a bank for all the ' people: The convenient location of this bank in the hearts of the business district, the facilities it affords in : all branches of modern banking and the individual attention given by its Management to the personal requirements of each customer, mitke it an ideal banking home for people in every walk of . life. " ' , - Checking accounts are received in any amount and 4 , per , cent compound interest is paid on savings. . - r . sust'-ft Xj K. w "dk . . Jis v u m - t-v WiJt SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Has since 1894 given "Thorough Instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest pdlsible cost." . RESULT: It Is to-day with its faculty of 32, a boardbg patronage of 328, its student body of uu, ana its plant wortn 140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA K $150 pays all charges for the year, including table board, roonylifshta, rteara $ heat, laundry, medical attention, physical .culture, and tuition tn all subjects -except musio and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, i. REV. TUOS. ROSSER REEVES. B. A., Principal. . BIjAOKSTONK, va. ; UPPER WHITEOAK RIVER ") LOCAL : ' , ; ; Jones county, July 18 The long look ed for rain came Wednesday afternoon and it . has rained nearly every day since. ' It came too late to do some of the crops any good. . , Mrs. . Robena Collins and children ."pent Sunday at the home of Mr, Gabe Latham's, ..- -v " . Y Mr. Fabe Parsons Of Loco, spent Saturday night last at Mr. Rollie Col lins.''";"'- ' Y- . .-:i'' r, Y' ". Y- Miss Sarah Smith is visiting relatives here this week. ' Mr. Mack Parsons and family were visitors at Mr. Matt, Collins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Furney Collins and children visittd at the home of Miss Eunice Smith's at Loco Sunday. Bears are quite numerous about here. Tracks, can be seen most anywhere pot far from the dwelling houses. One of the largest bears ever seen in these woods were captured last week. Some of our - men set the trap in his path and Mr. Bruin stepped into it He would have tipped the scales at 300 lbs had he been weighed. Just the head tilled a large was pot. We need some good bfar dogs. Master Lindell Collins returned home from LocVlast Saturday where he has been spending some time visiting re latives. The honey taking at Mr. Furney Col lins Thursday night was enjoyed, by those who atlendid. . . Marl digging is now in progress by some of our farmers although it is most too wet just now to make a good head way at it. . Little Miss Rosalie Collins is visiting in Onslow this week. Not much sickness in our neighbor hood at pre -tent. Dock Collins spent Saturday unlit nd Sunday and Sunday night v inking war Pollocksviile, returned home Monday. . . . SUSAN. Fortune Telling ; Doe not take into consideration the one essential to worn. , an' happiness womanly bealtn. " , -; ; The woman who neglects her health is neglecting the very foundation of all good fortune. For without health love loses its lustre and gold is bu( dross. Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally be ; regained by the use of Dr. fierce' Favorite Prescription. This Prescription baa, tor over 40 years, -f-been curlnt delicate, weak, palnwracked women, by the hundreds ot thousands mnd thla tooln the privacy ot their homes I without their havlni to submit to Indeli cate questionings and offensively repui' . Bant examinations. , . ' Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. . All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. - Da. Pibhcb's Great Family Docroa Book, The People's Common Sense ' Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers i .Plain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married, ought to know about. Sent fret, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps. H ) I. jA .east mm wm mm sen ,' A State school to train teachers for the 'public schools 'of - p North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one ptirpope. a Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall term ln'Kln's. Sep- M ; temher '2 1911: For oatalftfftio and other information, utldws. sjaBoMijasssjissjisa)msss a ii it Iiii Wir RQSEflT 1. VsfRiBHT, PBESiDEST, GREENVILLE. ". 