Ti.E l.EEKLY Jw AL ZsUtUahe 187S rksUahad la Two -Sections, verj Tuesday and Friday, at journal Bulld-St-60 Craven Street : , CHJJOES I. 8TITXSM, . EDITOa AND ' PROPRHITOH. Official Paper of New. Bar ana Craven Gouty. ' v SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Uonths.. .. .. .. .. .$ M TbfM Month!.. .. .. .. II U Month.. . .. .. M rwelT Montha.. .. .. .. LM ONLY IN ADVANCH. v The Journal Is only Mnt on pay-In advance baft a. Subscribers will ra eive notice of expiration of their anb nrlptlons and an Immediate response o notice wij oe appreciated by the InornaL. v Advertising rates furnished npon application at the otfloe, or npon tn luirr by mat1 nted al the Poatotflce, New Bern, H. Q, as second-class matter. New Pern, N. C. July, 28. 1911. RECIPROCITY POLITICAL AND MATERIAL. Clark, of Arkansas. Simmons, of North Carolina, Bailey, of Texas. This is the Democratic Senate vote against President Taft's reci procity bilL There were three Democratic Senators who refused to Tote for a strictly Republican measure. There. were three Demo crats who voted their honest polit ical convictions and refused to be stampeded by any political turn turn, or bull dozed by the fear of future political extinction, A lone ly threo Senators, today, bat Sen ators who will receive later on the applause of those who honor cour age and respect political probity. This reciprocity bill has its po litical and material sides. An in genious Republican measure, thro its material side it has secured Democratic endorsement and votes because of the selfishness of its ap peal,' the possible free trade on ar ticles entering into the daily needs of those who flattered, cajoled and terrorized Congressmen and Sena tors. Primarily, a protective tar iff has national, state, local and in dividual selfishness for its basis. Buy cheap, sell high. The Taft administration Bas been facing an indignant people To appease the masses, meant injury to its chief supporters, the beneficiaries of a greedy tariff. Democratic gains were made every where. The tar iff repeal always a Democratic promise, was nearly a realization through the voters who demanded relief from tariff burdens. Reci procity, happy thought, a Repub lican bill that will deceive enough Democrats to catty it through, at the same time change the popular clamor against Republicans to ap plause that will see in the Taft ad ministration the end of tariff bur dens, and prove that the Republi can party is the party to preserve the best interests of the people. Is it any surprise that the Taft smile occupies the first page of so many Democratic papers t And how Democratic newspapers ' must ap predate the word of approval from the Whit House, thanking them for their splendid efforts (for Re- pubHtMidra) And will not Demo crats see that this political victory is another Blebeim t 4 'But what good came of it; at .. . last!" . ",; ' Quoth little Peterkin. "Why, I cannot tell," said he; ' "But 'twas a famous victory." inconveniences ressV IN PROO- Pivparedness is almost every thing. It lessens misfortune, often trips up approaching . trouble, makes good times all the more en joyable. ' "." Community progress is 'a very serious inconvenience to many res idents. Take a looJ illustration, in the ordinances requiring cleanli ness, water and sewerage. It is not so hard to keep part' of the premises clean, specially with an allev adioiuing or a vacant lot V w with a low fence next door, but when the demand comes for water and sewerage, it finds many on prepared, generally without the money to pay for the improve ment, which is rather a demand to observe certain rules in order to preserve public health, an obli i llion laid upon every citizen. An inconvenience of progress, is the ii 1!. 1 municipal weight of keep- j v;i with the tide, or becoming a t. TLa f -irit sihM-r.lv " . I ' ' ' ..!.'. 