NEW BERN,' CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C; TUESDAY MAY, 2, 1911 FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR POLICE DIKE: . i ANOTHER RAID FIRING . L BILL ROUSE AT KAISER OF THE WEEK IN ii hi No.8 FEDERAL REPORTED SOHQO DARING ENGLAND'S OH--; CHICAGO MCP 433 OUALFIED APPROVAL Capture Five Persons Who "Were Belling the Ajrden", tand a Hum - ' ber of Gallons of Whiskey, r - With the aid of two young men whom they used in purchasing the whiskey, the police force Wednesday night cap tured four, negro men and a colored wo man who weire engaged in the selling f "whiskey and also secured several gal lons of the product they were dispensing;-.":.. vvHiv w--: Several days ago the members of the police force decided that thejL would secure a detective to secure evjdence against several ; "blind, tigers" which they were almost pertain were in oper ation. With tbis 'e.nd in view Mr. J. E. Eason and Mr. H.' D. Irving, two young men who Were employed in the Norfolk-Southern shops in this" city were engaged to discover where whiskey was being sold in- this city, These young men worked diligently and to so much advantage that the police decided to raid the places . at which they had purchased whiskey. " - 'J : . v, ' ; ' The strictest 'secrecy was observed in this matter and but few knew of the in tended proceeding . and it was quite a surprise when the officers marched their prisoners down to the city hall late Wednesday night, Annie Taylor, Ed. Moore. Matthew Williams, John Farlow and Nathan Williams, all colored, were the names of the alleged dealers. ... Yesterday afternoon they were given a hearing before Mayor McCarthy and although each of them plead not guilty,7 probable cause was found and they were bound over to the next term of Superior Court under bonds of $150 each. ' . , On the names of each of the warrants that were issued the name of "John Doe;" whose Identity In th's city in con nection with several other "blind tig er", cases a few months ago caused so much speculation,, appeared, and before the two gentlemen who had - assisted the officers in their work had made their appearance at the trial there was again -considers! speculation as to who -"John Doe" was. Several other places where the two gentlemen had purchased whis key during the past few weeks were visited but the "bird had flown." None of the prisoners had . United ' States li cense to sell whiskey " and when the State court is, through ' with them the government will doutless try thera for the saute offense, - Rheumatism Relieved In Six Hourt Dr. Detchon's relief for Rheumatism usually relieves -severest eases' in a few hours. Its action upon the system is remarkable and effective. It removes at once the eauae and the disease quick ly disappears. First dose greatly bene fits. 75c and $1.00. , Sold by Bradham Drug Co. . Deeper Waterways, ... v The address of Mr. S. A. ' Thompson, field secretary of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, last night at the eourt house: was only fairly attended. ' Mr. Thompson was impressive, forceful and interesting; ; and those who heard the address were great If pleased. This deeper waterways subject is becoming lietter understood' and its importance as affecting New Bern,- is being seen more clearly by the people here, but the action is needed, to secure (he result, that is, water depth down . the Neuse equal to that to be found through the sounds and inland waterway1 to the ocean, '"" - : .,': 1 WILLIAMS' KIDNEY P ILLS , ' Have you neglected your Kidneys! Have you overworked your nervous aye ' tern and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Hava you pains in loins, side, back, groins and bladder T Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too fro - quest a desire to pass urine! If so. Wit- hams' Kidney Pills will euro you-at Druggist, Price 60c.' Williams' M'f'g Co., Prop., Cleveland, O. ' ' Negro Shot Attempting Burglary. - Late last night ' George Green, col ored, was shot through the thigh by. of fleer Parker. Green was discovered in J. A. Boon's market trying to rob the money drawer, and being ordered oroereu to stop and refusing the office fired in bis. , . j u ni direction, the result being hit. After an examination by the city physician, Green was taken to the sanitorium. - ' -V In an English Hotel. Proprietor (addt'Hlng porter) Was the American pleaiwd with' his room, Will la in? " Willlam-Now, 1 wouldn't hexactly s'y that, sir, 'E looked as If there Hiltit be something that wasn't Just to Is lSUInjf, but I gathered from 'is re marks tl"t 'e found it hunusually com fortable. -rroprlKtor-Well, what did he say about it? William-'!". It v.88 cowlJor than ' "X .;'.