LI t-f. 1173 j ; Xo ; ctions, every t 1 i i;j..y, at Journal Build : ) Craren Etreet. . ICR AND PROPRIETOR. .1 Paper ol New Bern and i. . i CIUPTION RATES. , 'v Month. ' . '' H j f.;onihs.. . M . ulve Months.. .. LOO ONLY IN-ADVANCH. ... The Journal la ca!y eent on pay-In-, i Ivanoe basts. Subscribers will re vive notlc of expiration ot their aub - rptlooa and an Immediate response ,.) notice wvi m appreciated by tbe Jinrnal ' ' -: Advertising ' rates tarnished upon replication, at the ofnoe, or upon In julrf by mal1' ; nteied at the Postofflce, New Bern. N. C. as second-cfass matter. - New Bern, N. C. June, 29. MIL NEW ASPECTS OF THE HIGH ER COST OF LIVING. Evidence of the upward exten sion of the cost of living problem may be found in the $7,000,000 de crease in the value of the diamonds imported during the last eleven months as compared with the cor responding period for 1910, iu the $3,000,000 decrease in champagne importations and in the diminish ed imports of silks, laoes and dressed furs. ; V ' " These figures reveal the pinch of economy among consumers of lux uries. The' value of the works of art imported increased, it is true, from $20,333,333 to $21,500,000. . But naintines and objects of art have a recognized investment val- The point for the Tenderloin's concern is not merely the 20 per cent, reduction in the imports of diamonds but the 50 per cent de- . crease in the amount of foreign champagne entered. j This is an economy with a seri ous aspect ' It threatens a curtail ment of revenue for lobster palaces and allied industries and foreshad ows a period of depression in the night life of the town: A decrease in the visible supply of champagne "-y more than 1,000,000 bottles, anJHhis in the face of a proposed State tax orf every bottle consum ed, will directly discourage wine opening." V ' .','' " An ultimate effect of he picch of the problem of living in these quarters will no doubt be to hast en measured for relief. The way to abolish objectionable conditions is to make them odious, and the dis covery by consumers of luxuries that they have common cause for complaint with those whom the cost of the necessaries oppresses should enlist them in the ranks of reform. N, Y. World. PATRIOTISM AND SANITY. The approach of one of our na tional holidays, the Fonrth of July, is again calling for that an nual reform, a sane Fourth. It is t oinrrnjar fact that the general . . ptauce of 9 holiday, calls for .n occasion of irrational doings. And couple the holiday with an extra event of national significan ce, such as the Fourth of July, 'and there is a celebration not of real fun and seasonable enjoyment, but of unbridled license and dis order. ' ' ' ,.: . . An occasion for a display of patriotism, which evolves the pa triot, has more saneness in it than the after celebration of this same event. Great deeds wrought by men on the spur of the moment for their country were not insane ly inspired, but had the noblest noil purest motives to urge mnn to their performance. And yet years afterwards, succeeding gen erations cannot sanely . celebrate the memory of these men. .' ' . " The very harshness and nnreas- nnableuefls'in the observance of our Fourth of July celebration, are enough to lead to non observance of the Otorious Fourth, that is now a day of physical and material destruction. The record is a ter ribl! ouc, for in the past eight is, 1,700' persons have been 1, 37,500 injured, and millions ollars worth of property des- re is no sanity in this, no tit lesson to the youth that i to limb, life and property highest appreciative way to :,nd express Amrican pat Kuther is the observance . t.iclo of barbarism that " ' ; but r 1 J ;. - ( ' l . ri-jj j ALCOHOL 3 PElt v.khv AVcgetablePreparationrorik similaiinOttKFnnif.milRpdito ting tlte Siomacbs aadBowias of '' mis Promotes Digpslwflmfiir' ness and RestContalns neitlur Opiura-Marphine norMinaaLI HOTHAHCOTIC. .- i .I - '. I ft 1 m btCMtaakSik . Mwmi wSerJ- haefmm7m. Aperfect Remedy forCOnsflpti Hnn . Snur Stomadi.Dlarrhoeai VormsJConvulsHms.ievensli ness and Loss of Sleep. JicSimOe Signature of NEW YORK. 