1 t ) I ' t ' f t ( :t t i ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AwgctaWe reparation forAs similatin$tlieFlitN(.inrllttib ting lis? Stomachs and Bow ii Promotes Digestionfhteiful ness and Rest.Contatosneittitr Opniiu.Murph.ine norMitHxaLi NOT NARCOTIC. jtipntouikSjMaimm JbcSmma - AnerfeetRemedv forCttnsfiM-i i nn.souraiunKicu.uicniiuu WorrasfoKvulsions.revcnsti ness andLoss of Sleep. FacS'uuV Signature of NEW YORK. Guaranteed under the toooV Exact Copy of Wrapper, and flowers. It is not agreeable to be left alone in this progressive scene, to refuse even to join in set ting straight the back fence and whitewashing it. If the folks would just discuss this in advance! But no, like the woman's house cleaning, there is no signal of war ning, it is cleaning up time, get busy or get out of the way! Another inconvenience of prog ress is in business. The merchant who waits for customers, does not advertise, but who of course keeps goods on his shelves until they rot or are destroyed by vermin or in sects. Progress is most irritatinj;, a positive hardship. There is no intimation to such a merchant that progress means that he must get up and move, or find himself swept to one side, and forever lost. There is the perpetual reaching forth in progress, that refuses to accept today's advances, however great, as satisfying. There is to morrow and its exactions, no mat ter how great, they must be met. Progress is the despair of the un prepared. It is the joy of th.qse prepared. GOVERNOR KITOHIN AND HIS CRITICS. The Good Book tells of the man who exclaimed "Oh that mine adversary had written " a book," and truly Governor Kit- chin's critics and enemies must rejoice that he has written not a book, but articles for newspaper publication that can be replied to, by such a construction and inter pretation as his apponents may think best so as to place the Gov ernor in a compromising political position. He public official, not even a President or Governor can success fully contend in a newspaper controversy. L Governor . Kitchin no doubt realized this in advance, yet the attack upon his official in tegrity called for a reply. If one did not know the personal record and character of Mr, Kitchin, his public position before the people of . North Carolina, his replies, taking his present high office are worthy of full , acceptance. To some, no character is worthy of trust, no . official entitled to re spect, but fortunately, the major ity of people value personal char-. acter and revere the office to which their votes elevate the man in the ranks.-'; -r :, The teal that inspires the Gov ernor's critics, is that arising from personal and selfish views and po litical ambition, not . the desire to purify, the state democracy. It Is the cry of "unclaan," political ly applied to distract public at tention, the contemptible method that seeks to mount up, on the bodies of those pulled down, no matter for what cause. The Journal has already com mended Governor KHchlu, as Chief Executive of North Carolina. The Journal did not favor V. W. Kitchin as first choice for Govern or. Ji nas never asuca political favors nor expected tliem. Mr.' II i. ' '..i kne- the- Journal's at OUSmltltJa J in For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the - Signature of THK OINTtUR OOMMNV, MCW VOMK 8ITT titude towards him before he was Governor, and as Governor he will continue to receive the respect his hih office entitles him to so long as he bears himself as he has done. Every Senatorial aspiraut for uomination should desire that his opponents be men of character. Has the Democratic party of North Carolina to enter a senatorial con test with men discredited in ad vance! And by whom t . $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded diaease' that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the-only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being, a constitutional disease, requires a con stltutlonal treatment.. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of ttie system, thereby destroying the foundation of tbe disease, and giving the patient strength by building uu the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. 'The proprietors have so mvuh faith in its curative powers that that they oner Une Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list ol testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO.,Toledd, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75o, Take Hall's Family Pills for eon stipatiou. Some 3,000 consumers in Des Mo'nes solved the high-cost-of-living problem by establishing a market place where they buy goods on the co operative plan. , Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A A caucus of the Conservatives in Ot tawa decided that reciprocity with the United States must be submitted to the voters of Canad . HELP FOR THOSE WHO HAVE STOMACH TROUBLE. After doctoring for about twelve years for bad stomach trouble, and spend ing nearly five hundred dollars for med icine and doctors' fees, I purchased my wife one box of Chamherliiin'a Stnmnh and Liver Tablets, which did her o much good that she continued