M IVEEKLY XsSahUsael 187S ' - ' stiiishee) la Two Sections, every Tuesday an rrtday. at Journal Build-a-0 Craven Btreet : - CH4KLXS L. SUTXiri, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OfnclaJ Paper t Maw Ban ana Craven County. SUBSCRIPTION , RATES. Two Months.. .. .. .. .. .. .$ M ' Three Months.. '., II ix Month.. ....,, . M 'twelve Months.. ...... . LM ONLY IN ADVANCE. The Journal Is only aant on pay-In-tdvance basis. Subacrlbera will re volve notlca of expiration of thalr sub anriptiona and an Immediate reaponaa V notlca U oa appreciated by tba JnnraaL Advertising rataa tarnished npoo application at tba otflce, or mpon la lutrr by mal finteiad at the Postotflce, New Bern, N. C, as second-class matter. New Bern, N. a October, 31. 1911. EEA.L CAUSE FOB TEMPER ANCE ALARM. "A gentleman yesterday called our attention to the fact that not only are the whiskey dealers in other atates sending their circulars to every man in the community whose names they can secure, ministers and all, but that they are sending them to the boys and young men here. Most of these circulars come from Richmond the liquor dealers of which city offered an insult to the decent manhood of the State recently when on the "boosters" trip they dis tributed free samples of their stuff. They knew that North Carolina had voted for prohibition by a large majori ty and that it is unlawful to make or sell whiskey in the state. Yet they gave away free samples to induce or ders by mail, as under the inter-state laws whiskey can be shipped from one State to another, thus nullifying so far as they can the expressed will of the people of the- State. Now they are sending their soliciting letters to the youth of North Carolina, and this adds to the infamy of their acts." The above editorial from the Concord, N. C. Times, depicts a situation that it is to be deplored, is found in nearly every North Carolina town and city. It only emphasises the local helplessness which prohibition does not rem edy, and which only a law mak ing it a misdemeanor with severe penalty, to ship liquor into any community or state that has a prohibition enactment, will change conditions. The Ealeigh Times which is not afraid to call a plaoe a "sa loon" where liquor is sold, says of its local situation. "Now if some one can furnish any better name than SALOON for the seventeen placeB in Raleigh where any body can get a drink any time by pay ing for it. then we'd be glad to print the new name. "Cafe," 'Restaurant,' "Chop House," "Club," "Drug Store," "Grocery," "Pressing Club," and a few others might be selected, but call a spade a spade and a taloon a saloon, Raleigh has too many substan tial business men of integrity and hon or and decency to allow the illegal, illi cit, low-down and contemptible sale of liquor to continue in our beloved city much longer. This is the one sore spot on Raleigh's otherwise beaming coun tenancethe one big farce that keeps our police department from holding its head up. We often learn of the thrill ing chase and oaring arrest of some poor negro who is caught with a pint of whiskey in hia pocket that be has bought for somebody else, while the brave official never even goea within sight of the place where the stuff is sold by the barrel at an enormous profit There is one man in Raleigh who claims to have made $10,000 in one year on the sale of wh'skey since tte prohibition law went into effect, and bia place didn' have the name "saloon" over the door." 1 Here are presented two opposite sides of the local liquor ' situation in two cities. Can any one name a town or city in this state where one or both of the above conditions does not exist today f The Jour nal made the editorial statement some years ago, bfter prohibition had been in statute effect here a few years,' that daring those few years more profits had been made through ' the local sale of liquor, unlawfully,' of course, than, had been ' made during the previous ten years by all the saloons id this city, under license and law. 'And today these liquor profits continue, tho' now and then a culprit is caught,, fined or sent to the roads or penitentiary. Is there not cause for real tf-mnerance alarm in the above situation, which today con fronts the temperate and law abid ing people of North Carolina t SOUTH WEAK. IN ATTRACT . ING IMMlClEANTS. All the Southern Btat i, accord i ' t the government f,;ures, ! ! i V i c o V . . 