T"F ?TF"IY i 'I i.'iiLie is: rsMlshea la Two Sections, very Tuesday and Friday, at Journal BnlH- it-co Craven gtreet. ; ' CtUSLXS L. 8TXTX5B, IDITOR AND PROPRICTOK. ; Official Paper of Craven Ooanty. New Ban ana SUBSCRIPTION BATHES. Two Months.. .. .. ..,.! t( Thre Months.. . .. !.. u Months.. . . ' m " M fwelva Months.. . ;.- . m 1.M ONLY JN ADVANCB. ; Ths Journal la only Mat on pay-In-advance basis. Subscribers will re ceive notice ot aspiration of their eub erlptlona and an Immediate response o notice wU m appreciated by the JfluroaL . .v,- Advertising . rates furnished upon application at the office, or npon ln nulrr by mal ' inteid at the Poatotflce, New Bern, II. CU as second-class matter. New Bern, N. a September, 29. 1911. PKOHIBITION WIN DOW BREAKING. The Wilmington Dispatch very ably in its editorial "by way of analysis" shows up the pharisaic spirit of those cities which point to Wilmington as an awful exam ple of a community violating the prohibition law, and says in regard to the too common attitude in mis State "The prohibition laws' are being vio lated all over North Carolina and it raises a great question before the peo ple. It is one that demands attention, and first of all, it calls for a big bunch of the hypocritical getting their own concessions straight and rectifying their ways. They are as much to blame, if not more so. for the violations of the prohibition laws as anything we know of. The man who voted for prohibition and orders it from away, or patronizes the "blind tiger," and the fact that so cial clubs are allowed to exist for the rich and the moderately rich, while the man of moderate means is proclaimed an outcast, all go towards making vio lations of the prohibition law, and not only deter the moral effect, but even keep the question away from practica bility." But who is going to do the reg ulating of the hypocritical, to make those who voted prohibition, live prohibition, in the true spirit of the moral and State law t "One of the most amusing things of all, though it had an air of pathos about it, was the last legislature, presumably prohibition to the core twisting around until it viewed prohibition as regulation to the extent of fixing it so a favored few could . get their drinks whenever TTD1I bVUi It is this same kind of "regula tion" that exists in nearly every city in North Carolina, that makes prohibition so easy of violatiou, simply because prohibition was voted "for the other fellow." There are daily violations of prohibition in most of the cities, and a good many of the towns in this (state, but it is when a mur der is committed, or local selling of liquor becomes so bold that the local authorities must cause a raid on the "blind tigers." that the cry goes forth from the places where prohibition is seemingly ob served, "look at wicked Wilming ton" or "Charlotte is a wicked ci ty !" The people have voted pro hibition. What was the actual, the real aud true spirit of this votet Certainly 40,000 majority for prohibition ought to mean ' something. ' At least let there be some real moral prohibition shown before the window breaking be gins. TIIH FAILURE TO WOBK EVIL. ' Ad excess of consumers over producers, is certain to have its effect upon the cost of living by increasing it Possibly there may be those who will disagree with thia statement, when the applica tion is made local. Just now the cotton fields in this vicinity and Fection. need pickers. - A farmer r - came here last' week, and sceured one Dicker. Another farmer this week, tried to engage hands, and while be found groups of colored men, boys, women and girls on a number of corners in this city, not one would engage to go out and work iu the fields. The weather may be unpleasant, with its sluggish hot September ttmosphere, but if weather is to become primary in its influence in governing those who should work, those who are able to be, in the self sustaining class, and not Sub ject to the suspicion of being va grants, then the vagrant class la likely to be largely increased, for the i utlier cxruHO might be used every v " k i t'-'J y! '" v evil, is on i :an: ' .ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVegclablfPrepnrartonrirJls similatingiteFoodantlReguia ting the Sioraadis andJJowelsi m,'iA-.uj.,,.,iuj Promotes DigpslionOferM ness and RestXontoins neiita OpiunuNorphine norMueraLl NOT NARCOTIC. , ywv w- jMx.Srma lilatmukStit Suoer Anerfeet Remedy forCttnsltoi Hon . Sour Storaach.Dlarrlwea WorrasfoiwulsKmsJevcrislt ness and LOSS OF SIXER BttSiniile Signatw of NEW YDPK. the increase in this section. There are too many persons in this city who are idle, aud it would not be amiss if there was au iuquity in stituted for the purpose of determin ing the exact status of each of sev eral hundred persons who can be found in this city, to find out what they are doing; if anything, and if found idle, to enforce the vagrant law. There will be cold weather within sixty days, at least cold enough to cause a great er food consumption, demand more clothing, shelter and fires. Those who have uot worked will be ask ing help. The present workers who are supporting idlers cannot earn enough to support this pres eut idle class,, and the community will be called upon, in the name of humanity to contribute to keep alive those who refused to work when it was offered them. Charity is ever a gracious act, Due it is going to be less gracious and more severe next winter, in asking those seek aid, did you work last sum mer and fall t As to the vagrant law, it should be made an active oue. Any com- munity that permits vagrancy, is always in danger. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pres criptions from reputable physicians, as me damage mey win oo m ten iuiu iu the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucons surfaces of the sys tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is ta ken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi monial free. Sold by Druggists. Price.' 76e, per bottle. rake Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. A Trifle Withered. In his native tongue no one could have - made more graceful speeches than M. Blanc, but when be essayed compliments in English he was not Quite so successful - "Have I changed in the flrn years sines we met In Pari?" asked en elderly, woman who desired above all things to be thought younger, much younger, than she was. "Madame," said the courtier, his band on bis heart ''you look like a rose of twenty years!" Youth's Com pnntnn. " . WOMEN Wtmea f tie llgketi type, womei ai rapcrior Hacatioi and refiBemeBt, wdom iUcenmeit tat! jadpnent givs weight site) fores U ticir pinloni, kifUy pralss tie woaderfal corrective tsj enrttivt propertiel of CLanv lerLia'l Stomacn and Liver Tab lets. Uroojaont tie many !fe$ af verza'i L'e, from lirlliood, tlr:r;X tia rdeali af C8iie b:l ti tie a'tcHsis! yeara, tiere hfi : f:r er rsore re!!l!a rceJ- . T " 1 I I- iar it) il i. I J ill ' " ' , act Copy of Wrapper. ' ' tovnikum Mit.ji tomi " Jt 18 1 Rill For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signatun of IP Use For Over Thirty Years NOTICE TO COTTON FARMERS On account of the light weight bales coming to this market, the buyers Jield a meeting and decided for their own nrntorfcinn. hat fhpv wnnU nnt Awentl r, , .' J . , , r a Date weiKumg uu pounas or less,, un-1 less there is a deduction of ten pound:! per bale: consequently in buying light weight bales in your territory, it will be absolutely necessarv for von to deduct ten pounds per bale from bales weigh- ing 4W pounds or under and Zo pounds per bale from bales weighing 303 jibs, or less. 1 be usual custom was to ae-1 duct one dollar on bales under 300 lbs. which does not anything like cover the loss. Further we particularly want to call your attention with regard to tare, this must not exceed 22 pounds per bale, any cotton overrated you must either refuse to buy it or else buy it subject to tare claim when it arrives at Norfolk, and such notation must be made on the invoice for cotton. We cannot urge you too strongly to follow these instruc tions very carefully, otherwise we will have to bill you back for any loss sus tained for either of the above causes. Yours very truly, EURE HARRIS & CO. ' Norfolk, Va. To J. U. Smith, Cotton Buyer. ' Soma Welsh Words. 