No. 30 NEW. BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, TUESDAY JULY, 18. 1911 ---FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR 21 COUNTIES . ARE ON FI Fire Sweeping Over Michigan. Towns Wiped Out. Scores of Lives Lost Bay City, Midi.; July 13th. A solid wall of flamed is sweeping -northward threatening to blot out the entire upper part of the lower .Michigan peninsular. Twenty-one counties are on fire. Villages, and hundreds of outlying homes are obliterated. Scores of deaths and hundreds are 'doomed with fire. ; Starvation is adding to the fire ter ror. Women and children are fleeing thro the country -while the men are1 trying to fight bask the Ares' onslaught. . Governor Osborne is campaigning for succor for the homeless. ' : At North Bay 300 were suffocated or burned to death or drowned in the Northern Ontario, lhe magnitude of the catastrophe in erf aies at every report. . - ; It is estimated that the property dam age is over five million dollars. The people are panic-stricken and stampeding to the lakes and rivers. Notice of Loss of Certificate of Stock. Notice is hereby given that I have lost or misplaced Certificate No. 51 for ten shares of series No. 4 of the capital stock of the Home Building & Loan Association issued 'ome, said certificate hearing date May 1st, 1909. If same is not found within thirty days applica tion will be made by me for duplicate certificate. F. L. PERKINS, This the 30th, day of June, 19ll. Makes Great Impovement. The Pine Lumber Company is (mill ing a large lumber shed, .200 feet or more long, of brick, parallel with the mill yard on Griffith street. Sometime ago the company built a large, brick building on the northern part of the yard, to be used for stables and vehic- les, with the present structure comple ted the whole western tnd of the com pany's property will be enclosed with a brick wall, save the part occupied by the office and driveway. , It makes a marked improvement in the looks of the place. Earthquake Tremors Felt In Washing ton. Washington, July 13 Powerful earth quake shocks lasting through nearly three haurs Wednesday were recorded by the seismographs at Georgetown University. The tremors began at 11.27 last night and continued in vary ing intensity until 1.18 this morning. The greatest disturbance was at 12.20, The shocks were recorded on both hor izontal and vertical seismographs, in exactly the same degree of intensity. Father Torndoff, said he oi l not be liuve the disturbances were tie r.-tui of quakes in the United State i. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS -Have you neglected your Kidneys? . Have you overworked your nervous ays tern and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Have you pains in loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too f re quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams' Kidney Pills will .cure you-at Druggist, Price 60c Williams' M'f'g ' Co., Prop., Cleveland, O.. 1 . . ' Y "Swat The Fly." . All over North Carolina this slogan it now heard hundreds of times each day. Not until recently have the people fully realized the danger and menace to the health of everyone these little pests cause. The following formula when properly mixed will kill hundreds of flies every day and within a day or two your premises will be free from them: Half cupful each of milk and water, table sro inf ul of Formalin. Place this in a flat dish with , a small piece of bread in the centre . and put in a place frcauented by the file-. Those who are not able to purchase the Formalin ean get it free of charge from Dr J. F. . Rbem, the county physician. Care hould be taken not to allow cats, dogs, or other animals get near the mixture. $20,000 Verdict Against A. T. Co. Raleigh, N. C. July 13.-Tha Wart Kramer Tobacco Company of Norfolk receives today a verdict of $20,000 damage againsts the American Totaceo Company. - 1 . The verdict wis rendered at 9:80 o'clock this morning. . Under the Sherman Anil-Trust Act there is provision fur treble damages, . The couit will nter a judgment Against ti e American Tobacco Company for JCO.OOOdamBges. AFTER DOCTOR WIIETS SCULP Fare. Food Expert's Enemies De termined On His Down - , fall.; . Washington. July 14. