8 .facrVO No 61 NEW BERN,' CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER, 3. 1911-SECOND SECTION 34th. YEAR r a .a. 'fill 1'JOfII'SlTE HEXTELECTIOn For PresidentWill Ban to Million. Six States Grant Unre - j stricted Suffrage. : - Washington, Nov. 1 Almost 1,000, 000 women will be eligible to vote for president of the United States in 1912. ' Tbes women are to be found in the 6 Western States which hav already (ranted equal suffrage, the number in each atata who are eligible to vote be ing about as follows: ' California 500,000; Coloraio. 160,000; Idaho, 43,000; Utah, 65,000. Washing ton, 120,000; Wyoming, 35,000; total, 928,000. . . Those figures are not exact, but con stitute the best possible estimate until such time 4a the census bureau gets out its figures showing the analyiis of the populatio i bjf sta'ea. It is posible that before the election in 1912 miny more etstes may give the wo aen a chance fo vote for the presi frn'hl candidates, as the eqlal suffrage campaigners have such states is Nivadv, Oregon. Kan fas and Wisc HMMR jMftrkd a trembling in the balance on th- suffrage qiesti on. : There are in the Uni ed St.tes to lay just n I if teen states which haeno fom of uffrage for .women, al hough eo ne cities i.-t th '.m have Th) e states ate; Nevada, Texas, Mhsojri, A-kanias, Mississippi, Indiana, Kentucky, T n nessee, ' Al tbama, Florida, Georg a, South Carol, Njrth Ctrolina, V rjin U, Maryl nd Pennsylvania, Rhode Isl and add M- ine.. The other states hive some form of mo.iifi.d suffragi for wo- men. '.. ... Kent icl y was the first tttt in thi- country, to give wonen tne riht o vote 1 1 1818 t at state gave the school suffrage to wid with chid-en o . school see at d in 1851 Kinsaa- g ve the schools IT -age jo all women Yeirly year fro n th- n on, the movement for woman's -tun rare g iii-fd sire og h th o ughout the co l itry. but it was alw y granted in modified form, as tie ri,'h to vote on schoil mtttTt, loral -ax qu'sMons, municipal suffrage, etc In 1889 Wywiiig gave th full sutfr.ig to women, - being th first ita e in the country to do so Schoal suffrage was grant d to the worn n of Ne H m i hire in 1873. by Massachusetts i 1 1379, by Connse'icut in 1893, and Verramt in 1880. -, - In itddi'ion (o !he six state in tlis country which. have given full suffrage to wotne ', th'-r are mmy cointiie which have fien a modified form of suffrage ti women and full suffrage Ins been grsntt d ths women by the Iile of Man, New Z island, South Aus'.rai.. West Australi i, and in 1902 full euff ra?e was granted the women of feder al) d A'lttralia and New S uth Wales. 'In 1903 Tasmania gave full t ,t suf frage to women, QueenUnl fo lovtd the next year, Fin'atd gare fullna io -al suffrage in 19 )6 snd Norway the fol lowing year. In 19)8 Victo it pave. lull Stat suffrage; and in 1911 both homes of the Ice'andic Parliament gave fu I suffrage to soirnn. Taking the states in this country and - the other nations, whi h have grant' d foil suffrage to Women. I is fnu d that full suffrage Is enjoy d by a p pilstlo of 15,614 617, of whi h nu nuer 6,161, 473, or! about one third, art found in the states having full suffrage in this country.' . . ..i Joseph Pulitzer Proprietor New York . . World Deal Charleston.. S. C, Oct 29. Jo eph Pulitzer, proprietor of the New - York World, died 61, board his yacht off Charleston, S C Mr Pu itzer died of paralysis of th heart, induced by gall atones, He had b en n poor health for som) time,. He was on his w y toJekyl Island, near B?u swick, Ga , wherd he had a winter home. His wealth is esti mated at 20 millions. ' ACCEPTABLE Old man Economy has arrived with a full lid of tha very beat foreign and domestic woolens of the vey latest dt- sign, for your fall and winter suits. Old man Economy will ssv you from thrs to seven dollars on suits, everything b equal. Second, he will make th gar ment any style that is worn by the best dressed man. Third will make stiff front or soft front cost that vill hold its shspe, and pants just as your ssy you want thm. Fourth, W put In lining that will wear with the outside, and all work guaranteed to be up to the stnndard American tailoring. Thir ty odd years experience enable on to know bow to work every fabric that full value may be seen so com and get acquainted with him. Economy will tell jou how to start a bank ac- count snd how to raise up a family with Ims expense. He is stopping for th season at . R. SAWYER. Merchant Tailor, 61 South ricr.t St, For th fi't tin.e since 1?".3 tl e Poet "'3 T : 1 1 i.