Tunrip finer -A 11 II ATTEMPT BASIS FOR 1911 COTTON CROP AEEKLY REVIEW : ED WET OR DRY T '.A AUTOS GROWING III FIR 11(1 CRAVEN COUNTY TEACHERS WEE SUICIDE? COTTOHSIU Mil Beie fl Commander In Chief. r. Demonstration "of America's Preparedness For War. . '. . . : 4- - J. - ' ' - --- - , , . . ., .- w. New York, Nov. 3. -From the brdge of the Mayflower, where Theodore Roosevelt had Stood to bid Godspeed to thft departing and then welcome to. the' bxime coming battleship " fleet, -that circled the globe three years ago. Pres ident Tft yesterd y reviewed the most notable assemblage of warships in the ' history of the American navy. : x v tn three tong columns stretching as far as the eye could reach up the Hud son river, h grim, gray ehipa-99 in ali had evpaitfd the Presidents coming. In hi(f honor they' were dressed from stem to item in fluttering flags, as if a'teraptib for this gala occasion to conceal the muzzles oi tbe death deal ing guns, the gay bueting lent eolor to ' the scene, put the meaning of the dull gray; hulls and the polished riflrs tint - protruded from turrent mouths could not be marked. -vr:'V::;' ';';,' . "the signjflcsnce of the mobilization and review of the fleet at this time was simply to demonat ate the preparedness of this American navy for any emergen cy.' To further impress this fct upin the President and the nation, to sar no . .L I - . 1 I J . I l. i I ' 'J I inipg 01 tne wiinu at large. ; uw uavai authorities were not "content with the usial plan of a review of the flset at anchor. - - But iq addition the or.'ers provided that after the Mayflower had steamed through th several columns the f li et should gr under way and pass-.put to sea,: Ths double rptacle made the review unique in the annals of nival displays, throughout the world, and at tracted to Nejv York the military and naval altachee of most of the powers of Europe, ' - .'." ; President Taft had his fl'-at rral view of th Americai navy. It had ao happen d slpce he enteoed tbe White House fbat the fWt which waa so great ly admired by his predecessor, Colonel Roosevelt, La i been on widely ac i tiered Hntir fti tha crrpalnr nirt Lh.. limn, And while; tbe Pie ident bad leviewed two divisions of the Atlantic fleet in . Proviocetown harbor in the aummcr of 1910 and $ little more than 2 weeks ago in Sao Francisco had sto d upon the . quarterdeck of the flagship California of tbe Pa hie ffeet, he had never until now' eoinfl into his own as commaode.--in-chief Of the fighting forces of the country. 1 ' ... :. ...... Ye have a beautiful stock cf boys Knickerbocker cloth ing, Shoes, Ha's, etc Don't buy a thing till you see our lines: J. J. Baxter. Washington Defeats New Bern. '-: In a gams of football between the New Bern gtaJed school team and tbe Washing ton graded school team in this city jettarday afternoon,, the Washing ton team was victorious by a acore of 8 to 6. Both teams were in excellent shape and each p'averahowwl 1 p welb Quite a large numi er of suctat rs were prevent and they were v ry t-n'hu-las tic in praise of the work of both teams. The next game wi I be played at Wash ingtoo at an early daU, . ', , 2 ' ' ; Imall Bpy Killed Near Dover. ' A telephone meeage fro n Dov r last night lold of tne accldvntal killing of ' Reld, tbe seveu year old eon of Mr. K A. fjlcbardaoa, who rel U-t abt,ut twj miles from that town. .The farts as letrped wre-A Taborer who waa em ployed hauling wool for the home us, unloading, waa throwing ' the slicks over the fence when the little boy ran ; past and a large billet accidently struck him knocking him eenseleas. He never regained ronsciousoew and riid la about half an hour,' Mr. Richardson has n any - friends In New Bern who will be pained to hear pf this distressing accident. . Sep oir job counter of Ladies Soes, ' some great valuta to eo quick, $3 00, $3.0 anc $4.00 shoes to close as Jong as they last at $2.25. J. J. I! axter. t r Cold! the Wild Turkey Record. So far this season tbe Journal con cede ths a lit turkey shooting record to lir. T. J. Itaxter, of this city,. M .