1 1 Meredith College. Ono rt the fow collejres for women fn the South that oonfors nn A. B, dfjrrefl rcprer,cnt ituT fmir ypan of ttnuine collet? Work acfinrdinif to the Standard OoHeffvs. ' I)ihloiirawnriiod in the Rchoola of Elocution, Art and Muair, Lihrary fArilitkn excellent. Systematic tralrthHr In Phyiical Education umW dfroclor. Courts for baakct-hall and tennis, . Hoard ln(t Ckili, where, by about half an hour ofdaily domestic eervice, rtudcnU savo from SG2 to $fl5 a rear. - ' v HtudonU notofTerinir th neeensary unite for entrance mayprcpnre ih Mcrrilith Academy.. Itvlieved to be the cheapest woman's callejre of Ha grade in the South. For. catalog. Quarterly Bulletin, or fuller infortartkm, addres. RICHARD TILMVN VANN,4 Raleifih, C. SAVES TWO LIVE3. "Neithor mv sister Dor myself might, he I vmti today, if it had not been for br. K'nir'e Nhw DiBCovery" writfB V. P. McDonald of t-ayetteville. N. C, K. !'. 1). No. 8, "for we both had fright ful coughs that ho other remedy could help. We were told my sister had con sumption. She was very weuk and had niht sweats but your wonderful medi cine completely cured ua both. - It's the brat I ever used or heard of. " For sure lungs, coughs, colds, hemorrhage, lacrippp, asthma, hay fever, croup. whooping cough, all bronchial trou- hies, Us so pi erne. . Trial bottle free. 50t! and $1.U0 . Guaranteed by all drug-K'-ts. ' : .' " Musio of Flapping Wings. ' ' The slow flapping of a .butterfly's wings produces no sopnd.. When the movements are rapid a noise Is pro dnood. whlb Increases wjtn the nam. br of vibrations Thus the housefly, which uroduces the sound of 'F, vi brates Its wings 21,120 times a min ute, or 335 times a second, and the bee, wliich makes the sound of A, as many ns 20,400 times, or 440 times a sel ond. A tired bee . bums on E and thow fore,, according to theory vi bratos Its wlrrgs only 830 times aTBeo oud. ' ' 1 : JAMES CITY ITEMS. ' aaaMkaea ' . T James City, July 19, We had a very heavy rain yesterday afternoon, Miss Gertrude Meesic has been visit ing friends at Bayboro, , , , - ; Mrs. K. L. Dickinson and Mrs. Joe Fisher went down to Riverdale Sunday to visit their mother, Mrs. Jane Con ner. . , " The eleven-year old son of Mr. and Mr 8. F. E. Dickinson has been quite sick this week, but we are glad to say he is now improving. Mr. James Warren - was on the sick list last week, but he is all 0. K. now. Mr. W. U. Patrick went to Ports mouth Sunday to visit his wife. Mr. 'Ask ins took a trip to Morehead Sunday to enjoy the sea breeze. ' " We have five phones in our little (own and every one of them out of commission, some one should look at- ter them. It doesn't matter how bad we need a physician, we cannot get one without going over to New Bern. This should not be so. We hope the new manager, Mr. Smith, will soon remedy the predicament we are in over here. We wanted to speak to a physician yes terday, we tried all the phones and ev ery one was out of whark. We are having it a little cool today after die rain of yesterday. "GRAY EYES." Never leave home on a journey with out a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, i Cholera and Diarrhoea. Kemedy. It - is almost ceitain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on beard the cars or steamships. , For sale by all dealers. TRINITY COLLEGE 1859 . ' . 1892 1910-1911 ' . Three memorable dates: The Granting of the Charter for Trinity Collegei the Removal of the College to the growing and prosperous City of Durham; the Building of the New and Greater Trinity. i MftgiuflcMtt new buildings with new equipment and enlarged facilities. , Comfortable hygienic dormitories and. beaufiful pleasant surroundings. . - Five departments: Academic; Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering; Law; Education; Graduate.' For catalogue and ptfier information, address. ;- . i ' ; R. L.' FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, N.1 C. .. ' i - ' .'