a- - v. - . -- .V i i , a aaB a m m an a THE IVEtKLY JUUaHAL EstahUabee: 1878 . r .1 r-oUshed to Two Sectiona, everj Tuesday and Friday, at Journal Bullo-r-a st-SO Craven Street. CHAKLES im 8TXTXSS, EDITOR AND PROPBIITOR. Official Paper oC New Bern ano Craven County. "t-.. V ' TA '''J'' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Months., i. .V .. .V ..I 5 Three Months.. .. 81 ftx Months.. .. .. .. .'.. walva Month.. .. .. . LOO ONLT IN ADVANCE. The Journal ts cabr sent on pay-In advance hula. Subscribers will re ceive notice of expiration of their aub- viDtlona BOfi an immediate reeponae to notice wu d appreciated by the Journal. ' Advertising ratea tarnished upon appUcatlon at the office, or upon tn mlrr by mal ntetd at the Poatotflee. New Bern. N. C, a eeeond-elase matter. New Bern, N. C. April, 28. 1911. I tlmilH F77T777TTT7T7T,i..m I DEMAND FOR KNOWL EDGE OF PUBLIC J-FFAIKS The decision by the trustees of Princeton College to establish a Viair ni Pnhlift Affairs, is one of the notable signs of this progress ive educational age. The engage merit as professor for this chair of ex-Mayor McClellan of New York city, is the guarantee that this department of Princeton College will be well taken care of. The increase in size of this gov ernment, the increase of municipal ities in the amount of matters com mitted to the charge of their offi cials AVegtiabterVeparailonBrJU siioilaUiig therlwdatRlRegula tingdteiofiHitoandBowtsof HON. WHITEHEAD KLUTTZ , VOR8IT. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Promotes DieslionfWtTul- twss and Rrorf nnt.ilnsneittw Opium-Morphinc norlincraL NOT Pi ARC OTIC. jotmitsMiELnimsL JbcStnta MxMeSdk- AvstStttt Htrmtrr- Anorftx-tRpnwitv rnrfnTlsto- Hon.SouTStonh.Dtarthoca Worms jConvulsionsJevensh ness andLoss of Sleep. FacSimil Signature of NEW YOKK. Bears the JU Signature J!y For In Use Over Thirty Years PA Exact Copy of Wrapper. thi otMTvm nn, new o city. builds factories, and the money that spreads Christianity is money .im,, mnr everv that is given for that purpose ' .. , l There is too much, with due vear, that individual Dusiuess ca ' ' :L0fi.aBter nl. father apology to our correspondent, imuiuy io c. v- - J ..... . ... Jstaudmer on the street corners than political mgeuuiiy nu mo watching autos speeding by, look POUS , : 4. V,n( 1 llrrnviiirr tk m' m noor at the colleee ,u8 " wuu,cv a "6 , iwnac ine mouev suuiit ui uiuw. man Has cnauged to au age wmru - - nrr,,,lH tin if Dmtf FnT nrhltrlh i Minn is rlo. 1 "ulu u" oivuu .v. & eUUCaiilUU i" cvcijr wus I nt i it .. . .u Hf o,l nw me way wiieie iraiuia "u .niwo that be obtained, and the money will is as necessary as the college that ' . shall prepare men to serve me - . . . Kiruirau umw" t , . r ... Or lUHILrilHlLUl as LUU VilBC .IUiv uc in great corporations, in munici ... l A nl,nmint: nffiPPS l" ,"""ou" 6 Pill, StilVC IUIU cuiiiumvu. T , F JL ,ki; ffiM ehantable purposes. In the be ine lilniuvu ui f"v ..... , . . , Mw.e ginning is the chance to get mon inose ior acbuai una""""" - , men are needed who shall be men ' . r r - -tV. . UUIj lCb lb cell CUIUS, well, ill lk KU. tallv equipped and more, with a"u" v " 5' f' fhm.,rh nu ana try lor some money inau is KUUWIl-UECi4Uw v"fe" f lei- -a. U . i il I lsirklririf-v frr i f a vifrhr. rlnrA A nil tical management as now taught '-r:3 Prpsident George Washington, with hts cabinet of five Secretaries State of Ohio, City of Toledo, r Hfofo TWiHiirv. War. Postmass Lucas County, ss. W. rf, , tr P.P.,Pral and Attorney General, "ans j. vueuejr ujukcs uUl ma- l. i.