1 Welsh Is a marvelously expressive language. In a souvenir guide to Car narvon there is a list of Welsh rail way stations with their English equiv alents. Here are some of them: Alter- gwynS, entrance to the place of bites; Amlwch, a place of frequent expan sion; Cefn Brynlcb,. the back of the screaking hill; Dbwlals, the voice "of God, and Llanblster, the manure yard road." There Is also one station the name of which runs to fifty-eight let ters. Its meaning Is merely, "The fair church at the pool of the white seagull near the alder grove where the fodder for the oxen Is stored In the red barn." And surely teetotallSni ought to flourish In a country whdrs beer is known aa "cwrw." Pall Mall KILL A MURDERER. A merciles murderer is Appendicitis with many victims, but Dr. King's New Life Pills Kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing Con stipation, Headache, Billiousness, i Chills, 25c at au druggists. : Attorney-General Wickeraham Issued a statement regarding the possible pros I ecution of th. United State. BUri Cor- ntration ' : - . ' In a Japanese Temple. : ' ' .i "Asaknse temple ts dedicated to rha goddess Kwannon, a tiny image of gold, about two and one-half Inches high," writes a traveler In Japan. "At the entrance to the temple grounds on either side of the Immense gate stand two large and fearful looking figure! guarding the sacred predncta. llanjf lug outside the wire grating are A number of sandals for their use If the wish v to take a walk, and rice li sprinkled about Each worshiper, b fore entering the temple, calls at I man Duuuing, ana aiier cuninuuuua; a small amount, wasDea nis nanus ana rlnsea bis mouth. In front of the maid shrine la a Urge aperture In the floor) covered with latticework. Into whirl the worshiper casts his gift After clapping bis bands to awaken or at tract . the attention of the god, be kneels, but his prayer Is only brief. While there Is one chief shrine there1 are many others under the same root One shrine especially attracted my it' tentlon; It Was made of wood, an l quite disfigured and worn through thd Constant rubbing of baoOa on the spt corresponding to the aflUoted portion i of the : sufferers' bodies. CLlcpc News. Mrs. Certrude Patterson shot ki!!-;l her hunband, CLas. A, Pattern in Denver, Col, . tie .A, A VTalM B LU POLLOCKSVILLE LETTER. September 25 About all the tin all I hnvi Mllr si rwvnt iMiiinil rha sfMAl the approaching time for going to the I circus. But the farmers have a more serious subject. the short prices and the building of more houses to store cotton in for 14 and 15 cents. There were about 75 or 100 balea of I cotton sold on the exchange at this place Saturday at about 10.37 J per lb I which la about 20 dollars short of the price per bale last year at this time. A negro man had his feet badly cut while attempting to board a moving freight train at this place this morning. He fell between the cars and his feet was crushed by the wheels running over them. Dr. H, F. Hammond dreased his wounds and he is resting well at this time at a co ored man's houaa In thlnnlaca ; . . . . , ; -, ." I in. rwrarm union going w a brick warehouse at thia place 60160 feet in which to store their surplus cot ton until the price goes to 14 15 cents.' They say it will be ready for use in SO or 40 days. Mr. B. R. Henderson better known I ss Long Ben, is one of Jones coun ty's most successful and substantial farmers. He has home made pork and bacon tn sell andplenty of corn, hay l and feedstuff ot his own raising. He is also a candidate for the office of county treasurer for 1912. Mr. John J. Pritchett of this plaee who is foreman for Mi. G. K. Foy says I he will make a bale of 600 lbs lint col- ton on every acre planted thia year, He also has a field of very floe earn will i yield 25 to 50 bushels corn per aere. Dr. Q. J. Bender is stopping hers for a few days doing dental work. Miss Ethel McDaniel of Trenton, is visiting friends and relatives here for the week. Miss Bertie Bell Turner of West Vir ginia, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Bell. The Presbyterians closed a very in teresting meeting at this place Satur day. Dr. Summerel of New Bern, as- stated