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, pure' food expert and ehief of the bureau of chemistry of the De partment of Agriculture, and one of the most widely known officials in the government service, has been condemn ed by a committee on personnel of. the Department nf Agriculture with a rec ommendation to President Taft that-he be "permitted to resign." Attorney-General Wir.keraham in an opinion of the case, submitted to the President, recommends approval of the committee's action. It is charged against Dr. Wiley that he permitted an arrangement to be made with Dr. H, H. Rusby, recog nized pharmacognosist, of Columbia University, New York, for compensa tion in excess of that allowed bylaw, it is claimed that the arrangement was to put Dr. Rusby on the pay roll of the department at $1,600 a year as at em ploye of the Bureau of Chemistry an agreement being made with him that he should & be called upon to perform only such service as this salary would compensate for at the rate of $20 per day laboratory investigations and $5 per day for attendance in court. Attorney-General Wickereha-n held that the law permitted; payment of only $9 a day, this sum being increased to $lladav. 'I wouldn't advise anyone to wait around my office to te) me put out; there is no telling lio-v long ic will be," said Dr. Wiley, today, when asked for a statement, ' I 'Do I look frightened about (he mat ter? All I know is that a copy of the charges was served on me about a week ago and I will make reply to them through Secretary Wilson to the Presi dent . Until the latter sees fit to make the statement public 1 hive nothing further to aay in tin matter." Just Arrived 1 dozen Hammocks, bright new col ors never been selected over. We had unusual large sales on Hammocks, there fore we are reducing. .Come and make selection. You can get a good strong Hammock for $2 50. 0 J. S. MILLER. Strange that we are willing to for give people for changing their opinions only when they do so to espouse our views. Threatened the Klpg. The honor of knighthood is not one which appeals to everybody. Coke of Norfolk, who considered that heliad a far better claim tbnn the speaker to the deslgnatlou of first commoner of England, strongly disliked the idea of a handle to bis name. This fact was well known to George. IV. When Coke was chosen to bead a deputation pray ing the king to dismiss from bis per -on nhd council those advisers who by their conduct had proved themselves Yii enemies to the throne and peo ple George announced, teat be would get even with him. "If Coke of Nor folk enters my presence." bo declared, "I swear I'll knight him." The threat was repeated to Coke, who lejolned, "If be dares such a thing I swear I'll break bis sword." And as the sturdy Norfolk squire was quite capable of doing this. George refrained from car ryiug out his threat London Chron icle. - Must Wear Collar In Court. Lynn, Mrss., July 14th. No matter how hot the weather ia, this court must be paid the customary amount of re spect, was the ruling of Judge Henry T. Luramus in the Lynn police court today, when Thomas F. Fee, a law stu dent, appeared In the dock - without a collar to defend a client of his employ er, Attorney James W. Sullivan. Fee not only had his collar off. but be did not have it with him. WOMEN'S HAIR Can Easily be Made Fascinating and Luxuriant.' On April 2. 1910. Mrs. R. M. Worden 6 St. James Ave. Holyokt, Mass wrots: "Parisian Saga Is th best hair dressing I ever uei. . It gsvt my hair life and a gloss Which no other dressing ever di besides it from fallingout. It is the only dressing for up-to-date wo men." . " - Parisian Saga Is guaranteed by Brad ham Drug Co. to cur dandruff, stop falling bair and Itching scalp in two weeks, or money back. It makes hair grow lustrous and luxuriant. It is a delightfully refreshing hair dressing, not sticky or greasy and will Immediat ely banish all odors. Large bottle 50 cents at druggists everywhere and at Bradham Drng Co. The girl with the Auburn hair is on tvery package, AMENDMENT if pRRIED Only Five More States Need Eatify Income Tax Ameud - . ment Washington, D. C. July 14-With the ratification of but five more States needed to make the income tax amend ment part of the fundamental law, members of Conrgess, certain of the success of the amendment to the near future are beginning to consider it in relation to tariff legislation. The in come tax amendment as drawn does not provide that the tax shall be levied as Boon as the provision is ratified. The legality of the principle is merely rec ognized and it is left to Congress to np ply the principle in future legislation. But with the revenue to ba derived from an income tax ready at hand, one of the arguments in favor of a high . im i, , j . m I ' lariu will oa uesiroye i. larm legisla tion at the session of congress which meets in December will almost certain ly be framed with the income tax in mind, it is practically assured nowthi t the amendment will ba ratified by tl e necessary number of States early in 1912. We can't keep the mos quito and fly out of your yard, but we can furnish you with the material to keep them out of your soup and bed-room. Cost nominal. