No. 32 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N: C TUESDAY JULY. 25, .1911 --FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR c 1W l IIS GAPITAL Preparing To Welcome Admiral ... Togo. National. tRiver ; Aud , ' Harbors Congress. - Washington, DC, July. 21-For the past week the Slate and Navy ; De partments have been making prepara tiona for the coming of Admiral Coant Heihachiro Togo,- Chief of the naval staffof Japan and the hereof the great ". sea fight of May . 27-28, 1904 when his fleet met the fleet of Russia in the sea of Japan and brought. about its entire annihilation in the coarse of the fight. In the last quarter of it century no auch welcome has- been extended to a foreign officer with the possible ex- - ception of the entertainment furnished to Prince Henry of Prussia, who came to the United States; not so much as a laurel-crowned hero of a 'well-won bat tie, but as the ' representative .and re- lative of a- friendly sovereign- Prfnce Henry of Prussia had '; never smelled powder except as a puff of saluting . smoke may have assailed his nostrils. . Prince Henry had-', never seen a shot fired in anger. No eo Admiral Heiha chiroTngo, Samurai and Noble of the ... land of the Rising Sun. According to tentative plans of the departments Admiral Togo and his aide ; Will arrive at New York' August 4th, where the hero of the Sea of Japaa will be met by CapUin Tern pi in M.Potle, . -U. S. N, - who hs been detailed by . President Taf t to represent the United - States government, during . Admiral Togo's stay in this country including his projected tranBContinedtal jourm-y, for the Admiral will sail for home from Vancouver. The itinerary as tendvely : prepared by the Stite and Navy De . pertinents provides for a two days visit in New York and its environs. He is . expected to arrive in Washington on August 6 where he will apead three of four days. Daring his stay in the Cap- 1 iUI he will be dined at the White Home and by Secretary of State Knox and the , Secretary of the Navy Meyer. The Admiral will be taken to Mt. Vernon on the presidential yacht 'May flower" where hC will deposit a wreath ' on the tomb of Washington and will al so be shown over the Indian ' Head (Md.) naval proving grounds. Anna poll will furtiish a side trip and there the Admiral will be given a glimpse-of , the alma mater of many of bis brothers in arms, for Annapolis furnished edu- cations for more' than a score of the higher officer! of the Japanese Navy. Governor Eugene N. Foes of Massa- ehusetts, is in close sympathy with the educational work that la being done, by the National Rivers and Harbor Con gress looking to the systematic improve ment of the rivers and harbors of the United States. ''Recently he appointed a waterways commission for' the Old Bay State which is to take np the mat ter of canals, harbors and Waterways, co-operating with -similar committees or commissions in other New England States more particularly with reference : to the canal between Boston and Nar ragansett Bay, Io a recent letter to Secretary J. F. Ellison of Cincinnati, of the National River and Haib r Coirc,. Gov. Foes said; ''1 believ" tMt tlv question of waterway impruWuiif.jiit io the end that the rivers and harbors and "connecting waterways may take their place to the fullest extent in carrying the commerce of (he Nation, should re ceive the hearty support not only of the general government of the govern ments of the different ."States. " We can't keep , the mOs quito and fly oyt of your yard, but we can fumish-you with the material to keep them out of your soup and bed-room. Cost nominal J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. fifty Halt Pints of Whiskey. Fifty half pints of Maryland whiskey were confiscated yesterday morn ng by policeman Daughtery. The officer had seen the whiskey delivered to aeolored drayman at the Trent river, warehouse i I decided to make an investigation. Il.e bag in which the whiskey waa lo cated had been wrapped in several tow' lajs, and upon tearing these away it was found that there was no address on it. The drayman told several conflict is g stories as to whom the "Dooze" be 1 "-ged, but as none of these were Bat 's "uciory the officer decided to take the I t and its contents to the city, hall v U re it is now being held awaiting an cvner. ' '. ' Just Arrived 1 doen Hammocks, bright new col i never been selected over. We had LWJ s ;.iMiiai large sun-son uammvciip, ! f re we are redmii-j. Come and make . ' -Hon. You f an f t a prxnl strong .jttoik fvr 2 C J. j. s. nil. i :i. ATTEMPTED HOLD ifT l-Jd 'i:' i By Negro Near pvt! CUv: "White Man Drives-Asaatlaut.,,,.;, .. Jr r J Off." ' 11 " 1 'x - . . ' (..'"'r;'. .1 . Last Wednesday Mr. Brosa Cox who had carried a drummer i to Tuscorors, in this county, was driving on the road on his return home to Cove City, when he overtook a negro walking, The ne gro accosted Mr. Cot and asked if he would carry him to Cove ' for, 60 cents. Cox who Is in the livery business ac cepted. Before driving far Mr. Cox was told to give up his money, and look ing around saw a knife held threaten ingly J.0 enforce the command.