. : '! - .;, '.. -. Trinity Patk School ' ;: ' - " .'A KSTAl'.LISIIKI) 1898 ' ..". ; Location ideal; Equipment unsurpassed. . - : -; ' ' f Stuilcnts have use.of the library, gymnasium and athletic fields of Trinity College. Speci.il attention given to health. A teacher in each dormitory look, after the living conditions of boys umler'his care. f , ' . . - - . Faculty of college graduates. Most modern methods of instruction.--. Fall term opens September 13. . -u,, , . r Fof illustruted catalogue, address; " ' ' , -; ; . , W. W. PCELE, Ileadmasfer, Durlnm, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA v StatB Ncrmar and Industrial ' '. . College 7 Maintained ty tie State for the Women of North Cap liha Five regular Couiees leading to Degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to thote who ugree to bi come teachers in thu. State. Fall Session begins September 13, 1911. For catalogue' and o: her information address JULIUS I. FOUST, President, Crcinsboro. N. C .5 THE NOTKll CAROLINA COLLEGE OF IGEPLTilSti KCBaiiiC '.ill'S.' THE STATE'S INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Four-year courses in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Industrial Chemistry ; in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-year courses in Mechunic Arts and in Textile Art Ono-year enureo jn Agriculture. Theso courses are both praeticul and scienlific. Kxiiiniiiiitious for admission aio held ii t all county deals on July 13. For Caluhig a lIress THK I.'KCISTKAR, V t I: . I. !. ii. fJ. C. . , Noisy Malcolms. Sir John Malcolm, the drat chairman of the Oriental club, was a great talk er and bad been nicknamed "Bahaw dor Jaw" It was said by Canning. It wns u family falling, as we learn from Mr. Ralph Neville's "London Clubs," "There were ten . Malcolm brothers. two of them admirals. All ten seem to bare possessed the same character Istlc, for when Lord Wellnsley. was as sured by Sir John that be and three brothers bsd once met together In In din the Kovernor geueml declared It to be .Impossible quite Impossible! Mal colm reiterated his statement '1 re pent It Is Impossible. If four Mal colms had come together we should have beard the noise all over India.' " i SOOTHEMIWH ' DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS J 1 '.. . , . -.. NORTH. SOUTH, EAST. WEST. Very Low Bound Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. - Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 p m, arrives Atlanta 6:35 p m, making close connection for and I other emnlovees who abide in his house. arriving Montgomery, following day af-J 6 Mail addressed to bis confidential or NOTICE TO BOX RENTES S. Bill (form 1538) is placed in yonr box to tell you that your box rent is due on the last day of the quarter, and to show you the amount of ret to be paid on or before the last day of the quarter. , You will therefore bring your (form 1538) and have it receipted when you call to ray your rent. It is not a matter , of discretion with me as to closing - your box if the rent (a not paid, but the gov ernment demands that I shall close them. . 1 , J. S. BASNIGHT, P. M. The following are rules of the De partment governing the ule of rented boxes I am now giving for the , benefit of the patrons of ; this office; .' The use of boxes is restricted to one individual, family, firm, or corporation except in such cases as are specified in this section. An individual, renting a box may have placed therein 1 Mail addressed to himself 2 Mail addressed to a visitor abiding with him. 3 Mail addressed to his care ; or - the number of bis box by persons who wish him to take care of it for them tempo rarily. 