.' NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. TUESDAY NOVEMBER; 21. 1911---FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR FEDEHAII OF NORFOLK SOUTH- GRAFT POINT Oil PAST WEEK No 66 SCHOOL El'JS GREATEST BLOW ; (leAINST MANCHUS SUFFRAGETTES lAEETPREIlR COTTON SI ITU AT 0 N LADOIi.GOIKillOIl ALL IMPORTATIONS Favor Compensation Lav For Inn rh lr- Wniwi rtn I I mm I nrl IV : "j pendence of Porto Eico. A Atlanta. Nov. , 17 The American federation of Labor, inannual conven tion here,, decided to urge" Congress to pass a workman's compensation law,' giving a minimum of five years' wages to employes killed in services. - -' ... A resolution, which is believed cer tain of adoption, will nrge the passage of the La Follette bill, which would give free speech to Government clerks. The measure would abrogate the Exe-i cutive order issued by Roosevelt and maintained by f aft which prohibits the employes of the Government from tak ing part in any effort for legislation without the specific perm'ssion of the heads of their department,- The United Mine Workers introduced a resolution condemning the National Civic. Federation and requesting all members of the American Federation . of Labor sever their connection jvith the Civic Federation. This,' it is ex- pected, will precipitate a fight and may result in an effort to prevent the re election of President Gompera, r " . -. In a recent statement Gompera said that hsi believed his 'connection with the Civic Ftidera'ion was of great value to him and that be would not sever it. Be is strongly of the opinion that it is in the Interest of labor to maintain the present relations. The United Miners have attempted before to cause the re tirement of Gompera and the election of a younger rran, but so far they have found little support in their effort. : A resolution urging the granting of independence to Porto Rico was present ed by a delegation from the island. It will be considered later. Fraternal delegates . from England, Canada and Porto Rico were received. New Bern, Take Notice. Mr. Editor Please stop my ad at once. Smee my last ad was placed in your paper my business has increased sq I cannot hardly wait on my custo mers. Please stop until further notice. One fine mule for sale. "Big Hill,' the Shingle and Paper Roofing Mao. Remember, Veteran. By kindly consideration of J- Leon Williams Secretary, to the members of Camp Njw Bern No, 1,162 United Con federate Veterans a complimentary - ticket will be furnished each member of the Camp to attend tbe Aviation meet on 22 of Nov. 191L . Tickets can be procured from S. R. Street, Lieut.. Commander, or J, F, Clarke, Adjt. - -Red Cross Stamp Booths. .' Washington, Nov. 17th. -Red Cross Christmas etimps will be placed on sale in aH cities about tbe flrtt of Decem ber according to he plan announced by Secretary Charles L. Magee, of the American Red Cross Society.- -" For thn flrtt time sale of the stamps will te permitted this year In ail post offices. Seer tiy of the Treasury, MacVeagh sent a bule in order today to custodian? of all poVoTic buildings to permit installation of tooth. Postmaster General Hitchcock also is aiding the stamp sales by authorising their us on the hacks of aH letters snd other mail matter. - Only use of the stamps on the front of Utters is pro- . bibitod. Perfectton Oil Heaters- The Only Perfect - Heater. M. E. Whitehurst & Co. Fight Upon N 8 Railroad tods. Norfolk, Nov. 17th -The Supreme Court of Virginia today affirmed the dismissal by Judge James L. MjLo more on thecirciit court here of the action brought by the Van Dke-Ze 1 syndicate, of Philadelphia, to get pos session of the Norfolk-Southern Rail road property and franchises on the ground of a contract of purchase taking priority over ; hi. Federal Court fore cloaeure sale when the old Norfolk and Southern Railway receivership reorgan ization bought in tbe property here sev eral years ago. ' TliU ends the long litigation by the Philadelphia interests, which twice car ried tlieir caw to the Supreme Court o , TTnlt.H Stati. tha Fedoral Court' . . .. inriiiiii nrrwilinor Worn aetkn i.i t! e Slate court whore there were f.'i I lis rM)dni against all the physt- I li ia ! s both in Virgin! t and North ruliua of the Norfolk-Southern ey- 'e decia on lis pn.! 7 . nr t wi"s out for all h nri I havjs th tiirt r'"' titir.tt.i.n i: ti.m i: r f t rf- vi I i f-.r pom f ' ' i i OF JE WEEK Interesting Society - Debates School Magazine. - Foot Ball ' Games Scheduled. Another TSiglish Grammar test in tbe 8B grade on Frjdsy morning, re sulted to victory for tbe boys. 