7 -1 v 3 chewing for 10 cents. Got 'em all beat easy. No excessive sweetening to hide the real to bacco taste. No spice to make your tongue sore. ' Just good, old time plug tobacco, with all the improvements up-to-date. CHEW IT AND PROVE IT at our" expense, the i r traf a nn ua.. - os with your name and address for attractive FREE offer to chewers only. . "MUtTm" LHPFERT Winston - Post Office. SHORT PASS1SB EVERTS SATURDAY. , 5 or 6 doses H666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25c A few Irish potatoes were brought . into market yesterday morning and dis posed of to local dealers. Jhere is a scarcity of these commodities just at present and the demand for them far exceeds the supply, Thursday morning an examination was held for the white teachers of the , public schools in this county. There were 18 participants in this examina tion. Their papers have not yet been examined, however, and it is impoasi- ' ble to state how many passed. The examination for the colored teachers was held yesterday morning. Bicycle thieves are again becoming numerous. During the past few days - two local cyclists have had their wheels ' stolen and although they have made a diligent search, have been unable to lo cate them or even get the slightest clue that would enable them to appre i hend the thieves. The only way to pre - vent such acts is to keep the bicycles locked when not in use. With several vigilant officers always somewhere in that locality, it is be coming to be quite a risk for those per sons who are retailing whiskey in this . city to get their wet goods out of the freight warehouse. Already two con signments of this cheering (?) fluid have - been confiscated after it had been taken from the warehouse and started on its way to the consignee and it is probable that the same thing will occur again. Shortly before 3 o'clock yesterday v 4 i. - morning fire was discovered " at the . plant of New Bern Steam Laundry which is located near Stewart's sanitor iura. The alarm was turned in and the - fire companies were soon on the scene and within a short while had the blaze '. under control, but not before it had done several hundred dollars worth of damage. The origin of the fire iu un known but it Is supposed that a spark , from the boiler room was the cause. Friends in this city will learn with regret of the death of Mr. S. Einstein, which occurred at his home at Wilming ton Thursday morning. A few days ago Mr. Einstein was struck by a trolley car and although it was thought that he would recover from the injuries he re ceived, he gradually grew weaker until: .L. 1 . I n; i iL . ' um eiKi came. mr. Zjioaiein was lue father of the brothers composing the . firm of Einstein Bros., one the largest , wholesale dry goods establishments in the State. 8U5DAI. - . Reports from all sections of the county are to the effect that tobacco has improved wonderfully since the ' rains, and the estimate of the product to be marketed here this season is now 50 to 60 per cent, more than it was a month ago. All other crops have im proved very much also. Kington Free Press, 224" - Several members of the Naval Re serve who accompanied the torpedo boat "Foote" and "Elfrida" to Hert ford and Windsor where tbey were ta ken for the purpose of taking the Na val Reserves at those places on a ten days cruise, have returned to New Bern. Before the boats .return to this port tbey will go to ('ape Look out and en gage in target' practice for several days. " " . J While riding down Middle street shortly before noon yesterday a young colored boy attempted to ran over a large grey cat. He sccceeded in his at tempt but immediately afterward found himself sprawling on the pavement The feline had exerted all its efforts to escape injury as soon at the front wheel of the bicycle struck it and this caused the wheel to swerve and throw tLe rider to the grour.d. Yesterday morning policeman Dow ty received information .which led him to believe that Annie Johnson, colored, i v ho conducts a restaurant adjacent . to . 'r. J. B. Watson's place of business on ' ! !!e street, was engaged in the sale ' l.ii.key. During the day he kept a t watch'on' the place and seeing i t warrant him making a raid jco he did so and discovered j ;ii of whinkey which he con ! b i.l carried to the city hall : it is now bfcing h;U. The pro i f t ti e j lace has not yet been 1 f ft ; t Hi, 1 d,i.