NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. TUESDAY OCTOBER. 3, 1911 ---FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR TP I1EDUGE COST TURKEY J GDTTOH SIIIJ6 OF WILL FIGHT o. 52 HO RIG JO GET GOODAGI MR. BALUflGER 15 CONSIDERATE U. 5. NAVY POWDER NOT i SUPERIOR COURT HOW IN SESSION FOP, WEEK Tbf Elimination of The Middle Man; Believed to be a Solution df Problem. KW York, Sept.. 29-Ten thousand beads of New York families, five hun dred; retail dealers in fifty lines and vri hundrei farmers of the Pennsyl anl State Grance have combined in an association to eliminate he middle man n$ tower the high cost of living. Whjlelhe Pennsylvania State Grange is cpmpetirjg negotiations with the as socikt'jon this week to handle their Out put a smalt army of canvassers -. is' en rolling hupdreds of other families' in the povemept and officers of the asso ciation tre negotiating with the farm ers 6f tew York Stite to handle their pro&etf also. Te7 association plans to net as a clearing house between producer and cwimfnfyi'tjividinff between them the profit of the. various middlemen through wbop hans fo d .commodities have bitheflo passed. In the case of some farm products' the association finds that s'x middlemj-n or brokers , have been reaping profjta before the products each the consumer. The five hundrei deal; rsloahriost every" line of real trade are oiembe'rj of the association and re ttivf theis supplies because "of such membership, at lover than market rate's.', ;TJie heads of families are asso ciate members. , ; ' The five hundred dealers are divided Into seven groups. Each group is re quired to pay into the coffers of the as- sociatioit a percentage of its grots re ceipts, vatyiog from six per cent, for grocers to fifteen per cent, for drug gists. The fund thus created is divided into six parts, four of which te put aside for distribution anvmg the con sumers, coo part being spent for adv r tising and one part for administration and operating expenses. Each associate member, or head of a family, receive a coupon from the dealer, whenever he makes a purchase setting forth the amoont of goods bought. At the end of Stated periods the consumer surren ders his coupons to the -association to. serve as a basis for computing the re bate which he - will receive from the profit fund. , It is the plan to reduce the cost, of living by these refunds rather than by charging the consumr lower than market prices in the"fifst iostajkce. . ' - A good pencil free with every 5c. tablet M. E. Whitehurst Lincoln's Body Guard Dead., Waahincton, Sept. 28-William S. Lewis, bodyguard to President Lincoln during the Civil War, and for 35 years nail' clerk at the White House, where be was well known to 12 Presidents, died'' 'today. Death resulted from a stroke Of apoplexy, which seized him over1' three weeks ago as he was stand . big before his desk in the White House. Be ei.86 years old. . Bedroom S its. . in cheap plain oak just receive 1 a car, they kre Well made and look good, 'price $18 OfV $20 00, $22.50 and 125 00, extr dre her at (8.50, $7 50 and $9 00. Buds $2.56; W.60, $4.50, $F.50 and $6 50. for good service to the parties that don't feel like lovetting much in furniture.' - ."..W oil- J s. bILLER. The Shadow 41 . - ' Ovtt New Bern. Maajgers of the brick manufacturing j plaits et'Chrks toll tha writer yes terday -Out they had to shut down wort several weeks sgo for the lack of Ubor. Thousands of pound i of open cotton trusting in the nearby fields tes tify?' aliiJ.'ttJ' the underrUpply of labor. ' This ir'ain a few miles of New Ben, . whet 4 I. ..idreda and oven thousands of toy! s ;J girls, men' and women are Idlitrjr 1 dy long, and all the timet on the tot tt, hot living, simply existing, as j.1' unites bo the community, wi h outt Mtloibr prilrY slowly evolving Into', are and criminals, menaces to aoci'jf t. , property interests. No law isDcnary Co eorrtct this state of af fair!. " The law is ready at hand, and ooly1 nedl'cbursgtoui officials to en force ft Men who respect the oaths they' took upon beini inducted into of - fice Eiforcingthe vnrncy law is duty, just as much encumbent upon them. uVeatchini blind liters or ar lestlug d aorderly persons. Now Horn's future 'stands io more danger (rum these Vgr. ;', of today, than fioiu all other j evils put tovther, A Good Oil Heater. " . ' Not' U- U better to heat quick with, t.ii!i h i O.I Stove. 