IiiE l.KLY JwW.....lL ttaUke 187S vkMuiiM ib two Sections, evsrj Tuesday and rriday, at Journal BnhaV ... -60 Craven Street mm i ArD PROPRrBTOtt iKttcitti reaper ol New Bra ana rrB CoODtJ. . . .: " dUBHCRIPTlON RATS8, Two Montti.. ,.t IS Three Monrha.. .. It fix Month.. .. .. .. .. .. (0 wele M.vntoa.. .. .. .. .. .. LM ONLY IN ADVANCB. ' The Journal i. -iy nant on pay-ln-Mvance tiarte. Subscribers will re A eeiv notice of expiration of their anb- 'riitlona hjw" an Immediate response 'o notice wi.1 m snprsctated by tha Jinrnal Advertising, rates turnisned upoo application at the otflca, or upon In llllr by oil' co i i a at the Poatotfica, New Ram. C - as econ!-iasa inattar. -- New Bern. N. C. September, 1. 1911. THE CALL TO NORTH CABOLINA. The meeting of the newspaper editors and heads of the commer cial organizations of the State which has been called to meet at Charlotte, September 12 for the purpose of organizing a back home moveineut has for its purpose to induce former North Carolinians or their desceudauts who have ta keo up their residences in other States to return to North Carolina aud share in the industrial devel opment taking place here. The success in the ma'n object, namely, to get former North Caroliuians, who have grown rich elsewhere to return, and join the boost move ment of those now living in this state, must of course be problema tical Th,at the stay homers have prospered,' and with the assistance of new people and new money have largely developed the material re source of their State, is no idle claim. Every section bears wit ness to progress and prosperity, but so have the places where the once North Carolinians have set tled, and entered into trade and business, so that the burden is upon those at home to show that this state has greater possibilities "than others, therefore a return here is worth the move from a practical, business stand point This back homeward movement has merit in it from an advertis ing point of view. Every son and daughter of North Carolina com ing back for a visit, aud noting the improvements made, the de veloomeuts in agriculture and manufacture, the school and col lege increases, the municipal buildiug up, the good roads made, aud those under contract, these and many other signs of the better and greater Old North State, not a son or daughter, returning to the home of their adoption but would carry the report of things seen, and so spread abroad the possibili ties for those seeking homes and investments, tha'j are waiting in North Carolina. The back home ward movement has good possibili ties in it in several ways. THE LOCAL AGKICTJLTUB A.L EXHIBIT. The movement for an agricultur al exhibit iu this city in October, has passed the proposed state, and may be said to be launched and moving to success. The quite general local money contributions indicates the sincerity that is widely felt among merchants and business men to sustain the exhib ' it and make it practical. The pios- pecls for a large aud fine exhibit of home grown products, , is ' uausually yood this year, and such ao exhibit will arouse competition among the farmers for future ex hibits, for ouce started this agri cultural exhibit should be an au uualaffivir. ' The exhibit through visitors from outside places will advertise this section', showing what the soil will produce', In qual ity and quantity. There are many future possibili ties in this agricultural exhibit, for it should grow each year In more exhibits aud possibly de velop ioto the long wanted Now lsrn Fair, with grounds, amuse ments nd a display of farm and manufactured products from this city, couuty and section. ? With general and generous local support the coming agricultural exhibit ' ii October but opens the way to a new New Ucrn Fair, , that will show this, section to ou'. ;,:r:i t,it never been c""o;rj! :1 Illi AJU'OtfOL 3 PER CKNT AVtdeiahk PrcparalianJjrAs similaliiigrticFo.d.aiUiiia ling (lie Kknada amlilowlsal Promolcs DittotaChtr iful a, fi- Opimu.Murjihuu' luu-ftaaU NOT N AH C OTIC. .gafpeofBMSFTUIflCmk J!x.SrMU A,urtttj IlimStfi1' huajrrau fkmr. Anerfect Remedy forCanslto Hon . Sour StomaclUHarriiuca Wornis.ConvulswHS.rcwnsn ness ami Loss of Sleep. JacSirilc Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Two Visiting Cards. Visiting cards dliu-r in style aeoord- lng to latituik', and r.n exiiniplo u Paris contemporary re an nn-iiient iu 1844 when M. ih- l.:.; :iu- :: sent under I.ouis I'liiiipi- i:.s i-1 ii; t -i- ex traordinary to China. '! i - n ur'.c:-y of the ambasaadiir givally ii.in sai-n tlie Chinese statcsiuuil, inrLI.-uliii'ly I heir "doyen." When the eet..i;:tl:oi'.s had been completed. and M. 1.' Uk;.v;:c was ready to erubaik a tUl-p..uinu bii.ul.t him a great r;ll i f .i.pi'r. T!ie ambas sador seeing this tJivel at i.n. i tlmu-iit this v.as a present. Uin.wi..' ( liiinv-e methods, but to bis s'urprls.. t!i y start ed to unroll the cylinder, which extend ed to about til' ly iiu iu s uf i a i .er. o. er 1G2 feet. Then lie Larmd Ilia it was the visiting card of the ' di y. u." Iu returning his modest little luistol board the humiliated ani' .isvidi r add ed a few words, which r 'c.d. "The am bassador of France retries that he is j able to offer only these simple words) ia your excellency." tate of .Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ie is senior partner of the firm of F. 1. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County ami State aforesaid, and that said lirm wiL pay the sura of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that Cannot lie cured bj the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY- Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence this Mb day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. fILEASON. Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter Dally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J CHENEY & CO.Joledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Cdlous Comparison. Drill Serrennt-I say. Smith, have you any iden bow slow and stupid you are? Private Smith I don't know. Drill Sergeant Of course you don't, but let me tell you that an Egyp tian mummy Is frisky compared with you. London Tit Bits. Kokomo. Kokomo, in the liuu-'tinge of the In diana who at cne Hue inhabited that section of Indiana, signifies "a young grandmother." An ordinary case of diarrhoea can, aa arule.be cured by a sineln dote of Chambnrlain'a Colic, Cnolera and Diar rhoea Remedy. This remedy has n superior f' bowel complaints, ror tale by all Dealers. ( , . " W have a suspicion that Mr, La Fol- letu hold the opinion that tha extra iieision was called for his special bene fit. Philadelphia Inquirer. ) i WOMEN . Womea of tte highest type, womea of superior education aad rWtttment, whou difcernmeal mi! juvgmeat fire weight tie! fore to their opinions, highly pniso the wonderful correctm ui cnratWo properties of Cham heiUin'a Stomach and Lirer Tah kts. Thronghont the many stages if woran's life, from girlLood, llrsr;! tht ordea!s of isomer I ' . 1 U tl declining Jtari, tl.ere Lj t -fjr r core rt! 11 e rrf J- j s t are it! c a I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have " Always Bought t Signature Ajll j For Over Thirty Yeajs THI OSHTAUII MMMNT, MM VONK ttll Sam Hayed the Bats Drum. They used to say that Sam hud the biggest mouth iu Indiana avemie. IU was a short, stocky negro, and hif. mouth was the most notlciabl thing about him. it is said that he iscd to make pretty good money placing or- dinafgwaucerM in his mouth lift with his face as an exhibition. He was tell lug a friend about the negro bind of which he was a member. "I should think you would all want to play the instruments with solo part". such as the cornet." was suggested. "Dat ain't it." replied Sam. 