No. 16 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY." N, C.vTOESDAY'MAY, 30. "1911 --FIRST.SECTION '34thYEAR PRESEnT noAb Good Roads Meeting and ' Pic nio "Held at Riverdalc Yesterday.- ' ".dumber of Visitors Present. . Yesterday was gala day at Riverdale and it was a day that will live long in the minds of citizens of that place and the surrounding locality. . The Method ist Sunday School of that place held their annual pio nic yesterday and in addition to this a "Uood Koada ' . meet ing was also held.' A number of New Bern citizens went down on the early train and a few hours later another party left for the scene of the festivi ties in automobiles,, arriving these shortly before noon..' - . . , . 7 ; .. The entire forenoon wss given over to the pic nickers and they thoroughly enjoyed the occasion.-' Shortly after 12 o'clock a sumptuous dinner was laid and everone present invited to partake of thehrepasL -,, Ji-i'i Immediately after dinner Mr. Wm. Dunn chairman of the Board of Trus tees of the Highway"'. Commission in vited the aisembley to the church where interesting speeches were made by the following gentlemen in behalf of good roads in general and the great Central Hisrhwav in osrticular: Messrs.'- R. A. 'Nunn, J, A Bryan, C R. Thomas,- L L Moore. Judge Bryan, C. D. Bradham C Foy.'andG.L: HaVdisbn. - .At the conclusion of the meeting. reso lutions were passed adopting the pre sent road between New Bern and - Beaufort be used for the Central High way. After (hh had been done: the - turned to their homes. "-7. vj; The people cf that locality are es pecially interested in this Central High way and have promised the commission :-16 give them all of the assistance pos sible in building the .road."' 'K -y ; -',) ' 2 ' "'- - Your lawn will; present a ftiore sightly appearance, by the " application pX a Phila delphia; Lawn Mower,, J.' S. "Basnight Hdw., Co; Phone 99, 67.S. Front Sti " . Stimson May Bun With Taft. Washington, May 25-0ne of the most interesting bits of political gossip Wash ington has heard in a long while car rent here to the effect that the entrance of Henry L. Stimson, of New York' in- - to President's Cabinet may mean that he will be Mr. Taft's running mate in the campaign of 1912. " President Taft, it is said,' fully expects io be renomi nated and little consideration is given here to reports to the contrary. The advisers of the President in casting about for a man to head the ticket with him are said to look ; with much favor npon Mr. Stimson, the new Secretary of War, They appear to be particular ly anxious t? get a strong man from the progressiva element-on the ticket, and prefer one from a pivotol State like New York. We sell the' White. Moun tain Freezers. Send us your orders.' J. S. Basnight Hdw., Co. Pone 99. 67 S. Front St. Notice to Mariners. ' Albemarle Sound-Croatan light sta tioncharacteristic of light, column 6; to be amended arf follows; - ' ) fl , - Fixed white with a fixed red sector between 2761) and 315 . - Beaufort Uarbor range lights estab- lidhed, May 5, to "marie dredged channa across bar. . . ' ": - " ' - Shackleford Point Range. ' . Front light, a fixed red lens-lantern 1 -lit screened so (hut it will not be vis ible in line with f a 1 Inland range rear light, shown 16 feet above water, from a rd 3 pile horizontally slatted struct ure. . . ; Rear Light, a fixed white lens lan- tern litfht, Illuminating the entire hori son, shown 31 fet shove water, from a 8 pile, horizontally slatted structure, surmounted by i t; ahout 3,000 feet (1 n.ilO 37o true I N. mag.) in rear of front :ri.-t.' ' ' ' Lird Inland K.i ft. ' Front Linht, a fixed red lunj-lantera l's-ht, screened so that it will not be vis - MM in linewith Shackleford Point range rear light, shown 16 fdet above from a red S-pila horizontally Structure. Rtar Light, a fixed white lens-lantern light, illuminatit g; the entire hori zontally s'atted structure, surmounted ty pout, ahout 2,400 feet ( mile) 20,o true (NNE. i E mag.) in rear of front :.'-. , AUt: in'.) foun.l, Norfolk-Southern raiir m l Lri ' a rr.wj A'-! f-marle SoutiJ Norfolk Z.u-. - ,. , ! ' y Lri mark ami f i I I V ' daymark i a i' ' ! H f t I, ' ,'S Day- '.-J.-The erpcNd 1 I ivL x 2 lyl ! t n t p of hri ' i t i' r. arms. Tin 1 1 ' i i ,' rli" t!.' i-r t :' v FOESIDEIIT : ; ' DIAZ I1ES1GNS Under Stress of 111 Health, Aged . Mexican Dictator Gives - v V -. up the Struggle. ... Mexico City.ttay, 26. General Por flriO' Diaa resigoed the presidency of Mexico at 4:46 o'clock Thursday afternoon.