No, 47 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. G.. FRIDAY' SEPTEMBER. 15. 1911 SECOND SECTION 34th. YEAR FT CASWELL CAPT. riTERESTSNB POL- SERIOUSLY T L lltbl III GERMANY'S DE CUT IfiDS IMPOSSIBLE BACK HOI" mm big QHSLOWS EDU CATIONAL RALLY RESULT III MAINE CHANGED mm US IEiS Walter Jones Attacked By Flora ' Dudley and Carved ao Badly ' With a. Pocket Knife He May' Succumb . To In r , , juries. . ; Early Sunday morning Walter Jones 1 also colored, and a frequent visitor to the police courts, and so badly cut that be Is now in a serious condition while the woman U being held in the county jail awaiting the next term of Craven county court ' From tbe evidence given by a number of Witnesses in the case it seems that Jones and tbe Dudley woman had been very Intimate during the past '; few months. Saturday night the Dudley wo man went over to James City to attend a dance (bat was given by one of her friends. , Upon, returning to the city at an early hour Sunday morning she es pied Jones engage'! in conversation with Rosa Brown,, This doubtless enraged her and aha proceeded to carve the pair tip. , The, Brown woman was cut in a number of places and Jones had bin jugular vein almoft severed and one of tbe main arteries In his arm cut in two. In the hearing yesterday 'afternoon Flora Dudley plead not guilty but from the evidence of several witnesses prob able causa was found and she was sent over to the next term of superior court. Pictures Just Arrived. Notice my windows, Fall is coming oh, what can you buy for the small sum of two or three dollars that will bright en up the home so much as pictures We have them for dining room, hall, parlor and living room - J. S. MILLER. The Fur. Man. 1 . rorquT Nw Bernlah Dead. ' Mr William ft. Hill, a native of this city, but fov several year residing in KIakj iABr K!anai AiA saw It Ksvma there yesterday afternoon. The de ceased was i tail of the late Captain William U, Hill, a shipmaster, sailing from this mrt for manv veara on tha Schooner Ad He Henry and other ves sels. : Mr, Hill married a Miss Wething ton of Cora Creel;,' this county, sister of Mr. H, M. Wellington of Clarke, and Mrs. I. W. Stewart of New Uern, she survives, , The reinstall will arrive hare this af ternoon on Norfola train and the fun aral will be held from Centenary Church Wednesday, I o'clock p. m. Interment In Cedar Grove cemetery. A Busy Man Has Just Arrived. a""" a v Good newf he brings to New Bern, a large stock of all kinds of sawed Shin gles on hattd. . Ha can and will please you.. See: Bltf U(l for lowest prices.-TheOldltfilUbia.- ; . Poltci Court Proceedings, , Mayor McCarthy had a full d icket in his court yesterday afiermi 11, as V usually the case on Mnd y, and more than an hour was eonu.u d iu (he sen ion. The following cases were dia- , posed of; ' Joe and Sarah Washington, colored, charged with being disorderly conduct, were found guilty, but on account of tbU being their first appearance in court wera released upon the piyment of the coata of the cases. Billy Jones, colored, charged with be ing drunk an I disorderly, was let off with the payment of tbe costs of the cae, ' Calvin Hewitt and Daniel Hewitt were taxed with the coat for being dis orderly wlthtn the city limits. : 1 Leman Morris waa ordered to pay Lewis Curry 1.00 for bresking out a window In hd store last Saturday night. - -- ' , Library Tables. School time is fast approaching. You will need a good strong Library Table for tha children to study around at night- I have them in quartered oak, mahoeanv and weathered oak. Prices ranging from $5 00 upt J. S. MILLER. WUI Make Flight lit Aeroplane. To substantiate the Idea that what ever is nW, novel, thrilling, bewilder Ing, educating Interesting, The Mighty Haag Shows hkve first, Mr. Ilaag has secured umlur enormous expense the ce'ebrated ling of the air, Mons. Di' Pauhlam and las world famous uero- plane "Motor." Mons. Di'Pauhlam has had all France at his feet nines hia surrt'SHM fi'rhts