-4. v i.. o yA he is senior partner of the firm of F. no douui iciii fcuai) - . , . . n J. Cheney & Co., doing business in of men fully capable to meet all r . . Stfttt wants of the gfivernment in ita ev- . fln . ... -d flrm wiL ery department, loday rresiuens f QNE IIUNDrED Taft, with his cabinet, having the nfU T ARS . , d same Secretaries as the first Pres o catarri, tnat Jannot be cured bj dent, .has in addition, secretaries the use o naU8 Catarrh Cure, of Interior, Navy, Agriculture, FRANK J. CflENEY i and Commerce and Labor, and the Sworn to before me and subsenb- time is not distant when this coun ed in my presence this Gib day of trtr must, have more Secretaries of December, A D. 1886 a' t (Seal) A.W.GLEASON. UCLI(4 uulliUR. I m . .,- inm-ona nor envern- nail B laiorru luib s ibi lino. . . u mah tn man UU11V, BI1U UKIB uiiociu uu m wvi nnr nutuaiM i.iim n iiiunu & vj tuv u - - . ' , . vaa nf and mucous surfaces of the system, fullv equipped to take charge on . uiij tu.p-. o , i gj toatiranninlH free. nublic affairs. The civil service . establishment, hated by politicians Why the Cuckoo Builds No Nait A Danish legend about the cuckoo la very curious. It relates that when In the early spring time its voice Is first beard in the woods every village girl kisses her hand and asks the question, "Cuckoo, cuckoo, when shall 1 be mar ried?" And every bid person, borne down with age and rheumatism, asks, "Cuckoo, cuckoo, when shall I be re leased from this world's cares?" The bird in reply continues to sing "cuckoo," and as many times as be sings they count one year to the ful fillment of (heir desires. It Is said that the poor bird has so many questions put to her that before she realizes It the building season has gone by and she is forced to put her eggs Into the hedge sparrow's nest. Hon. WbiUhead Klutla baa tha fol lowing .to aa in rafarenca to' what Rowan county Raaorder'a-Court baa dona: ; ."- f;::S f .4L " "I uka nlaaaura In saving: that the Rowan county . Coort has worked wU and has given gaaaral satisfaction. Be fore tha court was established our civil docket waaaoa'ef th most- congested in the State, and it took tw years at ter iasuintr summana to rach a caaa for trial (Craven county is in the same fix todavI..'.We.bae two jfaeKa at. super ior court, the fitat-eek being for the trial nf eriminaL and .the second week civil eauea, and the criminal ;caea fre-, quently took brsctically the anurawo weeks and court would adjourn at limes without reaching the civil cases at all. Now we get through with tha criminal docket alwavs tha Qrst week and fre quently in three days or even leas. Tte civil action can 1M ? tried n a year ai most and we are shortening .the time constantly. I will add that figares can not adequately express the economy af fected bv tha success of this court They cannot teJJ the atory of the sav ing in jail fee where a defendant gets an immediate trial instead or staying in 3 months, for instance, nor can they express the convenience to witnesses of getting a case off in a day instead of waiting around a week, aa was oiten the case before, r Tha fines collected by this court bava bten.on the whole larg er than those collect by the Superior Court in like casea. It has i always seemed to ma these courts with their larva inrisdiction. shiuld be COUntV courts, with records kept in the court house, and likewise that they should be uniformed throughout the State. CLEMENT MANLY'S ENDORSE county;- ?v.V'' ' ."It Elves speed f trial of all small ea ses, buth criminal and civil, thereby re lieving the dockets at the regulaV courts great saving to the county, aa a I ca ses ate tried at once, Bavin? j til costs aur iall baa had its d?ore thrown open manv times aa we bad no nriaowra. The court la very popular here with both the bar and the citixens of ine. coun ty." - SAVED THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. Jamea W. Smith, Mayor of Bethaven, N n aafre in reference to