- YES SIREE! . I THAnAITHH RDCn . - " - TOBACCO : A Quarter pound plug of sure enough good Cut out this ad. and mail to SCALES CO., Salem, N. C. ' . Hmt't. Head Red the local market just at this time is not very large and the dealers are ac cumulating quite a supply. The price of both these commodities, however has not decreased in the least. One of the largest crowds of the sea son went down to Morehead City Sun day morning from New Bern and ad jacent towns. "There is no better way of thoroughly tfhjoying a day's outing than at this popular resort. The Norfolk-Southern Railway Com pany have completed driving a number of new piles at their Trent river bridge. They have been at this task for the past two or three weeks and the entire crew used on the wrecking train was engaged in the work, 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25c. Fifty colored teachers stood the ex' animation last week for the purpose of securing certificat s to teach tho pub lic colored schools in this county. The papers of those who entered the exam ination have not yet been passed upon and it is impossible to say how many of them were successful. Yesterday morning the large davits on the revenue cutter '"Pamlico" were taken off and carried to the New Bern Iron Works where they will be rerat- ed. These davits support the large dingey used by the crew on short trips and they had become badly bent and were practically useless. National Avenue is a scene of acti vity just at this time. During the past month a number of new residences have teen erected there and a rumber of others are now being constructed. This ui on ideal location for a home and it is probable that the entire section will be built up within thn next year or two. Several boat loads of fine water melons were brought into port yester day and disposed of to local dealers. The price of these delicacies is gradual ly decreasing and one large enough for several persons to feast upon can now be purchased for 20 cents. Cantaloupes too, are also plentiful and are selling at a nominal price. It is noticed that a number of im provements are being made to the build ings and premises of the white graded school. All of the class rooms have been renovate J, and it is understood that several of them will be repainted. The heating system is also being over hauled and put in repair for service du ring cold weather. While engaged in operating a saw at the Clark Lumber Company's saw mill at Slocumb's Creek last Saturday, Rob OTTUMWA WOMAN CURED By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable. Compound . Ottumwa. Iowa. "For years I was almost a constant sufferer from female trouble in all Its dreadful forms: shooting paing all over my body, sick headache, spinal weakness, dizziness. depression. and everything that was horrid, i tried many doctors in different parts of the United States, but Lydia E. llnkhams vegeta ble Compound -has done more for me than all the doctors. I fool it my duty to tell you these facts. My heart Is full of gratitude to you for my cure." Mrs. Haertkt E. Wahi'Lkk, 1524 S. ' Ransom (Street, Ottumwa, Iowa. n v ' Consider This Advice. J Ko woman should submit to a surgi cal operation, which may mean doatta, imi.il she has given Lydia K. llnkham Vegetable Compound a fair trial. This famous mediclno. made onlv from roots and herbs, has for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic and iiiviporator of the female nrgikiiittin. Women residing in almost evry city and town in the United Htal.i'9 In'ar willing testimony to the wonderful virtue or l.ydla h. linx Lauj's Vegetable Compound. JIm. rinhlinm, nt Lynn, Ilass., luviti'S all Hick xvoiih'u to write luTl'r n! vlw. 1 1 or advice In frw roiiU.lt-tkti.il, i'i;,l tUwaja helpful. ert Toombs; colored, had the misfort une to get dim right hand, caught be tween a piece of woid and the saw and in conseq lence two of his fingers were so badjy mangled ttut it was found necessary to amputate them. V - Gast and. Oast, the pianowizza'-da who are fili ng the bill at the Athens theatro during the first three nights of this wetk.'gav) their first performance last night before a crowded tiou?e.' Their work.on the piano is' wonderful and they received much 'applause, W ithout any doubt their act ia one of the best of that variety ever seen on the local stage, - : . People living along that line in this city say that Ihe Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company still persists in block 1 ing the crossings on Queen street 'with their trains. This matter was brought before the Board of Aider mon at their last meeting and the railroad company promised that, such conditions should not again occur, but according to re ports they have failed to carry out