with the, "Met." He is to il s y the only undisputed qual of the cel. brati'd Wright Bros lions Di'IV'ih'am positively W'll demoiinUBle with tbe Miirhty ilaag Ehows at Kw li i n, t't'i t. 27th. French , Beply Conciliatory Iu Spirit But Firm as to Ques ; tions of Principles. ' - Pais, Sept, 12th. --Francs's reply to Germany's counter proposals in the Mo roccan negotiations' has hewn written and was laid before the Fre.ich cabinet recently for approval. The t' of draw ing up the reply proved simpler than at first expected, doubtless because the German' demands were such as could not be accented by France. .- . The Premier, M. Caillaux, after con ferring with several colleagues .made up his mind last night to convoke a meeting of the cabinet for 4 o'clock this afternoon and sent not eg to the minister. . M, Caillanx will lay before them, his answer to Germany, after which it will be dispatched by special courier to the French ambassador at Berlin, who will hand it to the German foreign minister, ' : It is understood that tbe raply while written in a spirit of conciliation, isab solutely firm with regard to tha posi tion Francs has assumed concerning questions of princliple from which France will not depart a hair'a breadth. The premier's energetic and business like manner of proceeding ha hud a good effect. It is regarded ai another proof of th ? absolutely unanimity and firmness of the government us to it policy and as a manifestati m of the government's desire to do the utmost to shorten the period of uncertainty which is having such preju licul effect on thn markets of the world It also removes any possibility of charges that France by delay assisted in bringing about further financial distress in Ger many. The broad outlines of Germany's pro posal have bi-en.xommunicaVd to the pubi c because tbe government be Neves that the paople have a right to know at this period of tension what is being dine. Foreign Minister DeSelves has also Indicated a semi-official note that Franc ;'s reply wjuld be a refusal to accept Germany's conditions. In thin French opinion appears to bi wholly united and prepared for any contin gency.:: : . One point of view In official quarters is that Germany's financial 'itua'ion. which is expected to reach a riimax by tho end of September, may tend to moderate Germany's demand. ' Fine China and Cut Glass M. E. Whitehurst &Co. Death ot Thomas Hunter. .Death came suddenly yesterday to Mr. L, T. Hunter as he sat do vn to his noon meal at his home on Burn street. It was notaltogether without warning for Mr. Hunter has been suffering sev eral months with a form of heart dis ease from which there was scarcely any hope of recovery. However, al though unahle to do any manuel I at or, he was not confined to l.ia bed but was able tbe up and around until the end came as related. . The deceased was a native of Le noir county.fifty years of age, marrld, his wife being a daughter of Mr. Wil liam Jones of this city, who, with two un, and two daughters, survive bin). Mr. Hunter came to New Bern from Trenton, about thirteen years ago, and has resided here ever since, most the time being in the mercantile business He was a carpenter by trade, skilfull and industrious, and for the past few years has been naing a responsiDie position in the car shops of the N. & i. railroad. Dur ng his residence here Mr. Hun ter had made many friends as he had done in other places where he has lived, These fi lends will be saddened by the news of his death and their sympathy will go out to his family in their be reavement. t. ' ' ; Funeral services will ba Mid from the aeaidence No. 60 Burn street, this afternood 5:30 o'clqpk, conducthd by Rev. J. II. N, Summerell. D. D. ;. TRUITT ITEMS. Craven County. Sept. 12. We are having bad weather on c rops. S me of our farmers btve not finished saving fodder yet. . Miss'Thalma Fulcher has returned from a visit at Small, where sha had a good .ime. " Our pastor failed to fill hia appoint ment Sunday morning and at night. We had, a targs 'attendance at our school Inat Sunday and it was an en joyable occasion for all. There will ha quarterly meeting at Spring Hope next Saturday and Sun day. We hope there will be a large at tsndanc. A good many from here will attend the picnic at Ernul's next Thurrdiy, among the ladies will be Misrti Nettie I and Mamie Campbell. 