FafcUshed Is Two Sections, averj Tuesday and JTrldy, at Jomrnal Bulld : 6W0 Craven Street -. . v CHAKLXS U ETITXXa, EDITOR AND PROPRIXTOH. Official Paper of Naw Ban ana raven County. ' ; Vv- """- SUBSCRIPTION r RATES. "t Two Months.. ,. .. . . ..I H .Tare Months. . ,r It ... Month,. " ' M i rwelve- Montha. . wU LM - ONLT HI AOTANCa. v , The Journal Is only sent on pay-In advance basis. Buhaarlbers Will rt " ceiva notice ot expiration of Utetr sub anrlptlona and an Immediate response V) notlca wO m appreciated by the Journal '. "' '' -.'',,'; . Advertising rates furnished apon application at the otflce, or apon la- iulr by myyy -.'d-i:: finteied at tha PoatofJoa, Naw Barn, H. CU as second-claas matter. New Rem, N. C November, 21, mi. "BIG t BUSINESS" FAVORS PKOHIBITTON.' .. The elimination of local option, and in its placesubstitutiog statu , ' tory prohibition, has been greeted ' with open arms by Big Business.' The thin margin of moral senti ment has no place in ''Big Busi- . ness." Prohibition has , meant millions of extra dollars for "Big , Business" or the transportation carriers, railroads! express com panies and boat lines. Prohibition : territory could not manufacture I and sell liquors, except at Federal and State risk of arrest and pun- J ishment, but there was the local consumptive demand that had to be supplied, and "Big Business" stood ready and prepared to bridge between wet and . dry territory, and the government gave its li cense for those in dry territory, , . who risked local interference, be ing safe against Federal courts. , No doubt this making prohibi- t i 4-!n ' i tiilitnliliatkT .aaflPliAffatt . flQO had much to do in weakening the morale of communities voting for prohibition,' not to have absolute . "dryness," but for the purpose of ''regelating the other fellow. " Be' this as it may the result has been a constant, unceasing pour- ing into North Carolina towns and cities of every kind of liquor, that the state law prohibits made or all "Big Business'' has been im ' mune, and makes its millions as the easy go-between. j In this show up of local condi .v. tions, as they really are, the Journal welcomes the Washington, Nl 0. News, which in its issue of : 16th, inst says editorially "Last week a witness in the Record er's Court of Washington, testified tliat he walked into tba efflce of the ' Southern Exnresa Co.. in th mtv of Washington, Beaufort County, North '. Carolina, and told the "man" that he . wanted soma "licker." Ho laid down $1.05, never gave any farther orders, nevereven wrote a Una, and ' tha next Cafernoon, upon tba payment .of . 30 cents, received the "boose." A gentleman,- whose veracity is above reproach, tells as that be was la tba office of the Southern Express Company, of Wash ington, Beaufort county. North Caro lina, when a package of liquor waa de livered to a man, in which there wu a shortage. The Ex press Company made up the shortage by going into another apartment, bringing out large bottle of whiskey, filling up a bottle holding the amount claimed to bo short by the ' party making tba claim, and delivering . . the goods. . -'. ,,, t ; . - - The above speaks for itself. But the Journal will ask, any one may answer, how is prohibition to ' prohibit, when the Federal author ties can grant license to sell, and . "Big Business". is Immune T WEST AGAINST SOUTH The next National Republican Con ventiou promises to offer some radical changes in the way of a new basis of representation for del egates. Already there is a move to present to the representation committee a resolution, that dele gates be chosen as per the actual Republican vote for Its ticket in ' 1908. This instead of the previous basis of representation, ' namely, two delegates for each , Congress man and Senator. : - .' , The committee may possibly not . allow or accept this resolution. , But it is not a new issue, or great ly la disfavor, for In the eonven- ,-tlonofJ908 the proposition was defeated by only 35 votes. At that time the anti-Taft crowd favored the change, believing (hat Knot, Fairbanks, Cannou and IXnghes wnuM have a better ehnr.; Ot Children Cry 4 i vvVvxSXXXXV.xxxxxkXvvvxxxxx .. The Kind you Have Always Bought, and which has been -, in use' for 'over SO years, has borne the signature of - and has Tvi J'r, ) sonal supervision since) Its infancy. i-CiCA4v Mnw mvnriA tA HivpiimTnn In thin. iAU Counterfeits; Imitations and Just-as-eood" are hut f J'lxitor Intents that trl fie with and -endanger the health of r ( Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. - What is CASTORIA , Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Para- v' , goric, Jropg and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contabtsi neither Oplnm, Morphine nor other Karcotlo substances Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach' and Itowels, giving healthy and natural sleep -; " The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. ' t I - " GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the .?,.,- " I ,-: ''-1' .'