too. 49 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N; C, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER. 22, 1911 -SECOND SECTION 34tti. YEAR IIIIIULUUIIU ULIU - THE SCHOOL;";f ; ; ; . : -. Farm-Ltfe School Will Be Located In TKo: One Township. Fifty Eight Ballots Cast Before . ' " Decii)ioo"Wa3 Reached.7 "V Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock the Board of Trustees of the Craven county Farm-Life School , met at the office of Superintendent s. M, Brinson for the purpose of .deciding upon a location for that institution. Every member of the; Board ws present and from the general appearance tf things at the starting of -the meeting it seemed like each member Ranted the school locat ed ia a different) Township from that hia neighborhad decided, upon. . s 'All through the morning the Board went over the advantages of the var ious sites offered by the different town ships aiid discussed the merits of each. At nood the1 were no nearer a conclus ion then when they first started. Later on in the "afternoon the locations had been thinned out to two places. Thur man. in No; seven township and Vance boro in i No..' one township. Balloting was then begun but not until the fifty eighth ballot had been cast was the lo cation settled. - ' The people of No. one township have worked' exceedingly harl to secure this school and they deserved to be re warded.' Their site is an excellent one and was highly complimented by the Board. A 'Measuring" Party , -l Will be held at the Academy in Hays- i ue, vt. i on rnuay uikiil oepu tcu, 1911. Proceeds for M. E. Church; A measuring party is given for you 'tis something novel, something new; we young ladies ask you all to come, and each one bring to aid us some: 2 cents for every foot you are tall, we'll measure you on door or wall. An ex tra cent, for each Inch Biye and thereby show how high you live, - v' : - With musie and song, refreshments and plessure we'll meet one end all at our party of measure. ; A Good Oil Heater. . ' " ' ,nJ TV. 'A ' ". -' """" Nothing is better to heat quick with, than an Oil Stove. I have the Barter whi-h is considered the best, price from $3.50 to 7.50. - , 1 ; J, S. MILLER. - - .-s f. -, - - ": . .. Rid fir at fjiRrund. ' "O w - .. , ' : Wednesday morning at la. m. La Grange Was visited by a disastrous Are which destroyed Rouse's Stables, Bar ber shop, two residence - city water works, and other property. The Norfolk-Southern freight warehouse was saved will) several freight cars and a hundred' bales of eotton. Death of an Infant. Died at his home In Truitt Thursday Sept U, the infant son 6t Ot'e L.'and Mollis Fulcber. Th remains were ta ken to iis grandmother's and hid to test in the family burial t round, v ONE WHO LUVku IIIM. A Busy Man lias Just Arrived aassewssa Good news he bilngi to New Bern, s large stock of all kinds of aawi dShin gles on hand. He can and will please you. See Big Hill for lowest prices. The Old Reliable. - . . . , ' Hugh N. Pace Bound Over 'to Ccurt. Hugh N. Pace was given a heating before Justice of the Ptace J, C. Thomas yes'ttrdsy afternoon, on a war rant charging him with seduction under promise' of marriage of Miss Henrietta DsughUry. of Lenoir county, but who at the time was empkyed as a waitress at the Gaston' Hotel The defendant was represented by Messrs Moore & Dunn while Mr. D. E. Henderson handled the prosecution! From the evidence given by the num ber of witnesses it wis proven that Pate had Induced Miss Dsughtery to go to Wilmington with him where they registered at the Orton Hotel si man and wifs and that when Miss Dsugh tery told him that be. must secure a marriage license be told her that owing to unavoidable circumsUncs,' etc., be was unable to do (Lis. They, returned to New Bern and he promised to marry - her on teversl different dates but hid faded to do so each time. The affair finally culminated in his arrest and in carceratlon in Jail. -, I'rob ibis eaure was found and he was bound ovr to the next term of Craven County Superior Court under a bond of 15,000 wnUh he ai unable to and was committed to jail. give MayLs you will need one cr two Fruit Jars this season. V;.? 1 v: tL:n J. S. L'as- PROGRESSIVE FAR " MER BUYS Starkville Edition of Advocate Will be Issued From Birming ; ham, Ala. No Change in f Eileigh Office. Raleigh, Sept. 19 The Progressive Farmer, which a few weeks ago, pur chased the Farmers' Union Guide of Birminghom, Ala., now announces the absorption of the- Southern Farm Ad vocate, ot Memphis, Tenn, with 30,000 circulation in Tennessee and enjoining States, Most of this circulation will be combined with that of the Stark villo. Miss., edition of the Progressive Farmer, an edition prepared especially for Mississippi, ' Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas' and Tennesae. Dr. Tait But ler, vice-president of the company and associate-editor with Mr. Clarence Poe, is in charge of the Starksville office, where he has been located since resign ing his work with the North Caiolina Departmtnt of Agriculture in 1908 In connti'tioi) with the announcement of tie . Southern Farm Advocate pur chase, however, it ia announced that that the Starkville office, of which Dr. Butler has charge, will sc on be moved to Birmingham, Ala., whe-e a big Hoe press will be installed by January. 