the .ma a ItUkUskee 137S rUhed 19 Two BecOoiia, every Tuesday and rrlaaj, at Journal Bulld- nw. (MO Cram Stmt. CHASLX8 I BTITETi, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Official Paper ol New Ban and Craven Gouty. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Months.. .. .. ..... ..I K Three Months.... .. . . . II ttz Montha.. . . SO twelve Months.. .. .. .. .. u 1.00 ONLY W ADVANCE. The Journal Is only sent on paf-ln-advance baste. Bubacrlbera will re ceive notice of expiration of their sub nriptions and an tamedlate response a notice wU oe appreciated by the JnnrnaL Advertising ratea turnlahed npon application at the office, or spon In malv nteed at the Poetofflce, New Bern, N. C, as second-class matter. New Rem, N. C. July. 11. 1911. THE MISEKABLES. Hot weather expansion takes place among the material and the physical, alike. In the material its phases are technical, can be reasoned and mathematically demonstrated and explained. In the physical, take the family, and its phases are varied and without exact or reasonable demonstration. At no period of the year, can there be found so many men of families, living in the smaller cities, such as New Bern, who may "be aptly and truthfully styled, The Miserables. It is not that these men are over worked, or are specially sufferers from the heat. They are just homeless, tho' having wives, Children and houses comfortably fitted to live in. Their discomfort comes from having wives and children away for one, two, three months, as the case may be. Their loneliness is apparent after business hours and at meal times. Accustomed to the regular three home meals, where order and good manners are the rule, during the absence of the family behold the same man, eat ing at a restaurant in his shirt sleeves, hatless drinking soda wa ter at some fountain, or in the quiet of his home kitchen eating canned goods. Perhaps at no public place are The Miserables move conspicuous, exhibiting more different moods, than at the post officn at mail hours. Note the grin on that man's face as he reads his letter beginning "Dear Hubby." Not a mention of "please send $10." The family are well, and so "Dear Hubby" can return to his next day's labors and try to collect some over due accounts. See the long face of that other man. No use looking over his shoulder to read his letter. The day has been a hot, tiresome one to him. And now he reads that those whom he sent away to enjoy a change of air, are not doing as well as hoped. Better a letter with a money re quest than such a one. And yet while these summer home staying fathers and hus bands, may be termed, The Miser ables, they are so from choice, many thro' personal sacrifice, and .willing to bear their part in the scheme that makes up family life, the home, parents and children. WEATHER TEMPERA- TUEB DECEPTIONS. . Why is it the average person in sists on asking what the thermom ter registers when the temperature rises above 90! It is the same way when the weather turns cold. Take the spring and fall periods 1 1 the year, no one asks then is it hot or cold enough, or what is the temperature! And yet there are extremes of temperatures during both of these seasons.: , " " ' ' Take the temperature from the mercury standard and the physi cal standard, and them is not just wide range but range that is deceptive. What the government . thermometer registers on the tow er of a ten or thirty story building and what the thermometer regis ters at the corner drug store, will ' during the heated term vary from 6 to 10 degrees, and often ' more. The government registration will be official" Dut the drag store figure will be the true temperature that mankind must endure, mer- curiallv ex Dressed. And so the physical standard, as tojeeliugs will have a vast range, and prove deceptive if there was to be drawn a i liynical lest standard from the M Tinal human being. ' What v 1 le a normal human teic, Children Cry The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of - Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute tor Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago to its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrl.slmcss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the; Food, regulates the Stomach aud Howels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, T ' MURRAY STrTECT, NEW YORK CITY. as to temperature during such weather as the past ten dnjs, could be estimated from a medical standard, or leaving out such a techuical test, take puoplo as they are found at work, at play or idle-. Here would be found again the de ceptive teniporature, for the trained worker would be found to have the healthiest hot weather temperature, exceliag tho idler, for the worker would And temper ance iu eating