No 60 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY; N. c;lTUE$tiAY OCTOBER, 31, 1911 FIRST SECTION "34th. YEAR 1 PER CEHT BEEF PROFIT Texas Cattlemen SeekiDg to Find 7 "' Who Gets Big End Of r '- Deal. San Antonio, Tex ,' October 28- Backed by 8000 members of the Texas Cattle" Kaiser's Association and 300,000 Texas farmers, who together own 9, 000,000 head of cattle and who annual ly marker' more than 1,00,000 head, Ed, (X taster, president of that asso ciation, bas started a light to more equitably distribute the 300 per cent profit which, it is alleged, is now realii ed from the time the beef steers leaves the hands of the producer until he reach es the consumer. It is charged by Lasater that the greater portion of this enormous profit goes into the' coffers of. the packers. While the" packers are growing richer and richer and the consumer is paying more and more for his ' beef, ; figures how that the producers of cattle are receiving less for their output, beef steers often selling for less than (he cost of production. The ' movement launched by Lasater, and which will be made nation wi le, seeks to know why the pi ice of beef goes up when the price of cat tie goes down. - ,'.f- At the conferencs it was shown that it costs $21.06 ti raise a yearling steer on the range, and that by the time the Bierrn or age ana in conauion ror butchering the average cost is $73.09 Lasater recently marketed 279 head anc received an average of ?19.2l, less than the actual cost a head for production. This condii ion means tuir to cattle pro ducers, vrhe steer which cost the pack er $54.28 is sold to the consumer at close to $165 gross. Who gets this 300 per cent additional is what the produc ers, as well as consumers, are anxious to find out. - ' To fight effectively the great packers with their millions of dollars of capital, the Texas cattle producers and the con sumers of beef have decided on the or ganization of the Texas Cattle Raisers' Sales liirecthg Agency, With a capital stock of $3,000,000. The principal office wil' be in "ort Woth, with branch of fices in St, I.ouU and Chicago. The pur pose is to assist the producer in getting better prices for his cattle, hogs, sheep and calves and to instruct him regard -ing the greater market. The Texas Cattle Rafters' Association will subscribe $1,500 000 of the stock. This hmount will be obtained by levy ing $1 a h art on the cattle turned over to the association. : The remainder 0f the $0,000,000 will be subscribed by oth rr interests. It will work In the same nanrer as the Truck Growers' Astocia 1 ion of this slat, which has saved mil-, lions of dollars annually to gardeners. , In addition to forming the sale agen cy, Texas producers ill urge the at torney general of the United States to become" mora active in pushing the cases now pending against the beef t ut Bi:uing the fight Lasater aid; -"The cattlemen are at the mercy of the packers in marketing becau e "the packers control the stock yards. If lha selling agency does n it produce the result we anticipated, we will go into the packing business oui Ives.- Plenty of capital can be obtained for that pur pose.' Thi price at whuh ment is now old is the snrne at all the packing houses, showing conclusively' that a trust exists," New Bern, Take Notice. Mr. Editor Please stop my ad once, Smre my last ad was placed your paper my business has increased o I cannot hardly wait on my custo mers. Please slop until further notice. One fine mule for sale.,-" Big Hill," the 8hingle and- Paper Roofing Man. BEACHY FLYIHG OVER NIAGARA FALLS Th's Curtis Diplar.e Way Fly in Will New Bern have an aviation meet during the Agricultural and Stock Ex hitit is now the question. Admission ta the aviation field will only be fifty TO DISSOLVE STEEL TRUST And Punish QiiUty Officials. Most SweepiDg f Autitrust Action Every Taken. v Trenton, N. J. Oct. 27 -The Federal government entned suit to dissolve the Unite-iStites Steel Corporation in the United States Circuit Cqurt here yes terday The action is the most sweep ing anti-trust yet undertaken by the Department of Justice. Not only does it propose to' dissolve the steel trust and restore competition, but it is under stood, that criminal proceedings will soon be entered; against , the officials who have conducted the trust, In its plea the Department of justice not only asks that the parent trust be dissolved, but that all the constituent companies which forme J part of the monopoly alleged to exist be dissolved as well. Thirty-six corollary companies are named in the notion. The government holds thatlhe life of the Great Northern Railway ore lands, which the Steel trust announced some time ago that it woud cane jI, . to be il legal. - . , - ' ' : It admits tint it had