) Our Methods Made Clear. ' We will gladly tell you what you want to know about this , bank the protection if affords and the iervice it fenders and explain it in such a manner that you will readily under- stand even though you may hot be familiar with .the many details connected with modern banking. - We will show you the exact condition of the institution, explain any part of . our statement not clear to you and. if you wish, advise you ' - - in any business matter in which our knowledge and experi ence can be of. value. mrnm MMi illicit: diamond buying. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 1 Has sinco 1894 given "Thorough Instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost." . - . RESULT: It Is to-day with its faculty of 32, a boarding patronage of 828; Its student body of 400, and its plant worth $140,000 v , THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA ' ' $150 pays all charges for the year, including table board, room.llghts, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition in all subjects except music and elocution. For catalogue And application blank address, " REV. THOS. ROSSER REEVES, B. A., Principal. MACKSTONE. VA. - EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall term begins Sep tember 2i, 1911. For catalogue and other information, address. ROBERT H. WRIGHT. PRESIDENT. 1 GBEENILLlv II C. Meredith College. One of ; he few college, or women in the South that confers an A. B. degree reprcMnt ins four years of genuine college work according to th Standard Collage. Diploma, awarded in th School, of Elocution, Art and afuiic Library facilities excellent. Systematic trainiug in Physical Education under director. Courts for basket-ball and tennis. Boarding Club, where, by about half an hour of dally domestic service, students Mrs from S52 to $68 a year. -- Students not offering the necessary unitsfcrmterane may prapar in Meredith Academy. Belitt J to be the cheapest woman's, eslleg of Its grade m th South. For catalog. Quarterly Bulletin, or fuller Inforrortion, address. ' RICHARD TILMAN VA'NN, Raleigh, N. C. TRINITY COLLEGE . 1859 1892 1910-1911 Three memorable dates: The Granting of the Charter for Trinity College; the Removal of the College to the growing and prosperous City of Durham; the Building of the New and Greater Trinity. . - Magnificent new buildings with new equipment and enlarged facilities. . ' '.' Comfortable hygienic dormitories and beautiful pleasant surroundings, , Five departments: Acadenvc; Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering; Law; Education; Graduate. For catalogue and other information, address. R. L, FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, N. C. -i , II. 1 - - - n n i i - , Tnnity Pat t School; .- ' ' KSTABLISHLl) 1808 : Location ideal; Equipment unsurpassed. , Students have use of the library, gymnasium and athletic fields of Trinity' College. : Special attention given to health. A teacher in each dormitory looks after the living conditions of boys under his care. V ' ' - Faculty of college graduates. Most modem methods of instruction. ' -V . Fall term opens September 13. . t ' For illuBtrattid catalogue, address . : , W. W. PEELE, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina Five, regular Couikes leading to Degrees. Special Com see for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. fall Session begins September IV 191 1. For catalogue and other information address k JULIUS I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C. "V" ft ik i ri r. rtitniiin vim m ii h hr, hliM i i i, l, in- I . ( .nf t- i ill - in. iy .r"H THE NOTRU CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND FJECHAN1G IRTS : TBI STATX'3 INDUSTRIAL COLUCI Four-year courtss in , Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Industrial Chemistry; in Cotton Manufacturing and .Dyeing. Two-year courses in Mechanic Arts and in Textile Art One-year courts In Agriculture. These courses are both practical and scientific. Examinations for admission are held at all county seats 0.1 July 13. For Catalog address THE REGISTRAR, V tr ! 