4 Mail addressed to members of his family. ' 5 Mail addressed to his servants or t mm. ii v e-eee3 V. M. Simmons, A. I). Want, : mm m ward ArTORNEYS AND COUNSKLLOBS AT IAW ' Office Rooms 4U1-2-3 Elks Building Practice m the counties of , Craven, Duplin, Jones,Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. I'. DR. H. 1,1. BONNER l DISEASES OF THE Children Cry ' FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTORIA Legal Notices MORTGAGE SALE. . By virtue of power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed executed by 8uaan J. jfyman on the 30th, da;' of August, 1911, to the undersigned, mortgagee, which mortgage deed is recorded in book number 166. page 221, In the office of the register of deeds of Cravon county. the undersigned, will on the 14th. day of August. 1911, at the court house door in New Bern at 12 o'clock m. on said day. sell to the highteat bid dur for caah the following dL4eribed tract of land. Lying on the south side of Neute river, and en the west side of Clubfoots Creek, in number five township, iir Craven county. North Carolina, containing 37 acres more or leas and being the same land conveyed by deed from Isaac Carter Martha Carter. Nancy Moore, Benjamin Martin and Mary Martin to John Bull which deed is re corded it book No. Ill page 66. in the office of the register of deeds of Craven county, ' July 13th. I91L r ' JOHNS, GARRETT. , . ' . . ' Mortgagee. ter leaving Raleigh 11 :00 a m: Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection at Sr.lis bnry, for St. Louis and other Western points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing on 8:53 am, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon. New York 2:31 p m. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 8:35 a m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all points North and Not th-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleieh 2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection at Greensboro for all points North, South, East and West. This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro at 10:45 p m. If you desire any information, please call. We are here to furnish informa tion as well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY, J. O. JONES, G. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C. CASTOR1A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought ; Bears the Sjjf ' JS'?---??' Signature of IJvtffffiCUcUAi . ' . Genius and Appstit. . t" ' Sir Francis Unllou held t,lint a good spMtlte Is one of the attributes of geiiiUH. "Most notabilities have been great eater aud excellent digesters on the same principle that the furnaee wlili U can rslse more-steam tban ii:iiinl 'for one of lis size' must burn more freely and well than Is comroou," Keott was of the Biime opinion., In a letter to CaniiliiR reHpectlug ua article prorfilsed to the Quarterly It.-vlew he advlHcs blin to brenk the neck of it after a neatly nieau "preferably of Iwlled chicken." And he practiced what he preached, for, like Tennyson, Pickens. Thnckeray and. many other Clueteontli rentury authors, Bcott was nn excellent- trcnebsruiau. London Chronicle. It is believed in Washington that Dr. H. W Wiley will not be ousted as chief chemist oLthe Department of Agricult ure. I For summer diarrhoea in children al whvh tfivn Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera ami I 'i irrlioi's Ucm.'ily ami cutir oil, a-nl ft ! ly euro is c it.-un, l or sub l y i;. .! i a. MORTGAGE SALE OF, LAND. Pursuant to a Power of sale contained th i tain real estate mortgage executed by Aaa I pock to William Speight, bearing date the 1st day of January. 