-Jui'.. . ' - - ' wwm CLOSE Criminal Docket Completed at Yesterday'a 'Session, i Only a ; Few Cases on Civil Docket . : Yesterday was a busy day in the Fed eral eourt and a large number of eases were disposed of during the day's ses sion, in fact the entire criminal docket was cleared and only a few cases on the civil docket now remain to be dis posed of,' No time has been lose in dis posing Of the docket and Judge Connor being complimented upon the dis patch with which he has disposed of the cases. The following cases were disposed of at yesterday's session. ' U, S. vs Geo. Raynor, charged with illicit distilling, found guilty and sen tenced to a term of one year and one day at the Federal prison at Atlanta and also to pay a fine of $100 and the cost of the case. - r(.,j.;-'. U, S. vs N. T. Garris, charged with illicit distilling, defendant tried by a jury and found not guilty. U. S. vs E. 8. Arnold, charged with retailing, defendant tried by a jury and found not guilty. U. S, vs Jesse Livingston, charged with retailing, defendant found guilty and sentenced th a term of six months in the Craven county jail. ' . U. S. vs H. T, Topp, charged with retailing, defendant tried by a jury and found guilty, but sentence has not yet been passed.' . " IT. S, vs Alonzo Kornegay, charged with operating an illicit distillery, de fendant found' guilty and sentenced to a term of two years in the Federal pris on at Atlanta and also to pay a fine of $100 and the cost in the case. The act fa proceedings against 8. F. Sanders, C. D. Jones and L C Carroll was dismissed upon the payment of the costs of the proceedings t . " In the ease of U. S. vs J. M. Davis, charged with illicit distilling, the de fendant was found guilty, but owing to the fact that he is a victim of tubercu losis and physically unable to do ajiy manual labor,-judgment was suspended. v Mr. Fly and his fanuTywill soon call- Greet them with welf screened windows and doors and save a doctor's bill. We have the Screen. : J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co., phone 99, 67 S. Front St. . . Charge! With Retailing. Yesterday morning Albert Karain. an Asyrian, was arraigned before U. S. Commissioner C B. Hill on a war rant charging him with retailing spirit uous liquors without a U. S. license, Probable canse was found and the de fendsnt bound over to the next term of Federal court under a bond of $150, in default of which ha was comitted to jail Reads of1 the Oldsn Time.. A carious illustration of the lack of any systematic authority over toe roads in England, even as late as the fifteenth century. Is preserved in the records of the manor of AyteBbury, A local miller, 'named Diehard Boose, needed some ramming clay for the re pair of his mill. Accordingly we learn from "Old Country Inns" his servants dug a great pit in the middle of the road, ten feet wide and eight feet deep, and so left it to become filled with water from the winter-rains. A glov er from Leighton Buzzard, on his way home from market, fell in and was drowned. Charged with manslaugh ter, the miller pleaded that he had no place wherein to get the kind of clay be required except on ths nignroaa He was acquitted. ' ' . t Proceedings in Federal Court., At he opening of yesterday'a session of Federal court the esse of D. E. Ed wards vs the Hartford Beat Estate Company, In which the plaintiff la suing the defendant for breach of contract, waa taken up. This ease is from Lenoir county and judging from the Urge number of . Isitors in the city yesterday from that section who were attending court, it la attracting much Interest. large number of witnesses were placed on the stand by both the plaintiff and the defendant and considerable time waa . . . . , Mi th. oui kiJ hot I M,VH U V ,U vU" . v.. been concluded and it waa continued on- til today. Messrs Y. T. Ormondand J., T.toocet represent the plaintiff and Messrs. W. D. Pollock. Loftin, Vsssar and Dawson are appearing for the de fense. LARGE PARTY WILL GO To Wsir-tsa, D. C., May 29. Already many applications have been received from all over Korth Carolina by Prof. Frank M. Harper, to join his pcrnnnally conJuctsd tour via Norfolk Southern Pailroal X 'JXOO pays all ex- Si-i, ' William on His-Yacht Cruising in Greek Waters. Italians aud Spanish Branches Active. i London. April 28th.A dispatch re ceived from Corfu by the Dalziel News Agency says that while the Kaiser's yacht, Hoherwollern,- with th Emperor on board," was cruising off that port 3 rifle shots were fired at it. The bullets whistled Over the Imperi al cabin, according to this report, and caused excitement among the members of his Majesty's sui. Although the ispatch says the outrage is attributed to disaff ectt d Greeks, diplomats are at a loss to understand why Greeks should be displeased with the Kaiser. - At the German embassy it was said that ev v ry effort is being made to se cure particulars of the outrage. There is a feeling there that the firing may have been part of an anarchistic plot. It is known that the anarchists, especi ally the