i 8 WJU No. 43 .NEW BERN. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C FRIDAY SEPTEMBER!! 1911 SI CO MD SECTION 34th. YEAR I III IT MIXING n is aii GONGEAiED? STATE WILL BOR- STATE CAPITOL'S - t. RIOMIE COMING. WAR PAINT S WES Afl NEARLY SINK? SCARE III RECI BATTLESHIP PRQGITY 11 ROMS ItlDID GROWTH Coast Points lu South Carolina . Cut otf By Storm. High, Tides - i ?, -. ;Eeported. ; Norfolk, August 28 A real genuine, dyed in the wool West Indian hurricaps, of anywhere from forty-five ti sixty miles an r)our, gay government weather men on iVf .way north and may eilgulf Norfolk li its Tempestuous grip within the next.iwentv four hours m.leji in th meantime its direction swerve and it makes Off to sea about Hatteras. it waa first jserveej at Jacksonville about 8 o'clock yesterday morning where the , wind attained a velocity of forty eight milei an bour, ' '. i';v " ..." Hurticaha warnings have been dis played at Jacksonville and Btorm signs at every (:oasf. town and station as far north as;; Nor folic. Skippers on out ward bound ships have been warned to expect a heavy storm. The course of the hurricfape was north-west from the West indies, but it is expected to as sume a more northly course. Weather observers are of the opinion that It may cnanga us course at Battel as ana make off to sea ' "' :',: . At Charleston, S. C the storm was marked by very high tide, extremely heavy wind,. and havy rainfall, the gauge recording 2 16 inches at that place and 1.20 inches at Wilmington Tha nnnrntnh ' Mt . i ra niifpinuna aaiuu observed at Charleston about 8 o'elnck yejterday ; moriiiog and the Norfo k weather office has been taken hour ji observal ion v The. night repoit issued at 8 o'clock, last night, showed the sioi rn. to be siationaiy, ; but increasing in violence. Savannah, Ga. Aug. 27 CI a'leston, Beaufort and other smaller South Caro lina coait points are completely cut off 'from oomruunl.'attoi with the outaire world, as the result of a severe atom which broke over this section early to nigh. The wind here reached a veioeitj of sixty miles an hour and coneicerable damage to property. So far as is known no Uvea have betn lott. Cruplcte de tails will ha delaj e 1 owing, to the des traction of ihsan 'wire communication. . Very high tides" are reported f rem. Tybee I land, and earlier, before th wires were lost from Beaufort. S. C. Efforts to get into communication b wireless with Charleston also failed an nothing is known here of the xtent ol damage there, . Blazing rockers were cent far in'r the murky sky above Savannah tonight warning inhabitants of exposed islands along t;he Georgia coast. -The Pic NiC and Barbecu at Thurman. Don't forget the date it will b Wednesday September 6th at Thur man Station, Seventh township will e-i tertain the county at a big barbecue nd'pic nic dinner. ,. , -' The Committee of arrangements have received a wire from Supt. J. Y. Joy- ner saying," "I will be with you at Tbarmfcn September 5th. County Sup erintendent S M Brinton is also exp cl ad," S abator. Sinmons en I oih- dU tinguished speakers wi-1 h np 'n .id Everything is bejnji itmi" . i.i . tunUr this a great educationi iail H '! a dy of feasting, protit and pleasure. Preparations ara being made to enter--tain a thousand people, r more, and iba committee takes this means to ex tend a cordial Invitation to all who will care to participate. 1 v A Busy Man Ha Just Anived. Good news pe bi ipgs to New Bern', a large stock of all kinds of sawtd ' Shin gle on band. ' He can and will please you, Se Big Hill for lowest prlcej.