'From this point," Mr, Poe said yes terday, "wo expect t) eff.-ct a belter distributim of our Circulation, which has now come to cover the on lire South It is simply a case of moving out West ern offi-.-e from Snarkvillo to Birming ham, and the Rtlefgh office will be maintained us heretofore." For next year the Progressive Farm er has alrnady engaged large and at tractive rfflcs in the r.ew printing and publisher's building on Hargftt street, Where the offices of the liibli cal Raleigh Christitn Advocate and the North Carolina Education will aUo be located. J; Buck $tovesancL Ranges.. tor your Kitchen tor best re suits. J. S. -Basnight Hdw. Co.; Miraculously Saved From Death. Last Saturdaj', September 16 h, Mr, Ben Cason an elderly gentleman livinp in Pamlico county, - left his home for Wilmington, N. C, where bis daughter Miss Alif Cason teaches achool. The daughter expecting her father's viait was at the depot Saturday when the A. C, L. train arrived from New Bern, but no father appeased on the train. ; Miss Cason was uneasy over the ai u ation, knowing her father had left for the purpose of visiting ber.and Sunday, becoming alarmed, took the A. C. L, train for New Bern. ; Sitting in the train and looking out of the window when passing near North East, a small 'tatiun, Miss Csson was startled by seeing her father quietly sitting on a log in the woods. Jumping up, Miss Cason called the attention of a gentle man on the train who informed the con ductor, the train was stopped and back ed up until the place was reached vhore the elderly Mr. Cason was found still sitting on the log very much wear ied and hungry, The old gentleman was taken on the train where food and timulants were given him, He was taken' back to his home, in Pamlico county, .' .;' .-v..' It seems that on his trip Saturday Mr. Cason must have alighted from the train at North East without any clear notion of why he did so and wandered about in that vicinity until Sunday af ternoon when his daughter miraculous. ly saw and rescued him from certain exposure and starvation which would have soon claimed him. Buslness College For New Bern The Southern Shorthand .and BubI ne -s University of Norfolk, will open up a branch institution in this city In a few days, not later than Oct ber 2nd. The Lall in the Stewart Bui ding, Pol lock street, has been secure! and will be fitted op at once with such a cal ories as will be. needed in teach! g the different courses." r. E. C Bower lock, assistant to tha President of the pa rent Institution Is in the city maki g arrangements, and his office ia in the Stewart Building, where hecanbj seen between the hours of 8 anil 9 a. m., 12 to L30 p. m. and 0 to 8 p. m. Tha curriculum will include all cours es usually tauirhi in a high-clans busi ness college, and male and female stu-1 dents will be admitted. Special rates will be given to charter members. The University his issued n beautiful cata logue containing information as to tha general courses of study, rates of tu ition, list of faculty, illustrations of the different departments anl of twoof the classes of the Norfolk Institution and other interesting matter. Anyone wUhing a copy of tha catalogue can KCt one by applying to Mr. Bowersock. The Journal takes pleasure in extend ing a hand of welcome to this new in- Bi.Hu t ton nJ fcuVr i's best wishes ilh t!.s p' c e 1 f t' 1 1 it vvi'l be a tuc- JEWISH NEW . . YEAH HEAR Bosh Ilashanah Falls on Saturday Sept. 23d. 'Will 'be Observed . by Hebrews in This City. Orthodox Hebrews the world ovnr are looking forward to the present week for Rosh Hashanah falltt this year on Saturday, Sept, 23d. It will bo observ ed as a holiday from the evening of Friday until sundown Saturday even ing. The orthodox Hebrew observes also the so-called "second day." which is Sept. 24th. This is one of the most solemn of all the holidays in the He brew calendar. It will record the pass ing of the Jewish year 5672. Rosh Hashanah touches the hearts of the children of Israel as does no other of the festivals and holidays. It is known as the day of the blowing of the trumpets, which is also the seventh new moon of the Hebrew calendar. The blowing of the trumpet is a reminder to the Israelites that a new period of -time has commenced. It is a day of me morial when Isreal