. A quarter pound plug of sure enough good chewing for 10 cents. Got 'era all beat easy. No excessive sweetening to hide the real to bacco taste. No spice to make your tongue sore. Just good, old time plug tobacco, with all the improvements upto-date. CHEW IT AND PROVE IT at our expense, the treat's on us. ', Cut out this ad. and mail to - us with your name and address for attractive FREE offer to chewers only. -YJow W LHPFERT SCALES CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. . lilt 1 iName 5i Post Office. SHORT PAS EVENTS SATURDAY. At an election Thursday of the voters of the school district embracing Ciarks, special tax for the school at that place was carried without a dissdritlng ballot being cast One of the assessors was somewhat surprised yesterday when he was listing a beardless youth in overalls, and in cidentally asked him if his income was over a thousand dollars, to be met with the hearty response of "yessir." The first carload of watermelons to be shipped North this season passed through Wilson Thursday enroute from Florida to New York. The dealer who purchased the shipment paid four hun dred dollars for the lot. The melons were planted in January and protected during the winter. Two barges loaded with lumber from the local mills have left this port this week enroute to northern markets. Lo cal manufacturers have gained a repu tation all over the U. S. for having the best quality of North Carolina pine and product of their mills is sought for by a large number of dealers. The people living in the middle and western parts of the State and in the districts through which the great Cen tral Highway is proposed to be run are greatly enthused over the project. Gifted speakers are making eloquent pleas to the people to give their aid to this great project and in fact nothing that could help the movement is being left undone. In this county too there is much enthusiasm on this suF ct. A Well JvnOwn Man's Opinion. ( y The Savodine Co., New Bern, N. C. We have derived so much benefit from the use of SAVODINE, that we wish to add our testimony to the list of those already acquainted with its mer its. My wife has been using SAVODINE for quite a while for cold in the head, also has found it a ready relief for CATARRH but above all that, is the fact of its having proved itself invaluable to us for our baby. A short time ago.he was ta ken very sick, and as he would clap his little hands to his ear. we decided he must be suffering with earache, and re alizing that something must be done at once, we put a tiny bit of SAVODINE in ' his ear covered it with warm cotton and in a few minutes he was sleeping as sweetly as though he bad never had a pain. We cheerfully recommend Savo dine as we will always feel grateful for what it has done for us. C LUPTON, Chief of Police. ' t New Bern, N. C. The French in Morocco have re'puised the tribesmen. ' " The farmer and riiTwife"were about to sit down to a cold supper when .they saw .some old friends .driving towards the house. ' : : : The good wife was equal to 'the occasion thanks to her New Perfection Oil Cook-stove. - , She had it lit in a moment, and her -guests hardly were seated . on the porch before a hearty, hot meal wai ready for the table lauugei and eggs and long raihert of streaky bacon, and rolli just crisped in the oven and fresh coffee and the hottest herself at cool and neat as if she had not been near the kitchen. She never could have managed it with an old-fashioned range.' The New Perfection it the qukke on the tnaiket YES SIRES!, THOROUGH BRED TOBACCO tW Head Red' RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Again we are called" upon to bow in humble submission over the untimely death of a member of our fraternal family. It is said that death loves a shining mark and so it seems when the grim angel entered our ranks and took from us brother Clyde Mattocks, Past Grand and Sect'y. of Brotherhood Lodge No. 284 I. O. O. F., Maysville. N. C, and member of the Grand Lodge of North .Carolina. Unassuming and quiet in disposition, he was faithful to every trust, being always in the ad vance guard when duty called. Resolved 1, That in his death this lodge has lost one of its closest and be loved members; one who was worthy of the high work which he attained to ward mankind and the fraternity. Al ways working and standing for the best. In his death we tender our sympathy to the bereaved wife, aged mother and brothers and sisters, and commend them to the unfailing goodness of God, the giver of all comfort and consola tion. Resolved 2. That a copy of these res olutiona be spread upon the minutes, a copy sent to the bereaved wife, and a copy be sent to the "North Carolina Odd Fellow" and New Bi-rn Journal for publication. fraternally submitted, GEO. E. WEEKS, JARVIS PRIDGEN, K. F. FOSCUE, Committee. Stop fighting, flies, by Screening- your house with our Screens. J. S. Basnight Hdw., Co. Phone 99, 67 S. Front St. The judicial commission of the gener al assembly of the Presbyterian church at Atlantic City began the first of the heresy trials, the report of the Sunday observance committee was adopted and mission board consolidation was ap proved. Weather Temperature and Rainfall. The following are the maximum and minimum temperatures and rainfall for the first half of May. Mayl 72-59 .64 2 85-64 3. 