A BANK -FOR ALLTHE 1 PEOPLE. . The convenient location of this bank in the heart of the business district,' the facilities it affords in all branches of t modern banking and the individual attention . given by ita management to the personal requirements of each customer, make it an ideal banking home for people in every walk of life.-'";- ' ' ' .. Checking accounts are received in any amount and 4 per . H-.. , ....: ' i - i ; - ! cent compound interest is paid un savings. 1 1 " :HvrnijfT3 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Has since 1894 given "Thorough Instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost." ? i - W RESULT: It b to-day with its faculty of 32. a boarding patronage of 328, Its student body of 400, and its plant worth $140,000 --. THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charges for the year, including table .board, room. llghte, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition Id all subjects except muaio and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, REV. THOS. ROSSER REEVES, B. A., Principal. , . . BLACKSTONR. VA. , EAST CAROLINA TENUIS T A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carol ina. ' Every energy is directed to this one purpose, j Tuition sfree to all who agree t6 teach.- Fall , term begins Sep-' tember 2, 1911. For catalogue and other information, address. ROBERT H. WRIGHT. PRESIDENT, GREENVILLE. I i Meredith On of h fsw colle- for woman in tha South that confer an A. B. dear represent Ins four reus of genuine college work according to th Standard College. . " Diplomss swarded in the School of Elocution, Art and Music , , Library faeilitUi excellent. Syatematto trainuur iii Physical Education under director. Court for basket-baltand tennis. : : s Boarding Club, where, bj about half an hour ofdsily domestic service, students aav from 152 to $66 a year. . . '-. i-. '' ' Students Dot offering the necessary units for enters nee may prepare in Meredith Academy. . Belters! to be the cheapest woman's callage of its grade in the South. - ' . For aatakaT, Quarterly Bulletin, or fuller lnformrtion, address. ' ., .-i.' RICHARD XILMAN VANN, niMPUAM ' ahajvlllo, N. O., ha "" tian run B nn un TBI TIDH..T 1 ritlaenshlnlor uain Tla TICKET irci.1 a..v-.vlicrc Specifon, lit not convinced that ilsralrs ifCNII FIRE WALL, srethe BfSTf. i "Hli T-. Action, IT8S Scad ior Catalogue ur ig uu J rtt . TRINITY COLLEGE 1859 V T v 1892 , V - 1910-1911 . . . Three memorable dates: The Granting of the Charter for Trinity College; the Removal of the College to the growing and prosperous City of Durham; the Building of the New and Greater Trinity. , Magnificent new buildings with new equipment and enlarged facilities. Comfortable hygienic dormitories and beaufiful pleasant surroundings. . ' five departments: Academic; Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering; Law; Education; Graduate. For catalogue and other information, address. . ' , J R.; L. FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, N.C Trinity Patk School ' " '-'''' ' ESTABLISIIKD 1898 .' ,' . " . . . . . . - - , ' ' . ' - . Location ideal; Equipment unsurpasseit V"1-' StudenU have use of the library, gymnasiun) and athletic fields of Trinity College. Special attention given to health. A teacher In each dormitory looks after the living conditions of boys under his care. -: ' Faculty of college graduates. Most modern methods of Instruction. '. Fall term opens September 13. " ' e For illustrated catalogue, address - ' ' ,. T -' W. W. PEELE, Headmaster, Durham, N.C. THE NORTH CAROLINA St2ta i:ctiTiHl and Enduslrial Cc!!ie !'aintainfd by the Stale for the Women c ! North Cart lina. Five recular Couiscs I i Ug to Degrees. Special Courses for t ;at hers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the Stato, Fell i saion begins September 1.1, 1911. For catulogue and other information atldiesR J'JU'JS I. FC'JSI, PicuJcnt, m s i f a, College. Raleigh, 'N.C. nrrtnrcd GOVS for Collar and r Chrlav IIO vrnrs. and ALONE in tha U. 3., oilers a - vHthin IGOO miles to any parent wh, on in- fTOBY brick rooms, separated by r parapet Ventilntinn nnd safety BRainstJf IHB, tC L R. IINCHAIs. SsaL. H. r. U. Ne. isia THE N0TR1I CAROLINA COLLEGE OF 1HIID MEGHfiSSC ARTS THE STATE'S INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Four-year courses in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Industrial Chemistry; hi Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-year