- Francisco De La Barra automat ically became provisional president, but will aot take the oath untQ later. Im- mense erowds thronged the streets; bull" 2B,0mrSontlierti farmeraWrtK 61nyptnd many onheThills are no making there was no violence. - Business was suspended by general accord. . - Provisional President-elect De La Barra, acknowledged his elevation to that high office in an open letter to the Mexican people last night He declared he would not be a candidate for either president or vice-president when a gen eral election should be called. In his letter De La Barra, in referr ing to Toreign relations, declared that the Mexican government will spare no effort to make its relations with for eign nations more friendly every day. President Dial's letter of resignation follows: - "Sir The Mexican people who gen erously have covered me with honors, Who proclaimed me as their leader du ring the international war who- patriot ically assisted me in all works underta ken to develop industry and the; com merce of the republic, establish its cred it, gain for it the respect of the . world and obtain for It an honorable position in the concert of nations; that samepeo pie sir, has revolted in armed military bands, stating that my presence in the exercise of supreme executive power is the causa of this insurrection. . ' -. " 1 do not know of any fact imputa ble to me which could have caused this social phenomenon, "but, permitting, though not admitting, that I may be unwittingly culpable, such a possibility makes me the least able to reason out and decide my own culpability. There fore, respecting as I have always re spected the will of ths people, and in accordance with article 82-of the Feder al constitution, I coma before the su preme representatives of the nation in order to resign, unreservedly, the office of Constitutional President of the Re publicjjfith which the national vote hon ored me, wnicn I do with ail the more reason since, in order to remain in of fics it would be necessary to shed Mex lean blood, endangering the eredft of the country, dissipating its wealth, ex hausting its resources and exposing its policy to international compilations. ' " I hope, gentlemen, that wn the passions which are inherent to all revo lutions have been calmed, a more con scientious and justified study Will bring out in the national mind a correct ac knowledgement which will allow me to die, carrying engraved iamy soul just impression of the estimation of my life, which throughout I have devoted and will devote to my countrymen,' , t - - Hardly. "Whlffe has bought a Yery hand some axmlnster." . . I'm so gladl Msybt he will take me for a ride." T hardly, thfnk so. There are no magic carpett these days." Birming ham Age-Oeralo, Bradstrcet 'a Weekly Trade Report? Richmond, Va., May 25.-Bradstreet's tomorrow will ssy for Richmond and vicinity: " ' - Changes for the week in the condition of trade are few and not important Job le-sof shoes, .clothing and hats are making early shipments of fall orders and have received a gool volume of business. The warm weather has been fsvorabla to retail trade, and stocks . have been depleted to some extent. 1 T7i . i -i . :. nrospect for future business, but at present most of them are working on abort time Dealers in paper and kin dred lines report only moderate sales and unfavorable market conditions due to sn extended period of low prices. Curtailment of production continues among the cotton spinning and knitting mills. Manufacturers of buggies and wagons bsve had a fairly satisfactory seaaon. collections are lair, the con tin'ied drought is unfavorable to all crops, snd in some localities it nas oe- come serious. Early vegetablea and berries show a considerable shortage, and receipts are much below the aver e. Corn is badly in need of rain, the f!W local showers have afforded only tmr-nnrarv and !' "ht relief, and in some l it j sections there is talk of replanting be ( inif necssary unless there be a copious rainfall in a few days, . . WILL1ALTC KIDKSY FILLS . Have you n' ;'''cted your Kidneys? Cave you overwo.WJ yorr nervous ys n an J cauHff 1 troi;hle v. I:h your kid- i'-J 1" ! ' rt ITavs yua i '..s in :a, s'.' i, 1 ftt k, gr!t an-l t! . ! -9 y-j a r ' ' y s; : re cf i rT t!;e i j i ' rl i r- 7 T o fee t a t ': ,i 13 ; L. ? If ), V. .!- -.' I " ' 1 'l V ' I c :S J" t t . : . ;:Tr. OLD PRQB USES . i TELEPHONE Farmers Will be Supplied With ' Weather - Predictions - by . :,... Phone. Washington, D. C. May 26 -Announ cement is made by the. Southern Bell Telephone and Company that it has completed arrangements by which co-operating with the Unite) States Weather Bureau,- it will supply more weather reports by telephone, At a given hour each -day a general alarm will be sounded, calling every farmer to the telephone. ' The daily re port will then be read. . In case a far, mer does not find it. convenient to an swer the signal, he may have the privi lege of calling the operator and receiv ing the information.