Italian and Spanish branches have been very active lately. Because of the belief that they are plotting an ittempt at wholesale assassination to mar the coronation of King George, the police of England and all of the Conti nental countries have recently been very active. All known anarchistic chiefs are be ing subjected to the closest espionage. Because of this fact, and 'because of the intense activity of the Berlin police in searching the haunts of the anarch ists, it was said the outrage might be due to German anarchists. The Kaiser planned to remain in the Mediterranean for ten days longer, but whether this reported incident will re sult in his changing his plans cannot be learned at present. Attempts To Take His Life. While under the influence of a'cohol and temporarily mentally unbalanced tar. Ferdinand Ulrich, who resides at No. 6 Bern street attempted to take hi life yesterday afternoon by swallowing number of grains of bichloride of mercury and but for the fact that a physician began work on him a few minutes after he committed this rash act he would doubtless now be a corpse, and as it is he may succumb to the ef fects of the poison. J Matohlana, Yet Forlorn. The following announcement ap peared in the Berliner Tageblatt: "A young lady of a highly esteemed and noble family, as beautiful as Helen, aa thrifty as Penelope, as economical as the Electress Marian. of Branden burg, as sprightly as Mme. de Stael, a singer like Mile. Breval, a dancer like La Cerlto, a pianist like Rosa Kastuer, violinist like Tereslta Mlalnollo, a harpist like La Bertrand, a sculptor like Princess Marie d'Orleans, as aus tere as Lucrece, as charitable as St. Elisabeth of Hungary, -as devout as Nightingale, having at . command a large fortune, lacking mnsculine ac quaintance, seeks a husband by the newspaper agency." .. Goods Roads Meeting Will Be Held Here May 9th. , On Tuesday, May 0th, the Board of Trustees of the Central Highway Com mission will hold a meeting in this city and it is hoped that every public spirit ed citizen will be In attendance. This central highway will be of great benefit to this section and we cannot afford to let an opportunity to secure it pass by This highway will cost '-the countios through which it runs $50 per mile to construct, - , " The Future Didn't Count. Freddie Is bad boy, aged sis, nnd his brother Charlie Is four, , Freddie was at his nsunl game of teasing and pinching bis brother when his mother interfered. "Don't you know." she said reprov ingly, "that you are laying up trouble for yourself by and by by doing this?" "Maybe I am," be replied defiantly, "but Charlie Is getting bis now."-St Louis Globe-Democrat. v . Coast Artillery Co. Returns. . The Cost Artillery Company returnod at 12:30 last bight from Goldsborn, where their members took part in the target range practice, It was tho first time the boys had ever shot at the long range, and taking this into considera tion they did well, so their officers say for them ,;. " ' . V.'. - Revlvai Crows at The Tabernacle,, Revival services which have been in progress at the Tabernacle church for the past week continue to draw large crowds, and much interest, is being manifested, ' . The services tonight will be largely attended and the church la looking for ward to a great meeting. , Kev. Mr. Shuler will preach tonight on "Etoninj Jesus." New Set Lantern Slides Received. Piano and Violin Club . Meets., On , Friday morning,: the 8A grade sang hi'-- thr auditorium for the first time.' The song was very well render ed and every one seemed to enjoy it. The class games of ball are still go ing on at recess. The series between the 8A and 9th. grades ended Thursday, the score was 14 to 12 in favor of the 9th, grade. A new set of lantern slides came this week and several of the classes have seen them. A class in Physical Geo graphy, which has just finished a study of clouds, saw a set of slides especially prepared for the purpose. A great many of the scenes were " taken from Alps so In addition to the help in study ing clouds the class had the privilege of seeing some of the ' noted scenery of the Alps. Among the slides are also sets on glacier, snow and . ice. Scenes from South' America and South Africa reveal a state of civilization hard to re alize merely from jbooks. A complete set of scenes fromEnglftfld and Itajy arid Panama Canal. Zone give definite ideas, where htzy, ! indirtinct ones are the rule with school children. The beautiful scenery in western North Carolina is shown in a set on the Ap palachian Mountains. The piano and violin club of the Graded School met Friday afternoon in the Griffin Auditorium, and gave the following musical program, all without notes: Piano Solo March From "Norma" Bellini Sophia Hollister. Piano Solo Brook in the Forest Wen- zel Norma Styon. Piano Solo- Waltz Grace Munger. Piano Solo Swaying Trees Spaulding Agnes