1 1. N. C Dodges the Traders Worked In Kin . barley's Early Days. There are as many stories of I. D. B -L e.. Illicit diamond buying in South Africa as there were of smuggling in England a century ago. Louis Cohen tells of some of the dodges Id his "Reminiscences' of - Klmberley's early days, ,MDogs were enlisted in the traf fic and used as carriers. Often the poor animals we're, first kept without food until they were on the verge of starvation and then given, lumps of meat containing diamonds, which they bolted. Safely arrived at CUristlania, across the Vaal river, the faithf u dumb friends of man were Immediate ly rewarded for their services by hav ing their stomachs ripped up and the Imbedded baubles taken out Horses. too, were utilized, being fed with balls of meat containing diamonds and driv en across the river under the very noses of the police. Carrier pigeons were requisitioned to 'fly through the air with the greatest of ease' laden with the brigauds' booty. Hollowed heels Inclosing diamonds sealed down with wax were also expedients em ployed with decided and. profitable success." One lady had an Ingenious way of getting out of a scrape. She was cooking dinner when a Cape boy knocked at the door and sold a forty carat diamond to her husband. "It was a trap. A detective Immediately rushed In to arrest the buyer, search ed the housv but no diamond could be found. The good wife had placed it in the stuffing of a goose she was bast true.' . 3 Right in your busiest season "ken you have the least time to sp: l e y n are most likely to 'take' diarrho a an 'I lose several days time unless you i ave Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and D.. r rhoea Remedy at and and take adote. on the first appearance of the diseate f or sale by all dealers. AN ELUSIVE BONE. A Clear Cass. The beautiful young prisoner entered the box In ber own beliuli. "What Is your age, miss?" asked the lawyer. "Forty-eight" was the steady reply The feminine Jury caught Its breath with an audible little gasp and mil there rigid. "How much did you pay for the bni you are wearing?" "Ninety -eight cents." "Are you guilty of the crime that 1 charged against your "No." Thus did the wily prisoner attempt to establish ber veracity and then con' vlnce the Jury that sbe was innocent But don't forget that this was a Jury of Women. A verdict of incurable In sanity was brought In. New Xork Jouruat "Yarbs" Ws Have Known. - What bus become of the elderly lnd.v who in the seventies and earlier nl ways, referred, to, an "herb" as n "yarb? The word has gone out ol use. About the meanest "yarb" was a bitter weed named "thorough wort' Then there was cammermlle, dock root and dandelion. In their miserable part nershlp, lobelia and catnip. These things were "steeped," and you took them or had them thrust upon you "for your blood" Minneapolis Jour nal. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS IS THE PRICE OF PEACE. The terrible itching and smarting, in cident to certain skin diseases, is al most instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 26 cents. For sale by all Dealers. ; Boys and stenographers headed 14 Are insurance companies raid in Philadelphia. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Ingenious Etymology. In an article in the Nineteenth Cen tury the Kev, A. H. T. Clarke credits Professor Richard Porson with a phllo logical jeu d'esprit. Porsou was a great English scholar who, among oth er astounding feats of memory, could repeat all of Gibbon's foot notes by rote, ft'.v '"- A farmer once meeting him in A pub lie house challenged him to derive bis own name, which was Jeremiah King, from cucumber. .The farmer thought he had "stumped'! the scholar, but Porson Immediately accepted and wor the challenge.. '' , "Jeremiah King," he began. "Jeremy King. Jerry King, Jerrykln, Jorkln Gherkin," Porson triumphantly con eluded, "which la a cucrtmuer." Sprains require Careful treatment Keepqult and apply Chamberlain's Liinimont ireeryv it win remove me Carts to a healthy condition. For sale y all dealers. " The kickers' trust is formed princi pally of people who cannot get into any other triiata. , '. ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA One of the surest ways of becoming a bore is to cultivate the babit ol giving advice. .'. . ",-, , LsR Is Slid to B Indcstructibla, but It . Is Hard to Locate. Much scholarship , and anatomical knowledge have been employed from time to tlmeu efforts to Identify the bone loz. Bald ' by ancient Hebrew writers to be the nucleus from wbick the body is reconstructed at tbe resur rection. There are many marvelous stories of tbe Indestructibility of luz, and the bone pas been located by rival Claimants to the honor of discovering tt in various parts of the human skele ton. The most careful searching of the last published and ajiiplest treatise on oste ology will not result in tbe discovery of the bone called lus. It will be nec ensary to go to tbe Krankfort edition of tbe "Thcntrum Anatomicum" of 3aspar Bnnhinus 121 for a descrip tion: "It la slated by Hebrew writers to be a bone which cannot be destroy ed by fire, wuter or any other element, nor.be broken or bruised by any forcn Its site is In. tbe spln'e from the eight eenth vertebra to the "femur. "We rend thpt the Emperor Hndrlnn once nsked Itabbi Joshua, tbe son of Chanui. how God would resurrect man 111 the world to come. He made answer, 'From tbe -bone luz in the spiaal column.' When Hdrian asked b 1 in how be came by tins knowledge and how be could prove it the UxbM Joshua produced the bone so that tbe emperor could see tt When plated in water It could not be softened; It va not destroyed by flrfi.i nor could it bo ground by any weight; when placed on an anvil nnd struck with a hammer the anvil was broken In sunder, but tbe bone remained Intact" Hleronymus Maglus represents that according to tbe TalinmllKts. the real bone Is near tbe base or the skull, whether it be In the base llself or In the spine. Vesnllun writes that this ossicle Is described bv the Arabs us resembling a chick pea in size and shape, nnd Cornelius Agrlppa describes it as "niagultudlne olcerls mundatl" (the size ot a shelled pen) Different anatomists have he'd Ii rnrtously to be the sacrum, the coccyx (be t wolf t Ii dorsal vertebra, one of (he Wormian bones tn ihe skull nnd one of the sesamoids of the great toe.-I-jondon Luucct. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Ftie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Twenth-one employes of butleri.ne manufacturers in Chicago were charged with conspiracy to defraud the Govern-nent. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE. May not result from the work ol lire bugs, but ofteii' severe burns are caused that make a quick ned for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores, It subdues itifl immation. Ir. kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skiti eruptions, ulcers or pile Only 25c ai all dealers. Legal Notices MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of powsr of sals contained in that certain. mort-age deed executed by Susan J. Hyman on the 36th. day of August, 1911, to the undersigned, mortfrag-ee, which mortgage deed is recorded in book number 166. page 221. in the office of the register of deeds of Craven f county. the undersigned, will on the 14th. day of August. 191L at the court house door in New Burn at 12 o'clock ni. on said day. sell to the hightest bid der for cash the following discribed tract of land. Lying on the south side of Neuse river, and on the west side of Clubfoot Creek, in number Ave township, in Craven county. North Carolina, containing 37 acres more or leas aid being the same land conveyed by deed from Isaac Carter. Martha Carter, Nancy Moure. Benjamin Mart In and Mary Martin to John Bell which ded is re corded it book No. 141 page 56. in the office of the register of deeds of Craven county. July 13 th. 1SII, JOHN S. GARRETT, Morgagee. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to a Pow-r of sale contained in a cer tain ri-al iMilate mortgage cxpciitt-U by Asa Ipock to William Kpeiht, bearing date the Jst dny of January. and recorded in the records of Cra ven county in book Nu. 1418, pskc 47f. I will acll at the court houec door in New Hern. N. C, on Mon day. the 14th duy.of August 1911 at twelve o'clock M. to the highest bidder for euah, all the follow ing defcribed property as conveyed in the mort gage afforeaaid. lnt tract beginning ata maple on the main run of Broad Creek, and running thence a straight line to a ditch. th-nce with said ditch to Alice disking' line near the ruad leading from Cross Branch to Gum Swanvp; thence with Alice Gaskinn' line to Stapleford's line thence with Sta ulcfonl's line tu the ruu of Broad Creek then up and with the creek to the beginning, containing ir acres more or less. 2d tract beginning at a pine on the Walker road and running S 15 E 64 poles to Joseph Wiley's line, thence with said line to the road that leailH from Cross Branch to the Walker road, thence with said road to the begin ning, containing 9 acreH more or less. 3d tract liepinning at a stake in the Gilbert Gaakina line on the Walker road, thence with said line N 27 W 2 yards, thence N 73 E 66 1-2 yardB. thence S 27 RIl'J 1-2 yards to the Walket ruat thence with said road to the beginning containing one acre. WILLIAM SPEIGHT. Mortgagee. July 14. 1911. NOTICE OF SALE EXECUTION. road, the place of beginning; containing tea acres, more or km. and being a part of the tract of land known aa lot No. on which was allotted to Alexander Caytou in the division of lauds of W. R. Carton, dee'd.. which division is recorded in said office In book 142. page 287. This 8th. day of July 19IL ' J. W. B1DLLE. Sheriff. North Carolina Craven County i J. M. Arnold In the Sup'r. Court. The Parrot and the Nut. Brutes are itble to compare und dls Unguis h. A parrot will ttike up u uul and throw it down iiuiti wltuout at tempting to. pruck it. Ilo bus" found Inut it is light; this he could discover only by couipni'lns the weight of the good nuts wlih that of theJjud, uud hi has found that it bus no kernel; this be could only discover by what phllos op hers would dignify wilh the grand tiLle of a 'syllogism namely, "ull lighi nuts are hollow; this is a light nut. therefore the nut is hollow." Maj alulier. F. S. Rexford, 615 New York Life BidR., Kansas City, M., says, "I had a severe attack of a cold which settled in my back and kidneys and I was in great pain from my trouble. A friend recommended t'oley Kidney Pills and 1 used two bottles of them and they haw done Die a world of good." F. S Duffy. . ,y WEEKEND EXCURSION TICKETS To Norfolk Ami Virginia Beach ilUIT vIS)lV' V .ivew Southern 1y., to Norfolk, " . Va., And Kelum. Saturday Week End $ 2 50 $ 4 75 2 50 4 75 2 60 From Goldsboro,. LaGrange Kinston Dover New Bern Vanceboro Washington 2 50 2 50 2 25 2 25 4 75. 