7 ' - JSejjKP in ji i p h k.r j i isr i No. 29 NEW: BERN, .CItVVEN COUNTY. N. C. FRIDAY JULY, 14, 1911 -SECOND SECTION 34th. YEAR SHOOTING AFFRAY 'i SI Occurred Near JFive Points. In- - jured Man In Critical ' Con-' ' "- " dition. - e i A email cafe located on Queen street near. Five Points was the scene of a Shooting affray Sunday night that fray prove fatal to the victim.. Metrol Mitchell,- colored, the man who was shot is lying at his home - with-'two ballet wounds, in his lungs and Wm. Chapman hia assailant is being held without bond. Just what the causn of the affray was could not be learned from either of the men involved or from any of those who saw the shooting. A crowd had con gregated around the safe shortly after 7 o'clock Sunday evening and were en gaged in a general. discussion of "blind tigers," Previous to the shooting the men seemed to be on very intimate terms and according to the statements of the witnesses were surprised to see Chapman pull his revolver and begin firing. Chapman will be held until the re sult of, Mitchell's injuries can be as certained ' An Exciting Runaway. Shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday af- ternoon a number of persons who hap pened to be near Mr. W. F. Hill's place of buaineHS on South Front street, were entertained with an exhibition ot horsemanship that was really remark able. The hero ot tile occasion was a lonr lanky country boy, and he carried off the honors with ease. The exhibi tion began just after the boy, who was driving a spirited mule, passed the cor ner of Metealf and South Front. The animal became frightened at a passing auto and made a dash up toward Han cock street. From one side te another the buggy swayed but driver held to the lines and finally succeeded in stop ping the mule. Several tjraes it seem ed to the spectators - that the vehicle and its occupant would be flung againtt some obstacle and there was a genuine sigh of relief when the runaway was brought to a standstill. Refrigerators. Will sell the balance left over at the following prices.' Genuine 'Poreelean linqd Lenard Clennable, the $25 U0 at $22 60, the 35 00 at f 30 00, the $40 00 at 35 00, the 5 00 at 4 00. The above prices' are the lowest we ever offerd ths class of goods at.' Everyone car ries guarantee that they will do all you expect any refrigerator to do. i J. S. MILLER. i . . , Series ot Meetines at Kitt Swamp, The Journal is requested to announce that a protracted meeting will begin at Kitt Swamp Church this county. Tues day night, August 8th, to be conducted by Rev. Charles C Wise, A cordial welcome will tu t'x.;emll t all. Clean PlgstUu For. Antesepttc Pigs, Special sessions of Congress mean one perpetual "Busy Day" for the Se- . cret Service men. A flood of cranks pour into Washington during the sum mer months' and especially when Con gress is in session. The man with a draft of a million dollars on the Treas ury appears intermittently. Then there is the individual who fancies that be is King George V, entering the State Department, with provisions for the Coronation. " ' . "Uncle Jim" Wilson at the Agreul Jural Department has his full quota and then some. One man arrived with a box and was ready to demonstrate the advantages of his "new and improved . pigsty. He insisted that he could prove ' that, pigs, if kept in cleanliness in his new sty pen, would become naturally clean and that the Department of Ag' riculture would need to issue no more warnings on the impurities of pork. "Affairs at Washington," Joe Mitchell Chappie, in National Magazine for July -' The Philadelphia Lawn Mower will make your , lawn have a decent appearance when properly applied.. J. . S. Basnight Hdw. Co. . j Another Comet Appear. ' Baltimore, July 11. The new comet Vewrted from Kiel, Germany, disco v ere July 6th was seen at three o'clock Holiday morning by Dr. John R. Hoop er, ihairmau of the astronomical sec tion of the Maryland Academy of Sci f ncl. The observation was made from his tone on Linden avenue. . -' Dr. Hooper said the eomet appeared ' in tt constellation Auriga, in right as ceteim 4 hours 46 minutes, north dec linaiion 34 degrees. It Is an unusually brit telescopic object and can bu seen witi a 2 inch glass. NEGRO BOY ISJ01ED Fell Overboard From Launch Near Union Point And Sinks Be fore Rescuers Reach Him . . The parting of a heavy rope with which he was towing a schooner doubt less caused the death of Sylvester Bry an, colored, shortly after 1 o'cloek yes terday afternoon, when he fell over board near Union Point and was drown ed before assistance could reach him. . Bryan, who was about 17 years of age , and was employed by E. H. & J. A. Meadows, was engaged in towing a large schooner