BateMishet 1878 euuiimteA to Two Sections, every Tuesday and J Tidal, at Journal Bulla 1M. (8-60 Craren Stmt. CHARLES L. 8TIYIXS, EDITOR AND PROPBMTOR. Official Paper of . New Bera and Craven County. SUBSCRIPTION "RATES. Two Month!.. .. Three Month., fix Month.. (twelve Months.. .. , ..$ IB ti to .. . - 1.00 ONLY IN ADVANCE. Th Journal la caly ant on pay-In-advance basis. Subscribers will re ceive nodes of expiration ot their sub rrfptlons and an Immediate response o notice WO oe appreciated by the Jnunml Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon ln- jntrf by mP ateied at the Postolflce, New Bern, W. C, as second-class matter. New Bern, N. C. July, 18. 1911. SENATOR .SIMMONS POLITICALLY COXSIDEKED Fair and just criticism of Sena tor Simmons, public position on reciprocity at Washington, and his state position in the last poli tical campaign, o the question of lumber being on the free list, can only be had, by ignoring the matter of North Carolina politics n the state senatorial issue, as it ni;iv concern Senator Simmons, as candidate, Separate the actural Sriiator with his political record iitmi the possible Senatorial can didate of I ;1 'J, and there need be l.slt her confusion nor mix up, and 1 !u- senior Senator of North Caro- iiaa will only need the intelligent consideration of his home people, j lor them to thoughtfully follow his speeches defining his public vole on all questions, to find that his democratic toga is in no way a iiolitieal mislit. Senator Simmons is opposed to 1 lie reciprocity bill, because of its unfairness to certain farming in 1 1 -rests which will place their products on the free list, and place tliem under a tariff burden, as consumers. Just why the Senator should lie hounded to vot for this .Republican measure, regardless of all consideration, can only be an swered by those pursuing such a course. To post Senator Simmons as being the sole campaigner for "free lumber" in the last state campaign provokes a laugh down tin's way. On the stump and in private the following declaration Hsued by the Democratic state executive committee, was impress el on every interested lumber duller and the entire lumber in terests, regardless of party. "Thoy (lumbermen) may rest assur ed that the Democrats would not put lumber on the free list, it being Southern product, unless there should l.i- coupled with it the placing upon the free liat of all articles entering into competition with trust-controlled ar ticles as their platform demands, and which would tend to largely cheapen the expenses of the manufacturer of lumber." It was a promise sacredly made that involved not any one senator or Congressman, any particular fpeakcr,but every one concerned in furthering democratic interests in this Eastern North Carolina. There was political reason in this, and also the practical business reason, iu the refusal to place North Carolina lumber on the free list, at the same time making every thing entering into the manufac ture of lumber have a tariff pro tection to the loss of the lumber instcrrtts of this state. If.Senator Simmons stands guil ty of politically repudiating the platform adopted at Denver, then ' he has a large following, for the Journal with other democratic : newspapers, and a host of speak ers, not to mention the thousands of plaiu every day democratic voters, must also plead guilty in faithfully. following the decree is sued by the State - Democratic Executive Committee. .' - SI2LF MAD 13 PLAGUES, i Individuals suffer from plagues ' and communities are plagued, and there are exclamations of astonish ment over the afflictions, as being from the Evil One. History tells of persons being severely dealt with, as being possessed of the devil, because of some physical disease that mado them a terror to their neighbors. Many a town and city has beeu doomed to de- v;v tatioii through some plague t', ,1.1 "-.t roved those staying and Children Cry for Fletcher's fr' I The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has hcen in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has f2?J J?-, sonal tsuncrvlsion since its infancy. CCUM a How no mm to dceiv tou in this. All Counterfeits, imitations and 44 Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle-with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment-. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jfarcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverish ness. It cures' IMarrhu-a and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Const ipatiou and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach Olid Itowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Rears the Sipnatrire of The Kind You Have In Use For Over 3U Years TMC CENTAUR COMPANY, 7 MURRAY STRCCT. NFW YORK CITY. now reveals the causes that devel oped the effects of these stricken peoples. Ignorance of natural laws, indifference to divine laws, point the way to the source ot liuiivnm al and community plagues. The personal refusal to live rightly marks the beginning to wide spread trouble. That no one lives for him self or herself alone, is seen every day. The carelsssness of one means fire that destroys both the careless one and surrounding property. Kelusal to observe sanitary taws is a crime and outrage that well gov erned communities punish. " ith the close daily, even hourly coin