their premises. The target raft built at Meadows' shipyard by Mr. Stewart, has been carried to Cape Look Out where it will be used in the target practice by the crews on the 'Elfiida' and the 'Foote.' The raft is of the pattern that suports two sheets upon' which the- targets are marked, and is 56 feet in length. " Fir ing from a distance it is impossible to overturn the raft by any of the shells sti iking it. ' The revenue officers of this district have been having considerable trouble during the past few days with a gang of illicit distillers near LaGrange. They have succeeded in capturing several members of the gang, but the blocka ding is still going on, Those captured were carried before a U. S. Commiss ioner at Kinston and gave bonds for their appearance at the next term ol Federal court which convenes in this city during the tall. During the past few months there was a section of road just on the north side of the National Cemetery that gave the travelling public a deal of trouble during wet weather. . At times the mud there was more than 13 inches in depth and it was almost impossible to pass with a heavily loaded vehicle. Several days ago the convict force was p it to work on that particular place and the result is that it is now in excellent condition and will be as eajy to travel over in wet weather as in dry. While in the city yesterday, one of Pamlico county's most prosperous far mers informed us .that in certain sec tions of that county no rain had fallen in several weeks while other sections had rain almost every day. This con dition prevails all over this section of the State. In certain sections of this county also, no rain has fallen within the past two weeks, while in this city the rainfall during that period amount ed to several inches. Taken as a whole, however, crops all over the county are in excellent condition. 1 BE BALD When Parisian Sage is Guaranteed . to Stop Falling Hair, or Money Back t Parisian Sage is the , most delightful hair dressing in the world; it is pleas ant, invigorating and refreshing. It makes the bair beautiful and luxuriant Wherever Parisian Sage is known, it is the ladies' favorite hair dressing. If, after using one bottle, you do not say it is the most delightfnl hair dress ing you ever used, you can have your money back. The price is only 60 cents a large bottle atBradham Drug Co. It is guaranteed to cure dandruff and fall ing hair or money back. The girl with the auburn hair is on rebot.yve elt Gautler'i Superstition. Thenphlle Gautler, the Celtic, novelist and poet,' like many another, great man, was superstitious and believed in the evil eye. Offenbach was bis aversion, and In this respect a Paris contemporary tells ns that one day the son and father were walking together. The son, tor wickedness' sake, start ed a conversation about Offenbach, and his father gave him to understand that the subject was. disagreeable. ' Noth ing daunted, the lad led Gautler to a shop ' window ' where was exposed a photograph of the composer. ,i - As they resumed their Walk the son observed, "Well, you see, father, after all, nothing has happened through looking at the photograph." At that moment tbey were turning the corner, and the son preceded his father.. In furl view of the pnssersby Gautler ad ministered to his tormentor a paternal kick, observing, half in anger and half In humor, "Well, something has hap pened.",, '.- ' r ;;.-' ; . Tight Collar. - " Writing In the Hospital, London, Dr. Walford warns everybody against tight collars' lie considers it remarkable tbut no one seems to have noticed or, at any rate, to have laid great stress on the fact that such slight obstacles to the free circulation of the blood through the vessels of the brain may adversely Influence the health of those who are In the habit of wearing tight ly fitting neckcloths. "The fact ap pears to bo well known to veterinary surgeons,, who tell us that neck con striction through badly fitting harness lata causative factor In. 'staggers' in horses,? says the" writer. It seems to be equally well known that logR suf fer a great deal through having to Wear tightly fitting collars. Is It too nnii-h, then, Ir. Walford asks, to argup that those of us who wear our own col In r too tightly buttoned nmy find In that practice some explanation of sympt" ascribed to other cauite,il WEIGHT V1 S lr! GOLD lady Learned About Cardui, The - Woman's Tonic and is Now . Enthusiastic in its Praise. . Mount Pleasant, Tenn. "Cardui is all you claim for it, and more," writes Airs. M. E. Rail, of ttils place. , . "1 was a great suf Icrer lor 2 years and was very weak, but 1 learncll about Car dui, and decided to try it. Now 1 am in perfect health. ; . . :, -. "My daughter, when changing Into womanhood, got in very' bad health, v J gave her Cardui and now 'she' envoys good health. ' '".V: "Cardui is worth Its weight in gold. 1 recommend it for young and old." -. Being composed exclusively of harm less vegetable ingredients, with a mild and gentle medicinal action, Cardui is the best medicine for weak, sick girls and women. iv?.' . . ..