4 75 4 75. 4 75 3 75 Matfio' Cloths. ' Many housewives gladly ray 25 cent for so called "mairlc"' cloths, as they r very useful for silver and other metals. Being dry, they do not soil tbe bands or clotbluft and do their work until the cloth Itself wears out To make such a clotli take one quart of gasoline, one-half pound of whit Inn and one-ebjhth ounce of oleic acid, mixing all together and jbaklug well Boak pieces of woolen cloth in the mixture and bnng them in tho opor air in ' shady place to dry. Whei' the cloths are dry the "mnjjlc" quali ties hnve been Riven to them, and theso t?;cy will never lose. Tbe materia) - Tickets to Virginia Beach 25c higher thn ' furnished to Norfolk. "Rules in proportion from all intermediate stations "Saturday tickets," sold for trains 6 and 16. due to arrive Norfolk. Sunday morning, good to return leaving Norfolk until train 1, Monday following date of sale. " " , ' -."Week End tickets," sold for trains 6 and 16, Friday night and Saturday train, good to return until train 1, Tues day following date of sale. Get complete information from near est agent ' WW CROXTON,. q. P. A., N-S R. R. . Norfolk, Va. There is no courage in the display of sorrow; but there is often real heroism in the control of it, . . ,.. . , . Unselllshness. is fcut a name unless he who claims it as a virtue possesses self- control. . ' ' : " OLD SOLDIER TORTURED. "For years I suffered unspeakable torture lrom indigestion, constipation and liver trouble," wrote A. K Smith, a wr veteran at fcrie 'e. , "but Dr. Kincr's New Lifij I'llls fixed me 1! rif lit. They're simply preat." Try t:.-!i for ny l"inv'h, I'ver or kidney 1 . ' 1 ( I " !t nil ' A, A. Caytun. Ry viitue of executions directed to the under pinned Crom the Superior Court of CrLven county in the above entitled actiur 1 will on Mundny. the 7Ui. day of AllKust. lull at twelve o'clock at the court huuse duur of said county. Bell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution all the riirht. title and interest which said A. A. (3aytun, the defendant, has or had on the 12th day of December, 1005. in the following; described real estate, to-w it: All thut certain tract or parcel of land situate in No. ono township. Craven county. N. C, ad joining the lands of Monr.o Miller. T. D. Willis, and others branded a3 follows, viz- Ri-irinning at a stake, near a pine st--"np on the side of the New Bern public road, it bcinir the beginning corner in the deed of A. A. Cayton and wife. Julia, to T. D. Willis and wire. Coi-i, dated 18th, September, 1S09. and wgistcred in the office of of the Register of l).!eds of Craven county. N. C. in book 177, page 1211 and running thence with mid pulic road to the new public road near the retidence of N. P. Willis; thence with the said new public road to a stake in AJonzo Miller's line; thence with the said Alonzo Miller's line to s stake in the line of T. D. Willis and wife; thence with the said Willis line to a stake on the public MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to power o sale contained in that certain teal aetata mortgage executed by Amoa F. Carter and wife Dolilia Elizabeth Car ter to Marer Hshn. bearing date of 20th, of Jan uary. 1898, the same being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county in book 126. page 39. 