and drinking de manded, while the idler through non-occupation would over Indulge if not go into excess, creating a physical temperature that would bear with dilliculty the outside heat. $100 REWARD, iflOO. The readers of thin mper will m pleased to learn that thf ra Is at least one dreaded didease that suienue has been able to care in til its sUires. and that is Catarrh. HaR's Catarrh Cure is the only positive nurenuw known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional aisease, rejjiiree a con stitutional treatment, hall's Cwtarrh Cure is taken internally, actl'ntr direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and Klvintf the patient strength by buildlnn up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietor have so much raith in its curative powers that that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO.Joledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Made Napoleon Wait. On the day when the courier brottpht news of the signature of the pence f miens, Talleyrand thrust the impa tiently awaited document In his pocket, went to the emperor and engaged him In correct affairs. When these were n disposed of i he said: "Now have good news for you. Reud!" "And'you could not tell me this lm mediatelyr" excluimed the astonished Napoleon. "Certainly not for then you would listen to nothing else." TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 13 THfi PRICE OF PEACE. The terrible itching and smarting. In cident to certaiu akin diseases, u al most instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain' Salve. Price, 26 eeote. cor sale by all Dealers. Faolng the Inevitable. "Is tt selflab ambition that Inspire your eagerness to rush into official re sponsibility r . "Not at all. It la merely a generotn Willingness to go to the front and stand my share of the harsh criticism that patriotic effort always receives." Washington Star. - WOMEN Women of the highest type) women, of superior education and refinement, wtose discernment and judgment give weight and force to their opinions, highly praise the wonderful corrective and curative properties of Chain, heiiala's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throughout the many stages of woman's life, from girlhood, tiron;a the ordeals of mother Isel ts the declining years, there is ts safer or more reliable med LL x Chamberlain's Tablets are t '1 crerywlere at 25c a box. for Fletcher's Bought, atid which has teeu lias borne the signature of ' and has beou made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of Notice of Election. Whereas; one fourth of the freehold era of number eight township, having certified their intention to apply to the Board of Trustees of the county Farm Life School located in the Eight Town ship, and whereas, the said one fourth of tie freeholders of said number eight j township, presented a petition to this Board, asking that an Election be held in Number Eight Township at the reg ular polling places in said Township, on Siturduy July 22 1911, under and by virtue of section 9, chapter 84 of the laws of 1911, for the purpose of voting a thirty year bond issue, in the sum of twenty five thousand ($25,000,00) dol Inrs, of said Eight Township, Craven County Bonds, bearing 5 per cent in teres!, and for levying and collecting on all the taxable property and polls in said Township, sufficient to provide for i the payment of the interest on said bonds, and creating a sinking fund for the payment thereof, for the purpose i of otTering the sa me under the provis ions of section 9, as aforesaid, to the said Trustees of the County Farm Life School, Provided said County Farm Life School he located in the Eight Township. Now therefore; it Is hereby ordered that an Election be' called and held In Nu oilier Eight Township, Cra vou county, at the regular polling pla ces in said Township on Saturday July 22 1911. during the hours on said day as prescribed by the general law govern ing State and ' County Elections. The said Election shall be conducted in all olhor repeat under the provisions of the general law governing general ElecikmA. A new registration in said Townnhip Id hereby called, to be had in said Township under the provisions of the general law governing new regis tratktns, at which Election those favor ing the issuuur of said Township Bonds and the levying and collecting of such a Wuc for such a purpose, shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "For County Farm Life School," and those opposed shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "Against County Farm Life School," Ordered further that for the purpose of holding such Election, tho following are hereby ap pointed Registrars and PollhoHert, at the regular polling places which are as follows: First