IEE WEEKLY J."Z.'l KstaMlshe 1871 rUah4 to Two station. rrry Taesday and Friday, at Journal Bulla- t-0 CrmTen Street ; 7 CHJLKLIS L 8TXTX3, EDITOR AND PROPBHTOR. . Official Papar of Nw Ban and Ci-arsa Oointy. '-' - SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Montna.. .. .. .. . .. ..I St Tore Month!.. . .. II u Month.. ; twelr Montha.. .. .. .. .. ' 1M . ONLY IN ADVANCE. , -Tha Joarnal Is only aant on pay-in-tdranc basis. Subscribers will eiTa notlca of expiration of their aub rriptiona and an immediate raaponae V notice wij n appreciated by the Iiuraal s Advertising ratea furnished upon application at the office, or mpon in iulr by maP inted at the Poatofflcs, New Bern, H. CL aa second-class matter. New Rem, N. a October, 24. 191L TUB MATTEE OF PERSONALITY Iadividual is a prime factor in every eveDtful turn in material and social affairs. .The person, a unit, yet by individual action moves thousands of other units, as though one person. . Personality is a riddle, a delight ful one, never exactly solved, al ways with something more to be discovered. Base ball which has run ram pant as the great national sport from spring to fall, in the village, town and city, reaches its culmi nation point for the season and year, in the final series of games between the champion base ball league associations. Both those who have played and those who have watched the game be tween rival clnbs in village, town and city, have turned their atten tion to the world's series' being played at Xew York and Phila delphia. The thirty, forty of fifty thousand spectators that may be at eaeh game to witness each indi vidual play, are but a fraction in number to those who watch each play and player, through tele gram and newspaper, and who of ten know better how the game was played than those in attend ance. In this great series of games that engages the country just now, the matter of personality is all important, in the personnel of each club's battery, and when the game is played, in the personal playing that does the unusual, in run get ting or run preventing. The indi vidual play that wins is what counts most. The rest of the team work is subordinated. It was equally important, but the per sonality of the one, dwarfs the ef forts of the others. In every field of life work, so cial industrial, commercial, edu cational religious, the matter of personality is all important, and yet in life's great successes affect ing the many, there was like in base ball, a membership, a fellow ship, a team work, that backed up, encouraged and made possible the one person's marked success, bringing victory to all, who were equal sharers, in the gains, tho' not in the personal applause. There may be found here and there individual success that se cures fame or richer for self alone. But it was no victory, except sel fish gain be victory. It is person ality winning for others that is tbe real victor, the true gainer. ; l " ; . ': The best master. A niece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on over the affected parte ia auperior to a plaster and coats only one tentn as mucn, f or sale oy an Ueaiera, . v y , - j Pi.i n k i l : m eiala declined to oxplaia their decision to cancel the corporation's lease of the Great Northern ore properties. -, WOMEN u Womea ! UgltA typ, womea of superior dacatioi ml refinemect, wkoM tcerasssl 12 1 Jpsert rrt we';'-! tzl turu U dt e;L!;zi, Vmlj I tit wosicrf J ccrrtclln r 1 crrt'Jrt rrc;:rt!:j tf CI .: . I i ?, I ' 1 0 t Children Cry ja'vyvv Tbe Kind. You Have Always in use for over 30 years, lOiii ; All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but ' "; Experiments that trifle with and endanger tbe health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. - What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates Hie Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always In Use For Over 30. Years THE CCNTAUR COMPANY, 7 r MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. RUSH OF THE CRESTED SEA. Mount St Michel's Tidal Wave One of the Sights of the World. At 5 o'clock in tbe afternoon people gather on the causeway that connects the Islet of Mount St. Michel with the French coast to watch the coming ot the tide, oue