courses in Mochanic Arts and in Textile Art One-year course In Agriculture. These courses are both practical and scientific. Examinations for Bilminmon are held at all county seats on July 13. For Catalog adilrcHS - Till" liEGISTItAR,' Y tr " Y N. c SANDY'S SCRUPLES. , They Almost Kspt tha Tourists From :. letting the Boat. , A couple of tourists staying at a vil lage wblcb Is In close proximity to a well known, Scottish loch bad a fancy one One Sunday to go for a row on ths loch. They accordingly sallied fortt In search of the boatman, wbom tbey met JUHt leaving bis bouse, dressed in, his Sunday best and carrying a Blbls under bis arm. v v "We want to go for a row," said one of the tourists. 1 - ' " "Dae ye no ken It's the Sawbatta?" answered Sandy, "Te'll no' get a boat fra me the day, forby I'll bae ye tae ken that I am an elder o' the kirk." "Yes, yes," expostulated the tourists, "that's all very well for you, but we don't require you with us. You can go to church; we can row ourselves.' "Aye. aye." said the elder, "but Jlst thtnk whit the nieenlster '11 say." ."Never mlnd'tbe minister," was the reply; "be will know nothlng'about It We will pay you well." V ; "Ah, weel." said Sandy, "I'll no let ye the boat, bit I'll tell ye whit I'll dae. Dae ye see yon wee boatle doon among the rushes? ; Weel, she's ready wt the onrs Ipslde. Jlst ye gang doon there aq row oot tae the middle o' the. loch, an' I'll come doon tae tha bank an' swear at ye. Bit never y mind; ye Jlst. row on an' fll call for the money on Monday' London Ideas. ' 1 11 1 . CROWNED HIMSELF. An Impromptu Ceremony In Whloh King Georg IV. Figured. That was a curious sort of Impromp tu coronation -In which bis majesty King Wllllnni IV. of England ACT red Things did not go very well with Earl (Drey's government after the second rending of the first reformed bill bad been carried by a majority of one In 1831, and one Friday In April tbej suddenly got the king to go down and prorogue paWlament In person. Some body went off to the Tower to fetch the crown, agd with a scratch body of at tendants bis majesty drove down to the house of lords. ' What happened there Is described In Grevllle's mem oirs. .The king ought not properly to have worn the crown, never having been crowned, but when he was lu tho rob fng room be suld to Lord Hastings: "Lord Hastings, 1 wear 'the crown. Where is It?" It was brought to him, and when Lord Hastings was going to put it on bis bead he said, "Nobody shall put the crown on my head but myself." He put it on -and then turned to Lord drey and said, "Now, my lord, the coronation Is over." The crown did not fit very well, we are told, but the prorogation was suc cessfully effected. London Chronicle. Serving 8oup. If anybody 'ere asked to suggest why the soup plate was made broad and shallow the(almost certain answer would be that 'such an arrangement facilitates the cbollng of the soup to a temperature comfortable to the mouth. We believe tbut utilitarians drink tea out of a saucer for the same reason. While that may be the explanation of the peculiar shape of the soup plate, the advantage Indicated Is surely In significant compared with the obvious disadvantages which may probably arise from exposing so large a surface of nutrient fluid to the air. Roup shoqld be served In a cup, a low broml teacup, and the method, which la be coming more usual. Is hygienic. Too deep a vessel would be an' error on the other side. Its advantages would le canceled by lrs creal drawback. Wa should miss Rome of the delicate fla vors of the soup. London Lancet Stags 8csnsry. Walter Prft-bard Eaton, the dramatic critic, believes modern dramas are too elaborately staged. Id "The Question of Scenery" In the American Mttga- cine 4) says: . ' L- ' "After all. It was not the Elizabeth ans .who were stupid because they could enjoy tbe drama on a Wire stage. It Is we who are stupid because we cannot en toy the drama unless the stage Is littered with realistic" acen ery. We have no faith In our own Im aginative powers. It would be a good thing for tbe drama If all scenery were abolished for tbe next ten years. Having leurned to get along without It, we would perhaps keep it In its proffer place for awhile after It re turned. Ita proper place Is as a pic torial and snggestlve background to the actors and the play and nothing but a background.", . Ruined by Jesting. The Antloi benes themselves -brought about the ruin of the beautiful city of Antloch, the ancient capital