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. London Club Etiquette. The American' duchess, followed by her motor, led Miss Cochon of Chicago out St James street "Oh, there's the duke!" cried Miss Cocbon of Chicago as they passed Brooks club, but the duchess sold hur riedly: "Don't look at him, my dear, or he will cut you. Dou't you understand club etiquette V 'No; not if it differs from other eti quette." "Well," said the duchess, "it differs altogether. The club, you see, origi nated In London. The club has been defined as the weapon wherewith the savage keeps the white woman at a distance. In club etiquette women are Ignored. As you pass White's or the Carlton, the Junior Carlton or Brooks you will see your best friends, top hat pushed back and bands folded on stick, glaring solemnly at you from this win dow or from that, but your best friends won't speak to you. It Isn't club etiquette. And if yon spoke to them it would be a worse fanx pas than if you appeared at court under the influence of liquor." Cincinnati Enquirer. . MAP STOLEN Two Important Documents About sAlaskan Steal Dis s , appears. Washington, July 15 -Another mys terious "disappearance" of documents in regard to the Controller Bay; Alaska rights of way, has developed before the House Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department. Major J. B. Cavanaugh, assistant to the chief of engineers, in charge of the river and harbor division, swore that he bad been unable to find a map which Chairman Graham (Dem III.) hap proof Was in the files of the War Dc- dartment until a few weeks ago. The map was alleged to have been filed on December 14, 1910, by Richard S. Ryan, the alleged Guggenheim agent, and purported to show his claim for rights of way around the bay. Cavanaugh testified he had been un able to find any trace of the map. This is the second document on the Controller Bay record which Miss M. F, Abbott, author of the charges that the Guggenheims were attempting to grab the only available outlet from the Alaskan coal fields, asserts is mi-sing. The other was the famous "D ck to Disk" letter which Miss Abott ssys she saw in the flies of the Interior De partment and which is alleged to have mentioned Charles P, Ta(t, brother of the President, as having "indued" the Executive to throw open Controller Bay to Ryan for entry. Stockholders Meeting An annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Bsnk of Dover, N. C., will be held at the bank building ia Dover, on Friday Aug. 11th, 1911, , ' W. II. CATON, - r " Collier. This 11th day of July 1911 Uoyi and stenographers headed 14 rs Insurance companies raid in Philadelphia. DEPARTMENT SELECTS PRESIr jENTlMlBER -': 1 1 : t v. u. ..,ntn xt..I For Pressideutial Pos sibilities. Lincoln, Neb, July 14-r-In a cautious way W. J. Bryan ha.Jven out a list of Democrats . who mcetf with" his. ap proval as Presidential possibilities. The forthcoming issue of his Commoner, which contains the list, gives promin ence to tnree men Joseph W. Folk of Missouri, Gov. Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey and Speaker Champ Clark hut Mr. Bryan ia careful to disclaim any intention of. singling out any one of them as his personal preference. Mr. Bryan says the time is approach ing when it is not improper to discuss the availability of those who may as pire to head the ticket, and this, he says, ha pr po-es to do. The name of Gov. Harmon of Ohio is conspicuous for its absence Series of Mectlnes at Kitt Swamp. The Journal is announce that a protracted nuetin); will begin at Kilt Swamp Church this- county. Tues day nifjht, August Hth, to ba conducted by Rev. Charles C. Wise. A cordial welcome will Im extended to all. Roasting an Egg. Every boy and girl down on the farm In times gone by used to roast egs, pieces of meat and potatoes in embers In the old wood cook stove or in th big open fireplace. Bams were search ed for liens' nests, and the Bne, fresh ejtKS were wrapped In heavy paper. The paper was danieiied. otid several thicknesses of it protected the eggs from scorching. You know, wet pa per In a hall is hard to burn. Well, the wrapped up eggs were put on the live coals and partially covered hy them. In from live to fifteen uiinutea the egg was roasting hot and ready to eat with salt, pepper and butter. A pin hole was made hi the big end of the