1 have the liarlcr ! " is ctisid-'ied the Lest, price from U r. t7.n. 1 ' J, S. MILLER. War Was Declared By Italy This ""Afternoon.' Army and . Navy la Readiness For; The Fight Rhome . Italy, . September 29th., That the situation in Tripoli is critical is evidenced by the fact that "most of I the Italian residents ' and many of the Europeans have taken a hasty depart ure The Turkish authorities in Tripoli have so far maintained order, but there is a veritable panic anoong the foreign ers who have elected to remain or have been unable to find a way out of the country. 'V:::. ' ' -w . ' , The Italian government, is backed by the newspapers of that country, but the British press has severely arraign ed Italy for what it terms "precipitate action," Germany, which has beth in tervening" in behalf of Turkey for a peaceful settlement, has so far failed to make progress and some of the German papers are biiter in their de nunciation of Italy's method.' The latest dUpntches make no men tion of ths landing of Italian troops, which Turkish officials declare would be accepted as the beginning of hostili ties. The Turkish stealer Derna, which yesterJay entered Tripoli harbor and landed men and munitions, is said to be only one of a number' of trans ports die patched to tl at port. HOW ITALY AND TUKEY COM PARE ON LAND AND TEA. ' ITALY NAVY. Battleships , Cruisers, first class Cruiaers, second and thirj class Gunboats Destroyers Tor prdo boats Submarines - 6 10 16 13 33 75 19 ' Officers and men, 29,941, v. H . AUMY. J Total war siren it h 525,000 Available, unorganized , 1.20J.OO0 TURKEY NAVY Battleships . . Cruisers : . Gunboats . . Destroyers Torpedo boats Officers ant men, 30,800. . " ARMY Total strength . 725,000 Availab'e, unorganized .2,000,000 New Bern, Take , Notice. , Mr. Editor Please stop my ad at once, since my last ad was placed tn your paper my business has increased so I cannot hardly wait on my custo mers. Please stop until further notice. One fine mule for sale. "Big Hill," the Shingle and Paper Ro'fing Man. Creatore And His Band Masonic Opera House Monday Oct. 9. ' ets for Creatore and his Band wi I goon sale at Watiri . tomorrow morn- st 10 o'cl.tck. If your name U on t'tc subscription lit t you secure seaU for $1.00. otherwife $1 50. V. - Anybody who has ever heard Crea tore's Band give selections from the operas will toll you that the mu-ic lives in their memory as it never lived be fore. The originality of his methods as a conductor can only be realized from personal acquaintance with them, his faculty of emphasizing the strong points of a composition is unpreCedensee, and bis almoet hypnotic control of an audi ence is frankly ' admitted by all who have fallen under the sway of his baton. When the noted conductor and His Band appears here Oct. 9th. 1911 at the M atonic Open House it is well assured that there will be only standing room for those who do not secure their seats in sdvance. . "' 1 Don t. let the cold snap catch you without a heat from J. S. Basnight Hdw Co, 67 S Front St., Phone 99. ..-':;-.;.' . What Rhvmaa With Babef A common Entsllnh word for wuirh tbero Is ouly ono rhyme Is "babe," noil It wns Swinburne who used 1 wi.n -xduislte appropriateness la a( Kbyme:" Iinbe. If rhym be none . For that Kweet small word , Sab, the swretest one Ever heard, RiKrit It la snd meet ' Kliyms hould keep not true Tim with surti a sweet Tiling as you. , leivt nlnne, with ynrntnt llrrt for aetrolube, TiHa tha sun's helglit, turolaf O'er the babe. . . . , 1 "Silence" Is another word be!vf of ports thnt bus no rhyme. Mm. Bftwn Ins vent to the very limits of ber pus sf.m for iisxuiiiim-tf when bUo rbpned it villi "l.'liiuda)" Wilmington isTired of IJeing Poiu- ted to as Bad Example. Forty Nine Alleged