- Reach in? into bis pocket Mr. Cox opened his knife and with his money came out the knife, The negro slashed at the whitn man the blade juet'.cutting his throat, going through the shirt collar and rip ping open the shirts ,Cox jabbed.i the negro as fast as he could, striking any where within ach, nntif the negro finally rolled ot 'of the buggj, and on to the road where he waa left Cox drove home and reported tnt occur rence The next day an examinatiort was made but only a'piec of bloody snirt could be found on the road. ' Stockholders Meeting. .' An annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Bank of Dover, N. C, will be held at the bank building in Qover, on Friday Aug. 11th, 1911. - - W. H. CATON, ' Cashier. This 11th day of July 1911. I Benjamlne F. Henderson Dead. News reached the city yesterday of the death of Mr. B.- F. Henderson which occurred at his home a few miles from Pollocksville,..; arly yesterday morning. He has been in failing neaitn for some time and his death was not wholly unexpected. He was about 65 years of age. Mr, Henderson was a large farmer and one of the most successful in Junes county. . He was quiet and unassuming in manner but was highly esteemed by all who knew him for his upright and and sterling character. He leaves a widow and a number of sons and daughters, Mr, Enery H Henderson, a merchant of this city is one of the son, to mourn his loss. Toe funeral will take place from the home this afterneon and the interment will be made-in the family's private cemetery on the home plantation.' The Excursion a Success. Mr. H, E Royall returned last eve ning from Norfolk. He stated that the excursion operated last Tuesday from Goldsboro to Norfolk: was one of the most successful ever operated by this road. More than 400 tickets were sold between Goldsboro and Washington. A few of the excursionists have already returned, but the majority of them will not return until tomorrow, NOTICE- . I have oow jeturned torerveyou. A large stock of all kinds of sawed Shingles Laths and Brier, For Shin gles see our prices, your price is mine. I know I can please you. ' ' , ' V - r . BIG HILL ' .-' :- "The Shingle Mao. RUSSELL CREEK ITEMS. . ' ..... .... - Carteret county July 17-We are hav ing very pleasant weather aftar the delightful showers. It has been so dry the rain was very acceptable. : We are glad to say that we have but very little sickness in our midst. - Miss Bessie Merrill has been very ill witb . typhoid fever. We hope her a speedy recovery. t ; , ' Miss Pdarlie Morton left our vicinity for Bridge ton. She is in poor health, Miss BettiS Whitford visited Mr. J. R. Morton a few days age, but has re turned to her home at Bridgeton. Miss Jannie Lewis has returned to Washington Citv after visiting her sis ter Mrs. L. L. Springe. - ; Mrs. Bessie Lewis has returned to New Bern after visiting relatives, here, The Free Will Baptist held their con ference here second Saturday snd Sun day, - . :.t -. - ' . There were services at the Disciple Church Saturday and Sunday.- . ' ' A merry crowd left Ruarels Creek Thursday, for the Bank's, They report ed a nici time. - A merry crowd gsihored tA Mr. J. B. Morton last WeJnreday night enjoyel the ice c em supper It was for the bcnolit of the Sunday School. Miss Nina llnrdhon and' her sister I. sura are gur-tt; of their sister Mrs. Lera Daveni ort. TANSIES,- OH -SUBMARINES vRECPRDG!TY TO MOD Urgent Criticism on the Senator's Speech. What One Who " Heard Says. The following is an editorial of the Twin County Echo, of Rock Mount, N. C, of July 13th, 1911, written by its Editor, Mr. Frank A. Hampton; who was present in the senate gallery and heard from beginning to end, .Senator Simmons' speech on reciprocity, deliv ered in the senate, July 10th, 1911. AGRCATSPKECH. " It was our privilege," while in Wash ington last Mondav, to hear the great speech of Senator Simmons in opposi tion to the Republican party msisure, known as the Canadian Reciprocity bill, which is supported by many Democrats m ine senate, : . . r'Our senior senator spoke for three hours, and during a greater part of the time, was 'under fire from some half dozen of the ablest Democrat senators, who were attacking his Democracy and endeavoring to confuse him. It looked like a concerted and premeditated attack and an attempt to .impeach the Sena tor's Democracy on the part of the ultra-progressive Democrats. . Among the Democratic Senators who attacked him were