to use thpm. And thtv Iiuva Hara ha mi.. good than all of the medicine I bought before. Samuel Hover. Fnlinm Inara This medicine is for sale by all Dealers, oampiea xree. . , . F'ekle Popularity.,- , "Ton sta .ed with the full confi dence of ywur constituents, and how you are crt clscd on every, band." "Yes.", implied Senator Sorgoura mournfully, "my experience bas been very much like that of a man Who good nuturedly consents to umpire a hnll pame-WahlnRton Star. WOMEN 'Women of the highest type, women of superior education ana refinement, whose discernment and judgment give weight and force to their opinions, higU praise the wonderful corrective and curative properties of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throughout the many slices of woman's life, from gir" oc J, throogh the ordeals cf in hood to the declining years, t!..;e is to ttftr or more rt!M! r kia. aarilaia'sTill'it i '! etrryv.' -re t IZt a l:x. L "J W w 3 In jjk Use U' For Over Thirty Years TAP DAY AT YALE. C What It . Meana to the Junior Who r Have -Made Oeod." The. three great senior societies of Tale-Skull and Bonea. Scroll and Key and Wolf's Head-cboose on tap day fifteen members each from the junior class, tbe fifteen members of the outgoing senior class making tbe choice.- Bach senior la allotted his man of toe Juniors and must find him in tbe crowd at tbe tree and tap blm on the shoulder and give him the order to go to bis room. Followed by his sponsor, he obeys, and what happens at the room no one but tbe men of the society knows.' With shining face the lad comes back later and is slapped on the Bhoulder and told, "Good work. old man." cordially and whole heart ly by every friend and acquaintance by lads who have "made" every honor possible, by lads who nave "made" nothing. Just as heartily, for that Is the spirit of Isle. : : 1 " '; ; Only' Juniors room In- Durfee hall. On t day an outsider la tuck who has a -friend there, for a winaow a proscenium box for the play the play which Is a tragedy to all but forty-five of the three hundred and odd Juniors. The windows of every story of the grayston facade are crowded with a deeply. Interested audience. Orlssled beads of old graduates mix with flow ery hats of women. Every one Is watch ing every deUiL every arrival. la front of the hall are a drive and room for perhaps a dozen carriages next the fence the famous : fence of Tale which Tails the campus round,; just Inside it, at the northeast : corner, rises the tree. People stand up in the carriages, .women and men. ' The fence is loaded with people, often standing, too. to see that tree. . . ,,,'t. - . . All over the campus surges a crowa students of the other classes, seniors who. last year stood In the compact gathering at the tree and left It sore hearted, not having been "takenr sophomores who will stand there next year, who already are hoping for and dreading their tap day; little fresh men, each one sure that .he at least will be of the ' elect, and again the Iron gray beads, the Interested faces of old Tale men, and the gay spring hats like bouquets of flowers. It Is perhaps the most critical single day of tbe four years course at the university. It shows to the world whether or no a boy, after three years of college life, has in the eyes of the student body "made good," It is a cru cial test, a heartrending test for a boy of twenty years. Mary R. 8. Andrews In Scrlbner's Magadna..", Thay Were All "Pilla." One of the fashionable east side churches recently witnessed a funny Incident at a choir rehearsal, t They were preparing for tbe following Sun day morning, a beautiful selection,, the first words of which were, "I am a pilgrim." It so happened that the music divided the word "pilgrim" and made a pause after the syllable - Tbe effect was most amusing. The soprano sang In a high key "I am a plT and then stopped. The tenor acknowl edged that he was a "pU." and when the "bass came thundering In with a like declaration, "I am a nil, It was too much for the gravity of the singers, and they roared., No amount of practice could get them past the fatal pause without aa out burst, and the piece had to be given up. Musical World. ,- Clever Dwarfs. if! Richard Gibson and his wife, wb flourished In the seven teeth centurl were a remarkable pair of dwarf quite apart from their inches, which combined barely made np seven 'feet Both were clever painters of minia tures, and Gibson wsa drawing master to the daughters of James IL At their wedding, which