-.'it b',ow s a surahs. lIFOIWi. PEKING PAN , IC Officials Seeking Asylum For Selves and Family Among ,- (Foreigners. Peking, China, Oct. 30 -Situation in Poking is becoming worse. A verita ble panic prevails among the Mancbus and the Mancba worn ?n -are adapting Chinese dress. Soma of them are at tempting to make their feet appear small by peculiarly constructed -shoes. Trains that are leaving the capital for the most put are draws by two en gines, so heavily are they loaded, the people sitting on top of their household belonings. Officials are seeking asylum for their wives and children among the foreigners. Prior to the revolution, the newspa pers frequently cried out against the presence of foreign soldiers, but the natives ere now fleeing to them for shelter One .report ' fixes tomorrow night for an outbreak, but the prt sence of 15,000 Manchu troops against 3,000 Chinese insures the safety of the capi tal for the present. - The price of provisions is sti 1 rising and a large number of foreigners are entering ths legation quarter. The le gation gua ds are preparing for emer gencies. The Americans have sand bags piled on the corner wall, which is now under a strong guard. The American Legation has issued orders that the women and children 1 v ing along the Peking-Hankow railw y and also in the country to the west of the line shall proceed as soon aa pos Bible to the coast. PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment v. il cure Blind, bleeding and Itching Piles, It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives Instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of th private parts, .Sole by druggists, mail 50c and 11.00. Williams' M'f'g. Co, Props., Cleveland. O. . . Committees Are Appointed. Ltst Saturday aftenn the Direc tors of the C aven Ounty Agricultural and Stock Exhibit As ociation appoint ed he fo owing commit ees: Commitfe on Agricultural Exhibits W C Wilier, W F Crockttt. G orgeN Ives, G L H irdison and C L Ives. Stock and Ponbry-G T Richardson, W II Hray, J A Jones an! R A man. Me-chant ' Exhibits Guion Dinn, C V McGehee, L H Cutler, Jr., and W A M -Intosh, , Genei at Arrangements of Exhibit Hall, Exhibits and SuDervision Wm. Dunn, E B Hackbu n. J B Blades, E Z R Davis and W C White. . Entertaining the Givemor S M Brinson, L I Moore and C E Foy. On Parsde-TG Hymui, M D W Ste- vnson and B B Hurst. , O Races I E Dsuger y, E W Wads worth, Bei Wairen, J A M.ler.D P Whitford ani B 8 Hurst. ... It was decid d that the word "na tive" be scroti h d out on premiums 37 89 vnd 40, n page 21 of the pi-erni urn list book, so now a horse, mare, coalt, or mule dies not have to be l a tive" bred to compete for premiums. New Bern, Take Notice. Mr. Editor Plesse stop my ad at once. Smtemy last ad was placed in your paper my business has increased so I cannot hardly wait on my custo mers. Please stop nntil further notice, One fin mule for sale. "Big Hill,' the Shingle and Paper Roofing Man Help Secure Aviation Meet. The subscription list for the Aviation Meet has now reached seven hundred and thirty-eight ($738.00) doling. Thir teen bsve subscribed 110.00. thlrty- eigbt for (5.10, five for $1 tO, seven for $2 50, four for $2.00 three i.undr d sod saventy-four for $1.00 ard seven for 50 cents. If there is a man in New Barn who has not been spproachtd, in reference to secu- ing bis subscription, -the man agement dies not know it E 'ery effort' has been male to see evaiybolv. Un less a fe s h indrsd dollars la ad ai to th subscription list there will be no AvMioo Meet in New Bern. If' threi fouiths of those who hsve subscribed for $1 00 will double their subscription thh will put the subscription Uat up to on thousand ($1,000) dollars and th Aviation Meet wM be assured, Now Mr. Subscriber, for one dollar, 'yoa win ne spproarnai in tne next i w !! in reference to doubling your sub- scriptlon, so loosen up a little, double your subsciption ani b instrumental in bringing to your city an attraction STRICKEN that will drv thousand! of people to fine young orchard Is s'so locat' d on the New Bern,. November 22d and 23 1, thus lot, also a fine grape vineyard. I will mating the Agricultural and Stock Ex- sell this place cheap to the proper per hlb't a great success, giving impetus to son. If interested write to or se me at movement which w believe will ulti one. ma'ely mean A permanent fairforNew, J. fi, REGISTER, Bern J. Ltoa Williums. 