..-;.-'..' - The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years ""' THt CtTU(l COMPANY. T r UIHAr TItT. NtW YORK CITT. - " " minority report was signed by the delegates from eighteen states and the District of Columbia as fol lows: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Oregon, West Virginia, South Da kota, Rhode Island, Maine, Con necticut, New York, Vermont, In diana, Minnesota, Colorado, Illi nois, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Utah, New Hampshire and the District of ; Columbia. Twelve of these delegates subsequently voted for Taft, five against him and two split ' . -. : But how as to the Republican Convention of 1912 1 Is the South to favor Taft again, while the sen' timent iu the West seems largely against Taftt Accepting this di vision of sentiment for the Presi dent's reuomination the proposi tion to change the basis of repre sentation would present an entire ly different aspect, and different lineup from 1908. The adoption of the proposition would reduce the representation of , the Southern States approximately as follows: Alabama 24 to 7; Arkansas 18 to 10; Florida 12 to 5; Mississippi, 20 to 5; Georgia 28 to 9; Louisiana 20 to 6; North Carolina 24 to 17; Okla homa 20 to 16; South Carolina 13 to 4; Tennessee 24 to 17; Texas 40 to 11, and Virginia 24 to 10. ' Kentucky, Maryland and Miss-1 ouri would receive increases. Ken tucky 2G to 31; Maryland 16 to 17, and Missouri 36 to 43. - '" ' Some of the increases among the northern states would be as fol lows: v : Illinois 58 to 75; Indiana 30 to 43; Iowa 20 to 35; Michigan 30 to 42: New Jersey 28 to 34; New Tork 90 to 102; Ohio 4$ to 69; Pennsyl- rania76 to 88, and Wisconsin 26. to 32. All of which is of more in terest than anything else in Re publican circles, . - QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM. George W. Koons, Lawton, Mich.r says: "Dr. Dbtchon's Relikt por Rhsumatism has given my wife " won darful benefit for rheumatism.' She could not lift band or foot had to be lifted for two months. She began, the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move ' and on Wednesday she got up, dressed herself and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. ' " : ''. " Thirty thousand Imperial troops at Hankow j oined the rebels, and the com bined forces sre marching on Nankin. WOMEN - . - t ' ' Wemea tf the highest type, womea of supenor tducatioa and refinement, whois ciKerament and Judfaent fivt weight, as J force te tbeir opinions, kijhly praiw the wonderfal correctivs and curative properties' of Chaa berlain'i Stonuch and Liver Tab- lets, throcghout the many vUf es of woman's life, from firlLood, tJtronga lis ordeals of mo'Jier- kooi to tho dcclinlnf years, tiers b i uStt sr rrore rt!!l!s r-f J- ! - . r ' .tv , fcr Fletcher's been made under his per- , ? Signature of-1 BANK OF ENGLAND NOTES. Mways Fresh and Clean, as They Are " '- :' Issued Only Ones. , 1 They Is as great a - difference be tween the systems of Issuing and re deeming the notes of the Bank of Eng fand and of the banks of the United Btatee aa there la in the appearance of the notes themselves. ' :? ': '' r The English, note Is somewhat longer I nd much broader than ours, Is of tough white paper, 'with ragged edges, tnd Is printed on one side only, with a few. words and- with no pictures or designs, while ours are completely cov ered on both aides with vignette and lathe work; "?.; M ,':-.-. Our notes are Issued again and again antll tbey become so worn that they are no longer serviceable. A Bank of England note Is never Issued more than once. Every note that comes in la canceled at once,' and thea It la stored away with other canceled notes to be preserved for a certain period, when it is destroyed by burning. , It takes -many clerks to keep the record of notes issued and paid, and io accurately is this work done that the date 'when any note waa issued, the person receiving It, 'the time when It was paid Into the bank and by whom, ' can be ascertained from tha books. 