munication between towns and cities, the plague of one can la made the plague of many, there fore the necessitv to enforce the " law upon the individual of right' and cleanly livitg, that through failure of such living there be opened no way to wide spread d is-1 aster. The clean premises, the destruction of every Hy aid mos quito breeding source arc health demands, easy to carry out, and carefully carried out mean com munity safety. Every household well ordered in its clean bill of health, means a clean community, and so from community to commu nity there are established state and national safe guards to preserve health, by first keeping away ev ery source that may first lead to sickness or disease. $100 REWARD. $100. The readers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only poeitive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being o constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surface? of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by buikling up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have s much faitb in its curative powers that that they offer One Hundred Dollar? for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, P. J. CHENEY & CO.,Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. , S. G. Pearse, of Milwaukee, was elected president of the National Edu cation Association at San Francisco. Thirty-three persons were killed in a battle at Puebla, Mexico. WOMEN Womea of the highest type, women of superior education and refinement whose discernment and judgment fire weight and fore to tleir pinions, highly praise the wonderful corrective and enrativt properties el Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throaghout the many stages f woman's' life, from girlhood, tLrech the ordeals of mother L:sl t tit declining years, there ii n fir cr more reliable med l' C ' a'sTal!.!sare JiitV-VU U ULTLM been made under his per- Always Bought Notice ot Election. Whereasj one fourth of the freehold- era of number eight township, having certified their intention to apply to the Hoard of Trustees of the county Farm Life School located in, the Eight Town ship, and whereas, the said one fourth of the freeholders of said number eight township, presented a petition to this I'.oard, asking that an Election be held in Number Eight. Township at the reg ular polling places in said Township, on Saturday July 2:i 1911, under and by virtue of section 9, chapter 84 of the laws of 1911, for the purpose of voting a thirty year bond issue, in the sum of twenty five thousand ($25,000,00) dol lars, of said Eight Township, Craven County Bonds, bearing 5 per cent in terest, and for levying and collecting on all the taxable property and polls in said Township, sufficient to provide for the paymenl of the interest on said ! ,),,n,ls- ani1 creating a sinking fund for . t. . . i r L - of offering the same UDder the provis ions of section 9, at aforesaid, to the said Trustees of the County Farm Life School. Provided said County Farm Life School be located in the Eight Township. Now therefore; it is hereby ordered that an Election be called and held in Number Eight Township, Cra ven county, at the regular polling pla ces in said Township on Saturday July 22 1911, during the hours on said day as prescribed by the general law govern ing State and County Elections. The said Election shall be conducted in all other repects under the provisions of the general law governing general Elections. A new registration in said Township is hereby called, to be had in said Township under the provisions of the general law governing new regis trations, at which Election those favor ing the issuing of said Township Bonds and the levying and collecting of such a tax for such a purpose, shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "For County Farm Life School," and those opposed shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "Against County Farm Life School," Ordered further that for the purpose of holding such Election, the following are hereby ap pointed Registrars and I'ollholdert, at the regular polling places whieh are as follows: First Ward At the City Hall. Reg strar Abe Lee, Pullbolders, J. B. Hill, Mayer Hahn, Second Ward At the Court House, Registrar C. K. Hancock, Pollholders, Walter Fulford, Jesse Pope. Third Ward At Atlantic Engine House, Registrar, C. W. Bell Pollhold ers J. D. McKoy, D. W. Basnight. Fourth Ward -At Fourth Ward Fire Company's House.' Registrar Alex Mc Lacklao, Pollholders J. F. Henderson, W. F. Gilbert, Bern Precinct At 6th, Ward Hosa Reel Headquarters. Registrar; J. H. Stanley, Pollholders B. F. Dukes, E. L. Smith. Peech Grove-Registrar J. B. French, Pollholders Daniel Lane, K. McKeel Gum Rowe Registrar J. Wilcox. Pollholders B. B. Scott, D. F. Atkin son. V Tisdalea Registrar, W. F. Crockett. Pollholders J, T. Shute, Carter Tis- At the close of said Election the Registrars and Pollholders of the First, the Second, the Third, the Fourth Warde, Bern Precinct, Beech Grove, Gum Rowe and Tisdales No. Eight Township shall certify the returns of said Election to the Board of County Commissioners, at the meeting .of said Board to be held on the First. Monday in AugUBt 1911, In August 191L In the same manner and governed by the same laws and such election officers are re quired to certify election returns for