1 Clarks, N. C WHALES OFF , ALASKA COAST Four Hundred, the Season's Catch by One Com pauy Largest ' ' 8t Feet Long. Seat'ler Oct, Sl.-rWith a hardy crew of whalers who have just : completed a very profitable season along the south east it and southwestern Alaska coast, the attain whaling vessel. Fearks. of the Tyre Whaling Company, has ar rived on the Sound. The m a'on is practically over and one by one th vesse's are being laid up for the winter. The Tyee and Resolute have already arrived from the North, and the barge Diamond Head, which has been with fie fleet, will soon be sent to San Francisco. Over 400 whales were captured du ring the season and their carcasst-s ta kui to Tyee, Alaska, where the bone and the oil is extracted and the rest of the carcasses converted into fertilizer. The biggest whale of the season was 86 feet long and was captured by the crew of the Fentress. She gave the Tyee 's crew a fierce battle bfoie be ing landed. FOR RENT. One-horse farm, adapted to corn and cotton, fi ie open range, goo j reside ce and out buildings, wire fence, well drained, orchard and vineyard, excel lent water, healthy. An ideal place for small family who wishes to raise poul try and stock. Address X, care of Journal Office. President Taft Designates The Annual Thanksgiving Day. Chicago, Oct. President Taft today issued his annual Thanksgiving Day proclama inn, calling upn citizens of the United States to celebrate Thurs day the 30th, ' Novemt er next as a day of Thanksgiving and prayer. The proclamation reads ss follow : The people of this land having by long sanction -and practice set apa-t to ward the close of each passing year tt day on which to cease from their labors and assemble for the pur fx sa of giv ng praise to Him who is the author of the blessings they rave enjoyed, it is my duty as chief executive to designate av. this time the day for the fulfillment of this devout purpose. "Our country ha) been signally fav ored in many ways. The round of the seasons has brought rich harvest. Oir industries have thriven far beyond our domestic needs, the production of . our labor are daily find. ng enlarged markets abroad. We have been free from the curses of pestilence, of fam'ne of war. Our national counsels have furthered the ctuse of peace in other lands and the spirit of benevolence has brought us into closer touch with other peoples, ti the strengthening of the bonds of fellowship and good will that link us to the comrades in the univir;al brother hood of nations. Strong in the sense of our own right and instd-ed by a strong sersi of the lights of others, we live in peace and harmony with the world. Rich in the prheless posies, ion snd abundant resources whe-ewi'h the unstinted bounty of G id hasendoved' us, we are unselfishly glal when other people psss oiwa-d to pro parity and That the great privilege we en - peace. j y miy ontinue and that each ciming year may see our country more firm y established in the regard and esteem of our fellow nations it is tl e prayer that should arise in every thankful hear1 "Wherefore, I Willium Howard Taft, President of the United States of America, designate Tbur day, the thir tieth of November next aa a day i f tbankt giving and prayer and I earnes' ly eall upon my countrymen, and upon all that dwell under the flag of our be loved country then to meet in their ac customed places of worship to j tin in offering praise to Atmigh' v Go I and de vout thanks for the loving mercies He has given us, ;.;.; ;..'-" "In witness thereof, I bave hereunto set my hand ani caused the seal of the United States tobe affixed. - "Done at the City of Chicago,' this thirtieth day of October in the year o( our Lord . one thousand nine hundred and eleven and of tha independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty cixth. ' By the President. "P. C. Knox, Secretary of State." A REAL BARXJAIN vwing v vna iscij mil uiy uusiuraa i requires my attention and pretence ail Owing to the fact that my business another place, I have divided to place my house sni lot on tne onritft ins lot contains 3 acres of the est Jsnd in the vicinity of Clarks. The dwelling house h re and modern, ami the out housei are in lb best of condition.