1 BROWN EYE3. Success. Visitors at Charlotte Grveu Cordial Reception. Plans Made. Charlotte, Sept. 12 The Pack Home meeting which is being held in this ci ty this week-, the first Bessie l of which was held today, was a decid ;d aucceas In every way. Tbe .attoniance wai gotd, there being representatives from every section of the State ai.d each one of them ' received cordial greetings. Three i sessions were held to.lay and at each one of these live, discussions Were held and talks were made by prominent men from all over the State, Senator Lee S. Overman delivered tie opening address in a very forceful ind enter taining manner, and ho captivated the large audience who heard hin:. During the morn ng the visitoru wer j given an automobile ride over the city and shown the various points of interest. After this they were carried "to ti e SeUvyn hotel wbere a reception was tendered them. Tho Manufacturer's Club wan also thrown open to them, ard in fact every possible courtesy shewn. The North Carohna Home Makers Associa tion was organized with Senator Iiee S Overman as president: W. G. Dowd, 1st, vice president, H. B. Varner 2nd, vice-president, Z P. Smith 3rd, vice premdunt, J. H. Caine, F. A. Oids and 1. W. Faison as the executive com mittee. The committee selected the following men as members of the bo i d of di rectors. There are two for t acli con gressional district in the biate. For the first district. Congressman J. -H, Small of Washington and Mi- Chirles O'H Laughinghouso of Green Hie. Sec ond district. W A Finch, Wilson Archi bald McDowell. Scotland Neck. Third (lis trict, J. A. Westbrook, Mount Olive, and C. L. Stevens, New Bern. Fourth district, Josephus Daniels, Raleigh; Hentry A London. Pittsboro. Fifth district, R, J. Reynolds, Winston-Salem; Henry A. Scales, Greensboro. Sixth district,. Joseph A. Brown, Chad bourne. Charles N. Evans, Wilmington venth district,' Henry A Dockery, Rockingham; Henry A Page, Aberdeen. Eighth district, R A Doughron, Sparta; R R Ciark, Statesville. Ninth district R W Vincent, Charlotte; William A Graham, Mariposa. Tenth district, N Bucknyr, Asheville, and W A Smiih, Hendersonville. NOTICE. Tha School Committee of No. I Town ship will hold their regular meeting at Vanceboro High School Buildi ig Wd nesday October 11th. 2o'clo(k. All teachers desising schools in said Town s 'dp Will plerso bo present C, J. Heath Chairman. BEPORT OF THE CONDITION - - " OF TUB POLLOCKSYILLE BANKING AO TRUST COMPANY at PollocksTllle, In the Stale of N C, at Tbe Close of Business Sept 1st, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts . $30,65C.33 Overdrafts secured and un secured , ' 991.74 Banking Houses 1,795.00 Furniture and Eixtures 445 76 2,240.76 All other real estate owned 1,928.00 Gold coin - 70.00 Silver coin, Including all ml nor coin currency 130.96 National bank notes and oth er U. S. notes 1,144 00 Total $117,161 79 LIABILITIES Capitol stock f 3,000.00 Surplus fund 1,000.00 Undivided profits, leas current expenses and taxes paid " 1,995.02 Bills payable 6 000.00 Time certificates of Deposit , 13,913 79 Deposits subject to check ' r 7,991 42 Duo to Banks and Bankers 252 12 Cashier's Checks outstanding 1,009.44 Total . ' - $."7,161.79 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA S3; ' County of Jones, I, II. A. Creagh, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly twear that the. above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. v II. A. CJIKAGH, Cashier. Correct Att:st: II. A. CHADWICK, . E. R. ELLIOTT, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th day of Sept, 1911. C. H. BRYAN, ! Notary Public Term expires