- ... I1! '. '. fitter i H No.5Q; NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER, 26, 1911 -FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR' v EflLlOUS CATGH h ES OF FISH Beaufort Packers' Unable To Take Care of Tha Great Quantities Brought In. ! Beaufort Sept. 21 -The fisheries have been making enormous catches for the passed few days, in fact more than the packers and Shippers could handle. The supply of ice from the local factories ia entirely too inadequate for the need of the packet and ice has to be brought from other places. -A solid car toad of twenty thousand pounds was brought from New Bern Thursday w.hich reliev ed the situation somewhat Wednesday, nine thousand pounds of ftotf blue fish had to be thrown away because of the lack of ice and salt to preserve them. While the summer is practically over there are still quite a number of visi tors hre and they will probably remain sometime ft. eotdee Beaufort will no doubt in the future be as much of a favoritsf resort for winter as it has been heretofore for summer. 'A- .-'? the crops' in this lection are the best for several yoare. Cotton ia especially fine. A bale to the acre will be just an ordinary yield. Some of the more pro gressive farmers will make two bales, Bedroom Suits. in cheap plain oak just received a car, they are well made and look good, price . $18 00, 20 00, $22.50 and $25 00, extrs dre-ser at $6.60, $7 60 and $9.00. Beds $2 60, $3 50; $4.50. $5.60 and $6.50, for - good service to the j parties that don't feel like investing rhuch in furniture. Hi ':' J.. S. MILLER. . ' ; i On ' i i i What Others Say of Haag's Shows. ' THE MIGHT V flAAG SHOWS are ia Helena today, aid the small boye, T and the lartr ones' too, are In their glory. ThffHaag Shows are Independ ent of tbe trust, ad absolutely (re of . the obnoxious grafting games, and in ' every particular are clean and up-to-date. The parade at noon shows well, and tbe menagerie is as rare as any seen in thia city.: The tent was packed . with a well pleased audi ense this after noon, who Wish the Haag Shows would make Helena of teOer, ' A night ptr formanca win be given, and those who come early Will be tbe ones to get' tha aeata, for tU HAAtJ SHOWS sell only tbsir seating cipecioy. THE MIGHTY HAAG RAILROAD SHOWS will ex hibit in New- fcerft Wtt Sept. 27th. (Helena Nws,' Helena, Arlc.) Despite theV threatening weather many thousaYid witnessed the Haag Show parade this morning and a teot full of pleased patrons testified their approval of what pVoved to be one of the best real circus 1 performances wit nessed here In several years. (Twin . City Daily Sentinel, Winston-Salem, : N.C.) 0 ; 5 ' , WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys! Have you overworked your nervous ays torn and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder! Have you pains in kins, side, back, groins , and bladder? Have you a flabby -: appearance of th. face, especially under the eyesT Too f re quent a desire to pass urineT If so, Wil liams' Kidney Pills will cure you-at Druggist, Price 60c Williams' M'f'g. Co., Prop;,' Cleveland, O. Sugar Takes Another Jump. New York, Sept 22 Another perpen dicular advance of 17 points occurred in tbe price of raw lugar todav, msking Cuba centrifugal. 90 test, 6.92. cents, which i the highest figure , in many years. , A'iaty of $0,000 bags waa mad on that basis,1 and mor was wanted, but spot 'supplies arc vary light, al though there is leas anxiety regarding later shipments. ;1 . ' ,. , , No further change waa nada in re fined sugar; bot en-advance is expected to follow th sharp rise in th raw arti cle. , - ; At present B. 76 cents la the lowest pric being quoted for granulated su gar. Sora Tenner's are practically out of the market and others ar asking as high as 7.60 cent for prompt shipment FREE UNION ITEMS. Craven Couny Sept. 19-W are hav- ing som fin westher now.' Farmers ar busy picking eotton, ' Mr. Clai Ciller and wlf of Newport, wer in our' midst last Saturday, Mr. Ben Powers of Morshead City, was in our'niiilwt last Saturday and Sunday visiting Yrisnds and tslsttvee. Mrs, Stev Towers and Mias Morrlj of Vanceboro. wr visitors at our Sun day school Ikst Sunday. K'cs Knra Jaeohson ofNsw Bern, was in our r ' t I-ut week. . I'.r. Ait.it Jrksn of Vsncebiro, dlsjlftit IV. .' ' y morning, ILUiiCZLL, TILLill BUYS HEW PITCHFORKS South Carolina Senator More Iu- . terested In Agricultural Im- piemen ta Than Politics. Columbia, S. C, Sept. 224 -Senator Tillman spent Wednesday in Columbia on personal business. He returned to his home at Trenton on the afternoon train and carried with him two pitch fork. v ' ; The Senator bought the pitchforks up town and had them sent down tq the Union station for him at train time. They