What the - . - . people of Belhaven think of the Re corder's Court there. . "They think the very highest of it, in fact if the court had to ba ratified fbv submitting it to the vote of the peo m . . pie again, I am sure there would not be an opposing VOte. It has done consid- table towards relieving the congestion nf the annerior court docket of this county. In a financial way the court has aaved the county several thousands of dollars, it has alao saved the people of our district considerable expense and time, on account of the fact that here tofore they had to attend superior court as witnesses in some little frivolous case and nossibly bad to stay there for three or four days and often times a week where now the Recorder s Coart has verv nearlv nut an end to our' people having to attend superior courf, that is in criminal cases. FftTFYiKmNKYPlLT FOR EJAOKAOHB KIOMSVS ANO BkADOBS) "Our babv cries for Chanberlain'i Pnh Romprlv " writps Mrs. T. B Kendrick. Kasaca, ua. "u is ine Desi cough remedy on the market for coughs colds and croup. For sale by all deal ers. who lost their strength thereby, was demanded if government af fairs were to be capably carried on. Ana so in ine greas pihh" testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.Joledo, 0 Sold by all Druggists, 7oc. Take nail's Family Pills for con stipation. He Was Just Thinking. " "Mnrr." snid n mnn to his spouse, who was gifted with a rapidly moving tongue, "did you ever hear tbe atory of the precious gems?" "No." she replied. . "What is ltT : "It's a fairy legend that my granfl' mother told me when I was n boy," the husband continued. "It was about a woman from whose lips fell a dla mond or a ruby at every word she spoke." "Well?" said bis wife as be pause. "That's all there Is of It. my dear.' be replied. "But I was Just thinking If such things happened nowadays I could make my fortune as a jeweler. Mr. Clement Manly, of Winston-Sa lem. who for years was a resident of New Hern, writes aa follows in regard to what the Recorder's Court has done for Forsyth county; "I nresume it is unnecessary to say anything in regard to its establishment as a great help in the administration of justice. Formerly such ? eonrts were likely unnecessary,, but now with our increased DODulation in towns. ' It is ab solutely essential .(hat men have a spee dy hearing of their: eases, ,, and not be made tot suffer for the charge for any rtr,o-th rff time without trial. As a great saving in a financial way, it,has proved quite remarkable. The court is the creature of tha city, and therefore. k takes from tbe county the expense of trying large preponderance or crime, by the employment of a solicitor, to whom we oav S5U or S75 per. month.and the charging of a $2 solicitor fee in each case, tha receipts have paid tbe entire expenses bf the court and polka force; and its results also show that tbe fines going to the school fund nnder the con stitutional provisions nave not oeen uo- creastd. So in every respect, .it', baa proved quite a good thing, . The judge end Solicitor of the court are good Jaw yers and are clean, upright fellowa, and have the confidence af the community and tha court has the confidence of tha community.' '-' ! ' ' ' GRAND JURIES FAVORED RECOR ' DER'S COURT. . ' ; The Federal Court in Portland. Ore.. ..niniHil atAtet and na decided in favor of the Government in Ul biuav, uiiuvi j " i , , ... q a.. i ii. : mmino' when HHBwer w uiw ucmuuoi u u i tional, the time 18 coming wnea . i i i AhAil ha nor. 1 r " tne seeKer a wanuw dum w nnai inhritv. caDacitv and equip ai"w " '-'o I. w I ment for the dtities, rather tnan CONDUCTOR HELPED BACK the uaage oi somo pouuiu j. jq yyoRK. Mr. WilfoVd Adams is his name, and I. . . Wm . , ine wni'l. 1 wu conuneu iu "ijr ireu VOT THAT KIND OF MONET, with chronic rheumatism snd used two ' I ooiues oi roipy n.iuiiy iwiikuj w i.u A correspondent writes: "What good effect. The third bottle put me on 4!1 1 4V AAe.lyl hn I HIT STCfc HIIU aV ICOUHi "vm ,w...