mmDOJOT of leaving your Important paper such as deeds, wnyeyartcei'p . mortgages; bonds or valuab'es sutlT s 'jeWelty, : fieirippntsX' .-and Other articles of worth Where ihey will ia subject -te .; or "theft A Safe Deposit Box in -or (lrt aod t r burglar proof vault will provide just the protection ybtj need;. v and can be. rented for the nominal charge of $4.00 -a year. f Storage for bulky packages is furnished to, customers nee " V of charge. ' " f. . v " ' tK,l t!HM ' III' "llllllillllllHIIIIIIHIMn 'mnniHiiHii!: THE AUTOMATIC EALL-EEA will ease the bur den on horse more t 9) y m than any axle ev er offered, if you are using two horses get a vehi cle equipped with ' Ma ...... llt. Uiv W1U JUU ' t, S ii. " -' . ' .' can sell one and save the feeding." And is the first and only Bali-Bearing : Axle that can be 'sent to Anyone anywhere; and be a success every time ; without any brains being sent along to adjust it ttsty-( ?? C. S. WAFERS a SONS, BBOi ST.-NEW BERN, N. C. - AlwaysPays iiiMclLong Run. --r The average man when it cornea to selecting a life insurance contract will take at y old thing that comes along. Its a ease of "marry in haste and repent at leisure." Hundreds of thous nds of dollars, hnve been wasted and many families lef$ detltuto right here in this very town by such a foolish course. The UNION CENTRAL LIFE is the best com-; pany in America if the reports of .various . State Departments and un biased statisticians count for anything, for exesllent insurance at the lowest possible cost to policy holders. '. Gladly - explained without the 'least obligation on your part . ' ' - i. '-.VW-" .iV W. G. BOYD, Agent Real Estate ' General Insurance. '. ' Surety Bonds. You Don't Buy a Stove . every month, so that when you do buy, you want to look around a little and see where you can' get the greatest satisfaction for your money. We have a great line of - Stoves here and we can suit any pocket-book with our prices. Gaskill Hardware Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR MAJESTIC RANGES V f PHONE 147 ' UV T ' 73 MIDDLE ST. PIIONE 47 MEADOWS' HEAL PEE-D BUST 8 rnoOF BUUT D AND 6, - v !!( , .HIHIHIHI mm IXG MLE IS tOOl PROOF AND : EVERLASTING- 4 a BE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE . on all kinds of coal for heating ard cooking in the house, for the - furnace In shop or store, for steam - tag purposes in factory or mill,", ' fully confident of the quality of our fuel, its cleanliness and our ' facilities for prompt deli very We will appreciate trial, order. : r ; Ellis Coal and Wood Yard ' - TTjNION POINT rVasenee ofMind That Stopped a 8 1 Ids .rt-,'.i--.;j:o Death... ;:Vs -7-V?-? : On entering central Asia after a trip across India Major R. IV; Kennlon witnessed rescue which was due to the quickness of decision and prompt aon of a native. The Story is given In r'Sporfc -find Life In the: Farther Himalayas." The party, had started to climb orer;tne pass failed Mintaks by jnoohUght,' The cold Vas intense and the' way slippery and uncertain; " 'No ona, having cro'saed the pass thai yeari the guide took aorrong line and led us across an ice slope that was concealed, by sno'w.;-. The 4rst I kaew of it was BMlng his dim figure begin to siide downward, first slowly, then more rapidly. We : were not. roped, and as hid pace increased It 'seemed that bo thing on earth could save him, , Nea r the end of my line, however, carrying a load, was a man of Hunza, whoso quickness .to grasp the-situa-tlon was only equaled by his resource. Dropping his load, he sprang out on to a projecting point of rock . near which the man would passi and as he slid by with the point of bis native inado tee ax he gaffed him In his loose clothing as you might a salmon. 1 It was most cleverly and promptly done. . f Fixing ths Ball Grounds. - Hugh. S. Fullerton, the baseball ex pert, tells in the American Maglzlne of the! queer . ethics of the national game.:', He writes!;.:;-,,,'','!.--'':; j; "Fixing the grounds so as to give the home ' team the advantage and handicap the visiting players is the commonest form of trickery, yef": In professional bait It is not considered wrong, any more than a commander ift a defensive army would consider It , wrong to prepare breastworks ' to meet an enemy:- The extant to whieu the fixing of grounds is carried . Is amazing. There probably. Is not a major or minor league grounds in the country, on which the home player have not the' advantage' and visiting teams, are forced to be on the alert from the moment they enter a field to discover, if possible, what they ax ub against."'