were, wrapped up in paper' until they were unrecognizable and when he told his friend Dr. Babcock, what waa in the bundle the doctor insisted they ought to be unwrapped and car ried openly by the Senator, so the pa per was removed and Pitchfork Ben "Toted" the two pitchforks home on the train without any concealment. But the senator is very much more interested these days in pitchfork agri cultural than pitchfork political. The news that there will be at least one candidate to oppoee him for re -election, Colonel W, J. Talbert, does not seem to have disturbed him at 'all. Senator Tillman expects to atand for re-elec tion. He also expects to make at least a few speeches, if Jiis health is no worse than it is now, and if he is better he may make a good many speeches. It ia bis determination to offer fur a 4th term in tbe senate. If .Senator Tillman is renominated in the 1912 primary he will on the fourth of March, 1913 begin bis fourth term ss senator from South Carolina. Hav ing served as governor from 1891 to '95, he was first elected to the senate in 1894 and tiiok his Best on the fourth of March 1895. He was re-elected in 1900 and again in 1906, both times without opposition. Col. W, J. Talbert, form erly congressman and a former political follower of Tillman, has announced he will be a candidate next year, no mat ter, who else runs. Governor Blease haa announce! that he will be a candi date for senator it Senator Tillman is nqt in the race; therwiaajie JKiUseek re-election aa governor. A Gool Oil Heater. Nothing is better to heat quick with, than an Oil Stove. I have the Barler which is considered the best, price from $3.50 to $7.60. . . J. S. MILLER. How The Lyceum Coarse Helps a Town The Iyceura develops good taste and appreciation. Towns with lyceum eouraes learn to enjoy good pictures, good music, fine architecture and high thinking. : 1 . The lyceum raises the sentiment in regard to entertainments. Towns with lycenm courses offer a poor fie'd to street shows, cheap theatres, etc. Th lyceum encourages the "city beautiful." Towns with lyceum cours es are in touch kh the newest efforts towards municipal reform. The lyceum brings "out town" into touch with the outside world. A lyce um course helps the stay-at-homes to become travelers, introduces them to other corners of the world, other peo ple and cu'toms, Th lyceum widens the religious out look. A lyceum course ia non-sectari-aa and brings the best phases of relig ious belief to the town; it tears down th fences of creed between th vari ous nominations. '"' ' Th lyceum stirs up enthusiasm a- mong young men and women to get out In the world and do something worth while. A Iyceura course brings to the town men and women of achievement who inspire by example and precept. A Good Heater. You can get tha Wilson & Coles wood heater nearly as cheap as inferiormakes, just consider the amount of fuel you will save and the life of the hecter. . .i . 3. 8. MILLER. Large Shipment ot fish. Extraordinarily large shipments of fish hav been madn from Beaufort and Morehead City during the past few days. Every train passing through this city ia loaded with large consignments 0f this water food and which ar be I IDipped to points in this and other (Statea. A gentleman remarked a few f day go that th people of these two towns had mora money than th people any other towns' in eastern' North Carolina and there is no reason that this should not be true. They get a good pric for their fish and the demand for them ia so targe that they can sell all they catch. Buck Stoves and Ranges for your kitchen for best re sults, J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. HI RECORD FOR COFFEE Visible Supply Small 'Ami Crop Conditions Unfavor able. New York, Sept. 22 New high rec ords were again established in tbe coffee marked today and for the first lime in 16 yeara the entire list sold above the the 12-cent mark. The advance was accompanie d by ac tive buying and was based on tbe strength in Europe and Brazil, as well as the fact that stocks here are small and controlled by a few interests. Quotations from Brazil on spot coffee for future shipment showed prices to be far above a parity with the local market. Pound for pound, coffee now selling considerably above cotton. The . ad vance, which represents n gain of over 2 5-4 cents from the low prico of the season, has been based on unusually small Btocks in the visible, supply, as well as recent reports indicating a smaller crop than expected and the claim that unfavorable clirmvic con ditions have interferred with the flow ering for tbe next crop. New Orleans, Sept. 22 Coffea reach ed the highest figure in 20 years here today, Santos No. 4 being qu ted on the floor of the Board of Trudu at 