I DAS ARMISTICE Between "Mexican' Government ; and Insurrectos. Provisions of .Truce. . . El Paso. Tex.l April 24-An armistice of five days, beginning at noon yester day, and affecting the distrista around Juarez and Chihuahua and wet f latter city; was made effective in an exchange of identical letters signed by General Francisco L Madero, . for the" rebels, and General Juan Navarro, for the gov ernment. " " -;; h':-:. ' "' .-. '. Th truee provides that there shall) be no movement of 1 troops of either Side during the next five days, And that provisions vand--medicines may be brought to either camp from the Ameri can tide without payment of duty. It ' is noted that Ojinags, - whose small Federal force is besieged, is not cover ed in the armistice, the insurrecto act! vities in that district being largely in depdent. It U expected that in the . event or tne settlement of the rebellion in Chihuahua,, the situation at Ojinsge and other scattered places througbou-, the repuhl;c will receive at'Vntion. Th moral effect. ' of : cesatu.-it f hnstiiitlet in Chihuahua is -regard d a8C.rtin1e. make settlements in other parts of th country simple, f7.,.: 'x'T' ' -4-. -',- Ac usl peace nego'iations preceded the armistice. It was Known that r .truce was agreeable to Msdeio and a telegram from the city .of Mexico hk formed General Madero that General Navarro had been instructed by Presi dent His to enter into the pact., Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours -. Dr. Dotchon's 'relief for Rheumatisn usually relieves severest cases in a few hours. Its action upon' the' system is remarkable and effective, it removes at once the cause and the disease quick ' iy disappears, IJirst dose greatly bene fits. 75c and $1.00. "Sold by Bradham Drug Co. ; '- Norfolk A Wide Open Town.'; Those gentlemen who are in search of a town that is "wide open" as gam bling and other vices is concerned will not now have to hie themselves to that great metropolis, New York,- but can find all of the allurements of the gamb ling den, the saloon, the race' track, and a laree number of others in the beautiful (?) city of Norfolk, Va , A gentleman 'arriving ''from that city yesterday informed the writer that no restriction is out on any of these resorts by the law at that place, That several days ago a squad of police raided 'a' gambling den and after Capturing the inmates and all of the pharapherr alia and carrying them before a police -Justice they were released from custody and all of the paraphernalia returned to them Handsomely Illustrated Booklet on Washington,' D. C, Free. - Any agent of the Norfolk-Southern Ry , will furnish fopies to any one con templating a trip -, 1 Interest Ia Corn Contest Growing. Dear Sir:- . ' . Many . of the boys of your county have joined the Com Contest conducted Mr. I. 0. Schauband have neglected io send in their, applicalionfor member ship to the State Corn Club contest. '.' , These two contests are entirely sep arate. But the rules of each are such that the boys can belong to both and compete for the prizes offered, with the same acre of corn, provided they have filled eut and returned to each of- ineir appucau m tor memoersnip. And unless a boy has filled our. sign ed and re:urned to Mr.-t. B - Parker one of these application blanks he can 'not compete- for the prizss offered by the State, Department of Agriculture. These application blanks, together with a leaflet of rules governingthe contest can be obtained by writing to Mr. T. B. Parker, Raleigh. . N. "C or from your county Superintendent of Public Instruction. : -,-. x , i . ' I hope that yqu will urge eyery boy. who has not yet done so, ; to procure -one of these bUnks, "fill it out and re turn to Mr. Parker.7 By doing this the boy will be competing for five more prues with the same acre of corn, and thereby greatly increase bis chance of winning a prize, ' V v.. - ' I would be glad for - you to give this matter a little space in the next two is sues of your paper and urge the boys to give it their prompt attention. , By doing this you will greatly aid the De partment of Agriculture in getting them in touch with the boys and will, at the same time, do the boys of your county a great kindne-j by calling their attention to this matter. i Thanking you in advance for your kindness, I am, T4 . Yoursvery truly, ' JAMES M. GRAY, : - Assistant Director. mm POLITICALSOOTH AGEDJBY FROST JIG 5TRUP. Cucumbers' and "Beatis Suffered and Blooms on Berry Plants - , ' -Killed.