1 ' - : t t c Children Cry mm til Air f v The Kind You Have Always In use for over SO years, and has 7yV j7', sonar "All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bpt V Kzperiments that trifle with and endanger the health pf Infanjts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant, t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcot o -substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worn s and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wii 4 , Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constlpath n 1 and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates tl e Stomach Olid Bowels, giving healthy and natural slee The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS . T Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE etNTSUR OOMPANr, T' MURKAV TltCCT, NEW YOKK CITT. to this country duringthat period, and were admitted as qualified settlers. The Northern States, and espe cially those devoted to manufact uring, got the largest quotas. New York kept one-fourth of the arri vals, or 240,000. Pennsylvania, with its mines, captured 107,000. The next States in number of im migrants received were as follows: Illinois, 71,000; Massachusetts, 03, 000; New Jersey, 48,000; Ohio, 33, 000; Michigan, 27,000; California; 23,000; Connecticut, 21,000; Tex as, 18,000, Minnesota, 27,000; Washington, 15,000; Wisconsin, 13,000 aud Missouri; 10,000. There must have been something besides just jobs in factories held out to these foreigners. No ques tion, a permauent situatiou is an attractive offer, to induce a new comer to settle in the State or com munity. Hut less than 1,000 out of 800.000 is ridiculous, is manifest on its face that the half a dozen Southern States made no effort to secure immigrants. As to manufacturing states, be cause of work offered b'-m 2 speci ally attractive, can be no reason for the South not to attempt to at tract immigrants. Admission to this country now is a matter of examination, physical, mental, fi nancial, so that among the 800,000 there must have been raauy in good circumstances, who if they had been seen in advance would have gladly come South and rakeu up agricultural life. M-v.y lcUi ties do not desire forei .-nnra a set tlers withiu their borders su.i as a simple business proportion ?t trading immigrant; is no y t "n dertaken as it might and should be by this aud other states, and there is a loss to the states failing to do so. NEVER OUT OF WORK The busiest little tbiuea ever made are Or. Kiny'a New Life Fills. Every pill ia a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength. languor into energy Constipation, Head ache: Chills, DvsDeDsia. Mararia. Onlv 25c at all druggists. ' Got His Reward. Old Maid Bnt wby should a great strong man like you be found begging? Wayfarer Dear lady, tt Is the only profession I know in which a gentle man can address a beautiful woman without an Introduction. London Sketch. WOMEN Womea of the highest type, womea of superior education ana refinement, whose eliscerament and judgment girt weijut and force ta their pinions, highly praise the woiJerful corrective tzl curative properties of det Ittlala'a Stomach and Liver Tab I.U. Tkroc;hoct the many stages if rirria's Lfe, from g-rllooj, C..::r-m tLa ordeals of metier 1 : : 1 ti tit iid.zl.zj years, tiere !j r ) r ':t tr r.sre n.!! r J ' . C ' ' ViV' -un t! I"c a l -s. i i 2 J I I I I 1 Bought, and which lias been ' has borne the signature of been made under his per supervision since its Infancy. On of Nature's Mysteries. The zodiacal light, still one of the unsolved mysteries, has shoWn very regular pulsations In tntensfyr and form". In n communication ' to the French Acmlemy of Sciences M. Blrke land has pointed out that these varia tions atfree closely with the periods of regular maenetlc waves of polar re gions, and this would seem to jndlcate that the zodiacal light Is an electrical pheoomenou. A number of experiments suggest that it may be part of a ling of luminous matter surrounding the sun in the plane of its magnetic equa tor. Universal and Eternal. "Yes. life Is universal and eternal, for time is one of Its factors yester day the moon, today the earth.' tomor row Jupiter, lu space there are cra dles and tombs. The red carbon stars will soon be dead: the hydrogen stars, like Vega and Slrius. are the 4ara of the future: Procyoo. Copella aid Arc turus are the stars of the present. Al debaran seems to be already an au tumn fruit." So said Flammaiion. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S r CASTORIA The cities of Nan-Chang, Kwei-Lin and Sukow went over to the Chinese revolutionists. How s This? We offer One Hundred Dollari Reward for any case of Catarrh thai annot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole n. O. . We, the undersigned, have known r'. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, tnd believe him perfectly honorable n all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. ' : WaLDING, KlNNAN ifARVtN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in drnally, acting directly upon the lood and muceug surfaces of the ystem. Testimonials sent ' free '. rice 75c. per bottle. Bold by all 'ruggists. , ; ' Take Hail's Family Pills for'eoa- ipation. Tha Bott Ha Cauld Da. "Now, gentlemen." said tha stage manager at rehearsal, "1 want you all to wear your heavy overcoats lij this scene, aa It la supposed to be an ea tremely chilly night" ' " , "I have no overcoat air." repllej one sf the actors. Then a bright thought struck him. "But 1 could put o4 my heavy underwear. Boston Transcript Tha best piaster.. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on over tbe affected pata ia superior to a plaster and coats ooif one tenth aa mocli. For aala by all Dwilera, -' -. One Helped the Other. r lady waa continually accusing her servant of extravagance without any real cause. The servant always 'bore this accusation patiently. ., ' . One day tbe servant Informed her mistress that the coal bad all been con snmed. This was followed by jtbe usual remarks on tbe part of the mis tress, who finished up by saying r ' "Yon evidently eat them." , Tha next day tha candlea were all gone, ' "Candles gone!", aald the mlstreaa. "Why, I bought half a pound oifly a fortnight ago." ' " . "Oh, well," rejoined the servant who could atand this sort of thing do lorter, "I can tell you where tbe candles tut re gone. 1 ate them to grease my tifroat so that I could swallow tbe coal more conveniently!" res rson's Weeklyi Lame back is one of tha itift rom mon forms of munrulur rVieuri' ' t. A few a) plirationa of Cl.aml c si't- ;.h iMiont will give relltf. inn lyi for Fletcher' f t a i r i MISTAKEN SCIENTISTS. New soma Said tha AerepJsna Could Newar Be a BuooaM. ;:. ,.. Sir Humphry Dary'a dogmatic pro nouncement against gasllghtlng Is not the only Instance of a clever scientist being hopelessly wrong. , Tbe early history of submarine cabling furnishes two striking efcaaoplea. , Consulted on tha scientific aide of tba project, Fara day asserted that tbe first cables ware made too small. Than ha aald that "tba larger tha wire tha more electric ity would be required -to charge It" and in this quite. Incorrect opinion be was supported by other eminent scien tists. As a result ot this dictum tba current was Increased until tbe opera tion "electrocuted" tba wire and tba cable broke down. It was Lord Kel vin who by sending messages through heavy cables ' with Incredibly weak electric currents proved that Faraday was mistaken. . ' Airy submitted tba project to mathe maUca and arrived at the conclusion that a -cable could not ba submerged to tha necessary depth and that if " could no recognisable signal could ever travel from Ireland to Nova Scotia. - In aviation the lata Dr. Newcomb. one of tba most distinguished mathe maticians the world has ever pro duced, declared that he bad mathe matically Investigated all the condi tions operating against the heavier than air machine and was convinced that tha aeroplane would never be any more tbaa a scientific toy. and the possibility of an aeroplane motor being reliable in tbe reduced atmos pheric pressure shore 8,000 feet waa by several experts said to ba out of the question. Harpera Weekly. . Seur en the Eights. "Eight cent postage stamps are boo doos," aald a postal official. "None of the small offices handle them If they can help It It's this way: They are Just a waa shade different in color from tba ones, and it Is no Infrequent thing for a stamp clerk In a hurry to band out a lot of eights when ones are asked and paid for. It always coats him 7 cents a stamp when be does it Tbe