No 58- NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N.-C.. TUESDAY OCTOBER, 24, 1911 FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR ESCAPES FROM : " CHAU1 GANG John Godett, Colored, Slips Mau- -v acles tVorh "His Ankles And " ." -T Escapes.- - : Sometime during Wednesday night fcnd whilt the remainder of the inmates were wrfppfed in tha arms of Morphea, ifibn GodstUj n member of the Craven eounty e,ingng, In some manner toe? . ceeded in removing the aback lea with which he vm chained : to hia' bunk, from hia leg and jded himself away in to the darkness njf the night. : eate'r day morning f hen the roll -wa called, Godette's ajbaonea was discovered. The overceer csjne to-New Bern and inform ed the sheriff '. .of, the escape, and. the police of tblf ety and also the authori tiea in nearly towns were given a de . scriptionpihe' fugitive snd asked to be on the lookout 'for h'm, Shortly after 5 o'clock yesterdjy afternoon Chief of Police W4 JrjRouae at Dover, a small town twenty (our miles to the west of Mew Bern, saw' a regro acting in a very suspicious, manner and he at once came to the, conclusion that it was the escaped conMlcL' SH called to the man , and ordered him to halt: , Uodette at first, stared t;' run but doubtless thought lhAt he might receive a load of shot frora the rear and came .to a stop. The offiRe tipiied him but be stout ly declared, that ,he was not, the man wanted. However Officer House thought different and planed him under arrest and .brought hini to New Bern last evening and torped him over to the aherif , TJjs QjESer'a suspicions proved to be correct and the r egro will be re turned to the samp this morniug. How Codetta managed to get the manacles from around hU lugs will doubtless ever remain a mystery as no refuaes to tell how is wa dune, ; New Bern' Take Notice. Mr. Edjtor- Please stop my ad at once. SiqcKJny last ad. was placed in . your paper, wy business ' has locreased so I cannot kardlf wait on mv cu$to" men.' PJqaaa stop until further notice. One fine muj.(pr BaU-"Big Hill," the Shingly and Paper Roofing Man. Abductor - Of Cofored Girl Captured ' , In ;J(ew Bern. . Wednesday J iight Chief of Police Luptoo recsiyerL. a telephone message from the,., Sheriff, of Pamlico county asking bin) to be pn the watch for Levi and Hattie. Brysn, colored, who were wane! at Odaqtal for abducting a young colored girt" ' AH of the officers were notjSed to.hp on (he lookout for the pair and short while later police officer Parker jocated them and placed them under arrest Yesterday after noou the. 8heriff of Pamlico county ar rived in the city , and carried the man and woman tick with him. . 2.003 acres choice farm land at Warsaw, N. C, will be cut' in to $mall farms and sold at auction Friday, Oct, 27th aUO A M Southern Realty, & Ruction Co., E. M , Andrews, Mgr., Greensboro, n.q m,-: Staple of the ; South' U In an Excep tional J Condition Increased Acre ags Under Cultivation, .''; Thla crop is on of the largest in the hlttory f the industry, nd will be ap- ' proilmateiy- UUOO.OCO bales of 600 : Doonda. or about 200.000 bales more than the recojrdfear of 1904. ; . While thf re were decllms In the con dition in eor; o't the Southern staUs there w an, improvement of 2 per cent In fbrj 1 per eent in North Carolina wt noi4 With an indicated ' food yield and the largest acrt age on ; record. . With.Vbumper crop assured and the unprecndented heavy receipt! running frorft 75 to 1Q0.COO bales a day, cotton sf'U nstgrally go down with It ' own wei (. If e,'fley stspie bss very fewfrim 4 It. present and in conse quesce tl '7:lt seeks a low level, less than U cost of production, and at Dresent ,vi' t there Is' very little . "nouriul i; :tit in. it for the producer. Xs a writer has laid "when the farmer ' suffers the whole world suffers. " The fai mar is justly entitWd to a Just and fair rtpuutstloo for Lis product, but when the market is blocked every wher ' with cotton, the spinners and exporters are never k' n for cotton sa It look lower when so much is thrown u)on the 'market. The i ? porters. Cankers and lnu iofsi ru n are willinir to ai i and as sUt the frmir in holding and will make l.Li'i&l a -.IvMicrs upon all stored with! them. : pisnor meinoa