NEW BERN, CRAVEN COJJNTY. N. C. FRIDAY JULY, 21, 1911 --SECOND SECTION 34th. YEAR COOL WAVE TO THE VITAL SELL EX POSITION SITE APPflCIG OPEN SALOONS No. 31' RETURNS BRYAN WOULD TEST CANDIDATES It COTTON DROP CAUSE EXCITEMENT DRASTIC CAmPAlGil SPARK ISSEEN Weather Bureau TredicU Unusual ; . It Cool, Unsettled Weather : " For This Week. t Washington, D. C, July 1-folio w ing the hot wav.4 that;ly brought i ajeaui biiu' BHiieiing "to-. ms ' wnoie country, bis week's weather proipines tafa&tsb qarprtow in the. other direc tion, with the result that unusually . low summer temperatures probably will prtvail. The Weather Bureau sees in an abnormally hih barometic pressure over the interior of Canada and Alaska, and relatively low pressure in the Atlantic Ocean, the conditions that will usher in a fool wave. ' "This pressure distribution is Strong ly indicative of temperatures below the seasonable average tlw coming week," said a Weather Bureau representative, 'm a-3 parts f the oom try from Mon tana to -the Atlantic Coast..- Tha week will open with generally fair weather east of the Rocky Mountains, except tiwrt showers are probable Tuesday in 'the Middle Atlantic and New E gland States end during the next several days inhe South Atlantic and - Gulf States. An era of unset t'ed weather 'and Bhowers will develop over the Mid 1 die West about Thurvufny, and thence spread eastward .to the Atlantic States by the latter pnrt of trm wci-k." Refrigerators. Will sell the hslanre loft oyet at. t.lio following prices, (u-nnino l'oivclenn lined Leaard Cloanablo, the $25 HO at $22 50, the 35 DO at jWOO, the if 10 00 at 35 00, t-he i5 (Ml at 4 00. Tim above AhIaaq nw. (KA 1. ........ ..IV....J fi aic luncai. itu lvim 1IIK.-IU this class of goods at. liver) one car ries guarantee that they wilt do nil you expect any refrigerator to do. - ' J. &: MILLER. Captures Box of. Whiskey. : Whileon his ritnt on Si.uth Front trM)t. v&ntckrtiu m-irnintr ftfTi.'ui- 1itrl; 'espied a colored drayman who had on hta wagon a box which' looked - very eusfMcfoMg to the ofTu'er. . lie decided to investigate, and upon doing so found that it contained a quantity .f whiskey He questioned the drayman in regards to whom the whiskey belonged and was told that it wan the prop erty of Jim White, colored. Further questioning fulled to elicit any infor mation as to where Hit, said White cootd be found, nnd, t.e i whiskey was confkcatbd a"I vLjl'i to wdice head quarter where it now await an owner. Notice of Loss of Certificate of - MOCK. a Notico is hereby given that I have lost or misplaced Certificate No. 01 for ten shores of soriee No. 4 of the capital Stock t tike flow Building & Loan Associate) isHued to me, said certificate bearing OAte May 1st. 1900.. If Same is not found within thirty days n,.)k' tkx wM be made by me for dnUu'i eertiGeate, . . t . - 1 F. L. PERKINS, This the 30th, day of June. 1011. -Few Rules of JfpstDl Savings Bank. 1 The announcement made : in The Journal Sunday morning that New Kern had been designed as one of the places at which a postal savings bank . l J - i. l nMA.,Aj v in 1 1 buuii in 1 1 1 ir i n 1 1 i.irn i. i-i i tiiiniiiii ' able interest. No request for such an institution had been made and it was quite a surprise to' the public.'' The - banking rules an! regulations of the postal savlngA bank are very peculiar. Not more .than $100 can tie deposited during any ' one month by any one ,. depositor and total - depos its cannot exceed $fi00i -There is a provision, however, that patrons who ao desire can invest their money in government bonds and in this way be able to deposit large amounts: ,- NOT1CK. . r : y Beginning at. once, the Norfolk-South ern trtin No, 92 from New Burn to Waahingt'in, N. U.( and intermediate points will run Tuesday, Thursday ind Saturday, instead of every day. Freight for these poinds Vill need to b delivi-r- d the day before to insuio leaving, on j tnese dates, , . M. W. W 4 MR EN, , .' Agent. Smiths to CIVe Uoke a Welcome. Wiihuigtoii, D. C. July IS -The Smiths in C.mtrriu; are prupairtng to give Hnke inith, the new Senator from 0 ori, a hull roeeplinn u pull his arrival. There nre nlrhdy tivn Smiths in Mo II' U e. In (he Senate them is n Snuih frmii Mu-liii'M", oms fprn Mirjlrtml, (inn lrm ro it!i Caro 1' it mij ii"W co;ui .rni;li from (lor- Alabama Tire of Prohibition Ai- . ter Voting On The Question , v . Three Times. ' , . ' Montgomery', Ala., July 17 After the quioteit campaign aver held in-this county, Montgomery is voting today on the return of saloons. . The local option tuts have thoroughly organized their forces and are confident cf victory by 2,590 majority. : , ':': ' : ,' ,. , :" ' In