a St.. No. 34 NEW BERN, CRAVEN gOUNTY, N. C, TUESDAY AUGUST. 1, 1911 FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR Cr 4 DiSASTHOUS FIHE AT IMSIIIIICTOfl Loss Estimated At 130,000. Start ' ed Id Prioting Office. About . $10,000 Insurance.- Wsshington.N. C. July 27 At an early hour this morning one of the most dis astrous fires in several yearsN was dis covered in the press room of the Tide water Printing Company. r This eomj pany was located right In the Morton ., building right in the business district of the city and despite the heroic ef forts of the fire company it was soon seen that the entire building was doom ed to destruction. V v The flames had gained considerable headway before I hey were discovered and within' an hour's, time the entire building had been' gutted and .only the outside walls were left standing. , The building was owned by Messrs Charles L. Morton and was occupied by the W. B. Morton Furniture Co,, -the Tidewater fruiting Co. W. M. Kear Real Estate Co. and Dr. l L. H. Mann dentist. The property valued, as near ly as can be ascertained, 'was about $30,000 and the insurance only about $ 10,000. , " . Ravaging The Country. Teheran, July 28 '-Turkish tribesmen who are following army of the ex-Shah Mohammed, are ravaging- the country . There is great alarm felt here. ' WILLIAMS' KIDNKY PILLS .": . Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous ays tern and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Have you pains in - bins, side, back, groins and bladder fl Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too fre quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil . hams' Kidney Pills will cure you-at Druggist, Price (jOc , Williams' M'f'g. Co., Prop., Cleveland, O. Protest Against Cotton Schedule. Charlotte, N. C, July 28' R.- M. Miller, Jr., chaitman of the tariff com mission of the American Cotton Manu facturers Association, gives out the following official statement on behalf of the association protesting agamBt the proposed reduction in the cotton ' tarifT schedule; 3i.V f "The so-culled Underwood bill ou the revision of the cotton tariff schedule is bill framed apparently solely in the interest "of the importer and foreigner ' wholly unfair and unjust to us ignor- .. ing entirely the interests of the Ameri can cotton manufacturer and the Amer ican laborer, and if enacted into law will "turn cotton mills of our country into soup houses.' ' : ; '-"; ' , ''Based upon today's prices of cot- - ton yarns as best that I can figure, in order that the manufacturers ot this country may meet the ' reductions in. - the proposed schedule andytd compete with imported yarns, -it wi II necessitate a cut somewhere from 25 to 50 per cent In the wages of our cotton mill operatives, ; Thin means pauper wages in Europe. Will American labor siattl for it? ' American cotton manufae.urj protest against it," ; ' . Trunks and Suit (Cases. . Big shipment just arrived. 1 have the Rountree Roller Tray for ladies, beautifully finished, heavy traveling Trunks, Suit Cases in different colors. . ; J. S. MILLER, : At the Atlantic Hotel. Morehead City, July 27.-Mrs. H. I. Barr, of New Bern, who was one of the most admired young matrons in the At lantic Hotel, left yesterday after a , week's sojourn. ' . " Among the guests from New Bern registered the pait week ' were Dr. N. M. Gibbs, Messrs R. Hancock, Jr and H. R. Bryan Jr. F. G. Smith, C. T, Ward, Claude Marshall, Mr. and Mrs, R. Hunter Smith, Miss Henrietta Han cock. ' . - One of the most brilliant affairs of the season was the military ball given by the Atlantie Hotel complimentary to the second Regiment North Carolina National Guard and the Naval officers from the Elfreida which is anchored in the sound. There were two grand marches, the ' first representing the army; was led by Captain Pridgen and Mrs. Pridgen, of Lexington. The second representing the Navy, was led by Lieutenant A. T. Willis, of New Bern, with Miss John son, of Norfolk. -. .. Among others from New Bern tak ing part in the grand march were Mrs. H. L. Barr and Cap. Ton; C. Daniels. The Philadelphia Lawn Mower will make your, lawn have a decent appearance when properly applied. ' J. S Da:ni;ht Hdw. Co. SEVE FORTY IUJH0 " - ''-,'.fi-iT"i,,t V- '-'" -' . ' Excursion Train . Collides 'With a Freight at Hamlet With . 