of tbe Greek kings ox Syria. These people were famous for their biting and scur rilous wit as welt ns their Ingenuity In devising nicknames, When the Per sians under Chosroes Invaded Syria In K18 the Antlocbenes could not refrain from Jesting at them.. Ample revenge for Jtbls was taken by the Persians, who totally destroyed tbe city. . Would Do His Own Biting. The British gentleman new to our shores stepped np to tbe cigar counter And requested of tbe "dark" a cigar. '' "What will you have, a bit clgarr asked the "dark." "No; I'd rawther bite It myself," re plied the ' Briton. - San - Froacisco Cbrohlde. . ; . - - Men Are Bsaoons. ' Every man la the center of perpetual radiation like a luminous body, ne Is. as It were, a beacon which entices a ship upon (be rocks If It does not guldi It Into port AmfeL F. S. Rex ford, 615 New York Life Bfdg., Kansas City, M., says, "I had a sever attack of a cold which settled in my back and kidneys and I was in grat pm from my trouble. A friend recommended Foley Kidney Pills and I usttd two bottles of them and they hvo done ma a world of good." F. S. Duffy. The $,",0.10, 000 subway contract in New Ycik wbs awBi'il'i to tho lirouk- BALLET DANCERS. Lang Training and a CeaselessGrnnd of Hard Work Aro Thsirs. . ' ; The modern Imperial' ballet schooli of St. Petersburg and Moscow are un dcr gnvernnieut control, forming, .Witt the. theaters and dramatic schools, a department of the ministry of the court. ' I'upfls, both male and. female, are entered at the early age of tea years seldom older. After the neces sary 'nomination has been obtained by no means an easy matter, nowa daysa stringent examination regard lng health, strength, beauty of form and ' natural gracefulness has to bi passed before the child la finally ac cepted. ' From the 'time it becomes an Inmate, tfie whole of its education, secular and artistic, Is taken in band, and some, years of training are neces sary before It Is considered ripe to ap pear In public. ; v - The dancer's life is a ceaseless round of hard work. : All, even great artists, when at home take regular dally lessons in addition to the dally re hearsals for the next performance whirh are demanded, however old and woll known the ballet Thus an aver age of five to six hours' dancing a day Is rather the rule than the ex ception popular ballerinas in demand at charity performances and artistic at homes often dancing as much as eight hours in the twenty -four. 'Trained artists are kept to design (n every detail of period and subject, the dresses, scenery and accessories a task obviously requiring much imagi nation and much knowledge and often as many as 100 personages appear on the stage at the same time. Even the orchestra leaders qualify especially for ballet music, having no place In the orchestra at any other time. London World. ' ' ' Our First Steam Warship. : The Fulton, which at the time of her construction in the early thirties was classed as a "steam battery," was the first United States warship that was uiropelled by steam. She was built un der the superintendence of Commodore Matthew Galbraith Perry and at the time of ber completion in 1837 was re garded as one of the world's wonders by way pf naval architecture and pow er at sea. The Fulton was the cause of no little speculation on the part of ljuroponn powers, for nt that time she, was'looked upon by othe nations as all but invincible. When this won der of the sen was put In commission Commodore Perry, then holding the rank of eoamander, was put In com mand of her, and he presently came to be colled tae "father of .the steam navy." The Fulton was built pri marily for Jefeuse of New York har bor, but she served" as well to demon strate the practical utility of steam power for warships. New York Times. C ASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Thfl Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Miss Daphne Armstrong, of New York, rescued her colored maid from drowning at Fairfield Beach, Conn. For summer diarrhoea in children al ways give Chambei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kenwdy a d castor oil, and a speedy cure is certain. For sale by all dealers, For Tosting Gold. Tho add used by Jewelers for tosting gold is extremely powerfuWiud has to be very carefully handle a. To pre vent any considerable quantity of the acid being spilled a specially construct ed bottle Is employed. The stopper of this is Hindu of glass and contains long pointed glass rod which passes