any general election. : S. II. FOWLER, Clerk, 1 Our Colored Subscribers 1 CRAVEN COUNTY TEACHERS' AS SOCIATION AND SUMMER NOR ; MAL SCHOOL. BY REV. B. H. SAWYER, JR. , The colored teachers of Craven coun ty, N, C, met in their regular annual session at the West street graded school building, Monday, July 3rd, 1911, at 9 o'clock a, m. and continued daily until Friday July 14th, 1911.; The register shows that 77 teachers were in attendance; some, came from adjoining counties. There were quite a number of experienced teachers pres ent, as well as the young, from various Institutions of this and other states. The Institute was conducted by our own countyprof easors, and tbey taught as though they had been trained at the feet of Gamaliel. Indeed, they are pre pared teachers and are at the heads of the leading institutions for the educa tion of colored people in this part of the state; in short tbey are teachers of the first rank, and are concerned for the uplift of the people of this section of the State and the nation. The list of teachers are as follows: Rev. William Sutton, D. D., 1 resi dent of the Eastern North Carolina I. Academy; Prof! J. T. Barber, A. B.. Principal city graded school colored, Rev. A. L. E. Wveka, President -New Bern Collegiate Industrial Institute, New Bern. These were ably aseisted by Prof. A W. Weatherington. M. D. Frazell, C. R. Coward and others. All of the teachers seemed to be de lighted with the benefits received du ring the two weeks, so much so that they decided to hire the principals to teach one week longer. This will bring us up to the county examination Fri day the 21st. The following named were elected on Friday the 14th for the ensuing biennial term: Rev. William Sutton, A. M. D. D., President. Rev. C. R. Coward -Vice President. Prof. J. T. Barber Secretary. Mrs. Annie Weeks Treasurer. Rev. R, H. Sawyer, Jr., Reporter and Editor. . Executive Board Rev. Wm. Sutton, Prof, J. T. Barber, O. W. Coward, Rev. A. L. E. Weeks. M. D. Frszell, Rev. Alexander Hill and J. L. Cooke. The teachers are highly pleased at the election of Hon. S. M. Brinson for another term, they look upon him as being deeply interested in the uplift of all the people of the State. , v . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Strange that we are willing to for give people for changing their opinions only when they do so to espouse our views. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. "I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart." wrote C B Rader. of Lewishurg, W. Vs., "for the wonder ful double benefit I got from Electric Bitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheuma tism, from which 1 bad been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suit ed ray case as though made Just for me. r- or dyspepsia, indigestion, laun- dice and to rid the system of kidney poison that causes rheumatism, Elec tric Bitters has no equal. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. uniy ouc at all druggists. Since the advent of the short skirts and low-necked dresses no poet has had the courage to write about woman's lovely neck and ankles. SAVES TWO LIVES. "Neither ru? sister nor myself might be living today, if it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery" writes A. D. McDonald of Fayetteville. N. C B. F. D. No. 8, "for we both bad fright ful coughs that no other remedy could help. We were told my sister bad eon- sumption. She was vary weak and had night sweats but your wonderful medi cine completely curd us both. It's the best I ever used or heard of." For sore lungs, coughs, colds, hemorrhage, lagrippe, asthma, bay fever, .' croup, whooping cough, all bronchial trou hies, Its supieme. Trial bottle free. 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed by all drag' guts. NORFIM . JULY 18, 1911. Norfolk Southern Railrad will operate excursion from points on the Beaufort Division to Norfolk and return July 18, tickets limited to five days from date of sale returning on regular trains. Rrates from all points on Beaufort Di vision and Oriental . Branch including New Bern will be 13.00 round trip, from Washington J2.50. For further Infor mation apply to T. E Bennett, Union Ticket Aget, or W. WYCROJCTNO; G. P. A. The prince of Wales was . invested with the Insignia in his office in the cas tle of Carnarvon. AKDC """"1 1 r - - EXCURSION. Bond Xlftcttoa farm Lite School No. Seven Township. Whereas, one-fourth of the free-holders of No. 7 township having ceitified their Intention to apply to the Board of Trustees of the County Farm Life School to have the said school located in the seventh township; .