'i THE WEEKLY JOL IrfaMkkM 1878 Published IB Two Section!, svsrj Tuesday and Friday, at Journal Bulld- l 66-90 Craven Street , : CHARLES L. SXITIIi, EDITOR AND PROPEHTTOR. Official Paper of New Ben aad Craven County. SUBSCRIPTION RATJB8. Two Months.. .. .. .. M Three Months.. .. . . . II U Months.. ,. .. : . M twelve Months.. .. .. .. .. 1.M ONLY IN ADVANCB. The Journal ts enly tent onpay-ln-tdvance basis. Subscribers will re eiv notice ot expiration of their sub enrfptlona and an Immediate response o notice wu ne appreciated by the ' Journal. Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon la iulr by mal1 nten!d at the Postoffice, New Bern, N. C. as second-class matter. New Bern, N. C. July, 4, 111. NATUKAL ADVANTAGES MUST BE BACKED UP, LOCALLY. The Friday night meeting at the court house, brought out some pretty plain talking, as to where New Bern has failed to "make good." What is needed besides being told and pointed out the way, is some rugged work that will open up the way for a Great er New Bern, The way this city has gone forward, with no co-operative work ou the part of a majority of its citizens, proves that the local natural advantages for a city, are most favorable. But these natural advantages have been in great measure neglected. New Bern at the 1910 census should have had a population of not less than 25, 000. The geographical situation easily provides for such a popula tion with the increases year after year finding location and employ ment. The country surrounding New Bern is blessed with soil and climate to raise breadstuffs not only for this population but also for shipment of a large surplus, The forests have wood for manu facturing plants. The fields can raise oottor. for mills. Transporta tion ly water highways, lead to interior points, to bring up coun try products here in the raw state to be manufactured. A great deep water route opens the way for an exportiug city, with ship ments to foreign ports. These are but a few of the pos sibilities that local effort can de velop and make real. At present natural advantages are to be found in many sections, but these only become of value when the people offer substantial aid to outsiders to take hold, or by such substan tial local co-operation produce de velopment and permanent growth. The great need today, to bring about this Greater New Bern is for a substantial, co-operative lo cal movement, that will in a short time richly repay evary dollar spent out every hour given to the movement. NEED OF A CITY MARKET. In this age of progressive sanita tion, the products that go into the daily consumption of the people are being scrutinized more and more, as to their freshness when Drought to market, and as to the care exercised by the market men when they resell to the local ton Burner. Not every tradesman has the means at hand to properly protect the perishable goods that he offers daily for sale. There is always sickness, particularly du ring the summer months, when people have spoiled vegetables, dc j cayed fruit or tainted meat as their food. - The fault does not lie with the dealer, altogether, nor is the consumer to be blamed as careless and therefore deserves to pay the penalty. . , ." . -' . - The law provides pretty gener ally, that milk and other things entering into the family consnmp ! tion, shall pass Inspection. Local sauitarylaws governing food In spection' and food protection against flies and weather are safe guards. Not always can these laws bo , carefully carried into effect, due to various causes. A city market in New Bern would prove of great local .value, both because of the better sanita ry arrangements that could be in stituted under one roof for a num b. r of di' i'i'ii, each sharing in the f ., 1., ,. : ' ; at a minimum i cf c Children Cry J V i r n The Kind Yon llav AIwrvs In use for over 30 years, and has yrryii-f, sonal CCCAt4 Allow . "AU Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with, and endanger the health of ' Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys W orms and allays Fevertshness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach Olid Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always BougbJ In Use Fop Over 30 Years THI CENTAUR COMPANY, 7 ' MURRAY STRICT. NEW YORK CITY. sMiiimwsnisaiisjiiHii meats, fish, vegetables, fruits aud perishable products, to keep these in a fresh state until the coimim er would want them. A central ci ty market would mean the saving of time to house-keepers, who would find under one roof the nec essary articles for the