'Each man plays de horn dat suits his moul best." "Well, then, Sam, what horn do yon play?" Is was evident that tin qnes lioner was puzzled. He wondered how Sam's lips could be compressed O blow a horn. "Oh. Ah plays de bass drum, sail," said Sam. Indianapolis News. The Troubled Professor. "The professor ia so dreadfully ab sentmiuded." "Yes?" "lie paid marked attentions to a pretty girl who lived near the college and was afraid she might get some legal bold on him, and so he wrcte ber a love letter with invisible ink." "Clever idea. Yes?" "Then he made a typewritten copy of the letter for his own protection and iluully uent the girl the typewrit ten copy." "I see. Poor old prof." "And he didn't find out his mistake until the ink had faded, and now hi' wonders n-hnt In Tonlipt he wrote!" Cleveland Main Dealer. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S , C ASTO Rl A Mr. Taf t ought ta know by this time that the heat time to get reasonable tariff revision is when he can get: it. Kansas City Journal, LIFE SAVED AT DEATH'S DOOR. "I never felt so near my grave. writes W. R, Patterson, of Wellington, lex., aa when a fritthiful cough aad lung trouble pulkd me down to 100 pound', in spite of doctor's treatment for two years. My father, mother aha two sisters died of consumption, and that ( am alive today ia dua solely to Ur. King's Mew Discovery, which com pleteW cured ma. Now I weigh 187 pounds and have beeii well ane strong for years." Quick, take sure its the best remedy on earth foi rougna, colds, lagrippe, athnia, croup, and all throat and lung. troubles. 60c 4 $1.U0. Trial bottle free. Guarantee by alt druggiar. , Garmany'a 'Telephone "Girls." Telephone "girls" in tiermauy caa not, work after the ag of seveuty, though they can retire on (tension prior to that advanced day. Positions are obtained by civil service examination. The average on entering the business must be near thirty, and. aa many r mntn for life, it would be ungallant to speak Intimately of ages. - Discharges cannot bo effected without consider able red tape. .When an operator hat worked up to l-toO a year and $130 extra for bouse rent, aba stays at that pay until retired on pension. . i' .. On Her Birthday. - i "Congratulate me." said Yonnghus band. "My daugliter is juat ona year old today." , ' This is ber birthday, eb? What did you give berr ' "I don't know whether It was sooth' lng sirup .or paregoric, but It was ona of the two. . . ., ; They Were Woked. ' - i' "Do yon call this a band of picked musicians?' said the hotel manager to the leader of a band. "AchI Dot tos so. I blck 'em mlne- sellef." replied the bandmaster. . - "Welt, then, you picked them before they were ripe." It Is enough to make a man crahh tq have hii auto turn turtle, Dirmi ' .-a Kewa. r 'FERRYINQJHE TRAIN, j Ona of tha River and Harbor Sighte of ',' New York City. Oua of the . nights of the harbor ' familiar enough to thoae acquainted with the waler front but of never fall ing Interest to the waterside strolling strauKer, lx the Mg railroad ferryboat thai carries . the Boston- Washington through trains around Manhattan be tween Mott Haven and Jersey City, and apparently this ride la u Interest ing to the people on the boat as the boat la to the people on the xuore. " They JuRt run the r bole tmin on thia boat and then in fair weather the paa 8enger jtet out to stretch their legs and take: In the flew. A the big boat romea along with the rare of the train aboard neeu projec ting ont for-, ward and aft on deck from under the; hooda you aee the nasaengera stand i tug forward for their .eight or t' ; miles water ride down the Eaat rivu and np the north, or vice versa; through all the varied river traffic close at band, while shoreward they. Iirta flint Ifiuprolnnu vIaiv nt th Ifiwcr e)ty. .The boat la obe of tbettr "" oi my tam,i hnV" t ,u'" Uim ,,m notable river eights, and the trip on!1' lor 1"ik... ha a J . fi.-r hmpimi. the boat Itself and the view from its of hidney i-oiDplt nt mi l ail r-.a.e i deck are aim as wonderful aa ever to ceived bt-i.ttu." tlie unaccustomed traveler.