Kern, of Indiana; John Sharp Williams, of Mississippi; Stone and Reed of Missouri. ,. . - - Disagreeing with Mr. Simmons as we do dn many things,' it was yet particu larly gratifying to us to observe the manner In which he handled himself un der vicious attack, and the ability and cool courage with which he defended himBelf and position. It was worthy o note, too, that in not a single instance did he descend from the high plane of battle that so well becomes a member of that great body. He yielded not at all to the insidious invitations and tempt a tiona provided for hi in to tirow mud. Io every instance he took care of him self, and not a single thrust panetrated i lis armor. . The attack fai'e i, whatev er its object wai and whoever was be hind it. The Senator emerged from tht contest with, accumulated laurels and with the honors of war. The attack on Senator Simmons un der such circumstances is to be deplored. and will reast on his assailants whe were thoroughly discomfited by their failure to break the force of his speech or successfully impeach his party regu larity. The people know too well the Senator's eminent service to Democra cy and fidelity and courage under all conditions, to countenance such meth ods.'' ' " . " When you come to think of it, it 'reqaired a high order of courage and in dependence for- Senator Simmons to vote on the Lorimer case and on the other matters that have given opporUr oity for attack, according to his, hon est sentiments, when the country was howling for Jbe other side, and this just on the eve of the senatorial prima ry in this State. Those who know mm best aay that the courage displayed by Mr. Simmons in these matters is in - all respects characteristic of him. A dem agogue or a time-server would have trimmed hia sail to meet the prevailing windi Senator Simmons refused to so forfeit his independence and self-respect. " We wish to state here that "'The Echo " has not allied itself with any senatorial candidacy, and is not espous ing at this time, the cause of any of the candidates. What we have had to say is entirely, disassociated from the senatorial fight. But we do resent the character of the fight that seems to be well started against the senior senator from this State , Surely, if any man in the South may with all right lay claim to the name of Democrat, that man is he who led the . Democratic party ., of North Carolina out of the wilderness, in what were perhaps the darkest days of the party's history , in tbiS State, And we venture the prediction, that the supporters of any candidate will find it mighty bad policy to question the sena tor's democracy before the rank and file of the purty, the greater part of whom still are proud and rejoice that they were members of "ths Old Guard of '98 and 1900. " .These -men still love their old general and an attack on bis. character and democracy, either at home or in Congress, is not calculated to wm their support for another candi date. , : V v v " There's no excuse for such an at tack on Mr. Simmons anyway, Ws be lieve: in common with thouian U of oi ti er people, that Mr. Simmons' vote was wronir on lumber, and has no doubt been so on other questions 'during his ten years in the sena'.e. But whatever mistakes be has made have been mis - takes of judgment. His ability and honor are above, queition. His band - ling of the question of reciprocity Mon - day. as well ss his presentation of his own defense , and the confoun- duia- of his assailants, was masteely. He showed . a thorough knowMire of all the Intricate and man- ifolj pliaxes and details of the matter, that caused Senators to wske up. None of the North Carolina newepaper re- Result of ManocuversT on New York and Boston. Ensily Ap proach Battleships. Washington, July 22nd. One certain result of the naval war game in prog ress off the eastern entrance of Long Island Sound will be. recommendations to Congress for a considerable- increaae in the number of submarine boats, Evon the commander of the attacks iag fiVet, Real Admiral Osterhaus, ha I to admit in 'his official report to the Na vy Department that the submarines at tached to the defensive fleet had sue ceeded in approaching his big battle ship without detection until they sud denly rose at the short distance of 500 yards from the anchorage. Equipped with torpedoes- that easily travel five times that distance at great would have been an easy matter for the submarine commanders to have sent some of the big ships clear out of the water if the war hal been an actuality. The obvious lesson is that in war time a hostile fleet will never dare an chor off the coast if there .is reasen to sunpect the presence within 25 miles of any of the underwater craft or if they do so, they must have recourse to the British device of strong chain torpedo nets hung far out from the hulls. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have ynu overworked your nervous ays tem and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Have you pains in loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Have ynu a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too fre quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams'' Kidney Pills will cure you-at Druggist, Price 60c. Williams' M'f'g. Co., Prop.. Cleveland, O. Temperature and Rainfall. The following are the maximum and minimum temperatures with rain . fall on daiea as given, since last report. The total rain fall here so far tbis-i month has been 4 46 inches. July 13 . 95-68 .43 ", 14 89-67 .14 15 91-65' .77 " 16 89-66 ' " 17 89-68 " 18 90-66 .45 19 - 89-66 1.05 " 20 88 65 .76 " 21 91-70 22 ' 90-67 .44 Pic Nic at Lee's Chapel. The annual pic nic will be held at Lte's chapel, Jones county. Friday July 28fh. The . Farmers Union will also hold a meeting. There will . be plenty of refreshments on the grounds. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend. V -: I -; Whin Cheering Wins The Game, "The greatest advance in sportsman ship, in the last decade of batebali was made when the umpires were instruc ted to suppress coachers who addressed the opposing jlnyers witb intent to dis turb them, or incited the crowd to as sist in 'rattling' the opposition. It still is done, but not openly or flagrantly," writes Hugh S Fullerton, in "Watch His Arm" the great article on baseball coaching id the American Magazine for August. . ' , i - . "McGraw probably is the greatest master of any of the baseball generals in using the irowd, but he has been wise enough to change with the game and he accomplishes the same results or nearly as great by acting. One of the j ys of the game on the old White Sox park in Chicago was to see 'Hand some -Nick'. Altrock, the comra dian pitcher, step out co coach. . He usually wore a mit and a glove and as a cheer master he perhaps was ths most suc cessful the game Aver has known. I have Been him.control the entire crowd, using hit haids as the conductor of aq orchestra does his baton, and at ( the psychological moment, witb one wave of his arm, start twenty thousand men cbering wildly and cheering in unison as he waved to the m. . The effect upon ths opposing team was disastrous in many cases and often turned the game Into a tout," . notice; Customers who are in debt to me will please square their, accounts. It is ut ' terly impossible for me to do business without money. Ttufpublic will please 'note, that beginning July the' 18th, I shall do an absolute cash business, j JOHN T.' HAVENS, 1 ' 94j Middle SL- , corres- ports from their. Washington pondonts, that we have seen, did him justice, the News and Observer report being notably 'unfair and incomplete, but as it turns out, it was not the fault of Mr. Ptnce, who was not present through the whole discussion." VISIBLE SUPPLY ., OF: Hester's Statement Shows 1,858,- 768 Balea Staple Up-' v r to-Date. ' New Orleans, July 22-Secretary Hester's statement of the world's vis ible supply of cotton issued yesterday shows the total visible is 1.658 768 against 2,087,294 lust week, 1,967,720 hut year. Of this the total of Amer lean cotton ia 1,004,768, against 1,113,- 294 last week,. 1,037,720 last year, and of all other kinds including Egypt, Bra zil, India, etc.. 954,000 against 974,000 last week, 929,000 last year. Of the world's visible supply of cotton as above there is now afloat and held in Great Britian and continental Europe 1,126,- 000 against 1.100,000 last year:in Egypt 79,000 against 62.000 last year; in India 416,000 against 59,000 last year and in the United States 244,000 315,000 last ytar. Stockholders Meeting. ' The next annual meeting of thebtock ho'deiB of the Atlantic and Nortif Caro lina Railroad Company will be held in Morehtad City, N. C, on August 10th, 1911. D. J. BROADHURST. Secretary. Office of secretary Goldsboro, N. C, July 10th, 1911. . Farm Life School Election. - The Farm Life School election for the purpose cf voting on an issue of $25,000 bonds to establish a school in the eighth township, washeld yesterday, The vote waa very light but was in fa vor of the bonds. BURMA ITEMS. Burma July 18. We have been hav ing nice rains for the past week, and Crops are looking much better. ' Mrs. Mathew Gaskins who is sick w,th typhoid fever is improving we are glad to say, Mrs. Stella Mc Li whom who has the typhoid is very sick. Misses Gladys,' Cleve and Neva War ren visited Miss Laney McLawhorn Sunday and returned home Monday eve ning. Misses Pearl Fulcher, Beulah Simp kins and Messrs John Miller and Steve Powers went to Ernul Sundiy. Mr, Ben Powers was visiting here Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Edward McLawhorn visited relatives at Cove City Saturday and returned home Monday. . Mr. Henry Jabaon from New Bern was a visitor at this place Sunday. ; Miss Eva Gaskins visited Miss Car rie Whitford Sunday. "GRAY EYES." Series of Meetines at Kltt Swamp, The Journal is requested to announce that a protracted jnteting will begin at Kitt Swamp Church this county. Tues day night, August 8th, to be conducted by Rev. Charles C Wise. A cordial welcome will be extended to all. 1 - The Translation. Toole, the great English comedian, was once greatly tickled at finding In a French provlnclnl town a poster an nouncing a translation of "Walker, London," the farce which he himself had made famous. 