feels himself held by God in romembranc. The Biblical basis for thn observance of the first day of Tishri an a Now Year's day and the most solemn d:iv of the Jewish calendar next to Ym Kip pur or the Day of Atonement, is found in the reference to Zikkaron ("memo rial day") in Leviticus xxii, 24. which reads: "In the seventh mon'h, in the first day of the month, shall yo huv a Sab bath, a memorial of blowing of trum pets, a holy convocation." Ezra also refers to the dny as one "holy to the Lord," (Nehomiah viii, 9.) Not a mere day of rejoicin, like the secular New Year, is this ltish Hash annh. It is a day of memorial or a dny remembrance, reminding ' the Jew of the duty of self examination and self- udgment. To arouse the conscience of this solemn task the ceremony of sounding the shofar or ram's horn. furnv an important feature of ' tha. Bar-J vice. Among the orthodox J jws at tainment of this object is also sought by sotting aside a few days before the New Year's day for tho recital in the synagogue, of penitential prayers called Selihot. This continues until the even ing (chanted in the minor key) before dawn in the ilimly lit houses of wor ship, sound the note of gric and con trition for the sins of the past year. After tha silemn services on the eve- ning of Friday and the morning of Sat urday, 'the Hebrew greeting is heard on all sides, signifying; "A good year" or "Mayest thou be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for a good year." In lut ter years a custom hai appeared ol sending to friends New Ytan greeting cards of various designs, colors and in scriptions. When tha earnest devo tions of the day are dono, the festival is made an occasion of social and do mestic rejoicing. The Day of Atonement or Yom Kip pur, wbicn - marks the culminating point of the Hebrew penitential season is distinguished by the ab-ilent of food and by an elaborate ceremonial,' The purpose of the Day of Atonement is clearly indicated by its name. ' It is in tended to complete an l crown the peni tential season,, begun on the first day of Tishri (New Year) by finally recon ciling the soul with the Almighty. The dsy is spent in prayer and meditation. It is kept too as a fast. Services will be held at the . syna gogue Friday evening at 8 o'clock ai.d Saturday morning at 10 o'chsk, Rv H. A. Merfeld officiating. - Subject ot sermon Friday evening; "Memory and Hope." Saturday morning, "The Dou ble Crucible." Jewish New Year Cards M. E. Whitehurst & Co. at Dr. Geo. Winston on test. Senatorial Con A dispatch of recentdat from Wash ington reports Dr. George T. Winston ex President of the University of North Carolina, and later of the A. At M Col lege, and now a resident of A-iheville, N. C, as aaying when asked, about the Senatorial race that he beii ved the western part of the State Would go for Simmons. "Both Kitchtn and Simmons bave friends out my, way," ha taid "but I think Sinmons will win. When ever any one asks me about this partic ular contest I am reminded of the way a certain Raleigh lawyer sized up the situation, when he said "they are nil good men. Aycock would maka tots of news, his brilliant oratory would at tract country wide at ention; Kitchin would be good to his personal friends Juge Clark would make a kit of noise; but Fimmons would do more for ths State than all the rest of them put to gether, and few people wou'd hear of it until actually accomplished ' If it's Hardware or Build ers Supplies, let us know what end how much. J. S. RECLAMING DIS MAL SWAMP Hundreds of Acres Heretofore Worthless Laud Ready For Cultivation. Norfolk. Sept! ' 19 -jThe 'work of re claiming liundrt 1b of acres of what was formerly valuele w swamp land and con veying it into fertile agricultural acre age is just wm nearing completion in the Muyock drainage district on the North Carolina border of the Dismal Swamp. Tnis work was inaugurated under (he new drainage laws of the State of North Carolina, after which Virginia has pattered, and with govern ment aid the undertaking has proven highly successful. . It will mean hun dreds of thousnuds of dollars to the owners of this one time useless land with the th orginal cost of reclamation paid off, it ia estimated, by the crops of the first three years after the work is done. Experiments already made have shown that the reclaimed land will y'eld better cor n that that ever before pro duced in the State, and so much pleased are the land owners of ...the districts where reclamation was inaugurated that others are acting quickly with the view to reclama'i m of all swamp land in Eastorn Norte Carolina, With dra.n age district Inw cass- d by the last Leg islature of Virginia . the owners of swamp land in this State have likewise started a movement for reclamation and already the problems are being worked out in