was arranged : by Henrietta Maria, Charles L gave the bride away, the queen placed a valu able diamond ring on her flngea, and Edmund Waller, the court poet wrote a poem in honor of the occasion. -Gibson was seventy-four when he passed away, while his widow died .at the advanced age of elghty-nlna years. ' : Madagaeoars Twe Climates. , The Island of Madagascar has two distinct climates, two classes of na tives and two classes of fauna and flora. Tbe Island is about the site of France.' Along the coast It Is taoptcal and malarious, and the native are darker than to the Interior. Kbe fe- terlor is a high tableland and moun tainous. There tbe climate is cooler and the natives smaller and lighter in color than oa the coast But in tbe interior they art more intelligent and they rul the Island. ; ' ' Obliging. ; .s Excited Author (rushing behind the scenes! Why are yon cutting out tbe second and third acts of my playf Manager 1 am not cutting anything out I'm merely varying the order of tbe sets. Several Influential persons In tbe audience have asked me if it would not be possible to have the hero tie in the next act Chicago Tribune. Phllesophy. Learn to be pleased with everything with wealth, so far as it makes us of benefit to others; with poverty, for not having much to care for. and with obscurity, for being antsnrled- Pla ta rc a. . i : . . ' T' Hep Own Introduction. -' "When did yoo first become ac quainted with your wlef ' "The flint time I disagreed with her after we were married.'' Puck. There's htYKsfy n tbe love that can be reckoned. Shakespeare. HAPPIEST GIRL IN LINCOLN. A Lincoln. Neb, crirl write. "1 had ben ailing for some timo with chronic constipation and stomach tru!,l. I be gan takin? Ciiambxrlain's Stomach and Liver '1 allots and in three dnys I wits able to . t op and got better r ' t along I am t'.ij prouiU-nt girl in Lin coln to find aiii-h a good medicine." tor sale by all d ait-rs. The Uoi.-e l:m, n'i ia cruc! 1 C. ' i T i it. sprfei on t : V ' r , Ilev'. ii n 1 'I f J v ."I Kiclney Diseases Are Too Danger "; ous For New Bern Peo : pie to Neglect. ; " The great danger of kidney troubles is that they get a firm hold before the sufferer recognizes " them.- Health is gradually. undermined. Backache, ner vousness, lameness, sorenese, lumbago, urinary troubles and dropsy follow in merciless succession. Don't neglect your kidneys. Cure the kidneys with the safe remedy, Doan'a Kidney Pills, which has cured people . right here in this locality. :; , 'v James Thompson, 808 Chestnut St, Kinston, N. C, says; ''The public abate ment I gave in January 1908,- rr com mending Doan'a Kidney Pills still bold' good. I had severe paina across my loins and my back ached all the time. My kidneys were weak and I was ob liged to pass their secretions every lit tle while. Doar'a Kidney Pills were so highly recommended to me that I got s supply and used them as directed. They strengthened my back and kidneys and removed all symptoms of kidney com plaint from my system The benefit 1 received has been permanent and I now have no need of a kidney medicine what ever." ' For sale by all dealers. Price 6 oeata. Poster Mllburn Co., Buff ale tew Tork, sola agents for tbe Unltec States. '';k; C rO; iV,- Remember' the aame Doaa't n tako no ottiar. - - Boby Leach, of Niagara Falls, Ont, went over the great cataract in a bar rel and escaped with only superficial in juries.' ;";,-':;';' OHildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Witnesse j before the -Steel Trust in vestigating committee left no doubt that the agreement submitted by Chaii- man Stanley on Monday . is being ob verved. . SAVES TWO LIVES. "Neither my siBter nor myself might be living today, if it had not been for lit. lung's Maw uiscovery writes A. D. McDonald of FayettevHIe. N. C, K F. D. No. 8. "for we both had fright ful coughs that no other remedy could help. We were told my Bister had con sumption. She was very weak and had night sweats but your wonderful medi cine completely cured us both, it s tne best I ever used or heard of." For sore lungs, coughs,' colds,. hemorrhage, lagrippe. asthma, hay fever, ' croup. whooping cough,T-all bronchial trou blea, its supieme. Trial bottle free. 60c and $Lud Guaranteed by all drug gists. -' ' A CJiemical Experiment.. When tbe genial Quaker. - Isaac T Hopper, met s boy ..with a dirty face or hands be would atop him and In quire If W - ever studied chemistry. The" boy. -with, a wondering stare, would answer, "No." . . ' , ' ; Well. then. I