-Wilmington Staf. 215 With , frost throughout the entire eastern part of the Statewyesterday morning. and, at. some points ' the temperature , almost down to freezing, the strawberry crop received another set-back and cucum-j ters, beans and other early truck crops were considecably damaged. Frost was predicted again for last night.;4, - While all blooms on the strawberry plants were killed by the frost the dam age wss comparatively slight as the berri s were not injured and brooms pat out daily.'' The greatest damage being done terries by the cold ia in prevent ing them from ripening, In some lo calities gro wets were prepared for all emergency and the plants were covered with pine straw and where this was done not even the blooms were killed,. The weather report showed that frost was heavy at Wilmington, New Bern, and W ldon and light at some of the in terior points where as a 'Usual thing it is much colder than in the eastern por tion of t he St a( e. At Wilmington the temperature; was 38 and at Lumberton 33, while New Bern Bhowed 34. Frost is not an unusual occurrence the latter tart of April- but this , ia the first Spring in several years when the cold haw h.en mfficient to damage crops. In. 1907 very cold weather prevaile i . at Easter and the strawberry crop was cut veryihort number of cars being only about 1.000. - Continued cool weather is having a s Tious effect on berry shipments and it h feared if itcon'inues many dajs long er the crop will be cut short. " Indicat ions pointed to the shipment of about 15 Cih-s from the entire berry belt yes terday und one year ago from 80 to 90 aars per day were being shipped. Mr. Fly and his family will soon .call. Greet them with well screened 'windows ' and doors "anil save a doctor's tillv We have the Screens. J. S. Basnight Hdw.. Co., phone H 67 S. Front St. - Frank Cing Dead. Mr. Frank King, a well known house painter and citizen residing at 48 George street,' was stricken with paralysis while at work Monday afternoon April 24th, and expired in a short time. Mr, King was a native of Jones coun ty, 57 years of age, ar-d leaves a widow ami-several daughters. He came to New Bern from Kinston a few years ago and las made many friends h re who will regret to learn of his passing. The remains were taken - to Kinston yesterday morning and from there were carried to the deceased former home, near Tuckahoe, Jones county for inter ment. . - " . ; - ' ' ' Building a Reputation.' - Young physicians in the. amallei towns have an. Idea that appearing very busy- vrtH help them greatly In startlug a practice. The following Is told 'by a: now prominent -Kentucky physician. He had a call the after noon following the banging out of bis shingle and started through town in bis buggy at terrific speed. A police man stopped the enterprising physi cian.. ;v,;': V' - ' : "Doctor,"-he said? 'It la against the city ordinance to drive at the speed you are going. You must accompany me to the Judge and pay your fine."-. "What Is the fine?" Inquired the doctor, ."Five-dollars." - - -. The doctor's hand (lew to bis pocket "Here's $10, . I have to come back Just as fast a 1 am going." Success Mftga cine. .:;.-' ;';"':'"-'., .'-'! -;-;- .''t , . ;v- ; Ambition. " ' :- The scroll of fame has variant 'at tractions for different minds. ' ' "Here lies one whose name was writ lu water" the despairing and dying John Keats desired that admission of defeat engraved for his epitaph. "Write me as one who loved bis fel low men," was Leigh Hunt'a aspira tion. ' ., . .' ' To be remembered as the author of the Declaration of independence and of the first stutue for religious freedom and as the founder of the University of Virginia, this was Thomas Jeffer son's prayer to posterity. . " . .Thus one mny go the range. And thus the lines recur: . ' v' Ambition Is ourldol, on whose wtnsa Orsat minds are earrM only to extreme To b subUmeljr rwt or to be nothing-. Splendid Fishing at Beaufort and Morehead City. . TROUT AND BASS PLENTIFUL Beaufort, April 22 Large catches of Trout and Bass are being made daily in the vicinity of Beaufort and Morehead City, Beginning early In April Trout and Bas begin to run and a record sea son is predicted by the wily boatman and guides of thia