-w a flue, luausinai iuau wu. tor on the Lexireton. Kv.. Street Rail in Vonr Tlorn if thel Tf rln nil vou claim ill cases nnn . , . 01,4 i,a.i n of rheumatism " It clears the blood of 160,000 paid in for autos bad been uricaci4F g Duffy. paid in US Viw) :vuv w l - 7 f. " I Two American! were arrested in Ja uunwiai '"" . I t ThA Journal will 887. yes, "If" pan lor pnoiograpmng m mauru ... and the "if 'stands for the fact Mutation that not one dollar of the 160,000 auto money is the kind of money that would build any kind of in dustrial plant. Every once In a while the cry goes up "if the money spent for theatres could be given, to the church, how many people could be saved I'' Or "if men would not use tobacco but give the same mortey for forcian ' missions, how many heathen could be taught the Bi Lie!" This is a world of possibilities. There are ifs on every side, but the entire lot are not worth while exclaiming over. 'Iheatre money ...a 4,,i,..,. nwmev will no more . . . i t I. -1 1 1 ontn 1 f ' r'- . Vh VT Tit! Win n mpHininp miiflt. Ha crivsn a vAiino nViilrlroti it ahnni hit nlAflannt tk take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is . i . . , . . maae irom loai sugar, ana me roots used in its preparation give it a. flavor nimilar tn mnnlp nvrun' mftkinir It pleasant to take. It has no superior for colds, croup ana wnooping cougn Tl 1 1 1 J 1 r suie uy mi ueu.e. o. Francisco I. Madero. Jr.. called Dr, Gomez from Washington to participate in the peace negotiations. WOMEN Women of the liehert type, women of superior education and refinement, wrote discernment and judgment give weight and - east force to their -opinions, highly praise the, wonderful corrective and corativt properties of Qum- lerlain'i Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Hron;hoBt the many stages of woman's life, from girlhood, tLrcr; tLe ordeals of mother" Izzi t3 the izcl'J.?.i years, there ij r J i f r er rcre rt!'al:e rned- v C ' ' VsTf" 'art Constipation brings many ailments in ifa train and ifl trtA nrimnrv imiiui nf much sickness. Keep your bo we Is reg ular maaam, ana you win escape many of the ailments to which "women are aiihippt rVtnatinfttinn la verv aimrtta thing, but Tike many simple things, it may leaa to serious . consequences. MarnrA AftAn riApHn A little ftfleiiitJinrA and when Chamberlain's Tablets are given at the first indication, much distress and suffering may be avoided sola Dy an aeaiers. , . ' Burled In Secret. Two ancient kings were burled In se cret Attila, king of the Huns, after bis siege tt - Home, died in Hungary A. D. 453. His soldiers, oesirous oi giving their great leader a right royal hnrial. inclosed bis boar Lrst in rnsket of cold, this In one of sliver and this In one of lead, and transported It into a desert There slaves were se lected, and unSer the direction ef meo who were sworn to secrecy tney aua the crave of the dead monarch. When this was accomplished no traces of tbe pot were left rhe siavea were au crnellv slain. : " Alarie. kins of tbe Goths, tne cele brated conqueror of Rome, died when with his army at Coxenis, soutn itaiy. nia men turned tbe course or a river. Interred the body of their sovereign, with much treasure, in its oea ana restored the stream to Its channel. No man has ever llchted on tbe rest Ing place of either of these kings, who In this respect resemble Moses, of whom It is written, "No man kaowetb of bis sepulcher unto this day." FOR CONSTIPATION. . ' Mr. L. H. Franham, a prominent drnRgist of Spirit