1 The adapter bad translated the title as "Londres qui se promene.'J or "London which goes out ror waits." Fact or Fiction? , "The trouble with these literary clubs," said a captious critic, "is that they always degenerate Into meetings for the exchange of gossip," v . '"True enough," ..replied an enthusV nstlc member, "bur how can you Ex port anything else when facts Are so much stranger than fiction 7" ''.- ' A (JsntleRemindsr. . John I understa'nd linshlolgb's un cle has died, lonvlng him a fortune. V Tom Yes; he has received n great tnany congratulations. Why, even his tailor sent htin a buueh of forgutme- ftots yesterday. Lonihm Mall. - Ths Only Way Out. . Peter (sent for the niilki Oh, mercy, I've drunk too much of It! What shall We do? Small Brother Easy. We'll drop the Jug.-Meggeodorfcr Blatter. Refrigerators. Will sell the bnlance left over at the i following prices. Genuine Porcelean lined Lenard Cleanable, -the 25 O0 at 22 60, the $35 00 at 30 00, the $40 00 at 85 00, the 5 00 at 4 00. The above prices sre ths lowest we ever oiiera th's class of goods at Everyone car- ries guarantee that they will do all you 'expect any refrigerator to do. ' -. J.S.MILLER, COTTON ill CONDITIONS . . ME tepTE American "Warships Eushing to Island At Full Speed. As- ' sassination Plot Fails. , Washington, July 22-Reports con firming the dfsperate situation in Haiti are received at the Slate Department. The department is basing its hope of saving American lives and property from destruction at the hand of the rebels on the American warships now speeding to Haiti. It is believed 'the the scout cruiser Chester will reach there tonight or Sunday. . The gunboat Dos Moines is also on the way from Boston, but cannot ar rive until the middle of next week. As the Petrel, which is already on the Haitian coast, has no wireless, her movements are rot known and cannot be controlled. The department is back ing up Minister Fnrniss' protest again st the proposed bombardment of any town by the Haitien gunbi at. Nothing is known at th department of the yacht Americans at -Cape Hai tien. Report of the S a'e Department in dicate that revoltitiom.sU are in pos session of practically all the territory north of Port au Prince and that a state of anarchy prevails throughout the republic. President .Simon is seri ously ill, it was said. News of the bombardment of the cities of St. Marc imd Gonaivea is ex pic ted by the Haitien warrhip Antione Simon. It is learned that a plot toa?aiHsiriale President Simon when he came ashore failed because the President arrived be fore he was expected. , ' LOST, Strayed or Stolen -Two cows, one red with white buck, trio other black and white; marked smooth crap right, and two slits in the left ear, Been gone 6 months. Any information may be sent to C. M. Eubank, Mays ville, N. C. . , Found a Way to Help. . "A worthy old (junker who lived In a country town In - England was rich and benevolent, ami his means were put In frequent requisition for pur poses of loenl charily or usefulness. The townspeople wnnlod to rebuild ihelr parish church, und n committee was appointed to raise funds. It was agreed that tho Quaker could not be asked to subscribe toward an object so contrary to his principles; but then, on the other hand, so true a frlnnd to the town might take It nmlss If he was not at least consulted on a mat ter of such general Interest. So one of their number went mid explained to him their project; the old church was to bo removed and such and auch steps taken toward the construction of a new one. "Thee wast right," th Quaker said, "In supposing that my principles would not allow mo to assist In build ing a church. But didst thee not say something About pulling down a church? Thee mny'st put my name down for a hundred pounds." Merl vale's "Historical Studl." 18 Porch Rockers Left. Want to move them to make room for Fall goods, should move fast consider ing the durability and looks, at follow ing prices. 