--New York SUB. "' ":.:' ;, '- : Rejected Compulsory Happinaes. . !q 1S88 the Inundation of the Yellow river caused gret BujCerlug 1 Cbliui. Tbe Jnfartor peopW not oaV ''froaue and murmured." but died by lb hun dreds In order to raUe funds for the relief of the survivors the prelect of Haugchow levied a tax on each cup of tea sold in tha tea houses of the great city. The ancient capital aa-, aessed In this arbitrary fashion re sented that tax after the mauner of the Bostoniaus of 1773. in spite of the humane object of the assessment, the citizens put a boycott on tea, and the proprietors of the tea houses cried out in protest. The prefect Issued a second procla mation, iu which he assured his people that happiness was their sure reward if they cheerfully contributed to this excellent cause. Thia agreeable aa surnnce -had no effect on the boy- cotters, and the tax had to be removed. Perhaps this Is the ouly Instance on record where a rltyful of people were banded to resist compulsory "happl- ness "-Youtir 'oinpiinlnn. GRANULATED SORE EYES CURED. "For twentj years I suffered from a bad case of granulated soie eyes, says Martin Boyd oi Henrietta, &y. "in February, 19u3, a gentleman asked me to try cnambe lam a halve. 1 bought one box nnd used about two-thirds of it and my eyes have not given me any trouble since. " This salve is for sale by all dealers. Why It Worried Him. "What are you looking so about, old man?" "Somebody stole Dawson's glum um- brella." "But why should that worry you?" "It was stolen from me." Boston Transcript Ah Obstinate Family. Cbolmondley I thought you Intend ed to marry Miss Wealtblngton Dolmondley I thought ao, too, but her family objected. Choimoudley What did Miss Wealtblngton say? Dolmond ley Oh, siio's one of the family, you know. 8tale Bread. Eat your bread stale and not fresii If you want to avoid Indigestion. Slieo it, dry in the oven and toast a' delicate brown. Tby secret is thy prisoner; If tho;. let It go thou art a prisoner to it A well known Dea Moines, woman af ter Buffering alterably for two days from bowel complaint, was cured by one dose "I Chamber ain ' Colic, -Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all Dealers. The Cetfara of Lebanon. Tory carefully Inclosed aud gunrdct aro the 200 remaining cedars of Lei. anon, those famous trees that onco cljUied. all ' the sides of the Syriuii mountains. So tail and beautiful were they in compariaou with the trees uf Palestine that the Hebrew writers cel ebrated the.m with xbaordlnai? praUe,' and from, the curjUeat daaau their soft Mp Void ya ttte glory juf JewishOkTBUaBtrflrV .tmf were used la Wdtnoa's aoandle aiM to lot successor and also In tha chu.Oh thift Constantino built at Jerusalem. . The surviving trees are called by tha Arabs the "trees of God," and under their wideapreadlng branches the tier gy of "the Greek church occasionally celebrate mass. Several of the trees la tha grove are over 1,500 years old and have a height of 100 feet aud a circumference of CO. In appearance they more resemble the aged larch or tha majestic oak than the cedar that la known In America. Harper'a Weekly.. Professor Sargent, of Harvard, sas that folks are better off with vacations Will somebody lock this man up till wt get back? Washington Poet Not Sisters Now aad again yoa see twe womea pass ing' down the street who took like sitters. You are attooiahed to leara that thy are mother and daughter, and you rtslise that ; a wuaaaa at forty or forty -ir oujht to be at her boait aad fairest. Why Ua'i it mF The isMral haalth ol woman ia so in timately asaooiatad with the local health of tha esaentially fsmiaioe orlaaa that there can be m red cbaeka aad round form wkara there Is leovale weakaeta. Woman who) hare auaTarad fronsa this tronbln hare found nrompt . reUaf aad sure In the use of Dr. ; Pleroe's Farorits Praaariptlon. It