Lake,'' Iowa, nays: ''Chamberlain's Stomach an J LiverTeh- lets are certainly the bent thing on. the market for constipation. uive thwee tiililts a trial. Vou areeeriain to find t ,..ti i. ti.!i,t end plfOHBnt in eir.ot. MKNT. .i .:S--Jn .i; ..v Jr- OUR AIM It is the constant endeavor - of the officers of this bank td satisfy its depositors by , combining liberal treatment with prompt, courteous and e(- ficient service, thus affording a relationship be--tween the institution and its cuhtomtrs which is. ' mutually profitable. . ...' We have every modern facility for the transac- tion bf any financial affairs. ' v iaTUti iriniiiv ii i m MR. GROVES EXPLAINS. 0 Several taxpayers having spoken lo ma about the calculations and figures appearing in the, several unsigned ar ticles published in the New Bern Jour nal and other sources recently for The Recorder's Court and they having the wrong impression that I had made some of the calculations, an explanation on my part becomes necessary I will state, that: with the exception of the amount published as having been paid by the county curing the year 1910, which was taken from the public records and is as follows: Fees paid witnesses $ Solicitor Juries . " Magistrates 8th. Township Feeding prisoners in jnil That the balance of the estimates and costs are entirely the production of the author of the articles, and 1 never saw them until published in the paper, Sometime ago Mr. J. L. Williams came in the office and at bis request got the abive figures of tbe costs paid by the county for 1910 as Itemized above from the public records in the office and which can be had by any one who wishes tbem. The above figures include tbe cost of the extra term of the crimi nal court which was held in March 1910 Respectfully, H. M. GROVES, County Auditor I m . J 41 . . - i.j . em 1 I J 1 fKSla- is PBMTBPTI III i III I T " tu " ' WW"B Uncle Sam I with his estimated seventy-.? five million population can not make a better selection in case of war, than you can to make your selection from our stock of Hand-made "Buggies and Carriages. , Come to see us . Yours to please, G. S. Waters & Sons BROAD STREET NEW BERN, N. C. Detective William J. Burns, working . ,,.H Wn thA tw.is onen and cravent the Dolsons of undlirest-d Aiilka rloiumUA PnNA PTiUUHl Another 1 j- ..-.. ..,.,-. ,. VM s J 4 i irUlU IJCtU 111111 JfWUI iciue ' ' DIIVIIUUIs. IVIIUOS ee. v.v, I a sew y we . . " V - -s- r " - ieuaote ana 01 a pteasani. nrumuuc ibsuv vcivu nets u uwhtci, ?3 wm 9 vu uv stomach and bowels, and Is of tne greatest possible eflicacy tn constipation, inaigesaon, miuuTiiii-a- iiDuuauici iv v mi kvuiiiuvuiviivvi vms j , v TheoDDonenta of the establishment of the Recorder's Court say ; that nphe I.. . a. f it of the country people ravor una pin, however, the grand juries for tbe t eo ruary term, 1911, and October, 1910 maa th4 fnlloain-.recommendations "SV a' would recommend, if wlthlnour province, a Recorder' Court, belleymg that It would, save the county many thousands of dollars to tax payers.?: WILLIAM B. BLADES,;' 1 '.''-". , Foreman. Tbe October term 1910, made the fol lowing recommandation: "We aUo would recommend that Recorder's Court ba Inaugurated for Craven county, believing that it would save the tax payers many' thousands of dollars, court costs etc. ' ' Respectfully submitted, . O. H. PERRY, Foreman. n. ku in raiul turUa tharei ware only eight men Trom tbe fcignlfi town shin. - r'". Twenty-eight of these men were from tha country, ; . . 1 REASONS FOR THIS COURT. A few reasons why wa should have a Recorder's Oourt; ..