l.EEKLY vJOflfflL IttabUfhe 1873 .".luaed to Two Sections, every ,r.y and tfrlday. at Journal Build- ES-60 CraTen Street CHJJOXS L. STEVES 8, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.' 1 " " 11 -- 1 ; ''. t C.'nclal Paper of New Bern and t'raven Oonnty. SUBSCRIPTION ' RATES. ; '. Two Montha.V 15 Three Months.. -.. , :? M x Months. ., . ' 10 elve Montha.. .i i. 1.00 . ONLY IN ADVANCE. ; The Journal !a cnly sent on pay-ln-tdvance bat Is. Subscribers will tre-' ceive notice ot expiration of their sub nrlptlona and, an Immediate res pons o notice u oe appreciated by the Journal v Advertising rate tarnished upon application at the office, or upon ln qulir by mal -.... finteted at the Poitofflce, New Bern. N. d. aa second-class matter. New Bern, N. C. November, 24, 1911. SOME FAIR' POSSIBILITIES. ; It does not take an expert to de cide whether local conditions war rant the establishment of an an nual Fair Week in New Bern. What are the elements that need combining to produce a Fair but the necessary ; exhibits, amuse ments, and entertainment, aud the people who want to see and enjoy these things. The Agricultural and Stock Exhibit and Aviation ?Ieet here this week with other attractions has demonstrated that the establishment of an annual Fair in New Bern is not problem atical as to its success. It only re- ares intelligence and courage to . i.ogether the means that go in to the making .of a Fair, on a broader scale than that of the present week for the elements con stituting all ;that are needed for a Fair and a successful one can be found in this section, . As to the exhibits those of this Bection seen at the exhibition are remarkable in variety aud charac ter for a hasty gathering together. No section in this State can show more diversified list of native . and natural products, of things that come out of the ground, grow -,above ground, come from the wa teifoTrange In Ufa in field and for est A gathering from these sever al sources would furnish an aston ishing exhibit to attract people : from everywhere. Amusements can be secured in any kind desired. . Entertainment has never failed , when wanted, locally. . ' These are but suggestions of Fair possibilities. The intelligence , and courage that will co-operate, can easily add to these. The peo ple are ready to back up such a Fair, and fully sustain the pro moters who will show that a Fair is to be established to meet the needs and demands of this day. THE ATLANTIC NOETII CAR- OLINAR'Y. SHOPS LUG ABOO. Borne children are kept in sub jection by bciBg frightened, and some communities are held togeth er by threats. But has any real good ever resulted to child or com munity through such . methods! On the night when the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Com pany's shops iu this city were de stroyed by fire, there was heard the cry, "the shops will be moved away I" Before this fire, before the Norfolk and Southern had ev er extended, its line to Raleigh, there was this same cry of moving away the A, & N. C. shops, when ever the Norfolk and Southern peo ple purchased five or ten acres of land anywhere along its line. With the announcement of the Norfolk .Southern's recent purchase of linos extending west from Raleigh, Is again this Outcry of shops being removed,'; 1 -, . ..' f - The Journal has before shown the foolishness of this cry. There is no cause for even speculation us to the railroad shops leaving here, fur except as to being leased they i re only in that 'degree the pVop rily of the Norfolk-Southern, and nre not subject to removal. In fact the shops should be restored ; t once to the same capacity and , ; 1 1 ty value as they were before r destruction by fire. What is ' needed locally, is to cDCOiir tlie Norfolk-Southern to iu its plant atNew,Brn by ; upon its land, and so ill s' not Just covering Its cou- the Iouhq of the Atlantic ( Carolina properly, so t, in ruiy of t!u; h':we in in m an i ill in an an "mai 1 1 irMi'inil'lliaiiri i mi n i - - ' m ALt'OHfll. a tl'U r.L-.t r Aegc!ablePrq)ar3(tonMs sirailalingiiicFaoif mi'Rpniia lingllicSioiiEclisai.dJimdi.ol tea X-4 Promoles DigestionOr elTul ness and Resixonlams