Violators. ' Wilmington, Sept. 29th. Forty-nine alleged violators of the State prohibi tion law, one of the number a member of the grand jury, "have been indicted .and true bills found against them by the grand jury and 25 of the number got word that indictments had been re turned against them and went to Sher iff Cowan's office, accepted service of the capias and gave the $500 bond re quired of them for appearance at next term of Superior Court when they are to be tried. Others to te arrested to day.. Indeed in the list are some of those often referred to as "the big near beer dealers." - While it is not known just what evi- ence was brought out before the grand jury, it is surmised that true bi l were returned largely upon tl e testimony of agents of the transpoi tation compa niea who were summoned to tell of the receipts of whiskey shipments in Wil mington the past two yeats, and that of Chief of Police, John J. Fowler, who was summoned to give s ! list of those in Wilmington who bold United States license to sell spirituous liquors. The act on of the grand jury did not come as a surprise. It had been expec ted. Even two or three weeks agoT be fore the present grand jury was .selec- tel, it was generally believed that a strong effort would be mude at this time to secure action against eome of the al leged violators of the prohibition law. The defendants themselves seemed not the least bit surprised sad apparently had made all arrangements to give bonds. The amount tf he bond was suggested by Solicitor Henry E, Shaw an 1 is the largest that has been re quired in this county in such cases since the law went into, effect, The public was so wed prepared for the action, against the alleged violators that even the announcement that a grand juror was among the number created no great amount:' of surprise", though the fact that a member of such a btdy was indicted by his fellow mem bers on so serjous a charge was gener ally remarked upon. Don't say "they haven't got it till - you ve tried us. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. Ten Out of Five. It was in nu Idonl wwonsr, town of Maine, to which' they hiid fled for s Insy two woeks. that they found him one of 'those "native" with a large stock of undeveloped wit. V They were out fcunnliif: with tbe na tive as their jruldo. A flock of Ore birds flew over. Raisin;; bis piin. be took aim md fired. All five fell to tbe earth, and they were loud In their praises of his skill. 'Thnt ain't nothln'!" snld he con temptuously. "If I'd hfd my other gun along I'd 'n'. done better than that" Metropolitan Magazine. Arrows end Big Quns. In the days of. mil I led knights end bsttleaxes there was snfety at a dis tance of 400 yards. Thnt was about as far as the bent archer could shoot an arrow. Neade, a fitmotis archei under Charles I., states thnt ihe ordi nary ranee of the bow wns between P.20 and 400 ynrds. though It Is on rec ord that one man was shot a distance of 403 yards with the wind. Compored with this Is tbe latest oara! tun with a range of fifteen miles. ' - Hatter Thnn He Thought The boy whose business It' was to inswer the telephone nn hed Into tbe room of tbe oenlor partner. ; "Just got a message saying that your bouse was on flre." he snld. "Denr meP' returned the oenlor part ner In a bewildered sort of way. "1 knew my wife wns pretty hot about something when I left home this morn ing, but I didn't think It was so bad as to set the house on flrer . i FDR INDIGESTION - Bad Dreams, Nervousness, Bilious ness, and all Stomach Misery. fin to Bradham Drusr Co. todav don't procrastinate-get a fifty cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets i nd get rid of all that annoying gas, sourness, heart- burn, bloating and heaviness, they guar- antee them. . . There wouldn't be so many deaths from acute indigestion if sufferers would constantly carry a few MI-O-NA tab lets with them. , , , ' , Read this from a man 64 years old and then decide whether you prefer to suffer longer or not ' - "I am on my second box of MI-O-NA. I received relief after taking twodosee. I feel like a different