Ward At the City Hall. Reg istrar Abe Lae, PollholJers, J. B. Hill, Mayer Harm. Second Ward At the Court House, Registrar C. K. Hancock, Pollholders. Walter Fulford, Jesse Pope. Third Ward At Atlantic . Engine House, Registrar, C. W. Bell Pollhold ers J. D. McKoy, D. W. Bssnight. Fourth Ward-At Fourth Ward Firs Company 's House. Registrar Alex Mc Lacklan, Pollholders J. F. Henderson, W. F. Gilbert" J . Bern Precinct At 6th, Ward Hose Reel Headquarters. Registrar. J. H. Stanley, Pollholders B. F. Dukes, E. L. Smith.' ; ' - , Heech Grove-Registrar J. B. French, Pollholders Daniel Lane, K. McEeel Gum Rowe Registrar J, Wilcox. Pollholders B. B. Scott, D. F. Atkin son. ' '- Tisdales Registrar, W. F. Crockett. Pollholders J. T. Shuts, Carter Tia dale. , At the close cf said Election the Registrars and Pollholders of the First, the econd, the Third, the Fourth Wardu, Bern Precinct, Beech Grove, Gum Rowe and Tisdales No, Eight Township shall certify the returns of said Election to the Board of County Commissioner, at the meeting of said Board to be held on the First Monday in August 1911, in August 1911, in the same manner and governed by the same laws and such election officers are re quired to certify election returns for any general election. : S. H. FOWLER, '. J : ' - Clerk, The New York "hemit" miser died, leaving an estate of $500,000. Our Cc!cred Subscribers ANNUAL PIC NIC AT PILGRIM'S I ' :U ';' REST. ,y :' North Harlowe, July 7. The annual pic nic of Pilgrims Rest Sunday school was held Saturday June 24th, and waa in every way a succasa, " Ice exercises were opened by Supt. C A. . McCabe, "Consecration," by thf choir, tuornmg prayer read by the superintendent' Rev. W. J. Smith, of Moreht ad City, offered prayer, then "Oh Why Not Tonight" was sung. Miss A V McCabe made the address of welcome, the choir 'then sang "I'm a Pilgrim and a 8tranger." Speeches by Sunday school scholars came next, and talks by friends of the school. Rev. Edward Bryant, subject, "Obedience." Brother J. R. Holland, "Just be True to Your School.". Rev. P. B. HaseL of the Colored Industrial Department, South Carolina, spoke on "Virtue." Professor Whito was delay ed and the audience was entertained by Revs. L. G. Miller, A. N. Gooding, W. C. Miller and others until his arrival. Prof. White made 8 masterly address which was thoroughly enjoyed. Respon se by Rev. L. B. Blackledge. Superin tendent McCabe then arose saying that for the blessing of the Lord in being allowed to gather at another annual pic nic, ltt all engage in a period of silent prayer ami thankfulness, to which the entire congregation responded. The choir then sang "God be with You 'Till we Meec Again." Dinner and oh what a feast, barbecue, chicken, ham, cakes of all kinds, apple, peach, and other kind of pies, three long tables loaded down. Free lemonade and plenty of other refreshments for sale. A merry go-round was on band too. There was no whiskey or drinking allowed. One young man came who had been drink' ing, but he waa immediately bound with ropes and laid aside just close enough that the pleasing odors from our rich food and refreshments might be come a punishment for his misconduct. He was released after a time and de parted for his home unfed and dishon ored. COMMITTEE. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA John J McNamara, on being arraign ed with his bother in Los Angeles, Cai., challenged the jurisdiction of the court. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. "I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart, ' wrote C o Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Vs., "for the wonder ful double benefit I got from Electric Bitters, in curing me of both a severe case of Stomach trouble and of rheuma tism, from which 1 had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suit ed my case as though made, just for me For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaun dice aod to rid the system of kidney poison tnat causes rheumatism, Ulec trie Bitters has no eaoaL Trv them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. only ouc at ail druggists. NOTICE. By the Board of Aldermen of the city of New Bern, be it ordained. Section 8. That it shall be the duty of every person, partnership, firm, as sociation, or corporation, made liabl i to any license tax for the privilege of ca: ty ing on any trade, profession, business, occupation or calling in the city, to reg ister with the city clerk, his, their or its name or style, place of residence, trade, profession, business, occupation or calling, and atreet address of the place where such trade, profession, business, occupation or calling is carried on. No license shall be granted until such registry has been made. Any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, for