gives vigor and vitality to the organs of womanhood. , It alenra U complexion.' hrahtana thai yea and red Jane the eheeks. No alcohol, or habit-forming droit it contained in "Ftvorite Prescription." Any tick woman may contult Dr. Pierce by letter, iree. livery letter ia fcrld at iocrciSly eor.fi lentiul, and imwt'rd in a plain envelope. Addresai World's l.j-nenaery I. .xd As -?:on. Dr. R.V. Pierce, Prri., liulf.do, N.Y. THROW CUT THE LIKE Give the Kidneys IJelp and Many New lit rn People Will lie Happier. : "Throw Out the LifftLine." ', , Tha k'idoey nt eJ l.etp. . They're overworked can't get the poison filtered our t the t.lmd. - '' They'ie gettuiii me every minute. Will you nlp tlien.7 j, ' Doan'a K.dn'ey Fi.la have trough, thoubai.dj ! of kidhey si.ffei era '.back from tha verge oi desj air. : Will cure any foim of ki-'ney troubli , J. W. Hood, 216 S. ta.lM. Ki..i-n, N. C.t aayt ; "l I ave used Uimn's kid ney Pills aiulth y uave beipcd m veiy much. About h ye n ao my buck b -came weak and Ume and I bad n.uu tioubla from inv Milivy.-i. 1 to. a hi.p ply of Doan a Kidney 1'ilia and th h Use relievi d toe hi mct . Uu.er innii- eafila.. l"iMti.ui v.ini.rii to III! New Vorli il xikihm foi tli fltatea ftnit,llllHH III iirnu- - Ik Birminglisiii, A a , lis voiod in favoi of li enai d liquor sellini'.' Octcar TJnde - wood mig' t a-i well pepue to turn H other cheek to Mr. Bryan. WMshirigt on Post. TORTURED FOlt 15 Yfc.AH. by a cure-defying stomach rouble tha baffled doctors, and r.'i-1,- t- l all ii'im dies be Imd. John W. Modiler, of Mix'- deraville, Mich, seemed doomed He Inn to sell bis tmm andniv.' un work. Hi neighbors sam, "Iu- can't li vi'xnimii longer." 'Wh'iiever 1 atn distresoeu me," he wrote, Mill irie.1 Kl cine Bitters, .which wrktd such wondcis for me thnt 1 can now tat tloog 1 could not take for yeais its sorely it grand remeily for stomach tioo' le." Just as good for the. I.v,-r and kid,iyH. Every bottle guaranteed. Only boc. bt all diuggigia. A Quick Reply. The Duchess of l.uira.eu-.iis. wl:. was somewhat given t making pod ry, could not think of a word to rhym. with coif. Turr.in:: to T:ii:-..vi:nil. wlr. chanced to be by her side, she said "Prince, give nie a rhyme to coif 'Impossible, duchess." replied Talley rand without a moment's delay, "fo that which peiiai.is t.i t lit? li.-ad of i, woman has neither rhyme nor. reg ion." Children FOR FLETCHI Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R I A Nine million words were spoken at the. extra session of Congress, moat of them by La Folletia. Richmond 'limes Dispatch. WHAT IS BEST FOR INDIGESTION? Mr. A. Robinson cf Drumquin, On tario.haa heen tiouliled for yeHrswitii indigestion, and mocnnieiida ('handier Iain's Stimi.cii unci Liver Tablets aa "tke bi at inetii. ioe 1 ever med " It troutiled with imligrsiion o- conrtipa ti n iV ti e n a trial. They are ci r tain to prove beriehi il. They are eas to (ate and pl'Hfxnt in i IF ct. P. ice, 25 cents. Samples fiee at il deilers. Air CiU cf V. .cons. The air kiv. i of il:r- i on conr.tituK a svstern cf i.iter-tVvs. the value of Which lies i'.i tlv.'ir al.since of weigh: and re?iata"cc.' i Flrtet 13 po aible or!-.' to n both of high mochar.M ai eiUci'ncy d'' T,"t?:l a0 stiprlluoxi r..a;e; l..l. Tl-c reriil'-'- '"I' i !; I; ! :;'oii t.'n:. Ufa, were '.i-. este 1 ' t-.v-: .. t icr;.".l, r.ad i!-..- 1 1 p'"- . i taiuca trcre h.leti v.-.t.i :-.'r r ' i- body vrrM. ndapllii-r !: t l.e l e- chr.nlal re:nir.Tineiit.. I?. .i; !; -i -,v cylinder perviujr as a r ; . i r i!:e oreaiia of ncovKiiei:t. ilie :.. '''" it whose part' was r,ii:ci I . 'Ii? rstr- rounding ulr se. . .'