'j- Fatal Result. Hamlet,, N.' C, Jluy ' 28. An excur sion tram from Durham, on the Sea board Air Line Railway bound for Char lotte, tusbed head-on into a freight train in the; yards of this jilace at 10:30 a, 'm. yesterday, instantly killing seven people -and -wounding forty. ; ; Xv. i. The train which rau into the' freight was a negro excursion train. - All the dead and practically the injured are ne groes. i-.-i'C''': It is said .-, that the ., collision was due to a misunderstanding of orders.. The engine pulling the second section of train 33, carrying a colored excursion from Durham to Charlotte, ran into the rear end of a freight train, which was atati ling on the main line in the yards at Hamlet, on the time of an overdue train, and that while this was due to a misunderstanding of orders, it was not known at the time who was to blame, whether the train crew or the yard men. The collision occurred between ten and eleven'-o'clock,' and little informa tion concerning it was received at the company's offices in Portsmouth at 3 o'clock. It was said, though, that none of the train crew Was injured, and that all the. negroes who were killed were either on the platforms of the cars or Uhnding up iosi-fe. ' ' Advices received at the office of the superintendent of transport ition from Hamlet, shortly after thre? o'clock sta ted that seven had licen killed and for ty injured all, negroes. The injured had been hurried - to Cla'lolte, where they were placed in a hospital. Many were only slightly bruised. i It was also stated that it was a head on collision and that ths pilots of both engines were demolished and ' three of the passenger cars damaged. Because the excursion train was making only 10 miles an hour the loss of life was dot greater. . , . LOST, Strayed or Stolen-Two cows, one red with white back, the other black and white; marked smooth crap right, and two slits in the left ear, Been gone 6 months. Any information may be sent to C. M. Eubank, Maya ville, N. C. ''' Seaside Resort Destroyed. : New Haven, Conn., July 28th. Mo maguin Hotel and Hoyt'a bathing pa vilions, were destroyed by fire today with a loss of $50,000. Mrs. R. H. Callaham is proprietor. Her child was rescued from the burning building with great difficulty. . 1 Big Wreck on Western Road. Kansas City. Mo , -July 28th. The wreck on the Chicago & Great Western passenger train caused by ai open switch. The engineer was killed and 8 injured, 5 1 ' The Loan Fund. Vhe Alumnae Association of theS'ate Normal College has set itself the task of raising a loan fund of fifty thousand dollars, to be 'known as the Mclver Loan Fund, in honor of the man who not only endeared himself . to every student and friend of the Normal Col lege, but did such a great and lasting work for the cause of education in gen eral.' .V V: . ': Tlii work was inaugurated in the summer of 1906, during 'which time a field secretary began the organization of alumnae associations in the various counties of the Slate. For two years Miss Etta Spier gave her entire time to this work with the result that now there are fifty counties organized and twenty-two thousand two hundred and eighty dollars pledged for the fund. The amount to be contributed by the county is left with each county associa tion, no assessments being made. A separate account is kept of the money derived from each county. This money will be used by - young women of that county, The use of this loan fund will be by strict buainesi arrangements. A young woman wishing to borrow money for her college education makes a written application and gives her note in legal form. The loan mutt be repaid as soon as possible, tbe Interest beginning the Septemter after leaving college.- As partial payments are made they will he put back in the fund to be used over again. , A large proportion of the money al ready raised for the Mclver Loan Fund hai been contributed by members of the association,' but to accomplish our purpose the assistance of the poople of the stale required. This assistance has been freely and heartily given wherever the movement his Iteen inaugura'ed. Men and women of influence in every community have been enthusiuitlcally interested in the establishment of the Mclver Loan Fund. EU-10 :":. GERMANY Hands Off Or Fight France May J Intercede. Stock Market; , .