with a launch at the time of the accident. He was standing on the stern of the larnch when the haw aer parted. This released the launch and it sped forward "ith so much im petus that he was thrown overboard. He called or help ani a deck hand on one of the boats that were tied up at one of the docks in the vicinity jumped overboard and swam toward him. Be fore he reached the spot, however, the boy had, gone down fur the last time and although he finally' succeeded in bringing him to the surface, life was extinct. The drowned boy was placed on a raft and a physician was summoned and worked for some1 time in attempting to resuscitate the vict na. All attempts however proved useless and his body was finally taken to his home in the northen part of the city and prepared for burial. Just Anived 1 dozen Hammocks, bright new col ors never been selected over. We had ususual large sales on Hammocks, there fore we are reducing. Come and make selection. You can gt a good strong Hammock for 2 50. J. S. MILLER. Norfolk Threatened with Ice Famine. Though a maj rity if thi gmanufact urers of ice admit th.it' Norfolk is on the verge of an ice famine, if the pres ent unprecendented di-msni continues, they express confiden e in their ability to avert a famine if f e consumer will co operate with them nd do their part, in being as economically as possible the ouhput of the loe il plants, Consumers are advised to be as spar ing as possible with ic while the pres ent unprecedeneed demand exiBts and are advised te wrsp it in paper before placing it, in refrigerators as it will last much longer, A visit to all of the lanta in this citw yesterday shows that the supply 'will just about fill the loril orders today, requests from out of twn being necee- arily declined, There has been ri change in the price of ice and ' it is not the present intention of the wholesale dealers to tolerate an advance, though some of them are paying $6 a ton for ice and selling it to their regular customers fo -$3.6u. Stockholders Meeting. The next annual meeting of the stock ho'ders of the Atlantic and North Caro lina Railroad Company will be held in Morehead City, N. C, on August 10th, 1911. D. J. BKOAbHUKST. Secretary, Office of secretary Coldsboro, N. C, July 10th, 1911. Look Out For High Price Tobacco. Raleigh, July lL-T'ne report of the state department of agriculture on the sales of leaf tobacco shows a steady decline In the sales. . There were only 6 markets, which report sales for. June. Otthe total of 286,307 pounds sold. Winston-Salem reports 257,160 sold on its market. Reldsville sold 17,108; Dur ham, 6.340; Mount Airy, 3,094, and Stonevllle. 2,632. The old crop is about exhausted and it will be several weeks before the new crop is on the market, Thty Were New Jersey Mosquitoes. Newark, N. J., July 11. -After hav ing spent three dayi and nights in swamp near Caldwell, N. J., Mr. Aaron Kennedy is dying from mosquito bite noisonintr. He was out for huckleber- I rles and wrenched bis ankle so he could (not walk. Whej found after 8 days swarms of mosquitoes had bitten him until his features were swollen beyond recognition. He had fought the pests by building a fire and hia rescuer found him lying unconscious near the ashes. S0TI6Z. Beginning July 2d 1911, the general dnliverv window, on Sundavs. will onen one half hour, after the morning malls are up. The stamp window and the miI.m ar!nrlw mill hnl h Annnar) An Sundays. J. S. BASNIGIIT, P, M. The Whole Count y is Suffering. Crops. Will be Unusually Shor . ' -' ' Washington, July lltb,.--"Hot, dry weather drought h: ve phyed some thing akin to havoc with the crop con ditions during the last month," declared Prof. N. C. Murray, : cting chief of the Crop Reporting Boarc of the Depart ment of Agriculture i f ter the announce ment of the July report on grain and produce. . "The report," sail Prof., Murray, reflects the rather .lerious effects of the drought during Ju le, most of im portant crops showii g a condition at present which indicates a yield below that of last year and below recent av erage yields of production. "Feedstuff oats and bay seems to have been the hardest hit. Lean than two-thirds of a norm;.l crop of hay is expected and the oat crop probably will be more than 25 per c nt. less than last year's crop and about 12 per cent, iew than the average for I he last five years. "The corn acreage is the largest ev er recorded, but the condition of the crop is about "7 per ce it. below the av erage. That indicate; a production of approximately 5 per c nt. less than last year a record crop, t ut nearly 5 per cent more than the av srnge production of the corn crop on .. uly 1, however, was critical. "The potato crop