day's meals, and so be able to quickly purchase what was wanted with a saving of time and effort, besides getting the chance to make selections from stocks that would be fly proof and dust proof. It is no simple matter for the housekeeper to market du ring the summer months. There are blocks to be traversed, with a range of products to select from, that makes it most difficult, and not all of these market offerings can be kept strictly fresh until the buyer comes. With a city market the inspection work would be simplified, there would be prac tically absolute sanitation. There would be labor saved every house keeper, and health protection to every consumer. $100 REWARD. $100. The readers ot this paper will b pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all ils stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. (Jatarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a eon stitutional treatment, ball's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actios; direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up th constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in ils curative powers that that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. AddreBs, ' T. J. CHENEY & CO.,Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. "Prophet" Smith, in an interview. said the Mormans bow lo the law of the land relating to plural wives. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Suit was brought in Richmond for the revocation of the charter of the James town Jocky Club. FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEDY. Is particolary recommended for chron k eases of kidney and bladder trouble. It tends to regulate and control the kid- ny and bladder action and is healing strengthening ana bracing. Testimony of gross immorality and neglect at Hoffman Island was intro duced at the investigation of the quar antine office there. HicLmtey mils T.Tut They Will, Do for Yesj They wiU tors) your bmckacha, Itrecxthoa your kldneya, cor. r: :t urinary lrrerularitlea, bulla tj tit wora out tlssuea, and C.-'-zz't tit excess aria acid t" tci;:ti rheumatisms. Pre, 1 i -1 r..' fa r:?8s and Diaw ' -, t 1 r?--r kt-!; acj TT .1 for Fletcher's Tlonsrhf - . and which has been has borne the signature of been made under his per- supervision tdnce its Infancy. no one to deceive you in this. Signature of BUFFALO TONGUES. The Blackfoot Indians Used to Turn Them Into Hairbrushes. "Walrus whisker toothpicks and buf falo tongue hairbrushes!" the explorer cried. And he displayed a packet of black toothpicks tied with a strip of red raw hide and a flat black hairbrush that seemed molded out of rubber. "These two articles," said the ex plorer, "are of strictly native man ufacturenative American manufac ture. Take the toothpicks first. They are mnde by the Indians of Alaska. The Indians, whenever they kill a wal rus, pluck from his face his long and stiff whiskers, cure them aud ship them to the Chinese. At every fash ionable Chinese dinner you will see the stately mandarins between each course picking their teeth with these walrus whisker toothpicks. "It's the Blackfoot Indians who use buffalo tonjrue hairbrushes. A buf falo's tongue is rough. The spines on It make very good hairbrush bristles. And these bristles in a Blackfoot brush don't eome out, for the Blackfoot sim ply skins his buffalo tongue, cuts It In hairbrush, shape, cures It, and there 'you are. Every Blackfoot In the past bad bis buffalo hairbrush. But those days are gone gone with the buffalo herds and where In the fifties you could buy a good buffalo tongue brush on the plains for a ladle of puppy dog stew I doubt If you could get one now for a keg of firewater." Washington Post FOLEYiKIDNEY PILLS rORUHBUMATISMKIBNSVSAMO SLAOjl.fc Globe Trotters Plus. A number of tourists were recently looking down the crater of Vesuvius Ad American gentleman said to bis companion: "That looks a good deal like tbe In fernal regions." An English lady, overbearing the re mark, said to another: "Good gracious, how these Ameri cans ao travel r-Llpplncott'e. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. "I want to thank you from tbe bot tom of my heart," wrote C B Rader, of Lflwisburg, W. Vs.. "for the wonder ful double benefit I got from Electric Bitters, in curing me of both a severe ease of stomach trouble and of rheuma tism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suit ed my case as though made just for me r or dyspepsia, indigestion, jaun dice and to rid the system of kidney poison that ciares rheumatism, Elec tric Bitters has no equal. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 60c at all druggists. Easily 8pared. . ' A German In a sleeping car was un able to rest on account of the snoring of fellow travellers on each side of him. Finally one of them gave a fierce snort and stopped stllL -4 "Tanks!" exclaimed the wakeful Ger man. "Von Is detr Housekeeper. For summer diarrhoea in children al ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a speedy cure is certain. - For sale by all dealers. Infamous Cruelty 'te the Ladies. This from tbe "Personal' column of tbe London Telegraph: V . "Will the fairer 'of tbe two ladles who entered the Apsley gate of Hyde park in a landaalet on Sunday at 12:15, who smiled at gentleman rid ing ay cob, kindly make appointment tomorrow through these columns? He earnestly longs to again meet bis Ideal centaur." - '":': Tbe connection between a centaur and two ladles In a motorcar Is not obvious, but we pass over that to pro test at tbe infamous cruelty of a crea ture who deliberately sets two ladles the task of deciding between them selves which of them Is the falrer Bclman. Eight lives Were lost in the collapse Y. f a I in I! !o, N. THEiR AWFUL SECRET.1 " MesaBSBSS.'' ' ' 'i' It Caused the Real Estate Agent t Change Hie Mind. j I When the family who admitted that they were moving because tbe tenants at the old address made their lives miserable confided to the renting agent that they bad one peculiarity which they wished him not to mention to their neighbors In his building the agent got uneasy and executed a men tal quickstep nytng to devise some way to break the lease. Bat alond he said Very courteously: . ; -; "I shall be glad to oblige you if 1 can. What Is It yon wish me to keep a secret r ivU ;. -"The -fact that we. pay our rent promptly on the 1st of every month," said tbe head of the family. "That was something that nobody else In the other house did, and the agent as an Incentive to quick action on their part published the news of our promptness. The only action it stirred them Into was persecution of us, and they car ried that to such extremes that we had to move. If you will kindly re frain from using us as a club to, whack your delinquents into obedience we will appreciate It" The agent resolved not to cancel the lease, but at the same time he relin quished a hastily conceived plan for procuring prompt remittances. 'New York Times. Muele of "The Lost Chord." The music of "The Lost Chord" was composed under most touching condi tions. Arthur Sullivan was watching by the bed of his dying brother, Fred erick. One night shortly before death the Invalid sank into a peaceful slum ber. Arthur, who attended his broth er day and night took the oppor tunity to read, and it happened that bis eyes fell on Adelaide Anne Proc ter's poem, "The Tost Chord."' The verses Impressed h'm greatly, and mu sic appropriate to them suggested It self to bis mind. Taking a sheet ot music paper, he began to write, and s absorbed was he in his task that he sat hour after hour working at it until the song was completed. Probably the acute emotional conditions under which tbe mnsic was composed ac count largely for the power to touch the emotions which undoubtedly "The Lost Chord" possesses -George Leoa Varney In National Magazine. A Go as You Please Railway. The Quest-Etat railway Is a stand ing joke In Paris on account of its slipshod ways. They tell there this story of an Incident which happened when M. Briand was premier: A Russian prince was In Brittany and wanted to come up to Paris. Be telegraphed to his secretary: "Shall arrive lnvalldes tomorrow 8 a. m. Don't want accident to train. Bee Briand about it" Tho secretary call ed ou the prime minister, who was most affable. "It Is not the general cuntoiu ou the Quest-Etat to avoid ac cidents," he said, "but 1 will ask the director to ee what can be done." Tbe express arrived safely without the smallest mishap, but six hours and a half late, during all which time the Russian prince's secretary had been waiting on the platform. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTOR I A Miss Alta Markhevka is freed of the charge of killing Dr. W. R. C. Latsoo in New York. A LEADING CALIFORNIA DRUG GIST. Pasadena, Cat., March 9, 1911, Foley and Co., Getlemen:W have sold and recommended Foley a Honey and Tar Compound for Tears. We be lieve it to be one of tbe most efficient expectorants on tbe market. Contain ng no opiates or narcotics it can be given freely to children. Enough ot the remedy can be taken to relieve a cold, as tt has no nauseating results, and does not Interfere with digestion. Yours vera truly. C H. Ward Driur Co. C. L. Parsons, Sec'r and Trees. " Get the original Foley's Honey and Tar compound in the yeuow package. r, a. uuny. , ? . i i Lincoln e Gettysburg ftpseeh. Mr. Lincoln was not the "orator of tbe day" upon the occasion of the ded lcation of the soldiers' cemetery at Gettysburg. That honor belonged to Edward Everett, who fulfilled his da- ties there by delivering one of his elaborate orations that kept him oa his feet for more than two hours. It Is said to have been a splendid ora tion, and yet It Is clean forgotten, while Lincoln's little speech, prepared on bis knee as he was traveling In the cass to Gettysburg, Is known all over the world. New Xork American. Right in yonr busiest" season when you have the least tune to spare yon are most likely to take diarrhoea and lose several days' time unless you have (Jhamberlsin's Colic. Coolers and Diar rboea Remedy at and and take a dose on the first appearance or the disease. For sale by all dealers. The Diminutive. , At tbe age of three Janet was an en thusiastic student of entomology. One day she discovered a caterpillar for herself, a very tiny one. "Oh, com, heref she called. "Here's a caterpil lar, the cutest little tiny thing! I be lieve, tfs klttsnplJlarr Woman's Homo Companion. . 5 Tbe strike of seamen in England spresds and caused serious rioting. ' M-j l . , a a" !XILLT.::cn?!nil ) t T Legal Notices MORTGAGE SALE, Puraaat to a powar of eontaiMd la tbatetrtaia nal aatata aiarteaa (xscutad fay Amos f, Cuv and wife Dalilla Klinhetk Car tw ts Knot Haba, baarinc data of tOth. of Jan uary I8S9. tot SUM betas Meardad la thooffle of tha Baaiatar of Daada ot Craraa county la book 1M. pact U. I will aH at th court bonaa door bi Naw Barn,'N. CL, on Saturday. J1U7 IStb. MU at tha boor of It o'clock It, to tbabiabaat blddorforoub. all of th foUowinc daacribad aropartr a aosrarad in th morteagw aforaaaid. to-wit: All our right, titioaod intoraat andea- tat in and to tha certain piaea ox tract of land situated in aaid Gravan county on the aouth ride of Nua river and on tha waat aid of Clubfoot'! croak, eontalnine thra hundred acre, mora or lea, bains tha aan lend that was granted to John Jone by patent dated I8tb. day of Decem ber, list, and tha aama which wee conveyed to Hardy L. Jonaa by John at Roberta and wife by deed dated the ltth. day of March 1847. end from Ed. R. Joneaand others to D. W. Ball by deed dated 10th. day of December. .1868 and by D, W, Ball to aaid Amo Carter end Alfred Willibyby dead dated IOtb. day of December, 1369 registered in office of the ragieter of Dead of said Craven county in book 68 folio 472. Tbe intoraat and estate In said land of tha aaid partiea of tha first part and the aama hereby conveyed being ona half of paid land. Default having bean made in the payment of aaid not this sale is made to make payment thereof. This tbe 12th. of June. 1911. MAYER HAHN Mortgagee, W. D. McIVER, Attorney NOTICE OF PROPOSED BOND ISSUE. North Caioiina. Craven County, In Re. Itoaely Creek Drainage District. It appearing to the satiafaction of the Board of Drainage Commiaelonere of Voaely Creek Dis trict, that the total a foment in aaid district exceeda the average of 25 cent per acre on all the lands in tha aaid district, 'notice is hereby given by the aaid Board of Drainage Commissioners that they propose to issue bond for the con struction of aaid' improvements, end the coat and expenaee already incurred, as allowed by law in the total amount of tha sum of forty-two thousand dollars ($48,000 00). bearing Merest at the rate of 6 par annum, for the full amount of th assessment not paid into the County Treaa- upr, together with th interest and coat of col lection and other incidental expenses: the aaid interest upon said bonds to be due and payable annually, and aaid bond a aaail be paid in ten (10) equal installments, the first installment of the principal thereof to mature at the expiration of three years from the date of the issue of said bond, and one installment each succeeding year for nine (9) additional years, aaid bonds bearing date the first day of August. 