snouici ne ih-r damn, m w. had a crop of is. ciic.con, cotton (s good pioperty at cen,,' v t t v ' Wy Truly Yo r. J. IU TALL, EXTRA TWO , - WEEKS TRIP Is Now President Taft's Plan Be- v, fore Returning . i Home. v Las Vegas, N M., Oct. 19th. Presi dent Taft's notable 'swing around the circuit,', now in its fifth week, will not end on Not,-1st, as first contemplated, nut will -continue until November the 15th or 18tb. The President will travel some three or four thousand miles more than at first intended, bringing. the total mile age of his trip up to between 10,000 and 17,000 miles and breaking all known records for presidential travel. ' The itinerary of the original ttip will be followed to Pittsburg, where Presi dent Taf t will spend Tuesday, October 81. Theo Instead of keeping on to Washington, Mr, Taft will go direct to Morgantown, W. Va., to spend Wed nesday, Nov. 1, thence to Hot Sprins, Va., to rest for five days, starting west again in time to vote at Cincinnati. Following the Cincinnati trip Presi dent Taf t probably will g to H dgen ville, Ky., to participate in the dedica tion of the Lincoln farm memori il. There are two Or three tentative dates in Tennessee and then it in expected Mr. Taf t will return to Washington, The dates of the supplemental trip have not been fixed .beyond Cincinnati as ye', . -v. ;'':v ' ., 1 A Good Oil Heater. Nothing islbetter to heat quick with, than an Oil Stove. I have the Barter whi-h is Considered the best, prieejfrom $3.60 to $7.60. J. S. MILLER. Eestorallon of Noted Fountain. -Washington Oct.' 21 Referring to-, day to recent publications relative to the restoration of the large fountain or geyser which for many years played at Round Knob, N. C, In fight of passing trains on the Southern Railway. Presi dent Finley said;, "There teem; to be some , misappre- henrion as to the rs'orjtijn of this geyser. On a trip which he made through Western North Carolina sev eral months ago, Dr. George F. Baker, of New York, noted that the geyser was no loner flowing. Inquiries hav ing satisfied him that t would be prac ticable to rest ire it, he arranged to have the work done en'irely at his ex penae as a' testimonial of his h gh ppreciati n of the great service rend ered by his f iend. Colonel Alexander Andrews, of Rakigh. N. I'.v Firs Vice-President of the Southern Railway Company, it the development of Wet- tern North Carolina. The work of restoration is now un- ler way and the nw geyser will soon be in operatior,- throwing a column ol vater 250 feet in the air." . ; r Easy Way to Put up Prices. Acting upon the suggestion of a news item in a recent issue of the Journal, Or. J. A, DJguid, of Vanceboro, baa brought a bale of cotton to s'ore until jricei get higher. The suggestion was chat ever boly who was abK buy a iale and keep it for the purpose o raising h price, There ar at Jeatit three) thoussnd, probably more people in Craven county that can spare enough money to buy a tela of cotton. ' Other counties cau do their part, all over the South, nntil several millions of bales are taken off the market. What eff t this will have in putting up prices ct n rfaiily'beseen, even to a man up tree Think of It ! Is it not 'the bej suggestion that bss been offered T ' - 8ome Verbal Slips. . Without being- a pedant one mny rote many inaccuracies In the use Of words in bis own speech and in turn of others. Perhaps "excuse" for.' par don" is tbe most common of these, not in -nirler mere malaproplsnis or murders of tbe Itlne's English. "Anx loua" used where "easer" is meant la ano'tlicr freauent error, and more of ten "secure" Is spoken incorrectly than correctly. Ordinarily when "procure or "eet" la intended "secure" is said Thau instances do not come within even the category of distorted syn onyms. Tbey are simply words tuls nnited. ' Of orsctically synonymous terms which have different sh-.ides of meanhig tbe misuses of ordlnsrycon vernation and of writing sre lunu merable. But to find fault with most of these Istter wsnts of . precision would be prlffglsn. It Is a prontable mental exercise to study nt llmr-s Km e9 ivnnnirmi or a thesaurus.' The tsw "J j book stores and libraries will be glad besides, to guide tbe wayfarer to mauy - - books or veroai pui