-' - Peerless Iceland Freezers, you' don't break them, -they reeze quicker and last long er. Fhone ', J. s. Miner. ". Ly , ; . . r ' i ; , 'mi,)' -1,, ,' in -, mi', , :' X"- ' - ;.. - -. Light Docket For Next Term Court. ; Unless something unexpected occurs the next term of Craven county court which convenes on June 12th, for a one week term, will have one of the light est dockets of the year up to the pres ent time. Outside of a few blind tiger defendants sent over since the last term, there have been only a few de fendants bound over from any of the magistrates courts or from the police court However, it is invariably the case that the June docket is very light. State Bond Issue Sold.' Raleigh, N, C, 'May 25.r-The issue of 1310,900 North Carolina State bonds, 4 per cent, for forty years, was sold Thursday to C. C. McDonald, of Raj eigh, and A. 6.'Leich, of New York, on a joint bid for $10,124. Qf .these bonds $240,000 is for ihe fireproof S'ate administration buiklmsr nd $(0,00 for the proposed State school for feeble minded. There were seventeen bidders and the total amount of bonds bid for was $387,100.- ' ' ' - - - Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours Dr. Detchon 's relief for Rheumatism usually relieves severest cases in a few hours. Its action upon tho system, is remarkable and effective, It removes at once the cause and the disease quick ry disappears. First l . neatly bene fits. 75c and $1.00i . Sc Id by Bradham Drug Co. , -.v Last Legal Hanging. r ' ' Frankfort. Ky. May 26 Kentucky's last legal execution by hanging occurred yesterday morning at sunrise, when Roger Warren, a negro, who killed an other negro, was hanged, Warren con fessed the . murder. An electrocution law is how effective in Kentucky. r Special Committee, - , Washington, May. 26A new turn was given to thaLorimer ease when-a number ot Democratic Senators declar ed a party caucus called by Senator Martin that they would support the La FolleJAe resolution,' which would place the conduct of the proposed new inquiry in' the hands ot a special committee of five new Senators rather than leave it with the regular Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, - If you ".expect to' buy a Dinner Set. now is 'the time, as M. E. Whtteh'urst 1 &: CO., will give special discounts ajl this week. 7 i" What Twtoe Half Might Do. - Fred DourIsss. the colored orator, at one time made a speech In Ohio. Just after this speech tie overheard two Irishmen talking. ' : . " -- Bald one Irishman. "That's a molghty pholne speech for to be made by' a nayrer." : - -' .. - "Ah, yes. It was qnolte pbolnol But be Is only half a nnyKer.". ; v "WelU if half n nnycer can make such a speech pbar the dlvll kind of a magnificent speech would a whole nay ger maker-Ladles' Oome JouroaL Another Big Battleship Launched, Philadelphia, May 25 In ths presence of the Governor and a delegation of visitors from the State for which la was named, Miss Dorothy Eunice Knight, daujtnterof former Chief Justice Jesse Kuiht, of Wyominp, chrislenod the t l.ip Wyoming, the nation's latest d i' .loon- ht, when the wartthip was 1 i ' 1 Timrs liiy at the yard of the Ci . , u.!.:;f and Ciisine Com- 5 lit 'i LATHAM Oil GOT- TOWOli Prices Upward, Kills Curtail Pros ' pects For Big Crop,- That Is . Needed For Demand. Cotton continues to soar; the mills continue to run; near eurtailment is practiced and short time is threatened. All manufacturers seem to agree upon three things. First, that prises of cot ton and cotton goods are at a 'disparity a profit Second, The way to lengthen the supply of cotton and shorten the supply of cotton goods is by' actual short time. Third. . The other 'fellow ought to shut down tight or curtail 50 pej; cent while I run full time.- . -1 This policy of everybody waiting for the other fellow to curtail has placed cotton in a very strong statistical, po sition. Spinners find themselves bid d ng against each other and against a handful of strong speculators whd have the situation so much at their command that their supremancy is conceded. The supply of goods seems to be ample al though the accumulations are not bur densome. In Great Britain :. business continues good and the continent shows improvement..