1908 and recorded in the records of Cra ven county in book No. 168. page 475, 1 will sell at the court house door in New Bern. N. C., on Mon day, the I4th day of August 1911 at twelve o'clock M. to the highest bidder lor cash, all the follow ing described property as enneyed in the mort gage afforesaid, 1st tract beginning at a maple on the main run of Broad Creek, and running thence a straight line to a ditch, thence with said ditch to Alice Gaskins line near the road leading from Cross Branch to Gum Swamp; thence with Alice Gaskins' line to Stapleford's line thence with Sta pleford's Hoe to the ruu of Broad Creek then up and with toe creek to the beginning, containing 16 acres more or less, td tract beginning at a pine on the Walker road and running S i K 64 poles to Joseph Wiley's line, thence with said line to the road that leada from Cross Branch to the Walker road, theses with said road to tha beg in ning, containing 9 aires more or less. 3d tract beginning at a stake to tha Gilbert Gaskins line on the Walker road, thence with said line N H W 82 yards, thence N 78 E 66 1-2 yards, thence 8 27 E8 1-2 yards to the Walker -road, thanes with said road to the beginning containing one acre. WILLIAM SPEIGHT, . July 14,1911. ' - ' 'a Mortgages. NOTICE OF SALE EXECUTION. North Carolina Craven County , J. M. Arnold In the Sup'r. Court ' ,. :' .' .' A. A. Csyton, t.; . By virtus of executions directed to the ander signed from the Superior Court of Craven county in the above entitled action. 1 will an Monday, the 7th. day of August. 19(1 at twelve o'clock at the court house doqr of said county, sell to ths highest bidder for cash to satisfy aaid execution all the right, title and lute, est which said A. A. Cayton, ths defendant has or had ron the 12th day of December, W05. in the following described real estate, to-wit: ' ; All that certain tract or parcel of land situate ia No. one township. Craven county.' N. C, ad joining tha lands of .A Ion to Millar, T. D. Willis and others bounded as fullows. vis- Beginning at a stake near a pins stump ot the side of the New Bern public road, it (Ming the beginning corner in the deed of A. A. Cayton and wife, Julia, to T. D. Willis and wife. Cora. . dated 18th. September, 1909. and registered in the office of of the Register of Deeds of Craven county, N. C. In book 177, page 126 and running thence with said pulic road to ths new public road near the residence of N, P. Willis: thence with the said new public road to a stake in Akinxo Miller's lln thence with the said Alonxo MillarVliiie to a euke in the lime uf T. D. Willis and wifejthence with the said Willis line to a stake on the public road, the, place of beginning; containing ton acrsa, mora or loss, and being part o( the tract of Und known as lot No. one win. h was allotted to At.ixanili.r Csyton in the diyiuo uf lands of W. R. Carton, doe'd., which division is reoordod in soul olli.ia in bjok 141! Ke 2H7 Tins 8th. day of July I'Jil. J. W. JTI.I.i:. t official employees not abiding with him, 7 Mail addressed to a relative or oth er person who permanently in his bouse as do the members of his family. A boarder in a family is not a member of the family. A renter of separate apart ments in the house with a family or a person who maintains a separate table is not a member of the family. 13 A person after having attained majority is a member of his parents or guardians family so long as he contin ues to abide within the domicile of his parents or guardian as a member of his family and does not engage in any busi ness or avocation separate and apart from that of his parent or guardian though himself the head of a family provided his family also abides With that of his parent or guardian subject to the same conditions. 14 A person having attained his ma jority and living in a house rented from his father or in separate apartments of the house occupied by his father's fam ily is no longer a member of his fath er's family. 15 The mail of permanent boarders at a hotel or boarding hou c must not be placed in the box rented by the pro prietor thereof; whether assigned for the use of himself and family only, or Eye, Ear,! Nose and Throat 1 ' I'- :iZ AND - General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. ..' R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW ' i :. ' ':",it'-- '. 4 ; '.'