-:.;';-, t.v -i; -; The Right Ring. Tho Father That young fellow whe has been calling here lately Is a very One young man. He has the right ring about him. The Daughter (eager ly) Has he? Have you seen It? I It a diamond? : Suspicion la very often useless pain, Johnson Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Charges were lodged against Inf ur gent Leader Kegley in the National Grange, at Columbus, Ohio. ... . There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the sriD excent when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens : when - Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used, This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable curea of colds and grip and can be - relied upon with" im plicit commence. . For sale by all deal ers. ,. Nature's Protection For the Ear.' , The membrane lining the canal of tbr ear contains a great number of little glands which secrete waxy substance having an Intensely bitter taste. The purpose of this Is to prevent the ro trance of Insects and to keep the ear clean, as the layer of wax dries in scales, which rapidly fall away, thus removing with them any particle of dust or other foreign matters which may have found entrance to the ear. . . . Softer. '' i 1 have no doubt you have beard some stories to my discredit,'' he wild "1 don't like to put It In that way," she quietly replied, - . . , "How tUenr be hopefully asked. "1 have never heard any stories f your credit.'? said she. - Cleveland Plain Dealer. . -., . .-. For pains in the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain'a Liulment and bind it on over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sle by all dealers. YOUR MORNING MAIL it May Be Da'ngtreue to Open It at th Breakfast Table, -k y X Did you ever bear that It Is danger ous to open your morning malt at tb breakfast table? According to a Ber lin scientist. Professor Kren, and the London lancet. It la dangerous very. Professor Kron has succeeded In trac ing several cases of contagion to. the old custom of waiting until you sit down, at the breakfast table before opening and going through your mora ing mail. He calls attention to the fart that the average man or woman goes down to breakfast with hands and face scrupulously ' clean, teet scrubbed and throat gargled. - In thai condition be Is prepared to eat with out danger of swallowing more dis ease germs than may have possibly escaped tfe watchful attentions of the cook. - - ... But instead of doing that be handles letters and papers which have passed through many bands before reaching his own. Between bites he opens en velones and wrappers and In doing so unthinkingly paves the way for the absorption of all kinds of gofms which may or may not do blm a great deal of harm. . , . ... . It has long been the custom In man; well regulated households where th break f ant hour Is fixed somewhat latf and where the mall carrier gets around before breakfast Is sen-ed to place each portion's morning letters by hi or her plate In the dining room. This snys the Lancet, Is a custom wlil-b should bo abolished at once. Letter slnmlil Ie opi-tu-d and read e!!!icr lo fi,''B or af;er br- ' 'ntt, but' r---.-r a I':,. (:,,'.:.: ' t. .. 1 ' ' f f -1 SUFFEfflfi FIVE YEARS Finally Cured by Lydia E. Vn& barn's Vegetalile Cdmpoundj Erie, Pa.'r'suffefed'f or fl vefrears from female troubles and at lasf has ituwustr-nmpwag; l - V fa ad' . th'py ; did sister advised-jme to try Lydia E,i,Hiifci ham's Vegetable Compound,, and when I hacl'taktsu only- two' botttes .1 eould . se6 -'av ' big 0haiicrei,8O,'.Ixt(iok!; Isir bottles and I am" J rioV stronir and well again.. I don't know how to express my thanks for the good it has dune mis and i hope an sutiering women will give Lydia E. Pinkhahi's Vegetable Compound a trial. ; It was worth its weight In gold." Mrs, J. P. Endlich, B.F. D. No, 7, Erie, Pa. Lydia E. PinWiam's Vegetable Com pound, made 'from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds ' the record for the largest number of actual cities Of female diseases we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women w ho have been cured from almost every