Jan. 28th. 1912. L Women were admitted Into member ship of the German Catholic Ctntral V ClclU Mb lutl euuuai vsu vcuvivii iu vmi" 'cago. He is Alleged td Hava Had a Farmer Arrested With- out Cause. . - Wilmington, SepL 12. Capt. Samuel T. Ansell, acting ju Ige advocate gen eral of the United States army arrived in the city -' 'and ;, today r held the court m irtittl of'(!t. Howard L. Lan ders fo' alleged mirtatment of Mr. A. W. Mooi-e, a tiucker,1 while the former was temporarily in comman-.l of Fort Caswell daring the 'summer. Captain Landerd had Mr. Moore arrested and locked up at theHort for' selling water melons for a higher price than Landers agreed that he could sell them for on the government property. The com plaint of Mr. Moure wa made through his attorneys t Senator Overman, who prof-entf d the mutter to the War De barment, The hearing took place in the Unittd States court room here and finding has nut been reported at this hour. . IN MEMOHIAM. On Thursday night Sept. 7, 19 H the death angel came to tbe boms of Mr. and Mrs. M. F, Pugh and bore to his heavenly liom9 their' darling little girl Elizabeth. Though her precious life was oe'r short here on earth, S;ie had gained tho love of all who knew her an--! I have never known more sorrow ovor one s young- To know her was to love her. Her sveet ways won the hearts of all around her and papa and mama are not all that miss you little Elizabeth. No more will the patter of her little feet be heard and her sweet voice calling 'mama,' but in the beauti ful city of God we hope ti' meet her where no burning fev .r, sickneis or parting can coma. Weep not beloved pirenta little Elizabeth U now a treas ure laid up in Heaven, and her angel face does always 'eholl tha face of her Heavenly Father and. where you are sure of being fortvtr unittd if faithful to the end, V "I take thjse );i.U4iccbsaUl he - And lay them in my lireaat, Protection they shall find in me And in me be ever blest. ONE WHO LOVED HER. Pleasant Housecoat Trip For Onslow County People. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson of Belgrade gave a very enjoyable house party on board their boat the "Pleasure, of Beaufort" from Au. 21 to Sept. 4h. The merry party: left Now Bern Tues day afternoon and visited Beaufort and Morehead City. About no n Saturday as sne was Riming i-wutiy over tne rippling waves .the purty were seated on upper deck enjoying the beautiful scenery, playing 'pig" and feasting on watermelons and apples beautiful ly provided by the hoat. Capt, Tarry Moore anchored the boat in the lively little town of Swaqsboro just in time to ase "Old Sol take his evening batb." The party heard two very helpful sermons at the Baptist Church Sunday. The water wai so rough Monday that the "Pleasure", could not be taken to the beach so Capt. A. H Moore grac iously consented to take the crowd in his gasoline boat to Bogus Beach, where bathing was enjoyed to its fullest ex tent, as a result of this CapU Moore carried back a band of merry "Brown les',. Tuesday afternoon found the party at the beich again bathing and rollinsr down the hlgh.i.aid banks. The favorite resort. of the people while at Swansboro waa Mr, Cannady'a new drug store. :. ; The most erj yable hours were those spent on upper ducks, at night plaing numerous games until midnight suppar was served in the dining room, . The "Pleasure" left Swansborobout noon Fridny and, welt to Bear Bunkr. There thry had great rport ; fishing and climbing the hi. beat mountains of sand th'y could find. Just at twi-Hght the boat glided i monthly down the aound and arrived at the beach -ppot e Beau- u it . .1. i q fir they visitad Fort Maroo.