-' And whereas, the said one-fourth of the free-holders of No. 7 township', presented a petition to this Board, ask in; that an election be held in No. 7 township, at the regular polling places in said Township, on Saturday, August 5th, 1911, for the purpose of voting a thirty year bond issue in the sum of $10,000.00 of said No. 7 township, Cra ven county, bonds - bearing 5 per cent interest, and for levying and collecting on all the taxable property and polls in said township, sufficient to provide for the payment of interest on said bonds andcreatng a sinking fund, for the payment thereof, for the purpose of offering the same under the provisions of section 9, as aforesaid, to the f aid Trustees of the County Farm Life School, provided said County Farm Life School be located in the seventh town ship. Ntfw Therefore, it is hereby ordered that an election be called and held in No. 7 township. Craven county, at the regular polling places in said township. on Saturday Aug. 5th, 1911, during the boura on said day as prescribed by the general laws governing new registra tions, at which election those favoring the issuing of said township bonds, and the leving and collecting of such a tax for said purpose shall yote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the "For County Farm Life Schools," and those opposed, sha'l vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words. "Against County Farm Life Schools." Ordered Further, that for the purpose of holding such elections, Mr. H. C. Wood ie hereby appointed Registrar, and Messrs. J. W. Conner and J. A Miller are hereby appointed poll-hold era. At the close of said election, the Registrar and Poll-holders shall certify the returns ot said election to the Board of County Commissioners, at their nex,t regular meeting after said election, in the same manner' and gov erned by the said laws as such election officers are requested to certify election returns in any general election. By order of the Board, this July 3rd, 1911. S. H. FOWLER, Clerk Board of County Com Bond election Farm Life School- No, One Township. Whereas, one-fourth of the free holders of No. 1 Township having certi fled their intention, to apply to the Board of Trustees of the County Farm Life School, to have the said school lo cated in No, one township. , ' And Whereas, the said one-fourth of the free-holders of said No. one town ship, presented a petition to this board asking that an election be held m No.or township, on Friday, August 4 th, 1911 under and by virtue of Section 9, Chap ter 84, Laws of 1911, for the purpose of voting a , thirty year bond issue in the sum of ten thousand dollars of said No. one township, Craven county bonds bearing 5 per cent interest, and for levy lag and collecting on all the taxable property and polls in said township suf ficient to provide for the payment of interest thereof, for the purpose of of eriog the same under the provisions of section 9. as foresaid, to the said Trustees of the County Farm Life School, provided said County Farm Life School be located in No. one township. Now Therefore, it-is hereby ordered that an election becallei and, held in No. one township, Craven county, the regular polling places in said town ship on Friday, August 4tb, 1911, dur ing the hours on said day as prescribed by the general lawa governing new registrations, at which election those favoring the issuing of such a tax foi said purpose, shall vote a ballot. which shall be written or printed the 'For County Farm Life School'and those opposed shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "Against County Farm Life Schools, Ordered further, that for the purpose of holding such elections, the following were appointed Registrars and Poll holders, to-wit:. ' Vanceboro Precinct-H. C Butler, Registrar, and McRay Dink ins and A, R, Waitford. Poli-holdera. - , Maple Cypress Precinct-M. F. Al- drldge. Registrar, E. F, Adams, J. W, Huff, Poll-holders. . : : - At the close of said election, the Reglatara and poll-holders shall certify the ; returns of said election to the Board of County . Commissioners their next regular meeting after said election, in the same manner and gov erned by the said laws as such election officers are requested to certify returns in any general election. ' By order of the Board,' this July .3rd. 191L, - - - . 8. H. FOWLER. . Clerk Board of Commissioners, For summer diarrhoea in children al ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and-ewstor oil, aod a speedy cure is certaio. For sale by all dealers. Twe Sets af Musolea, Ton bare two sets of muscles the cuter ones, which you can feel, aud the Inner enea, which are your lungs. heart, stomach and other Internal or gaos. Tbe outer ones are couven- tancee for performing actions. Tbe Inner ones are your life the "fate" which makes you happy or dpreaHcL powerful or weak, OHtsful or the con t v. These Inner uiuacies requin t ' ' -. J-r t like sny oilier iinitcli h NOTICI TO BOX BXNTEKS. . Bill (form 1538) is placed in your box to tell you that your box rent it due on the- last day of the quarter, and to show you the amount of rent to be paid on or before the last day of the quarter. Yon will therefore bring your (form 153S) and have it receipted when you call to pay your rent. It is not a matter of discretion with me as to closing your box if the rent is not paid, but the gov ernment : demands, that I shall close them. - : . - 5. ;. tf ..:.. ' j .... . - , J. S. BASNIGHT, P. M. , The following are rales of the De partment governing the - use of rented boxes l am now giving for the benefit of the patrons of this office; The use of boxes is restricted to one individual, family, firm, or corporation except in such cases as are spec tried in this section. An individual tenting a box may have placed therein-: 1 Mail addressed to himself. ' 2 Mail addressed to a visitor abiding with him.TJ: " ' 3 Mail addressed to his care or the number of his box by persons who wish im to take care of it for them tempo rarily. 