of the sights of the world. As far as tbe eye can reach stretches the gray sand, silent, empty. Seven miles and a half lie between the ocean and the rock. Presently a strange murmur pervades the air. It seems to come from nowhere and yet to be everywhere. And then far on the horizon lifts a line of white. Every moment It draws nearer, and the sound in tbe air swells louder, and then with astonishing speed up tbe line of crested sea, and in a moment, where it reaches tbe sands, there is but a space of swirling water. And on the waves ride In the fishing boats that bare gone out to sea on tbe tide at dawn. Many a tragedy has been caused by the swift Inrush of this true tidal wav, for, save along narrow paths, the bot tom of this vast, strange bay is but quicksand, and after tbe tide has once turned and the sound of its coming is beard no man can hope to escape its reach unless he be close indeed to tbe mount or tbe shores of tbe mainland. Travel Magazine. How s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that annot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole do, 0. We, the undersigned, have known FV J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry cut any obli gations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken in ternally, anting directly upon the blood and mucoug surfaces of the ytem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Oruggists. . Take Flail's Family Pills for eoa- Uipation. i General Reyes stated at Lan Antonio Texas, that he expected tha Mexican revolt to spread. ,. - , t His Greet Generosity. We are getting up a subscription," began the . lady who was carrying around tbe paper Her voice trembled as she spoke, for the person she was now bracing happened to be tbe richest fellow in tbe community. She hoped against hope that she would get some thing fat from bim. ; ; . "Ton are getting up a subscription T echoed tha millionaire, with a sweet smile. "I'm sure you'll be very suc cessful. And what can I do?" "Would you could you"she nearly tainted at her assurance "would yon p-p-put your name down on this paper for a h-h-hundred dollars?" . There it was done. He wouldn't have missed a thousand, bat she was pretty courageous to ask for as much as sha did. Ills gentle smile reassured her. . . . , "Will I put my name down for a hundred dollars?" said be. "Why, my dear young lady, I don't charge that amount for the use of my name when charity is tbe cause. I will put my name down, of course, but not for a hundred dollars. I won't charge you a cent for it It is a slight service." -Cleveland Plain Dealer. - Aviator Howard Gill, of Baltimore, brok the American endurance record at Sr. Louis by remaining in ' the air 4 houis and 18 minutes.. T 1 k is r n of the most eom- i f ! .-i.'-ir rtit'D" i " . A I f t : ' I for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been " has borne - tbe signature of .. : and has been made under nu per sonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of JURY LIST FOR U. S; CfoCUIT AND FEDERAL COURT. FIRST WEEK, The following list of jurors have been drawn for the next term of the U. S, Circuit and Federal court, which con venes in this city on October 23rd, with Judge R. D. Connor presiding; GL Griffin, Oriental; H A White, Greenville; S W Styron, Aurora; Frank lin Dail, Institute; J S Davis, Golds boro; Wash Garris, Speights Bridge; W L Arendell, Morehead City; W K Baxter, New Bern: S G Pate, Fremont; Peter Andrews, Trenton; M D Lane, Fort Barnwell, J W Speight, Snow Hill: Wrfftargett, Tuckahoe; Jaaepb Gas kill, New Bern; Daniel Whitford, Pol locksville;. Geo. T Farnell, "Bay boro; John Cox, Dudley; K R Wilkinson, Au rora; W A Litchfield, Aurora; John 0 Pierce, Ay den; J M Mitchell, Goldaboro; M E Dail, Hyco; R H Hardy, LaGrange; W H Bray, New Bern; N L Carrow, Beaufort; J S Hines, Ayden; W B No bles, Winterville; W H Hammond, Com fort; Everett Taylor, Snow Hill, Al mond Hamilton, Wit: J L Fentrss, Maribel; WT Mayo, Mesic; B S Rus sell, Bogue; J F Hooker, Kinston, A L E Week 8, New Bern; Asa Jones, Jr., Snow Hill; Josephus Moye, Greenville; C W Pridgen, Kinston; W K Styron, New Bern; Brice Trott, Richlatids; H W Horn, Catherine Lake. SECOND WEEK. John D