neiiiw OpiimuMorphine norMwcral. Not Narcotic. KB: Ml Si1"! m si 7 JtlxJmm-JhMteMs-- ytwW . , Jhirmwt- J iturmStfd 'r. htttlaptimfkmr. ApBrfect Remedy forConlipa tinn . Simr Stnmar li.Diairtioca irS Worms jConvulsious.revertsh ItessandLOSSOFblE?P. Facsimile Signature of mm . NEW YORK. xact Copy of Wrapper itself in the commercial good will of New Bern by buildiug shops here that are greatly needed at this sec tion of the road's severaldivisions. The very incident of this continu ally arising "shops removed" shows thp.t the Norfolk-Southern i9 not fully entrenched as it should be with the business confideuceof this community, or the sentiment would not so constantly distrust the management, as having plans of betterment everywhere else, ex cept at this point. New Bern trade and all the business that goes to the line of what was the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, now the Norfolk and Southern's is not to be held too lightly by its lessor. It was not so easily secured as to now warrant its being trilled with. DEAFNESS CANNOT EE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, ana tnat i Dy constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucuH lining of the Eus- tacr.mn lube. When thi tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed. Deafness is th result. and unless the iiiflamation can he taken out and this tube re tored to its nor- nnl condition, hfarinir will ho destroy ed forever; nine ta e.i out of ! n are causi d by CaUrrh, wh;ch is r.uU.intf hut an intlamed condition of tiu iiibcoun surfaces. We will eive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused bv catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free- F, J. CHENEY & CO.,Props, Toledo, 0 Sold by druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's family pillg for con stipation. Certificate of Stock Lost. Notice is hereby piven, that certifi cate of stock number thirteen, issued by the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail road Company for one share of stock to M F. Arendell, has been lost and the undersigned will applto said company for a new certificate. This the first day of November 1911. ' M. F. ARENDELL BY W, L. ARENDELL. Adminisurltor. "I do not believe tl an is anv other medicine so g.vd for whooping emmh as Chamberlain g Couch K9medv." writen Mr. 1 Francis Turf in, Junction City, Ore. This remedv is also nnsur- pass(d for eolda and croup. For sale by all dealers. - ,. ., The International Harvester Compa ny filed in the Supreme Court of Miss ouri s motion for a hearing of the re cent case in which it was ousted from hat Stata. . , - WOMEN;:- -Woaeo of Ij highest type, women of lupeiior tchtttioa &ni refinVmciit,' wLoie 'kcernmcB! tad jufljineat give weight m forc to lhcir;oiinions,,Hg)!y praise the wonclcrfal coi receive and curkti-? properties of Qiain berlaio'f Stomach and! Liver Tah iti. Taronghoit tue many i tajci (A woman's L'e, froa girlhaoJ, tlirocgk the orrlcali of incth$r koo4 1 the Jctlininj yeari, tiere ia im safer or tr.ore TtllAlIe mti klru Chi'u! erlala'i TaL.'c'i ire Tor Infants and Children. ; Thfc Kind You Have . Always. Bought ' " .J " Bears Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years thi cmuur eoMMwr, ncwtouk orrr. i Our Colored . A CORRECTION.. OnjiSunday morning 19th, inst, an ar ticle appeared In this paper ' under 'church notices, "'"showing a weeks preaching at Clinton Chapel A. M. E. Zion Church where the following min isters would preach.-. , Revs. H. C. Mil ler, A. E. Lonax, J. C. McEddy and M, Spruill, which services was intend edfor St. Peters A. M. E. Church which began last night 21st. with which a great sermon by Rev. Miller whose choir rendered excellent muBic.' Ser vices will continue during the week and all are asked to be present "Good music good Bermons, good congregations. ' Aristocrat, of the Blenheim Farm stables of Baltimore, won the first blue ribbon at the Madison Squarn Garden show, ' , ' ' How Lincolnshire Shepherds Count. Ynu (1), tan (2). tethera (3), pettier (4), pimp (5). vsethera (0), lethera. ;(7), hovera (8), covers (0). dik (10), yau-a-dik (11). tun-a-dik (12), tethera-dlk (2 pe(hi;ra-dik (14), bumpft (15), yan-n-bnmplt (lfi), 'tan-abumplt (17), etc, JiKSit (liO).