Foy. Violin Solo Valse Atherton Alber- tinaJonea. Piano Solo Waltz Reinhoid Adolph Habn. Piano Solo From Flower to Flower fiano Solo song of the Birds Carl Harris, Sara Hollister. Piano Solo At Twilight-Mabel Cohn. Piano Solo Sextett from "Lucia d' Lammermoor" Bessie Hollo well. Piano Solo Waltz in D. Chapin , " Mary Turner. Makes Everything New. Old kitchen chairs, old furniture, old closets, old bureaus, when worn, out made new again at a cost of 15 . to 20 cents with a can of either Home Finiah Domestic Paint, Home Finish L. & M. Varnish, or Home Finish L. &M. Varn ish Stain. Directions for use on each can. Any body can use it Get it from Gaskill Hardware & Mill Supply Co., New Bern, N. C. The Editor Rejoices. The annual visitation took place Sat urday, at the Journal office it being strawberry day, that is, Mr, Grahm Richardson, that model farmer of Cra yen county, presented the Editor with a box of beautiful strawberries. This early strawberry presentation, hone of those jvyoui days,, not for the gift, which Is most acceptable, but for the thoughtfulness and kindness that each year accompanies these first and early strawberries. .. Qanerous Tramp. , "Please gluime a quarter," begged a panhandler ou Washington street "I won't hand yer no tale about beln' hungry, pard honest, I wanter git a drink." . "But" we objected (for1 it was in deed us), "you . don't need a quarter to buy a drluk." "Sir," answered the panhandler, "do youse t'luk I'm fallen so low as ter take a gent's money an' den not invite him ter drluk wld meJ"-Boston Trav eler. - - BEAUTIFUL HAIR Hradham Drug Co., Sells the Grat " 1 est; Hair Beautifler in the , ' World. ; Parisian Sage, the grand and efficient hair restorer, Is guaranteed to perma nently remove dandruff in two . weeks, or your money back. : Parisian Sage stops falling hair it prevents the hair from fading. :. It is the best beautifier of ladies' hair, as it makes hnrsh, lusterless hair fluffy, soft and beautiful. It is a most refresh iug and daiptly perfumed dressing, not sticky or greasy, ,-- . Parisian Saga is sold and rigidly guar anteed by Bradham Drug Co. Price 50 cents a large bottle. The girl with the Auburn hair it on every package. ""In tlie time 1 have used Parisian Sage I have found it very satisfactory both as a "grower and dandruff cure." Miss Ada M. Brktt. Hooalck. N. Y.. Mar. 23. '1910. ' , Four Robbers in Stolen Auto Bind Nine . and Make 20,000 Haul. Chicago, April 28 Four armed men planned with great skill and executed with success a $20,000 jewelry robbery The victims are Albert! Sr.. proprietor of the shop at No. 1246 Milwaukee ave nue and Norman Strauss of Newark, N. J,, representing Strauss & Strauss, dealers in jewelry. In carrying out their plan the thieves captured and bound nine persons, and escaped with their pluoder in a stolen limousine. Before daylight, the Crexel garage, seven miles from the scene, was called by telephone and ordered to send an automobile to a flat in the Ridgewood Building. While the chauffeur was in the building looking up his supposed pat ron, the machine was stolen. It was 10:30 a. m, when it drove up to the Milwaukee avenue shop. Strauss was displaying his samples. Edward Albert', son of the proprietor, Samuel Schmidt, Mr. Strauss and a boy as sistant were there in the place. Three men entsred with revolvers. Those in the store were compelled to go into a back room, where two of the robbers tied them with ropes which they had brought with them. Edward Alberti, the proprietor, and his wife, who lived over the store, hearing a commotion, descended. The robbere drove Alberti and his wife at a run into the rear room, forced them to lie face downward on the floor and bound thera Next some miscellaneous errand boys were roped. While one of the robbers orked on the saf e two plundered the Newark salesman and the store. The safe yielded $500. StrauBs lost $10,000, mostly in diamonds, and Alberti's los s was of equal amount After the robbery the men entered the machine and were driven away by the man at the wheel. He had remain ed at his post during the activities in side. Later the machine was found abandoned on the North Shore road, " Pawed ths Bottle Toe Quickly. Will Low, the puluter, told this sto ry of the Latin quarter days of Robert Louis Stevenson. Low and Stevenson were great friends In their youth,. Their friendship Indeed continued up to the time of the writer's death. "Louis," said the artist, "was no less diplomatic than brave. He could be fiery, and he could also be gracious and pacific. One night, I remember, we sat in a garden in Montmartre. The red wine had been flowing pretty freely, and one member of our party got heated find aggressive. Finally some one hmIJ n thing that this fight ing chap disliked. As soon as the words were sunken he grabbed up a bottle and hurled It at the other's head. It vrs n strong, true