- - v -Crop accounts are very favorable and the start Is much above the average except in small areas in North Carolina, Souih Carolina and Oklahomfi where dry weather has delayed the coining up. The acreage and the use of fertilisers will exceed" Wl records. ' Man's, effort to grow a i big crop and an early -one can be defeated only by conditions be yond human control. A big -crop of cotton is desired and a big crop wlll be required for the world's needle ''None are so anxious an those who watch and wait,," and all civilization is concerned about the cotton crop and this anxiety will not be relieved for many days at a time until we are nearer tha boles. . . ' . J. E. LATHAM, Diaz Leaves For aiov r- Mexico City, May 27-Profii Diaz, Mexi- for whom doring thirty years co stood to one side, early Friday, hat in hand, stole from the capital. Only a few devoted friends, whom he dared to trust, followed him : to the station at 2 o'clock that morning, shortly after the celebration over his resignation had quieted down. ' ; Diaz was bound for Vera Cruz to take a ship for "Spain. Wedding Announcement. The following clipped from Satur day's News- Observer will be of interest to Mr. : Vasa'. many friends in New Bern. Mr. Vass is a native of this city, a son of the jate Rev. Lachlaii C. Vass, for many years pastor of the local Presbyterian church. Invitations have been issued to friends which read : s ' Mr. and Mr?. John Howard Sharp re quest the honor of yodr presence at the marriage of their daughter ' , Frances Stedman r 'to " Reverend Lachlan Cumming Vass on the evenjng of Wednesday the fourteenth of June at half after seven o'clock . Nut Bush Presbyterian church, Towns--' villa, -' near Manson, North- Carolina,. . Miss Frances Stedman Sharp is a cul tured and attractive young woman well known in Raloigh, where she has rela tives and friends. She is a graduate of Peace 'Institute and - is the youngest daughter of Mr. John H. Sharp, former treasurer of the Seaboard., Air Line. She is a native ot Vance, but is now in Atlanta, G a.. Where she is .visiting her sister, Mrs, Geo. P. Hardy. v i ' . Mr, Vass is a Presbyterian "minister of ability.', NowHhe assistant pastor of the Second Presbyterian church in Mem phis, Ten n., the second largest of the Southern Presbyterian churches.' He has preached it Raleigh and has many friends here. ? I ' : BEAUTIfUL HAIR Bradham Drug Co., Sells the Grpat ; "est Ilatr Beautifler in the ' ,' , "World. " ; . Parisian Sage, the grand and efficient hiir restorer, is guaranteed to perma nently remove dandruff in two weeks, or your money back. v t ' Parisian Sage Stops falling hair it prevents the hair from fading, i It js the best beautifler of ladies' hair, as it makes harsh, lustcrless hair fluffy, soft and beautiful. It is a most refresh ing and daintly perfumed dressing, not sticky or greasy. ? Parisian Rnge is sold and rigidly guar anteed by Urudhnm Drug Co. Price 50 cents a largo bottle. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every package. "In the time 1 have used Parisian S.-ige I have found it vory satisfactory both as b grower mid dandruff cure." I".', n Ada It, LR-.,;-k, N. Y., t: STILL GUARDING THEFHOHTIEB General Wood is Xofc Convinced That Mexican Trouble .'4 ' v Is Over. . , Washington, May 27 There will be no withdrawal of troops from Texas fn the near future, it .is declared at the war department, despite the resigna tion of President Diasf and the prospect of peace in Mexico. If General Wood has his way, the troops will remain at San Antonio until next winter. Though taking a hopeful view of the Mexican situation, and believing that Diaz's resignation will do much to re store peace and order, neither army of ficers nor officials of the state depart ment are convinced, that the end is in sunt The principal reason for the retention of the troops fa Texas, however, is the determination of Maj ir General Wood that a "maneuver" division having been assembled for the first time since the Civil war, it shall remain until it has thoroughly learned the lessons the general staff has sev out for it. The opportunity, he believes, is too good be lost. ' . to Old Furnit tire Mahogany or Rose Wood needs simp ly washing and a coat of Varnish. ,The L & M. Home Finish Varnish is the best. - " If painted wood-thenjwash" it, and ap pjh one coat of L & M. Domestic Paint. Makes Furniture as good as new at a cost of about 25 or 30 cents. Get it from: Gaskill Hdwe. & Mill Supply Co. Motoring as Cancer Cause. ' New York, May 27 Failure to take needed exercise owing to fondness for motoring is given by a member of the Health Department as one' of the chief causes of the increasing number of cases of cancer. 