several parts of the State, nota bly in lower Norfolk county, , Reclamation is attained by the for mation of districts upon two-thirds of fie property owners agreeing to neces sary taxation to cover the expense of lr edging canals for the carrying off of the water into neighbi ring streams and thenco into river flowing into largei bodies of water, thus leaving the ooe- tine swampy binds high and dry ready for cultivation. The property ownen agreed .t -oseihA, pic5Ua f torn their first crops to pay off the drainage bonds and when the indebtedness has been completely wiped out the land is free a. ain unto the owners and the drainage district is dissolved. The government sends its engineers snd drainage 'ex perts to assist wherever drainage dis tricts are started, no charge for Fed eral ai l being made whatever. If two- thirds of the property owners of any district vote for drainage then the oth ers have to come in, but otherwise thora is nothing compulsory about the law. - Bedroom Suits. in cheap plain oak just receive 1 a car, they are well made and look good, price $18 (Ml, $20 00, $22.50 and $25.00, extra dre ser at 16.50, $7 51 and $9.00. Beds 2 50, $3 50, $4.5(1, $5.50 and $6 50, for good service to the parti' s that don't feel like investing much in furniture. ' ' J S. MILLER. r Marriage Announcement, Mrs, Hattie Biiley Announces the Approaching Marriage of Her Daughter, Hattie Seymour ..- to v- . :' Mr. William F. Dowdy October the Eleventh, Ninteen Hun dred and Eleven At Her Home, Elizabech City. N. C. NEW COLLEC TOR OF PORT John Biddle, of Craven- Comity , Receives Recess A ppoiutmeut - ; From President TUft, i .. What was known to a few for sever al day, became public Thursday when ihe papers from Washington City came with thn notice thht Mr. John Blddle, of this county, had been appointed on the 13th of SepUmber by President Taft U. a Collector of Customs, Die trict of Pamlico. . ' The matter of this appointment of Mr' Bid.Jle to succeed Mr. D. W. Pat rick, has been of considerable local in terest, as Mr. Biddle waa a Craven county man, and it has long been eon tended that ths office should have a lo cal man. John biddle has been a Re publican of long standing, always prompt to the fiont as a party . man, though his party has been a minority onr. for years. Mr, Biddle ia of a well known family and hi held in esteem by the people of bis section. His appoint- ment meota with general approval, As soon as Mr. Biddle makes his bond, which will be In a few dav, he will take the office as Collfctor. There is little doubt that Mr. Bid- dlo's appointment will tee a prompt ConrcsHional confii mitinn In Decern' be r, fur President Taft hns twice tig- n :'( I I is approval of f'r. i i 1 !!a for NEWSY LETTER S Hotel Will Keep Open All Win ter, Great Resort. Fisher meu Happy Over big Catches. Stvanshoro, Sapt. 20 Among the visit'Td here we notice Prottssor Wal ter Thompson of Jacksonville, Dr. Shaw of Maysville, and Mr G. N. En- nett of New Bern, who came over from Cedar Point with his brother, Mr. Lee Ennett on their motor boat. The hookworm experts are in town and announce that thty will treat any one for that diseate, who are not able to pay, without price. A farmers union was organized about two and one-half miles from here at the school house. The Farmers Union is a good thing, but it ems that some members misunderstand its purpose. They think it intends to control or crush the merchants and break up all the guano factories. Col. S. B. Taylor and wife of Cather ine Lake, were here last week, regis tered at the Tarrvmonre. The Colonel said he greatly e j lyed the fishing and good eating down br. The hotel will kstp open all winter, and really this is an ideal winter re sort and a regular hunter's paradise, Quail abound on the ichnd, the woods around are full of foxes and other game animals, and the banks and sounds are covered, and literally alive with wild fowl and fish. The fishermen are all smiles, Ask ore what the day's catch of mullet amount ed to, and he will tell you, without hesitation, 'about ten thousand pounds' and it is mostly true. No so true, we fear, arc somo ex changes of greetings we bave heard lately. One gentleman meet ing anoth er inquiied, "what's the newn?" "nothing much" returned the other. "except 1 saw an air ship pass over awhile ago, and the lookout was sig nalling that he necdnd oil, but I could not supply him, so he passed on." Mr. W. J, Moore and son, Willie, and daughter, Katie, are off on a northern trip. After a few days at Niagara Falls they will visit all the leading cities. Miss Katie will stop over in Philadelphia to enter college. Miss Henrietta, another daughter of Mr. Moore is attending school at St. Paulp, Beaufort. John L Wants to go to Congress. New York, Sept, 21. "Congressman John