'The two" literary societies met. on Friday 'bight at the Griffin building. Tbe girls, evidently, have been looking into the city government, for the sub ject under discussion waa "How Our City is Governed. This' aver interest ing theme Was discussed under four heads: "The Mayor" by Mabel Cohen; ?The Aldermen" by Blanche GaskiU; 'The Police" by Bess Hollowell, "Tax ea" by Ruth Baxter. - The boys ha J a debate on the question of compulsory school laws in North Carolina. Affirmative. Robert Knapp, Fred Cohen, Leroy Willis. Negative Bouner Tbomason, - Boone Groves, Francis Willis. Declamation by Charles McSorley. : Tbe material. has been sent to the printers for tbe first number of the school maasine. . We think this num ber will prove quite interesting ea pecially to all New Bern people. Ger trude Carra way has quite a readable artki e on "Soma Unkrown Historical Spots in New Bern and VicinityThere should be several hundred subscribers in the town to this worthy enterprise of the school children. We have aa much ability in New Bern to get out a first class school magazine aa any other place, but it requires subscriptions and advertisements to finance it, Your name and 60c sent to John Suter Jones or Carl Bunting will secure tbe maga zine for this year. . On Tuesday morning, the 8 Litera ture class was delighted to have com pany. Invitations had been sent to the parents of each member of tbe clasa to come out and aee how a class in Shake speare'a Julius Caesar is started off in school now. When the play is finished, we hope their visitors will come back and Judge of the knowledge and appre ciation of the class, after several weeks vig rou work. - - The Adv. 1st. grade has just begun to leiro to spell and Friday had Its first spelling bee. Those remaining stand ing at the end of a twenty minute per iod, were eight on one side and nine of the other. Lillian Smith. Lola Taylor, Corena Jeannette, Anna Fields, Mary Ireland, Katie Louise Duke, Comera Banks, Lydie Spruill, Frederick Boyd, Annie May ' upton, Alice Flowers, Sal- lie Whitehead, Harry Wiggs, M irgaret Waters, Lacy Morning, Louise Williams and Frederick Nelsm. The 4A Grade displayed oh their board this week, a. turkey drawn by Edgar Kehoe and is a very creditable piece of work. . . t . The present foot ball schedu'e rails for a game Saturday with Goldsboro, at tioldsboro; a game tiers next Wed- nea lay afternoon with Washington and a same here ntxt Saturday afternoon with Goldsboro. The team bas been doing some good practice for tbe laat week, and hopes very much to win all three of these games. . TbeBB Grade has had no absences among the boys for three weeks. The roorn presents a more tidy appearaonce since several of the boys hung the pic tures and are taking more pride in keep ing the boards clean. There Is a great improvement in the reading .also in the writing, which is all written in ink in elas, . j; On account of the County Agricul tural Fair and Aviation Meet there will be no session of school on Wednes day of next week but school will open as usual on Thursday morning and every child win be expected to be preeent for the entire day with all lessons prepared for the day. s Ths National Conference of Immlgra tioo. Land aod Labor Officials was formed. , HAIR HINTS Worthy the Attention of People Who Wish to Preserve the Hair. Have your own brush and comb at home and at bair dressers. Never use a brush or comb in public places, they are usually covered' with dandruff germs, ' ' ' Wash voor hair brush once a week f I with soap and warm water to which (added a disinfectant" added a disinfectant' i Shampoo the halronce a ince a week - with pure soap and mater. ' - Use PARISIAN SAGE every day, rulMng thoroi" Uy Into he scalp, PARI "I AN SACS is guarantee by Bra'liAm Drujr Company to dfatroy d.n f ji rr Jtnl sboliiih dandruff, i t ) i f -, or r it !! : and scalp y I in St. Mo dull fadd i , '. f.'J cents. Yet