man. I sm fit years old and Ml-0 NAis the best thing I ever used for stomach trouble." J. M. Burger, R. F. D. No. 3, Box tS, Woostsr, Ohio. Fifty cents for a lavu box of stomach tablets at Brailhuui Drug Co. and di'UKsits every when!. Does Not Desire Legal (Controver sy With Pinchot. on Accouut of Ilis Regard. For Taft's ' - Policies. ' Denver, Colo, S pt. 29 Former sec retary of the Interior R. A. Ballingor. wbo .threr.ed ' legal action against Gilford Pinchot ii the teat of the-A4a-ka coal Uni controversy and whose friends,' he says, have been urging him to sue the former National Forester u -on his arrival at Seattle -from Alaska, announced today that be has decided not to make a legal attack, "I have definitely determined to en ter ufion the legal controversy with Mr Pinchot," paid Mr, Balinger"convin ced, as I am, that the judgment of the American people as to matters tltat would be involved in such a suit alrea dy coincides with that of President, so emphatically and chivalrously express ed at the time of my resignation, of tbe Attorney General, and of the majority of the Congressional Investigating Com mittee. A Good Heater. You can get thojft'ilson & Coles wood heater nearly'as inferior makes, just conRid. r the amount of fuel you will save and the life of the heater. ''' J. S. MILLER. Rev. Wm. Brinson Dead. News was received here last night of the death, at his home near Reelsboro, of Rev, William W. Brinson, who was one of the leading residents of his cam munity, advanced in age, over 65 years an Elder in the Primitive. Baptist church, .. well, known and highly es teemed all over eastern N. C. where he was pastor of a number of churches of that denomination. He leaves widow and one daughter known to tbe writer. More panicul-rs'.of his death and lift history will, pet haps be published later. BIIIDGET03 ITEMS. Sept 29, The city authorities are having Bridge street put in good con dition for traffic and it is a decided improvement We are glad to see them take an interest in the appearance of our town. Mr. McCullen has removed his family from this place to New Bern, where they will make their future home. Mr. Percy Fulcher has removed his family from the second story of the building occup'ed by his store to one of Mr, C. V. McGohee's attractive h ues on C. street. . Mrs. Rosa Montfort and son, Eddie, who have been visiting in our town for several days Jiai gone over to New Bern for a short visit after which she will return to her home at Swansnoro. Mr.' A. M. Tingle was suddenly taken ill yesterday afternoon, but we are glad to learn that he U considerably improved today." . ' Two of Mr. and Mr. M F. Pugh'e children are critic illy ill at their home here. We hopo that they will have a speedy recovery. Mrs. Jonnie Johnson, of Trenton, is the guest of R v. and Mrs. J. M Wright on B. street. The revival meeting that has been in progress at Clar. s for several days, came to a close last Wednesday night and Rev. J. M. Wricht who was eon' I HiiKlinir tha mi nlinir has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. N. M Fa row and Mr. C. A. Rnymati attended the Revival meeting at Claiki last , Wednesday night, ? Rev. Graham, of Kentucky, preached an interesting snd ie struct ing set m n at the MethodUt, Church last Sunday morning. A larg crowd was present and thorougl ly ei jojed the service Late yesterday afUrnocn Martin's little child accidentally cut his forehead and it was necbary to call in. a physl eian to stop the Sow of blood, however, he was resting well last tiight , Nextbunday nlKht there will be rpeclal service attne weinooiat umrcn for the members of the Epworth j League. The officers for the ensuing year will be installed . and , brother j Wright requetts every member tote 1 present, . . s Mr. D. II. Fleming it t Jacksonville attending to some business matters. Mr. George Wayne, of Olympia. wss in our two last Sindar, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. II. M. Bunting on A street, .. Tie Senior Epworth League of the Methodist Church, gave a very enj iy able soc M at the home of Mr, H. L. Sulims