3 00 Extra Large Rockers at $ 2 50 2 00 - 1 75 I 00 2 50 " " " 2 00 " " " 1 50 " "- ' We have them green or shelac. V : J. S. MILLER, Tiny Republics, Klein-Alp Is a diminutive republic rucked nwny between Switzerland and France. Ouly In summer Is the re public Inhabited and then, by miners and cowgirls. There is oue hotel, closed during the winter. Another little re public Is In Tyrol, Jietwoen Austria aud Italy, nnd In long gono years waft uuder the jurisdiction of first a king and then au emperor.; But In tho ad justment of frontier lines thn state of Val dl Veutlno was in somo way over looked, nnd It promptly organised it self Into a lilllputlitii republic. It has now abont 2,00V luh-ihitnnt living In six villages. Neither Val dl Ventlno nor Kleln-Alp has any tuxes. . There are no officials or compulsory military services. Tho only Industry of Val dl Yentluo, aside from the farming of small flelda, Is charcoal burning. His Tribute, of Rptot. The, frecklo faced boy. who was about to be emancipated from rrom nign; nghisgmd high school thraldom wm writl I suppose 1 ought to wind It up," he'1 "wtlli u.iiiaIIiIii. Inn, hlli ! ....... n snl sontlmcutal about the leather) beaded, -snub nosed, squeaky voiced. coucelted old snoozer that runs tin shebang.' M ...... Thereupon, he wrote, "And now, onr dear and honored principal, w6 turn w you," etc-;hU:ngo Ti lbuno. 1 . King George of England gave I'rerr ter Aequith his promine to appoint as many new peers s will be necessary to pass the Veto bill. PHOT BILL PUSSES SENATE Tpniirtlifana Anil llpmnnrata 77i n Forces in Passing President's . ' Favorite Measure. , ' Washington, July 24th The Canadi- :- an reciprocity bill passed the Senate' without amendment Saturday by 63 to 27- V - , Thef olio wingf-Democratic Senators voted against the measure: Bailey, of -Texas; Clarke, of Arkansas, and Sim- mons, of North Carolina. All amendments had been" previously defeated. - It becomes a law ' upin ihe " President's signature, the $3nate meas House. , - JZMr.L1.Q The bill cannot be presented to the President, however until next Wednesi0,) day. The House adjourned' 'at 12:02 f. ,T' m., until that day. Legislative rules niliid tnut tliA kill a limits m.,anM ka nrmraDnii V, , V Itm.nn mkilA .1. u ciigiwnvu vjr bus .luuau, ivuuv lug v latter body is in session, . ' It was 1:36 d. m. . when the bill Dassed ' the Senate; The final vote came at the ' i ,cloe of a lively session, b-fgun. shortly after 11 a. m. There were numerous roll calls on thevarious amendments, , but no attempt at any time to ' delay fi nal action. ' .. -.'I ....-! The Senate chamber was well filled, many members of the Hocse having t gathered in the rear of the hall, and,', the galleries were crowded. News of the passage of the reciproc ity bill was telephoned at once to the White House. President Taft made no ' attempt to conceal his pleasure. He was particularly glad that the bill had passed prior to his departure for a week-end visit to Beverly. Mr. Taft will be back in Washington Tuesday morning. Eva Tanguay's Song Free. Ky special arrangements with the publishers, the words and music of Eva . Tanguay's famous song, "I Can't Help It." will go as a feature with every copy of next Sunday's New York World. Hereafter the Peter Ruff Detective stories that are making such a hit will be puplished in the Sunday World's Magazine section. Another interesting feature of next Sunday's World will be "interesting' court decisions which declare that the husband ought to be the boss in his own home." ' : ' Ask him today and your newsdealer ' will save you a copy of the Sunday World. ' : Craven County Man Drowned. Washington, July 24, It is surmised that the young man who was drowned in Pamlico Sound last week, whose body was brought to Washington last Monday, was a Mr. Barnett, of Belha ven, recent'y moved there from Craven County. At first the young nan could not be recognised, but it was later learned that a Mr. Barnett from Bel haven was drowned in the sound near where this body was found. Some of Mr. tBarnett's people came here and recognized him. His body will, be moved to Belhaven soon. Miss Daphne Armstrong, of New York, rescued her colored maid from drowning at Fairfield Beach, Conn. . J Shoal Light to be Established. Ocracoke Inlet Teaches Hole, Chan nel, into Pamlico Sound Nine Foot Shoal Light to be established,- about July SI, 19il, to mark mid-chanel ent ering Ocracoke Inlet from ths , Sound, In place of Nine-Foot Shoal, Buoy, PS, 2J-clss ean, which will then be discon tinued, ' -' , It is to be a fixed red post light, ilia-, minating , the entire horizon, shown -about 15 feet above water from a 3-pile horizontally-slatted structure. ' 0()ItsiouHtstrtnlK . rr aitslhtccncjc.bu I II I m fu'A I Vc"r,',t V V 111 UlUI uUlvi v 00 quality givts it CO a value. cbublt CO CO C ) its jpricc i.:: I R - - ml h t , 3 , . , , Lv V '

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