vicinity. ' V" Minority of Ways and Means '.' Roasts Farmers' Free - List. WssSington, April 26th. -Calling the Fanners' Free List bill "political gooth tne syrup,''the Republican minority of the House Ways and -Menus Committee has jpme'nWd a : rport 'tearing Jkl&i nothing but reciprocity should be acted upon at this session. It was signed hy representatives Hid Payne," Da'zell, McCsll, . Needham, Fordney ar.d Longworth, and read in part as folio: . "T;'e nding bill was ordered report ed net only without investigation, but witho'it eemblance of consideration ly the Otiiunittee. It was. srated in the committee that it would reduce reve nues about $1,500 000, and it is now ad . mitted that it will cut down the revenue by more than $10,000,000, and later ad missions are that it was christened by its authors 'The Farmers' Freei List Bill,' and it represent a transparent attempt at the manufacture of p'diti cal capital. In view of the title, which its friends have given if, it would at least have been proper to investigate the effect it is likely to have upon the agricultural interests. "The President of the United States felt it his duty to Congress in special session to consider ttie Cuiadian Red procity hill. "That bill has alrendy been acted up on hy"the House, and ingle-id of bring ing forward tariff hills, ill considered or not considered at all, for the purpose of administering political soothing syr up to particular classes of population',' the undersigned are of the opinion that the interests of tha farmer and every bxiy" else wiil be subserve. 1 if the coun try is spared from further political ex ploitation and further tariff legislation at the present time and adjournment is taken promptly after the Reciprocity bill shall have been finally acted upon." Congress will continue In session all summer, in the opinion of Speaker Champ Clark, who at the White House said; "I have been in two extra sessions called for the revision .of the ttriF, both beginning in March, and we got away in August both times." Carload of Automobiles Arrived. A car containing four Regal automo biles which were, shipped by the Motor Company, of Winston-Salem. N. C, arrived In this city yesterday; Two of the cars had already been disposed of while the other two were sent here to be used as demonstration cars. In placing the automobiles in the freight car it was necessary to place one of ihem on a scaffold over another and sometime during the transit it fell upon the car underneath and completely demolished it. The seats were torn off, the fenders broken, the wind shield so badly "twisted that it was discarded and in fact the auto was so badly damaged that the gentleman in charge of the shipment decided that it would have to be returned to the factory to be rebuilt The car which fell, was also badly dam aged. .. -- Announcement. .hereby at once announce myself - a safn candidate, and may I now thank my many friends for past patronage. I now shall cut prices on all kinds of sawed shingles, a large, stock on htn, must be sold by April 14th; will close out cheap as I expect to 'make some change in my business. You win 'and I lose. " IJIU. HILL -1 , - The Shingle Man. Married. ... ! - ; Last evening at the home of M r, Wil liam Paul, on Burn street, Mr. Hugh Smi'.h and Miss Mabel Toler. were uni ted in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev, A. C S.'huier. v -:", , Barn and Stock Destroyed.- At an early hour yesterday morning the large barn on Mr. J. A. Jones farm about 12 milea from this city and which ia under the supervision, of Mr.. X. M. Brock, was completely destroyed . by fire of an unknown origin. When the blaze was first discovered Mr. Brock rushed inb to liberate nve norsea which were in their- stalls. , Tha animal's became frightened, however and only one of them waa saved. ... A large quantity of feed stuff and seeds was also destroy id. Just In the rear of the building was a uiiui uiciuiure in wuiui ivh nuoui - oo cowl, fortunately none of these were injured. Mr. Jones was out of the city yesterday and.it wat impossible to learn whether there wjs any "insurance on the building or stock.. , . , v iill .VI ' iVlUilLY ilXvj tu tvKOHa MUNitsu buuois A WASTED SALUTE Naval Powder, Pomp andJSplen- dor and a Fizzle, i ; - v;-- A SURPRISE -FOR FArJaGUT. The -Admiral, With rile Assembled 6t.fr Was Under the InL