Star. ' 1 DOn t lCt the COld Snap - catch you without a heater 8 from J. S, Dasnight Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St., Phone ' V). LEASE- ORE LANDS CANCELLED By Steel Trust To Forstall Disso- lution of Corporation By Government. . New York, Oct. 20,-The United States S eel. Corporation, in its t ffort to avert prosecution by" the United States Government under the Sherman Anti Trust law, is to cancel the lease Of the Great Northern properties, contain ing are which the trust estimates to be worth about $3000,000,000, i -. ..Under the terms of the lease the con tract cannon be abrogated until Jan. 15, 1015fvwhen the lessee company, if it desires, can exercise its option to do so it ijhaa given two years notice. With the cancellation of the lease the 300,000,000 or more tons of ore ii tbe rich ' Great Northern lands should be open, to tha independent steel manufac tures and to foreign rival of the great Morgan combination which confesses to the control of more than 60 percent of the steel trade of this country. - That the dropping of this rich concession-obtained from James J. Hill's Great Northern Railroad was due to an effort to checkmate the Uliited-States Government in any attempt it may make to dissolve the steel corporation ss a combination in restraint of trade, was demonstrated, it was said -by the report on the company made recently by H. Knox Smith, United States Com. mnsioner of Corporations, , . In that report tbe commissioner saH the Steel Trust ' monopoly consisted largely in its lease of the Great North ern ore lands and its arrangement with that railroad whereby all competitors in the steel trad a were excluded from purchasing ore there. The Congreisional committee now in vestigating the Steel Trust also intends it is said, to urge the dissolution of the trust from the transportation business in the ore lands, and that fact, taken in connection with the report of- the Com mission of Corporations, ha) caused the truBt, it is said, to believe that if it d'u vorce itself from these ore lands it itl be immune to any proceeding the Gov ernment may bring under the Sherman Anti-Trust la. 1 ' - ' . Under tbe terms of the lease the Steel Trust is to pay to Louis W. Hill, amrs N. Hill and Walter Hill, as trus tees for the land, the exceptionally high royalty of eighty-five cents a ton, with an annual increase of 3.4 cents a I ton, Of Ih's agreement Commissioner Smith in his report says: ' The ' only .reasonable explanation of ehis extraordinary transaction is that the Steel Corporation desired to prevent this ore either from being mined and cold to independent producers, this pos- ibly depressing the price -of ore. or rom being used by the Hill interests to build up a new and dangerous competi tor in the iron and steel business, thus depressing the prices of iron and steel oducts. The .Steel Corporation was the Only concern in the iron and steal bjjiaess which was strong' enough fin ancially to even conside the taking over such a large quantity of ore at such n hiih royalty. No figures are available to show how much ore the Steel Trmt has mined from these lands since the lease, but it is known that 5,000,000 tons not mi ltd las been paid for, and that the mini mum amount tne company must mine this year under the terms of aease is 3,750,00 tons, for which it will hive to pay about $3,697,000, Don't say "they haven't got it till you ye tried us. J. S. Basni2ht Hdw. Co. . Like S 8on From the Middle Ages. The oldest and largest uulversity in the world Is El-Azbar at Cairo. Found ed In 075, it has been from tbe start a national institution, the khedive being the rector. .The" minimum age of en trance Is fifteen, and the appllcaul must know half the Koran by heart. If Wind the whole Koran, and be oole to read nnd write. The curriculum con sists of virtually nothing but theology and canon law, the final examination fifteen years after mntrleulntion being upon these, together with traditions of the . prophet: Grammar, vtymoiogy. rhetoric and logic. It Is the same In struction which has prevailed for con turtes. and one who goes Into the great court where the circles of students nre Hlttlni at the feet of thulr Gamaliels looks upon it scene preserved from the middle ages, "a perfect specimen, iit ing, breathing nnd putlre."Argouaut, Farting For Health. Thousands of years before it was practiced as a -religions .rite rusting Vus practiced as a health men 8 lire In Egypt, ludla aud China. Conlimipo' ran tn Cicero WHS AsolcllladoS. U Greek physician, who strongly nrtvo cated this Idea, and 1,000 jours lifter his day lbu Sinn. ihllosipher pud niedlcni snge, arauel the virtues of temporary abstinence on the ground that it came easier than constant moderation. 