down the center of the bottle. When an article of Jewelry- la to be tested fthe stopper is simply removed, nnd the article Is touched with the point of the glass rod 'td which A very slight quantity of acid has adhered.' Gold Is uot affectod by the acid, but Imitation metal turns green." - Never leave home on a journey with o it a bottle of Chnmberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on beard the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. When a Soft Drink Is Hard. "You are arrested on a very aerloua choree. my trood man, began tbe court, looking at the man severely, "Yon are accused of getting' Into I fight and hitting the complainant over the head with a bottle. Wbat hava you to say for yourself 1" "Your honor, I didn't mean to hurt htm. I never thought that It would hurt him very much, 'cause the bot tle contained nothing but a soft drink." returned ' the prisoner. Milwaukee Free Press. ; . . , 'Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Two Woman. In her book JVoinan and Labor" Olive tu bMner elves an amusing Illus tration of the fact that it Is not the amount of mouey A itcrsnn has which make him or her a p:itnslto on boc1 ety, but the way It is uwd. ' "The wife of an Amerh-arf million irlrc," says Mrs. Schroiner, "was Visit ed by a woman, the daughter nnd wld ow of a small professional man. i She stutcd that hIiit was in need of both food and dutblng. The millionaire's wife pave her n leg of mntton and two valuable drencs. ' The woman pro ceeded to whine, though In vigorous health, Ihut ilie bad no on to entry lU-m homo for her. The American, the (leweiidant of generations of able, lalmi-lng. Now ICngluud rurltan wow en, tmked the leg of mutton under me am and t ho bundle of clothes un Her tho otlw:r and walked off down thn city street toward the woman's (lwrlllnir, followed by thtt astouhibed 7 SOUTHERSRA!LWAY DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS i NOBTH. SOUTH-EAST. WEST. Very Low Bound Trip Bates to all . Principal Besorts. Through, Pullman to' Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05p m, arrives Atlanta 6:35 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a m, Mobile 4:12 pm, New Orleans,8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, KanBas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for ; all other points." This car also makes close connection atSrlis bnry for St. Louis and other Western points. " ' . Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing- on 8:53 am, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:31 pm. this car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida points. . Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 8:35 a m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro Una Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 m, following day after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all points North and Not th-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection at Greonsboro for all points North, South, East and West This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro at 10:45 pm. - If you desire any information, please call. We are here to' furnish informa tion as well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY. J. O. JONES. G. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C. A Marvel of Irlssct Mechanism. The sting of a certain Indian fly of fers as marked aitexawple of design In nature as can well be Imagined. When seeu through a magnifying glass U found to be composed of three sharp blades folded into one with their rutting edges outward and run ning down to one flue point. When the tly Inserts this up to tbe hilt In its victim the three bludes fly apart, and theu It Is seen that each Inner edge Is beautiful saw, worked by six sep arate muscles, so that when' with drawn the Instrument rips its way out with u gusli of blood. But now comes tbe most curious provision of all. It would not do to fold up these blades with the blood adhering to -them, so each blade Is provided at its base with a due brush of hairs growing out of an oil gland, which provides an anti septic secretion to keep the blades clean. Careless, an Usual. The great baseball player's wife had never seen n game, but he finally per suaded her to view one lu which he wus to play. Lie was doing lils best, of course. One strike had been called ou him, and, as usual In baseball anecdotes, two men were out and the bases were full. Our hero was gathering his