been informed of the corporation's intentions to this direction, but declares that such action could not be made effective until Janu ary 1, 1915. In the meanti ne an un limited quantity of ore could be mined and utilized, ' J. Pierpont Morgan, John D. Rocke feller, Charles M, Schwab, George W. Perkin?, E. H Gary, John D. Rocke feller, Jr.. Henry. C. Frick, Char'.es Steel, James G ivley, William H Moore, Edmund C. Converge, Percival Roberts, Jr Daniel G. R id, Norman B. Reim, P. A. B. Widener, and William P Palm er are named individually as defend ants. . .FOR RENT. One-horse farm-, adapted to corn and cotton, fii.e open range, pood reoide. ee and out buildings, wire fence, well drained, orchard and vineyardV excel lent water, healthy. An ideal place for small family, who wishes to raise poul try and stock. Address X, care of Journal Office. Early Morning Marriage, Yesterday morning at the home of Mr; and Mrs. G. R. Fuller, on Metcalf Btreet, Miss Laura W. Simpson, of this city, ana nr. jamea n. tinuaii, ui Trenton, N. J., were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Rev. I. W. Rog ers officiated. Immediately after the ceremony the bride an 1 groom were driven to the Union station where they boarded : the train for trip through northern cities. ' A Good Heater. You can get the Wilson & Coles wood heater nearly as cheap as inferior makes, just consider the amount of fu 1 you will save and the life of the heater. : J. S. MILLER. Do You Believe. That there is any one woman on this earth whose trouble makes the com bined troubles of every other worna look fcmall in comparison! There is such a woman riht iaNiw York City. She never smiles. She is absolutely with out hipe. The only ray of Comfort left 1 to ber is in try inn to believe that other women, when they read the story of her tragedy in the Magazine of next Sunday's New York World, may realize that perhaps their troubles, compared with hers, are not so great afer all. : New Bern Nov. 11 and 23. cents. If you have not subscribed for these tickets do to at scription list is now at New Bern. i nee, A sub every store In DELIVERED LEGT . DRE LAST NIGHT ! Judge O. P. Smith Delivered A Striking Address At Chris- . - - tian Science Church. . ' Judge Clifford P. Smith, of Boston, a member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ Scientists, delivered' a striking address ' at -. the Christian ; Science Church in this city last night on "'Chris tian Science. ;'. '''.'', The beautiful edifice was packed' and everyone thoroughly - enjoyed Judge Smith's interesting and instructive dis course. He said; "". - "It is my purpose to speak to you this evening on "The Reil Man and His Relation to God " At the outset I wish to remind you that there was a time ' in every - stage of human progress when wisdom was with the minority. A true idea is always per ceived by one person, then received by a few. and afterward adopted by a sub stantial minority before it find favor with the majority. It may be assumed, I suppose, that no one in this audience disbelieves in a power or cause higher than himself. One who denies the existence of a su preme intelligent Being is said to be an atheist. But such persons are rare; in mo it cases ' ths supposed atheist ha simply not been satisfied with any par ticular concept of God and man that his been brought to his attention.- A better concept, or t.he true one, may find him entirely willing to accept it, A man does not need to be very scion title or very religious to feet that he is intermediate in the scale of existence superior to some effects but subordinate to the primordial substance or cause, b'gner than some creatures but lower tnan the creator. This is a fact mado evident by reason as well as revelation. Mere observation discovers the ex is tence of laws which manifestly proceed from a power, an intelligent source, higher than man. The turning of the earth upoa its axis, the coming of a good thought into consciousness, these diverse facts. ..both illustrate vtfce operation of law; the instance the act ion of a Mitd which is superior to man. The most "fundamental fact in human experience is consciousness; and this necessarily must havea P incipte. Since man possesses consciousness, he must be related to the Principle of conscious ness; and Christian Scinnca declares this Principle to be God, the divine Mind of which man is the mental and spiritual expression. Not only do men intuitively believe in a Being or Mind higher than them selves, they also expect to live upon a higher plane of existence than is visible to the physical senses. We have no reason to be satisfied with the life which seems to begin from mortal birth, which appears to include all evil fear, fail ure, sin. sickness, deformity, disabiT