Jarman, Richlands; H C Armstrong, New Bern; Wis. Hurst, Ward's Mill; Jesse P Qainnerlv, Quin nerly; Hughes B Holland, New Bern; J M Edgerton, Genoa; M G Moye, Greenville; Wm. Wheatly, Beaufort; E M Jarmon, Tuckahoe; J W S Bea man, Snow Hill; G W Edgerton, Golds boro. Alex Sutton, La Grange, W G White, Vanceboro; J Z Brooks, Grifton; Herman Ervin, Richlands; A I Grim sley, Hookerton; D B Hooker, Btyboro: Msrvia Mason. Atlantic. Japanese war vessels were dispatch ed to Hankow. China. Children -Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Postmaster-General Charles H. Whip ple, of the army, recommended an in crease of salary of government em ployes. . . "- . MIDNIGHT IN THE OZARKS snd yet sleepless Hiram Scrsntso, of Clay City. 111., coughed and eotgh!. He was in the mountains on the advice ot five doctors, who said he -had con sumption, but fcund no help in the ell- mate, and started home. Hearing of Dr. King's New Discovery, I began to use it. "I believe it saved my life," be writes "for it mad a new man of me, so that I can now do good work again-" For all lung disesses. roughs. colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, whoop- Ing couifh, bay lever, ' nemonasges, hoarseness or quinsy, it's tb best known remedy. Price 60e and SLOO, Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all Urngglsts. . - - .. " ' r - .31 i - . Lett Tim. . ' The late flylranu Miller., drll it gineer, who was engaged In a railroad enterprise In Central America, was seeking Iocs! support for s roat snd sttempted to give the matter ttnt He asked a native: ," , "now long does it take you to tarry your goods to market by mnlebackT r "Three days." was the reply. There's the point," said lllllef. "With our road In operation yoo'Huld tak your goods to market and b back homi tn one day." - ' "Yery rood, senor," aoiswerel th native. "Tlut what would we do with th other two days?" Homton Iteoord, Mayor Ciiynor a;ned the li!l s i ' a t.-nt In K- Y..U's ' ' Bought SCHOOL SQG1ETIES ELEGTJFFICEnS Foot Ball Team at Work. ; Athen ian Staff Named For the Year. : ' ' School Notes. " The editors and business managers of "Tha Athenian" forth year 1911 1912 are as follows: " V - y "Editor-in chief-Matilda Hancock. Associate " Editors Mary ' Gaskil', Hilda Willis, Blanche Gaskill. Will Blades, Charlie Kehoe, Sophia Hollia ter, Bertha Gtakill, Allen Ives. Joe Hollowell and Gertrude Carraway. Business Manager John 8qtar Jones Asst. Business Mng. Carl Bunting. Reporters front Grammar Grades 7A-Sarah Holliater, 7B, Robert Thorn ton, 6A, Emm Louise Kehoe and Mary Bennett, 6K, Beth Ferebee, 6 A, Carrie Hill, 6B. Catherine Boyd, 6C, Gladys Jackson, 4A, Blaekwell Waters, B, Daniel Odum. .-";;.v-. The heating plant has been thorough ly overhauled and put in good condition and is now ready for' service at any time, A large tank, holding about 1200 gallons, has been built in. the boiler room to bold rain water for us in the boiler.' ' -"'."S-vw i;.jv;;;;v:.;.;. The enrollment up to the present time is some less than 803; while the averago daily attendance ; haa been about 730. "Th usual number of ab sences is from 25 to 38 per day, bat on Wednesday on account' of Ihs rain the absences ran op to 77. The following societies hivs met and elected officers for the year: ' The Moses Griffin Literary Society and tbe Hannia Taylor Debating So ciety hold their msetings on tb second Friday night in each month.' At their monthly meeting held Friday night, Oct 13th., .the following officers were elected: ... Moses Griffio Literary Society President Gertruie Carraway. Vice PresMabel Cohen. Sec, and Trees. Jane Cox, Hannia Taylor Delating Society President-Floyd Chadwick. ' Vice Prea, Carl Banting. Secretary Charlie McSorley. ' Treasurer Robert Kehoe. Critic Francis Willis. " The foot ball team has been organised and practice dai y. Efforts sr being mad to hav games in the near future, with Wilson, Kinston, . Wilmington, Goldsboro and Washington. .The team is composed of the following: ' Captain -Will Blades, Manager-rioyd Chad wick, George Scales, Bill Bryan, King Bryan, Maunse I Gabbett. Eugene Simp son, Selby Hill, Robert Kehoe, Charlie Kehoe, Allen Ives, Warren Moolton, Cecil Daniels, Willie Blades, Robert Knapp, Boone Groves, Joseph Hollo well, Fred Cohen and Burton Berry. . The Athletic Association has the fol lowing officers; -" Pres. Robert Kehoe. Vie Pres. Allen Ives. Secand Tress, Charlie Kehoe. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S , C ASTORIA Miss Ellen Fits Fendleton wss inaug urated as president ' of Wesley an Col lege. ;':'-".,.; : MORE THAN ENOUGH S TOO : MUCH. , To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to re pair th waste and aupply energy and body beat. Th habitual consumption of more foot than is necessary for these purposes la th prime causa or stomach trouble, rheumatism and disorders of the kidneys. If troubled with indiges tion, revise your diet, let reason and not . appetite control . and tak a fw doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and. you will soon b all right again. For sal by all dealers. : i KidnaoMrs took th two-vear old son of a wealthy York county (Psnn.) saw mill owner. . I i Biliousness is do to a disordered con dition of th stomach. ; Chamberlain's Tablets are asentisUy a stomach med icine, intended especially to act on that organ; to clean it, to regulate th liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually. For sal by aft Dealers, : Turkish soldiers ar reported to hav crossed th Tunis frontier. - Wasted Effort. "Sorry, Bfil, 1 csn't com to th the ater with you tonight. Now, dont look so cross. - Yon ain't cross, really, ar yer. Bill" . , "No, I ain't exactly cross. Lis. but stm it Is a bit aggravating for a chap to find he's washed his face snd hands for nothing, aln-'t It r London Tel rraph. x - . ' . Mlstafcan. . Witness H's a dirt by, mana Uttl wretch, yer honor; a low. Magistrate Bllence, witness! "Well, yer honor, it's th truth." ."Doesn't matter. We want non f K hr." London Telegraph. Italian losses In nightly skirmishes in Tripoli sr reporter?. 1 kil PICKED A SAFE SPOT. H Wsnted an Easy Fall If He Mlssa tha Big Bean Th red bear of Asia lives In lofty mountain soiltodea. rarely coming bf low an altitude of 8,000 feet For the greater part of tbe year he Is content with a . vegetarian diet, and leads a blameless and estl-nable life, but In the. spring', he becomes 1 mischievous, snd then a man who -pursues him In his native haunts must be s mountain eer as well ss a hunter. The follow ing Incident from "Sport and Life In the' Further Himalayas," by R. L. Kennlon, Illustrates the double danger. My Gllglt stalker used to tell of a bear , that was a terror to the goat herds sent to grace the village flocks in the Rakhlot glen, not only a robber, but a trucculeut one, who committed his crimes in the broad light of day and cared for neither man nor dog. Gul 6 her encountered him when out with a noted shot from among thr small party ot officers then at Gllglt Behind them yawned a precipice; In front was the big beast, granting and slavering at the mouth. They faced one another "while men could count a score," and still T. did not shoot v Tha bear advanced.- -i . ', '. r-iV'-v . "Shoot!" cried Gul Sher. bnt T. only looked round over his shoulder. Tbe bear came on. Then T. slowly put his rifle up and ohot him dead through the head.-' -;-.-"'.-";"-,"-' "And why had not T. shot him be fore?" I asked. . :-.i.-V.': . V- " , "That Is what I. wanted to know," tbe stalker said, "and he told me that he was Just looking for the easiest place to go; down the precipice In case the bear was not killed." , I was sitting hearing the story at the exact spot where It happened and, going to the edge,' looked over. The first thing to break a fall was a green lswn of pine treetops 2.000 feet bo low. Youth's Companion. : - ' - ill f Irvlna's Modastv. i Fuller Melllsh, who was for several 'years, in the company of Sir Henry jlrvlng, first coming to America in bis jsupport, told a characteristic story of (the great English actor. ' . I "We were discussing Tennyson In tho beefsteak room of the Lyceum one night," said Mr, Melllsh, "when SI I IHeury came over and Joined in the conversation. 