-hu U. S. Llfel Saving S'atim. anl saw il.c liRhihouse on Cape lookout, ti n mil.'S distant. After sapper the young folks took a stroll on the beach to see tho oc an by moonlight which was indeed a grand sight. The pa ty started for New! Bern Sunday morning andirrfvcd there safe and tound Monday moru'mg. . Those who composed the party were Mr. and Mrs. Nlsop,ciapeion;wr. snd Mrs. T, Sloan, Misses. Knight, Ina E Minnie and Matlie Hurst, Simla Nelson, Atwood and Annie Sloan, Mesira Gus- sie, wuiie,L.eviP, tscnneir, ma naun ' coy NelBon, Pen y Hender n, Noland Mattox. A. II. Moore, John Gibson and John Hurst ' I Alt who went declare this to be the most de Uhtful time of their lives and - fel thit they can never thank Mr. and Mrd. Nulson for giving them this grand $ I "BIOWNIE3. Dedication and Corner Stone Lay 1 ing of Fine New School Build ing at Jacksonville. Jacksonville, Sept. 13th. Yesterday was Onslow county's greatest day. It was the day set a3ide for laying the corner stone and dedicating the hand some new public school building that has recently bsen erected in this town. Over 1,500 people from all over the caunty were here, and from the begin ning of the exercises at 11 o'clock until their conclusion at 4;30 the interest of the immense crowd never waned. This shows how much alive Onslow is over the subject of education. Shortly after eleven o'clock tho exer cises started with a procession compo -ed of LaFayette Lodge No 83, A F. & A. M., of Jacksonville, the Confederate veterans of Onslow county, and the Cape Fear Independent band, from the court house to the school building. Ar riving at the structure the corner stone was laid with the impressive Masonic ritual, Prof. M. C. S. Noble acting as Grand Master. Other Masonic officers for the occasion were: E. M. Koonce, deputy grand master; J. H. Bender, senior grand warden; F. W.' Harnett, junior grand warden; Newton Sanders senior grand deacon; Geo. A. Hurst., junior grand deacon; L. D. Sewell, grand treasurer; J, B Petteway, grand secretary; R. H. Bradlxy, grand tiler; F. W. K. Kellum and F W. Hargett, Jr., grand stewards. Following the coner stone exercises the crowds repaired to a part of the campus upon which bad been erected an open air speaker's stand and scats for the audience. The speakers were Dr. J. Y. Joyner, State Superintendent, Prof. M. J. S Noble, of State University, Dr. Cyrus Thompson, County Superintend ent' Walter Tnompson and Hun, E. M. Kooncj, of Jacksonville. The school building dedicated is a handsome two-story brick structure of modern design, situated on a beautiful knoll just across tha railroad track from the business portion of the town. The expense of erecting this buiMing was borne by the county and tha State, and amounted to something like $0,600, exclusive of equipment. It h now com plete except for the doors and windows and the interior furnishings. The win dows and doors would have b.en in place -yesterday but for an unforeseen delay in shipment, and tbe furnishings will be installed with all dispatch. Buck Stoves and Ranges for your kitchen for best re sults. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF DOVER it Dover, in the State of North Caro -Una, at the Close of Business, Sept. 1st, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ 20.CG8 75 Overdrafts, secure and un secured ' '. 191 68 Banking house, Furniture - and fixtures 1,902 40 Due from banks and bank ers 941 37 Caah items 700 00 Gold coin 95 00 Sliver coin, including all mi nor coin currency 272 22 National bank notes and olh er U. S. notes 1,405 00 Total 126,176 42 LIABILITIES. Capital stock-:. .. .. .. .$5,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes ' paid Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable Time Certificates of Deposit 2,545 14 1,500 00 2,500 00 3,545 00 DeposiU object to check 7 . ' 11,00.1 17 Cashiers Checks outstanding Certified Checks 34 44 48 6 Total 126.176 4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 8S CRAVEN COUNTY, I, W. H. Caton, Cashier of the bove-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the boat, of my knowledge and be J Uef. . .t ... W. H. CATON Cashier. Correct Attest: ; . J. K. DIDDLE, It. A. RICHARDSON, : G. V. RICHARDSON, Directors. Suhnc'ittod and sworn to before me this 12th day of Sept 1911. W. A. WILSON, Notary