- A TOBACCO IRIS! Is Eoasocable. Independents Say Will Give Trust Greater Trade Monopoly. New York, Oct. 31st. The United States Ci'Ctiit Court, to which was re ferred by the Uoi'.ed States Supreme Court the task of pait-iig upon the re organizU on or plans proposed by , the America! T biccu Company has begun that work, i fH " Dexpite (he widespread' in erest in the fight being m ide by independents against the pian proposed on the grounds that if approve ' the trust will gain even a yreater monopoly in the tobacco trade, there were very few in court when pro c edings began. . : ! Judge Licombe, presiding, announced that the attorneys of the American To bacco Com piny would first present their plans. Following th s representatives of the security 'hold- rj and attorneys representing the in!e, n lent 3 and oth er outside ii te-e U. w II he heard. The American Tob ceo Company will then be given an opportunity to answer the objections of the various opposing in terests. . K Attorny-General Wickersham will be heard after all the other speakers h tve concluded. L 'wis Casd L ttyard, of counsel for the Tobacco, Trust, was the first speaker. He opened with a general argument for "a sane and rea sonable plan of a Ijus: meat" and p'ct ured the "dire disaster" that might fol low the appointment of a receiver for the trutt. A reciveoahip, he said, would fore? the security holders to pro t ct themselves, and would tesu't in tie strongest kind of monopoly of the tobacco business of the country. The plan under which t ie trust proposed to reorganize, Ledyard declared, had had the benetit of tuggf stions from the Su preme Court, from Attorney-Generd Wickersham and from other high gov ernmrnt oflicials, In the briel fi.ed by Attorney-Gener al yickt r-iham the right to i tervene any time within five years, regardlest- of what d.Siuliiticn pUn ispproved, is asked. He says i" is impossible to tel wht tier any plan wl ich might bean- proved by the court would be satisfac tory; I ence the request for the right of inteiver.tion. The Attorney-General asks that no one of tha c mpanies into which the c mbinatton is to be broken up shall be permitted t) own stock in any of the other ompanies. . Further to divorce business interests, he asks thit the companies be denied the privilege of having the same offi cers and dir. ctor ot occupying tne same offices employ ins; the same c.erks or purchasing through the sime egen cies. The government does not object to each company controlling up to 40 per cei.t. of tie buiiness in its particu lar line. See our line of Coal and Wood Heaters. J. S. Bas night Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St., Phone 99. Hon. Charles C. Clark. In tha pasting of the Hon. Charles i - G. Clark, at h s home in this city, a ly Monday morning, October n, tnore is removed a gent!, m in, whose person ard character are but little known to those of the pre wot decade. A man of distinguished presence, a well (tired mind in l -gal and varie l knowledge, an oratorof eminnt degree, a natuie posi tive and assertive. Mr. Clark was well ea iiDDed for leadership.- These marked abiliti' a combined with a courtly man ner, naturally gave him posi ions that follow in the legal profession; city at torney, solicitor for tre district guber ntt -rial appointment, and political of fices. Amor g the Matont he rose to the (filce of Fait G raid Master and in the da s of his active lif took greet interest in his lodge. Not less active in religious matters, Mr. Clark has al ways bien prominent in the Baptint Chuith of nhich he was a member for many years. ' ' ' ; , Unfoi tunately affl cted physically a good many years ago Mr. Clark was forced to give up the sclivit es of hit profession and lead rather an eiclmiv and letired life thn' he k pi f a e w th current events. Ti e death of two sons within a fe months if 'each other, & ....... .t ulr t.r I Ma full ar i ( r.i m . u . .v ..... - fourcor,ii, I fit this losssevei ly, Wit'iio a few months Mr. Clark naf uavimcu i.(iiuij a ..imi. i" . w yof robust suture, pissing quietly has declined rapidly in tealth. thn' a' away, surrounded by devoted daughters and son, whnae loving car made bis end oi, e of peace and tender election. This nvirning at 11. o'clock at the First Bxptist Church ths services will beheld, ti be followtd by a burial wild Masonic honors. 