1 Officials of Southern tobacco States decul.d to fi'iht the Tobacco Trust's (' ncf (!. --olu Ion, OF IE ADMIRAL Such a Rank Demanded For The . American Navy to Preserve lis Dignity. L Washington, Oct. . 20,-The humilia ting position in which, an American na zal commander raVbe placed in a case involving internatijaV'tl joint action by lck of sufficient rank has beea.emphv siz.d in view of the Navy-M)epartrneot of the present situation of the Ameri can naval commanded in China. Asa result, it is confidently expected that Secretary. Meyer . will make a strong appeal to Congress to set upon the rec ommendation he has already made for the creation of the rank of vice admir al. i ,: .' .V: : Sound naval practice .and a. proper sense of prid j in the American navy will be set out as the reasons - for the recommendation that a vice-admiral be provided for each of thv three great fleets, the Atlantic, tha Pacific and the Asiatic. . If Congress Bees fit to ap prove this reco-n.nendation it may he that whin Reginald F. Nicholson hoists his flag over the Asiatic fleet parly next year he will do so with the rank of ice aimiral and thus be placed iq a position of at leaatequality ilh the command ers of the Japanese, Briiiih and Ger man fleets in Chinese waters. : ; ''i ,' At the sale! of the 2,000 acres at Warsaw, Friday, Oct 27th at 10 A. iJt purchasers o5 farms wiH kave railroad fare paid both ways. Free silver souvenirs, band t con cert and barbecue on day of sale. Southern Realty & Auction Co., E. M. Andrews Mgr, Greensboro, N. C. A Death Ftienine Plant, , That cerium tusiT-ts, biixisr inammaff; and reptiles habitually pretend to bi dead when Uuuxci- threnteus them Is n well, known fact, but It is generally be lieved that this stratagem Is resorted to only by mil ma Is. In South America. however, there Is a plant a species of mimosa which resorts to death feign ing, evidently for the purpose of pre venting the grass eating animals from eating it In Us natural state tUls plant has a vivid 'green bue but di rcc-tly It is touched by a human linger or by any living nulmal It collapses into a tangle of apparently dead and withered stems. Smart Sayings. Lord Pnliuerston's reply to the Illit erate member who asked hlui, "Are there two hens In 'Oniton?" Is u speci men of. bis rather boisterous chaff. "No; only one. That's why beggs are so scarce there." 1 Mr. Disraeli's comment upon a por trait of himself. "Is It not hldeous- aud so like?" exhibited a discernment not common with unflattered sitters. 'Twenty Years In Parliament" v" On the Quiat. - Little Marjory Mamma, wbot is splnsterT Mother A spinster, my dear, Is a woman to be envied. . But don't tell your father I said so. Liver pool Mercury. - . Easy. ' About the easiest thing In the world is to make Rplendld plans for the In vestment of, the money one has not yet succeeded in getting. Chicago Rec- ord-FIernld.-. : . " Milton's Opinion,- . " Milton was once asked If be Intended to Instruct bis daughter In tbe differ ent lan(ruages.i 'He replied: "No, sir, One ton pie Is sufficient for a woman." Fame can never make us lie down contentedly on a deathbed. Pope, Large incre ises in both exports and imports were r porttd for the month of September, .t;" V ' ' FOB INDIGESTION.