TuWlc. My Commission expires April 21, 1912. First Report Gave Wets 1,400 Ma jority But Later Be turns ufc Drys Ahead By 459 yotes.: - Portland, Me., Sept. 13-Reports have been received from every City, town and plantation in Maine, . and the re sult gives the prohibitionists : a victory on the face of the present returns by a majority of 459 votes. The vote has been verified in 812 of the 521 towns and cities, and unless many mistakes have occurred in the tak ing and tabulation of the remaining 209 places the "drys" seem assured of victory. It is the most peculiar election which ever occurred in Maine. Early yester day morning it was announced that with only a few towns to bear from tbe State had gone "wet" by 621 majority. At intervals of about an hour all through the day after this the figures were constantly changed. ".'., Hundreds of people stood in front of the bulletin boards of newspapers. . First the "dry" and then the ''wets" cheered as news was flashed favorable to one or another until 8:30 o'clock last night, just twelve hours after the wets" had been dnclared victors by 621 votes, tbe "drys" are said to have won by 459,a difference of 1,070 votes from the early morning standing,' Wet" politicians are very sore and intimate that there must have been some tampering with ballots in country towns. Ho. 9 Township School Committee.- School Committee No. 9 Township will meet at Jasper, Friday Sept. 15th, to appoint teachers for the public hools Teachers denring school posi tions may send in applicatipns to Mr. VV. G. Carmon, New Bern. N. C, Colossal Canvas Equerry. Your visit to the mighty Haag shows New Bern afternoon and evening Sept. 27 will not be complete without a tour of the colossal - canvas equerry;' even though you are not a lover and admirer of blooded stock, it is claimed you will find an hour of genuine pleasure and much to interest you inspecting ' the droves of horses and ponies. ' For the last year agents have b en in the differ nt parts of the world making purchas er the department, with a result that today the Mighty Haag shown possess one of tbe largest, most varied and costly collection of representative members of the equine family wnich wealth can procure, and it is doubtful if anywhere near the like has ever been exhibited before. -Certainly never b any traveling shows. . 1 Ladies and children are particularly invited to visit this horse fair, which all may safely do without escort, as uni formed and courteous attendants are always present, to look after the wel fare of callers, North Carolina May Profit By the Ex ample. A primary held in the "State of Vir ginia on Thursday to nominate candi dates for two scats in lh United States Senate resulted in the renomination bv majorities approaching 30,000 each in favor of tho prtsent incumbents, Thomai S. Martin and Claude A Swan ron, This demonstrates the wisdom of the people of Virginia, who know tbe value in ConaresH of Senators and Represents ive who, in the first place, possess the requisite ability, and in the next, have their capacity for usefulness greatly increased by long and continuous ser vice, New Orleans Picayune. An Epoch in Showdom. When Mr. Haag decided to inaugur ate his 16th, yetr as a successful pur. vcyor of fi.'et claws aioUfements, to tl e public he mapped out his route from coast to coast, opening his season in early March at Shreveport. Sinee then the show has traversed the slate of Texas. California, Arkansas. Kansas Oklahoma, lllino s Iidiana, West Vir ginia, Kenlrcky, Virginit, Tennesse, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina, and part of Georgia; and before closing will make Florida, Alabamt, Mississip pi, and Louisiana, est shilling a trans cnntintntul lecord n-ver attempted by I any show in any on season. The sho has usd 46 rai1 roads so far this season, exhibiting twice daily with tbe excer-: Hon of Sunday. Nature has been very good to the mighty Haag shows this season, having been exceptionally so in the Will animal department The baby camel, Lula. If easily tha fsvorhe baby, with the babf elephant c'ose behind Daily you cm witness the children t i the d lTrri cities picking their favorite bat y in th big menagerie, which la most alwiyt the baby camel. The mifliUy Ilaag shows Wil exhibit 'at New Bern, S-pt. 27, New Bauk Nearing Completion. f Cottou Wasting For Want of Pickers. Market Open. PollocksvilhvSept. 