-Froui "Shepherds- of Brit ain," by A. L. J. Gosset , : :- , i Chlnesa Business Houses. - .'- Most of the Chinese business house are owned by partnerships, and moat partnerships nre of a large number of persons. The Chluese who has saved $100 local currency will' ot once in vest it In a mercantile business and become a partner. . - Governor Colquitt, of Texas, ordered out a company of the State militia be cause of threatened trouble with Mexi can rebels. - . ' . QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM. George W. Koons, Iawton, - Mich., says:- "Dr. Detchon's Relief for RhecmAtism has given my wife' won darful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift, hand or foot, had to be lifted for two months. '. She began the us of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move . and on Wednesday she got up, dressed herself and walked out for breakfast" Sold by Bradham Drug Co. ; F. O. WatU, president of the Ameri can Bankerit' Association, said that or ganization would; Indorse the Aldrich plan of currency reform, i ;'t : , SICK HEADACHE. h .' This distressing disease remits from a disordered condition of the stomach, and can be cured by taking Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, Get a free sample at all dealer's diug store and try it. : . , : -, -- ' A Surpriee For Swagger. "Yet." Huld Bwncger, "this is a tor kM rmg.".' . ; ii - --.v. 'EJCeuse Die." said Iiniics; "the cor rect proiiuncltitioa of... that word., is ttnkw)ls- "So; turkezit, ewHso uie." . ' , . "I say turkwoW - " . v "Well,. lets go to the Jeweler and nsk him." . " '. "Rlghf." 1 "In order to settlfl t wnger.h said Swaxprcr" to the Jeweler, "would yov nilnd telling me it the correct pronnn clutlou of the Ntone lu this ring 1 tnr keae or turkwolsej" ., -. The Jeweler took the ring and ev o-uilned It hirefuily. ' "The connect pro imn luilon," lie nold, "is glass. Loo dun Tit Kits. ' -; , .. - LP Subscribers 1 "I s'm plesprd to recommend 'Cham berlain's Couglr Remedy as the best thing I know of and safest remedy for emiKhs, colds, and bronchial trouhle," wrneg Mrs. L. It; Arnold ef Denver, Colo. "Wj hnve irvil it r. ' ' (fd it h'li n"ver f , n.ij. tl- . ' i - r - ' I i : . DETAILS Kl CM PMS AT an iO'i'OlBER 27-30 Length of Races, Prizes Offered and -" General Provisions of . ' Contests. Savannah, Ga.' The four - great races which are to be run at Savan nah on November 27 and 30, with the prizes offered and other Information concerning the respective events, are: Grand Prize of the Automobile Club of America; American and foreign cars eligible, to compete; ' no more than three cars of any one make can be entered; length of the course ap proximately 17 miles, which shall be covered 24 times, making the distance ot the race about 10S miles; the date oi-.ta.6 race Jj November 30; the entry fee is $1,000; . two cars, f 1,500 ; tnree cars, J1.750, of the same manufac ture; first prize (in adidtion to gold cup valued at 15,000),' 14,000; second prize,: $2,000; third ptUe, $1,000; in addition' to which large cash . prizes have been offered, to machines psing certain oil : or .V mechanical " contriv ances, magnetos, eta,' and, moreover, $1,000 is offered to the American car finishing first v'-i-"- vi.;;; The William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., Oup Race; open to Class C; . length of race 289 miles; date .of the race, Novem ber 27';; entrance fee,; $500 for tsach car. .The winner wiH be awarded the eupr $2,000 in cash and a special "do nor's trophy" for permanent owner ship. . The Savannah Challenge Trophy For flight cars" (of 231 and Including 300 cubic Inches plBton displacement) ; length cj. race 221 milea: first prize. Savannah Challenge Trophy, '.'Donors Trophy" and $1,000 in cash; second prize $500; third prize $250; entrance fee, $250. i ; The Tiedeman Trophy race; open to same .class cars as Savannah Chal lenge Trophy;' except ' they Bhall he of 161 and including 230 Inches cubic inches piston "displacement; length of race 170" miles; first plrze, Tiedeman Trophy: and-$lj0QOj in. oash; , second prize $500; third prize; $250. v v: ; All of j the races will be run over the same course,. The .two light car races -will be run at. tie, same time on November ; 27 and the Vanderbilt Cup race will Immediately follow. Two days will then intervene and the great International race will begin. - ENORMOUS CASH PRIZES IN BIG RACES Drivers of Big Cars That Win Will -;v.i';".;lB' Made Rich.? ?: ; ' Savannah, Ga. Witft $ $19,950 - In cash already . hung tip asjprize money for the ; winners of the automobile races in Savannah on November ; 27 and 30, and with the large majority of .the tire concerns and - accessory manufacturers not yet heard from, It appears that not only will the races set up records ror jtne annihilation ot distance, but will as well place new figures on prize, money carried away by winning drivers. ' : ?; ': '." V Recently the amounts were added to -by offers from the Bosch Magneto company of $1,550 for the winners who are equipped with Bosch magnetos and by the Findelsen & Kropf Man ufacturing .company; makers of ; the Rayfleld carburetter of $2,500.. These with the previous offer of .the Remy Eaectrio company of $4,250 to those winning with Remy magnetos and the offer of the Savannah Auto mobile Club of $12,500 In gold to the winners ot the events, make the to tal, which will "be . greatly - swelled whea the- other offers come In. The letter of the Findelsen & Kropf Manufacturing company s for the winner Of the Grand Prize race $1,000, the -winner of the . Vanderbilt .: $500, second man in the Vanderbilt $200. winner of the Savannah . Challenge Trophy $250 and winner pf the Tiede man Cup Race $250. . j.i-T -. r The ' offer of the Bosch Magneto company Is $500, $200 and $100, re spectlvely for first, secpnd iftad-'third place in the Grand Prize; $200, $50, am) $50 for first, second and third In, the Vanderbilt; $100, $30 and $50 for the Tiedeman. Trophy and the same for the Savannah Challenge , Trophy.- All these' prizes are offered with the proviso that the winners '. must be equipped with the product of the com pany offering the prize. C The gold prizes offered by the Savannah Au tomobile Club are without, restriction to go to the winners. . A WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS ; , will; BE AT SAVANNAH - i1'- -. -t. ii -' ' Never. Before .Has ,8uch y Galaxy . ' Been Gotten Together. k 2 y Savannah, Ga.-rAmoug the. famous drivers . who will pilot cars in 'the great Vanderbilt cup, "International Grand Prize,-' Tiedeman Trophy and Savannah - ChallenKe Trophy . races, which will be held in Savannah No vember 27. and 30, .are liruce-Hrown, Utirman, Wagner, ' Uaslo, Puwson, llemery, II ragg, Grant, Miilford, J)e Palmai , Tatzteld, Hearu arid a score of .ptliers. 1 Those - drivers ' are all world famous. Never before was such a galaxy of .world famous driv er assembled in one place. ,Tb greatest rivajry pxlsU and It is knou that these men will enter the races to win at all hazards. U is "do, or dfe" with them, for the race will make the driver and the manufacturer of the. machine rich and world fumous. No amouut of money could purrhaRu the prestige which -' winning then races Will give tho cars. Tl manu facturers have gent many tlioiiHniid dollars building special cars snd spesd madness will ho rampant lu Knviinnnh during the otlierwlno calm dy of our Indian summer. ! '. T. ACi'iKutsLECuE ' IJi New Bern lias to Bow. to the In .evitabh3 Scores of Citizens " Trove It;- ; J 4 After readiog the public statement of this representative citizen of New Bern given below, you must come to this conclusion; A remedy which cured years ago, which has kept tha kidneys in good health since, can be relied up on to perform the same work - in other eases.. Read this; : y--H ,:v" '.- Mrs. James Day, 89 E.'St. New Bern N. C,,' says; ! ?' suffered terribly from dull, nagging backaches and I had acute pains through my kidneys. 