each offense be fined the sum of five dollars. You are required to list atones. Office hours 9 a m, to 2 p m, and 8 p m, to 6 p m. F. T. PATTERSON, City Clerk. Section 9. The tax on dogs shall be and the same is hereby levied aa follows: Each male dog the sum of one doliar; Each female dog the sum of two dollars. HELP FOR THOSE WHO HAVE STOMACH TROUBLE. After doctoring for about twelve years for a baa stomaco trouble, and spend ing bearly five hundred dollars for med icine and doctors' fees, I purchased my wife one box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her ae much good that she continued to dm tbem, and they have done her more good than alt of the medicine I bought betore. Hamuel tloyer, Solsom, Iowa. I bis medicine is lor sale by alt Dealers, Samples free. Threaten! the Kino. The honor of knighthood la not one which appeals to everybody. Coke of Norfolk, who considered that he had a far bettor claim than the speaker to the designation of flrst commoner of England, strongly disliked the Idea of a handle to his name.- This fact was well known to George IV. When Cokt was chosen to heed a deputation pray ing the king to dismiss from his per son and coubcU those sdvlsera who by tbelr conduct had proved theraserfes alike enemies to the throne and peo ple George announced that he would get even with him. - If Coke of Nor folk enters my presence," he declared. "I swear Ml knight him.". The flu-eat was repeated to Coke, who lejotned, "If he dares aucn a thing I awear HI break his sword." And aa tho sturdy Norfolk squire was quite capable of doing this, George refrained from car rylng out bis threatLondon Chron icle. For summer diarrhoea In chilJren al ways give Chamber h is Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem'y and ctor oil, and a speedy cure is c .!.a, k'or ', by all dealers. Bond Uectlon Farm life School No. Seven Township. . . Whereas, one-fourth of the free-hold ers of No. 7 township having certified their intention to apply to the Board of Trustees of the County Farm Life School to have the said school located in the aeventh township; And whereas, the said one-fourth of the free holders of No. ? township, presented a petition to this Board, ask ing that an election be held in No. 7 township, at the regular polling places in said Township, on Saturday, August 5th, 1911, for the purpose of voting a thirty year bond issue in the sum of $10,000.00 of said No. 7 township. Cra ven county, bonds bearing 5 per cent Interest, and for levying and collecting on all the taxable property and polls in said township, sufficient to provide for the payment of interest on said bonds. and creatng a sinking fund, for the payment thereof, for the purpose of offering the same under the provisions of section 9, as aforesaid, to the said Trustees of the County Farm Life School, provided said County Farm Life School be located in the seventh town ship. Now Therefore, it is hereby ordered that an election be called and held in No. 7 township, Craven county, at the regular polling places in said township, on Saturday Aug. 5th, 1911, during the hours on said day as prescribed by the general laws governing new registra tions, at which election those favoring the issuing of said township bonds, and the leving and collecting of such a tax for said purpose shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the For County Farm Life Schools," and those opposed, sha'l vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words. "Against County Farm Life Schools." Ordered Further, that for the purpose of holding such elections, Mr. H. C. Wood is hereby appointed Registrar, and Messrs. J. W. Conner and J. A, Miller are hereby appointed poll-holders. At the close of said election, the Registrar and Poll-holders shall certify the returns of said election to the Board of County Commissioners, at their next regular meeting after said election, in the same manner and gov erned by the said laws as such election, officers are requested to certify election returns in any general election, By order of the Board, this July 3rd, 1911. S. H. FOWLER, Clerk Board of County Com. Bond Election Farm Life School No. One Township. Whereas, one-fourth of the free holders of No. 1 Township having certi fied their intention to apply to the Board of Truatees of the County Farm Life School, to have the said school lo cated in No, one township. And Whereas, the said one fourth of the free-holders of said No. one town ship, presented a petition to this board asking that an election be held in No.oi e township, on Friday, August 4th, 1911, under and by virtue of Section 9, Chap ter 84, Laws of 1911, for the purpose of voting a thirty year bond issue in the sum of ten thousand dollars ofsaid No. one