1911. Said bonds when so issued to be sold by aaid Commissioners at not less than par: the proceeds thereof to be devoted to the payment of th work es it pro tases, and to the payment of the assessment for aaid drainage district, and tha construction and Improvement thereof, and for tho incidental expenses accruing and accrued therefor. And any land owner having lends aaeesaed In tha District and not wanting to pay the interest on the bonds so to be iaaued, may. within thirty (80) days after the publication of this notice pay tha County Treasurer the full amount of his aaaeaamantand have h'a Und released therefrom. This 19th. day of May. 1911. G. V. RIOHAB11SON. Chairman. Atteat: 4. H. WEST. Secretary. Value of New Ideas. Home large bnslness nruis employ s man whose sole duty It Is to read er cry trade journal, every technical pa per or pamphlet rand every magadue In order to get new ideas about' the conduct of thelrf business. 8ucb Infor mation is laid each day before the beads of tbe various depsrtmenta, wbo In turn pass lti down tbe One to men under them an see that tbe new Idea ts tested. By thls means acb worker Is kept in tootfi with what other men are doing in his (particular ill ne, and se bis personal efficiency la Increased. A I most everything 'can be done In t oho ner a little better than tbe present way, and modern business) demands to know ana,' practice the best. Diog enes carried around a cup to drink wa ter ont of till one day be saw a dog lapping waner with bla tJongne. Be threw sway bis cop and afterward drank water MUt of the palm of his band. He got from the dog a new Idea. Loulsrll la ConrlerslonrnaL FOLEYJK'JDNEYPILIS voa aatsuMATtase suomsys ANU.aLsBsa Aviator Hirth flew from Munich to Berlin with a passenger, winning a prize of $12,500. HAPPIEST GIRL IN LINCOLN. A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "1 bsd been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and etomaich trouble. I be gan taking Chamberlain's Stomsch and Liver Tablets and in three days I wss able to be up and got better right along. I am tbe proudest girl in Lin coln to find such a good medicine." For sale by all dealers. ', 'I V The Old TlmaeSefiatoro. A reoent.overhaulhsj-iof a desk In the office of the District) of Colombia health officer brought to) light a small volume -entitled "TbeMeulesl Beglster Of the District," wfclch contained s complete list of the senators of tbe TblrtysUnth. consrress; giving their weight, height sand head and chest measurements. Tbe sarnhor of the' book, Dr. 3. It. Toner, ears la explanation of the table: ' ' . ' "It shows thst lni alt! the 'points ob served ear senatorsAxoaed the average of mankind, in all parts ,of the world as well as 'tha srvjeraxe apf our own country.1' From the! flgnresi given Ut appesrs that tbe tallest swukitors sfi tbst time came from Ken tuck J , tbebdrtet from New , Hanapshlre and Wesr Virginia Tbe average belgbtj was JlveS feet tec and a hsLf Inches, land tbe senatorial heads, "measured at little vlower than the bat Is generally (worn.") stoowed so average clrcnmferaace of ttwenty-two and a half Inches. - Jroarteen ot tbe forty seostors weve six feet tall Washington Star. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE. Msy not result from the work of Are- hgs, but often severe burns er caused tiiat mske a quick iwed for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tbe quick esty surest curs ror Durns, wounds, bruises. rj:'a.eore, ft subflues inflsmmstlun. It k. a pn:n. It ""'he and fcpii'a. Drl'r- eft n - -. , u'r- or j " i ' j ; .-1 : NATURAL MEASURES. : .:' :''-. -" ,':....:' The Hand, the Pace and the Cubit of ' the 8oriptures. Tbe first "natural measurement" to which tbe memory naturally recurs Is the band, four Inches, employed In determining tbe height of horses. This measure Is, ot course,' derived from the breadth of tbe palm, and ft has become so well fixed In popular esteem that It Is unlikely It will ever be super; seded. ' '" - ;! : s '::. -vv " Another popular natural measure Is the pace, and probably every country man wbo has had to do with land has used It Tbe usual method Is to stride off, taking as long steps as possible, calling each pace a yard. J ' A natural measure much employed by a dressmaker Is the yard as de termined by stietcblng the material to be measured between ber chin and her outstretched band, or if it be a matter of. Inches she will fold the bended upper joint of ber thumb along the doth. These natural measures are generally close enough to, serve all practical purposes.1 , . For many hundreds of ; years there was employed the measure of the fore arm from point of elbow. to tip of mid dle finger.' This was the cubit of tbe Bible. St Louis BepubUc. ; , Church Theaters. Few people know that plays In Eng land, Germany, Italy and France were fostered for religious purposes by the church centuries