Do You Dread New Shoes? It takes a deal of moral courage for. some folks to buy new shoes. Stiff soles anqi unyielding upper leath ers sometimes bring serious f oottroubles in their wake. To many new shoes mean torment or a week . or more. ,1II1G L0!1D0I A GREAT PORT ; The Look for the Red Bell the Box. on Southern Girl $2.00 Shoe J2-50 with the sole made flexible, is a positive relief for tired and tortured feet It is as pliable as an old shoe from the very first It is as stylish as any shoe you ever saw. The top and vamp are of soft kid but tough as horse hide. We've taken out all the stiffness. We ve left in all the wear fcnd all the style. See this shoe at the Craddock agency in your town. Made in all Btyles and patterns slippers pumps lace and button boots. CRADDOCK-TERRY CO.. LYNCHBURG. VA. $12 000,000 For Increased Water Area and Dry Docks. London. April 24 ThB improving of the port of L-ndjn uner the net by which the government took over all tne great docks and vested them m the oc troi" of the Port of London authority is about to begin. The undertaking will occupy years and wi'l place Londin on an equality with Liverpool, Southamp ton and other ports in respect to modern equip nent. Work will start on the South Albert dock, which will cost nearly $V2 000,000, and accommodate the largest ships afloat or projected. The entrance lock will be 1,000 feet long, 110 feet wide and a capacity depth of water of 48 feet. The entrance will be 850 feet long and may be extended by caisson. The water area will be 65 actis. There will be a m w drydock 1,000 ft. lone. 110 feet wile anl 3S feot deep, corresponding practically in accommo dation with the entrance lock. It is proposed to straighten the Thames river just below the Pool by moving Borne of the prosent docks from the north to the south Bide of the river, thus shortening the river passage. FARMER'S ; WIFE HAD HEAP TO DO .;. ..i - - ; Mrs. Shepherd Was in Ead Shape When She Could Not Stand on Her Feet Durham, N. C "I am a fatmert wife," writes Mrs. J. M. Shepherd, ol wis vuy, aim nave a ucai iu uu. s ' "Four months ago I could not stand on my feet, to do anything much, but at mis ume i oo me mosi oi mj wum. took Cnrtliii and It did me more BOOd than all the doctors. ,"You don't know half how I thank you far itiA farriut MtmJ. TrAntmpnf I wish that all women who suffer from womanly trouble would treat themselves as 1 have." uaies can easily treat uiciuscivo m home, with Cardul, the woman's tonic. It is easy to take, and so gentle in its action, mat U cannot uo any wing uui pood. ., - Being composed exclusively ot veee- laoie ingreaiems, varuut wnuui jyy trnnhla m vnnr circtem. nJ mineral drucs often do. Its ingredients having no harsh, medicinal effects, and being non- poisonous ana penecuy narmies.s, caium is absolutely safe for young and old. Ask vnur druecist. He will tell YOU to uy waiuui. N. B Wrtlt ft; Udles' Advisory Dept.," Chitts- lnitrwtions. lndfri-nase book. Home Trealmeof IM Women, vat !s plain wrapper, on requtM. FOR nnriDi ipitv uu SHORT PASSiNG EVENTS SATUBDAT. tha nresent time this Unto the Dresent time this weeK there have been about ten bales of cot ton sold on the local market. The av erage price paid for the staple was 14J cents per pound. Much interest is being manifested lo cally in the proposed highway from the sea to the mountains. This highway would take in this city and would be of great commercial value to the citizens of this county. Several days ago some one broke into the office of the Southern Express Com pany at Bayboro and stole several gal lons of whiskey that had been shipped to lovers of the ardent at that place. The thieves took every precaution not to leave any clue as to their identity or how an entrance was effected and they have not been apprehended. At a dance held at James City last night one of the dancers, a colored man pulled a razor from his pocket ana " started in to carve up another negro who was paying too moch attention to a dusky damsel with whom the assail ant was enamored. Intense excitement reigned supreme for a short while and several of the participants were slight ly injurad, The negro who wielded the razor escaped and could not be located. had been turned loose to graze and wandered on the railroad track. Late yesterday afternoon two colored men became engaged in an altercation on