- Th OM Rf liable. -,- . - - V .... , ' ., Freak Storm Plays Havofc at Charleston. Charleston, S. C, via Summerville, 8, C. Aug. iM. As the result or a , freak storm which struck this city and Savannah last pigbt and which reached hurr'cane proportions,. Charleston vir tually his open Isolate! for. 21 hours. Seveu person) are known to have been killed near here and property- losiea, it is estimated, will rsarh $1,0o0,0ii0. Tha stirm reached the propuitHtns of gale about 1 o'clock yesterday after noon, the barometer fallimr steadily all day. ' Tha wind velocity incite I from 48 miles' ai hour at 1;25 u. mis a 10,10 p. m., h).i the wind guaga wai put (Jut of axtj iitneit, At noon the. w nd .wa y I brisk and ihs ftin was tr mg to shm-. The M.nfaji was m ire it an tw i i-hs. Tne disturt a ice was r rt d t ( west of Charleston sni workuu ,i' i-. The tide vir s un- thing ne itfi fest d irinif the storm, ihreM 1nvt. Nlc-n of the record of . 1833 Co 1 Ur.nl. dsmsxe wai rlo'it by tr-e atnr i n.o lo secinn of ths c'ty, ner t i'i .i th.remon.lu m inv i,rrso. f.o ..their homes. Tns atrs hivacu-.-d .'v outs on th a, p oact eJ to ,h. ,un. ,i etsilorw urcveui.ng tus vytiuiioo ui trains. , Campaign To Begin Iri Sep ember. Will Not Visif SoutU On ' I "'Swing. ( . Beverly, Mass., Aus. 29-1'risident Taft is fighunrf for a second urm and what he believer are' the "i ereditry policies" of his party. Today at Bev erly a policy of ,"no visitors , ra ited" went into effect and it was g'ven out that the President 'wai. goirig to. reit for, t'o weeks. . HU,".:' ri9f, .' 1 iwever, will consist of mixing the w. f - print preparatory to carrying the tt-uirle 'into the enemy's country" in ae Mid dle and Northwest. "." ' ; For the first time since he WuS nomi nated at Chicago,' Taft is in t warlike motd., Wberi he threw - the jae of buttle down ti the Republican rogres aive and Democrats ' in hij s :eoh of Saturday it was preliminnry t lyddite and shrapnell in a ''swing armmd the Circle" to be begun Sep'errib' 15th. From then until October 31 Tat will be in the open, lining up his own f Homers for the struggle of the next yiar and doiofhis best to draw 'away ie iur port the La t oilette Bourne o, tniza ti )ii now enjoys. The following ieaa amended , -ograra from the President's "swini ;" Leaves iJeverly S;pteinotr IK reich es Washinelnn October Si . Hs eliniinat. d all S'm rern ) ints Kxpecls thrv.a ticki-ts in the C Id. TanfF, rciprocitj, cnni'Vt; "i, cu rericy refoim and ait)i'ri'ion to' e chie topics. As ei l"n:e if hi-i wHr'i'Ki- i;.t 'Mions U is udinittcd tf-a' tlie pr vo 'isit to Tennes-ee, pi-nin.c'i l-n r-i, I i been abandoned l et- no e .. I- t;d it w.li be spent in Michinn, wrere a 'ogres siye movement to capture the dc ?gate? to the next Republican Nationi Con vent ion has been launched. . T;. Re publicans i i the Atlantic Coast Stale.- and New England, as we'l a the South ire safe for Tait, the Preside' I and his advisers privately helitve. le wilt nave their di-legaies arni the ivgula orianization in tbose Slatts is 1 1 con trol, ' t$titlho MrddIa-.Wet und.I'acifi Ci a.t are deuatahls ground t div n t alone for delegatus, but for the ote in iVov mher of next year, S line f thr 3 ate have the direct priu ary p' i de veloped to auch an ext nt i hat lire de legates to the national conve itio: 3 wil be instructed by thr voter;. Therefore Taft feels that it behooves him erson illy to explain his views to thu voters. PILS! PILES ! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles It absorbs the tumors, allays itch. ig at once, acta as a poultice, gives natant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts, Sole by druggists, mail ink. and (1.00. William' M'f'y. Co, Props., Ch-veland. O. Camping Patty At Sitae kief ord Banks. Dr. L. L. HsndrenU camping party at ShsckUford Banks, rear Beajfort, N. C. broke ctmp Mond ry - after t o weeks of a most delightful outing bath ing and fi-ihin were the chiof fotms of amusement . ' . ' '' . ' Tho re enjoying the hospital ty of Dr. Heudren wre Dr. Steven and Prof. Payne of the University of Ga., Misses Lucy Stanton and Carolyn Cob of Athens Gi Prof. W F. Gill of Irioity College, Misi Miry Heudren of New' Bern. Misa Mabel Chsdwck.of Beau fort, Mr. H. D. WooJ of New Ber nd George N. Ernmett of New Bern. The party was charmingly chap 'toned by Mrs. T. J. Roberts of New Bt n. No more delightful camping ground can be found, on the At lanMc coast than l Sliackloford's Bur.ka, located 'only few miles' from Beaufort, and j iC a cioss Bssufort Inlet from Ft, Macon eonvniintty a ike for still fishing for trout and; blue: fish on tha insii'e ai d when the waves of the ocean rur. low, fine trol ling for mackerel ua the, out aide, in this connection a trip of t welve miles to the Light House may be had at the same t me. ' VThe camping party returned, to New Bern Monday afternoon on Dr. Hen dieu's commodius launch, coming by way of the new Inland Waterway Canal and Mrs. Stanton and Cohb, Dr. Si evens Prof. Gill spent a couple of days her Tictures Just Arrived. Notice my windows, Fall is oming on, what cun you buy for the small sum of two or three dollars that will bright en up the home so much si pictures. We bave them for dining room, hall, parlor and living room. J ' ' Jf"5 " or wo Fruit Jais this sei son We have them, J. S. Bas- , , ... Ulgtlt Uaw. LO. Ousiow County Furnishes a New Question as to Bankruptcy In Case of John L. Jamt i. ) Washington, Autf. 29. F ora the swamps of Onslow count, Nor h Caro lina, ha i come forth a leal pro il 'in for tha United Stater Suprerna ( ourt to pass up m when it ewvene? in Oclo'ier hat may affect bankrupts in V.I parts of th country fur years : eoHM-. Sh' ra of legal phraseology, tho uestion is, "When is a thing concealed " . ,'. John L. James was a storek. eper in Onslow County previous to lebrua'y 23, 19 8. when a petition of inv 'untary bankruptcy wssfi ed against hin . Noih ing unu-ual devt loped ui.til Jai tea ask ed for his discharge from banl rupicy. Just four months and three da : before the bankruptcy petition was lied a KDinst him, he had been eharg i with hiding in a swamD in Onslow County five caddies. of tobacco, one casi of gun. shells, tsTo trunks of shots an 1 some dry goods, with intent to detr ud his creditors. . The law would not grant his di charge if at any time subsequent to t e first dny of the four months, imrf diately preceeding the filing of the pet'tion,r.e had "concealed" any of bis property with fraudulent intent toward his crelitors. The Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit decided that a though the goods were placed in the swamp three days more than four mont is be fore the' prescribed time, theie.waa "continuous concealig" because without further action by James, the offense re peated itself every day until he Jisclos ed the hiding place, which was ellegsd to have been January 5, 1908. It is said the Supreme Court never has passed on the question of v. hetner there is such " an off-nse wiih n the meaning of the bankruptcy law i, as a "continuous concealing." For this rea--on the court was asked tj pass upon t ie point. Decisions as ' to whe ier ic ill rev ev the Case is expected 0. to il r 10th. No. 9 Township School Committee. School Committee No. 9 Tovnshin will meet at Jasper, Friday Sept 15 b, to appoint teachers for the public schojls Teachers de iring school poi t ons may send in applicatipns ' to Mr. W. G. Carmon, New Bern. N. C, NOTES FROM DOVER. August 29 Mrs. A. J, Maxwt ll-and little . son, A. J. Maxwell and Miss Mamie Hardiscn, of