clerk here the other day during tbe rush hour, when tbe offices are closing, waa railed upon for a dol lar's worth of ones. He banded out a hundred eights Instead. . Cost htm $7. Then be got rid of all tbe rest of the eights, and now he won't have any thing to do with eights even says 'eaten' Instead of "ate.' "New York Herald. Proper Chi II a, "I've had cMd chills running over mc all day," tbe thin man complained. "Tou ought to be glad of that" said bis heartless friend. ; ; "I don't think I understand you. Why shoold I be glad V "Oh. well, you know. It la quite an ordinary thing to have . cold chills. There's no cause for alarm. Just think what an extraordinary thing it would be If you should have hot chills running over you.' . - Petitions for the repeal of State-wide prohibition and substitution of local op tion laws are being circulated in Okla homa. - . ... : ' Doa't trifle with a enld la Mt arisl for nradent man anil vamm If mav kl vital in case of a child. There ia nothing oeuer man unamtMriam s uougn Kero edy for coughs and colds in children. It 1- . - . I . i . n is aaie ana sure.- ror ami ny ail ueai- The Vegetarian Oyster. Oysters are most exemplary in the matter of diet The oyster is well nigh a vegetarian, living almost ex clusively on aea weed. -. including . the .minute , pine pollen of the : water. Smaller animals form only 5 per cent ot his food. . He is a methodical feed er, always dining between the hour of 12 and 2 in the afternoon. When be wanta bis meals be simply opens bis shell and lets tbe water flow in through a sort of. gill, which retains tbe food, allowing tbe water to run out again. It Is only In frosty weath er that tha oyster goes off his feed. In order to protect himself as much aa possible from tha cold be Ilea with the bulging abell uppermost ' In this position be cannot open his abell and must perforce go abort of food. But be would sooner' starve than let tbe cold water la to chill hka delicate flesh. Bless himl London. Chronicle. - . Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A Surprise ff Swsgger. . "Tea," said Swagger; "tbia ia a tur ken ring." - '. . 'I. ; "Excuse me," said Bangs; "the cor rect pronunciation of that word Is turkwolse,' " ; . . "No; tnrkeae, excuse toe." "I say turkwolse." i "Well, let's go to the Jeweler and sak him." ' . . "Bight" . : :,' "In order to settle a wager,"- said Swagger to tbe Jeweler, "would you mind telling me if tbe correct pronun ciation of tbe atone In this ring is tur keae or turkwolse 1". , , .Tbe Jeweler took the ring and ex amined It carefully. "Tba correct pro nunciation," be said, "Is glass." Lon don Tit-Blts. - . FOB CHAPFED SKIN. Chapped skin whether oa tha bands or lace may be cured hi one night bv ap plying Chamberlain's Salve, it ia also unequaled for sore nipples, burns and scalds. For sale by ail dealers. s TVss tve Thus. Ta, what does it mean when you My that prices fluctuate?" "It means, my aon, tlat tbey go up and down. When Jt's eoraetbln s you've got to buy t:. price gws up. and when it's eouietUi g ynf e got to soil the price goes down." JwUe, Haf Dart Triand. Vanda-l'm a Ust: i .. " 'f la r ? t.'nd.- N4 a-.'.rj r t t : y I ', t 1 I t 1 1 ' I I I ' f s' ; v, w' '1 y .1 c " n 1 -I -it ma: mm. , JONES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT FALL TERM 1911. MONDAY, OCT. 30. -All Criminal Cases. ; V TUESDAY. Oct. Si; 1911. " y i E E Eubanka vi Becton & Heath, t Burney vs Foy. .-.V 'il : V'. '-' 11 Meadows vs Perry. 14 Reynolds vs Einsey. : ( 16 Bell va Brinkley. ' ,. ' 18 Kelley vs Johnson, ? . :J. 19 Lee vs Craft ft Turner, 22 later va Lumber Co. . - v. 23 Wimsatt ft Lumber Co. " va S D ";; White et ala.y; .y''v? - . WEDNESDAY,"NovS 1, 191L 25 J H Simmons vs H A Brown. ' 27 Eubanka ys Collin. . 7 28 Mungervs Green.' "7, J 80 Sykes vs Jones. , 81 Collins vs Foy. -j " 82 Hargett va G W Taylor, et al. THURSDAY, Nov.. 2, 1911. ' S3 Bell vs Haddock. : 84 Harrison va R R. Co. 86 Nelson es iShaw. .r .'.;: : 'Vr 86 Duval va R RCo. ' 87 Duval ys R R Co. ,' i FRIDAY, Nov. 8, 1911. : 88 Collins va Brown. r - 89 Dixon Bros vs J A Banks. ' 40 Jenkins va Waters. , 41 Munger ft Bennett vs Rhodes 42 Maysville Supply Co. vs S S Wa tors et al. - : f ' 43 T A Bell vs A C L R R Co. DIVORCE. " 5 J B Taylor vs Dora Taylor. , All other cases subject to motions, all parties and witnesses concerned will attend court on day case is aet for trial as above stated, without further notice. , J. B. COLLINS, Clerk .Superior Court Jonea Co. This 11th Oct 191 L (j" There are changes in the above from the Jones eounty calendar that has been published. Those - interested please note.) The Indianapolis police believe Dr. Helens Knabe admitted to her room the person who killed her. ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA It was rumored that attempts to steal the state's exhibits in the McNamara case had been made. Rheumatism Relieved in 6 Heurs. DR. DETCHON'S RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM usually relieves sever eat cases in a few hours. Its action upon the system is remarkable and ef fective. It removes the cause and the disease quickly disappears. First dose benefits. 76c and 1.00. Sold by Brad, him Drug Co. A Soldier's Reply. -A soldier of Marshal 8a xe'a army, being discovered In a thefi, was con demned to be banged. 'What he bad stolen might lie worth 5 shilling. The marshal, .meeting him as he was be ing led to execution, said to blm "What a miserable fool you were to risk your life for 6 shillings!" ' . "General." replied the soldier, "I have risked It every day for my pity, flvepence." ' This repartee saved hi life. ' ,' '' . MIDNIGHT IN THE OZARK3 and yet sleepless Hiram Scrsn'on, of Clay City, III., coughed and coughe l. Ha was in the mountains on the advice of Ave doctors, wl.o said he had con sumption, but fcun 1 n help in tha cli mate, and started home." Hearing of Or. King's New Dmcove-y, I begn to use it. "i believe it saxel my life, ha writes "for it male a n w m.n of me, so that I can now d t go d wm k again." For all lunar dUess a. c-nehs, eold, lagrppe, asthma, crotp wioo ing' cough,' hay fever, . hmi r h ees, noaraeness or quinsy, ' it's thf let known remedy. Price 60e and i 00, Trial bottle free. Guaranteed ly al Druggists. : . ' A Persona) View of 8eward. ' I ' talked also With Seward, who looked dirty, rusty, vulrar and low need such words as hell and damn and spoke very loud. I think better of Mrs. Lincoln for her excessive dislike of blm. "Life and Letters of George Ban croft" ' , -. . .. ; A Miatake. - Circulation Man That woman who ranted ber name kept out of the pa per yesterday baa stopped ber sub-ecrlptlon-s" . . ; - -Editor Why, we kept her name out C. M. That's the answer. Toled Blade. ' . Biliousness is due to a disordered eon dition of tha stomach. Chambei Iain's Tablets are essentially a atmach med icine. Intended especially to act on that organ; tP clean it, to regulate, the liver ami to banish biliousness positively and eff actually. For sale by all lhalera, : " " "-. - - . .! : .... '.' Alliwn McFarland waa indicted on a ehargeof murdering bis wife at New- air, New Jersey. ' A Chicago produce firm have surd the New York Poultry Trust. ' L J. -.- - . .' J - 1 1. 1 f aT . - C -A 1 BALLS. A World's Fair Exhibit That Punled , f Louis Napoleon. An instance of the obsession of the mind by one idea la seen in a ludi crous mistake made' by Louis Napo leon in 1855 at a world's fair held in Paris while ha was emperor. -He had been trained to war, and be could not; see a strange object without regard ing It in relation to war. The bead of the United States commission - at the exhibition was Maunsell B. Field, who tells in bis "Memoirs of Many Men" bow greatly disturbed tbe em peror was by an American invention. 1 Tbe commissioner was present st a reception held at the palace. 1 'S ; , "The emieror approached me and remarked that be had that afternoon walked' through . our department u or the exposition this was just before tt was ,open to the public that be bad seen" many things there which -inter-. kested htm,: but that notblug hod so much pleased him aa the exhibition of vulcanized India rubber. . Among the articles he had noticed .something which had puzzled him - ever since. He Very .much regretted that I was not present at tbe time of bis vUit. , : . ''Here 1 Interrupted blm to aay that I very much regretted it myself and that if he had sent me an Intimation of his purpose I should . have been certain to attend. 'f -" " 'Well,' he answered, .'in one corner I saw. stacked as one sees them In an artillery yard, a pile Of vulcanized In dia -rubber; cannon balls. There was nobody there to answer the inquiries' which I desired to make. Ferhaps you can explain the matter to me.'