-, r m out on Wednesday morn ing i sr'y. t: e flrat day of the open tur key Knn, and after lilting In a blind from 4 a. m' to 25) p. m., be was re wr ' i by lng two turkeys approach to i 1 e of the xc -Went food be hud . . . l L : 1 . . I l I .' . n'ar blncxi away, kiiiing , , t j i .,;h one ahot. Tbe bitdi ,.. I . ;'ew!liug eleven Abram Block Proprietor Victoria ! : Theatre Is Bhot ""By His Own ' " " . Pistol. ' ' ; About 9.80 o'clock last night, a report of a pistol waa beard the sound coming from the rear of the store No. 97 Mil die, gt.. run by Abram Block who alo te proprietor of the .Victoria theatre, a moving picture and vaudeville bouse on Pollock St. Mrs. Block who was in the front of the store screamed and several persons outside . hearing ; the shot and scream rushed to the scene, Mr, Block was found standing In the back room with a pistol and a large wound in his aide. He claimed not to have shot him self and refused to do anj thing. A doc tor waa quickly summoned who examin ed the wound and declared Block must go at once to the sanitarium for exami nation nod treatment ! Only at the im ploring of his wife and two crying chil dren was be induced to go, the ambu lance having been summoned. '' : The Teports all indicate that Mr. Block waa despondent over financial trebles and had been drinking, the cul mination being in bis shooting him sUf, after appar ntly seelrg 00 bops to find relief in his buaineea and pecuni ary troubles, Mr. Block has been here several years running a 10 cent store and later engagtd in the moving picture show business, ' u ; i1" . . ""i- s: . An . examination of the wound at the sanitorium showed it to be superficial the shit not penetrating the abdomen, being merely a flesh wound, the doctors saying last night, Mr, Block would get over it. Bedroom Suits. in cheap plain oak just received a car, they are well made and look good, price f 18 00, 20.00, $22.50 and $25.00, extra dresser at 16.60, 7.50 and $9.00. Beds $2.50, $3.50, $4.60, $6.60 at d $6.60, for good service to the parties that don't feel like investing much in furniture. . J. 8. MILLEGU . Mr, Block's Condition Improved.- : - '"'' ' ' ' ,- ' Report as to Mr. Block's condition yesterday, gave it as improved, the doctors not regarding his wound as serious. ;- Mr. Block B(.il further as to the shooting tl at Jt waa at c dental, he try ing to "btek" a pistol to extract the eartridg-. This in further confirmation of the inu nal'a repo t Saturday, that he did not with suicidal intent shoot himself. -Mrs. Block has the sympathy of all in her husband's trouble. A REAL BARGAIN Owing to the fact that my business requires my attentioo and presence at another place, I have decided to place try house and lot on the market ., The lot contains I acres of the best land in the vicinity of Clark. The dwelling house is rew and modern, ami the out bouKe4 are in the best of condition. A fine young orchard is a'ao locattd on the lot, also a fine grape vineyard. I will sell this place cheap to the proper per son. If interested write to or e me at orce. ; " ';" . ;'. ' 1. M. REGISTER, . ' '.. Clerks, N. C. Craven County Commissioners ; 1 . Monthly Meeting. Hold Yesterday the Craven County Board of Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting at the court house In this eity. r Practically the entire' morn ing session was tken up in bearing the complaints of thoae who thought their property had been assessed too high by the tax aisessors when they were mak ing up the tax books a few weeks ago. Ia some cases the assessment ha I been doubted over that of last year, while the value of the property had la Dained the iami. One ease in particular at- trade i conaidaraSle attention The manager of the local branch of S. H. Kress A Company's store appeared be fore the board and stated that the as- aetiment on their stock this year was twice the amount It was assessed at last year, and that tney aia not nive as much in their store now as they did at that time. After due consideration thee complaints were oderd to be in vestigated, and if found wrong to be corrected. - ",,' The afternoon tewinn was taken ' np with the disptesl of the large nnmbar of bills against the county. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS (lave you negleoted your KidneysT Have you overworked your nervous ays tem and caused trouble with your kid-1 neysand bladder? Have you pains In' bins, side, bark, groins and bladJert Have you a flabby appearance of th face, eeimcially undar the eyeaT Too f re I . ii.lr, tn mil iirinnT If an. WiU H " r ' liams' Ki'lnev Pills will cure U.-; ' t, rrkaC's. Williams U f g. (C.,li ,., C ' !, 0. New Bern Citizens Realize the Advantage Of Owning a Car acd Many Have' Recently Been Purchased. ... .. .- . ............. ,-.. ... .... ... . . ..... Never before have high class auto mobiles been. so inexpensive ss they are at the preaent tine and many New Bern citizeoe who have realized the ad vantages of owning an automobile have recently placed their orders for a ma chine with the local dealers. No longer is the automob'la a luxury, to be own ed only by the idle r ch. The cost of production has been greatly decreased during the past few years and now the man wih even a morfest income can own one of these cars as well as bis richer brother. ; There are several makes of automo biles in New Bern, but none of them have proven to be as popular a the 'E. M. F.' and the "Flanders" cars which are minufactured by the Studebaker Company and are handled locally by the Hy man Supply Company. These cars are built on lines which irsure their duraLiiity and also they show the abili ty of the craftsman's art in manufac turing them. " '" Another.car which is destined to be come popular in this Iocs ity is the "Overland." At present there is not a siugle car of this make owned by local autoieta but the Hymsn Supply Com pany have accepted the agency for this make of machines and it is safe to say that it will prove to be a winner. The price la very low : ard they are one of the most durable and attrative ca-s on the market toaay. During the past few days the Hyman Supply Company have disposed of the following cars to local persons; . Ex-Judge O. H, Guion; a five passen ger "E. M. F." touting car. Mr. H. C. McKeel; a four passenger E. M, F," touring car. Dr. J. F. Rhenrt; a four paseenger "E. M. F." touring car, Mr. G R. , Fuller; a four passenger "Flandera" automobile. 1 In addition to this th"y sdvtBe us that they have another carload of automo biles of this make enroute and which w'.U arrive here some time this week. New Bern, Take Notice. Mr. Editor Please stop my ad at once. Since my hist ad waa placed in your paper my business has increased so I cannot hardly wait on my custo mers. Please atop until further notice. One fine mule for sale. "Big Hill," tbe Shingle and Paper Roofing Man. . Penalty of tha Paaeh. The Egyptians appear to have been acquainted with what Is commouly called prusslc acid, the most deadly of poisons. It is held that they dis tilled it from certain plants and trees, notably the peach. In the Louvre there la an ancient Egyptian papyrus from which the following has been de ciphered: : "Pronounce not the name of L i O. Tinder the penalty of the peach." This haa been supposed to be a death warning to those wno mignt be tempted to reveal mysteries In con nection with the religious rites of the priests, '--v. -'"V" . The- Bomans probably learned of pruaalc acid from tbe Egyptians. His tory has It that in the relpn of Tiberius a Roman knight accused of treason drank ' poison and Immediately fell dead at the feet of the senators, a sig nificant circumstance, lnnsmuch as no other poison has tbe almost Instan taneous effect of prusslc acid. .' . -8mart 8ayinga, - Lord Palmerston's reply to the illit erate, member who asked him. "Are them two hens In 'Onltonr la a spect men of his rather bolf terous chaff. "No: only one. That's why heggs are so scarce