14 cents, the same grade selling a year ago for 10i cents, Rio No. 1, low ordi nary, was quoted at 13 cents, It was selling at 10 cents this time latt year. BUIDGETOJi ITEMS. Bridgeton. Sept. 22-The weather has become quite warm again. We hope to see it turn cool T Sunday passed very quietly in our town, Rev. G. T. Adams of Wilming ton preached at the Methodmt Church in the afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to a largo congregation. We are always glad to welcome Mr. Adams in our Rev. J M. Wright is at Clark 8 where he is holding a revival. Rev. L. L Nash is assisting him. Mr, and Mrs. N M Far row and S. D. Parker went up to Clarka Wednesday to attend the ser vice. Mrs. Rosa Montfort and son Eddie who have been visiting in New Bern for several days' will return to Bridge top tonight. Master Tommie Tingle who has ben up to Burma visiting relatives has re turned home. Miss Nellie Barker of Stella is in our town visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Morton on B. Street Miss Florence Potter gave a birthdr y party to her many young frinrds (at t Wednesday night at her borne on Bridge St. There were many games played. After the amusements were over, they ail retired to the dining room where re freshments were served, then they all left for their home saying tint tbey had a delightful time. Miasj Potter re ceived many presents from her friends. Mr. J. L, Toylor who lives on C, St., is very sick. We hope she wil soon recover. , Mrs. Nellie Tingle went over to New Bern last week to Stewart's Sanator ium and underwent an npperation. She waa brought home Wednesday, and we are glad to say she is getting along very nicely. , . . v - Mr. LoRoy Davis is at Stewart's Sanatorium.- He has gone through an operation for appendicitis. He is get ting along as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lawercnce and children of Ask ins spent Saturday night in our town visiting her sister, Mrs. S, G. Parker on C. St, V v Any one would think that B'idgeton waa burning up last night. Several of our townsmen set fire to some of their vacant lots to burn them off, and it made a very large fire. There was no damage done to any property. ; Mrs, Nellie Littleton and Mrs. and Mrs. Geo. Littleton of SwanHbc.ro came Sunday morning on the w count of the sickness of Mrs. Littleton's daughter, Mrs. Tingle who went through an op- Deration at Stewart's Sanatorium last Saturday. Mr. Frank Ho Id en has moved up to Rock Spring, . Mr. Wm, Thomas has just put In a new stock of goods in his new store on B. St., and Is now open for tra le. Mr. N. M, Farrow went up this morn ing to Tuscarora to attand to some busi ness. .".'. - Several of our people will go up to Clarks tonight to attend the revival that Is going on in th Methodist Church there. 1 1 There will he presching st the Meth odiet church here, next. Sundty morn ing and night by tha pastor Rev, J, M. Wright, Everybody Is cordially invited t attend. I REPORTER. CANADIANS: DE-- FEATRECIPRDGItV '''.-'..fcj I . A .aj :';,v . . Conservatives Sweep Premier Lu rier and Bcprocitory Agree- ; mcn Off The Earth. : Montreal, Sept. 22d.--The Lanrler government and reprocitory suffered an overwhelming defeat in the Canadian elections yesterday. s ;. " i ' By a veritabe political landslide ;he Liberal majority of 4J was swept away and the Conservative party secured one of the heaviest majorities, upwards of 50, more than any Canadian party has ever had. Sevenlcabinet ministers who had served with Premier Laurier were among the defeated candidates. The Liberals List ground in practically every province of the Dominion, Where they won, their majorities were 'small. Where the Conservatives won their ma jorities were tremendous. Ontario, the leading province -of Canada, declared almost unanimously against the admin istration and reciprocity: " j' Robert L. Bordon, leader of the Con servative party, will shortly become the Prime Minister of Canada. He Will be supported in Parliament by a work ing majority of members far more than ample lor his purposes. The govern ment defeat means that the Fielding Kdox reciprocity agreement, ratified by the American Congress in extra Bession will not be introduced when the 12th Parliament assembles next month, and that a revised basis of trade with the United States, looking to closer commercial relations, will Hot be pos sible in the immediate future. The Conservatives are committed to' a poli cy of trade expansion with the Ernpiie and a closed door against the United States. NOTICE. The School Committee of No. I Town ship will hold their regular meotingt Vanceboro High School Building Wed nesday October 11th. 2 o'clock. All teachers demising schools in said Town ship will plerso be present C. J. Heath