-. Bnav men from all Darts of the coun ,try will not have to bang atound the coyrt house one solid week aa witnesses In nettv misdemeanors: busy men will pot have to serve on the grand Jury more than two days; there will beprac ticallv no Driseners lo ; jalL The 'Re corder's Court gives a speedy trial. The fallow who is out oa bond and whose ease is continued from court to coort because jail eases must ba tried first will be tried. The court gives civil In riidiction ud to $500, "There are over twa hundred civil eases oa the superior court docket now. nd a party bringing suit will have to wait over two years to ret to a trial. ' The Recorder's Court illir've an immediate trial and cut down t'.e superior court docket 60 per cent flecord-w's'Tjourt will be pot only slf-susUlulng, but will psy money in to the town and county treasury. 832 47 183 00 2 017 50 118 28 1 737 65 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A i a HORSE INSURANCE PAYS. "New Bern, N. C, April 17, 1911. Mr. W. G. Boyd, City. We bee to acknowledtre receiot of chee'e from you for SI. 13.00 covcrim? one of our horses that died recently. that was insured in the SOUTHERN LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE CO.MPAN of High Point, N. C , fon which accept our thanks.' Wc have insured a number. of oui animals in your Company and do not hesitate to recommend it. (Signed) SCOTT & CO. , W. Q. BOYD, Agt Elks Building, ' - Telephones; Office 400, Home 258. Physicians 'Advise DO GH08TS HAUNT SWAMPS? No iur. Its fnoliehness to fear a fn cied evil, when there are real and dead ly perils to guard against in swamus nA mirahna hnvoiiH. end low land. Tk tha malaria arms that cause ague, chills and fever, weakness, aches in tbe bones ana muscles ana r-ay in' duce deadly typhoid. But Electric Bit im Htrnvi and caste out these Vlci ous srerm from the blood. "Thee hot- i lam mv an tnA malaria irom mv eve1 tem. wrote wm rretweu, or uiicama, N r. "ami I've had fine health ever since." Use this safe, sure remedy on ly, ooc at an aruggisis. Thirty-two' persons were killed ine railroad wreck in Cape Colony. Union of South Africa. . n n t i La LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP l RELIABL MEDICINE NOT NARCOTIC. Mrs. P. Marti. St. Joe, Micb., says; irw littla bo- contracted a severe k--hial trouble and as the doctor's medicine did not cure him, I gave him Foley a Honey ana iar compeuna in vhlch I have arreat faith. It cured the unnh aa nil aa I ha ehokifl- and ffBlT- ring apella, and he got well in a short tune, roiey S noney mm iar viu- ponnd bas many times saved us much trAiihia and wa are never without it in tbe bouse, "-K.S. uuny. Th' New York. New Haven ar.d Hartford Railroad assumed half of the Boston and Albany Railroad's deficit, Anothet shipment of that Famous Liggetts Chocolates received - :' ; ... by express. . - r. . " SATURDAY CANDY AT 29c PER POUND. ' ,'. Anything in the Drug Line. ; Prescriptions Called for and - ijeiiverefl. - - -: ' Gaston Drug Company 77i o $Q0& Sfor ON THE COR NER PHONE No. 65 OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE A HEALING SALVE FOR BURNS. . .. CHAPPED HANDS AND SORB NIPPLES la a kaaiino- aaive for burns, sores. sore nipples and cbspped hands Cham- k.1.ln. Halua la moat excellent. It wii.ui m - M.ua ka nain Af a hinm almost instant ly, and unless the injury la very severe. heals the parta wiuioui leaving - n . . . n 1 !. -II J,., I rrtce, za tenia, ror vj uoo,- ers.. v ' ' Twentv-two men were entombed by an exproaion in a mine bear Elk Garde n It. Va. STt'LUV'TKlAL CLEARS DOCSET. tor rTTT-CHHS-THR J A flirt n i.l If - la Amo n,lA uc !, calcd llh blur( ' i . . ..b .... . . i. 4 ,..-. 1 I M ft V I .1 I'll I , l rtil f "1 . . .,', 4 - - . TRUCK PACKAGES BEST BASKETS AND BARRELS aa -r x 'Km' Wm POINT LUki PHONE 66. Oi -i I i , i" ". T .!( fr9.' 1'or CI , f f f" "l r- TDiOiiOiTD)

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