strength for tho swat he wus going to give tho ball. And the ball cnnie. He knew It wag bis as the ball started, and with mighty crack he lifted It Into space. Dropping hl bat, he sped for first. and ere tho roar of applause burst out a slight woman In tho grand stand rose and called: "Will, come Imck here and put that bat . where It belongs!" Buffalo Ex press. Children Cry . FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A Insane English Monaroha. George III. Is the only British mon arch who in modern times-has been placed under restraint and deprived of his authority because of Inanity, though similar met.su res were at one time contemplated with regard to his son, George IV., the monarch Who has been described as "a bad son, a bad husband, a bad father, a bad sub ject, a bad monarch and a bad friend" aud a hose conduct while on the throne was characterized by an eccentricity which bordered on lunacy. The tusaulty of George III. was real ly brought about by tbe dangerous illnt-es of bla youngest and favorite child. Princess Amelia.) The unlikeli hood of her recovery preyed, npon hint and hastened tho attack of mental de rangement which Incapacitated him from reigning, nitbough he naa pre- vlously Buffered from this malady. TU died hopelessly insane at Windsor after loving bis sight as well aa hi sense. Pearson's. . . . . 1 ! Tha Diffrnc, , , " It was at an afternoon concert, and In the stalls sat a smartly dressed girl ana tue young- man woo aeemea uer the most precious Jewel of tbe uni verse. -Behind (hem sat a couple of the tpe of concert goers who came rather to discuss, tha audience than listen to the music. . ' "Look at that girl Just in front of us," commeutcd one in a, very audi ble whisper. "She's shop assistant at L'a. I should llko to kunw wbat busi ness she has at a gathering of this sort. And Just look at her butt Bha served me tbe other day with the on I am wearing, and I suppose she per suades herself that there la no differ eur between It and mine. I never" I The (ilrl Lu front turned with a. crim son face. "Oh, yea, madam, there' a differ once," ahe said quietly; "mine la paid for."-London Tlt-Illts. Sprains require careful treatment rveepqui una appiy MiamDerlaln's Linim-'iit freely. It will remove the I'fu-is o a hi iilthy '.condition. For sni Bond Uection Farm Life School No. , , i Seven Township. - Wtlereas, one-fourth of the free-holders of No. 1 township havfng certified their intention to apply to the Board of Trustees of the County : Farm "Life Schorl to have tho said school located in the seventh township; . v. And whereas, the said one-fourth of the free-holders of No. .7 township, presented a petition to this Board, ask ing that an election be held in No 7 township, at the regular polling places in said Township, on Saturday, August 5th, 1911, for the purpose of voting a thirty year bond issue in the sum of $10,000.00 of said N6. 7 township. Cra ven county, bonds bearing 5 per cent interest, and for levying and collecting on all the taxable property and polls in said township, sufficient to provide Tor the payment of interest on said bonds and creatng a sinking fund, for the payment thereof, for the purpose of offering the samo under the provisions of section 9, as afores'iid, to the a;d Trustees of the County Farm Life School; provided said County Farm Life School be located in tho seventh town ship. Now Therefore, it is hereby ordered that an election be called and held in No. 7 township. Craven count?, at the regular polling places in said township. on Saturday Aug. 5i.h, 1911, during the hours on said day as prescribed by the general laws 'governing new registra tions, at which election those favoring, the issuing of said township bonds, and the leving and collecting of 'such a tax for said purpose Rhall vote a ballot on which shall be written or minted the For County Farm Life Schools," and those opposed, sha I vote a ballot on which shall be wi ilten or printed the words. "Against County Farm "Life Schools." Ordered Further, that for the purpose of holding such elections, Mr. H. C- Wood" is hereby appoint! d Registrar, and Messrs. J. vy. Conner and J. A. Mdler ate her,;ly appointed poll hold ers. At the close of said election, the Registrar and Poll holders t-hall ceitify the returns st said election to the Board of County Commissioners, at their next regular meeting after said election, in the same m mner and gov erned by the said laws as such election. officers are rcqneated