'If the time was within Ave vears the note Itself can be produced. Many are the stories of attempts to counterfeit these notes, which have al ways been fullures. ' As the average time between the Issue and the pay ment of the notes la only Ave or sis lays the fact that a counterfeit Is in .lrculutlon Is known almost at once, ind the system of English bankers and merchants of keeping the numbers of he notes received and paid gives the Jew whereby the offender is quickly apprehended. Exchange.' 'v , j DEAFNESS CANNOT ' BE CURED by local applications, ' aa they cannot reacu ins diseased portion of the ear. There is only one wsy to cure deafness, ana tnat is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused bv an in turned con- dition of the mucoui lininir of the. Eus tacnian iuDe. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect bearing, and when it w en tirely closed. Deafness is the result and unless the inflamation caa be taken out and this tuba restored to ita nor mal condition, bearing will be destrov ed forever: nine eaies out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which ia nothing but an innamea condition of tha mucous surf sees. ' ... - We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's uatarrn Lure, send lor circulars free. I P. 3. CHENEY ft CO.,Prop, .7" ' . Toledo, O Sold by druggists, price 75a. -Take Hall's family pills for eon stipatioa. , .. '..' Like a fcane Prem the Middle Ages. The oldest and largest university in the world is El-Ashar at Cairo. Found ed in B75, it bas been from the start a national Institution, the kbedlva being the rector. r The minimum age- ot en trance Is fifteen, . and (be applicant must know half tba Koran by heart, If blind the whole Koran, and be able to read and write. The curriculum con slats of virtually nothing but theology and canoa law, tha Dual examination fifteen years after matriculation being upon these, together with traditions oi the prophet: Grammar, . etymology. rhetoric and logic. It is the same in stractlon which bas prevailed for ceu turlsa, and one who goes into the great court where the circles of students art anting at the feet of their Gamaliel looks upon s scene preserved from tnp middle ages, "a perfect specimen, liv ing. breathing and entire." Argonaut resting foe HsaHh. Thousands of years before it was practiced as a religious rite fasting was practiced as a health measure lu Etfvpt, India and Chlua. Coiitempo rary to Cicero was IsclepladeS, s Greek physician, who strougly advo rated this Idea, and l,rX) years after bla tiny Ibu Finn, philosopher hi we-Itcal Hi'-V. at :"! t!i t AN AMICUATED C'j; "El Csmllo," a West Point, a Relia . -c. the Msxiean Wart .. Among the old guna from past wars on Trophy point there U, one that is fondly remembered by every graduate of the West Point Mill tar j, academy. It Is "El Catnip' literally the camel."' a relic of the Mexican war, but da tins tar back of that,: s;.;..-v,,.....yV.:,,.. . This antiquated, piece of ordnance, Which is three parts silver and painted a light green, bears its came and tba royal coat of arms of Spain -over aa Uiscription' relating that' It .was the property of the regiment of the Golden Fleece, commissioned Under Ferdinand and Isabella at the time when Colum bus set out on his famous voyage to discover a new world. It would be lutereeUng to know what the Spanish grandees would have thought If they could have foreseen that tba very can non which probably thundered god ipeed to the explorer would one day be capNired by the unborn nation of ths undiscovered continent to -Which Oc- lumbus was bound. The, ancient gun was probably carried to Mexico as part of the armament of a Spanish ship and many years later was pressed Into service in the Mexican army, where the "sinews of waf? were al ways at a premium. It waa taken at Monterey by the Americana and sent to West Point aa tba most appro priate place for such an Interesting relic. New Tork Press. - -'' s-Tax en Baohelerdont. c '..' During the period under : William flL when . bacbelordom waa taxed peers : had to pay . mora dearly than commoners for the privilege of single bliss. ' The yearly tax levied on bach elors ranged from 12 lis. In the cast ot dukes and archbishops down ' to 1 hilling in the case of those scheduled as "other persons." - Furthermore, a duke waa compelled to pay 80 when fie married, 30 when bla eldest son was born, 25 when every younger son was born, 30 when bis eldest son was married, 50 when his wife was burled and 30 when bla eldest ton waa buried And the other-members of tba peerage had to .pay similar taxes grad uated according to their rank, Loo- Ion Chronicle. i'-ut 'v;':!.