13. Our graded school at this place opened last Monday the 4th, under the supervision of the Hon. Alex H. White as principal and Miss Ronnie Muyer Brown, of Kfnston and Miss Myrtie KsUer, of Calowhee, Johnston county, as teachers of the lower grades' with a large attendance of pupils. ' ,'!" "y?-. f, -'v. Ja .;''"' f ; i Messrs Ernest L. Bender, ,j W. II, Rhodes and Edward Hines left here last Monday to resume their studies at the State University. , : , v : , Miss Essie Edwards. ' of Virginia iar Visiting her uncle, Rev. C. E. Edwards, ' at this place. ' The new bank at this place will soon be ready for occupancy, we think by tbe first of October. Mr. W. S. Brock, the contractor, is pushing .the work, very rapidly, and wh m completed it will be the finest country bank i i East 1 rn Carolina. Mr. W. B. Smith and family, of New Bern, are visiting relatives and f rieade here. ;'.,''.;-';'... 'YV:;?; Mr. Ollie Pitfford ha a lot of floe chickens which he is raisksg. Seme ef v them are Leauti'es, . ,-:.-J 1 The cotton market opened in full force hers last Saturday. There were about ore hundred bales sold on the exchange ranging in prica about 11,50 average. Seventy eight bales were bought by T S Bender Representing Messrs Eure Harris & Co, of Norfolk, Va. Mr. John Pearce and wife of this place is expected home in a few days. ' They have been spending the summer n Asheville. Thy first visited New York City, Bee ton and Montreal Canada finishing the bum ner at Asheviile. x The farmers are having great trouble in harvesting their crop this season tha heavy rains is damaging the cotton and its hard to get banda to pick it aa most all have their own to pick.' " " v Several, parties have been from this county to New Bern and Jamej City looking bands to pick cotton, but have failed so far. People are complaining of hard times, but when offered work re fuse it, yet when the winter comes they expect the Charitable Societies to help them, but now they refuse to help themselves or others. Miss Ada Barry who has been spend ing the summer at home with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. B B Barry will leave this week for Sanford, N. C, where she wi 1 go In business for the next season. We very much rrgret to see her leave. Miss Vera Taylor of this place who has been spending the season visiting relatives in ' Norfolk, Richmond, and Wilson, N, C. haa returned home to the delight of her boat pf admiring friends. We are sotry to learn of the serious illness of Mr, Dan W Whitford at hia home 6 miles below "this pUc on tbe Trent He has been suffering for sev ers! days with head trouble, GALLILEE GOSSIP, Craven County, Sept. 13. Rsv. Mr. Holtoo, of Olympia. filled his appoint ment at this place Sunday. ; Mr. and Mrs. George Everington and i-hild. of Bridgeton, were here Sunday visiting relatives and friends. Mm fi V TTOtrn nf niomnla via. ited her brother, Mr. T. A Stapleford last weekv; ; ; ' 1 Miaa Pearl Stapleford went to Dover Monday evening t ret her siter Mrs. I. M. Whitford who is very ick. - Miss Lucy Eve-ington is on the slrk 1st now, but we hope to se 1 her oat soon.' A PUBPCRIBER. Wood's Fell Seed Catalog just issued tells what crops you can put in to make the quickest grazing, or hay, to help out tho short feed crops. Also tells about both Vegetable cr.O Farm Seeds that can ho planted in the fall to advantage and profit Every, I.::! :t Crc v;:r acl Gardner should have a copy of tliis cattle;. It is the txr.t an J most co-i-plctef-Uscedcr,! I. Mailed f. Y.7 A rl. 1::)

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