'A The Roper Log Pond. A big piece of work is in progress at the Roper Lumber Company's mill on Neuse River. This is the bsnking of a huge pond or lake to contain the train loads of logs that are brought to this big lumber plant. The pond is in good part completed and will be 320 feet long and 110 feet wide and in depth about 12 feet. The cubic contents of earth to be removed is 25,000 cubic yards and the removal of this great quantity is being done by a steam dredge and a railroad track runs down an incline to the bottom of the pond which is kept fairly free from water by a steam pump. The advan tages of using the pond instead of the skids upon which the loads are now un loaded are several, the saving of the labor of a number of men in handling the logs, the better condition of th? logs and their greater , freedom from grit. It is a big piece of work and the engineer in charge is Mr. H. A. Brown of this city. . " 20 Leonard Cleanable Re.- frigerators.f porcelain lined, quartered oat cases. They save ice and look better than any other. Ask me the price I. S. Miller. "- First .Occupant of Hall. Raleigh, May 27. The bust to be located in the new hall of history in the new adminstratlon buildiug is to be one of the late Adjutant-General J. F, Atmneld, who died about a year ago. This will be provided by the North Car olina Nstional guard and Adjutant General Leister feels that the bust will be ready by the time the building is completed, r , - . . - , . . , i - Ireland Losea Population. London, May 27. -The census returns for Ireland, show a population of 4,381, 951, This is a decrease from ten years ago ol 7 pVr cent . The decrease . in ths male population was .o. ana in ths number of'femsles 2.8 per cent. W. a W. Unveiling Ceremonies Here ' ; , June 4th. The W. 0. W, are making prepara tion for elaboraae ceremonies at their unveiling of monument In Cedar Grove cemetery next Sunday 4thday of June. They have secured an eloquent orator, Hon. Geo. E, Hood of Goldsboro and are expecting two hundred or more visiting Woodmen. Miss Wyatt's Orchestr and the New Lern Quartett will furnUh the music which will be enjoyed by all who at tend. Every boriy n6t only Invited but are specially requests! to turn out and v, i' -: s the coremriii s which will be , , , .,.....y ,t2;.H'c!tif't p. m. DISASTROUS GOIIEY ISLAND FIRE Dreamland, The Greatest Show On Earth Was De. troyed. New-York, May 27. Coney Island was swept by u $3 000,000 fire today. It started in Dreamland and spread rapidly Many lions escaped creating great excitement but no damage. They were finally killed. Dreamland is the most extensive amusement place in the world. There are acres of shows, switch-backs, Alpine glides, chootthe chutes and attractions without number. Veterans' Dinner. On Saturday, the 3d day of June,' the Daughters of the Confederacy will have a dinner for the Veterans at Redmond's wharf, foot of Craven Street. All Vet erans and sons of Veterans are invited to be present. Important Meeting Trustees Graded School. The board of trustees of the New Bern Graded School held an important meeting Friday. The matter of elect- icg teachers for next .year took Ifttle time, the present teachers being re elected, with an increase of about ten per cent in their salaries. It was also agreed to pay the salaries of the teach ers in twelve monthly installments, the first to be paid October 1st, and there after monthly. A matter of importance to parents of pupils was the reduction of 30 per cent in the cost of book rent. As Boon ' as possible class B will become class A in the High School, Messrs, J, A, Bryan, R, A, Nunn and judge O. H. Gu ion were appointed committee to go before the mass meeting on Monday night and urge that the Farm Life School be establish ed in No. 8 township. Stop fighting flies, by Screening your- house with our Screens. J. S Basnight Hdw., Co. Phone 99, 67 S. Front St. Russia Admits Jews From United States. Washington, May 27. Russia is conceding the right of entry into that country of American Jews visit ing the Czar's domainn business missions. The Kussian Embassy hi r is now itsuing passports of this kind to properly identify American Jewish busi ness men. '. There are no longer any obstructions placed in the way of American Jews who seek to enter the empire on legitim ate business. It is stated here that this is hot the result of any recent pressure brought to bear upon the Russian Government through threatened legislation in the direction of abrogation of the existing Russo-American treaty, but results from a more liberal view that hss been taken in Russia as a matter of sound internal administration. It is understood hem that it is now proposed to abolish the whole- system of Rustian passports, which would remove the