-'( ... .; t Unsettled. . . - ' London, July' 28 Great Britain has delivered an ultimatum to Germany on the Moroccan situation. ; She demands Germany to keep hands' off or fight. Hurried preparations are being made at the Wool-Wych 'arsenal in the North Sea. The fleet has . been ordered to coal. ,? - - . "' '' Berlin, July 28 The Foreign Office denies it has received the British ulti matum. The return of the Emperor is anxiously awaited, V'- . ;',,'; Paris, July 28. The French Cabinet is conferring with President Fallieres. It is expected that France will relieve the tension over, the Moroccan situa tion between England and Germany. London, July 28. A slump in the stock market because of the Moroccan crisis, caused two failures today, Refrigerators. Will sell the balance left over at the following prices. Genuine : Porcelean lined Lenard Cleanable, -, the (25 (0 ' at $22 50, the $35 00 at 30 00, the $40 00 at 35 00, the 45 00 at 4 00. The above prices are the lowest we ever offerd this class of goods at ' Everyone car ries guarantee that they will do all you expect any refrigerator to do. J. S. MILLER. Fifteen ' Skeletons round on Maine. . Havana, July 28 -With the finding of some more bones, approximately 15 skeletons have been recovered 'from the wrecked Maine. The remains of 59 men Bra still in the wreck, but most if not all, were In the part of the bat tleship which was completely destroyed, and it is doubtful whether many more skeletons will be recovered. Canada Opposing Reciprocity. Ottawa,. July 28. The opposition in Parliament continued its attack 'on re ciprocity until 12:30 this morning, It is expected that Premier Laurier will makes statement today defining the government's position. ; Insurgents S2lze Custom House. Cape Haytien. July 28-The insur gents have seized the customs bouse at Jackmel, All southern Haiti ia now in revolt. Encouraging Crop Reports, . In looking over the growing crops in this section, Mr. J. R. Ball, a local cotton broker, stated to the writer yes terday that while on a visit to Mr, Graham Richatdson's farm at Uelhir a few days aeo he was shown a section f 62 acres that will yield at least 100 bales of cotton. He alio stated that the yield of corn on the farm would be about 15 bushels to the acre. This is an exccllen t . showing and demonstrates the fact that Mr. Richardson thorough ly Understands the art of farming and also that the present year will be one of ihe best crop years sll over tbis sec tion that there has been in many yearr. Stoves. Remember we are complete house furnishers, can, give you prices on Ranees of the best Quality, such as the 1 Favorite Ranges. Cook Stoves from $6.00 to $20 00, Ranges - from 25.00 to $60.00. Give me a chance at your stove wants. .... . - 1 " ' J. S. MllXhK. North Carolina's Apple Crop Short. Raleigh, July 29. -While the spple crop in quite a number of the western eountiesis quite full the estimate is that taken the stats over there will be not over a 80 oer cent yield. In the Bushy Mountsin region it is fine accor ding to reports brought in by Assistant Horticulturist S. B. Shaw, who Is just back from that section. Tiny Rapublios. Klein-Alp Is a diminutive rcpulty tucked away between SwlUerluud aud Fruuce. Only In summer U tlio re public inhabited and then by miners and cowgirls. There Is one hotel, closed during the winter. Another little re nubile Is In Trrol, between Austria aud Ituly, and in long gone years wus uuder the Jurisdiction of first a king and then an emperor. But in the ad justment of frontier lines the state' of Vul dl Veutino was In some way over looked, and it promptly organized It self into a Ulllpntlan republic. It has now about 2,0K) Inhabitant living tn six villages. Neither Val dl Ventlno nor Kleln-Alp has any tuxes. There are no officials or compulsory rnllitary services. The only industry of Val dl Ventluo, aside from the farming small fields, Is charcoal burning. mm E WOOL BILL Raw Wool Duly Ia Keduced to 35 Per Cut Ad Val- ' t rem-. . . : Washington, July 28. A compromise wool bill offered by Senator I-a Follette of Wisconsin, a modification of both, his own and the Houce bill, was passes' by