"l in r a- HH Hl Ilx i IA M tl. J No. 40 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C.. .TUESDAY AUGUST,, 22, 19H -FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR 5 E LIVER POOL BILLS r Of Lading .Board of Trade Says 'J It's An Insult and Invites' jj Dealers of The South To j Arrange A BUI of j ; Lading. . i New Orleans. La., Aug. 17. "Brand ing tha proposed plan of the Liverpool Cotton bill of lading committee ' to in stitute in New York a clearing house for the validation of cotton bills of lad ing aa a "direct reflection and insult upon those engaged in the exporting of cotton," placing itself upon record as opposing the plan in its entirety, the ,NerU'ans Cotton" Exchange has tb4 tr jj k board of directors passed ;rf S ?J th's e act nd approved ,tiff 5 g-t of i li 3 ,' wr o- a. i, its special committee ap-. nor cr Q. n invflHtifttfi rh nrnnnflitmn. g fetors also adopted resolutions .inviting all Southern exchanges, boards of trade, bankers and exporters and others interested in the handling af cot ton to meet here in joint conference, 'probably during the annual convention of the American Bankers' ' Association, about November 20th next for the pur Lfse of adopting measures for their Mutual interest. . , ... . Stoves. Remember we are complete house furnishers, can give you prices on Ranges of the best quality, such as the jFavorite Ranges. Cook Stoves j from & 00 to $20.00, Ranges from 25.00 to J.60.00. Give me a chance at your stove l4nts, ' ' .' il ;; J. s. miller. North Carolina's First Bale. Wadesbora N. C, Aug. 18- The first bale of new cotton to Le sold in North Iff retina this season . was eold here Wednesday by Mr. John S. Wat kins. 'The cotton was grown on bis farm near jWadesboro. The bale weighed 470 pounds and brought 2i cents per pound. This is a great honor to Mr. Watkiiis and Anson county to produce the - first pale of cotton for the State Trent Road Becoming a Handsome Thoroughfare. ; t '": The writer had the uleasure vest rdav of riding over the section of news ml j-clay road that has been built from end iof Pollock atreot to the A, C. '. . cros sing and found a change in the old Trent roavihatwas most pleasing,. It will tyyretflVmbered that his highway was formerly a stretch of sand for two mileB or more over which it was cruel to drive a horse faster than a walk. It is now aa level and well graded as the maca damized road and with attention in a little while will bo almost as ' fiim and . hard. Capt, Lane, the superintendent, is j punning the work and has a considerable distance on jthe other side of the railroad crossing Ipiayed and sanded ready for the scraper and roller which will give it a finish for the present, with such road building going on its no wonder that everybody is becoming enthusiastic over the u ject . NOTICE. I have now returned to terve you. A large stock of all kinds of sawed Wiingles Laths and Brief, For Shin gles see our prices', your price is mine. I know I can please you. v BIG HILL . V The Shingle Man. Charged With Larceny. John Casey, a young white man whose home is at Goldsboro was arrested at Wilmington Wednesday night on a warrant charging him with breaking open a trunk while in the employ of the 'legate department of the' Norfolk- jutbnrn Railway Co, a few weeks ago ni stealing a Dumber of articles. He v. as brought to this city and given a 5 earing before Justice of the Peace S H. Street on a warrant charging him v ith larceny. He was lield under a T OO bond until the authorities at Golds I ro could be heard from. He failed to ure the bond and was placed in - the Ci even county jail. . , ... ..,-, : Let's Get the Tournament. The Journsl's suggestion that rn ef .' .rt be mads to secure ths . State Fire n's TournsmanC next year ha met v.ith hearty approval.. If this event nuld he secured for this city it would f course necessitate tha expenditure a few hundred dollars, hut ti e mon- ; cut by the visitors would excoed t Himiiiiit many time. There is not a mend. ant in t'lecity who would not !, tribute cheerfully to such a ciuse 1 1 ths amount could be easily aire i i tbis manner. S mie act i ri should Le .on' in tbis matter at once bufoie . other city gets in ahead of us. LONDON NOW MILITARY