ty, suffering, sorrow and to end in death. In fact, we no longer accept all the testimony about man that we get through the five senses. For exam ple, life seems to end in death, but who believes that it does? We see a change, we lose sight of a friend or loved one; wo consign a body to a grave or its ash es to an urn; but we have faith, we knw, that the life of the individual continues. , ' ? ' So also, the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things, not teen, tells us of an existence for man which in every respect far transcends the life xl mortals. It is unthinkable that man should always and forever continue to be a bundle of contradictions, a mix ture of opposite qualities, a meeting of conflicting forces, as he appears to be. Every man, whether he looks for sal vation or for evolution, expects some thing better than this. , ;i Christian Science dec'ares that min's brightest hope for a better life in the h 'realtor cannot exceed what is in fact the present reality of life; that mortal existence is a Btat of ignorance and false belief based on a material sense of things; that the actual! y is a condi tion of purity, completnn. ss, joy, har mony, and goodness a perfect state of mental and spiritual activity, a con sciousness free iro n err r or evil; an eternal identity determine .1 by Mind or Spirit, not by matter. And Chri-itian Science declares that this true selfhood mmt he attained, and eat. be attaint d, by gaining a demonstrable, understand ing of reality: by gettin? a scientific knowledge of the truth if bein; by Comprehending in their tr e Import the words and works of him ho came that we mtgnt nave Me, anu cve u anuna- rouowing. inrougnoui iier. woik as um wn mmw mu inoun antlv. , the leader of a treat religions move-1 ing. - Taking human life frorr birth, Jesus the Christ ascend d progressively to the Lire which is divine. With the under- standing of Truth He grappled with and overcame, one after another, the errors which fetter and belittle the life seen in this world, until he . roan above it and passed beyond the range of mortal vis ion. Nor did h do this as though it were possible for him a me. On the contrary, his declared purpose was t be the "way" or way-s owr for all men. He la "the light of the world" because he taught and demonstrated the truth of being, thus making it evi- 111 1(1 ; DADLY DEFEATED In Final Chamwonship Game. ? Phillies Win Scries Are Two Times Champions. Phila. Or. 26-Ths New York team was overwhelmingly defeated In the last and deciding gerno for the world's championship. Bender pitched again and was never in danger allowing but four . hits, while j hie team , ma'es made thirtf ety facing Ames, Wiltse and Marguard. - ; ' - The score ly inning: R H E Pbila.1 , 0-0 1-4-01-7-0-X-13-13-5 New York 1-0 OO-ij-0-0 0-1243 ' There is a report that Coombs owing to straining a tendon in yesterday's game will never be able to pitch again. Total- attendance at all the the games about 190,000 and gross receipts about 1350.000..;, ' ;::h- ,: The twenty one In the Athletic club each get $3. 654. 58, ea h of the twenty one in the New Yorn club get $2,436,39, Stoves polished and put up See Basnight Hdw. Co., PhOne 99. - dent and available it us. Although immediate and lasting ben efits resulted from ,the gospel or good news brought to. the World by Christ Jesus, it can still ha said even of Chris tians, as St. Paul Bald of other Gen tiles, that they are "alienated frrm the life of God through the ignorance that is In them." After nearly twenty cen turies Christendom si ill suffers every tvit thing and puts Its faith in a life to be gained after death. .In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, when Mrs. Eddy published her text book, ''Science and Healih with Key to Scrip tures," the knowledge called science was entirely separate from the knowl edge called Christianity, and their only tendency to unite wai upon a material basis that of evolution in matter. The worship of the Father in Spirit and in Truth was mire and more neglected,, while. no less than, physical scientists accepted tSrateriarUi8orics as -truth, tit was genei ally agreed that man was born of matter and that some material Jaw would cause bis death, unlets this might be postponed for a time by re course to some other law of m ltter. In short, matter the opposite of Spirit was universally regarded as substance, and as the source and seat of intelli gence, law and life. This was the scene upon which Chris tian Science , entered. Some person are not dispose d to consider this science seriously because it was not not discov ered by either a physical sci ntint or a doctor of divinity. But .St John, for instance, was not gradu ited from a theological school, and there