. ; i In the bones cf niber 1,' ' 1 -:d sUi.l-tly xplalucC - TV ' r's r ; ' SEEMED lOi.lVr-J ium a NEvV .. - -STOMACH. "IsuffejeJ imeiihely , ft. r n t og and no medicine or irevirn, nt i trie l suemt-'d to do any good." writes H. M. Yoona petars, Ednorof Ti e Sim, Lke View, unio. "the nrst lew dim- of Cdamr. erlain'a Stomach an Liver Tsblets gave me surprising teller hi, d ihete 'ond tot tie semd to giv me a n w stomach and perfectly good health." For sale by all Dealers. , ' Bad For Herbert. I" "So, said the siaitleu girl, whose father bad been talking, seriously to her, "you dislike Herbert and you will not recognize him?"' , "That's It," he replied. "If bo doesn't keep away from here I won't recognise him, nnd neither will his own mother." Loudon Answers. . A WOMAN'S REVERSE. 8ensatienaJ Inoidant of the Civil War In Mexico. .. In the cItII war In Mexico, which resulted In the downloH of Diaa, a' sensational incident took place the seizure of Colonel Chiapas by . an avenger. At the beginning of the 1n surrttlon Chlaiaia had command for the government of the Sonora district and be quickly became known for his severity.' Aujong those who suffered was a rich resident named Talamantes, who, with his two soha. was arrested on the charge of sympathizing with the iusnrrcctos. , , After a brief hearing; the three were condemned to death. Mme. Tala mantes pleaded with Chiapas for the life of her husband and sons, offering everything they . possesaed. but the colonel replied to ber entreaties only with sneers, refused her requeat. had the three men taken, to the grounds of their own hacienda, forced Mine. Talam-uiteM. to remain within hearing of the shots and had them executed. 1 The widow changed from a retiring, undemonstrative woman to a vigorous avenger. .Having ample financial re sources, she first Offered $00,000 to any one who wonid deliver Chiapas alive into her bands. Then. she. organised a troop of armed men, put horsvlf at t's -head and .joined the insurgents. .Soon the Tularaantea became one ofj the strongest aud moat effective forces among the rebels- Her aywed par pose wns to capture Chiapas. When the federals evacuated Agua Prieta the widow ambushed a detachment led by Chiapas, who in the flpht was wounded and delivered to her. Within two hours of his capture she compelled him to dig his owu rTrive. He stood at its edge, aud she personally gave the command to tire fo her twelve troopers who faced html - London Family Herald. AFRICAN RHINOS. They Are Nervoua and Cowardly Rather Than Faroeleua. Instead of being a savagely ferocious animal, the' African rhinoceros la a cowardly, shortsighted creature, ac cording to John T. McCutcheon m 'Hunting Adventures In the Big Game Country." He says: "After the rhino has taken hla dirt wallow and looks fine in his new red coat he then slowly and painstakingly proceeds to kill time during the rest of the day. if danger threatens he be comes exceedingly nervous and excit ed. His unxlety ia quite acute. In vain he tries to locate the danger, rushing one way for a few yarda, then the other way and .finally all ways at once. His tall la up, and he Is snorting like a steam engine. Wheu be rushes toward you In thia attitude it looks very much aa though lie were charging you with the purpose of tramping you to flinders. As a mat ter or fact or, rather,' opinion he Is merely trying to locate Where you are in order that he may run the other way. He looks terrifying, but in real ity Is probably badly terrified himself. Ha would give a good deal to know which way to run and finally becomes ao excited and nervous that be starts frantically in some direction, hoping for the best. If the rush happens to b iu yonr direction you call It a charge from an infuriated rhino; if not yon say that he looked naaty and waa about to charge, but finally ran away in an other direction. : ' . In most' rhino charges it Is my opin ion that the rhino is too rattled to know what he is doing, and Instead of charging maliciously he la merely try ing to get away aa faat aa possible. And in such cases the,hunter blazes away at him. wounds him. and the rhino blindly charges the flash. No Making Up Juat Then. The curtain lecture had finished and .Mrs. Gnrrlll, feeling that perhaps she had overdone the. matter, began to read little items from the newspaper "Ha!" she said. "That's funny. Isn't It. George?" Here's a man advertises for a silent partner with a thousand dol lars." ... "Yes." said GarrilL "It'a terribly funny. If he'd married you he'd have been darued glad to get a silent purt ner even if she hadn't a cent." Whereupon tlie thermometer got such a sudden jar that it fell from the man telpiece to the floor.