CAMP King Transmits Message To net Asking It To End Strike. London, Aug. 18 London is placed under martial law. and there is constant rioting and destruction of property. Tbe strike of the railroad men is gen eral. London is almost eempletely iso lated."; It " is estimated that 200,000 railroad men have walked but, " The situation has become so serious that King George has sent a message to bis cabinet asking it to take immedi ate steps to settle the strike, . .. There are disorders in practically every large city in England, with much destruction to property, and soldiers are everywhere to hold the turbulent clement in check. , Thousands of factories which are de pendant on the railroads for materials and supplies are preparing to lock their doors. ) What were primarily astrike of the railway men in sympattiy with the dock men has of necessity become a stupendous national tie-up on indus try. T;. . ' . The situation . as regards provisions has reached the stage wl ere itisdctibt ful if the most drastic measures on the part of the government can prevent n appa'ling loss of life. In Liverpool the coal famine caused hundreds of shops to shut down permanently toilsy and most of the public warehouses wcte closed tonight ', Tho hospitals aro running rhort of supplies. Hundreds of infant?, many of them the h 'dren of strikers, r,re ! doomed to certain !e:ilh un'ess coal ia supplied to the nn'k depots maintained by the eorpoiatin for the unsuivatirn of infant life. Thry have clostd t.1 resdy. Seven hundnd cf the poorctt infants of the -city are at ths nionunf dependent uiron these depots for suk tenunce. Under conditions thiit seem inevitable in a few days half of these children will be dead or dying. WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous syij tern and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Have you oaina in loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Have you u flabby appearance of the face, especially under th.j eyes? Too frc quout a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams' Kidney Pills will cure you-ai Druggist, Price 50c. Williams' M'f'g. Co., Propt, Cleveland, O. John Casey Had Companion in Crime. Goldsboro, Auif. 18 Last n'ght de-j tectives arrested W. C. Cooper, in this city, a young white man employed by the Norfolk-Southern Railway as bag gage master, running between this city and Murehead City, who is - charged with stealing valuables- from the bag gage of passengers traveling on the road John Casey-, another young white man of this city, was a'so arrested by detectives charged with tha same of fense. Both young men ran as baggage masters from this city to Morehead City nd it. seems from information gathered r-i ty were in copartnership ind divided ill tMolep articles they secured from uuuks and other bsgKage. Casey was arrested in Wilmington this morning at 3 o'clock ank taken to New Bern. The stealing from baggage on the Norfolk Southern Railroad has been going on for quite a while and detectives have been quietly working on the case with the result that they secured a clue which threw suspicion on the young men with the result that they both confessed as having been guilty of the crime when arrested by the detectives. Each one "squealed" on tbe other when arrest ed, although there wai no direct evl ilence against them, they only being under suspicion by the officers who worked a clever ruse which worked like a charm. Hundreds of dollars worth of goods have been stolen, but at this writing it is impossible to learn how the young men disposed of the proper-; to Mr. Wolfenden's large warehouse on tyv Both were off their run for a two ' the dock. Tho size and arrangements weeks vacation at the time of their ar-.of this building are peculiarly suitable rest. Young Casey is well known in for a wholesale grocery business, and is this city and comes frotri a good fumily J Ideally located, with water and rsil ot people, and his being in this trouble; transportation right at its very doors, came as a great shock to his friendc This firm does a tremendous business here. Cooper was also well known and the saving In handling charges for here an J was only recently marrleJ nC incoming and outcoming shipments