shot and would have hit the mark had not 8te venson sprung to his feet and caught the missile. "'Tut. tut. fleoipe,' he said to the thrower-'tut. tut! If -the bottle is passed so quickly none of us will be able to stand out the evening.' " While you are having that spring cleaning, make a new room of an old one with B P. S. Flat Wan Finish. For color cards, phone 99 or write S. Basnight Hdw. Co., 67 Front St. Ths Stern Prnt. It Is well known that Frederick the Great was very little Interested in the other sex, a point to which Mr. C. J. Whitby gives some attention In "Mak us of Men." In seeking an explana Hon be recalls that "when Frederick was eighteen bis father learned of an Intrigue conducted by him with schoolmaster's daughter ebe happened to be musical, a distinct aggravation of ber offense and the old scoundrel had ber whipped through Berlin, mak lng bla son witness the -scene. Per haps It Is not surprising that Freder ick repudiated the bride forced upon him by such a father, although Eliza beth Christina la described as a beau Uful and accomplished princess." ' Willi "Tou must not rock the baby at all. says the grave physician.' "But I think an old fashioned cradle Is so cunning, and, besides, the gentle motion gets the baby to go to sleep without crying for an hour," says the young mother.. ? - - "Yes, but that rocking motion Is very injurious upon the child's brain." The constant swaying really damages its mind."-; ; ; "Doctor I - - - : "Yes, madam r : - ' "When you were a little baby they still used cradles, didn't theyT' j "Certainly.' That was before science had determined co many of the" "Wel-U-ir-Llfe. . - Representative Price, of Illinois, In an address on reciprocity in the House, said the agreement waa only a step to ward Canadian annexation. . , Reapportionment Measure Similar to Crumpacker Bill Adopted Last Session. Washington, April 29 The bill. for the apportionment of Representatives Congress among the several States under the thirteenth census passed the House without a dissenting vote. Sev eral elf arts were made to amend it, but it went through as introduced. The bill provides for 433 members in stead of 391, as at present, and two ad ditional members should Arizona and New Mexico become States. Under this bill these States make gains in the num ber of Reoresentatives; Alabama, 1; California. 3. Colorado, 1: Florida, 1; Georgia, 1; Idaho, 1; . Illi nois, z; Louisiana, l; Massachusetts, i; Michigan, 1; Minnesota, 1; Montana, !; New Jersey, 2; New York. 6; North Dakota, 1; Ohio, 1: Oklahoma, 3; Ore gon, 1; Pennsylvania, 4; Khode Island, 1; South Dakota, 1: Utah, 1; West Vir ginia, 1; Texas, 2; Washington, A The proposed size of the House is identical with that provided for in the Crumpacker bill passed by the House at the last session of Congress, but not acted upon by the Senate. The Houston bill, passed leaves to the legislatures of the different States the power to rear range the Congressional districts on the new population basis of one member for each 211,877 of inhabitants. The two important amendments pro posed and defeated after lengthy debate were to put the redisricting power in the hands of the Governors of States, when legislatures had failed to act; and to limit the House in the future to a membership of 640, leaving future re apportionments to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Both were de nounced as Republican Betimes. Caleb Powers of Kentucky moved to amend the bill so aa to prevent any State from having one district more than 20,000 greater in population than another H said that in his State one district was 115,000 larger than another. rhis was defeated, 107 to 66. Then Mr. Powera followed with amendments for 50.000 and 75,000, they failed. We have Screen Doors and Windows, in all sizes and tyles. knocked down frames and wire cloth. We can fill your orders promptly. Don't delay, the rush is due in a ew days. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. The Danger of Going Barefooted. As the season is now approaching when all the children desire to go bare footed, it is well that they should be warned that this pleasure does not come without danger, until recent years we attached little importance to ground itch, or toe-itch, so commonly seen among barefooted children who go about in the dew or other dump places. We now know ground itch is the initial sympton of hookworm disease and that it would not develop unless the soil bad been polluted by sufferers from the dis ease. The myriads of eggs passing daily along with the excreta from their bodies develop into tiny microscopic worms too small to be seen. These, when allowed to come in contract with the skin, burrow through producing an attack of ground-itch. The truth of this assertion can be easily proved by making a poultice of polluted soil and applying it for a few hours to some part