Mr. Ward in too services, Mr. H. C; Foscue and wife who have been spending -the summer in the west Prt of the State with their son, Dr. J. E. Foscue has returned home for winter mucn Improved in health, rjr, j, c. Bell of Richmond, is home visiting his parenta Mr. and Mrs. T. A gelL The Doctor will locate soon in some other place. Mr. and Mrs, John Pearce is home again after an absence of several months in Asheville where they spent the Summer. . Mr, Pearce is greatly improved in health. Ohildten Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTORI A A rubber stocking and netticoat with or rirvt. in if .M tk. mn. k. .Mh zy" . , , , . ., . cu.o jew.ieranu nu who are i- tegeaio nave wiea 10 smuggle aia- moods into New York. ATTAUK3 SCHUUL, r tUINUlt AL. A RffvnrA attack nn arhnnl nrinrtnAl Chan. B. Allen, of Sytvania, Ga. is thus told by him. "For more than three years," be writes, "I suffer d indescrib able torture from rheumatism, liver and stomach trouble and diseased kid neys. All remedies failed till I used Electric Bitters, but four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me complete ly." Such results are common. Thous ands bless them for curing stomach trouble, biliousness, and for new health and vigor. Try them. Only 60c at all Drugiata. ' Self Educated. "But don't yon think yon could lean. to lore mer be Inquired of tho beau- Uful heiress. ' ; - , - "Pa always said I was hard t learn," she replied tantallisingl.7. "But l am not a book." he protested. "Oh, l ean read you all right," ah answered. Pittsburg Dispatch. - , Longevity. "Longevity? I should say longevity did run lu the family," said' Mrs. Sprlgglns. "Why, John was six foot two, Bill wsa six foot four, and George had more longevity than any man I aver sea. r He was six foot seva IC be Was a foot" Bxchanga. , ' HAS MILLIONS OF FRIEND3, BuSn's Ar'n: clow won id like to number your I Salve does? Its astounding cures in the past forty years made them. In the beat Halve in the world lor scores, l ulcers, eczema, burns, boils, cuts. I corns, sore eyes, sprains, swellings,! bruises, cold tores, Hae no equal tor I p lea, zoe at au arugguu The pardon of John k. Walsh by the board of parole, in less on at the Leav enworth (Kan.) Federal prison, ia ex pected, , ; ., "I have a world of confidence In Cham berlain s Cough Remedy for 1 have used it with perfect success,' ' writes Mrs. For U9 by all dealers. Dr. J. (i Clarke, an amateur aviator. fell 200 feet at the Long Island aviation meet and died shortly afterward. TRUTH TRIU:PHS Fw.Bera Citizens Testify For The Public Benefit. A truthful statement of a New Bern eitisen, given in his own words, should convince the most skeptical about the merits of LK an's Kidney Pilla. If you suffer from backache, nervousness. sleeplessness; urinary disorders or any form of kidney ills, the cure Is at hand. Read this: .' . r-;-- ; C F. Harget, 47 Burn street, New Bern, N. C. says: "I am just as pleas ed to endorse Doan'a Kidney Pills at this time as I. was after. I first used them some years ago. My back ached re" ae M 1 naa rouc PMn my kidneys wt-plainly showed that ""ciro w,in iaaJ corapiami. Uoan a Kidney fills were procured rrom oraanam trug wo, ana uey so r it i-i it I effectively rmoved my trouble that k, onIy had need of them once then. : At that time they again acted promptly and gave me entire relief. know that this preparation acts as rep resented and is worthy of the highest praise.";: ' ' vi. ;v r ; For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents.. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sola agents tor Ue Us 1 tea States. : . 