egg so as to let the steam escape m keep it from bursting the shell and the uienls from Ttimitns'oiiL If you have never as u suiall boy rousted sueti eggs you have missed one of child hood's greatest Joys. New York Presa The Philadelphia Lawn Mower will make your lawn have a decent appearance when properly applied. J. S. Basnieht Hdw. Co. tyoisy Malcolms. Sir John Malcolm, the first chairman of the Orlentnl club. vns a great talk er and had been nicknamed "Bahuw der Jaw" It was said hy Canning. It was n family failing, as wo learu from Mr. Ralph Neville's "London Clubs." "There were ten Malcolm brothers, two of them admirals. All ten seem to have possessed the same character istic, for when Lord Wellesley was as sured hy Kir John that he and threo brothers hud once met together lu In din the governor general declared It to be 'Imposslhle imite Impossible!' Mal colm reiterated his statement. '1 re pent It Is Impossible. If four Mal colms had coine together we should have heard the noise all over India.'" Former Attorney-General Ignor ed Charge as Well asAVicker- sham. Washington, July 1G The prompt in vestigation of Attorney-General Wick efthnm, in connection with the news Alaska spoliation scandals was delayed unexpectedly by the absence of Judge Henry D. Clayton, Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary. Julge Clayton is to report the reso lution of Delegate James Wickershsm, calling on Attorney-General Wicker- sham for all information in connection with the alleged frauds in the award of coal contracts for use at the forts in Alaska, and for an explanation, why no prosecutions were undertaken until after the statute of limitations made criminal action impossible. ' The House adjourned Saturday until Wednesday. Jiidge Clayton is expect ed to push the resolution through then, Another important nd to this scandal became known, ' when It was framed that General Dickinson, While Secre tary of War, had aimi'ar information as to the frauds in th'j War Department's Alaskan coal award submitted to him' by DeL-gato Wickershsm. ' General Dickinson ignored the complaint. So far as known, he never gave any reason why he failed to invistigate these con tracts until proofs of frauds submitted. The Department of jQstifeY 1 appar ently unruffled by the threat of 'im peachment and the numerous allega tions of crimui and mis ioirnmnors by AUorncy-Gtneral Wicketsham. MUCK IE HITSllSON FOLLETTE flEBT FIEND STARTS ONTAFTi CLAIMS HUNDREDS Says he is a Friend of Corporations And That He Has Betrayed The People. Washington, July 14. Caustic crit icism of President Taft for "not keep ing his promises;" "adding betrayal to betrayal" during his administration, and sacrificing progressive policies to Aldrichism and the reactionaries, with a bitter denunciation of the Canadian reciprocity agreement, was made to the Senate by Senator La Follette, Repub lican, from Wisconsin. The speech wa3 a notable one, even for La Follette. It bristled with invec tive and acidulous satire. Canadian reciprocity, he asserted, vi olated every principal of reciprocity heretofore expressed in Republican platforms, and violated every tariff pledge in the p'atform upon which Taft was elected president, "It promises to reduce duties for the benefit of the people," he said. "It reduces duties, the effect of which can never reach the people, qut it do(s rduce them for the millers, the packers, Standard Oil, the brew ers, the coal companies, and in some measure for the already grossly over protected interests. "It is nothing that it pretends to be, and professes to le nothing that it is. It is a little brother to the Payne-Ald-rich bill, the grr atcst legislative wrong inflicted upon the American people in a half century. " As a basis and justification for his vie ws, La Follette gave a history of the tariff situation for the last ten years, asserting th:it the "trust creator," the Dingley bill, which increased- the cost of living from 4!J to fit). 