Raleigh spent Sat urday here visit ng friends. Mr, D. L, Evans has returned from a sojourn at Seven Sdrlngs. -Mr. Zib Wilson has accepted a posi tion in the Dover postoffice ar clerk. Mr. W. F. Gilbert of the New Bern J ir.rnal, spent Saturday here. : Messrs Carl an) John Waters of Kin ston were visitors here Sunday. There was quite a crowd on the shoo fiy Sunday night re urning from More- heal City. The hotel closed there Sun day, hence the exodus. A fine road is being built from here to Fort Barnwell. . upon which preat progress is .being made. . G, Blow tha Steam Aside. The wise woman sent a sudden vigor ous putt of breath at the jet of steam rising from the copper teakettle she was tilting, repented it hastily ns she fllltd the blue teapot and set the ket tie back on the stove with a nod of tri umph. "That trick has saved me tuny a scalded hand,',' she asserted. "V'betu er I rend St or was fo'J It I am rot sure, but until 1 tiled it I wss always mtHnn ninot nn'nfnl tttMo riiimn ttenni hMUII81U...U.-.-......'- . f . b so cuslly blown aside It you, huve( the i rcHpnce of mlud to remember ltj tliat ypu can easily keep it from reach- in-; you,r nana untir you en a vi "" tho kottle or not. Don't forget It next time the lid slips or the steam comes unexpectedly from tho kottlo pout. You will blcsa mo for tho hint." New York Tribune.- v-'. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Death has again Invaded our tank', and taken from ns a worthy brother. lone that wa alwavs present at tha lodge meetings, and md to perform ! ar.y task assigned him. M..w we shall i miss our brother Jamei Parsons. , Msy wabow aubmissivly.to this oisrer.sa- mington returned to her borne Tbura tlon of a wise Providence, arid seek to rfv , ,. ' ,' . - bo ready when called to letve this earthly existence to enter the ?rcat beyond, to join the brotherbo rd where iarewalls are unknown. Resolved, Toat we tenrleK the widow and orphans our sympathies And that a copy of these resolutions be s:rsd upon our minutes ana puunsnea ,a toe Now Bern Journal and the Sun. ,. T C DANIELS, ' - . W R BARRINGTON, JT HAMPTON, Board of Education Adopts Public School Text Book to Be Used , '" next Five Years, Ridsieh. N. C Aug 29 rTne Srste Board rf Educati m signed up and per fe-c.ed the hook c ntracts in connect on with the adoption of i ex' book- for the public school for the 't ext five ysrs vi i h the understanding that for' the present the old ayst m for distrilmting thi books t local dealers without any cen tal Sjtate depository will bo follow ed. The State Department of Educa tion it ahxions to inaugurate the cen tral Sta'e deposito'-y system, ba r.d rriits that it will take time to do. this. Under the present system' the book fjuMishers have direct dealings with 40-1 or more local dialers. The books have to rf ach the chddrep at special prces without regard to whatever pr fits the "noddle men" get between the pub lisher and the consumer. It iu proba ble that sbme of the new'y adopted books will not be dis tributed belt re the fall term? are over. The Dodge Gee (Taphv, for instance, has .to bave its special North Carolina supplement com pleted before this geography can take the place of the Maury Geography now in use. The Governor and Council of State. in conterenre toJny, authorized the Stats treasurer to borrow t250;000 that Wis proviJod for by the last Legislat ure to meet tha needs of the State's curre it expanses, pending belated ad jjjuneot of State taxes under the revise I machinery act and re-assess ment, (j-merally, the ' railruad and other corporation tae come in during July, but the certifications from the Corporation Commission are belattd. This nessitatea the borrowing of the 250,000 at this time. If it's Hardwan or Build ers Supplies, let us know what and how rnueh. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co Co-Operatlve Work For farmers. -We dosire to call the attention of the Fanners of our county to the move re cently marie by the Chamber of Com merce of New Bern and the Farmers Union for a joint move for an exhibit this fall of the products our soil and such other exhibits as may seem profit able to the city and surrounding coun try Progress is the order of the day, and co-operation properly applied brings progress. , Now that New Bern is awake to the opportunity of ro ope.-i.tion. We trust the farmers will not be alow to tret in line, and show some, of Pur products. Let every farmer determine to push the matter to a leil sue ew We i eed the meeting to stimulate effort; ths exhibit will dofgool and show our soil clina e and variety, of productions, to these who may feel interested in our exhibit. We ought to have fruits vegetables md aniwsli of the various kinds raised in and around our community. Brother farmers wake up to the op portunity.1 ' We have only short time to get ready, but we can before the middle of October ft t up a very cred.it ahle display of ative products, , We can both do got d and get good out of Iho exhibit. - 'i . We l- am a suitable place has been -cured for (he txhitit. now let the god work go on, a euod fair is an i du cstional move and the Farmer's Union is first ;sst and all the time for eiuca turn and co-operation. V Qt course v. hen we bring down our exhibits from up this way, w expect to fi ida good road from End street rigt't into the city without having to ciimt) over aana ana nricunats or wsae I . . . through muti pools and we don t want pj yo way round down End atrtetaid bsck into the heart of town but straight down Broad strtet. ".:. . D. LANE. Offi ersofthe Illin-fs Central R I road determined not to deal with tb federated hnp employes s ; ,' .. - S ;. .,' ," , , . , 1 '. ...', . ,:: LOCOL HAPPENINGS. 0'ieltiw Cruny. Auj, Sf. Wa arc having very stormy weather no ', - whi'' making cropa look acorched it , continue so dry. t -y. , !. v Miss Eunlw Smith of this place who i,at been spending few days at Wil ; Mr J R Persons went to Spring Hill last Sunday. .' '.;,"'. Mr. D L. Smith nf New - Bern has eei visiting hi parents hers recently, loss be will go back to work there a- i.m soon , tMr, ji, u. 13 r bes is putting np a new i ; - ' . Ikkt iuhes to the New Bern Jour tial, "Brown eyes," New Theatre,'1 New City - H.ill and Auditorium. M ill Strive To J Be Conventiou (Jit'y. Rl jih, H C, Aue. 30 -R.le'gh to hivf a new 50,000 theate, loattd n xt to the pre e it Act- (ny of . Music which i-i to be r modeled siio improv.';i also. The arrsiiginents w.iie pert'eri ed art 'a.'rn-e' iuirjrf a, new lookhi lin compani;, which acq lires hnfi p'op'-r-tie-r anj buth will be operated as thea tre.' At present, beca'ise t'e iesjeol the Academy ot Music change his al legiance .from thu Klaw and Erlang : "rust to the "independent" ciicuit., the Klaw and Erlai.ger people have hacf t jjrnp Rs'eigh on iheir Sou hern cir cuit, tnere beiog no other available (h -a-tre. One ff the new thstres will Lo operated try each wing of tha theatrical compel itioa. With the exception of the moving pitture shows and vaudeville houses, righ has had only ore thea tre available for the "ligitiir. .tt" for to or lirfe sears. It will r ow soon have ihiefc big ones. Iu a fe days Raleigh's magnificent new cit4 lfall will be comolet. It ir cludes . an auditorium with a seating capacity of five thouta-id, an i is d siened tt he used chiefly ty State gattieriiifs to iventions of t-il kind--and esptL-i.ally t.ne State conventions