- 6ad Dreams, Nervouanesi, Bilious- nesa, and all Stomach Misery. ; Go to Bradham Drag Co. today don't procrastinate get a fifty cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets nd get rid of all that annoying gas, sourness, heart burn, bloatinir and heavin ss. thev aruar- 1 antAA tliAm' lf' ( There wouldn't, be so manv deaths . Boiitoiiidimstlonlf suffereri wonld constantly cany a few MI-O-NA tab lets with them Read this from a man 64 years ol I - and then decide whether you prefer to suffer longer or not. 1 ' . , . ! ' 'I am on my second box If MI-O-NA. I received relief after tak'ing two doses. I fuel like a different msn. I im 61 years olJ and MI-U NA is the beat thing I ever used for Stomach trouble." J, M. Hurler, K. F. I). No. 3, Box 68, Wiswt.'ir, Ohio. Fifty tents for a large I ( of si .much tiil l- ts at Hradham 1 . I '. I I ' 'i evrry v. lirro. DROWNED HE BLAST Explosion Let a Quantity of Wa ter Into The Shaft Where Mi ners Were Working. Hibernia, N. J., October 2l-Twelve men were drowned here when a blast destroyed a partition" . between two shafts in the iron mines of the Wharton Steel Company and let a great quantity of water) accumulated in an old shaft od the gallery where they "were at work. All the victims are foreigners except D ivid Slaighr, foreman of the gang, who lost his life in trying to aid rm men. Ti.e ac ilent occurred in what was known as the New Langdon shaft, where sixty men were at work. Between this shaft end the abandoned one was a partition or logs. A blast fired toon after the day shift went to work weakened this barrier so that Jt gave way before the water in the ad joining gallery. In less than a minute the water was over the miners' heads and they were obliged to swim in the darkness toward he opening leading, to a hip her level. The place where they were at work was about 310 feel below the surface;. rtiose who lost th ir lives were unable to swim or were pushed down by their struggling mates. S.aight, th foreman, was in a posi tion of safety when the deluge came, but he rushed into the submerged shaft o assist the drowing men and was caught there with the other men. Snake's Method of Attack. No snake Is able to Jump or spring from a coil lu order to strike, as often represented In pictures. It can only strike when It resembles' the letter S and Is lying flat on the ground. It can then only reach the distance supplied by stretching the body out straight. The two curves iu the figure 8 supply this distance, which Js about half, the length of the body. No suake jumps through the air to Its victim or springs clear from the ground, rising upon its tall;'- Such stories nnd pictures are all falser Neither do they coll like a rope aud strike from that position. They may coil partially, but the part of the body that does the striking is ever and only that part which makes the figure S nniTUes flat on the ground; hence no serpent cau strike when stretched out Its full length. Lamb and His Snuffbox. "One summer's evening," writes none, "1 was walking on Hampstead heath with 'harles Lamb, and we had talked ourselves Ilrto a philosophic con tempt of our slavery to the habit of snuff taking, and with the firm resolu tlou of never again taking a siugle pinch we threw our stulfboxes away from the hill on which we stood fur among the furze and brambles below and went home In triumph. I began to lie very miserable; was wretched all night. Iu the morning I was walking on the same hill. I saw Charles Lamb below, searching among the, bushes. Ho looked up, laughing, and said What! You are come to look for your snuffbox too?' Oh, no,' said I, taking a pinch out of a paper in my waistcoat pocket; 'I went for a halfpeuuy worth to tbe first shop that was open!' " Stoves polished and put up See Basnieht Hdw. Co , Phone 99. . How a Wild Horse Bucks. Rnfus Btec-Ie. In "Mustangs. Busters and Outlaws t f the Nevada Wild Horse Country," In the American Magazine, tells of the glorious sHrt of capturing liud training wild horses. "Busting' is no sport for a novice. Heal busters are trained to the game from child hood, lie writes: . i "A touch of tbe spur or a flick of he quirt signals tbe start His knowl edge of what to do must be a heritage from his sncestors, ror an norses uo it', snd all American wild horses are sprung from, horses that tfhee. carried men. Ho pons down bis bead aud levt tates straight heavenward.' While he aud you are hlgb In the air be arches bis back nnd stiffens bis body to Iron rigidity. Thus he comes back to eartUi The sensation to the rider Is as if bis snlnnK column had been struck by pile driver. Tbe Impression is not nnalvned nt the time, for the horse goes into the air again immediately He