70 and 80 per cent., created an inevitable demand for tariff revision. In his campaign, La Follette said President Taft promised doward revision. Come To Our Pic nlc. Oak Grove Sundav School and Amity Farmers Union will have iheir pic nic Thursday July 20h. All Sunday Schools and unions and everybody are cordially invited to come There will be good speaking for both the Sunday Schools and Unions If unfavorable weather on the above day the pic nicj will be posponed until Friday the 21st. A. J, HARGEIT, Supt, S. S. M. N. HARRIETT, Pres. K. U, I. HARGETT, Sec. F. U. The Atlantic Shipping Csnference de cided at London to continue the exist ing agreement on traffic rates until Oc tober 31. s Foreigners Paying Lower Prices For Local Sonk Than For Years. New York, July 15 Cotton values during the past week have fluctuated on a fairly narrow scale, the net result being a decline of about one-third of 8 cent per pound. Considerable liquida tion was undergone and new short lines were reported create I. Sentiment ap pears to be decidedly bearish, but trad ers are very cautious in selling. Tin rains of the last few days have apparently given general relief to the wc-stern belt, slimin'iting the sustaining feature of the new crop months. At times bull operators and spot interests rendered suffi :ient support to check the decline. The easiness in prices was by no mtans of a runaway kind, good de mand from trade interests and spinners purchasing for future delivery prevent ing a sudden break. On the other hand the feelinii prevailed that the rains have not been sulficient in all sections and some cotton was bought on pros pects for renewed dry weather in the southwest. Bull interests were again creditel with buying new crop options and traders seemed to bo convinced that a speculative long Interest is still outstanding in these months, Old crop deliveries showe I more activity during last week than for some time past. Refrigerators. , Will sell the balance left over at the following prices. Genuine Porcelean lined Lenard Cleunable, the $25 00 at $22 60, the 35 00 at 30 00, the 40 00 at 86 00, the 6 00 at 4 00, The above prices are th lowest we ever offerd this class of goods at Everyone car- ries guarantee that they will do all you expect any refrigerator to do. . J. S. MILLER. " . 1 , 1 11 ... . . .A There la no courage in lha display of sorrow; but there is often teal heroism in the control of It. ' s DECLINE Number That Perished' By Fire. Suffocation and Drowning Never Be Known. North Bay, Ont.", Julv 14. Rin is falling in the northern Ontario forest five zone this morning. It is hoped this will end the conflagration Car loads of coffins have been ship ped. The number that perished in the fire by suffocation and drowned will never be known. Scores are unrecognizable and will fill unmarked graves. Cobalt, Ont., July 14. One hundred are dead and two hundred missing, with three million dollars' damage at Ameri ca's greatest gold mine camp. The flames speed so fast ahead of the wind there ia small chance for the, miners and their families to escape. LOST, Strayed or Stolen-Two cows, one red with white hark, the other black and white, marked fimooth crap right, and two slits in the left ear. Been gone 6 months. Any informa'.ion may be sent to C. M. Eubank, Mays ville, N. C. How To Keep Cool. The sultry days of July make it ad visable for those who cut seek some shady spot and while away the time hy reading that cliveris the mind. It would be difficult to find more refreshing ar ticles, with illustrations in cnlois, etc., than the great galaxy of stories which are featured in the Magazine Section of next Sunday's New York World. There will be stories of mystery, l.rvt; science art, society, etc., and the word;! and music ef a new song hit. Order nex! Sunday's World from your newsdealer in advance. County Teachers' Association. The regular examination foi Teachers Certificate (July examination) will be held at the court house in New Bern on Thursday and Friday, July 20th and 21st, beginning each day at in a. in. The examinatiuiren Thursday will b for white teachers and Friday for th colored teachers. S. U. BRINRON, County Sup't. of Schools. Steel Shipped to PanamS. Pittsburg. Pa,, July 17 Many tons of steel rolled by the Jones & Laughlin SieM Company and turned over to the McClintock-Marshall Construction Com pany, of this city, were shipped from Saturday to the Panama Canal". The shipment, it is said, is practically the first lot of steel sent to the canal that, in a way, forecasts the completion ol waterway. The sleel leaving here today compris ed finished pieces for the gates. Hotels as Hospitals. "Nest to a hospital give me nn up to date hotel In which to take cure of a very sick patient," said a New York trained nurse. "I've nursed In most of the big hotels hero lu New York, and it's really wonderful the suppliei that can lie brought at a moment's no tice. Ice bas. hot water bottles, crutches and wheel chnirs nrealwnyt on tap, there's always somo one avail able to help lift a patient, and if thf patient's u man there's always n bar bor at bund to shave him. And there's the woman in the sewing room to Stitch a rapidly cut binder. There's an operating