will wss residing here with his young bride i be considerable, besides there will be a who it heart broken, . ' BIDS WANTED. The city of New Bern, N. C, desires ida for furninshi.ig (1500) fifteen hun- dred ftet of six inch standard cast iron pipe for Water Main, delivered . O" B. cars at Kew Bern. , All bids must be sealed and addressed a genuine "fish hog." According to the to F. T. ratterson. City Clerk, New assertion of this weekly chr.m!cle that lleri, N. C, and endorsed on envelope county hai a brod of hogs that abso "lid for furnishing water pipo." lutely refuse to eat anything tut fidi. Bids will be opened Sept 1, 1911. Bread thrown to them is scorned. Evi Tha iity r serves the right to reject dentW tw editor of "Th Coaster" is any or all bids. striving to cinch the North Carolina 'IHOS. F. McCARTnY, mendacity medal and he is in a fuir way Chm. W. & L. Com. to succeed. WILEY STRIKES BACK ATTNEWIIES Cabi-'Creates Sensation- When He De- dared That Cabinet Officers Be vised Government ".. Billing. Washington, Aug. 18,-Dr Harvey W Wiley, chief of the Bureau of Chemist ry, created a sensation yesterday before the HoQWlnVestlgatirig1-' Committee when he charged that three cabinet offi cers, sitting as a board of review, hud reversed the government's ruling in a corporation case, after the corporation bad offered money to chemists to en dorse its food products. The cane wa that of the Corn Products Compary whose right to apply the name of 'Corn Syrup' to glucose, the Bureau of Chem istry and the Board of Food and, Drug Inspection had denied. Dr. Wiley testified that when the bureau and the board had agreed that the name was a misapplication, the cor poration had offered money to chemists' to make affidavits that "corn syrup" was a proper description. . Shortly af terward, he declared, the board of three cabinet officers, Secretary of the Treas ury Cortleyou, Secretary of Commerce and Labor Straus, and Secretary of Ag riculture Wilson, set aside the decisioii and sustained the contention of the cor poration. "That ruling," he added, "atill stands." The Corn Products Company, said Dr Wiley, charged that he had been "very buy" in creating sentiment against its products. He acknowledged that he had written to every state chemist whose duty it was to enforce the pure food laws. He taid he did not rrcivc one Bnawer favorable to "corn syrup." He will rtsume the stand tomorrow. If it's Hardware or ers Supplies, let us what and how much. Basnight Hdw. Co Build know J. S The Venerable Colonel Harrison Passes. News htis'rracbed here of the death st Newport of Col. W. D. Harrison, wMch occurred there Wednesday, Aug ust 16th. The deceased had reached hi nintieth year.about twenty five of which he has been a resident of Newport, Colonel Harrison was a scholar of deep research, a couttly gentleman of the old school end had a noted career. His. memory was very receptive and reten tive even in his later years and it was delightful to listen to his remmiscenceS of long ago when ha was contempora neous and intimate with some of the great men who helped make . American history. In early life he posse ssfd a large es tate and considerable wealth and enter tained in great style. Many famous people from all over tbe county were among his guests. Although he was of great age he was ever cheerful and jovial and had rea sonably good health until a few months ago. His passing will carry a pang of sorrow to many who had long counted bim among their most esteencd an I venerated friends, Refrigerators. Will sell the balance left over at the following prices. ; Genuine .Porcelean lined Lenard Clcnnable, the $25 00 at $22 50, the $35 00 at f 30 00, the $40 00 at 35 00, the 45 00 at 4 00. The above prices are the lowest we ever offerd this class of goods at Everyone car ries guarantee that they will do all you expect any refrigerator to do. J. S. MILLER. Removal of a Big Grocery Firm. The stock of the firm of H. W. Arm I strong & Co., whos place of business . has been located id one of tho apart monts of Mr. Blades concrete building ; since iU completion, has been removed great deal more room for stock. Many Kind of Porkers. We have heard of the "seht hog," ths "newspaper hog"- and several oth- er varistles of porkers, but not until the last issue of ' The Coaster," More- head City's weekly paper, bad reached our desk did we l-arn that there was ASSOCIATION MEET New Officers Elected And Wrights Title Beach Next Place of MeetiDg. ' r Asheville, Aug. 18 The first session, of the convention convened Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock in the ball room of the Swannanoa-Berkeley Hotel, with an attendance of nearly 100 delegates from all over the State. 