Chairman, t VOICE OFJE PEOPLE. EDUCATION BADLY NEEDED. Mr. Editor: That they should have attended some public school during their younger days instead of fishing for perch around some mity dam,' is clearly evinced in the two items which were sent to a periodi cal published in Eastern North Caro lina by one of their correspondent a few days ago. "The tug W is towing in our harber again. SHE has been away for some time and her old friends are glad to see HER here again. In this item the would-be scribe re fers, to the vessel as "she". Now if be had attended school for a sufficient length of time, say one or ' two terms he would have learned that, gramati- cally speaking, there is neither a mas culine or feminine gender used whe speaking of objects of this kind, . "It is reported that frost has done serious damage in New England States. He'll be here soon." . ' Again in this item the writer uses the masculine gender when he should have resorted to the neuter, It ia indeed a truth that more public schools are needed in North Carolina and parents should compel their children to attend rand fit themselves so that they can go out into the world without being the laughing stock of the universe. AN ADVOCATOR OF SCHOOLS. A Busy Man Has Just Arrived. Good news he brings to New Bern, i large stock of all kinds of sawed Shin gles on hand. ' He can and will please you. See Big Hill for lowest prices. TheOld Reliable. ! HER HAIR GREW That's Why a Thankful Woman Recommends Parisian. Sage. Bradhftjn Drug Co., will sell you a fifty cent bottle Of PARISIAN 8AGE nd guarantee It to haniah dandruff.stop falling hair and itching scalp, or mony back. It's a delightful hair dressing that makes hair lustrous and fascinat ing. . 1 -' j r- "la the spring I was recovering from a Bevereease of erysipelas, which left me virtually bald on the front of my head and next to my ear.. The hair kept coming out rapidly and nothing I used stopped my getting entirely bald, until I used two bottle of PARISIAN SAGE. This tonic msua my hair atart to crtiwinir and. in fact, grew me a good fair amount of bair, and it has entirely tted mv hair failing out. it i with pleasure that i give a pub- or two Fruit Jars this scas.on. r.c recommend to PARISIAN PAGE, w have them J "Ras-whU-hlknowlsawonder." Mr.. Ella We na.e inm- J Gilchrist, W. Pitt St. Bedford, Fa. E of Expert Says The Process is Cheap er Thau Natural Lumber Cau Be Grown. Kansas, City, Mo., Sept 23 So near ly perfect is artificial lumber made from paper here there ia no longer cause for great worry over forest con- sevation, said J. B. Whke. chairman of the executive committee of the Nat ional Convervation Congress here. He had just returned' from a trip through Eastern States. Much of his time there was spent investigating the manufac ture of "lumber" from paper. 'A superior quality of artificial lum ber can be manufactured cheaper than natural lumber can be grown," he said. "aking 57 per cent, waste paper, 22 per cent, straw, 5 per cent, jute and 16 per cent, wood fibre, a ton of fibre board, one-fourth inch thick of 1,100 feet of inch lumber can be produced." ITOTICE. i The Bridgeton public school will open Monday Oct. 2d. All pupils are reques ted to he present at the opening, by or der of the committee. Shade Woolen Dead. LaGrange Sept. 23-Mr. Shade Woot er, Sr., died suddenly in this city yes terday afternoon of heart failure. He was 72 years of age and leaves a large family. His d'-ath removes from our community a most remarkable charact er, t or tour years Mr. wootpn gav of his best young manhood to his coun try in the civil war, and wan seriously thought to be fatally, wounded io the head. After returning to his farm in Greene county, he had tbe nxsfort'ine to lose one of his hands. Notwith standing all these obstacles, he has raised a large family and left an es tate of considerable size. Corning to LaGnnge about 30 years at?, he en gageu in business . for, a number of years and was successful . Mr.W6oteh was prominent through out the county, and represented Lenoir in the general assembly of 1903 - Phone us your order and residence number and we will send it to any part of the city. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. J Business College For New Bern Now Practically Assnred. Professor J. M. ResBler, president and manager of a chain of business col leges arrived in the city yesterday from Norfolk where the home school of his chain of colleges is located, iiftd ia much gratified with the outlook for a flourish ing school in New Bern. He ' says People down here know l ow to take advantage of a good thing when they se it." v ' ' A school of this character is bound to be an important factor to the welfare of the city. Heretofore those wishing a business education were obliged to go elsewhere, but with a school of this kind in our city there ia no longer the necessity for this, and it will afford many young men and women the op portunity of acquiring a business edu ction, who for lack of means or time, or both, could never other iso secure business education,' Jewish New Year Cards at M. E. Whitehurst & Co. - ,V In a JaDanataJTamnla. "AcmVniv. tpinnlU lMaltllritt,rilf4th0' goddess Kwunnon, a tluy luaageof .Told, about two and oue-balf , locoes high," writes a traveler lu Jain. "At tha entrance to the toniple igroamdmon either side of the Immense goto stand two large orA fearful looking figures, f uardlng the sacred precincts. Hang ing ' oursldo tbe wire grating! are a number of sandals foAhelr useJtf tbey wish , to take a 'walk, and 'rice ia sprinkled about. Each worshiper, be fore enterlug the temple, cidls .at a small building, and after condriUitlnir a small amount, wiisbes his-hands and rinses his mouth. In frontiof the main shrine is a lair aperture (in Has floor., covered with lnttlceworkM Intoi which.. the worshiper casts his 'gift. - After clapping I 1b hands to awaken 4or at-' tract the attention of the . gnL hei kneels, but his prayer 'is only brief. Wbllo there is one chief shrine) ther are many others under' tho eume roof One shrine especially attracted rmy at tention; it was mado of "wood, and quite disfigured and worn through the constant rubbing of baiidA'OnitbeBpot corresponding to the alTlMey portions. of the sufferers' bodies." Chicago News. ' i ; . ' i ! .:'.: , , ,, . - Maybe you will need one might MOW. LO. I Li Out PAPER APOLOGIES FfM IT Will Stand By Record Made. Aldrich-Payne Tariff, Vetoes 1 And "All. St. Louis. Sept 25-Beginning the real "winning of the West" President Taft has crossed the Mississippi, ' and begun his Western campaign with three speeches in St. Louis.. - That the campaign will be one of de fense and defiance was the unanimous opinion of those who heard the Presi dent in his impassioned speeches at Peoria yesterday. "( accept responsibility for every thing I have done. I could not do oth erwise. If the people do hot like it. thou they may repudiate me." That is the attitude of the President as he prepared o invade the solidly In surgent territory of Kansas and lows. where he will spend the next two weeks. The President, deeply-affected by the defeat of reciprocity, the big is.sue upon which he had placed great dependence, is in for a dcy-or-die fivjht.J "I will go through with this trip, n matter what happens," he said. Mr. Taft's rbt-eption throughout was the most cordial and demonstrative be has received on any of his previous visits to the city. Ho was the guest of the Million Population Club and during bis lung automobile ride saw all of the territory that St. Louis now covers and ali its citizens expact it to cover in the next few years in their climb toward the million mane. f " At breakfast with the Mercantile Club the President leferred briefly-: to Cunadian reciprocity. He declared him self content wic the outcome, - for as a lawyer, he had learned that "when a decision hits you right between 'the eyes, the best thing to do is to sit still Mr. Taft said he believed and atiil be lieves that reciprocity woulJ inure to the benefit of both countries.- Keen Kutter Scissors and ShearsEvery pair guaranteed. M E. Whitehurst & Co. Wellington.an Simplicity. When Sir Edwin Landseer was paint ing the duke's portrait, hoping to save him the trouble of much .sitting, , be wrote and asked if he could let bin) have the trousers belonglug to the anV form. Tbe duke wrote back la all solemnity: ;V. ';,..''. "Field Marshal the Duke of Welling ton presents bis compliments to - Sir Edwin Landseer and regrets that he cannot send him the trousers as a has but one pair." London Nation. ..! Lif of a Gown. "A lawsuit in Which women's clothes are the center of litigation teaches eveu 41 woman many things she never before suspected about the clothes she wears," said a well dressed woman. "Last week I was present at a trial lu which a woman was attempting to secure full insurance for gowns dam aged by fire, la the expert testimony it was asserted no dress has a money value lu law after it has been worn tra times. According to that theory,- every gown owned by the plaintiff had outlived its usefulness before the firs came along to complete its destruction, and with the exception of a trifling sum representing the actual worth of old material tbe Insurance company was absolved from Its obligations." New York Sun. i , On View of Mountain Climber. Mountain climbing, now a popular part of an outiug at home and abroad. Waa regarded in a far different light in Its earlier days. "Murray's Guid to Switzerland." published In 1833. Is the section devoted to Mont Blanc, soberly related that "it la a somewhat remarkable fact that a large proportion of those who have made this ascent have been of unsound mind." This notation will console many timid souls. Argon.