nn B. strtt last Tuesday night The Junior Epworth League also gave asocial Wedneilny night at the home lot Mr, O. M.Peterson on Cetnet. I ri'wiDTPti Daugerou9. No Disaster Like Li- berte's Possible to Amer ican Vessels. Washington, Sipt. 30. Such disas ter as occurred on the battleship Liber te last Monday would be impossible in tie American navy is the opinion of ordinance officers assuming that the French vice adnvtal Bellue, was right in his declaration that it was due to the lecomponiiion of the powdtr in the Li- berte's magazines. American naval ordinance experts have been trying for years to make American smokeless powder ignite spontaneously without success. Commencing upon the or ler issued by the French admiralty fortheremovr al from the Medilterancan fleet oi all smokeless powder made prior to 1302, it was said at the Navy Department here that there was a good deal of pow der alloat in American naval vessels more than nine years old yet the de partment was satisfied o( its peifect safety. Every bit of powder in the na vy is under a'most constant inspection. When a lot of powder is made it is Riv en an "index" number and the depart ment knows where ev ry grain of it goes, bimples of the index are kept at the Indian Head powder factory and al so at the magazines from which the powder is issued to the ships. When harmful changes ure noted in puwdc-r the order goes out immediately to every ship and magazine for the re turn of all that index number to Indian Head, where it is ground up and worked over into new stock. So the navy de partment officials feel that the Ameri can bluej lcket can rest assured that, at least so far as spontaneou-j combustion is concerned, he is in no danger of be ing blown up by his own powder. Rheumatism Relieved in 6 Hours. DR. DETCHON'S ' RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM usually relieves sever est cases in a few hours Its anion upon the system is remarkable and of fective. It removes the cause and the disease quickly disappears. First do e benefits. 75c and $1.00. Sold by Brad ham Drug Co. NEWPORT ITEMS. Miss Meade, of Elizabeth City, who has been here visiting Mrs. Waiter Mann, returned home Thursday. Messrs I E Ramsey and Claude B Wheatly, of Peaufort, were in town Thursday. Mr. W H Bell made a flying trip to Goldsboro Friday. Miss Lizzie Rogers who has been vis iting relatives and friends in New Bern, returned home Friday. Mrs! Maude Bell and. Mus Essie Tay lor, of Bogue are here vuiting relatives and friends. Miss Ethel Pigott, of Straits, N. C. passed through here one day last week enroute for Bogue, to visit har sister, Mrs, Leon Taylor. Mr. Lloyd G. Mann, who is with the Norfolk-Southern Railroad, was among the visitors here Friday Miss Ptudis Newberry, who has been viciting rila'ives and friends in New Bern, return d home last Saturday night - Dr. U J Hen ler, of Fjllocksville, ar rived, here Saturday f ir a few day stay in our town iss Edna E trie Rogers who has been visiting rala'ivcs n New Bern re turned home Saturday nigat Mr. K N Bell, nf Cedar Point passed through Newport Sunday afternoon en route for Beaufort to attend the meet ing of tie board of c mnty commission ers. He is one of our commissioners from this end of the county. ; ; . Mr. Hugh Mann and Mian Dolli Mc Cain, loth of Nowpoit, were quietiy marrie I Sunday night at the home tf Mr. Ed Mnn, Rev. A L Wilson officia ting. ,- ; . -.-- Mr, C F D Bill, of Morehead City, passed through our town Way f0f Itmrliiuta fn ansnit tha (lav milh his f am. ily there. ' ' Mr. Ed Futrell, son of Rev. D A Fu- , trell, of Oho kie, anl who is connected . with the Se.ibo.ud Air Line Railway at Hamlet, is a plea-ant v in. tor here, Mr, Guy Cask ins, of New Bern, spent Sunday here tiditing friends. I "SHOW ME." WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous sys tern and caused trouble with your kid- neys and bladderT Have you pains in - loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil - barns' Kidney Pills will cure you-at DruKKit, Price BOc- Williams' M'f'g. r i. fi....i 1 t Big Recipts Cause