Broad street and before they were parted one of them suffered a sever oooln nmnnil Immediately after the k - affray one of the scrappers made a quick-get-away and thS other one was not arrested. At an early hour yesterday morning : . J I a heavy rain storm accompanieu uy wind, thunder arid lightning visited this city. People were awakened from their slumbers by the downpour and a hur ried lowering of windows which nad been left open before retiring ensued. No damage was done by the storm. Ernest Coooer. the neero who was shot through the lung by Redding Bunn also colored and who was carried to Stewart's sanitorium for treatment, is in a critical condition, Those who saw the shooting say that Bunn was fully justified in hooting Cooper who was advancing on him at the time with a stick of wood. Bunn is still at large. SUNDAY. There were two minor cases on'the docket in the'police court yesterday af ternoon. but as neither of them was of anv importance but a short while was consumed in the session. Much fertilizer is still being shipped out of this city by the local manufact urers. It is not at all an unusual thing to see several boat loads of this pro duct lying at our docks ready for ship ment and numerous wagon loads are be ing carried away each day. Late yesterday afternoon one of the Norfolk-Southern shifting engines run into and killed a horse belonging to one of the band of Gypsies who are encamp ed out on Willett's farm. The animal FALLING HAIR Cun Easily Be Stopped; Also Dan druff aud Itching Scalp. If Parisian Sage doesn't stop falling hair, itching scalp, and eiadicate dan druff in two weeks Bradham Drug Co., stands ready to refund your money without argument of red tape or any kind. Parisian Sage will put a fascinating radiance into any woman's hair in a few days. Susanne Calahan. of Hotel Royal, Bucyrus, Ohio, on March 25, 1910. wrote "Mother's hair began to come out very badly and her scalp was so sore it was verv hard to do anvthinar for it. Par isian Sage proved a GRAND SUCChSS everv wnv. Her hir stopped eoming out, dandruff all disappeared, soreness all left the scalp and her hair is coming in again very nicely." Large bottle 60 cents at Bradham Drug Co. Lawn Party. There will be a lawn party at the home of O. H. Perry, Wednesday April 26th, from 4 p. m, to 11 p. m. for the benefit of Spring Garden Baptist church. Tennis and croquet in after noon. Everybody invited. Hannibal's Downfall. The fate of Ilnnnlbal turned upon the result of a promenade. It wns after he had crossed the Alps und entered Italy, with winter quarters established at Capua. His residence was oae of the best houses !n the ctlty, and while walking lu the garden he heard a fe male voice siuglug not far away. Btrut k by the tones of the voice, he Is sued an order that the singer should t brought before him. He was so greatlj Impressed by her charms that he at once attached her to his household. disposing of the husband by beheadlnr him. Retribution followed closely upon the cowardly perpetration of the out- race. The balance of the winter devoted to pleasure, discipline and drills were practically nliandouea, ami trith tho ndvnut of snrine the Cnrtha gluiau army was so demoralized by the dissipation or tlie city mar us pres tlge was lost, and with it came tin downfall of Hanuilml. Doctors Said , Health Gone Suffered with Throat Trouble Mr. B. VT. D. Bar nes, ex Sheriff of Warren Count y, Tennessee, In a letter from Mo ll Inn vtlle. Ten nessee, write: j "I had threap trouble n d had three doc tor treating me. All failed to do m e a n y good, and pronounced my health gone. I con cluded to try Psruna, and after using four bot - ties can say I was entirely cured," Unable to Work. Mr. Gustav Hlmmelrelch, Hochhetm, Texas, writes: Tor a number of years I Buffered whenever I took cold, with awvera at tacks of asthma, which usually yielded to the common home remedies. "Last year, however, I suffered for c Ij-tit nfonth without Interruption so ttiat I could not do any work at alL The various medicines that Were pre scribed brought ms no relief. "After taking six bottles of reruns, two of Lacunla and two of Manalln, I am fre ef my trouble so that I can do all my farm work again. I can heart ily wciiiiniicnd this medicine to any one who miners with this annoying complaint mul bHIeve that they will INITIATING THE CUB. 8tunts