will teach tbee how to perform a curious chemical expert ment" sal' Friend Hopper. "Go home, take a piece of soap, put It In water and rub It briskly on thy hands and face, hou hast no Idea what a beautiful froth it will make and bow much Whiter thy skin will be. . That's a chemical experiment 1 advise tbee to try if Life of Isaac T. Hopper. SOLVES A PEEP MYSTERY. . "I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart," wrote O B Radcr, of Lewiaburg, W. Vs., "for the worder ful double-benefit I got from Electric Bitters, in curing me of both a severe caae of stomach trouble and of rheuma turn, from which 1 hud been an almost helpless sufferer for tea vears. It suit ed my ease as though made just for dies and to rid the system of kidney poison that caurea rheumatism. Elec tric Hitters has no equal, iry uiem. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 60c at all druggists. If : The Uplift J- ' "Is she a help to her mot her r ask ed one woman. - ... ; - y - "Tea. Indeed." replied the other "She bas taught her to say 'culinary art instead' of 'cooking." Exchange. " The Division. He So young March and bis father are carrying fen the bnslnessT She Tes. The old mnu runs the business, while yonng March does the carrying on. New Torg Globe. The most changeable things in the world are the course of waters and the humor of women- Pitta cos. , DEATH IN SOARING FIRE. May not result from the work' of fire bugs, but often severe burns are caused that make a quick need for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boi In, sores, It subdues inflammation. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off akin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at ail dealers. J Etpapod the Bullets. Dr. James Cralk. who was Washing ton's family physician, was -with the leather Of Ills Country lnhe exbe dltlon against tbe Crunch ai?r. Indians la 1754, and the next year be attended General Braddock In bis fatal cam paigning. Fifteen years Inter, while exploring wild Innds In the western districts of Virginia, Dr. Cralk eu -ouutered a band of Indians led by an aged chief, who informed the physi cian through an Interpreter tlin t be lmd msde a long Journey to aoe Colo Wl Wastilnirton. at whom lu the battle of Mouongnln'la lie bad tired bin rill fftwn times and ordered all tiis younu men to tin tlm fiuiio. In fu t. Wn-di li.j-"o bad tun Ijdi-.i-h killed under 1 ! ii i! fit iVn . hi. 1 li'a r. -ii t ns dfre. ! i:'i f jmt I ' i, Jtt I u left the ti;t:' r ' 1 ... - r.-f ! !- JOY IN THE SCHOOL , How Infant Classes' In Soma Foreign CountHas Are Handlod. j The man in tbe club bad been talk ing politics -with the school inspector ontll that gentleman declined to -discuss the subject any more..' ; ' . 1 "We'll talk about tbe youngsters themselves , for ' a change," he said. -"Do you know that both In France and Belgium reading, , writing' and arlth- j metlc are being 'omitted "from the' subject taught In Infant schools! The children are simply taught to be happy -' Instead. And -when they bring their dinners to school the food has, under ; the official regulations, to 'be put Into a basket ' which must be labeled at the school and set on a special shelf In a, clean, airy place., : Fancy such regulations in England'. Any old news paper and any 'cupboard Is good enough for our children. . " " - "In Germany toys are provided for play time, and all' little children are compelled to bring clean pocket hand kercnltfs . to school, and : they must have a bath once a week.- . "In Finland the tiniest children are taught to wtmb dolls, dust, sweep, look after flowers, and so on, and in some Japanese schools a resting room, with a' bed. is provided, so tbat overtired cbrldreu may have a nap!" London auawvrs. - . ; ., Bill and Hit Watoh. - "BUI,- can you give me the correct time?" says one of Bill's friends. $ "Sure," says Bill, dragging ont his watch. "My .watch was just' leveu sccondn slow, at twenty muiotes of 4 day before yesterday, afternoon, and t don't believe it's varied more than a quarter of a second - since. It's-now twenty-two minutes . and seven sec onds past 6.'1 "Thanks, old man," ' says. Bill's friend, who then drops his own watch Into bis pocket and goes on his way. ; Iteally be wasn't so particular about knowing the time himself as desirous of giving pleasure to Dill, for he Knows that Bill Is one of the few million men In the world who think each tbat bis wntcb is a wonder and who feel them? selves flattered when