tocettify election returns in any general election. By order of the. board, this July 3rd, 1911. S. 11. FOWLER, Clerk Board of County Com. Bond Election Farm Life School No, One Township. Whereas, one-fourth of the free holders of No. 1 Township having certi fied their intention to, apply to the Board of Trustees of the County Farm Life School, to have the said school lo cated in No, one township And Whereas, the. said one-fourth af the free-holders of said No. one town ship, presented a petition to this board asking that an election l ehrld in No.ore township, on Friday, August 4lh, 1911, under and by virtue of Section 9, Chap ter 84, Laws of Id 11. for the purpose of i voting a thirty year bond issue in the sum of ten thousand dollars of said No. one township, ('raven county bonds, bearing 5 per cent interest, and for levying and collecting on all thetaxable property and polls in said townthip suf ficient to provide for the payment of . interest tl ereof , for the purpose .of 6f ering the same under the provisions of section 9, as aforesaid, to the said Trustees of the County Farm Life School, provided said County Farm Life School be located in No. one township. Now Therefore, it is hereby ordered that an election be cal'e I and held in No. one township, Craven county, at the regular polling places in said town ship on Friday, August 4th, 1911, dur ing the hours on said day as pi escribed by the general laws governing new registrations, at which election those favoring the issuing of such a tax foi said purpose, shall . vota a ballot, on which ulnll be written or printed the 'For County Farm Life School'nnd those opposed shall vote n ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "Against County Farm Life Schools." Ordered furl her, that for tho purpose of holding such flections, the following were appointed Registrars und Poll holdars, to-witu Vanceboro Prccinct-IT. C. Butler, Registrar, and McRay Dinkina and A, R. Whitford. Poll-holders. Maple Cypress "Precinct M. F. Al W. the dridge. Registrar, E., F, Adams, J Huff, Poll holders. . ' '. At the close of said election, "egistars ana pou-nomers snnu crrtny the returns 1 of aii election to the Board of County Commissioners at their nest regular meeting after said election, In the same manner' and gov- erned by the said laws as such election officers are rf quested to certify rctuniB in apy general election; ' By order of the Boar.t, this July 3rd. 1911, . P. II. FOWLER. . ' Clerk Moard of Commissioners. Protest "1 beg pardon," said the new ar rival, "but It swms to ,me It'i exces sively warm hero." . "Eh! What?" snorted patan. "Evi dently you forcet whero you are. 'XTda place Is meant to bo warm." "Quite so, but there's stu h n thing; ns overdoing It" Catholic Standard and Times. Eager For Information. An American tooka friend, an F,"ir- llshman, to a theater. An actor In tho farce, about to do the di-lnn act, ex claimed, "Please-, donr wife, don't bury nie In Yoiikers!" The KiiKllMliumn turned to bin friend nnd mild, "I Hiiv. old '!i:i, mb.it a Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. .... The andarjiensdhavinc duly qualified as sdmln Istratur of Noah CKoaotree deccawd. notifies U Priraoiii to whom hs was indebted or have claims against his Mat to preset the me to the on-. dersiifne t admitiatratpr for payment on or before the 21st, day of July 1912 duly authenticated or .tliia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the deceased are requir ed to make immediate payment to tbe undersign-' ' ed. " 3. If, EOUNTREE. ' Administrator.' . R. W, WILLIAMSON, Attorney. - v MORTGAGE SALE. , - By virtue of power of sale contained, in that certain mortgage deed executed by Sussn J. Hymen on the 90th, day of August. 1911, to the undersigned, mortgagee, which mortgage deed is recorded in book number 160, page 21, in the office of the register of jieeda of Craven county, the undersigned, will on the 14th. day of August. 1911, at the court house door in New Bern at 12 o'clock m, on said day, sell to the high test bid dipr for cash the following discribed tract of land, Ljing on the south side of Neuse river, and on the west side of Clubfoots Creek, in number five township, in Craven county. Noitli Carolina, containing 87 acres more or loss ad being th name land conveyed by deed from Isaac Carter. : Martha Carter, Nancy Uoora, Benjamin Martin and Mary Martin to John Bell which deed is re corded it book No. 141 page 66. in the office of tha I rcKiaUT of deeds of Craven county. July 13th. MIX. t JOHN S, GARRETT, ' Mortgage. MORTGAGE SALE'OF LAND. Pursuant to a Power of sale contained in s ear- tain real estate mortgage executed by Asa Ipook to William Speight, bearing date the 1st day of January. 