'aranloed under UnttoodfA Exact Copy of Wrapper. Whtlka aa Money. ." I. Dewarra, a urreucy of , New Brit tin, la an Instance ot how the spoils of the chase may be tamed to account as the outward and visible sign of wealth. Dewarra Is made , by string ing the shells of a dog whelk upon the ribs of palm leaves. These strings may be retailed at so much a fathom usually the price Is equivalent to about 3 shillings a fathom length or they may be made Into various arti cles of personal adornment to be worn on great occasions. In New Britain the dewarra hoarded up by rich man Is produced at his funeral and divided among his heirs in much the same kind of way " aa personal property Is divided among us. London Globe. ' : HOWS This? We offer One Hundred Dollars toward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole do, O. r;'--p;fV. .:! ;-. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. ' Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken, in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and muceug surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Trice 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for coi 'ttipation. The Sensitive Jester. "De Wooze seemed to get mad be cause I didn't laugh at that weazened joke of his." "Humor him when you can, Ton see. De Wooze is the sort of humorist that expects somebody to smash the bass drum every time he chortle a pun." Cleveland Plain Dealer. . CASTOR I A - For Infants and Children. Tfca Kind You Hare Always Bought Boar, the stf jfa, ' Signature of LaZ7't!UcJCiai Spain's Financial Trouble. Spain has been bankrupt four times in a century, th last being for $550,- 000,000 In 1882. Whooping con it h is not dantrers when the cough is kept loose and ' expectora tion easy by giving Chamberlain s Cough Bemedy. It bas Men. used in many epidemics of this disease with perfect succesa. For sale by all dealers. 1 ' 1 j The Venezuelan Congresn approved the government's; navigation concess ion. ' . ,; WOMEN Women of (La highest type, women of superior education and refinement, whoss discernment and judgment fire weight and force to their opinions, highly praiss the wonderful corrective and enntive properties of Chant herkin's Stomach and liver Tab lets. Thronghout the many stages of woman's Lfe, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother Lsoi to the declining years, there is ts s&fer or more reliable ced- rr rf --3 ii i i C a's Te :i t-; r "Jii Ulj Tor Infants and Children. Lj Li The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ' In Use For Over Thirty Years AW i if TflPI II n I'm tmi onrrauD aonMiiv, mm itt. NOTICE TO BOX RENTERS. : Bill (form 1538) is placed in your box to tell you that your box rent is due (Jb the last day of the quarter, and to show you the amount of rent to be paid on or before the last day of the quarter. You will therefore bring your (form 1538) and have it receipted when you call to pay your rent. It is not a matter df discretion .with me as to closing yoiit box if the rent is not paid, but the gov ernment demands that I shall close them.' ' .' , ; ' J. S. BASNIGHT, P. M. .'The followinir are rules of the De partment governing the use of renteij boxes I am now giving for the benefit of the patrons of this office; The use of boxes is restricted to one individual, family, firm, or corporation1 except in such cases as are specified id this section. An individual looting box mag have placed therein 1 Mail addressed to himself. 2 Mail addressed to a visitor abiding with him. ' v . 3 Mail addressed to his care or the number of his box by persons who wish him to take care ef it for them tempo rarily. :' I ,?v 4 Mail addressed to members of bis1 family. , ' . k - a Mail addressed to his servants or other employees who abide in his house. 6 Mail addressed to his confidential or official employees not abiding with him. 7 Mail addressed to a relative or oth er person who permanently in his bouse as do the. member of his family. 'A boarder in a family is not a member of the family. A renter of separate apart ments in the house with a family -or a person who maintain a separate table is not a member of the family. 