form' of female complaints, such as inflamma tion, nlceratlon. displawnients, fibroid tumors. Irregularities, iierioic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you want special advice write Mrs.Pinkliam, Lynn, Mass., for it. It is free and. always helpful. SPAIN'S NATIONAL ANTHEM. "La Marcha Rsalle" Was Composed by Frederick the Greet. Frederick the Great was the com poser of the Spanish national unthein. Frederick's ambitions were varied. He performed on the flute. He desired to be thought a poet. He quoted Latin, but his quotation would have made Cicero stare and gasp'. Jur1ng that remarkable friendship which existed between him and Voltaire the uuthor of the "Henrlade' excluiuied with de rision, "See the dirty linen I have to wash," holding up Frederick's1 manu script, which had been sent hini to re vise. In the field tie. great warrior carried about his own poems lu his pocket and a bottle of poison, so that he should not be taken alive. Meuzel's picture depicts the king with hn llute, and Bach dedicated to him one of his compositions. The story of the composition of the Spanish national anthem la full of in terest. A little while after the conelu SloB of the Seven Years' war Frederick It a court reception to the surprise of every one produced u man h which be bad composed. The SpaulsU umbussa dor, both a musidtm and courtier, asked for a copy to send to his royal master, CharJes III. That monarch admirea the piece, an 1 It was often beard at the Escurlul. After a time it was laid aside and almost forgotten. In 1869, after the deposition of Isabel la, Marshal Serrano instituted a com petition among composers for u nation al anthem. Some 500 composition; were sent It, but none of them was so Inspiring as Frederick's march, which had been exhumed from the archives. This was chosen find Is today known M "La Marcha Ilea lie." l.oudou Ulobe. CASTOR I A . lot Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the fllgnatartpf a Aviator Fowler crashed into a tree at El Paso. Tex., recently, damaging his machine, , : ' , "I do not behave there ia any . other medicine so good for whooping cough as Chamber fain 's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs, Francis Turwn. Junction City, Ore. ' This remedy is also uniur- pasata lor corns and eroup. ' for aale by all dealers, t . I - ' NORFOLK-SOUTHERN RAILROAD Greatly Reduced Rates to New Bern,'N. C.i Nov. 22-23. ' Account Aviation Meet and Agricul tural Exhibit, Address by . Governor Kitch'n. ' ' ':: '.;" '. i Tickets sold Nov. 22-23. Final limit Kov. 24. 1911.; -f V V B. I BUGG,' 'i'W.'w. CROXTON, ; Traffic Mgr. ' , G. P. A. T '. , NORFOLICVA. : i J m-tj.ij,.ai.Lij- m - is Very Serious; ' It is very serious matter to aak lor one " medicine . and, have ', the wrong one given you. For thia reason we urge you In buying to u be careful to tret thorcnuiiio .'' nir.c:i-draught Liver T.:ctae . 1 The reputation of this old, rella bta medicine, lor constipation, in d ideation and livfr trouble, ia brm ly esintili'.hrd. It docs not Imitate i fr f :.,iin It is Jirttcr than - nnlj r.' t t o tbr la ' r. 1 r PERFECT, STEELE BALLS.' they Have Never Yet Been Made -' ; Even in the Laboratory, . One-of the needa pi the dmy Is' perfectly" spherical ateel ball, and yet It has never -been made even m the laboratory, much less In the shop (or commercial uses. , When we consider the Importance of ball bearings for a .tomoblleS, motorcycles and other ma chinery the imperfections in steel ball must appeal to nil as of the greatest moment. Of course we make pretty good steel banswhich could not have been manufactured a few years '.ago. Bo ftir as the eye can discern,, they ar perfectly nec!cni, too, and ,ordina moflsurlng lustruiiits will hot f We 10 detect any difference ia them, Dot nevertheless they are not perfectly spyrtfal.. - -. A steel bnll foe automobile bearings must be perfect within .0001 Inch, and they are mjnib even more perfect than tli's, .but mathematical perfection la Ihls 'respect seems to be almost as 11 luslW as squaring the circle or discov ering the perpetual motion machine. . When the steel ball was first used tn the bearings of bicycles It waa a very imperfect sphere. It waa not called spon to . bear any great load, and the velocity was not great At the beet the loud on It was not more than 200 pounds, and at Urn rate of sixty miles .an hour the