Struck by the Revolutionists -; Capture of the Entire Chi- ' v - nese Fleet : 1 r -.V . . . - Tokio, Nov. 17th. According to offi cial messages received by the Japanese Admiralty, the entire Chinese navy has surrendered to the revolutionists .and the Imperial Government is now with out a war vessel worthy of the . name. The haval surrender is regarded as the greatest blow that has been struck the Manchn dynasty, as it will place in the hands of the revolutionists power to sweep the great rivers of China snd to transport troops along the waterways without danger. ' ' The Japanese messages come from Chinkiang and declare that the surren der took place Wednesday when twelve cruisers and gunboats were formally turned over to the rebels at Chinkiang. Three were surrendered at Talyeb, one at Chofo and six othera in the lower Yangtze river. As the messages came from Japanese officers who have been detailed to watch the progress of the insurrection, they are regarded here as; authentic. . Tbe revolutionary governor of Chin kiang tendered a formal banquet to the 160 officers of the fleet who surrendered and who swore allegiance to the newly formed republic. LAND FOR SALE. 35 acres of valuable land within miles of New Bern, north. Write C. P. FULCHER, Edwards, N. C. Broke Into Mr S. Llpman's Store. Shortly before 1 o'clock yesterday morning special officer, Albert Ipock discovered that some one bad tampered with the back door of Mr. S. Lipman's store on South Front street. He in formed policeman Dowdy of the state of affairs and they both decided to watch the store. A short while after they had stationed themselves in front of the store they saw a man dart by one of tbe counters and start out of the back door. Officer Parker who was nearby at tbe time waa summoned to assist in capturing the. burglar, going areund to the rear entrance they found their man and placed him under arrest. Yesterday afternoon he was taken before the Mayor and stated that his name was James Brown alias Red. and that he cams, from . Washington. He plead guilty to the charge of entering the store and atealing 2jcoats and a cap and waa bound overto the next term of Craven county superior court under a bond of $100 which he failed to give and was committed to jail, - Don t let- the cold snap catch vou without a heater rom J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St., Phone Meet Your Friends at New Bern This Week ..."" - ' - ' ' 3 ; - ; ' - ' - ' ' j. . v - "i . : " . f ' . . ' . : . , ." '1 " ' ' . , ' , ' " , " ' V ; "'..-' ' - ..,' ...... . 1 ' , - v u . i f .,.' ' . L , , ) .i.:- ., , -l MAKING A FLIGHT. Tbe tickets that have been delivered for the Aviation Meat most be present ed at the 'box office at the Aviation Field and be exchanged' for an admis sion ticket to which will be attached a "win J check." This ticket is go d for only om admission. The "wind-chrk" will be kept by the holder of the tU kf t. If f t any reason the Aeroplane fails i f'y i i f .rember 22nd, or 23-d, t :t r cf t!iS "wind-check" will I ir ' r t' Avii.tlon Fit!.! i EM. BUYS ROADS Raleigh and Southport, . Durham and Charlotte. Speculative Surmises as to Uttimate . ', Exteusions. Raleigh, Nov. 18 It! developed in connection with tha presence of Presi dent E. T. Lamb and General Counsel W. B. Rodman, of the Norfolk South ern railroad, in Raleigh conferring with the North Carolina corporation commis sion, that the Norfolk Southern rail road has consummated a deal through which it purchases, the Raleigh and Southport. Durham and Southern, and the Aberdeen and Ashboro.The Raleigh and Southport railroad is operating from Raleigh to Fayetteville and build ing from. Lillington to Sanford; the Aberdeen and Ashboro railroad, or Page road, has an important line from Aberdeen, Moore county, up through Montgomery county, into Randolph to Ashboro, with trackage privileges over the Southern railway into High Point, and the Durham and Southern railroad, an important line from Durham, through Wake and Harnett counties, to Dunn, connecting with the Atlantic Coast Line railroad there. The News and Observer states today upon authority that the Norfolk South ern Railway Company, and interests al lied with that company, have purchased from Mr. John A. Mills and