township, Craven county - bonds, bearing 6 per cent interest, and for levying aod collecting on all the taxable property and polls in said township suf ficient to provide for the payment of interest tl ereof, for the purpose, of of- eriog the same under the provisions of section 9, as aforesaid, to the said Trusteee of the County Farm - Life School, provided said County Farm Life School be located in No. one township, Now Therefore, it is hereby ordered that an election- be called a id held in No. one township, Craven county, , at the regular polling places in said town ship on Friday, August 4th, 1911, dur ing the hours on said day as prescribed by the general laws governing new registrations, at which .election those favoring the issuing of sucb a tax fot said purpose, shall vote a ballot, on which shall be written or printed the 'For County Farm Life School'and those opposed shall vote a ballot on whioh shall be written or printed the words "Against County Farm Life Schools." Ordered further, that for the purpose of holding such elections, the following were appointed Regis ti are and Poll holders, to-witu ' Vanceboro Precinct -H. C . Butler, Registrar, and McRay Dinkina and A, R. Whitford, Poll-holders. t , Maple Cypress . Precinct- M. F. Al dridge. Registrar, E. P, Adams, J. W. Huff, Pollrholdera. - At the close of said election, the Registers and poll-holders shall certify the returns of said election to the Board of County ' Commissioners at their next regular, meeting after said election, In the ssmermanner and gov erned by the said laws as such election officers are requested to certify returns in any general election. By order of the Board, this July 3rd. 191L, : ' 8. H. FOWLER. : Clark Board of Commissioners. ' SAVES TWO LIVES. "Neither my sister nor myself might be living today, if it bad not been for Dr. King's New Discovery" writes A. D. McDonald of Fayetteville, N. C, K. F. D. No. 8, "for we both bad fright ful cooghs tbat no other remedy could help. We were told my sister had con sumption. Bhe was very weak and had night sweats but your wonderful medi cine completely cured us both. It's the best I ever used or beard of." For sore lungs, coughs, colds, hemorrhage, Ugrippe, asthma, bay fver, - croup, whooping cough, all bronchial trou bles, its supieme. Trial bottle free. 60c and $1.00.. Guaranteed by all'drug gUta. It was announced that the plans for the disintegration of the Standard Oil Company f.a-1 been completed, BOUIIDAill MARKS Limits a Fiery Orator Once Gave the United States. THE CANADIAN LINE FENCE. Monuments That Cleave - the Two Countries West From the Lake of the Woods Irregularities In State and ; County B'oundariea. The fates of empires and of dynas ties have been Involved in the struggle for boundaries, .the figment that the Rhine , waa the natural frontier of France ended In the downfall of the Bona partes and the exaltation of the HohensoUerns, thus rearing the neo German emnlre Upon the ruins of the upstart French empire. ,V . " : In our own country the cry of "Fifty-four-forty or flghtr held a threat of the mighty conflict that eventually proved Irrepressible.. And In our own day the dlspafe over the Venezuelan boundary nearly precipitated a war between the two greatest nations of the earth. 1 ' It was a startling figure Of speech, tbat of tbe Western orator who, mount ing higher and higher to a climax of buncombe, described the United States as bounded on tbe east by the Atlantic ocean, on tbe north by the aurora bo realls, on the west by the setting sun and on tbe south by tbe gates of bell Still. It was only a figure of speech. Canada Ilea between us and the boreal aurora. The Latin American states to the south hardly deserve the infer nnl comparison. As to tbe oceans to tbe east and the west of us, they may be left to themselves. Not mine the task of determining what the wild waves are saying, f , - - The Canadian boundary presents Its idiosyncrasies and eccentricities. The eastern part of it follows . naturally and spontaneously the regular water Hue. formed by tbe great lakes and their outlets. Thence from tbe Lake of the Woods on the north of Minne sota a more direct course, man made and mechanical. Is taken through the wilderness and over the mountains of the west to tbe Pacific coast ' Nor has this course been suffered to remain a mere Imaginary line. . Man, having made It, has marked It well. ' Between tbe Lake of the Woods and the Red river cast Iron . pillars - have been placed ous mile apart alternately by the English and tbe American govern ments. These are hollow castings in pyramidal form eight feet high, with a base eight inches square, an octa gon flange one inch thick and a top four Inches square surmounted by a solid rap. Into these hollow posts are fitted