c the poli cat parties. t is arrange j i that it cm be converted into a theatrr also, when desired, with sea fag . s--par ity fr,ny given number . to o 000. Ithaslexn several ye; rs s'o either of the great political pa t 'm I. . held a 3'ate co ivention in Ra! ub be caueof tha li.nitel acoommod;.Uons of fered, whereas tor generalltib gone al! such things were held h tre. Now Hie capitol city has an ai rtitorum not fqullltd by any other towr io tht--itete. Three big additional hrtfls are in cturte of construction and tl.e plde;t one is bing remodeled and enlarged r a cost ct itauU.tOU A dozen it more conventions in stesi n at ether pli ces thi6 year have all tady arjucrned tc meet in this city text year uud the capitol will again lecome as of old, the "convention city" of the State Among the new structure s ere hun dreds of homes b'tilt by well to do puipu, whoe families have come to residd in Rileigh, 'even though the bus ness of the head of t he house is eisewterv. A m mg thnew boi d ngs alreidy contract oi next year are the new Sta'e u-'tirnis-tration building, to cost $250,o0'j.and lo cated on one of the four correis op posite Capitol Square (three "tHprs like it are to be built later on by th; State on the other threi corners);' i new M. C. A. building, for whicn th publ c of Raleigh recently auos 'rihed ov. r $5'', 000, and scores of business houses, many to take tha places of ol I s ruc turts on the principal business streets. Library Tables. School time is fast approaching. You wilLneed a good strong Library Table for the children to study around at night. I, have them in qusrtered oak, mahogany and weathered oak. Prices ranging from $5 00 up. J. S MILLER. BURMA ITEMS Craven county, N. C. Aug, 30 We are having some beautiful weather for fodder polling, except little stormy, but most of the farmers are thro ij:h we are glad to say. : . ' We are havhg much sickness now, but it don't seem to be very terious. Rev. J J Lewis filled his regular ap pointment t Giskins school bouse Sun day evening. ' O -i ig to the ' present drought and cotton taking the rust it looks hke now t-st it wil ston all be open, Sorjis lave itsitd to ick this week, Masses Ruv-y snd Loney McLnwhorn Irf i Stndayto visit relatives at N'e Bern and Bridijetorv - ' . ' Mr. Kemp McLawhorn who has been visiting relatives at Arapahoe furihe part lew days, K returned home yes er da, .'.'- " " . ' Misses Blanrha and C lts Bon' er ae v s ting tueir auiii S d tat Lawhorn this tk. t . ; : y , ' Mr. ft it, h McLswl orn maHe husi n ws i rip to Na Bern yeste de.v '. ; M ss Vivien favton of Ernul is vibit ing iativta at this pia-e, v Miss Msudi Hollo. II f" Aurora, is visaing her people at th s place: v M Andmw Jackson and rwn little hoys el' ned Mrs. Nancy Whitfo.dyes- ttdy. ' . . "' . . j ," ." ' People who planted tobacco this yeer are busy tiying to ge through curing so they can carry some off to' ho old, : ; GRAY EYE 3. .. Federal troops occupied. Jipjepa, Province of Maoabi, Ejuajor. belt dispersing, Shell Hits So Close to Wanh in that Water in Slashed Upon Decks of Ohio. . Wa-hinirton, Aug. 30 Th great dradriHUKh. Delaware, .the pnde of 'he i avy, ht tie 'aret battleship Tf -is t Ke nt a di-t ant e of ten mihs, ar.d jitme err sinking or.e of the finest nat'leships of the navy. "' . The Delaware for som '.ifiti&j hsvrl oeen shooting twelve inch shellf at the Texas at a range of seventh fhdua ind yard-;. She got the range fetify0 ly after several shoU, and .placed. J wo si ells in the hull of the TejKa,, arid 'the -the battleships and cruisers Ijadjaken oositiiiu of wha t was considered i Sale istaniin. :v.'