asks use less questions. Fetch me my cane!" London Answer;;. Constipation brings many ailments in its train and is the primary cause of much sickness. Keep your bowelsreg ular madam, and you will escape many of the ailments to which women are subject Constipation is a very simple thing, but like many simple things, it may lead to serious consequences. Nature often needs a liitle assistance and when Chamberlain's Tablets are given at the first indication, much disties and suffering may be avoided. Sold by all dealers. Berlin's Big Kestaurarr. Imagine a restaurant costing $H, 000,000. The Rbeingold, In Berlin, ac commodates more than 4,000 persons at one time, giving employment to 1,000 persons, of whom eighty-five are cooks. At this place It Is possible to get a good dinner for 30 cents and at any price from thai up Chicago Post. Good results aiwsys follow the use of holey Kidney Pills, ihey give prompt relief in all cases of kidney and blad der disorders, Try them, F. S. Duffy. One Idea of Heaven. A man who has lieen In political life for a long time Informs us that his Idea of heaven Is a place where a man who gets Into office himself is not ex pected to find a public Job for every body who voted for blm. Chicago Record-Herald. FOLEY KIDNEY PIUS V0RHCUMATISMK!DNCY8ANOaiAODKK framtriup to give "somebody' a job. Should this bill be ratified by the vo ters, the officers of the court would be elected by a joint meeting of the Conn ty Commissioners and the Board of Al dermen, At the next general election the same officers would be elected by the vote of the people in thesimeman ner that the sheriff, clerk and register of deeds are now elected. ' And yet he say- it is framed up to give "somebody" a job. The people who are in tnu-jh with the real situation have long since come to the conclusion that, to use the vernacular of one of our distinguished editors In the State, some body has been "hit. with a pone." M4U.THICOUGH an;. CURE LUNGS MEWftSeOVERYE VOLDl (LIB AND AU THROAT AHO GUARANTEED I Of MONEY ftmnrOaO. wnun Tfuuiiurr IKvUDUj I NOTICE OF ELECTION At a regular meeting of ihe board of county commissioners of Craven county upon petition and ri quest of the county board of education of eaid county in ac cordance with the provisions of section Nc. 1 of the Act of the general assemb ly of North Carolina, session of 1911 of an Act entitled an Act to provide for the establishment and maintenance cf County Farm Life School, and for the promotion of agriculture and home ma king. An election is hereby called by the said board of county commissioners, at its regular meeting on the first Monday in April, 1911, for the purpose of voting upon the question of establishing and levying and collecting a special tax on all taxable property and polls of said county, for maintaining and equipping said school in accordance with the pro visions of the Act of the general assem bly aforesaid, and it is hereby ordered that a new registration of the voters in said county shall be taken in accord ance with the general law governing general elections. This election is called to be held on Tuesday, the 2d dty of May, 1911, in accordance in all respects with the gen eral laws governing general elections, to be canvassed, certified ani returned to the board of county commissior ers at its meeting to be held on the first Monday in JunaJ911 it being the 5th day of June. At such election, those favoring the levying and collection of such a tax for said purpose, shall vote a ballot, on whi h shall be written or printed the words, "FOR COUNTY FARM LIFE SCHOOLS," and those opposed, shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "AGAINST COUN TY FARM LIFE SCHOOLS." The polling places in said county and city of New Hern, shall be as hereto fore made, except in the fourth ward in the city of New Hern, which polling place is changed from Hargett's store to the fourth ward reel house on Broad street. The following registrars are hereby appointed as fo'Kiws, the first name in each being the ugistrar. No. 1 township, Vanceboro H. C. Kutler, N B Ipock, T S Jackson. Maple Cypress - E F Adams, J J Gas kins, W H Causey, No. 2 township, Truitts-Lovin Gas kins, N T Fulcher, G L Toler. Bridge ton S W Brooks, S C Dun bam, McDuff Laughinghouse. No. 3 township, Dover-W I! H. Blandford, J M Whitf rd, Jesse B Grif fin. Cove W E Jones, D S Faulkner, T-J Wetherington. " Fort Barnwell G L Moore. H L Ar nold, J W Biddle, Jr. No 5 township, Taylor's S t o r e Claude Taylor, Josiah Adams, J L Tay lor. No. 6 township. Lee's Farm T E Haywood, J B Williams, J F Godwin. No. 7 township, Thurman-H C Wood J A Miller, J W Conner, No 9 township, Tisdale-W F Crock ett, John Shute, Carter Tisdale. Leach Grove J B French, Daniel ' ane, Kelly McKcel. No. 8 township, Gum Row-J E Wil cox, B B Scott, D F Atkinson. Jasper, No, 9 township J E Weth erington, Oil Perry, H T Weeks. By order of the board of County Com missioners of Craven county, C D BRADHAM, Chairman Board of to, Com'rs. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS POH RHEUMATISM KIDNEYS AND BLASlOEM How Fielding Spelled His Name. The Fleldlngs are an ancient race, and the Denbigh earldom dates from 1C22. By the way, there is a funny story ns regards the family name and Its Spelling. The author of "Tom Jones" was one of the race, and the then Lord Denbigh said to his relative "Why don't you spell your name 'Fetid lug,' as the rest of us do and not 'Flatting' 1" ' The writer made nnswer, "Beeansi 1 aui the first of the family who learn od to siiell " London Ccntlewouiau THE SOUND SLEEP OF GOOD HEALTH. Cannot be overestimated and any ail ment that prevents it is a menace to health. J L Southers, Ehu Claire, Wis. says: "I have been unable to sleep soundly nighta, because of pains across my back and soreness of my kidneys. My appetite was very poor and my gen eral condition was much run down. 1 have been taking Foley's Kidney PilN but a short time and now sleep as sound as a rock, my general condition is great ly improved, and 1 know that Foley Kidney Pills have cured me." F. S. Duffy. Wonderful Animalculae. Of all the minute creatures that in habit this globe unseen by the naked eye there Is none so astonishing, ac cording to the Scientific American, as the little living things that live In stagnant water. They are called slip per animalculae, or. as the scientist has It, the Paramecium. These tiny, Invisible things develop so rapidly that if they were able to live through 350 generations they would crowd every other living thing off the face of the earth and form a mass larger than the planet Itself. Should they go on re producing until the nine hundredth generation these little creatures would farm a mass large enough to crowd the moon and stars and even tbe sun entirely out of space. Lugklly for ns this is not possible, according to na- tares aerree. ine paqmerium oies after it has attained tbe one hundred and seventieth generation, and so the awful possibilities are checked of its multiplying to All tbe universe. Lame Shoulder is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles, and ouickly yields to the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment For sal bv ail dealers. PUZZLED THE LINGUIST. A Hindu Dialect Story That Appeared In the London Times, John Walter of the London Times once found n unique way out of a diffi culty brought about by a strike ot compositors and pressmen. At the critical moment, it appears, the "eopy" fell short by half a column. There was none at band ready to utilise, and time pressed. It was really an inspiration that came to Walter. He laid bold of a column of "pi" (spilled type. that bas been reset In a jumbled mass to facili tate distribution back Into the type cases) and prepared it in the most ex peditious way. so that it might pass muster for an article in a foreign tongue. He ran It In with a few lines of introduction, stating that this in comprehensible mass was a paper in some Hludustanee dialect, translation of which would follow in due course. No translation. It is superfluous to say, ever appeared. Many years later, long after Walter had forgotten this incident, be was vis iting in Cheshire, where he was Intro duced to a 'most learned pundit and oriental scholar. "Ah," said this gen tleman, "1 have long and ardently wished to solve a problem that has. puzzled me for years." And be drew from his pocket a tattered clipptug of Walter's "pi." indicating to the em barrassed proprietor of the Times that 1 I - the alleged Hindustanee article had ba fried his most strenuous and assldU- ous efforts to decipher, although ;tje I had tried every known dialect nt h language. There was nothing for Wal ir Waf ter to do but flee, which be did with out ceremony. The Medicine Bottle. In order to avert the most serious thing of having a child lake the wrong medicine, mothers should adhere to the following rules: Never give medicine in the dark. Always read the label on the bottle. Never go by the color of the medi cine. When the bottle is refilled see that the label reads clear. Keep poisons locked up. Keep all bottles locked up in a draw er or medicine chest Mistakes of giving children carbolic acid and such like poisons In the night time make It Imperative that mothers study and adhere to these rules, for sometimes such Inadvertent mistakes bring about terrible conclusions. Cin cinnati Commercial Tribune. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Style In Speeoh. "Do you believe fn using words ot one syllable?" asked the student of politics. "Certainly not," replied Senator Sor ghum. "Every real gentleman says 'perquisites.' iustead of graft'" Washington Star. When a medicine must be given to young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is made from loaf sug ir, and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor similar to maple syrup' making it pleasant to take. It has no superior for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by all dealers. Smart Boy. Teacher (to new pupll-Wby did the great Hannibal cross the Alps, my lit tle man? My Little Man For the same reason as th' hen crossed th' road. Yer don't catch me with no puzzles. Sydney Bulletin. SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a safe and effective medicine for chil dren as it does not contain opiates or harmful drugs. The genuine Foley' Honey and Tar Compound is in a yel low package. F. S Duffy. A Popular Ball. "She made a hit with me." "She makes a hit wltb most people Always has a crowd dancing attend ance upon her." "She evidently knows bow to buncb her hits."