83-45 4 61-45. 5 68 -49 6 65-46 .15 . . -7 61-46 .13 8 58 -44 .14 9 63-47 10 77-48 11 87-53 12 88-62 13 87-60 14 87-59 15 84-55 Unexpected 9 . Guests':.- " most convenient and best cooker i M.JawiA ). 2 ud ) Warn, villi " Vf . Ilarquoaw riliw aaanwUd chunnr ttavfcomrlr kmmtrd ttuauchoul. 1 ha 2-and iburar tore can ba had with nt wnhotil a cabinet tn0, which ia ailed wiU, drop hn, lnw.1 rack., etc. ljp.lcr,awwHer ; or wriiafor tie- . a i ! ra circular to lha ncaMt agaocy ol tna " ri;.-.!:r3 (XI Company (TnrorrH.rntl) AFTER LAND 1 0 Congressional Probers Desire' To Ask Steel King a "Few ' Questions. Washington, May 22 The trust prob ers of the Democratic House are anxi ous to ask Andrew Carnegie someques' tlons and have him tell them what he knows about the steel trust' The House committee having in charge the investi gation of the United States Steel Cor poration has taken steps to insure his presence in Washington before he leav es for Scotland on hia.annual Summer visit toSkibo Castle. The 'committee has issued a subpoena which be served upon Mr. Carnegie in New York, a de puty Bergeant-at-arms of the House, it is said, already has gone there for that purpose. Other men high in the industrial and financial world will be summoned before the committee. This will include J. Pierp nt Morgan, Charles M. Schwab and Henry C, Frick and their testimony it is considered, will be of much value to the investigators. The resolutions of Representative Stanley for the investigation resulted in the appointment of a cofhraittee of nine members of the House, "who were instracted to make a sweeping probe of the steel trust, its relations or affliai ions with independent steel companies and its relations with the Pennsylvania Railroad, with any other railroad or coal company or any financial institu tion. - We sell the White Moun tain Freezers. Send us your orders. J. S. Basnight Hdw., Co. Pone 99, 67 S. Front St. TALE OF A NAIL The Queer Way In Whioh Crime Was Brought to Light. Dr. John Donne, the famous Eng lish divine and poet, who lived In the reign of James I., was a veritable Sherlock Holmes. One of his famous exploits was as follows: He was walking In the churchyard . while a grave was being dug, when the sexton cast up a molderlng skull. The doctor Idly took It up and.!u handling It found a headless natl driven into it. ,. This he managed to take out and conceal in his handkerchief. It was evident to him that murder had been done. He questioned the sexton and learned that the skull was probably That of a certain' man who .was the proprietor of a brandy shop and was a drunkard, being found dead In bed one morning after a night In which he had drunk two quarts of brandy. "Had he a wife?" asked the doctor. "Yes." " "What character does she bear?" "She bore a very gooi charac ter, only the neighbors gossiped be came she married the day after bet husband's funeral. She still lives here." The doctor soon called on the woman. He asked for and received the par tlculars of the death of her husband Suddenly opening his handkerchief, he showed her the telltale nail, asking In a loud voice, "Madame, do you know this nail?" The woman was so sur prised that she confessed, was tried and executed. London Tit-Bits. i ART OF JUGGLING. A Means of Recreation For the 8eden tary or Bedridden. ,- Speaking of conjuring, the allied art of Juggling is one of the most amus Ing and valuable of diversions, espe cially to the sedentary. Many physi cians become expert In Juggling, but It Is to their patients that It la most useful. v st The bedridden, If they retain the use of their hands, may beguile many a weary hour in learning to" keep three or four-tennis balls In the air at once and In balancing sticks and other sim ple objects on the forefinger or on the chin. j.," . For the brain worker who does not en re for walking there is no better recreation. It has often occurred to us that In cases where there is any reason to fear some form of paralysis the educating of disused , cerebral, cerebellar and spinal' centers by the rapid and complex movements requir ed in Juggling might .serve to act at an efficient preventive. . We do not wish to claim too much for manual education of this kind, but we may polut out that it tends to per fect nervous poise and that no Joggling trick can be properly done if the per former Indulges In dissipation even so mild as beer and cigarettes. America o Medicine. " 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 -; .. ' ( ...''': ,, Talking to the Doctor. . While making some professional calls In a sparsely settled district I came upon a little plump, rosy cheeked girl trudging toward home with her slat and dinner pall in ber hand.' I asked her to ride with me. I could see thai she was a very timid child, and efforts to engage her in conversation were un availing. She would meekly answer "Yes'I or "No," but not another word would she speak. ' ' . A