Continued De cline lu Price, Spinners Bay. Nlue Cents. Nework, 80 -Cotton prices have melted away fast, owing mainly to large receipts and hevy . liquicl&'ion. ' The opinion is spreading that the cr p is veryjarge. What the ultimate price is to be is a matter of which there is a wide range of opinion, Some of .' the spinners in conference here have even bten naming nine cents. Ia the meantime, however, attention is riveted on the enormous receipts, the growing stocks, tbe rumors of big gin ningthe National Ginnors' Associa tion putting the amount at 3,650.000 bales up to September 25 and the heavy and persistent hedge selling by the South. The wea h;r has been gerally favor able. Large spot interests have been steady sellers. Liverpool and the con tinent have sold. Memphis has sent a gool many selling orders. Crop ad vices from Texas, Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas and other parts of the belt have in the main been cheerful. As a rule, the spot demand has I een disappointing. Spinners, ee ring futures rapidly declining have generally been pursuing a waiting policy. The weak ness at one time in the stock markets at home and abroad, the rise in bank rates of discount in Europe and the outbreak of war between Italy and Tur key have had a more or l iss depression that the buying capacity of large por tions of the civilized worli has been re duced by the high' cost of living and that this must mjie or less seriously affect the world's consumpiion this sea sou 01 American cott n. By some the IVxaa crop has been estimated at 4.000, (00 to 4,f00 000 bales and Oklahoma at 1,100,000 bales. Prices have had a severe decline which in the judgment of many call for a rally even if it is rnly tempotary. Litter ly the mills have been calling cott n more freely. A noticeable in creased demand for f p t cotton has at times prevailed at New Orleans, Mont gomery aid some other points, the market has Bhown more resistance af ter a recent decline of $5 a bale. It is estimated that American exports of cotton goods to the Far East during the present month amount to 60.000 bales. The sharp rally in the stock market on Wednesday gave more or less encour agement to the bulls in cotton. Missis sippi and Alabama have set complaints of weevil and worms. There has be en somj buying on the eve of tie govern ment report. It may disappoint the bears, it is argued and cause a sharp upward turn. Certain meial interests have it is understood, been giving s ip port to prices. Not a few cotton peo ple think the financial outlook is clear ing. Yet the great mass of the trade aie be .rish in their convictions on the basis of supply and de.nand. STRAYED One sow and five pigs, mark of sow, fork right ear and croo left, color of pigs; one listed, one ground squirrel, one sonly, two b'ack Rewrd tor information or return to Rev. J. D. White. nearHhems. . How Lincolnshire Shepherds Count. Van (li, tun (2). tethera 3i. petbera (4). pimp (T. seihera (til, lethera (7i. bovera (8), covera dik (lOi, ynn-a-dik (III, tan-a dik (1'Jl. tetherii-dik (13) pethera-dik (14). bumpit (15), yan-n-butupit (10. 'tan-abumplt (17). etc, Jlgglt (20).-From "Shepherds of Brit ain," by A. L. J. Cosset Chinese Buiinees Houses. - Most of the Ctilnone business house are owued by partnerships, uud most partnerships are of a large number of persons, i The Chinese who has waved $100 local currency will ' at ouee In vest It lu a mercantile business and become n partner. . ' NOTICE. The School Committee of No. I Town ship will bold their regular meeting at Vanceboro High Scho. I Building W d neariay October 11th. 2 O'clock ' All teichere desising schools In said Towt 7 ....... j snip wm piers.i ds present v,, j. tieam I Chairman. . ' A Whack at Turtle 8oup. Turtle soup in called preen just be cause turtle fat Is "kinder that color." Aud believe it, whether you now do or not, turtle soup will mnko anybody sweat green who eats of It often and, yucb. Hogarth has a picture showing bow green turtle sopp uud Its fellow foods and drinkables In tbe gotxl old poldon days put London aldermen un der tbe tables. From the viewpoint of nourishment turtle soup Is not worth a tentU t costs. Bun lrlid turtles nre found In some of the luiuKcttt of th world, and runny chefs say they tire bout as good as the froth reptile. ; As for the true secret of tnwk turtle soip, It Li ouly tho hi nip of n sik frel u't, a frc-lntlnou fraud IllllMll!tl'nnli!l(l ' ts Chunk of green turtle k Vut eV. 11 U l"'"''r 11 11 .. II f.,t. . l.e-t l.