- Pittsburg Post "Our baby cries for Chanberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T, B. Kendrick, Rasuca, Ga. "It is the best cough remedy on the market for coughs, colds and croup. For sale by all deal- Eyes of the Giraffe. The giraffe, which Is a very timid animal, is approached with the utmost difficulty on account of its eyes being so placed that It can see as well be hind as in front. When approached this same faculty enables It to direct with great precision tbe rapid storm of kicks wltb which It defends Itself. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Fon BAOKAOHB KioMiva ano ttAooaa Lots In a Name. "Don't tackle tbe magaslnes till yon bare made your reputation." David Graham Phillips once said to a Jour nalist at the Authors' club in New York. "1 oiica tackled a magaslne editor in this room," be went on. "1 told him of my high alms. I submitted tbreis stories to him, saying: " '1 am convinced I have talent know I have a future, sir.' "'Well said tbe editor, yawning, have It made into a past and that you'll be able to drive a better bargain with me.' " Foley Kidney Pills contain in eonee trated form ingredients of established the rapeutic value for the relief aad cure of a'l kidney and bladder ailmtnrs. Foley Kidney Pills are an'iaeptie, tonic ana restorative, Kefiue substitutes. r. a, uuuy. In New York. "The woman across tbe ball from ns U dead." "How did yon And that ootr "Why, I happened to see It In tfea paper."-Llfc. MY ROUTER WASCURED -ln"i!: ' . ' -r By Ly3la . Pinkha m's Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md " I send yon here with the picture of my fifteen year old. .daughter Alice, who was restored to iSlhealth by Lydia E. riiikbani :a vegeta ble (impouirdi Sha was pale, with dark circles under her eyes, weak and irri table. Two different doctor treated her and called it Green Wckness, but she grew worse all the o - t i! .. m 1 1 : . i . - no ... . i nine,, i , iuu r.. l hii- ham' vet&te',Dpound was rec ommended, and after taking three bot tles sue lms regained her health. Ili.uik.-l to your medfcfneYTI can reewnniend it lor all retnaie tuouQies.' Mrs. L. A. J rtrtirvw.Tw.s.r 1 1111) I'i.I I,. , I W .lti ! !fntt1' "UCL' I F llundf eds of auch letters from moth- ers'xpre$ing their gratitude for what I i'yto ft nbW's ..Vegetable; C otu- poimd baa ccomvlfshed ior them hava been eceived'byuie Lydia E; Pifikham Meafetue company, J.ynu, Mass. Young CI iris, II oert This Advice. Girls "Who are troubled with, painful or irregular periods, backache, bead aclie, d ragging-down sensations, faint ing spells, or jndigestion, should tako immediate action and be restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. Thousands have been restored to health by its use. Write to Mrs. Pink bam, Lynn, Mggga f or advice, free. "Recollections of Old Time Dixie." The social system of the 'Old SoutV the South before the waris very clearly pictured in the booklet of Mrs. Mary Norcott Bryan entitled "Recol lections of Old-Time Dixie." The purity of our Southern civiliza tion and its unselfish quality as well, find frequent expression as the narra tive runs its entertaining course. The associations of Mr?. Bryan af forded ample opportunity for the study of. and her intellectual powers enabled her to correctly interpret and appreciate tbe spirit of the South which never humbled its pride nor sacrificed its hon or that thrift might follow. We do posterity a service, and honor m?n and women who gave us a sublime history when we put before the coming tteneration the real picture as Mrs. Bryan hat given it to us-of the best civilization know to history the South ern planter and his family maintaining the highest ideals of racial honor and Virtue and exercising a bentvolent guardianship of a vastly inferior rare. Only good can result from such icci tals of con , it ions as they were in the "Old South." This took can be had at Ennetl's Book Store. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS hi eMMAOHS KlONCYSANO OlAOOCN Announcement. I hereby at once announce myself a safe candidate, and may I now thank my many friends for past patronage. I now shall cut prices on all kinds of sawed shingles, a large stock on hand, must be sold by April 14th; will close out cheap as I expect to make some change in my business. You win and 1 lose, BIG HILL The Shingle Man. I -ake Drummond Carta! & Waif r Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth Always. v Quick Transit for Traffic. Prompt Towing and Freight Movement. For tolls, towing and freight rates apply at office in Seaboard Bank Build ing anil at Deep Creek Lock, Va. M K Kino, Pres. J. A. Mitten, Sec J. B. Baxter, Stipt, J. T. Whitebunl, Traffic Manager. Norfolk Office, Bell Phone 621 Instead of Liquid Antiseptics o Peroxide many people are nrr uning Paxtine Toilt Antiseptic Tbe nVw toilet germicide powder to be) dissolved to water as needed. For all toilet, and hygfjplo uses It is bettor and more ecc1 WeaL To-efeaate asM whi' teeth, remove to And asean sat the month, dev puruy me Dream. Tq ktep artificial teeth and ntiageworKOiean, odorless in remove nieona from the teeth and purify the breath after amoking. To eradtoaU peraplratiou and body odors by sponge bathing. She boat aaUaepUc wash known. RlivB aad strengthens tired, weak, toftemedpyss. Heals sore throat, wounds and out. S3 and W eta. a box, drugriaU mm c&mv A

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