pr mise3te be unu sually short. The ae -e age has fallen en off, probably on a count of unsatis factory prices during he last year and the condition of the c p nbw is lower than at any time on Ji !y 1st in the last 22 years. Almost a at lsational ndvanet in the price of potatoi j has been made during the last mont The average price throughout the t United States on June , was 63.3 cents i bushel. On Ju ly 1st it was 96.3 cents a bushel. Ordi1 sarially, the variation in that time is only a few cent a bu. lei. "Owing to the diffic! Ity in the set ting out of tobacco pU its, the acreage of tobacco has been reduced 2i pr cent, from that of los' year. The low condition of the crop, together with the shortage of acreage, h .ve combined to reduce the indications o a to'al red na tion of 833 per cent of last year's crop, or 77.3 per cent, of average for the last five years. Notice of Loss of Certificate of Stock. Netice is hereby giv-n that I have lost or misplaced Cert .icate No. 51 for ten shares of seVies N . 4 of the capital stock of the Home I uilding & Loan Association issued to n e, said certificate bearing date May 1st, 1909. If same is not found within thi ty days applica tion will be made by ne for duplicate certificate. F. L. PERKINS, This the 30th, dayol June, 1911. Building of he Ship -It an old time subject and yet one that is fresh and inte esting, as each new marine creation d jaigned to fill the want of some transpo tation company is sent forth to delight and give com fort to the traveling public The Chesapeake Steamship company has told in' illustrated pamphlet form. beautifully depicted, the "building of the ship," in this inst ince it being the story of this company' new twin steam shipa, the City of Bait more and City of Norfolk, from the layi ig of the keel to the maiden voyage. The entire tale reveals the purpose of this company, to build a steamship that assures safety. comfort and pleasure t j all who travel on it's steamships. V. C Co. Reducet. Dividends. New York, July 12 Directors of the Virginia-Carolina Con pany met here atd reduced the dividend of the com mon stock from 6 to -1 "per cent, an nually, Poor earnings is given as the cause for the reduction. KILL THE GERMS That's the Only Way to Cure Dan drufif, and Parisian Bage is tho . V Only Ki ler. ' ; 'K Parisian Sage soaks into the scalp, and when it reaches the roots of the hair it not only kills every, dandruff germ, but it supplies t ie hair with just the right kind o( nourishment to put vigor and strength into it and make it grow. Parisian Cage is the most delightful fiair dressing in the worlJ and is not sticky or greasy. Use it one week and you will never give it up. - .Parisian Sage is guaranteed by Brad ham Drug Co., to stop falling hair; to m dandruff; keep hair from fading; to s,top Itching of the scalp, or money back. Price 60 cents a large bottle. line gin witn me auouto nair is on 'every bottle. WILL HOT BENE- DESTRUCTIVE FIRE i FITJRMERS M KORTHHflRLOWE Senator Simmons Thinks Canadian Reciprocity Will Be Pie For Manufacturers. Washington, July 11. -Senator Sim mons, of -North Carolina, opened the debate on the Canadian reciprocity measure. Votes on the Cummins and Simmons amendments. The business before the Senate when it met was the vote on Senator Cum mins' free flour amendment, but accord ing to previous agreement the right of way was given to Senator Simmons for hia'promised speech against reciprocity He contended that even with the re puctions upon Canadian manufactured droducts given in the agreement the manufacturing industries of the United States would still be more adequately protected against Canadian competition than against the competition of Great Britain, Franco and Belgium. Senator Simmons expressed the be lief that the price of farm products would be reduced under the operation of the Canadian agreement; that the effect would not be to benefit consum ers, but to benefit the brewers, millers and manufacturers or cereal products, and that an arrangement equitable to the farmer should include a material re duction of duties on, manufactured pro ducts used by the farrrer, Sen tor Sim mons endorsed the Builcy amendment, which proposes a part of the farmers' free list a-; kan arm n lment to the re ciprocity Measure. Come To Our Pic nlc. Oak Grr e Sunday School and Amity Farmers I nion will have their pic nic Thursday uly 20 ih. All Sunday Schools and union? and everybody are cordially invited to come There will be good speaking fur .both the Sunday Schools and Unions If unfav irable weather on the ahove day the pi- nic will be pnsponed until P'riday the 21st. A. J. HARGETT. Sopt, S. 3. M. N. HARRIETT, Pie? V. U, W. I. HARGETT, Sec. F. U. BMDGETON