-J.: Tne distance from the target, . b'o ever, hnd nothing to do with wjiat hap pened. All of a sudoen the after turret of the Delaware opened fire, arid it was uppo ed she intended to annihilate the Texas with wo more twelve inch cells, After the first of these shots, however, the batueships that were nb ervin? the p ay, ss it were, frantically ran up signals "cease firine' .; ; The information that came hare is that the firf t shell from the after turret of the Delaware whistled close, oyer the Ohio, nine mi es away snd gave the of ficers and jaikies the ccld bhivers. If was then that the signals to "cease filing" were run up, tut belore they were observed hy the De laware another welve inch shell hit so close to ; the ( 'ho that it s;i(ashe I the water , on the decks uf that IiHltlethiD. V ' 'i i It is very remarkable and altogether unexplained how any gunner cook) rave lateen another ship for tha Texas. The Texas has no cage masts although some of the armored cru'sers with the fiest are still without thete basket masts. One report is that omi of th a-mored cruisers a's had a close call Admirsl Osterhaus so far as can be learned has not reported the i cident to the -Navy Department. , . ' Side Boards and Buffet. Two extra large Side Board's In quar tered oak and extra large Buffet; 1 hese three pieces of furniture are a liitle too high priced to sell fast. Will sell either one at cost, $42 60, f 45 ( 0, $39 OH. J S. MILLER, SWANSBORO LETTER.' August 31--Mr. William Stmly and Mr. Guy Jones, two of our boatmen, took the Odd Fellows' singers to Jack sonville, through the sound and up New river, givin them a delightful time Ths receipts for th concert at Swans boro amounted to $19,51, . ; , Mrs. L. J. Herring of Norfolk, is here vi-i in? the families of J M. Jones and D. J. Ward. Mr John A Pittman ard Mrs. Allie Hill are sick, but are a little belter. Dr. W, J. Montford of Mount Pleasi ant, wss in town today on a profession il visit. " . ' 'I. Hery Odum, Carl McCausley, Billy Smith, and David Freshwater, a fish mit.crew, over on the beach bad an exciting time over the capture of two targe minks. They tried to. catch the varmints with their naked hands aog McCausley pot bit pretty bad. ?.Th minks took to tha ocean but were pick ed up without much trouble. ' -1 ' . ' . Mr. Fred Nelson from Pelgrade, is here with Lis htueeboat wi n a party from MaysVil'e and other points' Of Wniteoak river. . ' .. . , , Mrs. W. J. Moore is spending a few dsys at Wilmington. s This story sounds fishy but ita tru, Mr lshsc Jones lound an alligator's nfht wiih 65 eggs in it tie aajn the i est was Bonthing like a hog's tied roui ded over like a potato bank Wt'h r-o'e in top. The egga are about wl s big as goose egga. Tha writer a , ie ling Mr. Harvey Meadows about tri find, aid be ssid that Robert farni j oundone just li ; it. H ibt a bat ket to U' the eggs in. there ? V n., bushel of the n,nii Carrie I them kin, dumped them cut iu tha yard, Wbjle he waa eaiing dinner he beard a i ommo tion amorg the chickens an. rjpoigcr logout found th t alt the, egg bad hatched and the ya d waa full ol a'ga tr. One litih reptile had rpusht s h ' ken by the foot ar.d tha otheuaere tying to capture m ra.to'jltijv'y - A severe atorrr has been raging al along the rnssc tut the life ravi. g u t'on hero only tlghted two ships ti they were not in d stress, qo atackt have been reputed,' . ; V GENERAL. Phone U3 your orrfanc. residence number ahd j,W;t will send it to any p rt ol tv' ritv. t C RacnirV,t Hrl vaftw.wawww w ar aviAauituh VVr Co. -.' ' T- 1 -i I ' V 'r ...' ' ' , - 4 ( Canadiau ; Opponents of Treaty Use Annaxetiou in Fight , " Aguiust Laurier. OUaws, Ootauo, Aueust 30 Lika the hi.ee ihit cornea down from North ern bush fires ar this season, me ival Claims of parly managerf, the . eXri-v vagani es and abaurdi ihi of the hust ings fcn.l, above all, n e si ence of -ho electorate obscures the teal . tenancy if the Canadian ramDaitn. -Nearly four weeks remain bo I ore ttie far of reciprocity is decided at the pot s oa September 21. Meanwhile both tha Laurier government, whose 1 e is tied up in the result, and iheCun.