. . "I bad not even seen the balls In question and had to Ray so. "'I cannot Imagine.', resumed his majesty, "how any preparation of -India rubber can be u?ed for projectiles. It has often occurred lo me that. In combination with, other materials. It might be made useful for defensive purposes.' - "' ;;r ?.;-'"Viy ' "I was compelled to admit that It was equally mysterious to roe bow the Inventor could have thought spriously of making cannon balls of It. After so unsatisfactory an Interview the piniwr- or probably did not think that It would be civil to leave me Immediately.' so he asked me if I took much iuterest In military matters. I answered that I did not any more than civilians usual ly do. .': -- - - : ;';;'.."-. "I was at that time residing very near the Talace of Industry. Tbe next morning f went over before breakfast for the purpose of getting information upon the subject which bad so puzzled the emperor. I went directly to the India rubber exhibit, and. sure enough, I found tbe balls there just as they bad been described to me. It was too early for me to expect to see tbe man in chsrxe. but there was n person In bis place. I asked what In the world he expected to do with India riiblxr cannon lwlls. . : : v - - . "'They are not cannon balls. be an swered: they aw fonthnlta! " v Prepares Tor Colleee, for Business, for Life, A sMalthfiU tmnaphers) ptrradesi Uifi school. -tHroof Ctuistiaa IbSuwcsmi. IdeaJ phrfical enrt rtHtment. "Ood'a Oonntrj' ia tbe) (rmtliilU c the) Wt.e RMn Jfountaistt. Hih eUaiisrds of sehnlarsMp. lioetor erstem and vinrdy prlociplea of American manhootintHleJ. AlMetlMMmur-Bt4- IiiflffatotbifKhoolhfrdeMiaioswlMK to asAet jrut Itof. Non-deoosninatiooal. Vnr MtilM. writat ' ' . tLII.LIitT,rlKiMlt,lni MIMnLC, "A fine piece of cloth my boy!. J I never saw you wear abetter Rooking sirit ! ; ''Yes, I am pleased with it I Karj it madeTy a good merchant1 ."tailor. JThe doth isjone.olthe ryMMSNMHissMsaM fmm jL- " OflatftUltaMrJ hhtKM , , : - 1" " - .'"SS-SW 1 1 - - - , - i A ... ; E"ty praud ol a Shackamaxoa , suik We ban a lull fine of ttiete dittinctiva ' labiic. Call and be BiaHBcd lot ooa oi thaa today. ' ; : J ' '. F. M. CDADWIGK . MKRCIIANT TAILOR 103 Middle St. New lrn, N C. Hyde Co. R.P. Oats, Burt Oats, Hairy Vetch, Rape, Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Hay, Oats, Corn, Corn Meal, Cot ton Seed Meal, Hulls, Rran, Shipstuff, Beet Pulp, Dairy Molasses : Fsed Distillers Grain, highest in Protein of any stock feed on the mark et. -;. - I:; ' ' .: ... BUfWUS tC- CO. 2i-s3!:n::;s. Kfwr-ni.r.d P.UECER hy0 I N3TITU T C J IT FOR BOYS. 60tfcTr. 3 tl Preparet Tor College, for Business, for Life, Ln A baalthfnl aamnenhere namdesi Uiff school. - i New Goods Fancy Cream Cheese 20c lb., Fresh Macaroni, Old Fashion Buckwheat, Reckera Prepared Buckwheat, Fresh Fox River Print Butter, Heckers Oatflakes 10c pkg , Heckers Pancake Flour 12c. pkg., Fancy Early Rose Irish Potatoes 40c.'pk., Cape Cod Cran berries 10c qt., Very Best Flour 3c. lb., Nice lot Yam Potatoes 25c. pk, Nice Apples, Cocoanuts Bananas, Cabbage, Onions and numerous other good thirgs to eat we do not name for lack of space." ' v - -. - . PRICES RIGHT " . YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L McDaniel 1 Middle St.' - Phone 91 HENRY'S;! ' Prescriptions from . all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. .. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. ' - Pharmacy PHONE 173 . HARDWARE " - AND , . Building Ma terial : Paints, Oils' AND , Varnishes 1 American. Field Fence' 1 1 vm lew Kara, I, 0, OH YES! : It's just a little dif ferent, . imparts a most delightful and satisfying aroma and flavor-Breakfast is incomplete with out "Morning Cup Cof-" fee" on the tableDo you know? :v . C. Phone 174 SB" Middle St. FRESH SUPPLY WHITMAN'S CANDY AT DAVIS KLIIY PHONE 56. - It la a very serious matter to ask tor ona medicine and v have tbe wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you (n buying to be car-.'..i to --.t Co genuine . aV a A ' H Tte rer-ut.tr. .ti f f ' c.M, re". " ' tte '-, , I r r -!t-',;-atit)!i, H c ti . . ! I -r tt 01,,. ., is 1 .... J r Jt ( fl..t i- : r 1 , .'iut' t 1 1, (,r ; .. v 1 pit I 3 t ( . i.,f -, v a l j t , i , .. . ( S. 1

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