-.U-.. It has no harsh, powerful, near-poisonous action, like some of the strong minerals and drugs, but helps nature to perform a cure in a natural easy way. Try Cardui. ; ' N. B.-WW ftv Ladles' Advisory Dept. Chitts. aooga Medicine Co , Chattanooga, Tenn., Inr Special Instructions, ati't 64-page book. Home Treatment lor Women.1 "sent la oUia wrapper, ou requat McSwiney's Gun. Ne"nr Horn Head. County Donegal. Ireland, there is n hole in the rocks called McSwincy's gun. It. Is on the sencoast aud is snld to have connec tion with a cavern. When the north wind blows and the jse. Is ,at. half flood the wind and the waves enter the cavern and send up jets of wafer from the "gun" to a height- of mere than 100 feet. The jets of water are accompanied by explosions which may be heard for miles. More Worry. "I didn't know you admired that of flcial." "1 don't.1' replied the political -manager. "Then why do you insist on crediting him with a presidential boom?" - "Merely to make his life harder by giving him something more to worry about." Exchange. Be Slow to Indorse. "A man should think before he speaks." said the incident youth. "Yes," replied Dusiiii Stax. "And he ohould think still harder before he writes his name ou the back of any sort of document." Washington Star, All Must Help, ' A wise man who does not assist with bis counsels, a .rich man with his charity and a poor uihii with bis labor are perfect nuisances In a common-wealth.-$wlft . my POiiocK, i. d. Physician and" Siirpa 168 Middle St Phone 7101 Ring New Bern, N. C. E HOTEL SWANSB0R0, N. C. All modern conveniences for bath ing and inside fishing. BOAT LEAVE? 8 a. m. Lv; Swansboro Ar. 5:80 p. m. 11:30 a m. Ar. M. City Lv. 2;00 p.-m. "There's a Difference" ASK YOUR DOCTOR -for Thirsty Into" Save the crowns, they are Valuable. Catalog for the asking. -Write The Pepsi Ce!a Company NEW BERN. N. C. 73 ! Bbn?i S SCnow Many discourage that niost stylish form of "Eye Dress" because they cannot fit them. t jti us examine your eyes Nj by the dr unless method and ; please yoftwith a -pair of b stylish nose glasses. - J. 0. BAXTER orxoMirriM.sr. - WIJ OUIND THIj ; I; A'rSI ;' WORTH B - i IIIPEflflGE -FOR PDRTO RICO Inhabitants of Island Will Ask United States To Allow Them To Governi New Orleans, July 24, -That Porto Ricans are preparing to declare their independence of the United States is the statement made by Joseph Wonar, a fruit exporter of; Porto Rico, who has just arrived here from the island. ' "It is probable," said he, "that on the forthcoming visit "of Secretary of War Stimaon to the island on July 25 not a few speeches will be made in .his pnsence that will show'the,Washing tcm government what both the Repub licans and Unionist parties think of the injustices which have been committed against the islanders and foreign inter eat there by some of the appointments made in Washington. All this anti American sentiment is nothing more nor less than the. open expression of the dissatisfaction of the people against the appointment of men Who are in no wa familiar with the affairs of the island, "We have had a government who put through an irrigationscheme.bondingthe inland for more than$2,S00,f 0, 1 1 e purpose of ibis scheme being ostensibly 'to ir rigate a vast arid desert. "Now after the expiration of his term of office, he is here ia the United States promoting sugar propositions on irrigated lands, but at an advance of about 2,000 per cent upon their original value'. The people of Porlo Rico pay for it." . V" - . "- . . Notice of Loss of Certificate of Stock. Notice is hereby given that I have lost or misplaced Certificate No. 61 for ten shares of series No. 4 of the capita) stock of the Horpe Building & Loap Association issued tome, said certificate hearing date May 1st, 1909. If aame is not found within thirty days applica tion will be made by me for duplicate certificate. . '- " F. L. PERKINS, This the 30th, day of June,' 1911. ' SWITCHED THEIR VOTES. - Th Incident That Won Tom Corwin't First Fight For Congress,. "When I