L. Sullivan," the former champi on heavyweight, thinks that would 4ound good, and accordingly Sullivan boosting clubs are being organized near Boston to help elect him. BEl'OUT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MUTUAL AID BANKING COMl'AXI. at New Bern, In (he State of North Carolina, At The Close of Bus. iness Sept 1st, 1911. BESOUBCES Loans and discounts,' $ 7,342 29 Overdrafts unsecured 342.36 Furniture an fixtures, 1,257.93 All other real estate owned, 2,224.34 Due from banks and bankers, ' 1,551.39 Gold coin 177.50 Silver coin, Including all mi nor coin currency, - 223.50 National bank notes and other U S notes, Total, 817 00 13,438 81 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in , $ 3,788,60 Surplus Fund, ' 106.73 Undivided profits, less cur- . . it st expenses and taxes paid , ' 48.61 Bills psyable, 1,000.00 Time eertifieatee af deeealt, 4,117.46 Deposits subject to shack, 4,374.91 Total, $13,438 81 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA S3 CRAVEN COUNTY, , ' I, John 11. Fisher, carhler of the a-bove-nnmed bank,, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the beat ot my knowledge and belief, JOHN H. FISHER, Caabter. Correct Attest: r . H. W. THOMPSON, ' 1. P. ST ANL, .' ' , r JOHN A. BOOM, ! ' Directors. ' Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13th day of Sept 1911. J. M. HARRISON, Notary Public My comm'iHlon expires March 17, 1 013. 1 1 Aviator Alfred Ho'cid aum ;i l.i-i 8"n'p! !'(: Lt I'. I VANCEBQHO FOLK REIGIUG Feel So Good Over Getting Farm Life School They Have Al- , ready Composed Collage Yell. Vanoboro expresses Her Gratitude for the Farm-Life School. Ray! Rah! BoomI Ray! Rah! Boom! Vanceboro Comes! Farm-Life School! Farm-Life School! Farm-Life School! Yea! F. L. S. ! Vanrehoro! V a n-c-e-b-o-r-o! - : Monday, Sept, 18ih. was the climax of the strenuous fight for thelocatlonof the Farm-Life School in Craven coun ty. Thoso who have diroctlyintorest- ed in the fight realize most keenly the struggle they bave gone through for what they thought to be the beat public institution iu the county. ' For the very reason that the struggle for the location of the school has been so intense and that tho vote- for the spe cial bond lesue was so heartily endorsed locally, thioughout the county, is suf ficient evidence that the stveral town ships are thoroughly awake to their tnterests in education. But since there is but one such Farm-Life' School for each county, it needs must have its lo cation in ono community of the county as opposed to any other. Vanceboro is the one fortunate community. It is therefore with a deep sense of grati tude and appreciation that the citizens of Vanceboro turn to their neighbors of the other townships of the eounty for this special public favor. . Not only does she express thanks to the county and to her lew fortunate sis ter townships but also to every one who has aided or in any way been in strumental in securing the location of the school at this place. Firut, the citizens of Vanceboro fee) very deeply and sensibly, their indebted ncssto the p30ple of the immediate and surrounding communities for the loyalty thuy have shown and the public spirited zeal which they have manifest ed from at art to finish in the Farm Li fe School movement many have given gifts and pledged their names to antes at great sacrifices. Practically . every one has given freely and liberal ly according to his means. Hardly a single man escaped who did not vote for the special bond issue. : . ; ';"!; Lastly, to the Board of Trustees and advisors, the people of Vanceboro wish to express their most hearty apprecia tion for the favor they bava cohferred and the honor they have done by plac ing their confidence in the' trustworthi ness of her poeple. v ; :' ; . For truly it is an honor as well as a ftvor to be entrusted with the care of the best public school in the county. To all the contributors supporters of the above favors, Vanceboro is truly grateful .. Whatever may be tha attitude of others, Vanceboro has no disposition to boast over her recent success. V, She begins her work in the direction of the Farm-Life School in ths spirit of ho niblt ness and the desire to be of genuine service to the entire county.; - With this spirit an earnest appeal ia made to every community of tha coun ty for its earnest support and patron age, both now and when the school will be thoroughly equipped for service. It is this sort of co-operation that the people feel tie need snd in ia this sort that they are sure that they will get. - In conclusion, the people at large In Craven county snnuld congratulate themselves on b ing the first in the Slate, 100 counties to secure a Farm- Life School under the special aot ot tht 1911 general 'assembly. This places her above agriculturial Robeson