there." : - Mr. Disraeli's- comment upon a PQr tralt of himself, "Is It not hldeous and so Uker exhibited a discernment not common with unfiattered sitters. "Twenty Years. In. Parliament" , EASY TO GET RID OF DANDRUFF Dandruff means that down nea' the roots of hair there is a vaat army of little invisible germs or microbes. ! And this army never sleep; it wages a warof destruction nigbt and day. It diatrova the no iriabment that the hair must have in order to grow vigorously and abundantly. ' PARISIAN SAGE now sold all over, America will de.troy these germs and at tbe same time furnish the hair roots with just the proper nourishment to make hair grow lustrous and luxuriant. PARISIAN SAGE Is guarantee by Bradham Dtug Co,, to ba.iiah dai.druff, stop falling hir and itching scalp or money back. It is a delightful hair drering that wins instant favor wi h refined women. Sold for only 5!) cents . a larva bottle bv Bradham, urug i;o., Girl with you-at'and drugjiats everywhere. Auburn hair on every carton ana un- 1 f i. Repeal Prohibition Clause Remains Unsettled. Canvass Stauda - go For Repeal. . Augnata, Me,, Nov. 8. The question whether the proclamation by Guve'nor Plsi-t'd making known the result of h? Sep 'ember election on the repetl of the prohiUfton clause of tbe stati can sftution, mVy be issued before Decern ber 1st, the legal time for such action cannot he determined from Information obtainable ; at the state house. The qijf stion WDFther the returns from four towns shall etnd as reported or wheth er they flhatl be corrected in accordance With evidence' that the figures are erro neous, is still under consideration, ard no one official y connected would pro fess ability today to state whether ac tion would fee taken at the next meeting of the g ivernor and counsel on Novem ber 16th. k, i As the ma1 ter now stand?, the official returns canvassed by the Governor and counsel give a mnj irily of 26 votes for the repeal of the prohibition amend ment. If the1 returns allegtd to be erro neous are accepted as corrte'ed, a ma jority. oft59 against rt peal woul 1 re sult. ...y Thft possibility that the courts may be askel to'baar upon the questioned returns ha-ij been suggested. Such a step would introduce a third alternative inasmuch as the. courts, it h sid, could declare the disputed figures void and or der them stricken from the tables. Such a step would bring about a major ity of 3li6 against repeal. A Good Oil Heater. Nothing is better to heat quick with, than an Oil Stove. 1 have the Barler which is considered the best, price from $3.50 to $7.50. J. S. MILLER. Weather Temperature and Rainfall ;" October. in The following were the maximum and minimum temperatures and rainfall du sing October on dates as follows: 1 81-56 2 83-64 " 3 93-61 .27 4 7358 5 83-61 6 84 -50 7 79-52 8 92-51 9X. C7--52 10 7355 11 79-58 12 7960 .05 13 74-50 11 75-47 15 77-51 .57 lfi 7950 17 74-55 18 81-57 3.41 19 69-49 .04 20 74-49 21 70-55 22 79-54 23 82-62 .11 24 69-46 .10 25 68-45 26 73-50 27 74-44 2S 77-48 21 64 -46 1 82 30 69-44 31 71-41 LARGELY INCREAS ED ICE Practical Reconstruction of New Bern led Company's Plaut. .The New BernvIce Company ia now reconstructing its p'ant on Griffith St., by bearing down all the structural parte except that bu It of brick. There will be no frame or wooden buildings, but under the new plans, all will be of brUk, The v.oden a-ctions removed under the reconstruction., will be re placed hy much larger ro rns, engine and manufacturing sectl ns, so that the daily ice output will be increased to more that meet all demands from local t ot nearby consumers The reoples Ice wmpany s plant, f that , was consolidated with the New! Hern some months ago, will be taken to Griffith St and such parts added that! can be used in the enlarged plant. The ice people have often found lb it their capacity - was nt equal at times to the-consumptive demand?, in the past,' and they propose it the future to be always prepared to meet all local or nearby order for ice