few weeks later I was called to the little girl's home to attend another member of the fnmlly for a slight ail ment When about to leave the moth er spoke op smilingly and said: -"Do yon remem1er my little girl riding with you a' few weeks ago? . Well, when she got home she said, 'Mamtnn, I rode from school with the doctor, and he kept talking with me and talking with me, and I Just didn't know v t to do, fofyou know doctors charge you when you talk with them, and I didn't have any money.'" National Monthly. . . Mexican rebels took the town of Cuan tla after a six days' sie ge. FACTS WIFE HADJiEAP TO DO f'rs. Shepherd Was In Bad Shape . Visa She Could Not Stand on " Her Feet' ; ; Durham, N. C "I am a fanner's wife," writes Mrs. J. M. Shepherd, ol this city. I'and havt a heap to do." "Four months ago I could not stand on my feet, to do anything much, but at this time i do the most of my work. 1 took Cardui and it did me more good than all e doctors. - - "You don't know half how I thank you for the Cardui Home Treatment 1 wish that all women who suffer from womanly trouble would treat themselves as I have. Ladies can easily treat themselves at home, with Cardui, the woman's tonic. It is easy to take, and bo gentle in its action, that it cannot do anything but good,-' ,;-v 'v. . ,.:'-. ' Being composed exclusively ot vege table ingredients, Cardui cannot lay up trouble in your system, as mineral drugs often da Its ingredients .having no harsh, medicinal effects, and being non. poisonous and perfectly harmless, Cardui is absolutely sate for young and old. x Ask your druggist He will tell you to try CatduU . .-,- . N. n.-Wrttt to: Ladles' A'dvtsonr Tteol. Chatta- Siga Medicine Co. , Chattsnoogs. Term., (or Special itructions. ana 64-page book, Horn Treatment Wumea, "eat Is aula wrapper, on MQMat, WHICH OF THE Ex-Governor Aycock Enters Race For United States Senate. Rhleigh; N. C. May 22-Making the four entry in the race for the senior Senatorship for North Carolina, Ex- Governor Charles B. Aycock has an nounced his candidacy to succeed Sena tor Simmons. The ex-Governor's an nouncement is made in a letter to Col. Nathan Whitfield, of Kinston, this State. The other avowed candidates for the Senatorial nomination which will probably be made in Statewide primaries, are Senator' Simmons, Gov ernor Kitchin and Chief Justice Clark. Engagement Announced. The announcement is made in the Macon, Telegraph of the engagement of Mr. Ernest M. Green of this city and Miss Grace Judd of Macon, Ga. The- date of the wedding is set for June 20, at Macon, an! it will be quitely cele brated on account of recent bereave ment in the family. After an extended stay in the mountains of western North Carolina, and a wedding tour, they will reside in this city. Mr. Green ia widely known in this State as a lawyer and politician, . Miss Judd has visited here in years past and has many friends who will gladly wel come her here. George B. Cox, Republican boss of Cincinnati, obtained freedom through the quashing of indictments charging perjury. - FOR SUE A second-hand Soda Fountain, in good condition, all necessary fixtures. Will sell cheap. " Address, 7 N, EVANS, - ; Trenton, N. C. "There's a Difference" ASK YOUR DOCTOR Irslj Thinkers" Save the crowns, they 7) - are Valuable. Catalog for the askinsf. Write ' ' The Pepsi Cola Cc:piy NEW BERN, N. C. WATCHES I , The Graduate deserves and witf appreciate a good watch as a constant, depend able companion, always bringing to mind the kind giver and the happy school days: Cut be sure it comes from . - .1 JE'.v: I I.'t AND i.tanufactu:t :r:-rrrrr JBIG FOUR GULES PROP: : ERTY .CHOSEN . r- -' ...... - . --v . State Buys Site For New Admin. istration Building Fronting ' Capital. Raleigh, N. C, May 120, -The State Building Commission has , purchased the Grimes property fronting 210 feet on Capital Square and 67 feet each on Fayetteville and Salisbury streets, as a site for the $50,000 State Adminis tration building, paying $45,000 for it to the Grimss estate corporation. An old building on the corner of this lot is now -occupied by the State De partment ot Insurance. - It is three sto ries and was first the old bank of New Bern building and was in 1834 sold to Dr. J. F. Hsywood, the elder, for i residence and passed into the hands of Grimes in 1883. It has been the Y. M. C A. and home , for the Capital Club within the past few decades, and has been leased by the State for six or eight years for the Department of Insurance. The plans for the new building are for the State Library on the first floor, hall of history and State Historical Commission on the second, probably the State Department of insurance on the third, and the Supreme Court and Su preme Court Library on the fifth. It is to be a five story structure, equipped amply with elevators. , Makes Everything New Old Kitchen chairs, bid furniture, old closets, old bureaus, when worn out made new again at a cost of 15 to 20 cents with a can of either Home Finish Domestic Paint, Home Finish L. & M. Varnish, or Home Finish L, &M. Var nish,Stain. Directions for use on each can. Any body can use it. ' Get