1 Whenever I attempted to stoop or lift, 1 suffered more intensely and Bound sleep at night was out of the question.! In the morn ing1 when I ' got up; my back Was Very lame and tore and. I was also, annoyed by a kidney weakness, ; Finally ,1 got a supply of Doan's Kidney Pill from the Bradham Drug Co., and it did not take them long to remove my aches and pains. -1 have been feeling so much better in every way einca I took- this preparation that I willingly gave this account of my experience. ' TUE BENEFIT LASTED. , ,'. On November 28, 1910, Mrs. Day was interviewed and she added to the above: "I have been free from kidney com plaint and. backache ever .since I used Doan's Kidney Pills some years ago. I willingly allow the continued publica tion of the statement I gave at that time, as I wish to show my grateful ness for the benefit I received." For sale bj U dealers. " Price 6t centa Foatejr Mllburn Co., Buffalo New York, sola agenta tor tba-Unttea States. - , t " ' Remember the Bam Doam!s-u ake no other, " her Act.' ' . ' "Well, hnve yon. heard thft news," Asked a -friend brightly.'.t. r'My? wife and 1 are Rolng on the vaudeville stage." A clever friend' has written an act for us and we are going to put it on next week."'-''. '- ' '"Good worl bid man," we exclaimed enthusiastically; 'i "What Is it a sons and dance act or a society sketch?" "Neither it is a monologue.r - ' ."A monologue?. -1 thought yon and yonr wife were both in the act."-; .- "We are. But do you know inj wife ?' Cleveland Plain Dealer, i ;; , SAVED CHILD FROM DEATH. ; "After our child has suffered from se vere bronchial 'trouble for a'year." wrote G. T. Richardson of Richard son's Mills, Ala "we feared it had con sumption, f It had .a bad cough ail the time. We tried many remedies with out avail, and doctor's medicine seemed as useless.'. Finally we trif d Dr. King's New Discovery, and are pleased to say that one bottle effected a complete cure and our child is again strong and heal thy. -"For coughs, colds, hoarseness, lagrippe, asthma, croup and sore lung!), its the. most' infallible remedy that's made. . Price 50c and $1.00, Trial bot tle free. : Guaranteed by all druggist): ):',' '"-t . -, ., ,, -i-tv. .' i . Felon's stripes as a punishment for trust criminals are proposed id a bill amending the Sherman Anti-Trust law drafted byj Representative Henry, of Tex88.v'-:.iv:vv;r7;;;v.i:--;:.;i'v-" .-. 'i Children O ry- FOR FLETCHER'S - C ASTORIA "in . The Southern melon "growers asked the Inter-State Commerce, Commission for lower freight rates en l2f Eastern rads...' l . . ".. v,''v-:5.se "-.' 13 THE WORLD GROWING BET T-'M .'J' TERZ . .. Many thih8 go to prove that it is The way thousand J are .trying to help oth er i proof. Among them Is Mrc W. W.Gould, of "riltshVP, N. it. Find ing good health by -taking Electric Bit ters she ' now advises other suffer, everywhere) to take thera-''For year I suffered with stomach and kidney trouble," riie writes. "Everv- medi cine I used failed - till I took Electric bitters. But tnt great remedy helped me -wondTfully." They'll help aov woman. They're' the hi st' tonic and finest liver and kidney renedy that's male. rry tnem. Try them, ion II see. 60c at all drnggists. ' ' - ,.'-.k..-i -j .contortion. v f hnve been a drudge all my life," he complained. -. ' "Well," the Unsympathetic Old bach elor replied, '"If s largely yonr own fault Why did yon ever got married? Look at me." " ' ! '' , "Yes, I'm looking at on. That's what reconciles roe to my Condition. After all. (here are worse things than dnuljrcH In the -world." Chicago, Rec ord Herald. ,' .;-. A BURGLAR'S AWFUL DEED may not paralyz a home o completely mr a rr. other's Ion illness But Dr King's New Life l'ills a'e a splendid remedy for " women. They gsve mi wonderful bemfit in conptioation anri femaln trouble," wrote Mn. M. C. Dunlap. of ladill, Tern. It ailing, try them. 25c. at all Drugvisla., . Sciindlnavian :and E -glish Baptist mmsionuriea at Hsian-Fu tnd the French mission in Lolos Territory a'e reportei to have been massacrd. &( i i k. ' ' - -.