the Senate, 48 to 32, through the tijiion of Democrats, having secured a record ?ote on the original J Undrwoo44ill, joined with the Republican , insurgent forces. ( The measure adopted ; reduces the raw wool duty to 35 per cent, ad valorem,' and correspondingly reduces the duties on woolen articles. . :" ' . The ''regular",. Republican members of the Senate finance '' committee an nounced that because of the carrying out of the Democratic-Republican in surgent wool program they would re fuse to serve on the conference com mittee 'between the f wo house's. There is some doubt as to what course the House Democrats will pur sue with regard to the compromise hill. House Leader Underwood several days ao served notice that the House would not accept the original La Follette hill. ' Although President Taft has made no definite utterance to that effect, it has been Btrongly intimated at the White House from time to time that he might feel called upon to -veto a wool tariff bill, passed in advance of a report on that schedule from the tariff board. The passage of the bill came after a defeat of the Underwood House bill, 44 to 36r on almost a party vote;' and after the original La Follette substitute had been voted down with only the ' Re publicart insurgents in its favor. ' Hav ing secured a vote on the Underwood bill as passed by the House, the Demo crats then supported a motion made by Senator LaFollette to reconsider the vote by which their bill was defeatel. j As soon as the motion to reconsider had been carried, LiFollette offered his compromise. He said it represent ed a reduction of the duties in his pre vious amendments. Democrats accept ed it as the best that could be obtained. The Democrats were unanimous in tljjfr support of it. " " ' ' ; We can't . keep the mos quito and ' fly out of your yard, but we can furnish you with the material to keep them out of your soup and bed-room. Cost nominal. J. S. Basriight Hdw. Co. WEEKLY SWANSBORO LETTER. July 27 Summer visitors are still ar riving but ' our accommodations for them are ample. - , Recent rains have materially benefit ted crops in this section. Cotton i- es pecially fine. .- , Mrs. Lily Bell and Bon'. Earle, and Miss Gertrude Barnes of Pollocksvllle; are spending the Summer here. Captain Ramp Jone caught the prize drum fish of the seas jn. It was al most as big as a sturgeon. Mr. W. J. Moore, the genial propriet or and owner of Swansboro's new hotel is preparing to huilja fish oil and scrap factory, a'so a gnstmill and ginnery Mr. Moore says that bis "mission in this world is to assist his fellowman," and he is certainly doing it. '. . Mr. Pite Smith ia our biggest farm er, His Hammock f arm is- at K-asi a mile square cleared located opposite Swansboro, rigl.ton the water, a beaut iful p'actv His land is extremely fer tile and his crops bountiful.. He is con- templating the erection of a large wind mill to operate a grist mill and cotton gin. - Mr. Lony Stanly the ' mail carrier from here to Maysville, makes a trip. regularly, every other Saturday : to Morehead City. We suppose his con tract calls for that service, or maybe there is some attraction at the other end of the sound, not mail, but female. Mr, and Mrs.' E W. Sabiston and. Mr. C A, Petteway of Jacksonville, nere visitors here last week, , ' , Col, S. B. Taylor and Mr. Leinster Bocks of Catherine Lake. Mr. Richard Jarman of Verona and Mr. J. B. Mur rell of Gum Branch and Mr.. Leon Hum phrey of Jacksonville are recreating here. ' :; . ;. : We wre sorry to learn of the death ( of Dr. Farneirs wife at No River, She was only sick two days. - ' Dr. Blount will set up his office in the room above Canady and Willis's dru; store. We have a healthy town but there are two drug store here. Mrs. Nancy Wo. ten of Fort Larn well, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Jones, of this place. Mr, Henry Odum ' and the General spent lint Sunday wiin Mr. Stephen Winberry at ltear Creek, and called of also at Mr, Green Hatsells. GENERAL. SEAT PASSES DO (MS UNCLE SAMUEL Each War Outrage Reported Aud Charged Up. Aggregating Over 132,000,000 Dam- 1 - ages. Washington, July 29-The United States Government is in the most ad vantageous posi' ion possible : for ' the collection of its damage clams