awlnss to. rlcht or left, or he 'change ends' completely while In tbe ulr, and you come down fnoln;; soulhwnrd. whereas yon were facing northward when jon ascended. " A REAL BARGAIN Owing tolhe fact that my business requires my attention and presence at another place, I have rVcidud to place it y house snd lot on the mirket Th lot contains 8 acres of the best land in the vicinity of Clark, The dwelling house U new and m xlern, and the out house are in the best of condition'. A fine young orchard is a'so locat'd on the lot, alio a fine grape vineyard. I will sell this place cheap to the proper per son. If interas.fd write to or s e me at orce, ' J. M. REGISTER. VISIBLE SUPPLY S General IZeports of Stocks Show Increases In Hester's 8 ate ment. New Orleans. Oct. 21 Seeretaiy Heters statement of the world's vis ible supply of cotton, issue! yesterday. shows the total visible to be 3,133,853 bales against 2,763,079 last week and 2,745,499 last year. Of this the-total of American cotton is 2608; 853 against 226,079 list week and 2,195,499 last year, of all other kinds, including Ept, B-azil, India, etc. f?5,Q0'J bles gainst 627,000 last week, and 650,000 last year. ; .'i , ..... . ' Of the world's visible supply of cot ton there is now afloitandheld inGret Britain and continental Eqrope 1.612,- 000 bales against 1.439,000 last year, jn India 254,000 against 206,000 last year, and in the United States 1,198,000 against 996,000 iast year. . . , . ; FOR RENT. One-horse farm, adapted to cpm qd cotton, fi'.e open range, good reside' ce and out buildings, wire fence, well drained, orchard and vineyard, ; excel lent water, healthy. An ideal place for small family who wishes to raise, poul try and stock. Address X, care pf Journal Office. : . . . Lost in Pocosln. Only thoFe who have been there- can now what it is to be lost in a pocosin after dark. Last week nrar Haveloek. Mr Wynne and a colored man, went into the pocosin near that pUce to look af ter a survey line It became dark and they were u nable to find their; way out, though hut a short distance . inside .the pocosin bounds. Tbe Norfolk-Southern train passing gave them the direction, but a turn lost thtm again-1 Finally a party of friends started with bells nod fire arms, and it wai only . after some labor that the two mn were found n.i got home. There was no special danger but who wjn's to remain in a pocosin all night with iut preparation , WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PJLtS.t Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous sye tern and caused trouble with, your kid neys and bladder T Have you pains fa) loins, side, back, groins and bladder! Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too fre quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams Kidney Pills will curt vou-at Druggist, Price 50c. Williams' M'f'f Co., Prop., Cleveland, O. BHIDCET0J1 ITEMS. Bridgeton, Oct. We will try and let the readers of the Journal hear from us again. Our little town on the Neuse has been vtry quiet for the past few days. Mr. Leroy Davis, who went through an opera ion at Stewart's sanitarium son.e time ago, was brought home las week.. We are sorry to say he does net seem to improve any, there is pot much hope of his recovery. . ' ' Mrs, Mary E, Willis is ip our town visiting friends. . . Misses LillUn Cahoon and Helen Har rie, of Vanceboro, are visiting, at th home of Miles Potter, on Bridge St. . Mrs. Sarah White, of Cove City, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W, H. Willis, on B street. "i Mr. Clyde Hopewell is very sick at his home on Bridge street with typhoid fever. --.