ressien That He Was About to Greet Mil! Ury .Guest, but He Was Miataksn. A group of officers Were-Swapping" storirs t tli Array .and Sue eluH in Washington .one nlht when-, one was reminded of an amusing incident .that occurred in connection with jthe .stay of the flagship Monongaheia at Pensa cola bay whon Farragut-waen board. The old fighter had been very busy the week before paying official calls on the mainland, and among'' those who bad euteriuiued him was General Can by. When, therefore; word: was re ceived that the general would visit the ship the next day the admiral was de termined .to have everything. In readi ness to receive him in a stylejbecomlng his rank. ' i ' The bid boat was scrubbed and holy stoned from stem to stern. She brass work was given ao extra rub', and things generally were put inty tn best of order. The captain of thfl marines had a special inspection of'uls com pany, and not'a spot of rusCor a dull helmet spllte escaped his notiJa, When night closed In darkness settled down over n very clean ship and a i $tS tired Bhlp'SyCoinpany,. .;""" Bright and early the next vmorn.ing the admiral's launch was sent off to bring the general aboard. At-the last jnoment it wns discovered that there was no fruit for luncheon, and Pomp, the admiral's cook, was sent in the din ghy to get some. . ' Pomp was a character in. his way and had been with the admiral for many years. He was very,: proud of What he called bis military bearing and wore his benrd carefully trimmed to a point. His huir and beard xfere nearly white, and, although he 'was sixty years old, be ruled the ottwr negroes with a rod of Iron. i By 10 o'clock every one w standing by In full dress, when the quartermas ter came aft and reported that the ad miral's launch, was returning. The ofiicer of the deck walked o the rail and took a squint at the bot through his glasses. 'A hiati'.tflBa' in blue uni form was seated in the admiral's cane chair in the stern, hut as the gunwale strnck him just below his shoulder and the awning hid his head the officer of the deck was not certain that, it was General Canny until as the wind lifted the edge of the nwning he caught a glimpse of a gray heard, Word was passed that the general was coining. The crew were beat to quarters, the mnrlne guard paraded, ahd the gun squad, detailed to fire the salute, tool; their stations. Everything was in readiuess, and the admiral aud his staff stood at the head of the gang way to receive the guest. A hush of expectancy settled over the ship, The boat drew nearer, .lust as the launch scraped alongside, boom, boom, came the salute from the Kuns. "I'resent arms!" came Jhe command to the guard, and at a sign from the flag ufiicer the band struck up "Hnll to the Chief." Amid ell this, military pomp and splendor the. occupant of the launch was slowly clambering, feet foremost and just as the last gun was fired be stood erect at the top of the gangway, it was the "admiral's cook with a bag of fruit In each hand! The honors In tended for a general had been rendered to old Pomp! As the situation dawned on the men even discipline could not check a general shout of laughter. The old admlrak himself laughed until he could mush no longer. Jt seemed that In some way the dinghy bad gone off and left the old negro and that be menaced to con vluce the coxswoln that "Marse Farra gut was. Jest bound to nave dat fruit befo' the general came." Pomp "wnuted to land at the port Banttwav. but the coxswain Insisted that the admiral's launch nefrer went ta the port "ide and jthnt the old man would have to land on the starboard side, aft. Had the awning been a little blsher the mistake In Identifica tion"' would no ihuve occurred. As things were. no otie could be .blamed, and the nffalr' was treated na a Joke, while the" old cook was nicknamed the 'General." - . .. " r 5: !- .; When nn hour Inter General Canny did come he was received - with all due: ceremony and on being told the story laughed until the tears rolled down his checks and demanded to aee the man 'who had stolen bis salute. New York Press. " "' '' -,, . DIED. ;,Ysterday morning at Franklin, Va., Mrs- Sallie B. Perrv. The remains will I funeral service will be cond ucted at Christ Church by Rev. B. F, Husk this afternoon at 4 o'clock.