1 will sell at the courthouse door In New Bern. N. C. on Saturday. July 16th. 1911 at the hour of 12 o'clock M. to the highest bidder for cash, all of the following described property as conveyed in the m ortgage aforesaid, to-wit: Allour right, title and interest and es tate in and to the certain piece or tract of land situated in said Craven county on tho south side of Neuse river and on the west side of Clubfoot's creek, containing three hundred acres, mora or tens, being the same land that was granted to Johu Jones by patent duted 18th. day of Decem ber, 1794. and the same which was conveyed to Hardy L, Jones by John M Roberts and wife by deed dated the luth. day of Murc-h 1S47, and from Fid. Ft, Jones and ethers to O, W. Bell by deed dated 10th. day of Dncember. Ixfifi and by D. W, Bell to said Amos Carter and Alfred -Williby by deed dated 10th, day of Decemlier, Ife59 registered in otfice of the register of Deedn of suid Craven county in book CS folio 472. The intfrcst and estate in said land of th.; said parties of the lir.lt part and the same hereby conveyed being one half of said land. Default having been made in the payment of said note this sale is made to make payment thereof , This the 12th. of June. 1911. MAYER HAIIN' Mortgagee W. D. McIVER. Attorney FROFFSSIOSlL CARDS' ! V. M. Simmons, ) r A- I). Ward,' mm.. AfTOKNEl'S AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW . . . IIW BEEN, K. C, Office Robma 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones. Lenoir. Onslow. Cart eret,, Pamlico'; and Wake, in ; the Su preme and federal Courts, and where ever services are desired.. . , M;H BOffi as - DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office in Elka Temple Next Dr. G, A Caton, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN mum NOTICE OP PKOI'OSED BOND ISSUE. 1 North Caiolina, Craven County, In Ro. Mosely Creek Drainage OiaLrict. - It appear intt to the tmtisfat-tiim of the Board of Drainage CommiuBioncrtt of MohoIv Creek JJik trict, that the total anHfiminonL in said tlisti i:t exceeds the averafce of 2" cent per acre on nil the lands in the said dint net. notion is hereby (riven by tha said Board of D ruinate CoininiHBinimrs that they propose to" tBue ImihIh for thu con struction of said improvements, and th co4 and expenses already int-uri tMl, an allowed by law in the total amount of the sum of forty-two thousand dollars ($i2,000.00), hearintr i.iteret at the rat of 6 per annum, for the full amount of the assessment not paid into the County Treaa uper, toprether with th interest and cost of col lection and other incidental expenses: the said interest upon Raid bondn to ho due and payaltle aanuaHy. and said Umdssanil he paid in ten (10) equal installments, iruTCiqt'illnit'nt of th principal thereof tnwTiire at jtlio xcirulion of three yoara from Wrlate of the issue of Raid bonds, aod one installment each su4'eendinK year for nine (9) additional yearn. Raid bonds tearing date tha first day of Auk ant. l'lf. Said bonds whan 80 issued to be sold by said C'mnii i.sinners at not Ipsa than par: the proceoae t hereof to be ; ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Cm en,' Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Oi.bIow and in the State Supreme an1 Federa Courts. Offict No. 50 Craven fires. TaUphona No. 97 New Bern, P. C. devoted to the payment of the work as it pro erestkea. and to the payment of the assessment for said drainage district, and the construction ant! improvement thereof, and for the incidental expenses accruing and accrued therefor. And any land owner havinR lands assonsed in the District and not wanting to pay the interest oo the bonds bo to be issued, may, within thirty (30) days after the publication of this notice pay the County Treasurer the full amount of his assessmant and have hla lnd released therefrom. Thin 19th. day of May, 19.1. G. V. RICHARDSON. Chairman. Attest: i. H. WEST. Secretary D. L. WARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL LERAT LAW Hughes Building (.'raven Street New Lein, N. C. Practice in State and Forlrral courts. Circuit, Craven, Carton t, Junes and Pamlico and wherever Hervicea are de sired. 