Russell county an election will be held Monday on the same question. Sentiment is said to be all oneway there. Girard and'Seale will be the. two towns that ( will probably get the open saloons. This will be the third local option election held in- Alabama under the Parks law and indications point to a general reversal of prohibition senti ment throughout Alabama. Just Arrived 1 dozen. Hammocks, bright new' col ors never been selected over. We had unusual large sales on Hammocks, there fore we are reducing. .Come and make selection. You can get a good strong Hammock for $2 50. : - J. S.' MILLER. Damage By Cyclone. Port Deposit, Md., July 18- A cyclone practically destroyed Richardsm'ent, a hamlet eight miles north of here, and swept everything from its path, in Otoraro Valley. A flour mill built to m'ike flour for Washington's arm' , an i whxh was still in operation, was dtni.!ishe1. The total damage is esti mated at ?40,OCO. Attempted Big Swindle. New York. July ' 18 The police ar rester! a well dressed man, who said he was Edwrd B. Kahn, of New Orleans, vho i charged with having' ordered from cloak and suit manufacturers in Oris tiiy goods to the value of f 60, 000 m the name of a Chattanooga, Tei n., 'lrn to- whish the goods were ordered shipped. One of - the firms visited by K-rlin wired to Chattanooga for con fir niaUon of a $10,000 order, and received a reply that the company had no buytr in the New York market;. LOST, Strayed or Stolen two cows, ore red with white back, the other blnck and white; marked smooth crap right, and two .slits in the left ear, Been gone 6 months. ' Any information may be sent to C. M. Eubank, Mays vilie, N. C. ' ' May Manufacture Wine And Sell, It At Home, u' ' : Raleigh, July 19 So many farmers are making inquiries in regard to the manufacture and sale of win9 that Deputy. Sheriff Crocker today , asked that it be stated that any person may ii ko wine from bis own fruit and sell ' fin on bia place in sea'ed pack-r-'4 of i gal'ons or more. The pro n it dies not. prohibit the far mer" from making wine provide'! he does not carry the stuff from his pren isea to sell it or put it op in packages of lets than two gallons and a half. ' We can't keep the mos quito and fly, out of your yard, but we can furnish you with . (he material to keep them out of your soup and bed-room. Cost nominal. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. . Mr. Brace Craven Inters Law y.'.'. : Business. ' . The folio win? item will be of inter est to many of, our readers who are arquainted with Mr. Bruce Craven, brother of Prof. H. B. Craven of this city. ' , ' . . North Wilkeshoro, July 18 The new partnership of Hackott & Craven, for the general practice of law, begins busi ness here todays . Mr,' F, D. Haskett has for a number of years been one of iho leading lawyers of thit section of the Stste and was for some time grand master of the State organisation of Fulluwa ' Mr. Rruea fvn. ( though young in the law, is well known to the public by his work in education and writing, and he tin in the short t;me he has been here become an a tive citizen. The new firm begins with a large practice. -t - KOTIOC B 'ginr.inif July 31 1911, the general delivery win low, on Sundays, will open one half hout, "after the morning mails are up The stump window and the i'rriur wii.dow will not be opened on !" u tit a vs. J. . . . . , , it ... They Must Go Ou. Becord As To Various, Present aud Past, . n Policies of Party. Lincoln, Neb., . July 18. The Demo cratic Presidential 'aspirant are to be placed on record On public questions be fore the nominating convention is held if William J. Bryan has his way. Bryan, who, by reason of the rule which compels a candidate to receive a two-thirds vote of the delegates to se cure the nomination, will be a potent factor in next, year's convention, de clares in the Commoner : today that Democrats ahjpuld profit by the lesson of 1908. .' "The Republicans," ha says, "took Mr. Roosevelt's word for the political disposition of the Republican candidate for the Presidency, and they have been naturally, greatly disappointed. The questions he wants the aspir ants for the nomination to answer in clude; "Do you favor tariff lor revenue on- "Free raw materials and a revenue dutjijonly on manufactured goods? Uivmg consideration to th element of protection in revising the tariff? ''Election of Senators by the people? "The income tax? "Promise of immediate independence to the Fillipinos? "Publicity of campaign contributions and expenses? "Safeguarding of States' rights? ''Indorsement of labor planks of 1908? . "Strict regulatiou of railroads? "indorsement of