'Ah, yes,' be said, Ten nyson. To be sure I know him. Clever chap, yes, but vain. One night Ten nyson and I were walking down Pic-' cadilly together, and as we passed a crowd on the street corner Beveral of the men took off their hats and bowe& Hut" Do you know Tennyson thought they were bowing to him. Extraordl nary I Yes, clever chap, but vain, yo know.'" SAVED HIS MOTHER'S LIFE. ' "Four doctors had given me up," writes Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca, La., "and my children and all of my friends were looking for me to die. when my son insisted that I use Elec tric Bitters. I did so. and tbey have done me a world of good, I will always praise them. Electric Bitters , is a priceless blessing to women troubled with fainting and dizzy spells. back asbe, - headache, weakness, debility, constipation or kidney disorders. , Use them snl gsin new health, strength and vigor. They're guarantoed to sat isfy or money refunded. Only 60 cts. i u uruggmis. In a JapansM Tsmpla. - "Asakuse templo la dedicated to th goddess Kwanuon, a tiny Image of gold, about two and one-half Inches high," writes a traveler in Japan. "At tbe entrance to the temple grounds on either side of the Immense gate stand two large and fearful looking figures guarding tbe sacred precincts. Hang ing outside tbe wire grfitlng ar a' number of sandals for their use if tbey wish to take a walk, and rice la sprinkled about Each worshiper, be fore entering the temple, calls at a small building, snd after contributing a email amount washes his bauds and rinses his moutb. In front of tbe main shrine Is a large aperture in the floor, covered with latticework. Idto which the worshiper casts bis gift -'After clapping bis bands to awaken or ut tract the attention of tbe god. he kneels, but bis prayer is only brief. While there is one chief shrine (here ar many, others under tbe same roof One shrine especially attracted my at tention; It was made of wood, end quit disfigured and worn through tbe constant rubbing of bands on the spot corresponding to tbe afflVted portions of ' the sufferers' : bodies." Chicago News. .V;' -f :. ..f . -1 . It U not certain 'that the tobacco states will oppose th plans for th re organisation of th tobacco trust You ar not experimenting on your self when you ttke Cbamberlain'sCougb Remedy for a cold aa that preparation has won its great reputation and exten sive lata by Its remarkabU cures it eolda, andean always he depended up on. It is eqially valuabU for aduluaid children and may be give i to youne children with imp'icit confidence as it contains no harmful , drug. Suld by all Dealers. . : -j -; . .-, ' " ' Class fn th Making. Th munufn'cture of glar antedates authentic history. II is only about seventy-fir years, however, since Its true character was ascertained. ' It Is now generally conceded to be a suit s chemical compound resulting from the union of an add with a base. The acid Is silica, the same that Is found lu quarts or the quarts particles of sand; hence tbe ue of sand in Its manufac ture. The base may be potash (or soda), together with alumina and lime, rr lend niay take tbe place of lime. IJmo mnkes u burd gloss and one le nwrcpilble to acids and suited to win dows and (hemlcal runmm's; lend a b --ft or, timro fusible and more lustrous ii i tide, milfublo for opilcul Instruments All nrMj lift to some extent on glnsa, r-. If tlie In tier bus nn excexs r i " all in it. r.stn wine may cor !'! -.!:- i v !.- i, s-i It Is rontaln- 5 - - it v Rewards for Church Work. v " The small chapel colored Christian church of Arapahoe, is a thorough go iig and prosperous church, it has a com mendable choir composed of young la-' dies and gentlemen under ths training of Mrs: Bertha Fonveil, of New Bern. 'The jastor will present tothefo'low log six youn? ladles who raised $79.80 under their auspicies for the pastor and church last seond Sunday, presents Rosa Taylor, Elizs . Williams, Eister Skinner, Hattie Wiggins Suaan Jor dan and Rachel! Ramlle.u Rosa Taylor raised the highest amount, and sho re ceives the first present. . - . J. M. PARSON', . " " . - ' . - - .' - Pastor.'