-int , Marriage Announcement. , Mr. and Mrs. Lnwrnee E. Duffy rs quest the honor of your presence at the marriage of thfir daughter " t , Emrr.a ; "'" ' , ;' ..'-V to 4 N ..,;' Mr. James Vetnon Blades . on the morning of Wednesday, the slev et-th of October nineteen hundred and eleven at half after eight o'clock at Christ Church, New Bern, North Caro Una No cards sent in town. " '' At home after January the first New , Bern, North Carolina. Seventh Series of the Standard Building & Lean Asuo--. ' elation. !" i: ,, The seventh series of the Stan lard Building and Loan Association opens October 2nd, 1911. Subscriptions are being received daily. 25 cents en! ranee f ne and 26 cents weekly insta'inr his. per share. No back dues rq- ! I in this series. '.. ITRARkWR Ri.t.'.Tr:.a. f R O'UARA, President, DEulAUl Ill THE SEDATE Eepublican Majority Reduced to Seven On Appointment of Gardner of Maine. Portland. Me., Sept. 25th. Governor Plaisted has appointed Obediah Gardner of Rockland, U. S. Senator to succeed the late Senator William P. Fry. This gives Maine two Democratic senators and reduces the Republican majority in the Senate to seven. - Mr. Gardner was the Democratic can didate for governor in 1906, and was in the race for the senate when Senator Charles . F. Johnson was elected last January. He has a large farm near Rockland and has served several terms . as master of tbe State Grange. The appointment of Mr. Gardner is for the unexpired term - ending '. March -4, 1913, Party aandidataa for ths full term will be nominated in primaries next June. ' 4 The secession of Obediah Gardner, of Maine, as a Democratic appointee from a state for many years a . stronghold of the Republican party will have a mate rial effect on the voting strength on im portant questions in tbe senate. When he takes the oath of office the Demo crats in that body, lacking but 4 votes of a majority on any matter, will be nearer to control of the upper branch of . Congress than that at any time for a decade past. The Republican represen tation will stand at 49 and the Dem crats .at 42, there being one vacancy from Colorado. In the recent extra session the tariff measures were put through the senate by alignment of progressive Republi cans With the Democrats and the aid of evea four of the progressives would en able tbe full Demoaratie utrength of th senate to carry out its will on all issues. While Mr. Gardner ia not known of either House of Congress who happen to be in Washington now, it is expected that his course will be aligned with that of his Democratic ' colleagues, . Senator Johnson. Representatives Hinds and Guernsey will at the. next session be the only Republicans in the. entire con-' gressional delegation ot two senators dad four representatives. ' .. . Creatore And His Band. The six weeks' engagement in Boston " the past summer by Sig. Creatore and His Band, proved to be one of the big gest successes ever scored by the fam ous, conductor. His special programs,, consisting of Wagner Nights, Verdi Nights, Italian Nights and popular nights were enjoyed with gusto by the music loving people of cultured Boston. The concerts compared most favorably with those Sousa made famous, for not only is Creator a remarkably gifted conductor and musician, but be has an instrumentation which is a model and a company of musicians who express bis wishes to the moat minute detail. A treat is in store for this community when this organisation appeals at tha Masonic Opera Houne Monday Oct. 9, 1911 and a large and eultured audience is sure to welcome this noted conductor to New Bern. ; All seats on ' first Jovr 1.&0. By subscribing for same now at Waters' tbey can be secured for $1.00. This of fer expires Monday Oct, 2nd. - - tJ A Striking Collection. , The same care, skill and expense unite to make np the Magaxine section of the New York Sunday World ai com bine to prepare the regular weekly or monthly magazine.. In next Sunday World's Magasine will be presented a score of Illustrated articles dealing with heredity, divorce, war, the working wo man, Russian secret police, our babies fashions, beauty, humor, art, sports, 4c, also the words and music of a nivr song. '' Sunday World Magazines are worth saving and the Sunday World ia worth ordering in advance. 1 ( ) "RjLarFrench Drip Coffee, can. not be, made, unless the cof fee itself ispre jared, blended and roasted ac cording to thc famous French method. Use, ( ( j i ,7 tdiM f M, For r.-v C..7-- r r ; f. V 11)10) TRJTP