revolutions were not more than 720 per minute. Compare that with the load and velocity of the mod ern ball bearings of automobiles. Fre. qucntly the load approximates a thou sand pounds and th velocity la any where from 800 to 1,200 revolutions. The small steel balls must take the maximum load of the car and pass it on to others without binding or catch ing., A slight impy-fectlon in any ons ball would cause Trouble, In fact, It Is Impossible to use balls with any ap preciable variation In size from one auoei1, and the more nearly round they ure the better the results. Steel balls are not only made more perfect In shape than ever before, but they uro harder and tougher. As there Is a tendency to flake, only spe cial steels can be used In their manu facture, and these tough, hard steels are all the more difficult to work with to secure perfect roundness. The chrome steel, of which most balls for bearings are made, Is one of the most ditllcult of steels to cut or shape, and tho work of handling It has developed special tooui end machines made of even harder material. While we nave not yet made the perfectly spherical steel ball and per haps may never succeed, the point of perfection reached Is little short of wonderful. The approximately per fect steel ball is a matter or vital Im portance wherever machines and ma chinery are made and used. The ap plication of the ball bearing system is extended to new lines of industrial use each year, and builders of all kinds of apparatus are taking advan tage of the perfection reached by the manufacturers of these little sphere of tough steel. Harper's Weekly. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A The board of visitors cf the Univer sity of Virginia accepted the $40,000 gift of the Peabody Education Board, SICK HEADACHE. This distressing disease results from a disordered condition of the stomach. and can be cured by taking Chamber- lam s Stomach and Liver Tablets, tiet a free sample at all dealer's drug store and try it. Felon's stripes as a punishment for trust ci iminals are proposed in a bill amending the Sherman Anti-Truat law drafted by Representative Henry, of Texas. DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTHEAST. WEST. Very Low Bound Trip Rated to all Principal Resorts. Through. Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh. 4 :05 pm, arrives Atlanta 6:35 p m, making close, connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 am, Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:16 noon, Memphis 8.-06 p ra, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. This car also. make close connection atSelie bnry for St Louis and .other Western points. ' " - 1 Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 6:60 p m, arrives Waahing on 8:53 a m, Baltimore 10:02 m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:81 pin. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittaburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida points.;; 7 - . ' , :''- ; ' Through Parlor! Car for Ashevllle leaves Goldsboro at 6:46 a m, Raleigh 8:36 a m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all points North and Noth-West. ,, , , Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making -close connection' at Sreonsboro for all points North, Sooth, East and West, This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldaboro at 10:46 p m.- ': ' ..,. ; -. ' if you desire any information, please call. We are here to furniah Informa tion as well as to sell ticket. - ,j, v l. F. CARY, ; J.J. JONE9, c.'p. A..'.i .v:.',i. . f.p.A. Washington, D: C. ' Raleigh, N. C - n i. n of r!!U In t'-.e Li. - . . j r Legal Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE OF . HOUSE AND LOT IN NEW , - V .' v BERN. Bf rlltttlttr DOHPuf MU MatafHI I- . I . oerUin mortgage deedaxecuted end delivered to the nndanurned bv MlUa his Wife, which mortgage deed and note thereby "m-jamm tnira day of If arch 1902. and recorded in book numh., mi ..... kto i .u. n See of the Register of Deeds of Craven county. " Mnaersigneo will on the 18th, day of Decem ber. 1911, at 12 o'clock m. at the court house door in Craven countv. eell n th Ki,rk..., llu . eaah. the following described Und: Two tots situated and lying in the City of Nee) Bern. N. C. in the part known as Reizenatelnvllle. being lota number 11 and 2J in the plan of the said Refeenatelnville. located on the east side of Chap. man sow Between Cedar and Elm atreeta. and being the same land convavarf tn ih. u:, Bpruil by deed from Chas. Rclzsnsteln. JOHN S. GARRETT, Mortgagee. November I8th, 1911. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having this dav onalinari . t-i eeevywi Ul rur nee Williams, decea-ed. all persona having ciainu against tne estate of said decendent ere hereby notified to Dreaant tha um rf,.i. uai to the undersigned or his attorney, on or before uie mt oi November 1912. or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of their nu... ii indebted to said estate are hereby requested to mane immediate settlement. This I7th day of November 1911. H. H. PENDER. Executor. R. O'HARA. Attorney, MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By VirtUS Of a DOWSr ontjtinH in a nmlH.. deed executed to the undersigned by Petiy Col- ina end Mary VenterB on the 6th day of April. IB09. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county, in hook I7fi mm u eame deed being- riven to aecure the payment of a promiatory note, due and payable one year from date of said mortgage deed and default in payment of said note nnrt intamgf tk. having been made, I will sell at the oourt house door in New Bern. N. C.. at 12 o'clock M. on Monday the 11th day of December ISII all th. undivided interests of said Patsy Collins and said aiary venters in and to that certain tract of land in No, 8 township. Craven countv K Ct ad joining ths lands of Edward Richardson on the norm side, on the west side Willis Lewis' tract, containing ten acrea. whr Mm vnAm, w.a John Venters formerly resided, now occupied by Aiex moo re; also another tract of land containing ls 1-4 acres, adjoining the lands of Mrs, Jennie Harrison. Dr. J B Hushes. J I.Hhm J. i Samuel Bowen and Daniel Harriss. Terms of aale cash. M. HAHN. Mortgagee. Nov. 91811. MORTGAGE SALE. Pursusnt to the power of Bale contained in that certain mortgage deed, executed by George A, Brown and Mary E. Brown, his wife to R. O'Hara. bearing date of April 18tli. 1911. and recorded in the oflioe of the Register of Deeds for said Craven county in book Ne. 184, folio 167. The undersigned will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, at the court house door of Craven county, on Satunlay. Deoembar9th.I9l at the hour of 12 o'clock M. all the following des cribed property, to-wit: ' AU that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being situate in the city of New Bern, said state and county on the west side of Ash street and bearing the number one hnndred forty-eb. 18. according to a plan of the estate of Joshua Scott, dee'd,. recorded in Equity Docket, page 53 in the omce of Clerk of Superior court for said Craven county, bounded as follows: Benginniug at the northeast corner of the lot formerly owned by Frederick Harrison, and running northwardly fifty 55, Ave feet, more or less to the. southeast ern corner of lot No. one hundred 145. forty-five: thence westwardly along the southern 1 Ine of said lot No. 145 One hundred HO. ton feet, more or less to the eastern line of lot No. one hundred 156, fifty-six, thence southwardly along the east ern line of lots Noa. 156 and 156 fifty 66. feet more or less to the northern line of lot No. 147; thence eastwtrdly along the northern line of aaid lot No. 147 one hundred HO. ten feet more or less to the point of beginning on Ash street. It be ing the same land conveyed by R, O'Hara to aaid George A. Brown and Hary E. Brown by deed dated April 13. 1911. and recorded in the public records in the offce of Register of Deeda for aaid Craven county In book No. 186-folio 276. to which reference is hereby made. This 4th. day of November ISII. R. O'HARA. Mortgagee, MORTGAGE SALE OF LANlJ. By virtue of power of aale contained in two certain mortgage deeds executed to the under signed by J. T. Harris, one of which la dated the Srd. day of March. 1910. and recorded in book of deeds No, 174, page 686. in the office of the Reg- star of deeds of Craven county, and the other dated 21st. day of January. 