-i. A BURGLAR'S AWFUL DEED f may not paralyse a home so coropletelv as a mother's long illness. But Dr King's New Life Pills are a splendid remedy for , women. They gave me wonuenui nentnt in constipation and female trouble," wrote Mrs. M. C. Duolap, or Leadlll, Tenn. If ailing, try them. 26c. at all Druggists. ' r- 'rr " ssssaipBssBjsa ' Penalty ef the Pesoh " The Egyptians appear to have been acquainted with what Is commonly called prosaic acid, the most deadly of poisons. It ia held that they dis tilled it from certain plants and trees, notably the peach. In the Louvre there is an ancient Egyptian papyrus from which the following bas been de ciphered:": "Pronounce not tha name of I. A. O. under the penalty, ;of the peach." This has been supposed to be a death warning to those who might be tempted to reveal mysteries In con nection with the religious rites of tba priests. ' . . ' 7 -i The Bemans probably ' learned of pruseic add from the Egyptians. His tory has It that in the reign of Tiberius a Roman knight accused of treason drank.:' poison and immediately': fell dead at the feet of tbe senators, a sig nificant circumstance. Inasmuch aa no other poison bas the almost Instan taneous effect of prussic add. . ; IT STARTLED THE WORLD , when the astounding claims were first madn for bucklen's Arnica Salve, but forty years of wonderful cures have proved them true, and everywhere it Is now known as the best salve on earth for Burns, Boils, Scalds.-Sores. Cuts, Bruises, sprains, Swelling, iscxeme;, Chapped hand, Fever Sores and Piles. unly Z&c. at all Druggists. r ' The Olemograph. : . The seismograph is a moat interest ing Instrument.' It is kept In a sub basement room,' far from disturbing la fluences. There it records upon strip of paper such earthquakes as may hap pen anywhere. The" scientists then study the strip of paper and herald to the world the newa that tha tremor which shook down several cities was duly registered. ; : ; ' ' - The seismograph is a remarkable contrivance, though in Just what way Is not yet determined. However, la tba Interests of science. It Is as valu able as would be the Imprint ot the hoof upon tbe seat of tbe trousers of man who bad been kicked by a inula Alter the event he could study tbe Im print and assure himself that ha aa been kicked, -Life. , ; , - "I sm plesscd to recommend Cham berlain's Cough Remedy as tha best thing I know of and safest rsmedy for coughs, colas ana bronchial trouble," writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold ef Denver, Colo. "We have used It repeatedly mnA it ha. ..... Ia For sale by all dealers. Oddities Abeut Alphabets. When tbe Portuguese first enJored Brazil they -made great fan of Uie na tives of tbat country bees use they bad hi their alphabet ne f, r or I a peo ple, the Invaders declared, without fa. ley or rey wttltoMt faith, law ot king The Mohawks, again, have no labials and vowed it was absurd whn the missions rtea tried to teach them to pronounce p and to, "for wbe,' said they, "can sneak wit U" his mouth slmtT" H!cWirood' MsMilne,. i t... r LI 1 . . . j i...iLv . Ik Norfolk, Ya., Account Foot Ball Game A. & Iff. vs V. P. I. . Thanksgiving Day Thurs 7 day Nov. 30th, 1911. Special sleeping cars will be placed at Goldsboro, Kinston and New Bern. SCHEDULE - liOUND TRIP Lv. Goldsboro' 10:16 P.- M. . $ 3 00 LaGrapge 10:42 - " 3 00 V; Kinston 1U10 ' ' 3 00 J' Dover s 11:80 " S 00 Beaufort v 3:45 -I " 4 20 " M. City '.4:16 s - 4 00 " ' Oriental 20 " " ' 4 00 New Bern. 12:30 A. M. "8 00 ArJ Norfolk 8.00 " , Tickets sold for all day trains Nov. 29th and train Mo. 16 leaving Goldsboro Nov, 29th and leaving New Bern Nov. 30th,' TickeU good to return until train No. 6 having Norfolk Dec. 1st - '; Special .sleeping cars placed at Golds boro, KihB ton and New Bern may be occupied at 9:80 p in Nov. 29th. Re turning passengers , using Pullman ser vice may occupy sleeping cars until 7:00 a m Dec 1st at New Bern, Kinston and Goldsboro. ; ' --: T '-' ': -".. Tickets sold for trains Nos. ; 2 and 16 and. train No. 6 leaving Raleigh Nov: 29th, tickets good to return on train No. 6 leaving Norfolk 9.