13 A person after having attained majority is a member of hi parents or guardians family so long as ha contin ues to abide within the domicile of his parent or guardian as a member of his family and does not engage in any busi ness or avocation separate and apart from that of his parent or guardian though himself the head of a family provided his family also abide with that of his parent or guardian subject to the same conditions. . 14 A person having attained hi ma jority and living in a house rented from hi father or in separate apartments of the house occupied by bis father' fam ily is no longer a member of his fath er's family. , ' -" ' 15 The mail of permanent boarder at a hotel or boarding house must not be placed in the box rented by the pro prietor thereof; whether assigned for the Use of himself and family only, or 1 for the general use ef his hotel, but the mail of a guest or transient boarder, when addressed to th number of the house or th name of th hotel if not delivered by carrier should be placed in Ibe box assigned to th use of such ho tel or the proprietor thereof; ' lft A firm renting a box may have placed therein; . A ; , , 1 All mail addressed to Us name. 2 man aaaressea to it omcMl em ployees. ' , - 3 By th consent of all members of firm, every member thereof may have mail addressed to himself oi members of hi family deposited in the box as aigned to its use. - ii uorporstioni renting a box or drawer may have placed therein only 1 Mail addressed to it name. 2 Mail addressed to its officer by their official title. J. & BASNIGHT, P. IC New Bern, N. C, June 15th, 191L - : . A TERRIBLE BLUNDER to neglect liver trouble. Never do It. lake Dr. King's New Life Pill on the nrst sign or constipation, biliousness or inactive bowels end prevent virulent in digestion, jaundice or gall stones. They regulate tbe liver, stomach and bowels and build op your health. , Only 2'e. at all druggists. . . j . BRIDGET0N ITEMS. Our little town has been very quiet since our last writing. We are still having the weather dry and hot, a little rain would do lots of good in this section, " The Mettodist Sunday School went up Trent river last Thursday and stop ped at Foy's Landing to picnic, they had a delightful day, and when they re turned everybody said they never had a more delightful outing. , , ; The time was out for Log to run out in our town laat week,': some are very much out of burner over it, but th ma jority of our people think it a very good thing. . , " . . v k Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stalling and Mrs. W H Mason and daughter little Miss Flora went down to Newport last Wednesday to attend the Stalling and Roger wedding. " Mr. M. L. Pugh who ha been np to Seven Spring for some tim has re turned borne. - Mrs. Henry Bobb and" children of Portsmouth, N. C. who have been in our town for several day visiting re lative have returned home. -' " - Mis Matti Barrington leave this morning for Dunn, N. C to viait friends for a few days. There will be prayer meeting at the Methodist church Thursday night con ducted by the pastor Rev. J M Wright. Everybody i invited to coma out We are sorry to lay of Mrs.' Sam Dunnum who has been very sick for some time, her condition is no better. ' Rev. J M Wright will fill hi appoint ment at Tuscarora, and Clark next Sunday. . . GRAY EYES. roMiammYiPiiLS Fon backaoms Kioeicva amb lasscs) Evidence at th trial of Evelyn Ar- thue See in Chicago allowed th . semblance hi ."absolute) life" bor to tformonism. SAVED HIS WIFE'S LIFE. "My wife would have bean in her grave today," write O H brown, ot Muscadine. Ala., "if it bad not been for Dr. King's New Discovery. She was down in her bed. not able to get up without help. She had a severe bron ooiai trouoie ana a areadini cough, j got her a bottle of Dr. Kings New Dis covery, and she soon began to mend, ana was well in a short time." infalli ble for coughs and colds, it' the moat relrahle remedy on earth for desperate inng trounie. nemorrnacee. laa-rinne. asthma, hay fever, eroun and whooDiosT cougn, ouc, ii.uu. iriai ootue iree, uuaranteea ny an arnggists. Anaohrenlam