-The Inter- ment will be made in Cedar Grove cemetery. '(...' - I i V '' " . : .' Mrs. Eliza W. Parker," wifa of Mr. Jasi R. Parker, Sr. died at her lata residence, No. 52 East Front alreet yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.' Mrs. Parker was 78 years of age and is sur vived by her husband and six children. The funeral service will be Conducted at the Methodist Church this afternoon at &"su o ciock oy Kev, j. a, uuriey. - THE SOUTHERN STATES BONDS Against Listing Them Ocrtaiu Bondholders Kilter Protest. New York, April 27-Kdward L An drews of No. 25 Broad street, counsel for the Corporation of Foreign Bor.d holders of London, and a committee of North Carolina bondholders, has written t George W Ely, Secretary of the New York Stock Exchange, protesting against the 1 r-sting of proposed issue of bonds by the States of Mississippi and North Carolina. Mr. Ely says that although Missis sippi has sold several hundred thousand dollars of the proposed issue it declined to pay the first coupon on the ground that the bonds were illegally issued: snd declined to repay the money paid for the bends on the ground that the money had been expended. Mr, Andrews says these transactions were conducted with reticence in Octo ber, November and December last. Mr. Andrews says that North Caro lina is preparing to issue more than $800,000 of additional State bonds, not withstanding the "reprehensible cir cumstances connected with the existing default upon its bonds now outstand ing." Mr. Andrews d dares that it is the purpose of his clients and others organ izations interests! to oppose the exten sion of further credit to these communi ties. Secretary Ely has referred the letter to the Stock Listing Committees, Will Return Valuable Relic. State Adjutant General Leinst.er has received a letter from Charles E. Le Grand, a Union Veteran, now living at Salem, Mass.. offering to return to the owner, if he be iivirg, or relatives, a Bible that he has in his possession. Mr. LGrand was a musician in the Federal army at the time of the fall of New Bern n 1802, and it was at a fort near the city that he picked up the Bi- b'e. Upon a fly leaf is written the name "Lieutenant C. A". Boone, Co. D. 35:h N. C. Camp Morgan," and a note to the effect that the book had been pre sented to Lieutenant Boone, by Mrs. C. K. Caldwell. Upon numerous pages the name of Francis McKihley appears. It is more than probable that it is the name of the Lieutenant's sweetheart The records show that -Charles A Boone enlisted in the Confederate serv ice in 1861 from Chatham county as 2d Lieutenant xnd that in 1863 he was com missioned First Lieutenant. His name does not appear on the pension roll, therefore it is not known whether he is alive or dead. Who Francis McKinley was or wher he met her, or what were their rela tions ,are facts if known, from which perhaps a pretty (little story could i e written. Andrew Carnegie appeared before the grand jury in New York which is inves tigating the affairs of the failed Carne gie Trust Co. NEWS EROM SWANSBORO. The building of the Tarrymoor'e Hotel marks the beginning of a new era in the history of Swanshoro. An era of progress,' and development we believe, such as the town has never known be fore.. The hotel was built ly one of the beat known hotel mtn in the State, Mr. W J, Moore of the Tarrymoore, Wrightsville Beach. Its known to all that a hotel has been the - crying need of this town for many years,- and the new ono is a model In every respect. With all modern conveniences ahd equipments, It is prepared to serve its guests with' almost, ever) delicacy that the American appetite demands or desires. - Swansboro was fortunate in having Mr. Moore make his residence here, for not only has be built a fine hotel but he ia haying two large stores erected also. He ia intensely interested in good roads, andia working to get the roads to this place modernized. , - What Swansboro needs now ia a rail road, needs it badly. - The town ia ide ally located or a Summer resort, or even a'W'nter resort; cooled in Summer by delightful breezes from the Atlantic Ocean, it ia protected from Winter blasts by forests of (he interior, by gasolene boats which handle a consid erable traffic for this place and points up Queen's Creek and Whiteoak rivtr, These boats ply Bogue South, which ia one of the calmest and prettiest bodies of water along the coast, almost . liko a lake, nasa bv Morehead Citv. through Alia