'Chrle C, Clark ws 82 yenrs of a,-e. Mi tlett e Clark, a hister, Mrs, Fannie W titers, Miss Mat tie Clark, Mrs George Heplnshsll, Mrs. George B Waters, d.ughiere, and El ward and George Clttrk, sons, ard the near family rtlat Vis, surviving. GRANTED COHSTI TUTIBN TO CHINA Providing Parliament Itavision Existing Constitution, Military Force For Orders. Killing Reports. Peking, Oct. 41 -The Government is sued its expected edict granting practi cal constitutional rule for China. Reports of Har.kow's capture by the Imperial troops last Frid iy are onfirm ed today, though it ie said the Imper ialists' position is now strong, and the rebels are expected to regain posses sion of the town soon unless it is de cided to accept th-3 throne's offer of concessions t lha revolutionists. Five hundred rebels -were killed and 1,500 wounded in Friday's fighting. Th y were enormouly outnumbered, and suffered a cross fire from the fleet under Admiral Sah previou ly report ed captured at the same time the Im perial land forcts were attacking them. They fought despeta'ely, end when they retreattd did so in good oidi r. To day the loyalists are threatening at tacks on Wuchang aid Ilabyatg. The Rev. A. H. Kepler, the Ameri c in missionary wounded, proves tobe in a mere serious condition than at first reported. He was struck in the neck by a bu'let while watching the fight fiom the roof of a building in the Japa neBe concessions. His shooting was un doubtedly accidental. The Imperial edict apologizes for its neglect in not having bowed to the peo ple's wishes Boor.er. It promises to exclude the l obility from the new Cab inet and extends free pardon to all reb els. The edict, asalreaiy forecast provides for a Pa linment, revision of ths pres ent effective Coustitution, the substitu tion of civil for military me h ds of maintaining order, responsibility of the Cabinet to Parliament instead of the Emperor, and curtailment of the lat ter's power to a point considerably less for example, than tnat of the Presi dent of the United States. We have a beautiful stock cf boys Knickerbocker cloth ing, Shoes, Ha's, etc. Don't buy a thing till you see our lines J. J. Baxter. Took Watch to Pay For Broken Show Csse. In tl e police court yesterday after no n Major McCarthy disposed of a rase that caused a numhtr of important phas 'S of the law whith are not goner ally known to be brought ou', Tom G mlas, a Greek merchant who conduct a store near the Union depot, was trird for fo-cibly Uking away from Mr. Geo. Langley, of Beaufort county, a valuable watch to pay for i show cose the plait t ff had broken. From the testimony given duting the trial, it stem? that Mr. LmgW y went into G'lula's store to make a ptirehiue. While there heaccidently broke a Bhow case. He offered to pay what h thought it was woith, but the Gretk refused to take the amount and jerked Mr. Lingley's watch out cf his pocket, Goulas claimed that the watch was left with bim in payment of the damage, however witness claimed that such was not the case. In deciding the rase Mayor McCarthy told the Greek that he had no right to take the watch, snd that if the young man whose property it was, wanted to press the charge, he was in a fair way of going to the penitent iary. However, Mr, Ling ley id not care ! (o do this if his properly was leturned snd the Greek was re'eased, but warn ed not to let a similar ofTense occur again,:'. . -.. : Bedroom Suits. in cheap plain oak just received a car, they are well made and look good, price $18 00, $20.00, $22.50 and $15.00, extra dre ser at $G.50, $7.50 and $9.00. Beds $2 50, $3 50, $4.50, $5.60 and $6.60, for good service to the parti' s that don't feel like investing much in furniture. J. S. MILLER. Early Morning: Fire. Fire of an unknown orrgin completely u..,.. ,,A tk. .i motiiM nn Pnllnnlr . ucD.i- j tv. wav w, awn v. . imvvii . vhuv. street, owned by Mrs W. f. Rountree snd occupied by the Ban ington Dry Goods Company on the first floor and the Salvation Army hall ou ths secoi.d floor. ' . The blote was discovered shortly be fo e 8 o lock and had gained so much headway th it the firemen were at first unable to cope with it. ' At times ad joining buildings were in