and other countiea of high Agricultural standing. " 1 i Craven knows a good thing; when aha seea it.' VANCEBORO, Seventy Years Old and Praises Wonderful Hyomei, "1 had a severs attack of La Grippe. It left me with bronchitia and catarrh of my throat. I became quite deaf in . - 1 ..!.! . t. 4 -U tick. I commence I using your HYO- MEI and inhaler and soon got relief, I and believe that it saved my life. have recommended it to many. I am over seventy years old. I have told sev eral prominent doctors what it did for me." Wm: H. Mowder, Washington, N. J,R. F. D. March 16, 1911, - For Catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds and catarrhal deafnt-ss HYOMEI is guaranteed by f " "n Drug Co. Complete outfit lncb ' t i i haler and bottle HYOMEI $l.U. i. i rate bottks HYOMEI if afierwkris noedtd 50 cents. CONQUERED wsslilUd! On t!m eve of 'S COT TON LETTEH Hopeful But Not Optimistic Pri ces Are Likely to Decline For 8 Time. Greensboro, Sept. 20th. The crop of 1910-11 ia now a matter of history. "We point with pride" t the wonder ful prices it brought while' the Amer ican Manufacturer "views with alarm" tha result. ' From the manufacturers standpoint it was the moat disastrous and unsatis factory on record. For two years ha has had to contend with, cotton, at average price ol nearly nfleen cem and in order to keep hia help partly em ployed and hia organization intact, ha has made cotton into fabric that in most cases failed to fetch a new dollar to replaea the old one, to aay nothing of interest o investment or deprecia tion of machinery. At the end of two short crops aggre gating 23 million tales, we find cotton selling at 11 1 rents and cotton goods on a basis that will not j ay more than fair ' returns to the mills. We find no fam ine for either cotton or cotton goods. Does this situation si atain those who at the risk f being called traitors dared to aay that prices were artificial andtaohigh? I think itdoef. The new crop is beginning to move in and the receipts are large. The mills of the world are gradually starting up and there is an active demand for quick shipment. The size of tho erop will be a matter of controversy for a long time, but . from present prospects it looka ample In regard to consumptive needs, it ia rather early to aay more than I am hopeful but not optimistic. . We see nothing to cause spinners to be anxious about supplies, . For the time being the tendency ia bearish and pricea are likely to decline further. One extreme follows another and inasmuch as pr.ices for two years have most of tha lime -been . unreason-' ably high. ' the pendulum may now swing In the opposite direction. The best argument that I see against lower prices ia the fact that an enormous de cline has already taken pla-;e. J. E. LATHAM. 1 . ' '.J A Good Heater. You can get the Wilson & Coles wood heater nearly as cheap as inferior makes, just consider the amount of fuel you will save and the life of the heater. ; J. S. MILLER. Pitcher Suggs May Lose His Farm; Bank Breaka. - Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 21 George Sugg had $1,963,48 on deposit in the Metropolitan Bank, which closed its door y sterday morning. George buying a farm at hia home in Kinstoh, N. C and the next to the last payment of $2,000 ia due on January 1. As the bank will pay nothing until the middle of Decem ber this will mean some close shaving . for tha North Carolina pitcher, George -will get most of his money in time, and possibly all of it, but it will occasion him soma delay before be reaches a statement George la taking the mat ter philosphically. more so than many other rich men who are not such good sports. -V1. , Keen 'Kutter Scissors and Shears Every pair guaranteed. M. E. Whitehurst & Co. BURMA ITEMS. " ' Craven eounty, Sept 21 Ths weath er ia fine for eotton picking, but it ia very difficult to get hands. Some farm era have been unable to get any pickod jt. : .;'-;r-:-: Ths shk are all getting' bettsr, and wa hope will soon be well ' Rev. W. W. Lewie will preach at Gaskins school ' house next Sunday tvming.' - There was a Lig dser hunt in this section this week, bat we don't think they met with much success. We are sorry to note that our Sun day School Superintendent is quite sick We haps he will soon recover. Mr. Tommie Tingle of Bridgeton, who has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Ed. McLawhorn, has returned home. Miss Lula Jackson of Rosemary, Is I spending a ftw days with her grand- moiner, mrs. w nmoru. Mrs. Katie Smith of Bogus, U here visiting her daughter Mrs. Dots C i kins. We have been reading ab- much cotton some of the tvt- and girls have bei-n i i. n is this for awiftnen! V-t, horn's lour I. ' !: ?! B' I d y, I t' ''v-t t i ! I LATIN an h; -Ty Hi;. Co

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