his asso ciates the Raleigh and Southport Rail road and all its properties. It has also purchased from Mr. Lenning and his rasaociatea the railroad known as the Durham and Charlotte road, which is now and has been for years in operation from Cumnock to Troy. The Norfolk Southern will construct this road from Raleigh to Concord, either under its own charter or under the charter of the Raleigh, Charlotte and Southern Rail road obtained from the last Legislature by leading citizens between Raleigh and Charlotte and purchased some weeks afro by Mr. E. C. Duncan, acting for himaelf and his associates, his as sociates now turning out to be the Nor folk Southern Railway Company. TWO OF DEALS DENIED. Troy, Nov. 18 It is reported here tonight on good authority that all hold ings of tbo Asheboro & Aberdeen Rail road Co. have been sold to the Sea board Air Line. The deal was consum mated at Biscoe today. Tbe Asheboro & Aberdeen owns the line from Aber deen to Asheboro, from Pinehurst to Carthage, from Candor to Ellerbe and from Biscoe to Mount Gilead. Durham, Nov. 18-Vice President J. E. Stagg of the Durham & Southern Railway said tonight, in answer to a query as to that road being included in the deal whereby the Norfolk Southern absorbs several roads: "I know nothing of other roads, of course but aa for the Durham & South ern, you may say it Is not included in the deal I haven't heard a word about any such deal and know it doesn't exist so far as ours is concerned. at the entrance gate. The admission to the Aviation Field will be fifty cents, twenty-five cents for children under twelve. . ; Some of the features pf the Aviation Field will be the flight by the Curtlss Aeroplane, football game New Bern vs Washington, racing on halt mile track, dive by Harry Six from the top of a lad i r 100 ffet high into a pool of water three feet deep, fenls wheel, merry-go-i-ound, nix first clan shows, and mafic ! ! ' "f sr.d c ''' T ;1 Considered a Victory. Women Want Property Qualifies tipu Plan of Voting, London, Nov. 17. Led by Miss Chrls tabel Pankhurst, a big delegation of suffragettes in conference with Pre mier Asquith, Chancellor of the Ex chequer Lloyd-George, Foreign Secre tary Sir Edward Gray and First Lord of Admiralty Churchill concerning the inclusion of votes for women in the manhood suffrage bill the administra tion will shortly introduce in Parlia ment. It is significant of the suffragettes increasing influence in English politics that Premier Asquith, who has hitherto steadfastly refused to receive such dep utions, made a definite appointment ment with the present one for a confer ence at his official residence and asking the leading members of his ministry to be present at the conference. The suffrage bill the administration contemplate provides for the abolition of the existing British system of plural voting by large property owners and the establishment of just such a one-man-one-vote system as prevails in the United States. The women had already been offered the ballot on a property qualification and were willing to accept the proposi tion as an "entering wedge," as their leaders expressed it. Many Liberals, with Lloyd-Gtarge at their head, refused to sanction the plan, however, on the ground that it would increase the conservative vote. Lloyd George at any rate favors equal suff rage, but without the property qualifl cation. An attempt is now being made to reach a compromise between the conflicting factions. A strong cordon of police surrounds the Premier's residence as a precaution against a suffragette demonstration while the conference is in progress. FOR RENT. One-horse farm, adapted to corn and cotton, fine open range, good residence and out buildings, wire fence, well drained, orchard and vineyard, excel lent water, healthy. An ideal place for small family who wishes to raise poul try and stock. Address X, care of Journal Office. Ton of Fertilizer Free, The Norfolk branch of the Virginia- Carolina Chemical Co, will have an ex hibit at the Agricultural and Stock hall this week, and invites the public to call and see its exhibit Cards will be giv en awav bearing numbers, and some one card will be good for a $26.00 ton of V. C. C. Co. fertilizer. See the ad in this issue, Don't say "they