the trust plank of the 1908 platform? "Aet currency in any form, and more especially the Aldrich monetary reform plan? "Legislation guaranteeing bank de posits?" . Bryan would als j put the aspirants on record on the question of keeping the three branches of goverment With-' in their Constitutional aphere and whether th y believe in the reading of "unreasonable" into the Sherman Anti- Trust law by the Supreme Court. Stockholders Meeting. An annua) meeting of the stockhold ers of the Bank of Dover, N. C, will be held at the bank building in Dover, on Friday Aug, lltb, 1911, W. H. CATON, Cashier. This 11th day of July 1911.' Political Hog Always Present About the meanest thing yet is the effort, already , under way to defeat Locke Craig for the nomination for governor next year, when it has been u iderstood that by reasoo of past events he would be nominated easily. There have always bean greedy hogs. Greens boro Record. - Killing an Unfaithful Lover V When a Jaoauese Ctrl bas been slighted by her lover she revenges her self according to tbe following qnalnt custom: In 1he dawn of tbe early mnrnlnff she rtaea sad DUtfl OO a White robe, and white clogs. Round ber neck she bangs a small mlrroe. wblcb rails , to her breast, and on ber head sne pnts a metal crown with three points, each point bearing a lighted canaie. In ber left band she carries a small figure of straw or rags up posed to represent her ; unfaithful lover and this sbe nails to one of tbe sacred trees surrounding the family shrine. She then prays, for the death of the man, vowing that If. this comes to pass she will pull out the' nails which air hurting the.sscred tree aud make of ferings to comfort her family god. Ev ery night she comes to tbe shrine, strikes in two mpre nails and makes tbe same prayer, ber idea being that the god, to save bis tree from further yUury, will kill her lover. . v A Well Known Man's Opinion. The Savodine Co., New Bern, N. C We have derived so much benefit from the use of SAVODINE, that we wish to add our testimony to the list of those already acquainted with its mer its. '- My wife hss been using SAVODINE for quite a while for cold in the head, also baa found it ft ready relief for CAT A RRH but above all that, is the fact of its having proved itself invaluable te us fur our baby. A short time ago he was ta ken very sick, and as be would clap his little hands to his ear. we decided he must be suffering with earache, and re alizing that something must be done at once, we put a tiny bit of SAVODINE in his ear eovered It with warm cotton and in a few minutes he was sleeping ss sweetly ss though he had never had a pain. We cheerfully recommend Savo dine as we will always feel grateful for what it hit: I lone for us. I C. LUMON, Chit f of lMva. i i : , :;. c Its Departure From , Dying Man Witnessed by X fi iy - ' ' Expert v -V : - - ' -- Chicago, July JSThe jftightof the vital spark" has hoeii witnessed, accor ding to a statement made today by Dr. Patrick S, O'Donnell, an X ray expert, who has been following up experim nts made by Dr. W. J. Kilner, of London, England. Some time ago, using a chemicalized film scaled between two thin sUips of glass, Dr. O'D mnell rave a demonstra tion to twenty physicians of the aura, or "electrical radiation" of living bod ies, four young women being used .as subjects. The aura developed as a strong ray of light surrounding the en tire form of the suject. "Last night," said Dr. O'Donnell, "in the prssence of several physicians at Mercy Hospital, I tried the experi ment on a dying man. He was rapidly sinking. Suddenly the attending phy sician announced that the ' man' Was dead. .The aura began to spread from the body', and presently disappeared. Further observation of ..thej. corpse re vealed no sign of the aura. "We da not claim that, the light is the soul, or spirit. In fact no one seems to know what it is, ' In my opinion, however, it is some sort of radio-activity made, visible by the use of the chem leal screen. My experiments, howev er, seem to prove that it is the anima ting power, or current of life of human beings." NOTICE. I have now returned to 'serve you. A large stock of all kinds of sawed Shingles Laths and Brick, For Shin gles see our prices, your price is mine, I know I can please you. BIG HILL The Shingld Man. DIED. Last night at 10:30 o'clock, . at bis residence No. 25 Nunn street, of ty phoid fever, Mr. Jas. H. Stanley. The funeral will be onnduoted from the res idence this af ffrnnon at 4 o'clock by the order of Red. Men of which he was a member. PRESIDENT HAS WjLErSANSWER Belief That Pure Food Expert May Get Reprimand But no Dismissal Washington, July 