-erv ivea. hjhope to gain power att- r tit teen years in opposi ion, are asea with the develnpmeiits, Mr. Borden, ihe Conservative l-ader. h-" diligently stumped a hiilf-dezen , dnuitful counties In Ontario. He ao pealed directly to the won e in indue- , trial plants, r presenting rtcipiocil.y aa . a precurser of dstuctiori or 'he i a t ooal piotecnve p ok-y under hi jh thev were apouill ai d have piospered,' Arthur Hawkes,," a Brion burn, has ' been conducting a vigorous c n.paigrv unong the British born, painimg reci procity as a step toward annexation. This is having effect upon the large number of British-born citizens of Can ada, who are engag d in industrial pur suits in East9rn Uanadi, but is report ed to be off-sitin the Wet, wt ere vast numbers, of English tend fcotch are dy ed in-the-wool free traders. They want reciprocity and they don't like the sug gestion that their desire is' disloyal. ' Clifford Siftni, formerly a member of the Laurier Government, is peaking almost daily in Ontario, bitterlv assail ling the policy. One of the mot effec tive political organikers In Canadian po litical hisu ry, it is tor early to judge the effect of bis onslaught. On tt a government side Sir Wilfried Laurier has completed a week of ad dresses to his a-ippa' riots in Quebec, Ba bas teen at spe cial i a ns to d nounre the reprereataticn of Henri Bouruaaaa the Natioualiat leader, that the Cana- di in Navv eitaila a rxrliv or 'conecrio- tion. The prime miniatareela that tha Frsnch-Canadiaos ac beginning to sea the navy io its true light and that the Bourassa cause will suffer in cons qtence. Moreover, he finds the recip ocity policy itself ex remely popular. Mr R.lilruflaA nmMaud ' Uvn. rnnl procity, but his enmity to Sir Wilfried oaurier, if successful, of course a i tails the defeat of reciprocity. Tb government managers almit tha possibility of losing at the moat five or six seats in Quebec aa a result of ttm Nationalist movement and of natural political casualties. These would ba aina for the Nationalists, however, not for the Conservatives. Although Conservatives and Nationalists have a mutual interest in defeating the prem- . :er, the policies oo other sut jects differ . radically. t -" GALLILEE NOTES, I - . - ' J ' -i '- ; Craven Ccunoy, N. C. Ang. 30, 191L ' There are several cases of sicknetsio ths neighborhood, bnt none of them arc erioua now. ' Mr. Hsxsl Stsplefordof Raleigh spent last week at home with bia father and sister, lemming home Sunday night. Messrs. M, C Thomas, Frank and Dava Everington want to Wilmington Sunday. Misses Maud, Pearl ard Belle Staple ford spebt Sunday at Morehead City. Mr. Tom Everington and sitters. Misses Larena and Armetta, alio want io Morehead Su-day. . . Mr. J. B. Ernul was a eallrr at Mr. T, A Stapleford'a one day last week. . Master Macon Stapleford had tha misfortune to slick a rusty nail In bia. toot irom ine tncci or wnicn n is not abl to b t.ut, . . Wood's Fall Seed Catalogue just iasued telle what cropa you can put in to make the quickest grazing, or hay, to help out the ahort feed cropa. Alaotella about both ' Variable cs3 Farm Seeds ' that can be planted in the fall to advantage and profit . Every Fanner, !I-r!:ct Crovcr t&4 Car!:p:r ahould have a copy of this catalog. ' It is the best and most com plete faU aced catsJos i ;3uci. Mailed free. Wi! 3 for it. X C w D i