Tnlanfl f!nfiat-ant olnnir ta Man I to New Bern, from which place" U brought considerable merchandise. The Methodist heia have built a. home for their pastor. Most of the people contributed cheerfully and liberally and ( it didn't take long to complete a nice residence. FEDERAL COURT ilSESSi In This City Convened Yesterday Morning For a One Week Term Judge H. G. Connor Pre siding. A one week term of the United States Circuit and District Courts convened in this city yesterday morning for a one week term with Judge H. G. Connor, of Wilson, N. C. presiding! j The docket for the present term is unusually light, and it ia not probable that the entire week will be consumed, The following grand jury was drawn. C. E. Foy, city, foreman: Ralph Ben der, Wards Mills; W E Tucker, Green ville; J C Mush, Cash Corner; Ben Wil lis, Bairds Creek; A J Collins, Mays ville; C T Cox, Richlands; M C Korne- gay, Mt. Olive; Lemuel Aldridge, Shint Heny Carrawan, Messic; S R Stieet, city; John Herring, Seven Springs; Enoch Nobles, Trenton, R B Parker, Trenton; Henry French, Kinston; W S Blount, Ayden; Harvey Hancock, Ay den; J II Mewborne, Kinston, After the grand jury had been secured the regular routine of the days' work was begun. The following cases were disposed of: U S vs G H Crady, of Wayne county, charged with making an opportunity to defraud, nolle prosed. U S vs T J Kearney, of Craven coun ty, charged with retailing. Nolle pros. U S vs John Dixon, of Craven coun ty, charged with retailing, case nolle prosaed, U S vs A I. Jackson, B F Jackson, A Ciuisey and Willis Grimes, of Pitt Co. charged with illicit distilling, case nolle prossed. . - U S vs Wm II Morning, of Craven county, charged with retailing, case nolle prossed. In the case of U S vs C L Stevens and James F Taylor charged with aid ing and abetting J R B Carraway for merly teller in the National bank in this city, embezzling and misappropri ution of funds the case was nolle pross ed. U S vs Geo, Raynor, charged with illicit distilling, the defendant was given a jury trial and found guilty but sentence has not yet been passed. U S vs J M Andrews, of Wayne Co charged with distilling, was found guil ty and sentenced to a term of three years at the Federal prison at Atlanta, Ga. J M Davis, of Lenoir county, plead guilty to a charge of illicit distilling No sentence has yet been passed. Bogus Cloth. What is Paint? Some people think anything labelled "paint" is paint, but there's a difference, just as much as between one kind of cloth and another. Cloth nine-tenths cotton and one tenth wool, is bogus cloth. Cloth all wool wears to the limit Paint at a price be tween 75 Cents and $1.50 is like bogus cloth. The L. & M. Paint is all wool and wears to the limit. 1 here's a rea son. "Longmae & Martinez, Manufactur ers - The L. & M. Pure Paints, Varnish es and Paints for every purpose, for sale by Gaskill Hdwe. & Mill Supply Co., New Bern, N. C. Will Speak Here Friday Night. Mr. S. A. Thompson, Field Sicretary of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress will deliver sn address at the court house Friday night at 8:30 o'clock on the subject of 'Deeper Waterways.' Mr. Thompson made a short talk on this subject last Thursday night at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, and those who heard him pronounce it the best talk on that subject they ever heard. After hearing Mr. Thompson on this great subject the Chamber of. Com merce invited him to return ao that ev, ery citizen-could have the oppor tunity of hearing him ducuss a sub ject that is ao vital lo our community, Samuel Adama, of Chicago, will be appointed by President Taft to succeed First Assistant Secretary Pierce, of the Interior Department. ' DOTS FROM DEPPE. Onslow county April 24 There will be a basket supper at Spring-Hill Fri day night April 28th. Everybody cor dially invited to come. Girls come aiid bring basket and boys come prepared to buy them. ) :'- .' Mr. J. C. Trott spend Saturday night at Mr. A. T. rott's, ' 1 , Mersra.Sylveater Morton and Fiee man Nulville went down to North East fishing Friday, they caught eight. You had good luck boya you better try it again. . V-"';-;''.