18th, Dr. Harvey W. Wiley's answer to the charges made against him by the personnel board of the Department of Agriculture was pre sented to President Taft yesterday Secretary of Agriculture Wilson re ceived the papers from Dr. Wiley just before he left the department for the regular cabinet meeting. He had no time to read them before the cabinet session began and declared that he would not be - able to make a reeommeodation. The outline of Dr. Wiley's defense was not knbwn by Mr, Wilson and was -not disclosed at the White House, Although Attorney Gen eral Wickersham is out of the city, the case was discuss! informally by mem bers of the President's official family. No announcement as to when the Pres ident will dispose of tha case was forth coming, but it is not probable that be will be able t settle it for several days yet. ; , . ; .Attorney General Wickersham speaks tonight in Duluth, Minn., and wbiloMr Taft, undoubtedly has gone over the tase with him before he left the city, it is believed Mr. Taft would wish his at torney general to read Dr. Wiley's an swer. . Mr. Wickersham will not be back in Washington before Friday, The President goes Friday afternoon to Ma nassas, Va., to attend a Blue and Gray reunion. Sometime Saturday he is go ing to leave for Beverly to' spend the week end with Mrs. Taft. Unless he ean settle the case Friday morning or late Saturday night It is possible that it Will go over until Tuesday when he expects to return to Washington from the summer capital. Dr. Wiley declined to discuss his an swer in any way, but intimated- that it was "brief and to the point. An un verified repot t is current here that the President will milily reprimand Dr. Wiley, but will not under any circum stances, requeit bis resignation, ' : President Taft told visitors that ow ing to the preis of Other business ha Would be unable to take up the Wiley case even with Secretary of Agricult ure Wilxon'a recomiN'-ndaticms availa ble, before Thursday. The TrfHidpnt also said that he Intended to rod every word .if the record and indicate ! ll.acit rt l.t t H.'ver.d d iys In-fore f i -, h- Judge To Name Commission to Sell Jamestown Exposition Grounds And Buildings. Norfolk, July -18,- Federal Judge Edmund Waddill, Jr., yesterday direct ed sale of the Jamestown Exposition site on Hampton Roads by commission ers, probably five in number, to be named by the court July 19th. The property consisting of 226 acres, togeth er with the exhibit and state buildings thereon, as well as all other improve ments belonging to the receivership estate will be sold, first in parcels and then as a whole persons offering tt bid on parcel lots being required to make $500 deposits and those offering to bid on the whole to make a deposit of $10. 000. The sale will probably occur in October after four weeks' advertise ment in each of the Norfolk newspap ers. The terms of the sale will be one fourth cash and the balance in three an nual installments. The commissioners of sale will de termine the ' number of parcels into which the property will be divided f. r first offer at auction. The division will probably be in blocks rather than lotf. There was some question as to how the water system on the grounds would be sold, but this was decided' in favor of its sale, in one parcel as a whole, the entire water workB system to be includ ed in the property .when the land and improvements are finally offered as a whole. The decree of sale Bfuhns the right of mechanics' liens to come in ahead of the Jamestown Exposition first mortg age of $400,000, heretofore decided by the court, when the mechanics' liens are valid. ThoFe nominated to the court today as special commissioners of sale were H. M Kerr, R. H Baker, R. M. Lett, H. C. D ivis and H. H. Rumble. Most of those named were trustees under various mortgages involved. The court said hTs raise J troublesome question and it would do the best k could. The Philadelphia Lawn Mower will make your lawn have a decent appearance when properly applied. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. F Bill Before New York Senate To Prevent Use of Benzoato of Soda Probably Killed. Albany, N. Y., July20-The canners' lobby has probable'! killed ,na hill of Senator Stil well, which prohibits the use of benzoate of soda as a preser vative in goods sold in this State. The bill is now at the foot of . the Senates gene nal orders Calendar and, in the na tural course, cannot be reached before the recess is ordered on Friday, The fight on the bill has been very bitter. It was prepared by Dr. Henry S. Black more, who was forced out of the Agriculture Department at Wash ington. When the bill was introduced the cannors' lobby immediately opened war on it, J , 18 Porch Rockers Left. A Want to move them to make room for Fall goods, should move fast consider ing the durability and looks, at follow ing prices. . , - t 8 00 Extra Largo Rockers at $ 2 60 2 60 ' . ' " 2 00 2 00 " , " " 1 75 160 " " " ; 1 00 We have them green or Bhelae. J. S. MILLER. Sale Property For Taxes. . Notice is hereby given that all the lands whose owners are ' delinquent in the payment of their taxes for the town of Bridgeton for the year 1910, and prior thereto, will bo sold for the pay ment oi .their taxes at the post office Bridgeton at 12 M. August 6th, 1911. and the followering named persons are particularly required to take notice that their lands, as described in the apace opposite their names below, are among those to be sold that the amount: of taxes expenses and costs due by each delinquent owner is set opposite his name and property. Allen John Lola Barrington, W. A I 8 i 1 1 1 $75 2 18 75 6 06 4 01 ', 1 50 B. St. Hardison, M. L. Hopwell, W. R.: Morton, G D. Wolman Mary West, W. S, Wethington Mary A. Agt. . ' ! 1 acre 1 (Williams 2 13 I 50 POISONERS IN OUT W. MOOK1 las ' Wide Decline In Futurea Falling Lower As Trade Pro- gresses. New-Orleans, La,, July 19. Yester day's cotton market was one of the mo; t exciting in many months, with heavy,. sales and sensational dcliness in all futures. Privated reports from Liver pool to the effect that the bull leaders were liquidating stirred up selling-or ders in all parts of the cotton world and futures on the New Orleans Ex change opened at a wide decline only to go still lower as trading progressed. When the trading was over it was the general opinion on the floor that the bull campaign in the summer months bad been abandoned, August, tbe most active old crop month lost -48 points at its lowest, or nearly half a cent, a pound. This represented an enormous loss on the lines of long Aug ust cotton, the bulls are supposed to own. The new crop months were hot as weak as August, although at their low est were $1,65 a bale cheaper than on yes'erday'a close. Tbe general opron ion was that leading bull interests materially lightened their load during the day. One brokerage firm that do.?s a large business for certain New York traders was a heavy seller at times, This was supposed to be liquidation. PILES ! PILES ! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts. Sole by druggiats, mail 50c and 1.06. Williams' M'l'g. Co, Prope., Cleveland, O. Series of Meetines at Kltt Swamp, The Journal is requested to announce that a protracted meeting will begin at Kitt Swamp Church this county. Tues day night, August 8th, to be conducted hy Rev. Charles C. Wise. A cordial welcome will be extended to all. Whole Country May Be Called Upon To Help Repel Asiatic Scourge. , New York. July 20. -The health'of ficers not only of New York, but of the whole country may be asked to help repel the threatened invasinn of Asia tic cholera. The discovery of five 'fchilera carriers" among the 400 im migrants undergoing bacteriological examination at Quarantine emphasized what Health Officer Doty has said about the difficulty of confining the disease to the quarantine hospitals of porta of entry. ' - x Dr. doty is conferring with Surgeon General Wyman, head of the United States marine hospital service to plan how , the country may be protected against "carrier" who harbor the germs, while themselves freo from their ill effects. A system of general observation is contemplated, bo that even after the 'arrier" ia released from quarantime the health authorities of the place I where he settles m iy watch for possi ble transmission or the disease. The case of these cholera carriers presents a puzzle. ' ' As yet the health authorities have not decided how soon it will be safe to permit them to be at largo. Only the careful system of bacteriological ex amination put into effect here when cholera appeared could, it is said, have detected the presence of cholera germs in these apparently healthy persons. The following bulletin relating to the cholera situation was given out at Quarantine at 9 a. m. , .- "At Hoffmau Island early this morn ing Domenico R incitell, aged 63 years. one of tha steerage passenger of the steamer Moltke, was taken with symp toms suspicious of cholera. At the Swin- burne Island Hospital no further deaths have occurred. On board the Anchor I Line stetmer Perugia conditions are satisfactory. London, July 20.