against the Mexican Government as a result of the yevbl'utlbfl,i according' to the belief expressed here today by Henry Lane Wilson, the American Ambassador. He said he expected that the American claimants would receive prompt and full consideration. In every instance in which complaint of damage was mnde by tha Americans in Mexico, the ' Slate Department, through the Ambassador, . entered pro test against those responsible, asked for protection and reserved all rights in the matter of asking damages. These cases, of which there are a very lurge number, are now being assembled in the office of the solicitor; No attempt has yet been made to present a bill for specific sums. , Mexico has a surplus of $32,000,000, but it is doubted whether this sum will prove sufficient to pay the damages. NOTICE. Road Supervisors and overseers for No. One Township will take notice that they are required by law to meet at Vanceboro, Saturday, August 5th, 9 o'clock a. m, to attend to working the public- roads in said township and to attent to any other business that may come before the meeting. By order of Chairman. . G. C. GASKINS, ' An ExlMng Hunt. Pollocksville, N. C. July 27-0ne of the most exciting and splendid fishing and hunting trips of the reason were enjoyed by Messrs Newton White, F. M. Taylor and Paul and Allen Bender of Pollocksville' near the upper Mill creek section. Those merry hunters had not reached their hunting groundu when one of the splendid hounds that were under chain by Mr, Taylor gave signe of seeing game. Mr. Taylor looked up saw coin ing directly at the party a ferocious bear, Mr. Allen Bender open d fir wounding bruin who charge on Mr. Bender, but was met by his magnificient be ar dogs seeing the yarty turn back, then charges on Paul Bender and Nute White who scares him off not having either of their guns loaded. They put more dogs on-him and the fight was on. Wewitness the charge until bruin makes a stand and Mr. White and Allen Bender goes up. to see the fight more closer. When unexpected bruin angred makes a charge at his human apponents. They fired at him but missed the mark, Mr. Whit 3 fired again hitting bruin in the mouth, he fell heavly on the ground, but comes again. This time Mr. Ben der put a bullet through his brain and bruin fell st our feet. Wo now go fishing and make a good catch. We also caught a specular spe cia of aligator on a large hook baited with a piece of bea-v Mr. Paul Bender used his Winchester twice on him and we now have his bide to mount. It was a sight to see the q lenity of pearch of bear liver, wild honey and coffee those hunters put away. We sure had a good appetite, and this hunt as well as this supper will be remembered always Be remembered of the many good catches of fish on Trent river and Nueseand the creeks lakes and lands also the splendid bug of quail, turkey, bear, coonoposom, squirrels and many other game common to this country that can be baged or c au(;ht in tl e proper season shows that Eastern North Carolina is truly s sports mans para dies and cannot be nurpassal or equals J. , t B. They Insisted on, Brevity. The Bpurtuns were distinguished for the brevity and conciseness of their speech. On one occasion during a ter rible famine the Inhabitants of on Is land in the Aegean sea sent sn am bassador to Sparta, who mnde a speech Imploring Its aid. He had hnrdly flnlKbcd before the Bpartans sent him bar those' words', "We did not nnderstui'l the end of your speech aud have forgotten the beginning." , The poor, starving people chose an other spokesman and impressed upon him to make his request briei as I .... , i . ,.,. . .... I. , 1 1. Kim pOHSlDie. lie luemuiw tw wnu a quantity of sacks, bnened one be fore the assembly and said simply, "It Is empty; fill it." ' The sack was filled s well s? the others, but the chief of the assembly said as he dismissed the ambassador, loaded with 'meal: "It wasn't neces sary to Inform us that the sack was empty. We saw it ourselves. Neither was It necessary to request us to nil It. . We should '.have doue It on our own . account Be less long winded next time." The deposed Shah of Persia paid t25, 000 for his trannportation on an oil steamer into his country. ROAD FRANCHISE BITO GIVEJLOUNGRN -- LOWER PRICES Raleigh, Charlotte