well seasoned cedar Joists, with spikes driven through boles made In tbe cast Ing. The pillars are Brmly imbedded in tbe ground. Inscriptions in raised letters face north and south. Tbe north side reads. "Convention of Lon don;? the other, "October 2ft 1818." Beyond tbe. Red river the boundary line Is generally deuoted by earth mounds ana stone cairns 7 by 8 feet, though tbese are occasionally divers! fled by wooden posts of the same height as tbe Iron pillars and painter red above grouud. Through forest clearings have been made a -rod wide. Where bodies of water are crossed monuments of stone rise several feet above high tide. Over the mountains shafts of granite supersede tbe pillars mounds and cairns. There are eccentricities In state lines aa well as in those which limit the. confines of the Dnltdd States. Thus tbe line that separates Delaware from Pennsylvania ' (Newcastle aud Cheater i-ounttes respectively) sudden ly curves upward and forms a semi circle just above the ancient town of Newcastle. : Tbe explanation may be found In history. At the time Delaware wa et out there were tew points of lati tude and longitude definitely estnb lishcd In the colonic, so that bound arles were generally expressed not by latitude and longitude, but by refer ence to some known (oration. In the deed by which Delaware -was trans ferred there was ceded all tbe land for tweJve-Jiille round Newcastle, togeth er with certain otber areas. In estab lishing the boundaries of the present state of De'iware this description was taken literally, and part of a circle, with tbe center at Newcastle, waa sur veyed npon a. twelve mil radius. ; ' No otber state arc In Its boundary line, -but -many of the coun ties of Kentucky and Tennessee do Warren county, Tenn., la almost a com plete circle. In many Instances coud ties formerly . circular have been ex panded Into Irregular polygons. Wil liam 8. Walab In New York Tribune. . Children dry ' FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Senator Swanson, of Virginia, made a speech in favor of an appropriation of $100,000,000 for good roads. Sprains require careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Linimont freely. It will remove the parts to a healthy condition, For sale by all dealers. ,. - - ; Two Sets of Mueolee. Ton have two sets of muscles tbe outer ones, which you can feel, and the Inner onea, which are your lungs, heart, stomach and other internal or gan. "The outer ones are conven iences for performing actions. The Inner ones are your life the "fate" which makes you happy or depressed, powerful or weak, useful or the con. trary. These Inner muscles require training, Just like any other muscles, by Intelligently directed exercise. J. Edmund Thompson la National Maga Sine, Never leave home on a journey with out a bottle of Chamherlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. It is alrnofit certain to be needed and cannot be obtained w' i n on board the eara or St'an.;.:.''S. I or sale ly all dealers. -I NICE LOT Small Country Haras, English Cured Shoulders, Boneless Breakfast Strips; Sugar Cured Hams, Chip Beef in cans and glass jars, Sliced Bacon in 1 lb. jars only 30c , I Fresh ; Catawba Gem Print Butter 34c, Wal ter Bakers Chocolate 17,r, large cake, small cake 9c, Eigle Milk 15c, can, Nice lot Adams Creek Cabbage grown without . fertilizer, small but have ; the right flavor, Full stock Staple atid Fancy Groceries. PRICES RIOBT YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L I 41 Middle St. Phone 91 HARDWARE i t - AND Building' Ma terial Paints, Oils ' AND Varnishes American Field Fence I IV. ew Bens, IC 'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. Pharmacy PHONE 173 HENRY I SLICED PREPARED HArT 25c. lb. Apple Vinegar perqt. 8c Pure Lard ' 12Jc Vegetable Lard 10c Boneless Herring in glass 12Jc Sugar - 6C Tub Butter 30c Print Butter - 84c Oil per gal. ' . 12c H.c. mwm- Phone 174 - Middle St. FOiCELlO, LITH1A AND OTHER WATERS AT PHONE 66. Instead of Liquid Antiseptics or Pcroxldo many people are now using Paitine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet g-ermlolde powder to be dissolved In water aa needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses It Is better and Biore economical. To cleanse and whiten the tcetli, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, de stroy disease germa, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and brldtrework clean, odorleis To remove nicotine from the teeth and notify the breath after amoking. To eradicate perspiration and body odnrs by spoiifro bathlnr. The best ant iseptlo wash known. Relieves and etrengthena tired, T"'!,1'r lnflamedeye. H-als eorethront.v' .U indents. 23 and BO a lxx, U i i or by Tn-.n ?: "M i () i , TH I PAX S i-CTl , DAVIS ill