saw the oil painting of Tom Corwiu In the treasury," said an Ohio man. ". could not but recall the story told In Corwin's old borne of Lebanon of how he won his first election to congress. He was a young man and already noted as an orator,' but be had a hard district and little encour agement for election, tie was making his tour of the counties nod one night stopped at 'the double cabin of a farm, or known to be a very fervent advo cate of political policies of the oppo kIi lim.1 corwln talked polIUcs :care fully wjth the old man aud. hi pons before bedtime, but hnd little horde of winning a ulngte vote In the house hold. In the' morning the old man took Corwln outside and- aunouneed tlkit every voter In'tbe family would lie for him on election day. This astonished and delighted Corwln, who t-'.iild not help but ask why the sudden cIi.iiikc of heart. r J -' ; V ' '"The old man told how the opposition camlidatfl had stopped at bis. bouse one bight the .-week before "and bow the host and wife had watched the etinliilate go to bed. - To their disgust, he-itftiially put on a nightgown 'like those worn by a woman. This dis gusted the rugged old pioneer. Then Corwln was told bow the old farmer and his wife bad watched him go to bed. mid as he bad not bothered about a nightie they determined he was not taken to frills. Corwln could see the humor of the Incident, and In every KUccecdlng. speech he told that night shirt iory on the other candidate, holding him up. to scorn. The result vviii a victory for Corwln. and he owed It all to that story of a shirt." Washington Post. ' , , Sale Property For Taxes. Notice Is hereby given that all the lands whose owners are delinquent in the payment of their taxes for the town of Uridgrtton for the year 1910, and prior thereto, will be sold for the pay ment of their taxes at the post office Brideeton at 12 M. August 6th. 1911. and the followering named persons are particularly required to take notice that their lands, as detcribed. in' the space opposite their names below, are among those to be sold that the amount of taxes expenies and jsosts due by each delinquent owner is set opposite his namand property. , . , ;;. Al'en John Lot 1 . f 75 Harrington, W. A 8 B, St, 2 18 Hardison, M. L. 1 . , , 75 Hopwell, W, R. 1 .,. 6 05 Morton, C. D. . . 1 ; 4 01 Wolman Mary , I : 1 ;'''- 160 West,.W. S, ' lacre 2 13 Wellington Mary A. 1 (Williams . , ' . - 1 60 - T. W. MOORE, . , Tax Collector. ; ' , ; NOTICE. l'.ef'inning at once, the Norfolk South cm train No 92 from New Hern to Wfirthingtim, N. C and Intertnedifcte l oinls will run Tuenday, Thursday ami '.''..itiinliy, iintead of every day. F'teiKl't f'irthi'ip points will need to be deliver e l thrf ilay iiefwre to inouie leaving on tliesO dates, - ' . . m. w. wai:: : ::, 1 V DB HE JEDUID M:m IS? 1 THERE is something very strange about money. There aieKp!e who will carefully save everything else but their money. . They will gather their- crop in season and handle it with the greatest care, but they let their money slip through their jingers without thought. - Use the same prudence in handling your money as you use In in gathering your bam at v This bank aeeepta deposits of one dollar or more and pays interest on the money at the rate of 4 per cent compounded twice a year. ., j DEPOSITS SUBJECT TOCHECK ARE ALSO INVITE??. NEW BERN BANKING & TRUST COMPANY New Bern, N. C. .Capital $200,000.00 DEPOSITS ACCEPTED BY MAIL. rsamta THE B mm TROUBLE Dependable " NO COIL Built to Last a Lifetime - Fulton 1 ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA Represented by C. C. STEWAST, New Bern, 'If P.vO. Box 612 IN THE PRDPOHTIflia OF SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED - PROFITS TO CAPITAL THE NATIONAL BANK , - OF NEW BERNE, N..C. STANDS . " - : . . - . .- .... ... FIRST among the, banks of the Gity' THIRD among the National Banks of the State jj . . -. . And as it has Surplus and Undivided Profits amounting to $106,000 and Capital amounting to $100,000, it has a place' on the National Bank Roll of Honor, which includes only banks iiaving Surplus and Undivided ' Profits equal to or exceeding their Capital stock. , -.- 4 INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS - , ' SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. ' ' ' VISIBLE TYPEWRITER 1 " Pfinv MODEL 10. Acme of Perfection in Construction and Serviw. t MB (j tt " . A": r " I - -A bbsdd PROOF Reliable u mm Easy to Start Mf'g. Co. Phone 726 I STORE ; I . J . . 3BI - ... f i a i ; '

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