1911, and recorded is book of deeds number 184. page 67, in the office of the Register of Deeda of Craven county, the un dersigned will on the 27th. day of November 1911 atthaesuithoueadoor in Craven county at 12 o'clock of aaid day. aall to the highest bidder tor eaah the following described lot of land: That certain lot of land In that part of the City of New Bora, N, C. commonly known aa Pavietown. and being lot number seventy (76) according to the plan of aaid Pavietown. and being on the west side of BloomfleM street in said Pavietown plot of which ia recorded In .book 106, page 186. hi the offlre of tha ReaTieter of Deeda of Cra ven county and bslng fully described ia certain contract between I. L. Hahn and the aaid J, T, Harris, which contract ia recorded la book nun. bar ITS. page 471. In the office of the Register of Deeda of Craven county. This sale is made sub ject to a prior lien to J. L. Hahn for the balance of the purchase money duo from the said J. T. Harris to the aaid J. L. Hahn for the purchase of ho Mid land. T. P. ASBFORD. Mortgagee. October t5th. IIU . Why H Went t Market. ; It usually happen lu. this way: "Jim." says sirs. Matin. "I see thai the' best butter Is 3 cents cheaper at tb market than It Is out, there at oar grocery store. This If market day Would you wind going down there on your way home and Retting rue twi t oaen eggs and some corn and a few1 "Oh, I'm awfully Vsorry, dear.1 breaks tn Kir. Mann, ''but this Is go ing to be my busy day. I won't be bonis till pretty late, and there are s lot of extra things that 1 siniply must attend to. and"- ' 'U ; "Never mind, dear." sfya Mrs, Mann, "I'd Just at soon do it i myself, but I haven't any money, and If you will I. . . iAii.. kin mm " ivstv iuv e. urn UU1WI Vlll I -t. d 'Come to think of It.'S breaks InMr l Mann rl(fht there, T w"i t be no ferj ly IcKiiiy. I wag t' ;,klu(t about t un- k. I'll fit t t mm 1 f f t i . X v : CARDS I F. 5L Simmons,' A. . Ward, SIMONS ANO WARD AfTOKNEYS AND CODNSELLOrV AT LAW IIW BERN, 1L YJ, Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties of nnvan Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wuke. in the Su- preme and federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. . OR. H. H, DISEASES OF THE ye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice In the counties of Craven. Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State SuDreme and Fedara Courts. Oftlcs No. 50 Crsvtn Strait. Telephone No. 97. NsW Bern, N. C. Lake Drummond Cana! & Water Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth Always. Quick Transit for Traffic. Prompt Towing and Freight Movement. For tolls, towinu anil freieht rates apply at oflioe in Seaboiml Bank Build, lng and at Deep Creek l.o k, Va. M. K. King, Pres. J. A. Mitten, Sec. J. B. Baxter, Supt. J. T. Whitehurst, Traffic Manager. Norfolk OffiVe Bell I 'hone 021. SOUTHERN RAILWAY BOUTmEHN bail n At schedclii B. These figures are oublishui. tor Information aa,j are uot guaras NO. 11 Leave Goldaboro, N. C, 6.41 a. m., through train with chali car to Asheville, connecting at East Durbum, for Oxford, Hen Seraoa, Keysvlllo and Rlohmns at tlslverslty for Chapel Hill: at Greensboro for Charlotte anil aU (KalttU SuulU, aleu lui' L rills, Lynchburg, Charlottesville Washington, anS all yslats Ma 131 Uavrt (loldsboro, 1.05 . m. tor Grden.iboro. handles through Pullman Raleigh, to Atlanta, cob arjte al Greensboro tor all points north, south aad wssl NO. Ill-Leaves fiolclsboro 10.4B p ra for Ureebsboro, handle yulluiaa Raleigh , to Greensboro, coaw Beets at Oreensboro tor Char Letts, Atlanta , New Orleans, Asheville, Knoxvllle, also foi Danville, Lynchbui, Charlst tosvtlle, Washlngtoa, u Q points aorta, lor further InformatWn as aay Southern ticket agent or address ths sn4srslgcl. H. F. CARY, Osnsral Passenger Igsat, , Waahlngtoa, D. O, J W. H. PAKNELL, Traveling Pasiengsr Agsnt Ralslgb, N. O. Instead of Liquid Antiseptics i Peroxide ; I many people aw now using , , i Paxtine) Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet permlt-lde. powder to bs dissolved in water as needed. ' a Fcr als. toilet and hyglesio uses it W better and snore econouicaL j To eleanse and whiten the , tT , -teelli. remove tartar and . . . a- - i . V3!'..V' 4.U UI9IUICVI 1.11V UlUUill, Ul' Stroy disease perraa, and purify the breath. , m TO Kep arttueiai teetn ana y To remove uiootine from the teeth and urlfy tie breath afwr smoking. To eradicate pornplrndou and body -i-fjdors by sponge bal.hinir. Th brat antiNeptle wiinIi known. I'i Mi-vp und hi n-nt'tlit-iin tiivit, wonV, ! I t II- tis-..r. llu, ml -m.ui.'Ii

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