danger, bet by hard work the fire fighters succeed ed in confining the fir to th building in which it originated. The loss is eatimu ed at between $8,- 000 and $10,000. Vh therany it surance was carried on the buikilng or stock could not e learned, HOLD COTTON REDUCE ACREAGE I T ri .. ri 17: X9 1 litll OOI11UL-I U UOVri UUlB. V lg- u rea To Show Spiudles Need All of Crop. New Orleans Nov. 1. The farmers of the South must withhold from the market every remaining bale of the present season's crop of cotton and fol low this with a concerted ' and binding agreement to reducs nsxt season's cot ton acreage at least 25 per cent, if they hope to restore the Soutb's great money staple to a normal price level and re treive the losses sustsined by reason of the present low prices. ' ' : , This is the plan which the conference of Southern Governors adopted to se cure immediate relief from the d pres sion in the price of the staple. As a means of securing permanent relief from such conditions and to guar antee the co ton farmer 'in th future against the necessity of glutting the market with h s supplies in the open ing of the season, the conference adop ted resolutions favoiing the establish ment in every cot'on growing State a State contrail (d warehouse ard the col lection and periodical publication ff statistics bearing upon the world's de mand for a c msmnption of American cotton. Governor Colquitt submitted statistics relating to the world's -demand for American cotton of the present crop. The figures on tha demand of the mills in this country arc bised on last year's consumption. The totals compiled show that i ha spindles of thi world ill nqui e a total of 13,739,906 bales of the p-e ent American crop, or ap- proximii e y the same number of bales as shown uy the government's estimate of this season's crop. , i Governor Co'quitt directed attention to the fact hat this ii the first time in he h'sto-y of the country that, figures showing th; d t.naid for cotton have ever be'-n compi ed and presented -for the bem fit of the producer. Accepting the government's tstima e of a 13,300, GOO bales en p this season. Governor Co'quitt di-clme l that the demonstra tion of a world d-smand for 13,739,000 bales proves conclusively that cotton today is worth 13 cents per. pound or more. The average price for last year's crop wai 14 C) cents per pound. EMPORIA, .VA., NEWS. ; November 2d The Fair is progress ing fine with much favorable circum stan :es. , Tueslfiy was the Farmers Day at. the Fkir. Tuesday the farmers horses raced at the Fair. The winoit g horse made a mile in two minut?s. , Officer J. W. Saunders arrested a ne gro for ( i-iorderly conduct yesterday. He must have taken begging lessons, any way, be can beg for freedom. A large six horned buck passed thro' town yesterday, he raised considerable curiou'y, - 1 Tomorrow "Ju-ige Palmer" runs, he has cheated quite a sensation among th sport fan -i, and a large attendance is exptcted. . .. ";, Every convenient place-in the c ty has bien cr. ated into a boarding house snd last night the writer found two la dies and a child in the rain begging for a place to stay, . .. From the amount of arrests in the list few days it seems as if there will have to bj a "j.il delivery." : Tomorrow is Emporia Dsy. The city is gayly decorated for th occasion. , The "Wild West" girls srs some good acrobatics. i ?- M. A. T, Stoves polished and put up See Basnight Hdw. Co., Phone 99. Latham Co. Charter. Gov. Aycock Out Ra'eigh, Nov. 1 A chirter is issued by the at en tary of Stat to th J, E, Lttham Compmy, of Greensboro, the suthorir-d capital being (500,000 with $200 000 subscribed by J. E. Latham, C- W. Bradshsw and W. Z, Brown. Th Mitimnv la anthorxed to deal in ! cotton and cotton products. Mr, ' La- I tham la tha nrincinul stock holder. I - - r- 1 ... . . Ex-Governor Charles B. , Aycock is able to be out for th fi'st tim in three , weeks, having been quarantined at horn on account of an aitac of diph theria with which he hai been suffer ing. Hetavs he his fully recovered and that h never felt better la bit lif than at this time. A Good Heater. I You can get the Wilson & Coles wood heater nearly aa cheap as Inferior makes, justconsid.r the amount of f you will save and the life of the beat. r. ' J. S. IdlLLLIl. OF RE- FUGLHEARING By War Department at Beaufort