-According to fig ures received in this city the deaths fro n tha plague in India have reached thomormous total of 650v690 for the half year ended on June 30. The disease has taken such a hold on that country that its tavages are little heard of except through the occasional official statistics. The British In Jia office n recent re ports S'hwa tnal ttiu epnloniic war par ticularly ' ViruW-nt this jeiir and that the most pcrHiiit nut fTurta to Ml amp it diit to " t a 1 1....... , i i j CHOLERA CAUSING MM PUBLICITY BILL Provisions So Sweeping as Virtual- ' ly to Make New . Measure a ' . . Corrupt Practices Act. ' Washington, July 19--Th most prat tic campaign publicity hill ever propoa - ed by either branch of Congress has passed the Senate. Tbe measure pas sed by the House was amended in such form as .virtually to make it a corrupt practices act Its provisions were mada , so sweeping that any Republicans and Democrats protested against them. The bill requires the publication of . campaign contributions both before and . -' after any election. This applies to State primaries and candidates for the v Senate and for Representatives are in eluded. Tnree ante-electious , state--1 ., menta must be filed. The record must contain not only itemized' accounts of funds, but of all legitimate expenses and all promises, made either by the candidate or for him. . , The expenditures of candidates to secure an election are limited to 10 cents for each voter in a State, the ag- . -gregate not to exceed $10,000 for a Senator and $5,000 for a Representa- v live It is stipulated that ' this provis- ' ion must not interfere with any limita tions imposed by the States. The re- j -gistering of statements in the mails, with postage properly affixed and other : precautions taken on the final day for -sending them in, will be accepted at fulfilment of the law. , ; ', The debate preceding the passage of the bill was spirited and varied. It was declared by Senator Heyburn tha bill gave legislative license for the enormous ' expenditure of money in elections. He accused the Senate of seeking to defame itself,'. ci . n & ia l - - OVIllttUr AWL DSIU It U1L0U JJVUe that honest men must suffer because of stringent regulations necessary to re- . strain dishonest men; He said corrup tion exists and it must be eliminated, -even if humiliation and inconvenience are required. ' !,:- .- ': -: . ' The full publicity provided for pri-. maries in some States did not deter men from spending great sums in further ing their elections, said Senator, Reed. In Wisconsin, he said, the successful candidate expendt d $107,000, or $2 for . each voter, while tbe opposing candidate . expended about $1.60 for each voter. Tha v State laws did not prevent this use of . money. He believed there should be a limit proportionate to the - voters of each State. '',- . '': An amendment was offered by Mr. Reed limiting expenditures to 10 cents - for each voter in a State. : Various Senators exclaimed that this . would be unfair. In New York a msr could use $140,000 in securing tbe Sena orship, while in . Nevada he must not exceed $1.000, . , I T j :jt i. I j . l uir. nereu Bmu lie wuuiu lurLeiJi. m maximum limitation of $25,000 for a Senator $8,500 for a Representative He also provided as a penalty exclusion . from seats or expulsion if seated before -the facts developed. . The penalty clause was pronounced unconstitutional and a long discussion 1 followed on that point Mr, Reed changed his amendment omitting the penalty clause and reducing the amount It was adopted. '- .-.-.' . Tbe Publicity bill will now be return ed to the House for concurrence. Stockholders Meeting. ' The next annual meeting of the itock ho'ders of the Atlantic and North Caro lina Railroad Company will be held ia Marehead City, N. C, on August 10th, 1911. V ,' ' . v ' :: D. J. BROADHURST. . '..-. ; -. , Secretary. Office of secretary Goldsboro, N. C, July 10th, 1911. . Struck by Lightning. Information received in this city yes terday stated that Oscar Grantham, a colored farmer who lives near Havelock, was knocked unconscious Wednerday afternoon hy a bolt of lightning that struck a tres in his yard. vGrantham had been working in his garden when the storm arose and had gone into the house and sat down in a chair near one of the doors. When the lightning struck the tree, which was near tha house, Grantham fell from th chair and it took his family mora thaahalf an hour to revive hi n. The shock was felt by the other members of the fa on-, ily. :." V County Teachei a' Association. Tha regular examination for Teachers Certificate (July examination) will be held at the court house in New Born on 'Phuiaday and Frilay, July 2Hh Sn l, bet; inn ing each day at 10 a. m. The examination on Thursday v ;: 1 ; for white teachers and Fi Colored teachers. s. r. i C y : 't. -