ef the Future. ' ' . An article In Popular Mechanic suggests some historical absurdities which future author may attempt to perpetrate on the gullible public. The Illustration show Joan of Arc at her ae wing machine, an-X ray examina tion of a civil war soldier, the .sinking of tbe Maine by bomb dropped from an aeroplane, George Washington pos ing for bis photograph, etc. With the lapse of centuries r historical bound aries 'are apt to become haiy, and these anachronism which, appear Im possible now may. pass unchallenged later. . ? . ' " Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A The American yacht Bibelot won the fonrth of the series for Sender class yachts at Kiel, Germany. ' . SORE NIPPLW. . Any mother who ha bed ttsperlence with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure mav be ef fected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon s the child Is son nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before al lowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve witn nest result. For aale by ail dealer. A Curious Rule. . The f oUocrlng curious rule appears tender paraaeaph 68 of tbe municipal regulation governing burials at Oie- en, Hesse: "Interment are only per mitted after death has taken place, IB all other case a certificate signed by the mayor te requited." LIGHTNING KILLS FEW. lo 1906 lightning Silled only 169 peo ple in this whole country. One chanc es of "death by lightning are lets than two in a million. Th chance of death from liver, kidney or stomach trouble is vastly greater, but not if Elecliic Bitter be used, as Robert Madsen, of West Burlington. . la., proved. Pour doctors gave him up after eight months of suffering from virulent liver trouble and yellow jaundice. H was then completely cured by Eelectric Bitters, Thery'r the beat stomach, livvr, and Sidney remedy and blood puriner on earth. Only hue at all druggists. 9 ' twlft Messenger. ' ' Messenger Boy (to stranger)--! op- pos, sir. yon are visiting the baron in hi castle over there. StrangerI am. And are you going to the castle toot Messenger Boy Certainty. I'm taking your telegram telling htm you are coin- tag. Fliegende Blatter, j - IT? f 1 1 1 C " ! TElMInlD.- New Bern Citizens Testify for the Public Benefit. A truthful statement of a New Bern citizen, given in his own words, should convince the most skeptical about the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills. If you suffer from ' backache, nervousness, sleeplessness, urinary disorders or any form of kidney ills, the cure is at hand. Read this; . -. C. P. Harget, 4? Burn St., New Bern, N C, says; , " just as pleased to endorse Doan's Kidney Pills at this time aa I was after I first used them year ago. .My back ached a great deal and I bad much pain through my kid neys which plainly showed that I was afflicted with kidney complaint Doan's Kidney Pills" were procured from the Biadham Drug Co., and they so effect ively removed my trouble .that I have only bad need of them once since then. At that time they again acted prompt ly and gave me entire relief. I know that this preparation acts as represent ed and is worthy of the highest praise.' lfor sale bj til dealer. IMc 60 cent.. Foster Ullburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sol agent for tb United State. ' 1 Remember th nam Do' tn take no other. Hoboken and New Brunswick. N. J voted against the commission, form of government, - , 1 LEADING CALIFORNIA DRUG- 'i, '. - GIST. ' Pasadena. Cel.. March 9-. 