of the body. Always at the site of such poultice there developea the ground- itch -rash if there be a sufficient number of worms entering the Bkin. -. Moreover, it is known that about fifty days after the attack of ground itch the little worn.s that entered the skin will have found their way to the small intestine and there developed to a size sufficient for them to be easily seen with the naked eye. They are nearly one-half Inch in length. Ths medicine given to get rid of them, by acting as a poison, causes them to be expelled from the body. By washing the stools through cheese cloth they msy be col lected. !.' -' " " The harm they produce is now well recognized to require discussion at this time. Suffices it to say that the blood is sapped, the body stunted, the vitality lowered. Thus, the life and happiness! of those dearest to us may be blasted. I It is now time every one should Know what is meant ny grouna-ncn, noon-1 worm disease, pulluted soil, and poor sanitary arrangements. Your State B ard of Health will be glad to supply this information free to any one who will ask for it, .. ' v -S " Judge Rosalsky, of ths New York Court of Special Sessions, in agreeing with the finding of the "cri ne wave" grand jury, criticised Mayor Gsyno'r. : The Diaz an4 Madero will meet at El Paso, peace envoys For Th's County's Proposed Ar bitration Treaty Will Lead to ; Universal Peace. , ( London; April 29 London's answer to President Taft's proposal for an ar bitration agreement between England and America is made. At a huge gathering in Guildhall, the foremost men in England gave their w qualified approval of the proposal. The meeting was presided over by Lord Mayor Sir Thomas Vazey Strong and Premier . Asquith, Arthur J. Bal four and other leading statesmen taking part. !"" - '.'I doubt whether Guildhall was ever used for a worthier purpose," Premier Asquith declared. ' "This peace rmet ing cannot be said to be "due to pre-ar-raogeraent or the operation of the usual diplomatic apparatus. President I'aft scattered the seed and it fell on ground prepared to receive it., Only a few months ago such an object as brought about this meeting, which is destined to . become historic, might have been con sidered a dream. Now we all admit that it is within the domain of practi cal statesmanship." The Premier expressed the hope that still greater things than the Anglo American compact might follow the action of these two counties. "While not wishing to preach or dic tate to other nations,' he said, "I am sure the Anglo-American agreement against war will be a long step toward the progress of humanity the world over. It is not too much to hope that this is the entering wedge to universal peace. "This meeting records the most im portant victory in the relations between England and America. It is unneces sary for me to Bay that the proposed compact is without menace to the rest of mankind. It is not even an offensive and defensive alliance, but an agree ment that simply rules out war over a yast aiea." . Other speakers, including Conserva tive Leader Balfour, followed the Premier, at the conclusion of which the Premier moved the following resolution which was adopted amid scenes of the greatest enthusiasm; ' "That this meeting of citizens of London cordially welcomes the proposal of the President of the United Slates in favor of a general treaty of arbitration between that country and the British Empire and pledges its support to the principlea of such a treaty as serving the highest interest of the two nations and as tending to promote the peace of the world." ' In seconding the resolution Premier Balfour said he was convinced that pub- lie opinion in both England and Ameri ca waa ripe for auch an agreement To make and then break such an agree ment, he said, would be a damaging blow to civilization for generations to come. - ' Hie Priory School Mystery. Such is the theme of this Sherlock Holmes complete detective story to be given, in booklet form, free, with copies o.. i - m v i. nr,.uu .- wi ui uuujr m Alow Auik T, tiriu. Those who have been reading the pre ceding stories of this fascinating series being given with the Sunday World will surely get this one and the eight others to follow, a coraple narrative each week for eight consecutive Sundays. ; You will remember Sherlock Holmes as the great detective character made famous the world over . by the great English author. Sir A. Conan Doyle. These sre his newest and best stories, Order your Sunday World in advance. The American State Department de sires that the Mexican Foreign Office shall repudiate an interview reflecting upon their country as coming from Vicei President Corral. , ' In Its ninth year of ( )) " 1-J IV. ity.with an annual ! sales of millions 1 . is known to-day the t . i. U-1A. ( TmrfTTh "TTTiTrh ttt rrn I

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