'The exercises consisted of prayer by Dr. Charles!?. Byrd; the address of welcome by Hon. Locke C laig; the response by C. K Foy, of New Bern, the president of the Association; the roll call, the report of the secretary and treasurer and thr appointment of committed. Mr.. Foy presided over the meeting and acting secretary is Miss Ina Eubank, of New Bern. , As showed by the register there are 45 counties represented at the conven tion two to four delegates.. The coun ties represented are as follows; Cra ven, Robeson, Franklin, Beaufort, Rutherford, Buncombe, New Hanover, Hyde, Brunswick, Greene, Pitt, Bertie, Davidson, Perquimmans, Cleveland, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Cherokee, Lenoir, Gaston, Halifax, Northampton. Warren, Caswell, Rowan, Gates, Cho wan, Graham, Pender, Moore, Union, Montgomry, Lee, Columbus, Cumber land, Kockingham, Washington, Wake, Sampson, Vance. Officers .were elected and late this evening the convention Rdjourhed to meet next year at Wrightsviile Beach. D. McEachern, of Wilmington, was elected president and W. M. Long, of Mecklenbunr, vice president1. The following were elected vice presi dents for the ten congressional districts in the order in which they are named: T. W. Ivans; Tyi.er; R. J. Shields, Windsor; J. N. Bell, Pullocksville; D. T. Johnson, Raleigh; W. C. Tucker, Pleasant Grove; J. W, Carter, Maxton; W. C, Long, Unionville; P, B. Beard, Salisbury ;.0. E. Foard, Shelby; E. W. Patton, Asheville. An executive committee was also named and committee reports were r -ad. The committee on resolutions did not make a definite report as to recommendations on the tax question because of the limited time. Literary. Cure Tor Snoring. To the Kiiorors who ask'.for tbe cure let the i-iiuH'-' be announced. Snoring Is the result of stomachic repletion and mental vacuity. A correspondent who has suffered from both prescribes the cure u Mailt supper or none, to avoid repletion, and the frequent repe tition of soiuo literary phrase to pro vide occupation for the mind during sleeping bourn. (Jo to bed find think of some short literary phrase to occu py your -wind. Tbo combination of the two prescriptions against snoring the abstention from food ond tbe medita tion upon n literary phrase runy be found iu Eeclesiastlcus. the ninetieth verse of the thirty-first chnpter. "How sufficient to a well mauuercd man is a very little, nnd he doth not breathe hard upon bis - bed." London Specta tor. Mass Meeting at Gospel Tent Monday Night. - . The large "Kbakia Duck" Pavilion has arrived and is new erected on Cedar street near West. The tent is of a beautiful brown, with high walls, it is well lighted and decorated with artistic hand painted prophetic charts. - Tbe seating capacity is over 800, soft fold ing canvass benches are provided. On Monday night a popular mass meeting will be held in the tent. The tenor of the mass meeting ill be along the line of good citizenship and temperance. Isaac H. Smith is Chairman of the i meeting. Among tbe prominent wbite speakers are Mr. J. A. Bryan ana air. J. Leoq - Williams, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, they will ad vise how to make and boost New Bern. The Mayor is expected also. The search light choir and other choirs of the city will render appropriate music. Good order is assured. One thousand per sons are expected.. This will be a prof itable mauling for the citizens of this place., V '. Accept Slatehosd On Taft'a Terms. Washington, Aug. 29 Statehood for New Mexico and Arizona upon a basis acceptable to. President Taft, has been approved by the Senate through the paisags of the Flood Smith reto- lution presented by Senator William Alden Smith, chairman of ths Commit tee on. Territories. The