the New Boys In Some Banks Have to Face. Now, when n tyro goes to work In a machine shon he Is sent 'to the tool room for a left handed monkey wrench. A foundry wag will seud the new boy In Beareh of "core holes." A printer's devil is sent to the typefounders with a wheelbarrow for a hair space. Hu morists in certain Kansas City banks have a revised code, says the Times of that city. Here are six things the beginner probably will be required to seek at drug stores,, in stationery shops, even at the county courthouse, where one trustful youth went the other day to inquire diligently for a "speed ball" to assist, him In his work: There is the "speed ball," then, and there is the "check stretcher,' pre sumably used to lncreuse tho slsso of checks that do not conform to the fil ing cases; the "discount board," sup posed to be checkered In BAFFLED THE INDIANS. A Old Army Paymaster's Safe That Was Apache Proof. Tears aco In the west, when the gov eninient sent out safes for the use of Its arm? paymasters In remote dis tricts. It was the custom for the nay master In cavalry service to ride In an ambulance with the safe, escortea oy a guard of six mounted men. i On one occasion such a guard was at tacked by a large force of Apache In diana. Two men were killed, and the Indians captured the ambulance with the safe. This safe contained about $8,000 In greenbacks, and it weighed some 400 pounds and bad a combina tion lock. Now. tho Indians In question had never seen a safe at close quarters until this one happened along, but they knew that It contained money; also they wanted that money. They first pounded off the knob with stones, under the impression that the door could then be pried open. Their attempt was, of course, a failure. The next step was to try their tomahawks on the chilled steel in the hope'tbat a bole might be cut In It This means, too, proved of no avail, so they de termined -to try fire. Accordingly, they gave the safe a three hour1 roast ing. Luckily for the government it was fireproof. Tbey threw big rocks upon it while it was hot, but they were as far from the money as ever. '! Next the Apaches dragged the safe np the side of a mountain and tumbled it over a precipice 200 feet high.' They . . - - . A .M If hnMl posed to be checkered in a mnnner 10 kt-"-. - -iiht Sate the handling of discounted U '"SST'SK The Regular Republican Senator? voted down a resolution to recogniz the Insurgents as an organization by giving them one-fourth of the majority places on committees. "There's a Difference" ASK YOUR DOCTOR r mi i inn i m . Los Angeles Times Building. Noted , Labor Leader Arrested la Indianapolis. IndianarKIis. Ind.. Anril 24 Charged with being in the plot leading Jo the dynamiting of the plant of the Los An geles Times in Los Angehs la't Octo ber and with having a connection with the dyanmiting of the Llewellyn found M .Ian .1 1 ra A nnralaa .Ifthn J Mi. J . miov M"a .f"' ...... , Naraara,' Secretary aid Treasurer of the International Bridge and Structural Iron Workers' Association, was arrest ed here Saturday night. A requisition for his return to Cali fornia was honored bv Gov. Marshall. Armed with it and with the indictments agninsth im, Indianapolis detectives. c companied by James Housir.a Los Ange les detective, t ok charge of MrNanv r at the international headquarters of his union. Apparently the visit of the officers was a complete surprise. Mc; Namara was hurried to the police court where a special session was call ed for i he purpose of disposing of hit cas a so that pie California authriti could getaway from Indianapolis with out celay. Judge James Collins, pre sidiniT. asked tho prisoner if he was John J, McNamara, named in ti e indict ment and in the r quisition. "I air, said McNamira from a bench where he was seated surrounded by officers. "Is he the man you wanted?" asked Judere Collins of Detective Housic, The latter replied in the affirmative McNamara was informed of the. nature t the charges. He was not asked bv Judge Collins regarding his guilt or in nocence. With a detective at each elbow Mc Namara advanced toward the Judge and Etated that he had not received an opportunity to be heard in his own be half. He insisted that no time had been al owed to employ an attorney to considei the requisition. He declared that he wanted an oppor unity to defend himself before