-.' v ' ' Mrl ST A. Trott visited Jones county Sunday. Think there must be some at traction. ,- Our school at Spring Hill will oon be up only three more dry. "DIXU" SANDERS GIVEN YEAR AHD A DAY In The Federal Prison At Atlanta. Several Other Oases Disposed of at Yesterday's Session. At yesterday's sessions of - Federal . Court now in session in this city Frank , Sanders of Newport, plead guilty to a charge of retailing and waa sentenced to a year and a day in the Federal pris on at. Atlanta, Ga . and to pay a fine of $ti.O and the coat of the case. . This case has attracted a great amount of interest in this section aud the court room was packed with spectars, many who had come to the city for this pur pose alone, while the trial was in pro gress. It will be remembered that San ders was captured several months ago by the revenue officer in this district . and brought to this .city for trial. His rial did not come up on the first day of court and he asked to be allowed to give ond in the sum of t 000. Ho was al , lowed to do this and immediately after he left the city and when his case was called he failed to put in his appear ance. After being at large a number of months, he was captured near More head City several days ago by 'Deputy Marshal Lilly and brought to this city and placed in jail for safe keeping. At the trial yesterday Sanders, plead guilty to the charge ot. retailing and asked the mercy of the court injregards to his behavior in failing to put in his appearance when his cane was called at a-previous term. He said that on the Sunday previous to the Monday on which his trial was to have been called at the last term of court, he began to think seriously of the predicament which he was in ard had decided to commit suicide. He seoured a bottle of lauda- naum and drank the contents. This be numbed his faculties but did not kill him. His wife found him lying on the floor of his t-tore while he was in this condition and carried him into h s room and put him to bed. That on the fol lowing morning he was feeling much better and went to the depot at New port. and boarded the train for this city. He arrived here at an early hour and went at once to the. Federal building for the purpose of having a talk with the solicitor. When he arrived there, however, he failed to find anyone there and he then went down to Mr. J. B. Watson's establishment for the purpose of procuring his breakfast. While he was there he was taken very - sick and while lie was in this condition he decid ed to return to - bis home. This he did and a few day later went to Florida to visit a brother who was living in that State. A few months ago he returned to his home and had resided there up to the time of his arrest. Both the prosecution and the defense place a number of witnesses on the stand and considerable time was spent in taking the testimony of these. Joseph Sasser of Wayne county was found guilty of retailing and was sen tenced to the Federal prison for 3 years. Frank Bryan, of this city, was found guilty of retailing but no sentence has yet been passed upon him. While you are having that spring cleaning, make a new room of an old one with B. P. S. Flat Wall Finish. . For color cards, phone 99 or write J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co.. 67 S. Front St. Accident to Sheriff Biddle. Tha friends of Sheriff J, W. Biddle are grieved to hear of a painful acci dent which occurred to him some days ago. The Sheriff and Mrs. Biddle are at Red Springs, Robeson countyr and ac- cording to tha report received here. Sheriff Biddle was walking on a plank or board and fell to the ground, dislo cating even breaking his hip. It is hoped it will be learned that tha acci dent was not aa serious as ia now laid to have been,- ; -. Immerson School Commencement, Swansboro, April SO The closing ex ercises of the Emmetosn School at this ' place were held in th Unitarian church Friday th 23rd Inst, in connection with th lost meeting for th season ot "Ti Temperance Loyal Legion' -'T)lA Tinnlla VOMICA tn tka c warlnna tranche they hav studied, and show ed evidence of faithful work during th year. . ; . : singly, and io groups. Compositions war read by th older pupils; inter- ipnsed with pleasing songs, 1 Altogether the exercise reflected great credit upon th school and upon I Miss 8. Johnson, th accomplished lady ' principal, and delighted th th audi- enc of parent and friends. . y Over twenty pspils received prizei .tot faithfnl attendance. i nnr 40 ttv a r m n .1 irv in a tti

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