resolution pas sed 63 to s arter a debate In which the House was charged with evading a vote on the President's Statehood veto and in which the resident was charged with trying to coerce the people of Arizona upon tbe proposed recall of judges. . Maybe you will need one or two Fruit Jars this season. We have them. . J. S. Bas night Hdw. Co. . ' . : : GOVERNMENT CRDPAMERIGA RECOG ESIIIH SCORED NIZES HAITI South Carolina Senate S.iys It Is , TJufair A.nd,Un- .' just. Washington, Aug 19Reqewed pro tests against the issuing of preliminary cotton estimates by the Agricultural Department were made in the Senate yesterday ty Senator, Smith, , of South Carojina-Ha 5 presented i. telegrams frotijf, agricultural 'commissioners " of eight cotton growing Sta'es declaring the government estimate of record breaking cotton crop was not borne put. ; Senator Smith introduced a new reso lution calling upon the Secretary of Agriculture to made an immediate in veatigation and report conditions of the cotton crop. Senator Smith declartd that the cotton market dr ipped $20 a bale on the strength of the report of a three million bale increase in this year's crop. "This estimate was ' made June 28." he ideclsred, "before part of the cr.tp was out of the ground." He said he protested to Secretary Wilson and was informed that the Sec rotaty did not know the preliminary report had been issued and tiiat it wou'd not occur again. But on August 2nd, Senator Smith added, another glowing preliminary report was issued. "I snould hate to draw in the Senate of the United Slates," Senator Smiib added, "the conclusion tiiat I fee! miglit he drawn from lm remarkable report of. the Agricultural Department. Either the commissioners of all the cot ton States, men ri-jht on the graur.d familiar with conditions, are utterly mistaken, or else the Agricultural De partment -is wrong in its deductions that there 'will bo a record crop this year." Trunks and Suit Cases. Big shipment just arrived. I have the Rountree Roller Tray for ladies, beautifully finished, heavy traveling Trunks, Suit Cases in different colors. .-I J. S. MILLER. Young Roosevell Lost In Mexico. Los Angelei, Aug, 10--Kermit Roose velt, son of Theodore Roosevelt left Yuma, Mex., ten das ago with a Mex ican guide ord has not been-heard from since. Fearing that harm may have come to him, residents of the northern Arizona border towns, and of the im perial valley, are organizing searching parties. This news was brought here today by C. P. Durning, a bmineis man from El Centro. "In some parts of Mexico, in the fastneses of the interior tha face of a white man seals his death warrant and it may be that Kermit has bf en taken by the rurals for an insurrecto," said Mr. Durning. "The members of the relief parties are paying their town exoaogea and if thev find Kermit alivn and safey several of them will remain with hiro ssil Bridge ton News, Tbe public is cordially invited to at tend the library meeting of the Bridge ton Epworth League Tuesday night August 22. . ' A very interesting program has been prepared by Miss Lena Bond. srd. vice p esident. REPORTER. Buck Stoves and Ranges for your kitchen for best re sults. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. , . Sure to Say Mosby Did It - Norfolk, Va., Aug. 19. Col. Jonn S. Mosby, of Confederate Ranger fame, left Norfolk thii morning for Ocean City, Md. Colonel Mosby was particularly pleas ed with the reception accorded him at the Norfolk Navy Yard, It was in Norfolk that bt bad his first ride in an auto and in tha navy yard that he put foot for the first time on a modern American warship. ' . "My, I am glad I am off that boat," said the Colonel as he walked from tl e battleship Louisiana yesterday. "While I was on her I couldn't help thinking of the blowing tip of the Maine in Ha vana harbor. Th sailora nn tliA liuialnn AnCFaA ,L: it. u nidi wiia mo uiq iniiiuiii uiu vuiiLvuur- ate left the ship. , ' Leads la Indecency. Over twelve columns of a dirty scan dal in the Raligh News and Observer, sent into the decent homes of North Carolina, may be regarded by that pap er as up-to-date journalism, but it strikes ns aa a stench tothe nostrils of refined people. Ten columns appeared ', Saturday. Greenville Reflector, Knox Believes Lcconte Has The Situation "Well In Haud. Waihington, Aug. 19 -What amounts to recognition of the new Haytian Gov ernment by the United Sta'es Ib con tained in a message sent to Henry W. Fuiniss, the United States Minister at Port au Prince, by Secretary Knox. Mr. Forniss is instructed to1 enter into full relntions with General Leconte. the Haitian President. There is no lrnger any doubt at the State Department that General Leconte controls the reins of government and that he is more in a position to carry out.Haiti'sin tern a tional obi igation than any one else. The State Department's uneasiness on the Haitian situation is not" because of any trouble expected just now. It is because of the likelihood of another revolutionary outbreak when the time becomes ripe for it or when the fall crops bring invigorating prosperity to the republic. In tbe maintime the Haitian Govern ment is given "another chance." so to ppeak, while officials heie hope for the best and are willing to do What they consistently can to help the Haitian Republic along. A Great Detective. Tho continued interest in the Peter Ruff Detective Stories by E. Phillips Opjenheirn, justifies the taste of the Fiction Editor of The New York World in selections this series for the Sunday World Magazine. "They are simply lireat," is tl evetdict. Even if not as good us Sherlock Holmes, they are the best unpublished detective stories in Amer ci today. Every oi e should g t the New York Sunday World every week. More Cotton and Woolen Mill Curtail. Boston,- Aug. 21 Curtailmeit among the New England cot tori and woolen mills has been extended to New Bed ford, Filchburg, Ame?bury and Wake field, where several thousand operatives were given two weeks' vacation with out ay. Between thirty and thirty five thousand workers will be idle for the next two weeks. Dandruff Means Baldness. Uandrutf is caused by a germ a vi cious, persistent, tenacious germ that rip to the discovery of one of the world's greatest scientists, was supposed to be uriki liable. That discovery is called Parisian Sage, and Bradham Drug Co. guarantees it to kill dandruff germs, to remove all traces of dandruff, to stop falling hair or itching scalp iff two weeks, or money back. It contains just enough of sage prop p1' -;birvd .-"lor kigredientrto (nan's hair grow ...j.. a , . . tea - overybciy' harsh, luiterless bair change to soft,' lustrous ana beautiful hair. 50 cents a large bottle at Bradham Drug Co. Try it. A Matter ef Breed. "Them fellers In tho office of the Bw aro rlnit 1 call fresh." Deacon Ezra Bnllork remarked to his wife at the supper table on his return from hit monthly visit to the town of Balston. " "How so, father?" Inquired Mrs. Bui lock. "Well." Mr. Bullock snld, "one o' my crr.mds was from Saba Mabel Biiggs. She wanted I should find out why they hadn't pnnctnnted ber Inst poem. They sent a copy, an' she said it made box most sick the way they'd sp'lled her betiutlftit Ideas. Well, when I'd got loaded np to come home I drove round to the Bee oIBce nn' eomposln room an' beckon ed a young feller in his shirt sleeves to como out. " 'Now.' I says, "you'll do her a favor If you'll Ml me wby you didn't punctu ate Suha XIabel Brlgfn' last poem? . 'Cort'nly.' s's be. 'I'm not a point er; I'm a setter.' "-Youtb'a Compan ion. Molded by Ciroumitancss. Yoshlo Marklno In McClure'a tells tbe following anecdote of hla literal uindedneaa: . "At the grammar school I used to be lieve all that I was taught But very often I made an awful misunderstand f 'D' For liiBtance, our readers said I The human nature Is jnst like the I water. If yon put the water Into sqnnre vessel the water will become squHre, and If you put It Into a round vessel It will have a round abape. Boys and girls, therefore you must choose your friends.' "No sooner than the school hour a over I ran to my neighbor who hod i newly horn baby. 1 told the mother. 'Don't put your baby In a hard. Bat bed; ber figure will become flat" ' Rioting occurred in Buuilnghsra and other places. TAFT BLOCKS , ; LEGlSLATlbn President Determined to Defeat Democratic Pol icies. Washington, Aue. 19.