ITEMS. Bridgets i July 11 We are still hav ing the we ther dry .and hot, some rain would bo very acceptable. We are i lad to say that we have bajt vciy little nckfiess in our little town. -Mrs. H. M. Bunt ng has gone to Nor folk for a isit. Miss Ip' visiting at. Wright on .k of Beluir who has been the home of Rev, J. M, B. street returned home Saturday. Mrs. Mil y E. Willis who has been at at Portsmouth, N. C, for some timeJ came home last Friday and left for JucksonvMla Sunday to visit relatives. Mrs. Challie Rogers has gone to Nor folk fer a visit. Miss Floience Jones and Miss Viola McGowan of Hyde Co., is visiting Rev. Jr M. Wright on B. St. Miss Elizabeth Morton left Monday for Henderson, N. C for a visit. Miss Bes3ie Wyott left Monday for Bluemont to visit. Rev. J.' M. Wright, N. M. Farrow H. M. Burning and S. D. Parker went up to Tuscora Monday morning to at tend the M. E, Quarterly Conference.of the Bridgeton circuit, and returned at night There will be prayer meeting at the Methodist church Thursday night at 8;30 o'clook conducted by the pastor Rev. J. M. Wright everybody is cor dially invited to attend. Mr. Frank Gray who is working at Pollockaville spent Sunday with his family, returned to his work Monday. Master Clyde Newton is down to Oriental vibiting relatives. BHIDOETON SOCIAL EVENTS. - . .... .. . . A happy party left Bridgeton on Mr, W. H. Mason's sail boat Friday night. An hour or wo was spent in sailing down the beautiful Neuse. Delightful refreshments were served and at eleven Mr, and Mrs. Mason were showered with many thanks and good wishes from the entiro party for the many ourteaies received and re- greted very much the time had passed so swiftly I y, and. very soon all were op the road homeward rejoicing and singing merrily and complimenting the pleasant host and hostess. Those enjnying this party were? Miss es Lizcie Whitford, Maggie Campbejl, Florence Potter, Theresa Stsliins, Lena Bond, Messrs Henry Wyatt, C E.' Potter, Judaon Bayliss, Andrew Purifey, A. M. Tingle, Willie Tingle, Tom Campbell, Herbert Parkins, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stalling, and and Mrs. N. Gaskins. Mrs. Oscar Peterson, Mrs, Taylor and little Miss Flora Mason, Margerette and Eloise Peterson, Myr- lie smaiif Aiees ana cuaner l ay Kir. 1 GRAY EYES. Dwelling of J. S. M rton And Store and Stables of Another Destroyed. A message received yesterday con veyed the intelligence that ire, yester day morning at North Ha lowe . had destroyed the residence of Mr, J. S. Morton and a stor and at.ables be longing to Mrs. Ed?.ard B;:ngert. No particulars as to whether any of the buildings were saved were siven, The fire is supposed to hive stai led from a defective flue in the kitchen. Mr. Morton's house was very Urge, well built, containing botn livinp rooms and store and the loss is evident y heavy. LOST, Strayed or Stolen-Two cows, one red with white back, the other black ami white; marked H'uooth crap right, and two slits in the- left ear. Been gone 6 months. Any information may be sent to C. M. Eubank, Mays ville, N. C. it' j40TES FROM LRE'S C.lAPEL. 1' Jones county, July lOtii, Wi? are having extremely dry weither now. crops are suffering very muui for rain. Most all the farmers have q. it plough- nircorn, Itwaisto ) plout; ling or all the corn would die. Very little Bicknes in our neighbor hood is being reported at present. Mr. John P. Roue and family at tended preaching at Pine ;lrove last Sunday. They reported a h.rge atten dance, and a fine sermon. We are glad to knisv Mr. '. N. Fos- cue, is able to go to Hew Bi en, today. We are all very pi id to :nce more have the opportunity of ex . nding our cordial invitation to .11 who can attend the Sunday School pie nic. that will be held at Lee's Chapel Church, on July n28th. Everybody come and bring well filled baskets. Trusiing mi ny of you wh ''.ad this will not forgf t the date and come Friday July 28t! , at Lee's (Jharjel Church. Come one, come all, and have a jolty goo-1 time. J, vr. R. M. PILES! PILC! Fi.ES! Williams' Indian Pile Oin rrjent will Lcore Bh'nd. Bleeding and Ittring Piles. "Hftscrtia the turners . altays vtching at bj6, acta 'as a poult :ce, pi v. is instant rejief. Williams' Indian Pil Ointment w prepared for Piles ind itc: .n Of the private parts, Sole y dru ists, mail 50e and 1.00. Wil'iams' Ji'f'g. Co PrJips., Cleveland, O. Virginians Pray For Kain. Richmond, Va., 12-Governor Mann imired a proclamation yesterday calling upon the people of the St.ue to pray for Tttirf; Within ai: hour t f the time the document left his hand refreshing showers fell upon tb' capiu ', at east reducing the tempe.ature L0 degrees from the maximum of today, which was 97 in about 20 minutes. A threat deal more precipitation i need -d in the State, however, Today's showers were not all general. July Temperatnres and RalnlalL The following are the maximum and minimum temperature i and r.iinfall as per dates during the present month, July 1-83-63 2 89 fi.1 8-90-65 4- 90-67 5- 92-68 6- 93 69 .07 7- 93-69 8- 94-68 9-93-68-.0! 