haven't got it" till you've tried us J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. Italian Rands. No admission will be charged to tbe Exhibit Ball on George street where the Agricultural. Stock, Poultry t snd Industrial exhibits Will bs on diaplsv, The Exhitit Hall Is now being hand somely decorated. " Reports from surrounding, countUs indicate that New Bern will have tbe largest crowd November 22nd, and 23rd that has ever gathered for an exhibit of this kind. ' Tbe railroads are offering re I ict J rates. Continues Dull But Firm Regard- less 1 6,000, 00p Bale Crop Estimated. New York, Nov. 18-Cotton has of fered a stubborn resistance to anything of a depressing character, Time after time, it has demonstrated a certain strength which has' defied bears and others. It might decline, but it speed ly rallied. The crop might be estimat ed as high as 16,000.000 bales, but far mers have refused to" sell freely. Many of them have been holding back their cotton altogether. Many believe that a big crop, even 15,000,000 to 16 000,000 bales, has been amply discounted in the big decline in prices since last Summer, It is pointed out, too, that a grown crop is one, thing, a commertial crop, or a crop actually sent to'market is another thing. The commercial crop may be much smaller than the one actually raised. The South, it ia added, has in the past shown its ability to hold back cotton and what has been msy be again. The exports are large. Large Bpot in terest have been big buyers of Decem ber and other near months. One of them in 48 hours, it is said, bought 100,000 bales of January. The revision of differences here on Wednesday is construed by some as bullish. Some half dozen well known Liverpool houses at one time bearish, are now bullish in their conviction. The1 National Gin ners' figures up to November 13th, were 11,478,000 bales as against expec tations of 150,000 to 200,000 bales more than this. Liverpool houses have been buying here. So to some extent have American spinners. Hears have,' as a rule, be come mora cautious. Many of them have covered and have been watching a market that somehow refused to go down. Yet there a e still bears. They point to the Chinese news as portend ing poor trade in China to the report that China is cancelling large orders in Lancashire where some of the mills are it is said, shutting down on that ac count and to the fact that at best there is no very decided improvement in trade in this county where the taking by Northern spinners at least continue to run considerable behind those of last year. They think that 1 holding back cotton at the South will in the end prove a boomerang. The into-sight movement is large. StockB at the ports are liberal and they are piling up at the interior towns. Here at New York the market has gotten into a fort of dead lock. Farmers will not sell freely, nor ill spinners and others, as a rule, buy except cautiously. Ellisons says that mills in Lancashire are reported to be stopping owing to the war in China. Spot markets are q'liet. The weather of late has been generally favorable, though it new threatens to become-very cold in tne western belt.' The South still, aa a rule, holds firmly around nine cents and the whole maiket has got in to a rut. What is to extricate it re mains to be seen. Prices are somewhat lower for the week, but beard have won no Ruccesnea to boast of, For that matter, neither have the' bulls. The East Indian crop is estimated by Ralll at 4,400,000 bales, or 500,000 bales leas than last year, The weekly statistics were bullish but fell flat in a very dull market. See our line of Coal and Wood Heaters. J. S. Bas night Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St.. Phone 99. SWANSBORO ITEMS. Swansboro, Nov. 17 The greatest catch of fish, with hook and line ever heard of here was made a few days ago by a party composed of the following gentlemen: W. J. Meore Sir., W. J. Moore, Jr. and Professor Bruce Cone way, Capr. Alfonso Moore1 directed tbe movements of the boat'' Fifteen hundred pounds of fine trout waa the amount of tha catch. , Mr, and Mrs. Ceo. T. Farnell of Bay boro, are visiting relatives here. One of Swansboro's fairest daughters Miss Ida Ward, ia teaching School In the country near here. The