-' . m t -." i. I A',:iM'::;:T'".,,' ; :z. PICKED .A .SAFE 5?QT. He Wanted an' Easy Fall if He hfit5l!)) th Big Bear.. "- -' ', The red hear of Asia lives In ll mountain Boiitudes. rarely coming Iw low nu aftirude of 8,000 feet. For tha greater part ef the year he Is content with a . vegetarian diet aud loads a blameless and estl-icble life, but In the spring be becomes mischievous. nd then a man who pursues him in bis native haunts must be a mountain eer as well as a hunter. .The follow Ing incident from "Sport mid Life In the i- Further IIimalnyas,'J by - R. L Keunion, illustrates the double danger. V My GUgit stalker used -to tell of a bear that . Was a terroi. to the goat herds sent. to graze the. village flocks In the Rakblot glen, not only a robber, but. a trucculeut one,' who committed bis crimes in the broad light of daj and cared for neither man cor dog Gul Sher "encountered him wben.oU wfth.T.'a noted shot froin among tht smalj parrjv of officers then ot Gllgit Peblnd.them; yawned a precipice;. Iu fron was the, big beast,- grunting and slavering 'lit , the mouth. .They faced me another Awhile men ould eonnt a l-core,";and still T: did not shoot .Tut bear ad va need. . -t j : '. "Shoot!", cried Gul Sher, but, T. only looked round Over Yin shoulder. Thfe bear came .'on,-'; Then T. slowly piiFhls rtfie up and shot him dead through the head. - '-x't'". J-'i-' "And why bad "not T. shot blm be forer I asked. . - "That Is what i wanted to. know" the stalker said, "and heboid me thai he was : Just looking- for the easiest place to go' down the precipice in ease ,tbe bear was not killed " . - - I was sitting hearing the story at the exact spot where it happened and. going to the edge, looked over.."..The 9rst thing to break a fall was a greeo lawn of pine treetops 2,000 feet be low. Youth's Companion. Children Cry : . FOR FLETCHER'S ' " CASTOR! A Capt. G. U Bumbaugh left Indianap olis in a balloon in an effort to lift the Lahm cup for long distance flight, v For pains in the side or ehest dampen apiece of flannel with Chamberlain's Liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sale by all dealers. - i George Bakhmetieff, the new Russian Ambassador to the United States, ar rived tn New York. -''. E HOTEL ;, SWANSBORO, N. C. . All modem conveniences for bath ' . ing, and inside fishing. : i : -.'H--'- " ': - ;t,fe -'"J " BOAT LEAVES S 8 a. m. Xv. Swansboro Ar. 5:30 p m 110 a m. Af M. City Lv. 2:00 p. m, A GROCERY MAN has to be pretty well ."made: up" J o please everybody,' our' 'shelves 1 are "chuck full" of good things in the line of Fancy .Groceries and we guarantee every thing we sell to' pleas? everybody we sell too, or we refund your money. Buckwheat, Mmco Meat, Heinz Pickles, The Best Fancy Candy for Cake Trim mings.-'Prompt delivery. Yours lo please, 5 j, - : ' , . Imi Street .Grccery Go. PHONE 156 NEW DERN. N. C. : "A iie piece c-f cLlli my LoyI 1 never saw you wear a Letter looking 8uit'v ' J "Yts, 1 Am f leased wlili it. - I frnd it mnlTIy a pood r . ; , tailor. Tie tlwlli is ore i f l' : ' ft -' ,. '1 , f ill! f . if ' ' ' K j .V 1 1 f". "I FOR WHAT YOU NEED IN GROCERIES. . Fancy Prunes, only .. I3c Fancy Evaporated Peaches r 18c Standard 3 lb. can Tomatoes 10c II g " " .::. 7jc Small S. C. Hams . 18c Small-Pic mc Hams - . - 12c Very Best Flour . - ,-'..s -i 3c Fancy E. J. Peas, can 16 &25c Good Table Peaches, can ' - 18c Walter Bakers Chocolate 'j . 17Jc Walter Bakers Cocoa, can - 23c - Numerous other good things . to eat at bottom prices. : i ; YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L McDaniel '41 Middle St' Phone 91 IICTVl m m m m m mr I f m m - AND s E Building Ma- - terial f Paints, Oils 'AND , -" .Varnishes American Field .Fence E. . I lew ra, I. A. " IBSSSBSSafli HENRY'S Prescriptions from '" all physicians. Quickly and Ac curately filled. 1 Also a full line of Choir v Toilet articles. J ( Pharmacy ' PHONE 173 , ' REMEMBER : - We are ready to fill your fruit cake order with all the necessary fruits and spices for a ' cake . and at a saving to you. 1 ; . v ', The best of every thing in the line at the lowest possible price. J - ' Phone 174 Middle St Hyde Co. R. P Oats, Burt Oats, Hairy Vetch, Rape Crimson Clover,' Alfalfa, Hayl Oats, Corn; Corn Meal, Cot ton Seed Meal; Hulls, Rran, Shipstuff, Beet Pulp, Dairy Molasses Fed, Distillers Grain, highest in Protein of iny stock feed on the, mark et." . - " ' BURRUS " CO. U 3J Whl.lle SL New l:.Vn, N. O I'hon 1 ! t