1908 and recorded in the records of Cra ven county in book No. 168, page 476. 1 will sell at the court house door in New Brn. N, C , on Men day. the Mth day of August 1011 at twelve o'clock M. to the highest bidder lor cash, all the follow ing described property as conveyed in the niort- Kagt! alToresaid, 1st tract beginning at a msple on the main run of Broad Creek, and running thence a Btraight line to a ditch, thence wth said ditch to Alice Gaskins' tine near the roud leading from Cross Branch to Gum Swamp; thence with Alice Gankins' line to Staplelord'a line thence with Sta pleford's line to the ruu of Broad Creek then up and with the creek to the beginning, containing 15 acres more or less. 2d tract beginning at a pine on the Walker road and running S 16 E 64 poles to Joseph Wiley's line, thence with ssid lina to the road that leads from Cross Branch to th Walker road, thence with said road to the begin ning, containing 9 acres more or less. 3d tract beginning at a stake in the Gilbert Gaskins line on the Walker road, thence with said line N!7W 82 yards, thence N 73 E 66 1-2 yards, thence S 27 EC'J 1-2 yards to the Walker road, thence with Raid road to the beginning containing ons acre. . WILLIAM SPEIGHT. Mortgagee. July 14, 1911. NOTICE OF SALE EXECUTION. North Carolina I j th g p. c t Craven County ' wmw J. at. Arnold vs. ' ' . A A. Cay ton. By virtue of executions directed to the under signed from th Superior Court of Crsven county in the above entitled action. I will on Monday, the 7th. day of August, 1911 at twelve o'clock at the j.ourt house door of said county, sell to th highest bidder for cash to aatiaf y said execution all the right, title and into: est which said A. A. Cayton, the defendant, ha or had on the 12th day of December. 1906, in the following doscribed real estate, to-w it: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in No. one township. Craven county. N. C, ad joining the lands of Alonsr Miller, T. D. Willis and others branded as follows, vis- Beginning at a stako near a pin stump on the side of th New Bern public road, it being th beginning eorner in the deed of A. A. Cayton and wife. Julia, to T.D. Willis and wife. Cora, dated 18th. September, 1909. and reentered in the office of -of the Register of Deads of Craven county, N. C in book 177, page 126 and running theno with said pulic road to th naw public road near th residence of N. P. Willie; thence with th said new public road to a stake in Alonzo Miller's line; thence with the said Alonzo Miller's lino to a stake in th line of T. D. Willis and wife;'thenc with ths said Willis line to a stake on the pubii road, th place of beginning; containing ten acres, more or leas, and being a part of th tract of Und known as lot No. on which was allotted to Alexander Caytou in th division of lands of W. R. Cayton, dee'd., which diviaion is recorded in said ofllce ia book 142. page 287. ' - " This 8th. day of July I9IL " . 1. W. BIDLLE. Sherllf. Lake Drummond Canal & Water - ; Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. - Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of . Water Minimum Depth .. , Always. -Quick Transit for Traffic Prompt ' Towing and Freight Movement. -For tolls, towing and freight ratea apply at office in Seaboard Bank Build, ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Va. ' M. K. King. Pres. J, A. Mitten, Sec. J. B. Baxter, Supt. J. T. Whitehunt, Traffic Manager. Norfolk Office Bell Phone 621 Instead of Liquid Antiseptics Peroxida many people aro now Ufiin Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic - Tho now toilet (rcriulcido powder to bo diHHoIved In water as needed. ' For all toilet and hyjrU'iiic uw.s It Is bettor and more e-onoiiiieuu ' To cleanse and whiten the i? i teeth, remove tartar and TH-event doenv. To dialnfiHst the month, de stroy dlseano perms, and purify tho breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridge work clean, odorless To remove uleotino from 1 1 10 1 mirify tlio breath nfii-r miu1 I'd erad',uto pernjd r:i I m hi lu iidi un by Kpiiti;' l.uM, i ii Ill : ii 1 id L The Li .1, am i. s and ) v .i !i I '-. c. ! i II 1 Tr l':ni . r 1 !ir: 1 1 y i. I c-'ul'is.

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