pupils are all delighted with her. u Mr. W, J. Moore, propriety of the Tarry moore Hotel, has purchased the Hotel Charlei at Morehead City, Pro fessor Bruce Conaway will be future manager of the hotel here, i' . . The oyster roast given by Mr, Hf n y Odum at Queens creek and the 'Generals oyster gardens was a greit? success Among those who participated were Mr. Henry Odum and Mias Maggie Moore, Mr. Leo Slarc'y and Miss Mil dred Glancy, Mr. John Stanly snd Miss Mamie Glency. j Governor Kitchin his accept id an In vitation to deliver the dedication ad- drees of our new graded school house, which will be 23d, of this montfi. Sev eral other prominent speakers will be present. ' ' Is Declaration Made by Secretary MacVeagh. Smugglers Will ' Get Full Penalty. New York, November 20-Secretary of the Treasury MacVeagh has made ' the startling accusation that there is not an honest line of importations com-, ing into this country. The effect of the statemet coming from the head of the Treasury Depart ment creates a sensation among the appraisers, several of whom accepted the remarks of Mr. MacVeagh as adi- rect charge of incompetency or dishon- . esty, and are said to be talking of re sign ing. "The Treasury Department has been searching in vain to find a single line of merchandise that is free from tbe : taint of fraud." said the secretary. . "Thin pnrulitmn must. hA remedied and the responsibility rests with you .ap praisers," ' "No matter who the importer may be every invoice of goods coming into this country must be examined with extra ordinary scrutiny. There must be no exceptions. "Thn Department of Customs has been under investigation for many months, and many improvements have been inaugurated, but the frauds have not been stopped. I repeat, there is not a line of merchandise being import ed that is not in some way tainted." 1 he officials of the customs service at largd are believed to have been as sembled here for the express purpose of receiving the warning that Secretary MacVeagh gave them. Secretary MacVeagh also announced that he was heartily in accord with the efforts of United States Attorney Wise to get jail sentences for nil smugglers. Keferring to criticism made by Mr. Wise on the light sentences imposed on rich smugglers by the Federal judges in New York, he said, through Assist ant Sectretary of the Treasury James P. Curtis; "My attention has born called to the criticism caused by light sentences of i i : . : .... t . J . u , V KUluggierB, ami ll la nugKi-ui.ru mat. . the Treasury Department was respon sible for the release of members of a certain firm of importers convicted of undervaluations a:d smuggling it waa hoped that the department would not interfere with tha course of justice hereafter for any reason whatever. "The statement ia wholly without foundation. The Treasury Department is in accord with United States Attor ney Wise, and if the cases referred to anonymously are those against the Du veen Brothers, it is proper to say that the receipt of $1,180,090 by the Treas ury Department from this firm in set tlement of their civil liabilities waa made upon the express understanding that the criminal prosecution would pro ceed. There was no suggestion that leniency wan to be shown because of the receipt of the money in settlement of the civil cases." Attorney General Wickersham waa attacked before the Senate Committee on Inter-State Commerce for not en forcing the criminal provisions of the Shermen law. ... i a - Death of W. D. Brown. Sheriff J. W. Riddle received word yesterday fro n Atlanta, Ga,, of the death of Mr. Walt r D. Brown, brother of Mrs. Biddle, who has been at At lanta some weeks, expecting this death, Mr. Brown was a Craven county man formerly and is well remembered here. Sheriff and Mrs, Diddle and other re latives of Mr. Brown's will have the sympathy of all in (heir loss. The postofnee at Beverly, Wa. Va., was robbed for the second time in 13 months. Four men were scalded to death in a boiler explosion at Auburn, N. Y, Real French Drip Coffee can not be made, unless the cof fee itself is .pre pared, blended and roasted ac cording to the famous French method Use ft w m u LUZIAHf IE COFFEE l vi ail k t arbund v I family J 113 ) ( ) Drip BMfV I . . ( CENTRAL,