-New I;, 1 , , ' " lu,uu w' "l " , Convened Yesterday Morning For A Two Weeks Term. The Day's Proceedings. . A two week's term of Craven County Superior Court ' for the trial of both criminal and civil caws convened In this city yesterday morning with Judge Frank Carter of Ashevillei presiding. The first week will be consumed in tha hearing of the ciiminal cases while tha second week will be taken up with tha civil cases. At the opening of the sesBbn the fol lowing grand jiry'was chosen: E. W. Wadswortb. A.. C. jHolton, G. A. Wood,; Gej. F. Piarce, John Gatlm, Jaa. L. Taylor, W. H. Smith, L. A., Foy, Wi P, Hallangier, N. M.' Farrow foreman. R. U; Godley, T. - M. Caton. Freeman A veiy, H. C. Ipock, Henry Lewis,, T. W, Alee, C. F. Pate and T. W. West. In his charge to the grand jury, Judge Clark cal ed their attention to the great wave of crime which haa swept across the state during the past few months and urged them to do their the law t) justice. He touched- on a number of the most vital points of criminal law in a clear and concise man ner ami made not only a lasting impr-u sion on the grand jury but also upon all who heard him. He bitterly denounced the illicit 1 q lor deilers atii the pistol toters and 'aid that if they were sever ely dealt with both of these violation! would soon become a thing of the past. Mr. W. U. Metier, attorney lor tsur- rill Casey, asktd that the two cases be tried separately. , That bis wife Leona Casey, be tried on one warrant and that Bun ill Caiey be tried on another. Owing to the fact that but a few days will be allowed for the trial of this ease the request was denied. . As it is, at least five tr six dayb will be required in trying this case and if they were seper ated much more time would be taken up: The case was - set for- Friday morning. Thirty one witnesses are on the war rant. A special venire of . 200 jurymen were ordered d iwn. "'- ' y' " The case of the State vs ,H N Pace, charged with seduction','' was' ;et for Wednesday morning. Mr. John H. Guion wai sworn in as an attorney during the season.' At 12:30 o'clock the court took a re cess until 2:30 o'clock.. The cae of the State vs. P M Drain ey was c mtinued until ths next term of court : . ';?, ' :. , Bettie Kennedy charged with larceny was allowed to take the pauper oath anu was reieasea irom cusioay on ac count of her child being in a bad physi- In the cae of the Stare vs C C Tripp white, charge! with en assault with a deadly weapon,' the' jury returned a verdict of guilty and asked mercy of the court. Sentence not yet pasted. The case of Jchn E Hussey, charged with an assault was next called Owing to the fact that one of the principal wit in cars was auouub tins ubq wm vuu- tir.ued, , In the case of the State vs. Wh tley Kounce. charged with trespass, the at- ."i ill v, v i v w imiuaui Hncu tui m eontinuance until today. Will Best, colored, plead guilty to a charge of carrying a concealed weapon. Fine I $25 and the cotits of the case. At 6 o'clock court took a recess until this morning at 9;30 o'clock. NOTICE. The public school committee of No. 2 township Craven county will meet at Bridgeton Oct. 14th, 1911 for the pur pose nf electing teachers for said town ship. Teachers desiring positions will be present In person or have writ tea appliciats in hands of Secretary W. R. Anhur, Askin, N. C. by 14th, Oct. W. Ii. ARTIUR, . '.. "; Secretary. An organization was fcrrred in New York to eliminate the middleman.' on c LUZIAIII! TT7 C0FE Goo3witti"m' ( ous with pure, sv trtam. I'm!.; rr! ly I nojort cf i'a i lis ; :;.r. ; 'T 1 t jlel.- . 'i.y.l'': I r 1 O'lfe. 'C,-K..

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