last obsticle to the rntry into the country of persons of any religious faith or race, although, of course, ths'Jews would have to obserr the restrictions as to residence within the "pale" so long as the laws on that subject remain in force. - . - A CUaCat. ' The beautiful young prisoner entered the box In her own behalf. "What Is your age, miss F asked tb lawyer. ' - - ": "Forty-eight' was the steady reply. The feminine Jury caught Its breath with an audible little gasp and sat there rigid. . "How much did you pay for the bat you are wearlngT" -Nlnety-elabt cents.' , , "Are you guilty of the crime tht U charged against you T" . "No." Thus did the wily prisoner attempt to establish twr veracity and then con vinoe the Jury that she walnnocent But don't forget thnt this was a Jury of women. A verdict of incurable In aanltv was brought In. Nw Iork Journal. - "Yarbs" Ws Have Knewn. . What has become of the elderly lady who In tbe seventies and earlier al ways referred to an "herb" as a "yarbT The word has gone out of use. About the meanest "ysrb" was a bitter weed nnmed "thorouEbwort" Then there wss cammerralle, dockroot and dandelion, In their miserable part rrshlp. lohelln and catnip. These things were "steeped." and .you look them or had them tlmist upon you "for your blood." Minneapolis Jour nal. " v Ver.lrinB ai-rc; '-lie r won tha Taris to- NOT MUCH RECIPROCITY i "' ' asiBBBiaeHiwsw " Prospects For President's Pet Bill to Pass. Looks Exceedingly Gloomy. Washington,. May 27 Reciprocity with Canada is facing defeat in the Senate,. . President Taft is so concern ed that he has appealed to its friends in and out of Congress for additional . support. - ' ' Senator Root's wood pulp amendment and the Farmers Free List b'll are what are threatening the Reciprocity bill and the President fears they will encompass its defeat unless the supporters of reci procity tally to quick action. , What the President fears most is that if the Root amendment Is adopted the gates will be opened to other amendments until the bill is strangled. Between now and Monday the Presi dent will use all his persuasion to change at least two votes in the committee to favor reciprocity, : Ah equal the White House sees it, is the Farmers' Free List hill. The danger lies in that bill being at tached to the Canadian bill. Old-line Democrats in the Senate, Buch as Mar tin and Swanson of Virginia an 1 Bacon of Georgia.' favor reciprocity. They would vote for it under most circum stances, but, according to the President their activity now in- attempting to tie the Farmers' Free List bill to the Cana dian bill threatens to spell defeat for both measures. Wireless to Girdle Globe. Glace Bay, C. B., May 27. One hour by wireless, from Glace Bay, C. B., to Dakar, on the coast of. French West ern Africs, is the astonishing feat that has just been accomplished at the Glace Bay wireless stitiog. ' The message was flashed from here t) the Eiffel tower, in Paris, and from there relayed to the Dikar station, the whole operation tak'ng only 0 minutes. So successful ws the experiment, that it is now announced that the British dependencies . will . be' linked together" by wireless, and plans to ths end are now being made. Between 70 and 80 new stations will be required to put this girdle aiound the world, Philadelphia's New Archbishop. Rome. Mav 28.. The R'trht Rev. Ed mund E. Pendergast, auxiliary bishop of Philadelphia, it was announced at the Vatican, has been appointed Arch bishop of Philadelphia in succession to the Most Rev. Patrick John Ryan, 'Who died February 11, last. B. P. S. Paint will make your old house look new, in side and out. J. S. Basnight Hdw., Co. .Phone 99, 67 S. Front St. . Aid For Central Highway. Washington, D. C, May 29th. -Con gressman Webb is Interesting himself in behalf of the great Central Highway to be built from Beaufort to, the Ten nessee line, and has recently called on Logan W. Page, director of the public roads, io an effort to secure a govern ment expert to aid in engineering ai d planning that portion of the highway in Madison county. v Thomas J. Murray,, a member of the Central Highway Committee, bai writ ten Mr. Webb, asking for this assist-, ance for his part of the county and Mr, Webb haa just this morn'ng reoeived assurance from Director Page, that he will give all the assistance poisible and also promising that he will to send an expert to North Carolina to look over conditions with reference to this great highway in the early part of June, inoono i M M JS. JVJVJVJ Ci ) Itsicdltstrthjth (' ) cuts the. ccHfoc bill I H) htx)jbstpericr ( ) quality gives it Jl I OUI rrn ssRr, t:-.y;y-:?,