is no rea son why the vision of spiritual reality should com 9 to those scientists whose researches are confined to the elements, properties and phenomena of matter It is more reasonable to expect that un derstanding will come to those who are gaining the mind of Christ. . : For these reasons there is nothing abnormal in the fact that the world has gained an accession of actual knowl i dge through Mary Baker Eddy. She was brought tin in the atmosphere of piety and devoutness thit psrvaded a New England home of nearly a century ago. From childhood she was a pro found student of the Scriptures. She was compassionate, helpful, spiritual; she was a Christian in the bt-Bt sense of that name. She had become accus tomed to ponder the large problems of human affairs. She had grown in lie love for God and neighbor until her de sire and aspiration were to heal and t save. She had turned away from mat ter to spirit with an unusual degree of understanding. : Ii these circumstan ces, the normal i paration of divine law enabled Mrs. Eddy to discern the true nature of God and His universe, inclu ding man, and to understand the prob lem presented I y the apparent exist ence of evil in tpite of infinite good. ' Ti e attitude 6t exiiting churches to ward her message mado it necessary for Mrs. Eddy to found new church: but !h Church of Chiist, Scientist, haa gained n embers only as those who have come to hristian Science have gained tie ter life. Surely there la no causa for offence In this. It la the object of all churches, and nine of them need fuel a loss when a man finds in Chris- tian Science whit he could not, or even did not, find elsewhere. , Mrs. Eddy never sought a personal , ment she consistently turned the atten- jtion of Christian Scientists away from herseit to ins message irom uoa . to man which was spoken through her. Her aim and hope, as she oftt n said, were to "q iickn and increase the ben eficial effects of Christianity" (Science and Health,, page 807; M scellaneous Writing, page 207). The spirits! vital ity of her mf ssage is proved by what it has already accomplished; but this ia only a .foretaste of the benefits (hat will accrue to humanity as the Science is more widely understood and prac ticed." , ' . FEDERAL COURT ' DAS ADJOURNED Jury Discharged Late Yesterday Afternoon. Civil Cases Con tinued Until Next Term. After four days of marked activity, Federal Court, which has been in ses sion n this city since last Tuesday for the trial of criminal cases came to a close late yesterday afternoon and the jury was discharged, v Practically the entire tension yester day was consumed with the case of the U. S. vs James Carter and W. E. Rouse, of Rich lands, Onslow county, charged with aiding and abetting in the operation of an illicit distillery. The jury returned a verdict of guilty and Carter was sentenced to a term of 18 months in the Federal prison at At lanta and fined $500 and . the costs of the case, Rouse was sentenced to a term of 6 months in the county jail and fined $240 and the costs of the case, the jail sentence to be omitted if the fine and costs were paid within 30 days. Allan Harrington, of Vanceboro, found guilty of retailing, wa given an opportunit y of changing his ways. The Judge allowed him to return to his home upon the condition that he report at the next term of Federal Court and show that h?had been conducting him self proper'y, The case of the State vs. Fred Brandtr charged with stealing postage stamps, was transferred to Wilmington. Bedroom Suits. in cheap plain oak just received a car, they are well made and look good, price $18 00, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00, extra dresser at $6.50, $7.50 and $9.00. Beds $2.50, $3 50, $4.50, $5.50 and $0.50, for good service to the parties that don't feel like investing much in furniture. J. S. MILLER. EMPORIA NEWS. I JEmporia, Vg.. Oct. 30. The weather is rather cool and Jack Frost came, to see us last week. , Sullie Bryant, colored, was confined to the tombs Saturday for diwrdely conduct. The carnival people have erected their their tents and are now waiting for the 31st. Mr. W. L. Hard'son, manager of the Coca Cola Co., of this place, is at the Virginia Hospital in Richmond with an a' tick of appendicitis. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Julian H. Smith made a flying trip to Richmond Sunday night. There is thirty race horses over at the fair grounds, including some of the best runners inthe State. Mr. W. T. Allen, of Weldon, N. C. is in our city working for the Telephone Company. ; Mr. H. A Hardison passed through our city last night enroute for Rich mond. The hotels and boarding houses are crowded now, and the crowd is not all here by half. . "Judge Palmer," the horse that has won reputation all over the 'South, is here to compete for the prizes. ' Officer Saunders arrested two white men yesterday, they were discharged without paying costs. Mr. Bat Mitchell went 'possom hunt ing one night last week. He reported a large catch. Greenville county h'gh school will be closed four days for the fair. The pu pils are kicking because the didn't get the fifth day. A jury was secured for the trial of Jacob Herziag and associates in the firm of Scheftels & Co., in New York. HER HAIR GREW That's Why a Thankful Woman . Recommends Parisian Sage. Bradha'm Drug C, will sell you fifty cent bottle of PARISIAN SAGE and guarantee it to banish dandruft.stop falling hair and itching scalp, or mony back. It's a delightful hair dressing "in we spring t was recovering rom j a severe case of erysipelas, which hit me virtually bald on the front of my ! It has been charged all along that head and next to my ears. The hair Stubns was convicted on vindiclvo evl kept coming out rapidly and nothing I dence, a kind of fal Ing out among used stopped my getting entireiy bald, thieves, or whiskey maktra, Uke it ha until I used two bottle of PARISIAN you wish. He was s nUnced to nine SAGE, This tonic made my hair start teen months at hard labor In the peni to growing and, In fact, grew me a good tentiary at Atlanta, and has eerved 12 fair amount of hair, and It has entirely or more of tbem, but his pardon by the stopped my hair falling out ' President will be a matter cf f (midder ' It is with pleasure that I give a pub- able congratulatory connoUt i those Yc recommend to PARISIAN SAGE, ot his friends who have all the tune be which I know la a wonder." Mrs. Ella lieved he was innocent, or but wry lit Gilchrist, W. Pitt St Bedford, Pa. i tie guilty. COnDN SITUATION AflOREJOPEFUL Spinners Inclined to Buy., South Holding jBack. Chinese Re bellion Worst Feature. New York, Oct. 27th, -Cotton during the past week has shown at tima un expected strength for several reasons, first, there have been frost - scares, which, striking a market rendered a-o- aitive by the presence of a large short interest, hai caused sharp if temporary upturns in prices. ' Also bo me of thi spinners as prices hive approached 9c; show more disposition liotake hold. The exports have been large. Spot markets at times h ive shown a rather more bel ligerent tone and the South is begin ning to hold bak cotton to a sufficient extent to excite comment here. -.Waldorf -Astoria shurti hive at; timel cov ered freely. The greater part of the short purchaei on Wednesday morn ing, of some 150,000 bales, was put down on the Waldorf clique, .. Yarns have been in somewhat better demand, the weekly reports of the mercantile agencies speak of a quickened move ment in the dry goods trade. . It is be lieved that in some quarters the crop is being over estimated and the world's consumption under-estimated. It is also believed that spinners' tak ings this year are not on'ikery to run considerably ahead of the actual con sumption, owing to the relatively low prices. ' bears, however, are talking of an ultimate decline to much lower lev els on the idea that the crop is 15,000,- 000 bales, or more and that the con sumption and the spinners' takings will be considerably lees tHan this figure in spite of l'iw prices. They are encour aged io this view by the h'gh record ginning up to October 18th, s revealed by the census bureau's rt port i oik Oct. zbtn, putting it at nm.nw Dales or about 2,300,1 00 more than for the same t me last year, and roughly 1,300,000 more than the previous high record some" years ago. Moreover, Manchester and Liverpool have been noticeably depressed by the growing gravity of the rebellion in Chi na an i the monetary crisis in Shang hai, Southern hedge selling has con tinued on an important, scale. , Some important interests, however, in Wall Street, and the Smth. notably in New Orleans, are identified ith the bull aide and there is a growing conviction that the receipts do not warrant the ex reme high crop guesses, while ginning figures are not universally accepted as a sure indication of the size of the crop. A Good Oil Heater. Nothing is better to heat quick with, than an Oil Stove. I have the Barter which is considered the best, price.f rom $3.50 to $7.50. J. S. MILLER. Information Wanted. The Journal wanti to know where a copy of the New Bern Spectator of Nov. 30th, 1830 may be seen or procur ed. Any information on the above to this office will be appreciated. See our line of Coal and Wood Heaters. J. S. Bas- night Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St., Phone 99. ' Levi Stubbs Pardoned. Report comes from Washington City that President Taft has pardoned Levi Stubbs who wa convicted at the fall term of the Federal court, 1910, m this city, of distilling whiskey. ' Stubbs was one of the men, along with the Wig' gins' four of them, and Harvey. Morse, who were convicted of making blockade "booze" near Pellntier, m Carteret Co. Morse was released but the rest went to the pei itentiary at Atlanta. The story of Slubb Is peculiarly pa Ih tic The night be was taken away fr m him", h's wife gaye birth to twiis. Tn.