-.,. r KICKED BY A .MAD HORSE. , . ( Samuel Birch, of Beet own. Wis., had a most norrow escape from losing his leg, as no doctor could heal the fright ful sore that developed, but at last Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured it com pletely. Its the greatest healer of ul cers, burns, boils, eczema, scalds, cuts, corns, cold-tore, bruises and piles On earth. Try it 25c. at all druggists., : . v A -Floor. Thst Turns Over. .' . The floor In tho 'Apollo theater in Paris Is reversibleone side being rnndk for dancing, the other being the usmH Inclined floor equipped with the fold ing seats of a theater auditorium. Ths floor. is mounted on, a horizontal axis on which it revolves. : It Is built on a framework of steel girders, ' has an 'area of 2,500 square feet and welsh 100 tons. - The axis, which Is parallel to the front of the stage. Is not in thr middle of the thickness of the floor.' but nearer to tho seating surface: than to . the dancing surface. Tho ' floor swings' through an excavation'- ov. thirty fiiat In depth. Cemeot A 150. . - Rheumatism Relieved in 6 Hours.; DR. DETCHON'S ' RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM Usually relieves sevei -est cases in a few hours, Its action upon the system is remarkable and ef fective. It removes the cause and the disease quickly disappears, First dose benefits. 75c and $1.00. Sold by Brad ham Drug Co. ::'.:, " Secretary of Agriculture Wilson de nies that h will resign any time Bom. Odious Compsrison. Drill Sergeant I say,f Smith, have you ' any Idea how . slow and stupid you are? Prlvat Smith I don't know. - Drill Sergeant Of course you don't, but let mo tell you that on Epyp: tlnn mummy Is frisky conipurcd with you.-Loudon Tit-Bits. ' - , ; ; 'j ' : Kokomo... -' v--, '' Kokomft, In tho language of the In dlans who at one time Inhnbltcd that lect ion of Indiana, signifies "a 'young grandmother,? : f,:: - ". Baltimore was selected as the meeting place of the American Prison Congieaa In 1912. WE HAYE JUST RECEIVED- 4 lot of new Buckwheat and Oatmeal. Ws also carry a full supply of school Tablets, Composition Books, Examina tion Paper, Ink, Pens, Pen Stan's snd Pencils. W guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. Call to see ; us, we always have a polite . clerk to wait on you. , '"v i; -:..'--: Broad Street Grocery Co. PHONE 156 NEW BERN, N. C. "A Ene piece cf t! Ji my toyl I never saw you Wear a Letter' looking suiL , , 'Yes, 1 em pleased with it 1 1 had it madeXy a good merchant tailor. -The cloth is one of tho TvJ 'm.a U proud of a SK Itmuon iitV.e ! a lull Lit ol tlma duliuctive (luir. Cll aod L nutured Utt oua ol n llrr -"i 3 nw ; xjJiiiVARE - . AND Building Ma torial Paints; Oils ; -, AND; Varnishes American Field Fence; AllGOD.: Iw Bsra, B, fc, C!?, Prescriptioos r from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. ." . v . -. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. ; 1 1 , ilk PHONE YOUR HJI IN WANTS 14 6 Octagon Soap . C 'iTSi' 6 Borax Soap 25c Vegetahle Iard 1 .' 10c Oat men), per pVg. .'. v ' . 10c Irish Potatoes, prpk. j . 40c Sugar ' '7Jc Best Ftour'-i;S-rr.j4'3c Oblisk Flour -- v -V. ;3ic Buckwheat, per pkg. f 'j; 10 tr 18c Shrnd Wheat, per jikg. ' 12,0 Phlie il742fst . Hyde Co. R. P. Oats, Burt Oats, Hairy .Vetch, : Rape,' Crimson Clover," Alfalfa, Hay, Oats, Corn, Corn Meal, Cot ton Seed Meal,: Hulls, Rraii, Shipstuff, Beet Puip, Dairy Molasses f Fsed, Distillers Grain, hiphest in Protein of any stock feed o"n the mark BURRUSmCQ. II 33 Middle St New Rrn, N.O 'Phone liL":"-rM -, . aw m INSTITUTE mi BOTS. 60lk Tr. . r rPrM for CoHtf ., fot luilntii.focLlfe. M.B..L "I, outr," (P tli l.mlhilU T Ui. Vim Rldn SuanUI.. Hllh temtardl "f M-boU ratal,. Hwnr ifatMi M. urAj prlnrlulM tMTMU MUklNNl I.I1IIIM. AthMlC.MCi.ur- M4. jM.MUKfttothl..r.M'lhfor(l-tlllM W ' flU tau,. NnMM0tnin.UMMl. LLILLWt,hlH.lN4I WI,IX 9 Am prepareJ to do all kinds' of work in concrete. Wslks, Steps, Poncing, Basements, tc Only high-grade woik solicited. E. E. IIAItrEIt " t f . 1 lv 1 t,ltMj It is a very serious matter to Si.k far one' medicine' snd hav tha wrong one given you. For tbin reason ws urge you In buying t j ts careful to g-.t t! e gcnulno . J Tlst- -.:.. ;,,n of this cU, t(' f ' rti ' ; l'r con:it!ratuin( i i 1 Lvr tronl -, U t ! ' t '.It l! rl t t 1 " r t,. . It 1 1 I., r i ' '-, i r it ' ! f s : ji- . ... . . -.r'v,r',;', Pharmacy!! - PHONE 173 ' ; 1 Concrete Work

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