1911, " Foley and Co.. Gentlemen: We have old and recommended t1 oley s Money and Tar Compound for years. We be lieve it to be one ot we - most emcieni expectorant on the market. Contain ing no opiates or narcotics tc can oe given freely to children. unougn ot tbe remedy can be taken to relieve a cold, aa it has no nauseatinsr results. and doe not interfere with digestion. Your verv truly. C H. Ward Drug Co. C. L. Parsons. Sec'v and Treas." Get the original Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in tbe yellow paeicsge. r. I. uurty. : ... y x. t. ; Auspicious Opening of the Southern Automobile -College The Southern Automobile College, Oak Ridge, N. C, opened its door AprU 17th. - It has been crowded to tbe limit ever since. Students are arriving daily, and daily are going out to accept paying position In this most fascinating business. , ' - t They announce a special June offer to students of schools and colleges, and to men who want to better their sal arte. Automobile owners also would do well t) write for information. A PEEK IN HIS POCKET A would show the box of Bucklen's Arni ca Salve that E. S. '-oper, a carpenter, of Manila. M. x. always carries." nave never bad a cot, wound, bruise. or sore it would not soon heal," ht write. Greatest healer of burn, boil scalds, chapped band and lips, fever ore, skip eruption, ecsema, corn and piles, 25c, at all dealers. Seeing Is Doubting. "Seeing l believing, eh?" said as oculist "Well, no saw was ever more absurd than that Ton see a horse's head and a Boor barrel, and you be lieve the barrel I longer than tbe horse's bead, don't youT Welt It Isn't. Tb horse' head from tbe tips cf hi ears to tb end of bis noes I kiogef thau the barrel by a considerable distance. Architect hare to deceive the eye In order to make It piear that their building are symmetrical. They make wall lean in that Ibey may appear vertical. .Tbey make win dowa wider at tb top. They ' make column thicker In th middle than at tbe summit or base. And the top lines of building. In order to appear plumb to the silly eye of mnn. must be raised np quite a lot in tbe Center. "Swing Is believing, Indeed!" Cin dnnatl Enquirer. ' ; P.S. Rexford, 616 New York Life Bide.. Kansas City. M.. sava. "1 had a severe attack of a eold which settled in my back and kidney and I was in great pain from my trouble. A friend recommended Folev Kidney Pills and I used two bottles of them and they have dona me a world of good." P. S. Duffy. , k score or more of New Yorkers are held -under eurveilance owing to their supposed connection with a big smug gling conspiracy. ... - Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S " CASTORIA No criminal procecution (an be insti tuted in connection - with the Cunning ham claim frauds 9wing to the statute of limitation, ' STOMACH TROUBLES. Many remarkable cures of stomach troubles have been effected by Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One man who had spent over two thousand dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes of theBe tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at all dealer. - 1 i n To Morebead City Beaufort And Return, 4th of July. Tickets solcl Friday June 80th, until July 4th, good to return until July Cth. FaMt and convenient selii'dule via K ft folk-Southern I'ailwny. : : ' t !)'.' t;. ! . t i i ' r . THEY PLAYED CKIS5S. The Loser Afterward Learned With out Asking Why He Lost. Ttnron Henceluiuller. the Austrian dlnlomat. a man famous for bis chess ability, one day at a house in Wash ington met a young man whose name be did not catch when the Introduc tions were made. Cbesb was the topic pf the conversation by all those in the company, and presently tbe youns man suRjrested diffidently that hr would be highly' honored if the baron would play a game with blm. " The baron consented. They sal down. ' After a few moves the baron looked un from the table checkmated and found the young man reading a paper. : ' Tbe chessmen were' placed again and. after not so many move? as before, the baron looked lip to SnC the young mnn rending the paper and himself checkmated. " After his dinner the baron came back. I He wanted, another game, beinp somewhat chagrined at the ease with which he had been beaten.' as ne came In he found tbe youna man wbc hurt nlHved with him that afternoon blindfolded, and playing -against sir teen opponents at the name time, l n young man was' Pillsbury. Saturda Evening Post ' ' Or. Johnson's Revenge, Tom Osborne, tbe bookseller,.' was one of "that mercantile rugged race to wbloh the delicacy of the poet is some times exposed."