-y w re v- ry poor: people, without mea'is ti ti le over, ordinary times, and with the Uk ng away of ihel husband it was only through the kind-. I nest of neighbors that the wife was b ought through the terrible ordeal with me rimes i aeceasi itm lur ner cumiori. The neighbors did all they eoul I, but none of them are rich. The babies died so it U uiid-ratood, ant relatives took the broken hearted wi 'e and other children to their former home in Crt- ven county, wner aioce, ioej nave been taken care of . - . ' '.- WHY ITALY 0C- GHPIES TRIPOLI Private Interests Finally Force . s Government Military ' Action. Rome, Oct 28 In America there seems to be much difficulty in getting a clear understanding of the war between -Italy and Turkey. . Italy has made no explanation to the world of her motives er provocations. She could aot do so very well, because the reasons are more subtle than apparent Yet reasons ex ist ' In a few words it may be said that the people of Italy have for years been quietly invading. Tripoli and taking pos session. When these people met with annoyances and 'petty tyrannies the mother country stepped in. . Napoleon I., when he took Lombardy from Sardinia, generously offered the pirate infested cost of Btrbary in ex change. Bismark, Napoleon III,, and Palmare ton almost begged the Italians to take it But Italian statesmen were too nervous. Crispi refused, and in connection with the proposal uttered the famous pharse, "My name is To morrow." Every foreign minister af- . ter Crispi refused, including Canevaro, Visconti - Venosta, Prinetti, Tittoni. Guicciardini. and even on December 2, 1910, the pre. ent minister of foreign affjirs, the Marquis di San Giuiiano, de-' dared "Italy wishes that Tripoli shall reman Turkish. , j But private people and big moneyed interests we-e'at work to accomplish what the government had failed to do. The uanca di Roma, which, as is well known, is a powerful Vatican financial concern, stepped into the branch, and it is safe to say that four fifths of the trade of 'Tripoli is now controlled by that bank, n , The peaceful penetration accomp'ish- ed in the past few years by this bank baa been greatly aided by the Francis an and Capuchin monks, who, by the establishment of schools, lycees and die rensaries, havr given a position to It aly io Tripoli second only to the native Arab element a fittipg pretext for a military occupation. Ittliu is the general language spoken among European officials and residents. Italian newspaoers are generally read, Italian post offices are established at every port and are used, for preference by the Turkish officials. The steamship services between' Europe and the porta of Tripoli are io the hands of two Ital ian companies and the coastal. service also. Practically all the hospitals and dispensaries were established by' Ital ians. The Italian dispensary at Derna last year treated 27,000 cases, and the three Turkish dispensaries opened la opposition are now closed. If there is a road to be constructed, while the manual labor is native, the engineer in charge is always Italian. . The greater portion of land in the hands of Europeans belongs to Italians Inthe town of Tripoli theJJancadi Yoma has founded a central office, haa built a flour mill, a power press for es-' parto grass, oil factories and vast warehouse,' There are eight schools and orphan asylums ; in the town, establ 8h d and run by ' Italian mission aries, and 2700 native and European childien are educated yearly almost free of charge. In every oasis along the Egyptian and Tunisian frontier agent have been sent to spread the Italian propaganda. All this has been accomplished by an Italian colony of about a thohsand. , But Italy desires the province for what still may be done especially in tbo vilayet of Cyrenalca, which is supposed to have been the mythical garden of the Hesperidea. ' . I Don't say "they haven't got it" till you've tried us. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. . , . ... The government Instituted suit at Trenton, N. J., for the disolution ot the United States Steel Corporation! 11 "1 iv t Loose- v. 4 ,! YJ cofftc fathers ( sweeping Paper1 bags leak, strength', freshness and aroma. U t M j - I 4 a. I 4 In Its air-tH.t czn Is dust-frcc, itx ' frc" ! and cf j li fe tt 'quality.

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