November 7 1 h. Question as to Coaling Station. Norfolk Nov. 1-An effort to ereate a harbor of refuge and apparently a coaling station on the Atlantic coast south of Cape Hatteras and' about half way between Hatteras snd Wilmington, N. C, is being made and Captain Rand United States engineer in charge of Wilmington diatric V has issued the fol lowing circular, . f i 'r - r, j " '. -: The War " Deprtment Board of En gineer f r Rivers and Harbors will hold 4 public hearing at or 'about 11 a. m. November 7, 1911 at the court house in , Beaufort, North Carolina, (o hear all persons intereited in prop 'sed work at Cspe Lookout as a commercial harbor, Cspe Lookout ss a harbor of refuge, the channel from Core Sound to New port river. . All persons are invited to be present, and to submit their views with regard to the necessity for hese improvements. While oral statements will receive due consideration, import ant facts and statistics should be sub mitted in writing for permanent r cird. Beaufort, N. C which is practically the same thing as Lookout, is the At lantic terminal of the proposed deeper inland waterway line south of Norfolk, aid also is the Atlantic terminal of two lines of the Norfolk Southern Railroad, one from Ra'eigh, another from Golds boro, N. C. Over existing lines of the Norfolk Southern, Southern Railway, WinBton Salem Southbound and Norfolk and Western Railways coal from the Poca hontas fields has a comparatively short route to the sea at Lookout Light. There is a natural harbor or refuge at this point which has been used for . years, with about twenty feet of water, it is said, but k is designed to deepen the hsrbor, probably th-ough jettying. The United States engineers once re ported adversely upon this project, but have again taken it under considers-. tion. ' , Whether the rail carrier! have plans afoot for establishing a coaling station at Beaufort-Lookout is not kniwn. but it was sugg sted today that the matter has that look. '. . . See our job counter of Ladies Shoes, some i great values to go quick, $3.00, $3 50 and $4.00 shoes to close as long as they , last at $2.25. J. J. Baxter. . v Our Orphan Children. The snnual proclamation by our Pres ident, calling upon all people .to giv thanks to Almighty God for His mani- - fold mercies andb'essings during the . past year should draw the minds of our people more than ever to the needs of the great work' which is being done for the dependent orphan children of our StSte. "'.: :,-' : : : This work i growing each year and the number of applies' ions for a 'mis sion of destitute, homeless children, who have been deprived of their natur al protector, is 6 instantly increasing! Most nobly have our peop'e respnded to the increased ne-jds, caused by advance in cost of living and. expulsion of th work. We look with pride at the vari ous institutions where these little ones are being cared for and trained for gen eral usefulness to God and the world. There is every reason to believe that the investment which hai ben mad has already paid rich returns in an edu- ' cited, Christian manhood or woman hood of former inmates, - who, but for these institutions, would have remained hi ignorance aid want, ,' Th needs of ths work are constantly increasing es the cost of liviig advan ces, the number cared for grows larg er, and their education and trailing takes a broader scope; therefore, in or der to do the greatest good to the great est numb tr these i istitutions m ut have increased and larger gifts. In the go d stat of Giorgia a plan has been inaug urated to get all friend i of the work to giv on day' salary or wages to aid tilCtu4S. Tne remit was an otTjring of $150,000. Will not each one of our reade s fo low tU examp'e and give their income for one day out of 365 and thus hslp the homeless children of our StsUT W deslr to tub ih a list of i los "bo wlU make this contribution, Send us thsamount, state what orphin- sg you de iir it sent t and we will forward the contribution an I eieiit the earn in the puolishel lUt, If you pre- fbr to'send it direct to th institution of your choice, you may do so. What w desire ii to get each man or woman who feals It In thi ir heart to sid this cans to adopt a y item itic plan of giv ing and thus realize the blessedness of helping this worthy c.use. Will you du Ku!:!i A" in:s. M. E. W! HARBOR