-00 p m Dec 1st Sleeping car apace should be reserved through local agents at once to : insure satisfactory accommodations. . J A claim for 130,000 reparation against the Baltimore and Ohij Railroad waa filed with the Inter-State Commerce Commission. -s " WHAT WOULD YOU ; DOT In case of a burn or scald what would voj do to relieve the nain? ; Such in juries are liable to occur in any family ana everyone snouid be prepared for tnem. unamneriain's salve aoDiied on a soft cloth will relieve the paio almost instantly, and unless the injury is s very severe one. will cause the parts to heal without leaving a sear. . For sale bv all ueaiers, , Dead Men's Tsstn. .. Before artificial teeth were created deficiencies bad to be made good by the' real article, so body snatcbers rav aged tbe cemeteries at night, breaking up the Jaws of tbe dead to extract tbeir teeth to sell to-dentists for Inser tion In live men's mouths.: An army of these . ghouls followed Wellington's army. They were licensed as sutlers, but once night felt out came their nip pert and they prowled over tbe battle Held extracting tha teeth of the dead ot dying. ' .. ? " SAVED CHILD FROM DEATH. "After our child has suffered from so vera bronchial trouble for a year.' wrote G. T. Richardson, of Richard son's Mills, Ala,' "we feared it had con sumption, It had a bad congh all tha time. We tried many remedies with out avail, and doctor's medicine seemed as useless. Finally we tried Dr. King's new Discovery, and are pleased to say that one bottle effected a complete cure and our child ia again strong and heal thy. "For couahs. , colds., hoarseness. lagrippe, asthma, croup and sore lungi, its tna most infallible remedy that's made. .Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. Guaranteed by all druggist'.' Baltimore and- Ohio and other rail road officials were indicted by a Federal grand jury in New York; for giving re bates. ' . , ,v..... -Children Crjr " ' FOR FLETCHER'S - CASTOR IA ;'".;-l' V -' ' ...'- "" ' -' ' A speaker at Richmond told the Na tional Municipal League that the Unit ed S'atts ia the friend of the "blind ti- it Vr.' -' 1" . ' " -7 IS THE WORLD CR0W1N3 BET 1 -,; - TERT .. ', : Many things go to prove that it li. Tha way thousands are trying lo balp oth ers ia proof. Among them is Mrs. W. W.Gould, of Fittsfiel i, N. H. Find ing good health by taking Electric Bit ters, aha now advises other suffers, everywhere, to take them. -'For years t a i i, l ' 3 , Tj i suiierwq wnn iivmicn ana money trouble," she writes. "Every medi cine I osed failed till I took Electric Bitters. , But this great remedy helped me wonderfully.' They'll help any woman. They're the ixst tonic and finest liver and kidney remedy that's made. Try them. Try them. You'll sea, EOe at all druggists. . .... V '":'' " limn Breeehss. "' tines hreeches were worn by men in 1491 B. C They also st that period wore embroidered roars, besides bon nets "for glory and for beanty." . i- . If there Is any person to whom yon feel dislike tbat Is tbe person of whom you ought never to speak. Cecil. - - Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safi ty b the mnt delicate woman or th younpest child. Tbe old and feible will alto find them a most suitable remedy for aiding end strengthening their w akenad di gestion and for regulating the boweU. For sale by all dealers, . K Cruet Stand. ' . Several villagers were discussing a departed slater, who had been given t g ood deeds, but was rather too foud of C'Tenstng sliarp spoken adrlre. ".' he was aa eici-ilent wouihq," said ttie dinvnecd lady's pustor. "Phe was Cii,!aii!!y lu tlie homes of the poor n.l an:!-ted.' In fuel, she waa tho suit t f l' eHi'lli." ' j! whs more thmi tlmt." r-; i r ' 1 i r. ",' he wnn life v!m e .r, I unl tip iiiu hinl m ! . '- t crui t . 