aud Southern Railroad Co. Organize T..MI1- , porarily. The incorporators of the . Raleigh, Charlotte and Southern Railway Com pany held a meeting -here Friday in the assembly room of the chamber of com merce and formed a temporary organi zation. They agreed to give E. Csrl Dunc'ati, of , Raleigh .banker,- and, for mer receiver for the Seaboard Air Line railway, ah option to purchase the fran chise with satisfactory pledge that the road would be built. V ' .: ' The meeting of the incorporators was an enthusiastic one and there were present 16 of the 20 incorporators, the other four voting- by proxy. Two ses sions were held and an hour taken for dinner while matters brought up in the morning session were being arranged by a committee. Both sessions were executive. The Raleigh, Charlotte and Southern railway -was granted a charter at the last session of the general -asseml ly of 1911 and is contemplated for traversing the territory between Charlotte end Raleigh via Pittsboro, . Asheboro and Albemarle. The temporary organiz consist of J. D. Ross, of Asheboro, chairman, and W. L. Mann, of Albe marle, secretary. ' The following were present: , From Cnarlotte, C, O. Kuester R. S. Alex ander and others. From Pittsboro, H. A. London, Arthur London, Bdnnett Nooe, Fred C, . Williams, Leon T. Love, Fram Asheboro, D, B.f McCrary, Mar vin. Kearns, O R.vCox, J. D. Ross and C C. Crawford. From Albemarle, S. H. Hearne, A. L,. Connell, R. T. Smith. L, A. Moody and W. L. Mann. The meeting adjourned subject to the call of the chairman. , Series of Mectines at Kilt Swamp, The Journal is requested to announce that a protracted meeting will begin at Kitt Swamp Church this coiinty. Tues day night, August 8th, to be conducted by Rev. Charles C. Wise. A cordial welcome will be extended to all. "The Smallest Pension. Great Britain's penxlon syHtejn is as liberal as may be considering tbe vast number of persons carried on both tbe military and tbe civil lints, but in one case tbe record for smallness of pay ment has undoubtedly been establish ed. Various, factors enter Into deter mining the amount to be paid sailors. and these factors so combined ngalnst one old salt that It wus found that he could draw a pensiou of not any more than fourpence 8 cents a year. Promptly on each quarter day there comes an official communication trans mitting tbe amoant due in the form of postage stamps, and he is granted leave of absence in order that be tuny convert tbis into money at tbe post- office. Tbeu. after tbe proverbial man tier of sailors, he promptly proceeds to "blow" the entire amount New York Tribune. -I Social Event at Brldgeton. Wednesday evenintr July 24t'i the monthly League Social meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Farrow, on Church street. The League meeting was indeed in the house of Its friends for every member of Mr. Far row's family are energetic Leaguers. This social was under the direction of his daughter, Miss Lena lorid, Third Vice President of the League, She succeeded admirably in making the evening one of rare interest and delight to all present. t Beautiful Japanese lanterns hung about the entrance to the home, an ) shed their bewitching and attractive light as if speaking the warm and hear ty welcome awaiting each attendant. The parlor and dining room Decorations were aplen lid In design and attractive ness, displaying the decorative skill and artistic taste of those in charge. Music, vocal and instrumental, reci tat tors, tharades etc., were much en joyed. - Next came delicious and dainty refreshments serve 1 by the hospitable hostess. .An event of exciting interest was the cutting of the cake which con tained the coveted ring. ' Fortune fa vored Miss Lucy Jones who was the lucky winner. . : i ' The League is growing, we hope to see all of our young people enlisted in the League work, ' . The Social wa well attended and thoroughly enjoyed. ' Those present were: Misr-es Rosa Thomas, Nannie B, Brineon and Lucy Jones, of Keelsboro; Florence Jones, of Swan Quarter; Maggie Campbell, Nets Price, Geneva Parker, 'L die Parker, Mabel Pugh, Lou Bryan llayliss, Miss Hardison, of New Bern and Lena Bond. Messrs H. W. Wyatt, A. M Tingle, J. N. Tingle, J. C, Brooks, Fred Newman Andrew Purefoy, Judon