- Osborne, Irritated." by- what he thought an unnecessary delay , on the part of Johnson, went one day into toe room where Johnson was sitting and abused him. in the most liberal man ner. Johnson beard him some time un moved, but at lasty losing all patience, be seized a huge folio 'and, aiming a blow at the bookseller's head, succeed' ed in sending him sprawling to thn floor. Osborne alarmed jhe family by bis cries, but Johnson, placing bis foot on his breast, would not let him stir until be bad exposed blm. in that situa tion and then left blm with this tri umphant expression: "Lie there, thou son of dullness. Ignorance and obscur ity." Prom Keareley's "Anecdotes. The Misuse of Vinegar, , Dr. Mansell Maullln, M. A. writing In tbe London Lancet on the causes of gastric ulcer, mentions Vinegar as one cause, "In many of these instances, especially those which occur in young women, the effect of' this chronic sep tic poisoning Is Intensified. by the habit so many of them have of swallowing quantities of .vinegar. . Information with regard to this is very difficult to obtain and is, never volunteered. It bas to be drawn out lilt by bit, but 1 have met with many ..instances In which s pint s day bas been consumed and a few In which the. quantity ' was occasionally much larger. .The effect is probably greater because it Is often taken between . meals on an empty stomach under tbe curious Impression that it will Improve the complexion." Children Cry v FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ' Accordlnj te Rule. j. "How is your mother this morningr asked Mrs. Grey of the small boy who came with tbe millc ; . . j "She's better," be answered. "Can she sit npT" went on Mrs. Grey. "No, answered the literal young ster. "She sits down, but she stands op." Woman's Home Companion. .'. THEX RAY TREATMENT FAILED : ' .. --. BUT -,r'Ti DUFFY'S ITCH OINTMENT . , CURED ME, Writes a prominent physician of . South ." 1 Carolina. . ;;, He had tried everything for Eczema on his hands, known to the medical pro fession for seven long years; when almost by accident his attention wua called to Duffy's Itch Ointment. . , Recommended for all itching scalp or akin diseases. ' . Dealers are instructed to refund pur chase price if patient is not relieved or satisfied. ' . '. . . ' . ,; At druggists gmerally, or can be mailed on receipt of price, 23c, by - F. S. DUFFY. . NEW BERN, . , - ' .V N. C. Lake Drummond Canal & Water ; Co. r Lake Drummond Transportation V- CO. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal , An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth Always. 1 Quick Transit for Traffic Prompt Towing and Freight Movement For tolls, towing and freight rates apply at office in Seaboard Bank Build; ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Va. M. K. King, Pres.- J. A. f.'.ilten, Sec. I. B. Daxicr, Stipt.- 1 1. T. WhitQhurst, TrafHc Kanaflcr. .' Norfolk Office. Pell Phone fi2M DIAMOND .C -N . ) , If f'" '-' ' ...... I .i . I IU L...J L..L Ii,-,.. I 5 T0 15 ra CT. Cy Buying Youi Groceries From McDaniel's Cash y Grocery 41 Middle St. A complete stock of the" very best goods to select from. . j Fresh lot Md,K Biscuit Co's. Cakes just received 15c.- lb. ' Extra Fancy Ginger Snaps 10c Jb. . - r A few nice fresh Corned Ports mouth Mullets 30c. doz. SPECIAL mm PRICES my. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L. McDaniel 41 Middle St. Phone 91 HARDWARE , . AND , Building Ma iorial Paints, Oils AND . . "f ' Varnishes ... 1 , ... .'. , . American: Field Fence E. IV. lew Ben, I. C HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Qujckly and Ac curately filled. r - Also a full line of Choice toilet articles,. PHONE , 173 25c. lb. : Apple Vinegar , per qt Pure Lard . Vegetable Lard - ' 8c 12Jc 10c Boneless Herring ifi glass l2ic Sugar ; . Tub Butter Print Butter'-; Oil ' ' - per gal. . EJc 30c S4c 121c H. C. ARr.1STRGXG Phone 174 - Middle St. FRESH SUPPLY WHITMAN'S CANDY AT rains PHONE 56. FOR SALE! v j Big Mammoth Soja Beans, Field Peas of all kinds, Oat, Hay, Corn, Brand, Ship Stuff Beet Pulp, Distillers Grain which is the highest in Tro teids of any feed sold on this market, and produces milk, in quantities, Alfalfa horco feed. 1 Pharmacy

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