1 i f v'. f " a:.t . Wonderful Palace TK : j t I ! Czarina Anno of KxmIs. Ttie use of Ice for architectural pur poses 1s an nrt that has been carriel to a high state of perfection lu north ern countries, and Buuje almost Incred ible feats have been accomplished In this curious branch of industry.' - j Probably the most remarkable build ing constructed wholly of ice was the palace built on the Neva by. Czarina Anne of Russia In 1739. The first at tempt' to construct this building was unsuccessful, as the slabs of ice were too thin nnd the building collapsed In the first thaw. Subsequently large blocks of ice were cot and squared -with great care and laid on one an other by skillful masons, who cement ed the joints with water, which imme diately froze. The building when com pleted ;was , fifty-six feet long, "seven teen and a half broad had twenty-one high. .It was of but .one'- story,. The facade contained a door- surmounted by as .ornamental, pediment and, six windows, the frames .aud panes of which were "all of ice.. An elaborate balustrade,' adorned with statues,. ran along the top of the facade', and an other balustrade surrounded the build ing at the level of tbe ground. Tbe aide entrances to the inclosure were flanked with pillars supporting urns, the . lab ter containing orange : .'trees,, whose branches, leaves.and flowers were- all ef lee. Hollow pyramids of ice on each side of tbe" building- contained lights by night : The grounds were further adorned with a life size figure' of an elephant,' with his mahout on his. back. A stream-of "water, was- thrown from the elephant's trunk ' by day - and js flame of naphtha by night '.'-'' ;' . I A tent of Ice contained a hot bath, m which - persons " actually . bathed. There were also several cannons and mortars of ice. which were loaded with bullets, of Ice and Iron and discharged. "The Interior of the building was com pletely furnished -with tables, chairs, statues," looking glasses, a clock, a com plete tea service, etc.. all made, ot tee and painted to Imitate the- real objects. A bedchamber contained a state bed with curtains, a dressing table with s mirror, pillows, bedclothes, slippers an.' nightcaps, all made; of ice. -4 There were ice cooJles, burning naphtha add. most wonderful Ot all, an ice fireplace containing burning Ice logs- -1. e., block of ice smeared with naphtha and then findled.-8cientlflc American- Children Cry : : - FOR FLETCHER'S ; v : C A STO R I A TARRYf.IQRE HOTEL ; SWANSB0R0, .,C. ;. All modern conveniences for bath ing and inside" fishing. S- ' 7 ;- 'boat LEAVES 8 a. m Lv. Swansboro Ar, B:S0 p m; 11:80 a in. Ar' M. City Lv.'2;00 pm. A GROCERY MAN - has to be pretty well - "made up" " to please everybody, our shelves - are "chuck full" of good things in the line of Fsncy Groceries and we guarantee everything we sell to pleas everybody we sell too, or we refund your money. Buckwheat, Mince Meat, Heinz Pickles, The Best Fancy Candy for Cake Trim mings. ' Prompt delivery. . Yours to please, ., Erd StrE:l Crcrrj Ci PHONE 150 . NEW BERN, N. C ; ."Af-nei et!i' '.; ji Jt I never saw you :.t a Lt'::..r ' "Yes, Ib m' " cJwI 'iit. 1 .LaJiti 'TTya h rj i V,,.. I. li :i ! f t ' i 1 f JssWslsr I? V.i. .ti-. i 1 J FCH V HAT YCU NLID in G"cci:rji:s. Fancy Prunes, only: ., 13c Fancy Evaporated Peaches 18c Standard 3 lb. can Tomatoes 10c ; , 2 - " " ' 7iC Small S. a Hams - :"' 18c Small Pic nic Hams . ; ' ' 12c Very Best Flour , . -3c Fancy E. J. Peas, can ,15 & 25c Good Table Peaches, can 18c Walter Bakers Chocolate ' 17Jc Walter Bakers Cocoa, can- 23c Numerous other good things to eat at bottomvprioes. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L. McDaniel 41 Middle St. : v Phone 91 8 HARDWARE Building Ma terial Paints, Oils :Vamishes , American t Field Fence ----- law Sen,-1. HENRY'S .Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac .curately filled. . Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. " PHONE 173 174-PH0NE-174 A Splendid Grade Pink '. Salmon, per can 15c Fancy Prunes, per lb. . I5c Orange PeeL " 20c Lemon Peel, " 20c 1 lb. pkg. Seeded Rais- -Ins, . , ; "12Jc 1 lb. pkg. Currants 2'dc Cranberries, per qt. ; 10c Eutterine ' 25c . 1 H- Mi Iltii.t J I ltw J Phone 174 St. ) I! ) i. I! s-s os Hyde Co' R. P. Oats, Burt Oats, Hairy Vetch, Rape" Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Hay, Oats, Corn, Corn Meal, Cot ton Seed Meal, Hulls, Bran, Shipstuff, Beet Pulp, Dairy Molasses' F?ed, : Distillers Grain, highest in Protein cf any stock feed on the market.-" . tt-n;lMi.!.!!ef.t. ITcw IU-rn, J.'.o' I l oiio 1'Jt Pharmacy

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