Bsyliss. W S, Bond. Charlie Potter, S. I), Parker, Rev. and Mrs. J. M, Wright and John Monroe, Jr., Flora Mason and Sudio Fleming. , REPORTER, Encouraging Report s as to Condi- tions Contribute to Depress- v ion of Cotton. s New York, July 29. Cotton has been depressed by persistent Southern sell ing of the new crop months on general ly improving weather conditions on the one hand an on the other hand has at tims shown slight rallies on buying by trade Interests) .spinners,- bull support . and buy inir by traders in favor of an , upward reaction either to create abet ter selling basis or for other reasons. The net 'result of the week has been a decline of 7 points on July and of 67 to 9o points on other months,- -mostly on the.far, off positions.. Many are await-., ing the government report of next week. It is' ex pec ted to be very favorable by' the trade at largealthough very many claim .that the almost perpendicular drop in prices has fully discounted a very bearish report. ''A. condition of around 91 is generally anticipated. Crop and weather advices in the main have shown distinct improvement. There are expectations of a heavy August move ment of new cotton and ttpot markets in the south have been weak of late. New OrleanB, for instance, dropping three-quarters of a cent on spot cotton in one day. ' The curtailment of produc- tion has shown no a latemeot, the de mand for cotton yarns has been Bmailer and spinners in many instances hive withdrawn or lowered the limits of their buying orders. In a word, the bears at the moment seem to have the prestige and most of the profits. With the ontinuation of the present gratify ing crop prospects and with the Soutn steadily selling, many are inclined to look for still lower prices, ..-W!V With the critical month of August, often fraught with danger to the grow ing crop, to be passed through, there are those who feel that for the present at least prices have declined enough. Then,' too, some unfavorable crop re ports have come in. ' . . . J Announcement. Three big features of next Sunday's New York World that should not be overlooked are as. follows: The - words and music of the now, great song hit"i of '-The Hen Pecks" which starts play ing r.ext week at the Broadway Thea tre, New York city; a complete detec tive story, V A Modern Delilah," by E. Phillips Oppenheim, America's "Conan Doyle," andv "My Adventurers With the Queen of the Counterfeiters and her Gang," by Chief Flynn of the Uni ted States Secret Service. To make sure of getting them order the Sunday World in advance. , The compromise . Wool bill was re ceived in the . House from ' too Senate amid cheers. , , , Notice to Mariners. 'V . , . . twin Ocracoke Inlet Teaches Hole Chan- nel, into Pamlico Sound nine-fo it shoal light to be established about July Slat. 1911. It is to bo a, fixed red post-lantern light illuminating entite horizon, 15 ft. above water, shown from a 3-pile hori zontally slatted structure, . with white and black perpendicular stripes, in nine feet of water, to mark' mid-channel en tering Ocrake Inlet from the Sound, in place of nine-foot shoal buoy, P3 2d class can, which will be discontinued on the same date. Pamlico Sound Sheep Island Slue light to be established about August 10th; 1911. ' It is to be a fixed white post-lantern light, illuminating entire horizon, ,15 feet above water, shown from a black S-pile horizontally slatted structure, in 7 feet of water, to guide vessels from the Sound into ths anchorage off Portsmouth, N, C. Paul Geidel, who was arrested in New York for the murder of William H. Jackson, confessed the crime. KILL THE. GERMS Thai's the Ouly Way to Cure Dan druff, aud Parisian Sage ia tbe Only Killer, Parisian Sage soaks into the scalp, and when it reachei the roots, of the hair it not only kills every dandruff germ; but it supplies the hair with just the right kind, of nourishment to put vigor and strength into it and make it grow. Paris'ai faga is the most di.-liuht.ful htur drnMging in the worlj and is nut sticky or greasy. Use it one week an J you will never give it up. Parisian Sage is guaranteed by I - !- ham Drug Co., to stop f cure dandruff: kep Imir to stop itching of ilia s back, i'lico M cents t The giil with lite AO liii-g 1 fpim -'every Utile. 1