-Harper'a Weekly Explained Hia Mittake, "The more I think of it the more am convinced that I aaad mtstajts when 1 married you.' . B eiciQm. She drew herself up proudly. - - j "You can undo It." aha replied. "Alas. It is too late!" he said. "I suppose the organist baa already spent Uie $10 I intended to give the minister and the minister haa excommunicated me for the 12 be got "-Exchange. Truth Will Out The Candidate (having quoted the words of an eminent statesman In support of an argument) And mind you, these are not my words. This ia not merely my opinion. These ars the words of a man who knows what he Is talking about London Sketch. Above Waten ."The times are hard, my dear," said a man to his better half, "and I And t extremely difficult to keep my tune above water." "Tou could easily keep your nose above water," returned the lady, "if yon didn't keep it ao often above brandy." London Answers. Whan Pali Was Felt Ashley Until the Inst I wss confi dent that the painless dentist was ab solutely truthful In saying he would cause me no torture. Seymour Wha! did he Ao at the last? . Ashley Gats me his bill. -Chicago News. , ' FALLS VICTIM TO THIEVES. H. W. fiends, of Coal City, Ala., has a justifiable grievance. Two thieve' atole his health for twelve year. Thtv Dr King's Ntw Life P'lls throt'l'd them. He'a wdl now. Unrivaled for Constipation, Malaria.' Headache, Dy spepsia 25c. all druggists, , ; . There is a demand for tha reca'l of Judge Lynch in some fouthern Stale'. It ia good news. Euilo Timec ' 1 PROTECT V f YOUR BUILDINGS FROM FIRE . by covering; them with , - J-M ASBESTOS R00FIN3 J-M Roofing resists fire be cauan it ia made of Asbestos, : an indestructible mineral, which ia not affected by fire, , rustj rot or wear. Easily ap? y "J-M" ia the only prepared ' 1 roofing that is permanently .. j durable. You can save money . by using it . , , , v Atkfor eampUt and price. ' COMPANY. MsTsiiifinriisirrsi 12 E. r roiu. m im w oi n, n. C. Lumber Yar i, Woodworking PUnt and I'lanintr Mill. HARDWARE AND Building Ma ierial . Paints, Oils A.ND Varnishes American Field Fence tiiiii . kern, I. C 'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. Pharmacy PHON19 173 RIDGE INSTITUTE Praparet for C 'llete, toe Builncu, for life. . ... Ilk... I riMriwM M.niiM this Mhoul. r Uma Ckriatlu IiIihuim. llfX phralnl U Sliw Biilf Bcoauia Hiih (dsHt of Kholsnlila. Honor tftwm rtiird; rll1n tl Aaurloa niuiknn4liililM. JnhlrticiMOonr d. lnmtlntaUiliMluxlbfnalcldioWlM ID Ma TUUr HOT. PWflWilw . fnr cRtalos, wrlia ALta.aBU,rrMltiu,lU lump.a.fc THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial : - College , , Maintain' d by the Sta'e fo the Women of North Car lina. Five regular Tourses leading to Degrees. Special CotHses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fas) 'esi"n begins September 13, 1911. For catalogue and other information address JULIUH FOUST, Prenden', , Greeniboro, ' a1. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE ATJ : . HECflniC ARTS THI STATE'S 1NDUBTRIAI C0LLECI Four-yeir courses in Agriculture; In Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Industrial Chemistry;' in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-year courses in Mechanic Arts snl in Textile Art O.u-year c ure in Agriculture These courses are both practical and scientific. Fxcminations for admiauinn are bdld at all county seata oa July 13. For Catalog address ' THE REGISTRAR, ' WeBt Ra!e!;;h. N. C HENRY