.' '''.V'- V Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and ih the State Supreme and Federa Courts.' ' ' ' Offics No. E0 Crivsn 8trttt. Tilsphona No. 97 New Bsrn, N. C. : The House Sugar Trust investigating committee held sittings in New York. D. L. WARD asisJBaasaMSw ' ' " '' ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL LERATLAW Hughes Building Graven Street New Bern, N. O. . : Practice in State and Federal courts. Circuit, Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are de 2 Mail addressed 'to its official cm ployees. 3 By the consent of all members of a firm, every member thereof may have mail addressed to himself or members of his family deposited in the box as signed to its use. ... .1,. ...i .... ht j knrthoi 17 Corporations renting a box or mail of a guest or transient boarder, drawer may have placed therein only when aldressed to the number of the house or the name of the hotel if not delivered hy carrier should be placed in the box assigned to the use of such ho tel or the proprietor thereof : 16 A firm renting a box may have placed therein: . 1 All mail addressed to its name. 1 Mail addressed to its name. - 2 Mail addressed to its officers by their official titles. , J. S. BASNIGHT, P. M. New Bern, N. C, June 15th, 1911. " .. ' ' ' The British House of Lords threatens to reject entirely the Veto bill. n . s " if I I it n - "ii. ........ . ....... '.r.r7v"ii-1V., PARENTS, GuMtimttZ, STUDENTS m&- He Sure to Read all Ten Issues of i wJ RICHMOND, VIRGINIA School eclton M I T.SV Containing Announcements ol Leading Schools . Each of the ten School Sect ions for I'M I will be edited so ns to treat Home specific phase of educational work. Special articles have been preprej on the lines In Jit ated by the name of each respective number. Interesting articles on the general subject nl clucnllon will appear In every Issue, but the leading arti cles in each number will enlarge on the cUisl led huhjert. - . FOP .CATALOGUES ADDRESS ANY OF THESE SCHOOLS ' , Aiafremv ot I hp UAi Cnm. ' AUIpimii Academy ........... -' Allfttitaiiv Cullftiate titr.iititto , Art hebool ol KU lui.on 1 , - Auxuta Military Acailemy CaKaltttiHHV I a School .'' . .. ,t Hultimnri Moduli ('oUpj;.,,., liiiiKli tm Si-hucil, the.,...,... Howliiig Grtxn St-miiury .. . . , . ' Hnditw;itet Cotli'... L. bcrtwuk Sihunl, 'I Iw.. . binliatii SchuJ. ihi ......... ' CliMtef. Sprt lifts Anuh-iny. , . w. CliaiMbcrlnytie ShKi, J hi. .... f Citaih.un Kpiftjp:H tiuti.. The. V Chmnbf rtevtv S ti.m. . . ...... . Columbia liihtitutc ........... V Cu-Opvmtive Sctinat ChK-ura tolMn...... j Uanvillr Cnmmirriai Collcw . , DarliiiBton Sfiiunaiy ......... !Iiavit-Yaft!H'r iiiisirKM Oolcitf irauf(tin mw Citil''KP. . i-uiuinore "'nee CoU'rt- . . I luitern Cot I tllrtt f Sil.o... Mir 7 l-.lialetli Coi'etc ,....., b.on t'olkw fcmory aud Henry CotleR... bpUiOpu Huh S. ttmt j lurk Union Mifitary Aiadniy , Kihburiir Military Sttwwl . ... " Fhttr.uier In tMui. , , . ,;. , , . i , Glofilt Academy. - Orrrnhrifr I'rrnltvteriiil Sitiont Gwimbnro Collt-KC . , ......... OuiMurd Collt)(. . , . . , , , (llnma C'osiiiirv trnn Gnvoville Frnalr Colh-ge Haynew' Butn( CoilrTse. . .. . , llamirtoa iHie((t HrtntrHlen Siilnvy CllrA... . . Hunrisah More Andrruy.. .,,., , llerndon Srnumtry ..,.,.. llnlliiM Initliiiue ...... , .... , Hot aer Miliury School ,...,,, j, Hamilton Shooi . Inltid Sftniniiry JHIenon School for Boy..;.., iV.'rtHhln 'ton ...AldviMHi, VV. Va , ..AU-twti, W. Va 4ii-lnnoiul Va ,. .t"ort Urn.uii'c. V ,..;d'i:inn Mt. ,.. , M diniiwrf, MJ ; , .i.XMuiie, N C. ..,1'OUltuK it-.'n V , ;. Iiitjjfu:i(rr. Va. , ...WvilK-ville, Vft . . . AhIm-viUc. M. C. ...Cturtti -vfnin V. , , , Kl IllllUIld, Vi. r , , ,l.iiUtti.ia, TA i, tt, Mm tad Va , . .Cfthiiti'H.i Trnn. ...FirdUrf-d 'iiy V . ,l.l'slVtllt j C ...IXinvdl? V4. . . .Went hmiiY. Pa ...NurHdtc Vin ' . . .LulniiiiM S, C ; - , . ..St.imiion. Va . . M.IUttMMA V . , ,Hn hmond V. ...CkttHutct N C ' " ...I'.luo CoH.'Kt. N. C , ..himiiv, Va. ....Arfniiiidna V , , Fwk tnion V .ii'Wiwnpfliofo, V .V.tti'-tiimi Va , CKhUPwter Va. , , .lwisrhiuit. W V'a . , .tir.pnHliro N. C. . ..(iuitiouK Dluf N. C ...N .Uitd ii M . . . .iirfiivilk, C .Ridmionfl. Va , .li.tniptnn Va . . . . . Humi'dm Sidney, Va ..'