- ... " We are glad to say that our public school is getting along fine, they have. much laiger attendance than last year Q lite a number of our people hsve been attending ths Free Will tUptltt Conference that has been going on a Saints Delight church near here, during the past week, ' '. Mr. T, A. G em and Mrs. Susan Churchill and Mis C. V. McUhe.i New Bern, were over to our- town last Thusday visiting Mrs, Archis WsHaj who is quite sick, r- i-'.'""" Mr. N C. Brooks is all sm I-', b y. ', ' ' ;' ... ' .7' ' i . .;' . ' ( . m .... it's a M D, II. Fhmming, whoU at work at Jscksotv.lie, js at homo visl lng hi family. ' . " ( We are gla 1 to say that Mrs. Juliu Taylor whi hai.been very sick XQr sn time is Improving. '. , ... - Mr. Warren Tucker has rpn e 1 or e o Mr. C V. McGeehee's houeei m u St and will soon go to hous ke ping: REPORTER, WORLD CplII , . Aft ; 5 i A Good Heater--': You can get the Wilson & f heater nearly ascheapasinf io just consider the amount f ' will save and the life of t' J. i. ' CQTfJOn SITUATIDTJ COriTinUEBEAHlSH .1. E. Latham Gives Eie-ht Tteaa- ons For Weakness aud In-: flucucea Leading to Low , Prices. . ' .Greensboro, N. O, Oct. 21-Cotton . Continues to, drclin?. How low wilt it " go, and when will the bottom be reach- " edT Tbis que-tion is asked many times every day. Under the ' influence of small crops and speculative impulse tha average price for nearly two years has oeen close to fifteen eents; a price per haps never justified by the inexorable aw. of supply and demand. " These ficti tious values meri very injurious to cot ton mills generally, and as- to dealers hey brought about conditions 'awful to contemplate In ' the way o defaulted , contracts, etc., etc. The r action from prices abnormal is now being felt very keenly y the planters; not that cotton is selling below the cost of production : K. f ktan i4 rloA nrmliiainn that these over-stimulated prices bad com to stay. This is evidently Is freak crop and the evidence is cumulative that the yield is enormous, probably not less ihan 15,000,000 bales and some expect a yield far in excess of this The -world does not kn w wbat to do with such a crop. Investors in the trade and out of the trade are watching and "some of them are waiting for a favorable time to buy. , When this time will come no one can foresee nor will the event be heralded by the ringing of bells, or the beating of drums. Many people have already bought at much higher prices and many farmers under the influence of sentimental reasons or poor advisora have held when they could have sold much higher than now. If the trade of the wj'rld continues a satisfactory as at present, tie world's spindles will probably consume : 12i or . 13 million bales. . But, will this condition con tinue? If so, the surplus in the end may not be burdensome, because mills wish to Carry large reserves, the farmer will carry over aome and the investor. sometime cailexfr-r1 spwBtatofr-ssiU- Tk. A. at nr tYi 1, a-. CHI I J DUU1C. AUS Ilia. fB'.u lua M.v already taking some of the burden, but until the farmer show more confidence .l - I . ,1 A in tne vntue ui iin -iruuuvv vim uoviitiv will continue. When one goes to an- alize the situation surrounding cotton practically all the influence are bearish. 1. Biggest crop ever known. ' ' ' ' 2. Tariff revision in America almost a certainty. v.; . . 3 Actual war existing between Tur key and Italy, and tbe far of war in other countries, I , 4. A very serious rebellion in China, 6 The continued spread of cholera. 6. Unsettled political affairs. - r 7. The unrest and discontent of labor tbe world over. , , 8. The constant disciplining of capital by "the powers that be" and the prom ise of it from those who wish to be. ,' Against these influences cotton has declined to sine cents and generally speaking is reasonable if not cheap. If one buys cotton they must have pa tience as well as m ney : because no important rise is likely to take place in the near future. In fact, there is no sound basis upon which to buy except that lb price seems reasonable and something may happen to next crop. Under these circumstances it may be ise to wait until more of this monster crop has found lodgement, even at tbe risk of having to pay more, when the outlook is more assuredly bullish. J. E. LATHAM. Bedroom Suits. in cheap plain oak just received a car, they are well made and look good, price 18.00, 120.00, 122.50 and $25 00, extra dre-ser at 16.60, $7.50 and $9.00. Beds $2.50, $3 50, $4.50, $5.60 ar.d $6.50, for good service to the partita that don't feel like investing much in furniture, i . t . J. a MILLER. i . V. .J ) On evefy c&a of 1 I this col toe you'll 7find this .printed ) guahantee: S ';. ! te nts of thli caayou are 'not satisfied In every re v Sjoed.youf il t :V" ' , you U.e money j J i r il. a ' - , U J A. Chirks, N. C. -TTT TTTVTrm