10- 92-69 11- 87-71 12- -97-72-.43 A Well Known Man's Opinion. The Savodine Co., Vvw Bern, N. C We have derived so much benefit from the use of SAVODINE. that we wish to add our testimony to the list of those already acquainted with its mer its. . My wife has been using SAVODINE for quite a while for cold in the head, also has found it a ready relief for CATARRH but above all that, is the fact of its having proved itself invaluable to us for our baby. iA shprt time ago he waa ta ken very aick, and as he would clap his little hands to his ear. we decided be must be suffering with earache, and re alizing that something must he done at once, we pa a tiny bit of SAVODINE In his ear covered it with warm cotton 'and in a few minutes he waa sleeping aa sweetly as though be bad never had a pain.. We cheerfully recommend Savo dine as we will always feel grateful for what it hasjdone for us. r C. LUPTON, Chief of Police. New Bern, N. C HALIFAX MAN . IS APPOINTED Gov. Kitchiu Appoints Mr. E. L. Travis Corporation Commis sioner to Fill Vacancy. Kaleigh, July 12. -E. L. Travis, of Halifax, has received from governor Kitchin his commission as Corporation Commissioner to succeed the late Hen ry Clay Brown. He went before Judge W. R. Allen in the office of ex Govern or Cbaries B, Aycock and took the oath of office and assumed the duties of the commibbionership. It is learned that the matter of ap pointment was secured Monday morn ing in conference between the Govern or and Mr. Travis. He went home to adjust his aff nirs so that he might take up his official duties as soon as the com mission was issued. Mr. Travis is one of Governor Kitchin's closest personal and political friends and has been, a member of the State Democratic Exec-1 utive Committee for 12 years and chair- man of the Halifax county committee Rince 1898. He was for a number of I years chairman of the board of direct- ors of the state penitentiary and has served four terras as State Senator. Auspicious Opening of the . Southern Automobile College The Southern Automobile College, Oak Uidtfe, N. '., opened its .doors April J7ih. It has been crowded to the limit ever since. Students are arriving daily, and daily are going out to accept pa-'ir. position in this most fascinating bupintss. Tney announce a special June offer to students of schools and colleges, and to nv n who w; nt to better their sal aries. Auiomoriite owners also would dotv.ell t write for information. Jamestown Island For National Park, Washington, July 13. A bill appro priating $300,000 for the government purchase of Jamestown Island, Va., and to convert it into a national park to preserve the site of the first English settlement in America has been intro duced' by representative Lamb, of Vir ginia. King Key of Congress Lost. Washinzton. July 13. "Lost strayed or stolen!" is the cry at the House of- nee building. Something has happened to the king key that unlocks the doors to the committee rooms and the offices of fie representatives. It disappeared Tuesday night, and the lieutenant who was on guard and bad the key in his possession is almost distracted. It will cost at least $2,000 to put in new locks, It would be dangerous to have locks that a lost skeleton key would open, : . All sorts of stories about the disap pearance of the key are now in circula tion. County Teachers' Association. The regular examination for Teachers Certificate (July examination) will be held at the court house in New Bern on Thursday and Fri Jay, July 20th and 21st, beginning each day at 10 a. m. 11 Tha ovaminatinn nn TknraiAW will ItA fn,u,v.it 0Phr..BH Frirt.fth. colored teachers. S. M. BRINSON, County Sup't. of Schools.' 't. Georgia's New. Senator. Atlanta. July l:lth.