room nt your disposal If surgery has to be resorted to, and there's a protected roof to take your patient to during convalescence. Al together tha modern hotel Is the rival of a hospital when It comes to con veniences for the sick." New York Bun. . . . I Sale Properly For Taxes. Notice is hereby given th-it all the lands whose owners are delinquent in the payment of their taxes for the town of Bridgeton for the year 1910, and prior thereto, will be sold for the pay ment oi, their taxes at the post office Bridgeton at 12 M, August 5th, 1911. and tha'foilowering named persons are partictaarly required to take notice that their lands, as described In the spare opposite their names below, are among I those to be sold that the amounts of ( taxes expenses ana costs aue oy each delinquent owner Is set opposite his name and property. Alien John Lota 1 8 1 1 ( '75 2 18 ' Barrington, W. A B. St. A. St. Ballang Ellias . K8 . 75 5 05 4 01 1 50 2 13 Hardison, M. L. Hopwell, W. R. Morton, CD. Wolman Mary . West, W. S, I Wethington Mary A. 1 1 1 1 acre 1 (Williams , Agt ' I CO T. W. MOORE, Tax Collector. WHISKEY TRUST MLEirS ENEMY And Other trusts Are Not At All Friendly to Him. House Com- mittce Will Investigate. Washington, July 15th While Dr. Harvey W. Wiley will not himself dis cuss the movement, which has taken concrete shape here, to force him to re sign as chief chemist and pure food ex- v u kiiv Kvvi-ft uiiiciiL. inn an utrui ltti in that service declare that they have evidence to show that the prime mover is the whiskey trust, aided by manufact urers who have been fined for violation of the Pure Food and Drug act. The fiht of the Whiskey Trust datea back to 1007, when the bureau of chem istry was called upon to decide "What is Whiskey?" The decision did not please the trust. The sugar trust is not friendly to Dr. Wiley, nor are lha fruit canners, whose business has been hit by decisions ren dered by Dr. Wiley. The effort to oust Dr. Wiley will be. investigated by the House Committee on Expenditures in the Depa.tmeat of Atrriciil'ure. "We are going to the bottom of it," said Chairman Moss. "We want to see who is behind it. I have sent a call to the members of the committee fjr a meeting. We will discuss every phase of the matter and then subpoena wit nesses. " Back of the opposition to Dr. Wiley, it is known, certain powerful interests are aliened. Just how compact is the organization is a matter of conjecture. It is certain that there is a powerful omhination of manufacturers of food ituirs who feel that the strict construc tion of the Pure Food law enforced by Dr. Wiley is against their business in-!- erests A Well Known Man's Opinion. The Savodine Co., New Bern, N. C. We have derived so much benefit fiom the use of SAVODINE. that wa wish to add our testimony to the list of those already acquainted with its mer its. - My wife has been using SAVODINE for quite a while for cold in the head, also hiwfound it a ready relief for CATARRH -but above all that, is the fact of its having proved itself invaluable to us for our baby. A short time ago he was ta ken very sick, and as he would clap his little hands to his ear. we decided ho must be suffering with earache, and. re alizing that something must be done at once, we put a tiny bit of SAVODINE in his ear covered it with warm cotton and in a few minutes he was sleeping aa sweetly as though he had never had a pain. We cheerfully recommend Savo dine aa we will always feel grateful for what it hasjdone for us, C. LUPTON, Chief of Police. New Bern, N. C. No Pension Legislation This Section. Washington, July 15 All hope of pension legislation at this session of Congress was dashed today when Dem ocratic Leader Underwood served not ice that such legislation would be taken up at at the proper time at the regular jession in December. Just before the House Saturday adjourned until next Wednesday, Representative Kendall, of Iowa, Insurgent Rebublican, objected to an adjournment over Monday, when, under the rules, a pension increase bill could be considered. Mr. Underwood said the bill which would be brought in hy the Demrcratic majority at the reg ular session would be different from that favored by the Republicans in that it would not provide pensions for "sold iers who had never been within 600 miles of a battlefield," v A memorial tablet to William Penn was unveiled in the Church of All Hal laws, Harking, Eng. Itshofely rls ooTand it'3ood all . the time ,-ir .r.L, K yT ' i r 0yr LUZ'S too I v - , I. . t-imAMi' i mm biiii ' iii in UV "'1 il

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