no matter what there may be. Such an assurance of an i aupp'y at all neawna, will prove of great local trade benefit and the enmpany baa acted wisely Ingoing ahead of today by being prepand for tomor row's p'iBuible increased demands. ' CAPACITY On Government's Acreage Figures Previous Crops. Large Hold ing Back of Cotton. iGreenBboro. N. C. Nov. 4, Follow ing is a calculation of tha crop . this year based on the Government acreage figures, assuming that a much cotton per acre U produced as was raised in the years mentioned: ,; Compiled by Mess. Dick Bros.) Crop year Actual yield Indicate ) to hat psr acre pounds 203 234 240 207 211 206 census report tal crop for 1911 bales 1891 : 1894 1898 1904 1906 1908 The next 16,005,000 17,583,000 18,451,000 16,162.000 17,345,000 17,041,000 is to come out on the 8th, inst , showing the amount of cotton ginned to November 1st and the general expectancy is be tween 9 3-4 sn 1 10 million bales. The "into sight" to date is only 4,629.000 bales which indicates an euormoua hold ing movement. Everything points to a large produc tion and 14 12 to 15 1-2 millions is the popular estimate, Even this is more cotton than the spindles of the world can consume and a big surplus must be carried into next crop. Cotton is not without friends and the mills have al ready bought freely and there bas been some investment ani speculative buying ail the way down from 12c. Tbe war between Italy and Turkey is still going on and the rebellion in China is more serious than the early rjportf The tariff on cotton pood is going to be reduced at the next session of Congress ana unsettled: poll les prevail over a large part of the world Businers is a ittle unsettled and capital is somewhat alarmed. On th) other hand the price is down to practically nine cents and many pe pie are buying simply on the price. Ad mitting that this argument has much to commend it; nevertheless,, there ia nothing in sight to cause any big ad vance in the near future"and those who wait before buying may not have to wait so long after buying. 3, E. LATHAM. A Good Heater. You can get the Wilson & Coles wood heater nearly as cheap as inferior makes, just consider the amount of fuel you will save and the life of the heater. J. S. MILLER. SWAN5BORO LETTER. Swsnsboro, Nov. 6 h. This commu nity was shicked and paired over the sudden death of Mr. Ct aHie Mooie, son of Mr. W. J. Moore, pronrie'or of the Tarry moore Hotel. H s bea'lh had been poor for some lime, but the imme diate cause of death wat heart failure. The remains were carried to Charlotte for interment. After a visit here for several days, to their relatives, Mr. W. J. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. George Collins returned to their home in Warsaw Monday. Mrs. W. F. Midyen, of Oriental, who haa been here visiting her pirents, Mr, and Mia. J. A. Pittman, has returned home accompanied by her mother. Prof. Bruce Carraway ha introduced aome new features in the school bere that are inter. sting, one of thm is h drill march; to the sound of ths drum There are over one hundred studeiits I and the parade is prettily spectacular. M Walter Trot formerly of Deppie, now of Fort Caswell, has flntshed a very pleasant leave of ahsence in thU section and his returned to his com mand. . General Willi entertained a puty from Swanaboro e few nays ago at his oyster garde", gave a rotat wiih all the fixings that goes to make a rousing good t'me. .; , We like to read the local i'e ns In the Journal from different nelghb irhood they tell ot people and pVe that know, and I U a great deal better read imr than that of foigt places or strange places. , We were glad t not' that D . J. W. Sanders was released from the charges agahst him in the Federal C iurt Oar bt men have en lemiea. The Savi.mr hal som . - We arrived home safu'y witb our ba by LissiS'Mar, who succes ifully un derwent an opperaiiuo at Stewart' Siratonura inN Bern. We tbil always have a tender regar l for th doe on, and nurses who so kindly gave their