4 Mail addressed to members of his family. , -1 5 Mail addressed to bis servants or other employees who abide in his house. 6 Mail addressed to his confidential or official employees not abiding with him. 7 Mail addressed to a relative or otrP" er person who permanently in his house as do the members of his family. A boarder in a family is not a member of the family. A renter of separate apart ments in the house with a family or a person who maintains a separate table is not a member of the family. 13 A person after having " attained majority is a member of bis parents or guardians family so long as he contin ues to abide within the domicile of his parents or guardian as a member of his family and does not engage many bust ness or avocation separate and apart from that of his parent or gua-dian though himself. tbe head of a family provided his family also abides with that of his parent or guardian Bubject to the eame conditions 14 A person having attained his ma jority and living in a house rented from his father or in separate apartments of the house occupied by his father's fam ily is no longer a member of bis fath er's family. 15 The mail of permanent boarders at a hotel or boarding home must not be placed in the box rented by the pro prietor thereof; whether assigned for the use of himself and family only, or for the general use of his hotel, but the mail of a guest or transient boarder, when a1dre.ed to the number of the house or the name of the hotel if not delivered hy carrier should be placed in tbe box assigned to the use of such ho tel or the proprietor thereof: 16 A firm renting a box may have placed therein; 1 All mail addressed to its name. 2 Mail addressed to its official em ployeej. 3 By the consent of all members of a firm, every member thereof may have mail addressed to himself or members of his family deposited in the box as signed to its use. 17 Corporations renting a box or drawer may have placed therein only ( 1 Mail addressed to its name. 2 Mail 'addressed to its officers by their official titles. J. S. BASNIGHT, P. M. New Bern, N. C, June 15th, 1911. HELP FOR THOSE WHO .HAVE r STOMACH TROUBLE. " : After doctoring for about twelve fears for a bad stomach trouble, and tj end ing nearly fire hundred dollars for med icine and doctors' fees, I purchased my wife one box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did h r so much good that she continued to uue them, and they have dime her more good than all of the medicine I bought before. Samuel Boyer, Folsom, Iowa. This medicine is for sale by all Dealers, Samples free. . - Eve'yn Arthur See, founder of "ab solute life," was found guilty in Chief go of the adiktion of Mildred Bridges. Children Cry : FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA - Aviator Atwood (lew in an aeroplane form College Park to Washington Park and played' a numiier of thrilling pranks. - 1 - HAPPIEST GIRL IN LINCOLN. A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "1 bad been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and stomach trtuble. 1 be gan taking. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I waa able to be up and got better rierht along. -1 am the proudest girl in Lin coln to find such a good medicine.'. For sale by all dealers. ' River, Mud and Lava.' Tbe mud moved by rivers and lavs discharged by volcanoes are great fac tors In transforming the face tbe earth year by year. . The- Ganges, In India, earrlua down every year aa much mud as would make sixty of tbe great pyramids of Rgypt and which, It were brought In ships, would requlr 2,000 full ulied merchant vessel laden with the mud to sail down the Ganges every day. The eruption of the Sliap'tar Jokull volcano In Iceland In 1783 produced a torrent of lava ninety miles luv length, from seven to fifteen miles broad and at places 000 feet deep, s ninae e.ual to Mont Blanc, the grentont mouutiiln In the Alps. -Loulavllle Courler-Jonrual. Never leave home on a nut a tottln (,f Clinrul, ( I- ' I fin I I'. ,rrl,r..--i I' journey with r; ' folio, '. It l FINE LOT E WATER MELONS JUST RECEIVED AT YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L. McDaniel 41 Middle St. Phone 91 HARDWARE AND Building Ma ierial Paints, Oils AND Varnishes American Field Fence i lew Bera, I. 0. HENRY'S .. Prescriptions from all. physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled." Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. - Pharmacy PHONE 173 FOR SALE BY ILL CO. Middle St , " New Bern, N. C. BO SOUND W Home Tools Y 1 1 The better the tool, the I .-1 better the work. There 1 J rvf 0n ,urt way get tne 1 III best tool for any purpose 1 I mil 1 iwrnii I Quality Tools . f m and Hut roe . frtthem by bar -, 1 "log irora us and ew' ' " looking for the h tlb-t l , 1 trdtmark.Tery JfJXi ? J Keen Kutter tool V i im I jlV UxaaranlmL CASK Lake Drummond Canal & Water ; . ; Co. - Lake Drummond Transportation TV' Co. ' Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. -Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth Always. . Quick Transit ior Tramc, Prompt . Towing and Freight Movement - FosUoIIh, towing and freight rates apply at office in Seaboard Bank BuilJj ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Vs, M. K. King, Pres. J. A. V:.':-,tx J. B. Cax- r, r I. T. 1 V.'ff-n f-ite bou 1 t our .' ILDrOirTM

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