1 0 m. Made from pure distilled filtered wator. NEW BERN ICE CO. 19-21-23 Griffith St. Phone 23 J i 'r mMm PARENTS, GUARiAIlS, STUDENTS ffliM&MS Be Sure to Read all Ten Issues of Rii:liMOM, viui;im School v-c(ton Containing Announccrccnb of Leading Schools Each of the ten School Se. lkm-. for I'M I vill ! eiliii'.l so us to (reat some specific phase of educational work. Special tin Idea hnve been prepared m Ihe lines indicate .! by the. name of each respective number. . Interesting articles on Ihe fteneral MtibJecMn ejucai i..n uill apje.ir In every Issue, but the ieadinfl artN cles In each number will enl.uitc on the clus-l'UU suhjeci. FOP CATALOGUES ADDRESS ANY OF THESE SCHOOLS. . . . Wa .Iitniilou . ..AM.iaoii. W. V- . . . Al l-r'.i W. Va . . Kit ttlnouil 'd . . .riri lcniini o. Va ... U il in ore M.I . . . M:,llini.irc. M l ,. .M'b:inc. N C. . . . liowlmi d.vn Va . . , r.ntKf.u,T. V.i ...WHlll-Vllli'. x . . .Alnlic. N C. !() Iii'i.in I. .t A(aK'inv ot the ll.ilv Cum. . AMnon At3t1pwiy . . . , Alk'iflmuv CollfKtati Imtitute Art bi-huot ot kii hn.nii'l , AukuwIu Military Av.i'lcmy .. Hnltimort I aw S,-ht. a U.Ht iiiuito Mrfliiai t'ulli'Re... hiiiKtiam Slio4. 1 lie Bowling Gtroii Seniiairy ..... , lindifewatrr Collene lleriik School. I' lie biiiKliam Si-IkkiI, t he ....... CluBtei Sinnit:i Auiilemy CliamlieiLvlic Si luiiil. l'lie. . . Chullutin liiiiMM)iil liuli.. Tlie t liatimm. Va CiiamU-riuvhv S. b.iol Hiliiii.ml V: Cutiimliia In&tituLe t'nl,inilii.i. leim Co4irrativr Sciifiol hiltotd Tity Va Chkwa Collrt'e Danvnie C'nmmerc-ial Collet . . Iattiui(tuii Seminary LfctvlH-VVagnrr BuianniK ColM'ne brauKlmn M.miic Col,.(e . . . . Uun.'Uiorc I 'iktm Oalene Eaatern Col: t bllett'i S Irani Ml ... Elizabeth t'utt:ge r.iou coiiefte buury and Henry Collone... .. KNM.O Ilith Vlaxl Foik Union Military Aiailemy KUbbutn Military Sellout..... Fbucuier liiKtHute. ' ClotKCHtef Awidemy tireenbriet I'niibyterial School Grcentiboro Collrna Cuillord t'ollrife liilnma Country Scbom orenvillr female l-olli'ire . ... V .OlIHMIl'ill.. S C .li.inville Va. .Weet I 'lH iter Pa . N'irtotli V .ClilllltllHt S. C Stauntoa. Va MnuaftMii Va Ki liuimid Va. t l.arl.me N. C KWn t. olleoc. N. C , . . .bmnry. Va. . ,. .ieaii.lrn Va ., . .l orti t'rtii.n Va . . . AVaynefUiro, Va ....Warirntoil Va ... .Ctoii. eater Va. ., , .lwihliurii W Va ,,..(.nvn.l)i.i N. C. 1 ..,.(. .nHo.,1 l.olu-je N. C ,...K.4.in.l Pi.ik Al I ....tireenvillu, S. C Haynea' Qunlnm Cullew. naiiipton t.oMfrjie Ilainpilrn Sldney College.. , Huniiali More At-tideniy... , Herndon eieiniitary Itollina itmlttuv. KU-hmond. Va. ' ,, Hampton Va ....... HnniHl.-n .Sidney Va. ....... Keitttertinvn Md , He nidon Va ..... .Molliiu. Va. Hmner Militmy School tuinirt N C ilamilton Sdboot...., , .Wa.hinrtntv D C Innlenldc luminary ......... ,,..Bi. ikcvilla, Va. ' Jeffrnon School lor Boya... Charlntteavlllc. Va Klng'a BuaineM CoHeRc Rnleluh N K Kin I: fninary l. Dora k Giila. . KichmiHid. Va. , ' Louitburg Colle .....Loultwr. N. C : Maryland Hehool lor fllrh,a.,.,IMk Rawn nj Mary Baldwin Semlnirv Staunton Va ManflMa IndiMtnaJ School for Col- . ored Vouth Manama, Va Mawanntten Academy.. Wmalmo. k Va Medunl t oileveot VirdoU Hu liniond, Va Merrdilh Collrife. , . . Rul.