help, . - - - GENERAL. Just received a new ship ment of Queen Quality But ton ShOeS in SatinS, Tan3 and r l-.l u.u tat iianivi, niu uvf liiui toes. J.J. Baxter. Held First Meeting of tbe Present Term at the Court House Yes terday Morning. Yesterday morning tbe Craven Coun ty Teacher's Association f.eld its first meeting of the present term at tbe court bouse in this cry, There were about forty members present and con siderable business was transacted Among other things, -officers for the year were elected and; new work was outlined. Owing to the fact that press ing business - engagements compelled many rf the teachers to be absent, tbe attendance would have been larger but those who wtre in attendance werevery enthusiastic and went into the work be 'ore them with a vim not heretofore exhibited. The meeting was opened by County Superintendent S. M, Brinson, who out lined the work of tbe 'year. He then called for nominations' for president, and Profs. C. A. Everett, of Dover, J. B. Pau'. of Cove City and N. L. Gas kins, of Bridgeton, were placed inr-onr-nation. A ballot was taken and Mr. Everett was elected to that Position. Mr. J. B. Paul, of Br dgeton, was elected vice-president, and Miss Carrie Hardison, of Thurman, Sctcretaiy-treas urer. Prof. Craven, of the local graded schools, made an in'eresting talk on the Boston school system, giving inter esting and instructive points gained du ring his recent visit and inspection of the schools in that city. Prof. C. A. Evtratt, President of the Association, delivered an interesting address on "The Relation of the Teach er to the Community." The important matter of grading was discussed by Mr. M. A. Hill and others, The County Treasurer, Mr. B B. Hurst very kindly treiteii the teachers to a splendid autorlment of fruit and reciived from them a rising vote of thanks. The Association adjourned to meet at the co m housa ther first Saturday in December... . , ....... ; LAND FOR SALE. 25 acres of valuable land within miles of New Bern, north. Write C. P. FULCHER, Edwards, N. C. Green-Carrow. The following item clipped from the Washington Coresporsdence to the News & Observer, wil be of much interest to the mtny friends of the groom in this city. Mr. Green is a former New Bern boy and has a host of friends all over the State who wish be and his bride much joy: Washington, Nov. 8 A t-imple but beautiful and impressive wedding cere mony was solemnised at tbe residence of Harvey H. Cariow. Maia street, thie citv at 7:30 o'clock thit morning, when his daughter, Mit-s Annie, became the iride of Mr. Walter Seymour Green of Poitsmouth, Va. .Tne e tat parlor was veiy prettily decorated in ferns, pa'ma and potttd plants and lightud with numerous waxen tapers : in silver can delabra. the whole making a pretty ef fect. The bride was becomingly attired i a blue tailored suit with hat and gloves o match and cairied a boquet of bride roses.' Tne bride and groom letton the morning train for a bridal tour North fter which they will be at' home fo Poi tsmoutb, Va. , ! 'j Tbe bride ie the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Carrow, and a so cial favorite in this" eity, having largjtircle of warm Hands. The groom is tbe manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company' Portsmouth office ai.d a young man of ter ling wortn and integrity. NOTICE. Ot and after November 12 h unti ap 1 g, e will discontinue our retai wagon deivery oo Sundas. Our pa '.rn in k n uy stock up tneir reirige ators over Sa urdy. ' I " Rep9c fully. New Bern lee Co. Mr. Loula Oiutlcr Diet Suddenly. Go'ng home t 1un:h yesterday artr nto i about 1 o'clock in nor nal hetlth Mr. L iul i Oa itier, who rest lea at N 22 Etst Front street, was J.U. nl 4tr k.tn with an attack of heart 'II eiat and death entued within a few i0)nl Mr. G lutier waa 61 year of age an had lived in New Bern all nis life. - Du ring the" p tat year he haa been employ ed with the F. S. D iffy Drug Co., an haa serv d aa a cle.