anv further action was taken. Judee Collins informed him that he could do nothing but turn him over io the California authorities under the cir cumstances, ss it was not within his jurisdiction to determine whether or not there was evidence to preyent hn extradition. Without any further parley the dotec ive hurried out of the building with heir prisoner, who was handcuffed l6 Housic. MEETING YOU HALF WAY r 1HE Officers and Directors of this bank we workin? all the t'me to please depositors and patron'. There is a humao side to this institution. It is authorized ' Jo. act as the trusted guardian of orphan children and the executor of estates for widows, yet all of its affairs are transacted with the strictest regard for economy, safety and prudence, v. -'. , - " - ; , Your Savings or Checkings Ac count Cordially-Invited. ; NEW BERN -BANKING & TRUST CO. 4 I LET THE GOOD WORK GO ON. We are advertising just as much to educate the public to the use of good pine lumber as to sell it ourselves. Therefore, at times, we need not dwell on the . merits of our own timber but can safely leave that to the judgment of in telligent lumber buyers. Our ex perience with pine lumber en "For Thirsty Thinkers" Save the crowns, they are Valuable. Catalog for the asking. Write The Pepsi Cola Company NEW BERN, N. C. paper; the "clearing nouse Key," in search for which half a day easily may be consumed,, and for the red nua black lines that lie artistically on the fair pages what could be more appro priate than "striped ink," and lest the ink becomes too thick should not an "ink strainer" be procured? Ask the new boy. Mr. B. W. O. Barnes. A Glimpse ef Hsavsn. Paterfamlllas-Well. Mr. SmitbTrm pleased to see you at our bumble board for the first time. Now, Is there any particular cut you fancy? Prospective Son-lnLaw Oh no thank you: I fhlnk Youneest Pauifhter of the House- Dad, aren't you going to ask Clssle? I You know what a shindy she kicks np if she doesn't get first pick!-London Onlnlon. . . j Well Known Judge Hands Down ah Opinion. was left soaking In the river for three or four days, and great was the In diana' disappointment at finding them selves still baffled. . Then they tried gunpowder; but knowing nothing of the art of blast ing, tbey brought about an explosion that burned balf a dozen warriors and left the safe none the worse. ' . The Indians worked over that safe off and on for a month or mora, but failed to get, at the Inside. Finally, in disgust tbey left it In a deep ravine. Fourteen months later, when fceaee came, the army accidentally fouad the safe. It was lying in the bed of a ereek with a ereat rile of driftwood around It It was a sad looking safe, but when opened showed Its codtente Intact Harper's weekjy. "Catiaut" From Silkworms. , Probably but a small percentage ot the fishermen who use flies strung with fine translucent "catgut" are aware that the almost unbreakable substance that holds the hooks against the fiercest struggles of the struck fish comes from silkworms. Vi The principal center of the manu facture of 'this kind ot catgut is the Island of Procida. In the bay of Na ples, but most of the silkworms em- The Watch Store All Kinds "All Qualities All Prices , - and each Watch the best at its price whatever the price. Every Watch guaranteed ac cording to its worth, in knowledge of. that worth." , $1 to $125 J. Of Baxter JEWELER AND MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN ables us to speak with authority, an3 to offer a fera le of goods absolutely without parallel in this section of the country. Broadius & Ives Lumber Co. Old New Furniture. 1 The Savodine Company New Bern, N. C Dear Sirs: Prom the use I have made of SAVODINE 1 believe is to be a very vaiusuiv iriiiijr .... . . jura, uui uiwi v. iu. Dn. u.u.- r. .u.i immailiat reliwf In nu nlnvoif ant ratwxl near Torre AtfnUO ! jura in - - of difficult breathing and Inhaling it slata. at the foot of Vesuvius. The freely ehecku and gives relief in severe caierpuia j " - couehlng. So f-r as I have had oppor- " ,u" i""'"" " cougning, o . J lne g )k glands are removed and sub- tunity to use It. which is only a short ,ckIln whIch time, I am much pleased with its em- ecret of fne tnle ,nd aftePWard ciency. ' , J the threads are csrefully draw out Very truly youm.. t by .filled workers, mostly women. 