'i . ;i- Remember the aame Doaa's ni take no other. The Lien Didn't Roar. It Is related that Pinuow, the faith ful servant and personal valet of Prince Bismarck, once trod on his master's sooty foot Instead of swear lag at him or even declaring he was a etatasy fool, Bismarck, noticing that Flanow himself was frightened, said: Consider yourself honored.. No other person, my dear Pinnow, not even the kaiser himself, would have been suf fared to tread on my corns." Diarrhoea is always more or less pre valent during September. Be prepared lor it Chamberlain a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon and is pleaiant to take, for sale by all dealers. Hew Franklin Learned Manner. .Franklin collected thirteen principle to cover the small amenities of dally life. Each week be picked out one and practiced It diligently, thus creating a habit U took three months to cover them alL Each year be practiced each one four full weeks. He kept this up for many years. The uncouth Frank Un of early manhood who found fault with his wife for giving him a silver spoon and a china bowl for bis bread and milk Instead of a pewter spoon And earthenware crock,, developed Into the statesman and man of the world who won the respect of Englishmen the admiration of Frenchmen and tb gratitude of Americans. Harrun.' ton Emerson In Fnpineerlijfr Magazine DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION, It is not the quantity of 'food ' taken but the amount digested and assimilat- ed that gives strength and vitality to the system.1 Chamberlain's Stomach yver Tabieta invigorate the stem acb and liver and enable them to per- I form their functioua naturally. For sale by all ueaiers, 1 ! '.Coffee and FatifliM. I The question is pfteu asked. Vhi will relieve fatigue more quickly than anything else? Clerks lu stores and men generally, as well as women shop pers, become at times very tired. For tunately the British army has thrashed the question out and tried every kind of decoction that could be thought ot nd we may profit by its experience. Jt awards the palm to coffee and de dares It has neither superior nor equal for this purpose. Indianapolis News. . A FIERCE NIGHT' ALARM. - -la the hoarse, startling couch of child, suddenly attacked by croup. - ( ten it aroused Lewis Chamblin, of M Chester. O., (R. R No. 2) for . their four children were greatly aul'ct eroup. "Sometimes it fevere attack, ha wrote "we were afraid they wou die, but since we proved what a certain remedy. Dr. King a New Discovery wa have no fear. We rely on it forcroup and for eoughs, colds or any throat i lung trouble." So do thousands ol others, so may you . Asthma, Hay Fever, Labrippe, Whooping CougL, Hemorrhages fly before it, 50e ant! 00. Trial bottle free. Sold by as I Drugists. Murder, an accidental death and a third shooting occurred In an Indian P near ScotUboro, Al RUSH OF THE. CRESTED SEA. Meunt 8t Mloh.fe Tidal Wave One ef the nights ef the World. At 5 o'clock la the afternoon people gather on the causeway that conuerts the Islet of Mount St MIc Del with the French coast to watcb the cemlng of the tide, oue ot the sights of tbe world ,.- Aa far as the eye cad reach stretcbei tbe gray sand, silent, empty, fieven miles and a half lie between the ocean and the rock. Prcxor.tly .a stranKe murmur pervade tho air. It seemi to come front nowhere and yet to be everywhere. , - : ' - And then far on the horizon Hfta a line of white. Every inoiueut It draws nearer, and the sound tn the air swells louder, and then with -astonuiulug. speed np the line of crested sea, aud tn a moment where it reaches tbe sands, there is but a space of swlrllua water. And on tbe waves ride la the flailing boats thnt bare gone out to sea on tbe tide at dawn. ilany a trsgwly bull tKn canard by Vie swift liirtiHli of tills true tldul wave, f .r, save along n arrow pBths, the lxt toiu of ttiln vnut, MrHiiK" Iwy Is l"it r :!iJ,hmiii1, atnl sflcr li;!o biiiloiire f & a txl iht hoimhI of Its ciii,!!k Is ! i I llil I' :H1 -lll h"-U 1 1) f'inprt 11 I t t! - NEWPORT ITEMS. J Newport, Sept 25. -Mrs. S. H. New berry, who has been visiting her son, O. Newberry, of New Bern, re turned home Thursday, ' ; ' v- Mr. Lloyd G. Mann, of the Norfolk- Southern Railroad, of New Bern, was in our town Thursday. j , ,' Mrs. George Swinson, of New Bern, arrived n our town last- week and la the guest of the Misses Haskett here. Mr. Tom Davis, of New : Bern, with the New Bern Grocery Co. called to see our merchants here Friday, i : Miss Meade, of Elisabeth City,' ar rived last week,, and is the guest ot Mrs. Walter Maun. " r ; Miss Azileo Taylor, of North Har- lowe, spent Saturday and Sunday here, visiting Miss Susie Haskett.. ' Mr.: P, H.. Garner, and daughters made a flying trip to Beaufort Satur day, and Report a nice time. . Mr. George Oglesby,, formerly , of Newport, bow at New Bern,: and Miss Sadie Wood,: of Riverdale,. arrived on Sunday night and were quietly married at the home of Mr. L- C- Carmll, of this place; Rev. A. Is, Wilson officia ting, 1 Your reporter was informed that it was a runaway affair. Our farmers are very busy now sav ing hay and picking cotton, there were about 50 bales sold here last 'week to Messrs Alex Spmnt & Son at Wilming ton; Mr. w, H. Bell, of " thia place, is their buyer. C 7 Miss Prudie Newberry left here , oq Monday for New Bern to viiit relatives and fiiandd. - C , "SHOW ME.". ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A The state of Wisconsin ' will not be represented by an attorney at the Sen atorial inquiry into the election of Uni ted States Senator Isaac Stephenson.' BEST TREATMENT FOR A BURN If for no other reason, Chamberlain's Salve should be kept in every household on account of ii s great vafu in the treatment of burns It allays the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a severe oge, beals the parts without leaving a scai This salve is also un equal-d for chmpped hands, sore nipples and diseases ot tne - skui rnce, 25 cents. For Male by all dealers. Three hundred or mora officers and men were killed by explosion nn the French battle Bblp Liberie at Toulon, Fiance. ; . " iV-i. I" INSTITUTE FOR BOYS.-60th Year, i Prepares for College, for Business, for Lift ; A tMftltbfnl ttnoB!hr psjrviut kbit rh4. . fttmi! Chrirtievn In flu cm. Ideal phjwleftl roniuent, (tntri trmuirr iw uw th BhM Ridge MmnUinf. Hih ftenrdi f rhotarship. Hoax system nel Mrd prioOprs ol Awrtrn flwnhnrxl Instilsmd. MhWii cmw ft lvetlaUUltsshrtl Ixjfcw dMit Wte to tjaoa !"t buy. RfW-aewminsMMMuu. LtS.mtT,fiednti,lul WilUn..t. FALL SEED. ,:' aesswsssiSBWBsS fc - f , German Crimson Clover, Haiiy or Winter Vetch, Hyde Co. Rus Proof rnd Burt Seed Oats, Hay Corn, Meal, Hulls, Shipstuff, Beet Pulp, Dairy Molasses Feed, Dis tillers Grain, tbe best stock feed on the market, being highesUn froteids.' tilose prices on re quest BURRUS &CO. 31-33 Middle St. New Bernl N. C , Vhone 184. , "A ne piece of clulli t y L 1 never aaw you wear a tc A let. looking auit" ' ' "Yes, I am pleased wiJt it 1 had it madeXy a good merchant tailor. , The cloth is one of the J L ""J A . r"y 'aim m oi a ',lniii it v. akave a lull line oi l!. ut!utu (aixic. OaJI and be BieamreJ it eM vi tlia axl j. ' 11 ;si . t . . A. UAQDWARE ... , AND - Building Ma ierial Points, Oils AND Varnishes American -Field Vence E. V. SIULLIVODD. V- lw Bent I. C . HENRY'S Prescriptions from - all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately lilled. . ,t ! Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. ' ' - ' Pharmacy ' ' PHONE 173 . PROTECT V i' - YOUR BUILDINQS ROOM iPIDP. ''7 Vtt iMWAln f rtam wrifl v -' J M ASSEST0S R00F1N3 J-M Roofing resists fire be- ; 'cause it ia made of Asbestos, An - InHantnictihlft mineral. ' t. which is not affected by fire, rust roi or wear.-, juisiiy ap-: pneo. -. , - . . . ' ""J-M" is the only prepared ' roofing that is permanently durable. You can save money by using it e) . . ,' Ask for samples and prices. V it --TAMPA VV im -.. ' UVilll 41,11 11 Aeiva 129 E. Front; St , New Bern, N. C. Lumber Yard, -Woodworking Plant anl v 'Plaping Mill FOIl SAW BY ' : nitirii i limn . aa MidJliSt .' Ne v Pern, N. C. Very . It is a very snlous matter to enk for one medicine and have the wrong one given you.- For this reason we urge you In buying to be careful to get tbe genuine . The rermtain cf tV. o! t, re", fl t 'e wilicine, f.r const' tl(n, In- I 1 t' .-'- n - t 1,-' r t'onLio, in firm 1 U ii s nut iiriiiuto i ' r I 5. It la I rttcr lhq ' , ' r il v. 'ui f't la t!.a l. i r i .r-r, wh a l.i r i i : , , r : . iimn f IIometoolsYv f I The better the tool, the , J better the work. There 1 , rf ia one sure way to get the 1 h best tool for any purpose, 1 . mm . Qusvlitr Tools I m and ete tbat tos y I UglroM as and 1 looking Ue Li 1 1 1 toedemarlUJveiy " " . ' I Keea Knttcr toot v j j tomarwrtoed. - , , j . - - - ...