their friends ask them for tbe correct time. New York 6un. - - Caught Her Seoret Old Podkius lay back In his chair in calm content, and, though his wife was quite near. blm,. be was happy, for she had not broken tbe silence for nearly five mluiftes. - - . r ? He bad been married for five and twenty long years, and Mrs. Podklns nlmost dally ,dnflng twenty-four of them bad disturbed tbe domestic peace by u too full exercise of her tongue. ' "iff dear," broke In' Mrs. P, thlnk- lng It time she said something to In terrupt the quiet, "I see by tbe papers that a petrified jaw 'two yards long bus been found in Cornwall." ' "What!" cried Podklns. starting up.' "Now I know your secret y, But yoo never '..told me your ancestors came from tbat part of tbe world!" Dundee Advertiser. , s . . . Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A , Tunnel No. 1 of the coal and Iron di vision of the" Western "Maryland' Rail way, under Cheat Myuntain, caved in. OLD SOLDIER TORTURED. "For years 1 Buffered unspeakable torture lrora indigestion, constipation aid liver trouble," wrote A. K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie, Fa . "but Dr. King's New Life Pills fixed me all fight. They're simply great" Try them for any stomach, I'ver or kidney trouble. Only 25c st all dealers: 1 The Difference. ; It wns nt au afternoon concert, and In the Htnils sat a smartly dressed girl nud tlio young man who deemed ber tho most yircclous. jewel of -the uni verse. .Behind them sat a couple of the type of concert goers who' came rather to discuss, the audience than llnten to the music. . . .i'-il; -"Look at tbat girl Just In front of lis," commented one In a very audi ble whisper. ' "She's shop ass&tant at Vs. I should like to know- what busi ness she has ot a gathering of this sort And jnst look at hor bat! She served me the other day with tho one I urn wearing, and I supposo alio per suados herself that there is no differ ence betweeu it uud mine, I never" , Tbe girl in frout turned with a crim son face . . ' . "Ob, jes,' madam, there's a differ enec," she Bald quietly; "mine Is paid for."-LoiidoH .Tlt-Bits. . ; . C ' . ' KAP loBVa hnma An m l'nnrfiu orifti out a bottle of ChsmHerlain's Colic, fholMm fipd riinrrhftfA WetmnAv - It ia almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtain) d when on board the cars or steamship. For sale by all dealers. . A Centle Reminder. jolyi I understand Dftsblelgh's un do hns died, leaving blm a fortune. " Tom Yes; he. has received r great marly congratulations. Why, even his tailor sent him a bnnch of forgetme bots yesterday. London ' Malt Tho Only Way Out. ' - Toler (sent for tho milk) Oh, moroy, Pre drunk too much of Itl What shall We, do? Small Brother Knsy. ' We'lT drop tho Jug.-Mecgondorfer Blatter. Forty Wire Trust men.plealed.no defense and were lined in New York, I r "-- - ' p;;33ii lot . - i .' Catawba Gem. and Fox River Print riutter only 34c lb:, also choice lot N. C. Hams, Shoulders and Side Bacon, Picnics 12Jc !b Hams 20c lb , Granulated Sugar. 5ic lb, Full line National Bis cuit Co's. Fancy Cakes 15 and 20c lb, Nice lot Adams Creek and Bogue ' Sound Watermelons from 10c up. DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE CITY, - YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L. McDaniel 41 Middle St. 1 P';one 91 HARDWARE Building Ma "I. terial :- Paints Oik Varnishes American Field Fence 1. 1 n lew Bern, I. C HENRY-S Prescripltions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. " Also" a full line of Choice Toilet articles. PHONE 173 E-Z JARS QTS. - 90c. DOZ. Pancake Flour ' l' pkg. 15c Best Tub Butter vper lb. 32c Print Butter . . . - 85c Best Flour . " ( 3c Fancy Evap -Peaches 7 ' 15c Best Lard Picnic Hams me 13c .11 ARMS Phone 174 Middle St, A BOARD FI'CB should be built of our lumber if you wish it to stand hard and Jong usage. AU of our lumber is clear and straight grained. It is the . KIND OF LUMBER that men who are keen judges of qmlity insist upon getting. No matter what you have to build, if it's to be construct ed of lumber jilace your order for the materials with us and save money, - OUR GRADES are strictly up to association inspection - - - - - v " - tr.ah Lictaunq wa are strictly Retailors our time is da yottid to jour wants. No matter what ' you want, if you are building, we have it. T:':-i Li:::r 2 H:. V. 123 L front Zl f'?w f i, r:. r. Pharmacy j LiiinLcr Yarl, 'V I ; , 1 1 j I ' I'!..!.:. ' r i.

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