-k in their atore. II waa of a genial nature and number his friend by the score. 1 - -i He Is survived by hit wife apJ seven ch ldre-i, Miwes Katie. Rel ca, Mar. I Minnie and Etta, and Lm a a 1 1 Tom one sister. I brother Mr, Ira. Mary lr -U, Sidney Gaul; r. Indicates Nine Cents Hosting Low- Point. European ' Demand. Southern Mai ketsFirmer. New Yo-k, Nov; 4.- Cotton has been irregular under the sway of conflic ing fluences, now of big receigts and in creasing estimates of , tbe size of the crop, and now of killing frost, manipu lation of DectmSer with talk of a pos- . ble squeeze of the short in that month . and some pretty plain indications that in the neighborhood of nine cents, spin ners are disposed to buy frrely. The Governors', meeting at New Orleans had some effect though' it - h, not been marked. Nor has the rumor that Eu ropean bankers may - finance ' 2,000,000 . bales been t"iken very eeriomly nor the estimate from the New Orleans conven- . lion of 13,710,009 bales as the world's consump im of Am -rican c 'tton. But growing evidtno of a" restivenesa of ; Southern farmers under the continued dec'ine in p ic s which has sent quota tions of seme months well below the 9 ' , cent level and of an increasing disposi tion in some eecthna of the bjlt to hold back cotton, have certainly not been ithou. snme effect, - .r':- ' . Southern spot markets have lately en firmer with a good European de mand tep rted at soma interior points at wh'ch tha basis i noticeably better--than it was recently. Spinners have bought more freely. Continental spin ners have been buying he- e. Some large spot houses have been goo'l buyers. . Liverpool's daily spot pales have lately doubled. Shorts, big and little, have become uneasy under tha rep stance met - to a furth :r d( cline after the price had broken through nin ce its to a new low level and have latterly civered freely. , These ic ude Waldorf -Aatoria interests ' and other identified with he short side. Wall fetr. et houses hive bought for both sides of the account. Southern and Fall River mill are running on full lime. Th drift cf things ii the dry goods trade U towards improvement. Stocks of dry goids, ii the hands of distributors are 30 per cent, .smaller than -last year, The woolen 1ndu3try ii wakening up. A severe freeze haa latUrly threatened important tracts of the , belt in, the tiou'hwest and elsewhere. There will be iittle top crop. On the othir hand tbe receipts have been at times enormous .nil anif kniuai in fnnfrnl nf i tha fto " ' -v.w. , cember option have teen quietly sell-' ing in anJ bujing la' ter months. It is pnntnnHoH that 7R nr ppnt. nf the cron . .v i r has been picked and that frost can do cnmnn-mi.p'v litt! harm aa the rest ia pen. Much of the time the weather has been reported very favorable for picking and mark ting. Manchester has been dull, feeling the effects of the news from China. Unsett'ement in that country it is feaieVmay rave a bad effect on trade and China is next to the laicejt of Manchester's customers. Those who believe in lower prices in sist that the law of supply and demand and not governors' convent'ons must fix the price and that artificial interfer ence with the normal c iume of trade is likely in tbe end to do more harm rath er than good. However, this may be i-uo unuertuiie, ui mie itutus ueeu skrau- ier. The spinner is leM afraid to buy than he was awhile back, Tne mwket shows moe resistance around the nine .i . , i .. . : . i i j jent level in spite of the big g'nning figures, L;ve p ol report thit China is sending very few cancellations of or ders. Covering of shores here and buy ing by big trale in' ere ta have neu tralized the effect of the weigut of the crop. - '.," -' November expert engagements are said to be large. , ? ; ' Emory McClintock resigned as vice- president of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. Tbe UniUd States Steel Corporation named a comnittee of five to invent i ate hbor conditions in the steel trade. Itshordy Is good and It's good aU the time LUZl( 11"