-Governor Hoka Smith was elected United States Sena - tor from Georgia on the first ballot ta- ken by tha House and Senate in joint session at noon Wednesday, He suc ceeds Joseph M. Terrell, who waa ap pointed by Governor Brown to fill tha unexpired terra of the late A. S. Clay. Sale Property For Taxes. . Notics is hereby given that all the landa whose owners, are delinquent in the payment of their taxes for the town of Bridgeton for the year 1910. and n 1, .M t knu.itn nil aitrl ' flt tVlM n,. ment alfne taxes at the post office Bridgeton at 12 M. August 6th, 1911. and the followering named persons are par'ticiAariy required to take notice that their lands, as described in the space opposite their names below, are among those to be sold that the amounts of taxes expenses and costs due by each 1elitiquent owner is set opposite his name and property. . Allen John Lot Barrington, W. A' ' 1 8 1 1 f 75 B. St, A. St' 2 18 88 Ballang Elllas Uardison, M. L. . Hopwell, W. R. Morton, CD. Wolman Mary 76 5 06 4 01 1 - I ' " 1' 1 1 acre '1 60 West, W. 8, 2 13 Wethington Mary A. 1 (Williams Agt 4 1 60 T. W. MOORE, lax Collector. DEPARTMENTS 11L N O IT President Will Let Congress Draw Its Own Conclusion On Alas - kan Matter. Washington, July 12 Although many denials have been made that govern' ment officials intended to. permit the Guggenheim interests to control A-Iai-kan transportation through a monopoly on the water .front of Controller Bay, . in that territory, the administration had decided to let Congress reach its own conclusion and eery scrap of in formation relating to the matter will be sent to the Senate as soon us possi ble. 4 While President Taf t and the mem bers of his cabinet have voiced the opinion that an investigation will show nothing evea remotely resembling such an attempt to favor the Guggenheim interests, an attempt in which the names of C. P.. Taf t, the President's brother and former Secretary of the Interior Ballinger have been coupled, they de- termined that every " effort should made to clear the situation, At the regular session of the Cabinet yesterday the Controller Bay affair was discussed at length. It waa decided that all the departments interested- War, Agriculture, -Interior and Com merce and Labor should be urged to make their reports on the case as quick ly as possible. It was stated tonight that all the documentary , evidence in the case probably will be in the Presi dent's hands early next week, and that it then will be sent immediately to the Senate, in answer to a resolution adop- . ted late in June, calling for all such in formation. A list of witnesses made up by the committee conducting the inquiry is said to include the foiling: Chas. P. Taf t, brother of the Presi dent; Dtfeiel Guggenheim, head of the Alaska Syndicate; Frank H. Hitohcock, postmaster-general; Walter L. Fisher; Secretary of the Interior; Richard S. Ryan, the alleged promoter, and a large number of land office clerks. ' The inquiry promises to be a long one. We can't keep the mos quito and fly out of your yard, but we can furnish you with the material to keep them out of your soup and bed-room. Cost nominal. J. S. BaSnight Hdw. Co Great Clearance Sale. If you are in search of real bargains in dry gjod aod clothing you should not fail to attend S, ' Coplon's great clearance sale which is now in progress. Every article in their store has boon marked down from ten to fifty per cent, This sale will only last for a few days longer aud you should not fail to visit their store before it doses. Rf ad their ad in this issue of the Journal and I see for yourself some of tha remark able bargains tbey are off ring. I Haunted House Causes Consternation. During the past few days, or rather nights, a section of Duffy Town has been greatly excited over the report that one of the houses in that locality waa haunted. The first rumor of the act that tha house was supposed to be the abiding place of spirits, (evil or otherwise) occurred about two weeks ago when a colored man who had oc casion to pass the place late at night re ported that be heard uncanny noise is- "om therein, This remor spread- 1'1 nignts later a number of negroes assembled in nearby homes wn intention ... oj ascertaining whether there waa any truth in the ru mora. Shortly after mid night those who were listening heard a low wail is suing from the interior of the building. This satisfied their curiosity and they left posthaste without even investigat ing, Monday night a negro man, who was very much under the influence of whiskey wandered into the building and went to slrep. A -few hours later ho waa awakened by this supp ised 'hant,' Instead of putting as much distance between him and the house, as the oth- i0"" ,h6 Pr05eed1e1 gate. Tha noise, be found was issuing from the chimney and upon investifa- tinn he found that this had become tho habitation of a number of bull-La ti and that in some way while they wcra flying around the interior of the chim ney, tbey caused this peculiar nn 1 ghostly sound to issue from the f -piace. 'He lost no time in mu! known his discovery and once f peace reigns in this locality, - Stockholders Meeting An annual meeting of the s' ers of the Bank of Dov r, N. ( ' be held at the Lank buil Ui ;; i i ; on Friday Au. 11th. I l l, v. r, r v: Tl.'a ll:h C y rf J ' : '.