.kriiitrriowfl Aid. tndon. Va . ... HUh us, V4. ,..)vJor4 N C ' .,Wartinvtnn O. C ..'.Bt.rkfvill Va. ..CharlottMviUe, Va Every Issue ; a Fea'.urt? ; June 2. . Iciu'herK' Numlf t . . 4uly 2. . Dnlverslry end Oilk'jiu Niimlier. July v. i liiiHlnesi ; ;iiU'4e , N uni bet. Kin k Hiim.ry lor Uoys II Girls.. Rubmond Va. Louiaburg ColW- ....Uniltburi'. N. C Mnrvtand S hool lor Girt ., .I n. k R;ivro In! Mary Baldwin Srmtrwry buutiton Va - M.iisrtMaa liiUiMtnal Sitiool lor Co- 0 , oml Vouih. t Msan.Mii, Va. Msmanutlra Astlriny. , . . .W.MHUtth a Va Mrdl.nl Coin-.. S Virginia Ki. I.in.m.l, Va. Mrmlllh Collar.. , Kiitrnh. N. C Mon.rShoj Ihe. khu.IcII. Vv M.HriM' Stliooi. Mi...., ki.tinmn.l V'a, M.."lrf't lilv.i.lly School., .... Hull UK ntl V Msillnin Hull VV.ahiUKton. II C Visl. Mt or Sain Aiadrmr of Uie Visi- tallon. Cnlorrd. o .C'sninnsvllle. Ml July In. Hoys' Siixml Niimlier. Julv J.C " Military Sclio.tl Nnmlier. . I ly 30. Girls' School Number. AujV . ci tinicul J Special vuniher. Auit. 14. Co-lilura- tlenul Nui.ibr-r. Autt. Music and Art Number. Auft. 27. Pnreuta' .in I (iiianliins' Ntimln r. MiirvUiiie' 'nlrte '. . . ., All SL A(iie LoJIrse. .Luthrrvilte, Md. alt. Washinctoa, Md. J.snon.11 II.iMiimm follntr ........Roanoke. Va. rk'iim:il 4ii. Calk-mate institute... Aakrville, N. C Notri- limn.- ot .Maryland , Cnark Store, Md, a.U HuUs Ih Unite.... ... .......Oak Rldxe, N. C ' Y I'niulf sx-niuiary Oxlord. N. C. !'''""' Sih.nl. ..Philadflphla. Pa. rhilliiM lln. ilt, School The ..Philadelphia, Pa. I uwbJtuu-l ollcse Cnsrtos Tows, W. Vn. loiiii.iu.i .minute.. .,........,. Ueloia. Va. K iu. .l.h M.i.on Woman'. Collrie Lrnchburc. Val FaifclmiriVMai'iin College ,. . AliUnd. Va. H.HV4 IiIiMhiiii A.adriny front Royal, Vs. ' l:.in.Mlli M.i.on Acmlomy ....... He. I lord City. Va, l!.i.i i..l,il. M.i.oii Imtitute ...... ,lanville. Va. v '. .jtulinnm.) Aiad'-my ,,, .: .Kh.hmond.Va. Ki.l.ni.in j ( Hilrsfi Kkhmond, Va. kirhiiMii-J belvuii ot Pirrt;io ...Richmond Va. kwhiiiiini oiwrv.Hfiiv ol M.i.Il. . Kichuwud. Va, ' i.m iM.it.ii.i ii.i.nint, skiioui tot Kin druMmicr RoiMLik t iilici; riociii..k tnttitirt ..... koinok? lti,i.in(i Coilrin ... Klt Mill CuUi-cp , St Anne . School. . St. Csihennv. Normal Imrtt.. SI (.tneve Colkee ....-,,. St. Muiii . Si huol St. Haul Normal and Indim. S hool.LnwretK.Tvlll(.. V. hnl-ta FeiiMle Aind. an I College. , .VS inMon Salem, N. C Mi.'iiind.mlj t nll.nii. In.litgte. . .Ihlvton. Va. Shrnan.ln,ih Vnllev Aunleniy Win, licier Va. tiwitlKt.".it Oii'lnmn Culieiif ....... Kuhmond. Va. houllirtn r-nnie ( nilr.. , . Hrtrrabura Va. ruM.nicrii Tr.uvu'nun c ollene Snd .l. .Blrhmond. Va. . ...Silrm, Va. , ....Danville. Va. ....KoalKikr, Va. ....bill. oil City, Md ..,.('hrlottreville, Va. , . , . It'illlmore, aid, . ...A.heville, N. C ....R.ilfllth. N. C OonMrrvfltorv ol Mi.sil . ISoiiiherit Srmitua ........... hoiiil.'in Sh-iribaiid and Durtn Univoity.. . Sln'.r 1-einnr Nnrnvil Siiors... la Nunn.rl I..10I J-latP N'nrnnl and I'tdim S. hoot luunton Mlliiarv A.iidriliv .. b!ii;itiitl JtbMJil lii.titute, . . . M.i.rl I1.1II bull.n. 1 01 and Con. ol Music hwert Hrtoi I. 'itlue Tinilv Mibtiry ln.utut. .... 1 nnil y (.'oil'". , inultv l'a:k s. Iiool linivrr-Hltv (lcKes Medliine.. Vr.ivrrlty 01 North Csiobna .. University ot 'irrtini. , IJ S. Coll-.e ol Vet Furseon. , .. .Wa.1,1 Virilnl.l lir Vlivirirt 1 oil, If Va I inn mil l".iHii ui t'fill.'Kf , Ii 1MHU M-. 11 lllll I M ill: .1 . 1-1 IIi:iM I 'llVl". I.rn. H-., I.'n 'i n a ..I I V, -11 .1.. I ' I 1 hull t'ollcK. . Ii.-lmiio , -111 .lie . , , liuiiinfe. I'un.K! Rrt Sprinaa, N. C . .ouena vwa, va. . .Norfolk, Va. , .r.rinville, Va. . .Il4irimiii.utg, Va. . .I'reilerl, k.hurg, Va, . .Staiintiin. Va . . AImiiU'Iiio, Va. . .St unuitiii, Va. . .Hn.ioi Va , .Sweet Huar. Va. ,. .Wlmton Silrm. N. ( ..D1.1l.a1n. N. C . . iJtirl.Min, N. C. . .Hi. liniond Va. ..Chapel Hill. N. C, . . lurloltr.ville, V. iii.a D. C, i.U- V. in I vn. hi . U .... ... t I in 1,1 .In

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