before they were tak en up as a separate secular business. Moreover, few visitors to St Paul's cathedral. In London, realise, that that church during Elizabeth's reign and tbe first years of the reign of Jsmes L set aside one of Its adjacent build ings for use as a secular theater. Its little stage wss famous, and the com pany of cbolr boys as actors presented many of the grest plays of Shake speare's time. They acted frm about 1508 to 1008 uuder tbe management of Edward Pierce, their great master in music, who as church almoner hnd business control of these adjacent buildings owned by the cburc'j. -London Standard. Ne Room Fee Him. Several relics of exceptional vslnt and of unusual Interest to- archaeolo gists were discovered In a small town near Nuremberg, snd ss soon as toe news reached blm tbe director of tbe Nuremberg Historical museum went to tbe vllUige and Introduced himself to tbe mayor, saying: 'I am In charge of tbe museum at Nuremberg, snd I'd like to" "You're too lute, my good sir. In terrupted the mayor. "We've already got here several merry-go-rounds, a bearded woman, a theatrical company composed of apes, a troupe of trained dogs and a band of Hungarian musi cians, so you can readily see tbst we've got no room for your museum. And with them words hu nodded to the director and went away. Greenland's Exolualvensss, Greenland, with Its icy mountains. Is very exclusive, and. so far from Inviting visitors. It even makes It inconvenient for tourists to land on tbe little bit of occasionally green laud thut surrounds Its great heart of perpetual ice. Per mission must be bad from Denmark. Denmark is. indeed, very careful and conservative In the management ot Greenland affairs. Ths trade there Is monopolized Jay the state, and only government vessels are welcomed to Greenland waters. This Is to protect tbe Greenlanders from unscrupulous mercbsnts. The state also tfxes both the price they shall pay for food and the prVce they shall sell at Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A There will be a general suspension of work in New England industries next week. HELP FOR THOSE WHO HAVE STOMACH TROUBLE. After doctoring for about twelve years for a bad stomach trouble, and spend ing nearly Ave hundred dollars for med icine and doctors' fees, I purchased my wife one box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so much good that she continued to uue them, and they have none, her more good than all of the mtdicine I bought before. Samuel rioyer, olsom, lows. This medicine Is for sate by all Dealers, Samples free. , Clever Men. - With a sigh she laid down the mapn Bine article upon Daniel O'Connell. The day of great men." she said, "Is gone forever." "But tbe day of beautiful women la not" be responded. : She smiled and blushed. 1 wss only Joking," she explained hurriedly. Western Christian Advocate, ' - OUR STRIDES ' are to better service, and we believe that we are making steady and telling gains In that direction. You can rely rely upon our groceries to be pure and fresh, in addition to their good quality you will find that our prices have a magnetism that will persuade yon to trade with us regular. ' Portsmouth Mullets, Ice Cream Jello, Hams, Shoulders, Best quality of Green and Black Tea, Coffee of 'quality, and we guarantee everything we sell and deliver goods promptly, . 1 ?''::! r;;-7 fi ii c. HAMS Choice lot small Sugar Cured Hams just received at McDaniels Cash Grocery, 41 Middle St Try a pound Catawba Gem Print Butter and be convincedjhat North Carolina isprodiitmpsfine Butter as any state in the Union, per lb. 34c. Fox River Print Butter 34c. ER AN. SUGAR - PER LB. SC. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L McDaniel 41 Middle St. Phone 91 HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial Paints, Oils AND Varnishes American Field Fence in. few atera, V. 0. jsuoaxBBBntMmmmaamm HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. PHONE 173 Pharmacy SLICED PREPARED HAM 25c. lb. Apple Vinegar per qt 8c Pure Lard " ' 12Jo Vegetable Lard 10c Boneless Herring in glass 12Jc Sugar 5c Tub Butter 30c Print Butter 34c Oil .per gal. ' 12c U P II. U. rUU.IdlllUil Phone 174 Middle St. FRESH SUPPLY WHITMAN'S CANDY FOR SALE! Rig Mammoth Soj'a Beans, ' Oats, Hay, Cron,- Brand, ' Ship Stuff, Beet Pulp, Dis ' tillers Grain, which is the . highest In Proteids of any , feed sold on this 'market, and produces milk in quan tities. ' . , v DURRUS tt GO. 81 33 Middle EL lUw Ecrn, N. O, V).' f) 18.1. I. -?:;: AT , DAVIS PHARralACY PHONE 66. TTT) TV!