1 T. K. SHEPARD, The length of the thread varies from Bay City, Mich, a foot to nearly twenty 1dobs,Sc! Judge T. F. Shepard is widely known entlfle American. ' - and highly eteemed. He is a lawyer , of recognized ability. For years he was' The Honse adopted a resolution re Circui :iulg of thc;EBtern District questing President Taft to eiplam why j I -.,!,. " Amli"f!ft'!ir II :!l resigned, SELECTED GOHON SEED -FOR- For sale, as long as they last, a limited quantity of selected Cotton Seed, Simp kins Variety carefully picked 'ginned at a private gin, pack ed in new bags of 3 bushels each, at $1.00 'per bushel, .delivered on boat or cars. Cash with order. Wrfte, J. J. Pn::l.:tt, l.':r. POLLOCKSVILLE, N. C. Thons Fli-R rt. Worn out chairs and furniture are made like new, at a cost of about 20 cents with one coat of L. & M. Varnish Stain. Mahogany, Oak, Walnut etc. colors. Directions on each can. Get it from Gaskill Hdwe., & Mill Supply Co., New Bern, N. C . VIENNA DEATH NOTICES. They Read Liks sn Extract From Family History. -' "Don't die in Vienna. You'll be sor ry if you do." writes an American on his first visit to that city, "not be cause of the usual objections, but on account of the death notices in the owners. Thev annear flanked by all sorts of ads. and range in size ac cording to the desire for notice on the Dart of the family of the late la mented. Every possible title is men- Honed, and the name of evervmem ber of the family goes to make up the notice. A death announcement black bordered and covering balf a page of the naner Is nothing unusual. Here Is i sample: "'Bruno Weiss, nurreror of lubri cating oil to his lmnerlal and royal ma esty, and bla wife, Amalle born Hor sltzky In their own and in the names of their children Hans, Otto, Minna, Laura and Hllde and their sons-in- law, Military Surgeon Dr. Lois Kro- blnsky and Architect Oekar Jelllnek; their dnuehters-ln-law. Louise, born Lederman, and Marie, born Anspacker, as also in tne names or ineir graoa-chlldren'-bere follows a long string of names 'and their mother and mother- in-law, Fratt Ernestine Winkler, relict of Commercial Councilor Anton Wink ler, announce to their friends the en trance Into eternal rest after a long and severe illness, of their dearly be loved son, Arthur, in the twenty-sixth rear of his age.' "This Is correct except as to tne names.' New York Tribune. i Tune ef the Engine. Engineers, both locomotive and sta tionary, Judge of the condition of their engines largely by their "tunes", when ! running. . Every engine has a tone of , Its own, and an experienced engineer with bandaged eyes could unhesitat ingly pick out an engine to which be was accustomed. As a locomotive roars along the rails the engineer Is always listening, though subconscious ly, to its familiar tune, and If there comes the slightest discord or If the tone changes he knows Instantly that something is wrong and makes an in vestigation at the earliest opportunity. He may hsve no ear for music, but the change In the tone of bis great machine will t at once noted.-Ex-change. ' While you are having that spring cleaning, make a new room of an old one with D. P. S. Flat Wall Finish. Kcr color cards, phone 99 or write J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co., 67 S. Front St. CA R SCREEN DOORS AND WIN DO W SC7flbfci5 Knocked down screen frames. Adjustable frames. Wire cloth black and galvanized; all widths. Atten tion given taking measures for sizes needed. Paint and Varnish Stains and Moor Finish, all necessary goods forthe home. Service prompt, business appre ciated. Call us up Phone 147. ' GASKILL HARDWARE CO. i. . TIL li-f . i' KTibt Porn PJ IT Middle sireei. v ' jnumc " I T. J.' TURNER AWNINGS We have the agency for Hettrck Bros. Awnings, both store and resi dence. If you ure in need of an Awn ing we cap furnish you. Place your order before the Summer rush. Fit Quality and' Price Guarapteed. To see samples and get prices, call phone 172,' or address . Pj, p. Box 445. Furniture Co., 93 Me St. JUST RECEIVED Madras With Satin Stripe, For Waists, ' Browses and Shirts. ONLY : iOc. PER YARD ' " -l, .V... ... , . . -.j.te , .., --- - ' WELL WORTH 15c. ' Barrington Dry Goods ,Co. A COMPLETE LINE Blue Serges and Mixed Goods are . Now to be seen at - , FvM CHAD WICKS Ilerchar.t Tailor, 1C3 I'M" ft. New Hern, N. C.

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