it from Gaskill Hdwe. & Mill Supply Co. , Jones County For Great Central High way. Trenton, N. C, May 18 An enthu siastic good roads convention was held here today for the purpse of organizing for good roads, and especially te secure and provide for the building of the great Central Highway through Jones coun ty. County Commissioner B. L. May, was elected chairman, and J. R. Bar ker Secretary, of the Jones County Good Roads Organization. Many stirring speeches were made favoring good roads and the Central Highway. The whole eonvention which was a large and representative gather ing, were enthusiastic for the Central Highway. Committees were appointed to pro mote the undertaking, and a resolution was adopted asking the Central High way Commission, that the route of the highway be via Trenton, the county ceat, and pledging to build the read from the Craven to the Lenoir county line, and to aid and support the Cen tral Highway Commission in every way possible. Announcement. , I hereby at once announce myself s safu candidate, and may I now thanji my many friends for past patronage. I now' shall cut prices "on all kinds of sawed shingles, a large stock on hand, must be sold by April 14th; will close out cheap as I expect to make some change in my business. Yoa win and I Ipse. -. BIG HILL . The Shingle Han. 'man and the world. A Vary Small Graveyard Would Hold the WhoU Human Family.,, ' Bow little mankind algnlnVs' In the scheme of nature Is shewn by a rather morose calculation of the Italian Pro fessor Znccarlni. who has figured out. among other things, that esitaiatlug the world's population as 1.500.000.0UU the whole human raw at present living could" stand comfortably anontder to shoulder in an aria f fiOO square miles. s - v ': ' Taking the number of generations In the past 6.000 years as 200, the room taken up by tbemsU on the above plan would only be half the size1 of Germany, or for the. sake of com parison less than the area or the state Of Colorado. To bury all fbe people on earth wonld need graveyard little larger, than that area. ' . If the dust left by each body be estimated at one-tenth -cubic yard, which is a liberal estimate. It would eorer only forty sMra miles to a depth of about three feet This cer tainly seems insignificant compared with the great coral reefs and other Immense deposits built np by the shells of tiny infusirla.-New fork gun, , His Security. ' -When Eben Foster asked . Squire ane to lend blm $200 to invest In the dry goods business the squire dryly In quired what Mr. Koster bed to offer mm in me way or tm-vrnj. - , "Securltyr said Eben, with an air) Ol injured aiguuj. wen, mrc, tell you whnt I have to offer-three solid silver teaspoons, a handsome brass warming pan, a pair of deealco many vases, large slw. and the mate rial for as much as three feather beK if not four, right on the barks o' my Cock o geese, an Ave Tlymouth Hock hons. ' "You can call 'em all yours till I pny the money buck, sq I'll tnke cure of Via for you fiv? of charge. 1 dm't 1 r!T, what snyl'ity could want r -'a t'"t fjr eurl'j." Youth's- i r ' BANKING CONVENIENCE. nO matter where you live, you can have the bank ing conveniences afforded by the New Bern Banking and Trust Company. Just enclose your checks, drafts or money orders in an envelope carefully addressed to this bank. As soon as the deposit is received credit will be given pri the books and acknowledgement made of your deposit. In .this way your money can be safeguarded even though you do not take the time to cornCinto town. & DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO 17 THE nm -TROUBLE PROOF Dependable NO COIL I " a . Built to Last a Lifetime Fulton i ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA Represented by C. C. P. 0. Box 642 . I Kl Ban 'for sale"" i ; Bra" 24 H. P. GAS NEW $1,500 - NOW LUMBER ON THE SPOT. There is a great advantage in buying lumber from a retail yard which always has on hand hrge stocks of pine lumber which has been cut on its own timber lands and sawed and finished in its own mills You save the middleman's profit and besides get better qual ity and value. ' All ' our pine is band-sawn and kiln-dried high-1 grade throughout . . t ' Broaddus & Ives lumber Go. CAR SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOW SCREENS C: Knocked down screen frames,- Adjustable frames, Wie cloth black ancl galvanized; all 'wi'dths, Atten tion given taking measures for sizes needed. Paint and' Varnish Stains and Floor Finish, , all necessary goods for the home. " Service prompt, business appre ciated. , Call us up Phone 147. ; ; ' ' " OAS KILL HARD WA RE CO. Middle' Street, ' Phone 147, New Bern, N. C. NO EQUAL We Have Just Received. Our Line of Celebrated Ecrtli S!:r t:;i;rattrs SECOND TO NONE Our line features the latestMm provements via the SANITARY BASE and the one-piece seamlenn provision chamber. We would be laj to have you call and examine them, the only SANITARY CAKE on the market. Tt J T,... . , i Fv. C 3 i't V. O. Iv.x 4'. ! ! V CHECK COMMIT M mm i 3 Reliable NO BATTERY Easy to Start NIf'g, Ccx STEWART, Kew Bern, H.C. Phone 726 BOAT I $150 1 STORE ,7