-In a success- . ion of dramatic events the Democratic house of representatives met defeat in its supreme effort to pass the wool and free list bills over t'ie ( resident's veto and virtually acted upon adjournment of Cnngrass early next week. The house on Monday will agree to tbe cotton tar iff revision bill as amended in the sen ate, but will not hold Congress, in ses sion to await the certain veto of that measure, "he senate cleared awsy all its business and adjournment is assured, in the view of leaders of both parties in both houses, by next Wednesday at , , the very latest. . Tbe Democratic houpe msjority, with" a great demonstration of enthusiasm, marshaled its ranks for the great tat tle to over-ride the president, and went down with flying colors. The party leaders failed to muster enough insur gent Republican support to pass the the tariff legislation over the Presi dent's head. ' ..- , ; The Democratic members of the Ways and Means Committee has deter mined to end the hm, session. Monday the house will pass the cotton bill as amended in the senate containing the iron and steel, chemical and cotton ma chinery schedules and the reciprocal" bi tuminous coal across fie Canadian bor der provision,, and will send it to the President Tuesday. Congress will 'hot be in session to await his veto, which the house leaders coneede is certain to follow. Phone us your order and residence number and we will send it to any part of the city. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. Notice To Mailners. Pamlico Sound Sheep Island sine light established August 10. 1 It is a fixed whi'e post-lantern light, illuminating en1 ire borz in, 15 feet above wa'er, shoan from a black 3-pile horizontally slatted structure, in 7 fett of water, to guide vessels from the Sound into the anchorage off Ports-' mouth, N. C. Rambling Obseivations (Ballair Correspondent.) Bellair, Auj. 19th. We have been through Craven county and twenty or thirty other counties in North Carolina clear through into Virginia, and looked at Maryland a littln, and from a farm- ' er's standpoint, old Craven is at the head thus far. Our corn, cotton and peanuts are better, than- anywhere I have b?en, -after traveling over one thousand miles. In many places, just as we have it here in Craven, we see two farms joining, one very good, the ' other common, and 'on inquiring, we . fludtutT'difference more in breaking and cultivation than in the season or rainfall, though' tha latter has been quite unevenly distributed in our whole, eastern section. , , : y Some farmers in Rowan county, I learn will hardly make their bread, while others quite near, have good corn and fair cotton. One instance in Spen eer: an engineer hai one tenth of an acre in corn on his lot, and green corn wss so scarce he decided to sell tbe erop except enough for a family of sev en, he gathered 75 dozen ears from tbat tenth of an acre, which brought hiui wholesale, 15 cent a dpzeo, though he sold some by the dozen at 20 cents. Putting the crop at 15c a dozn, 750 dozen eould have beeo grown on one acre, and at 15 cents a d"Zn this neat little sum of $112.50, bf sides the forage which is worth more than the cost of cultivation; No doubt there were a numbrr of acre about New Bern which would bare done a well or better. It luoks as if the farmers had be. tar look to seedling peaches for a euccwn'ul crop in Craven, as all the fine varieties failed here this year,, but the littli seedling at full in many places and is a real lux ory thee hot August .days, especial y if some good Jersey crtam is freely sprinkled over them. We see an occasional field where fod der is being puled from the sttlk, though this custom is f aU going out. some think they must have long forsg l but crats and neas will btow anvwhore inui corn wiu grow, ana one man can save more poutula of grass and pea vines in a day ihun five ran save strip ping fodder. '.- . We find quite tho reverse this year from the past five yar, for now, as you come esst ttieciopit net better, but In former years lately; oil Craven wss a rain centre, hut now over a thousand miles of travel Craven is in tije lead. Let us Bound a general mite of thanks giving and use it to the glory cf Goi. TTTiTTTi TnTTP

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