-ie.li S. C , Money School Th nnipheH Va. MorrMa' tit hoot Mil. Klclimoiui Va Mil. uire llmvenity School KUhmoml. Va Madmoa HnU Wlnnnu,a. O. C Ml de Nile Academy ol tha Vial tatioa , CantotiaviUe. Md - tvory Isstie a Feature June 2s. 'I e.lt hits' Nmuliir . July 7 University nnd Oillcfie NllMlllll. July 1. Iluiiitens Ct.lle'e Numli.T. July lh. boys' Schonl Ntmiher. July J... Kliiilaty School Numhfr. ' Itlv 30. t;iiis' - School " Ntt m her. Auj. ft. J ipci I al . tiniler. Atii K. Co-iidiicu. . tionat Number. An jl. J. MiihIc ltd Art Number. Auo.. J7. rainira' anj Gu.irdUna' Number. M.ii'lan. College .Nil M. Aiftun College. I.uthervllle. Md. Ml Wu.hiiiKtou. Md. Nirimni buiiiteat College ........ R.nnnke:; Va.' ' N-iiiii.iI and Caieijlale Inailute. . .Auhevillo, N C .(.harte Store, M4 None Haim-ol Maryland link Klil.'e In. I it nle. . . , , Oxtui.I 1'i'iii.ile ScmiiKtry ,, I'.-iiie K,Ihi4 , . , I'lidliii. llinJtH School Tbe! riiv.iiat.in Coik-fe I'ouli-ilan ii.Htitote.. . , ., ,v . ...Oak Kidce. N C ...Ouord. N. C t ...Philadelphia, Pa. . ., .I'hiladelplua. Pa. ...Churlea .owo. W. Va. . UeiOiKl. Va lt.in.l.il.li Ma, on Woman' College Lym-Mim. Va, , ....Anliland. Va. . ...Fiont Kuyal, Va. . ...Hcllnid City, Va. . ...Uiiiiville. Va. ....Hi.hniond. Va. . ...Kichniond. Va. - .nill.olt City. Md, . . . .Chrlottevlllc. Va. . . . .Haiti more, Md. . . , .A.lirville, N. C. . . .'. Knunh, N. C Ka.i'l.-lpll Mat mi Collene. K.iii.1 Hph-.Ma.oir A.a-1emy .. it.ind.ilph 1av-on Aiadetny ., itaii-i.ilidi i.,,on luMitute ,. Uliliin-in-l Actidemy Kit liiii.ui'i L iill..e K'l l.in.lH'1 Skll.Mll Ol Ptnrenalnit . WL-hnuinil'-V ki, liin .n.1 tfuikervatory .a Miulc Hirlimoud. Va. KkIhihwI 1 1 jiuiiij; Sthiwl lor Kin ' di-iairtikT.v...... Richmond. Va. KtMiinket ,.,.e fialem. Va. I'.fMiu.ki- ln.titi.tr. Dnmdle Va. HoiiHike HiiMiteiv College Rmnnke. Va. ni k tiiH i mii-le? . Jit Anne School. St. t atlieiine Normal liwti.. St l...iii. ve CoHe-e ., M. Marv'e S. b'Kit . . s . . . St. PhiI Nornuland Ii. na. School. I awrencrvlllR. Va. h.ilem I'em.ile Acnd. and Collrna . . Wlnitoti-Snleia, N. ft MirinndiKh ColleRlate n.tltuis. . .Dnytun Vn, Shcnniklnib Vulli-y Aiairmy ,,,..WImhetrr, Va. offiltlalral IWInna, Coltegt Richmond. Va. Soutliero l-'emalr t'olli-ire .Peterebitie, Va, Koiitliern Hredjytrriaii Collrge and CnrvaiiMv ot klimli .Red Stirlnira, N. ft Southern Sr-inlnary ..Uuerci VU14. Va. Soutn-rn Shorthand and Buidnem , UmverMly , .ortnlk, Vn , " Mnte l-emate. Normal Si.IhxiI. Karinville. Va. Mate Nritnul S. hl.' , .Hnrrinonliurg, Va. State Norm it and Indue Sihool. . .Krederli ksluirg, Vt, Staunton Military A.ndemv Staunton, Va Sunewall )jikm In.tllute. ...... Alniiirlnn, Va. Munrl Had ,. Staunton Va. iull-ml ni and rone at Muatc ...Hn.t.J Va Sei llliai t ollfRe, ........ , Tinak-y Military InMltnte .. 1 nuit y I illi-e Inntty I'aik Sliool LrlllVeraltV CotlcKC ot Medicine t'r.ivrrylty ol North Cetubna . (trtivrmty jl Virginia U S. Cmieirot Vet rueon. ., Virtmla t'hrtlla College V114111M t'.li.pe , . . . Vu tloiu nifl Stiiutlnrul College Viimnw Me, haw. Institute . Virifl'IM Mllllvrv lll-tllule. Vir ptiij rolytcbm. Iimtitute, . . V'T.lt.nrt'-n and l.e I'mceitlty . William eni Miry t.ollne V lul-elt (. nil- t' Vc '.nun', t .ill. . . 1 ...Sweet briar, Va. ...Wlmlon Salem, ft ft .. .Duiliani, N. C ...liutlmm. N. C ...Richmond Va. ...Chapel lllll. N, C ...Chatiotteaytlle. Ve ...Waiiiliiuioii D. ft . , .l.yniMuire Va. . . . Un.in-.ke. Va. . I.yni M.nrg. V. . Ku lmi.m.1. V'a. .l.t-xin.-ioii Va k .!.. Va .1 r n . ill V 1 . V M- .,,,(..,,. 1 V.h:. ,.. . TTT.TTT. TTTXTrTn 1

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