I -J, 1 n r: I. iiiilii FACILITIES . .. - , This bank aims to afford every convenience to its custo mers consistent with sound banking. - -, "Small as well as large checking accounts invited. -'--v. . . 4 per cent interest paid on Savings and Certificates of Deposit - " . ".A. - Safe Deposit Boxes nntud fer ft nominal annual charge, . ; Storage space furnised free of charge to'customers.- - Advice en financial and investment matters gludly given. - : - Your patronage is invited and we assure you prompt and courteous service at all times, s " V -MUTHminnni IKE AUTOMATIC BALL BEARING AXLE- orsemore ,m 1 ,- ;r yaxleey- t sVi -i'iSSSSSSSl id, if you 'i ,f ; ng two f.. mmm, '! rAl i will east the bur den on horse more than any i r offered. are usit - horses get a vehi cle equipped with this axle, and you can sell one and save the feeding: . And Is the first and only Ball-Bearing Axle that can bfe sent to anyone anywhere, anrt.be-a success every time . without any brains being sent along tojtdjust it 6. S. WATERS & SDKS, BRiAD ST. NEW BERN. N. C. ; . .. The Best ; " Always Pays in the 'Long Run. The average man when it enmes to selecting a life insurance contract will take aiy old thing that comes along. , its a case of "marry in haste i and repent at IeisUrfc." Hundreds of thoua' ndsof -dollars h;we been ' wasted and many families left detitute right here in this very town by such foolish course The UNION CENTRAL, LIFE is the best com " pany in America if the reports of various State: Departments and un-. biased statisticians count for anything, for excellent insurance at the lowest possible cost h policy holders. 'Cfudly explained without the least ob'igation on yonr part, j- ! : ' v, -. ': , . , Wv 0; BOYD, Agent Real Estate, " DEEP $EA FISH. . "'" ..- V. . " -' ; " ": f If They Com. Toe -Near the 8urfM ' , They Will Explode. Ordinarily .'one would think that a fish In the sea could go where it Wish ed In the- waten-tbat is, that It could go as far down or come as close to the surface as It desired. l Aa there are definite natural laws that prohibit this, of course it Is not possible. ... Take a deep sea fish. It is under enormous pressure at its proper depth. Let it stray too high, however, and on the pressure lessening the fish gets larger , and consequently lighten per unit volume and In consequence is pro pel led upward at an enormously In creasing rate by the buoyancy of the -water until7 at last it has to be W pelled from the surface of the sea With great., force. ". In the meantime the fish has suffered an internal ex plosion, as it were, and Its eyes have popped out of its head, and its lnsides have expanded and made holes in the body. This is why there are no per fect specimens of deep sea fish In any museuou The difficulty could be part ly overcome by hauling-the fish up gradually, but a heavy weight would have to be attached to the line to over come the buoyancy of the fish. ' !. On the other band, take a shallow water flsh. It dares not stray too far down, for ; the increasing, pressure would tend to make it heavier if it was at all compressible, but as it Is f not much so It would remain practi caliy the same volume and would find no difficulty In propelling Itself to al most any deoth. The increasing pres sure, however, would make it harder for the fish to move, its organs, and Its eyes would be pressed into its head. For all these reasons there are well denned strata of water in which cer tain fish are found and no others. This Is one . method of determining the depth of a former sea where fossils oi fish are found on the land. The depth of the sea' at that place can be told within certain limits by the fossils. New York Tribune. Stomach Blood and Much tleknes starts with weak stomach, and consequent. poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pale-people lick ood, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need inviforatinf for, alter ail, man can be no stronger than hi tomaeh.: ' A .remedy that make the stomach strong and the liver. active, make rich red blood and overcome and. drives I out disease-producing bfioteri and cures whole muIti-; tude of diseases. . -:. :'-- .iVi'.? - . .. ',. . Cet rid of four Stomach Weakmtmi mm. Liver Laziness by taking m eonraa .-' . Dr. Pierce' a Golden MetHctil"6Ucqrerr the treat Stomach ttemtfirattvei '(Jv4r ' Xnviiorator mud Blood eieanter' " ' You can't afford to accent anv mediolna nl hiiImiim1 ttmfiositiou a substitute for'"Golden edical; Disco v ery, which is a medicine op known composition! having a complete iwt ot ingredients in plain linjlisa on its bqt tie-wrapper, samo being attested as correct -under, path, Dr. Pierce' Pleasant ttlltf npilate aat Unljonf Stomach, Liver Soma. egdl Notices I NOTICE QF MORTGAGE SALE OF I HOUSE AND LOT IN NEW BERN. t PDnrccctnun niono i lllUILddlUllftL ,UHIUa r 1 " , i ; - Women's Tear. Marks So when you got home from the club last ' night your wife - was weeping? Parks I said nothing of the sort I said she was crying- It's when a woman is sad she weeps; whet, she cries she's hopping mad. Boston Transcript . ; ' . . Even. - Borrow Until now I have never had to ask you for a small loan. Money And till now I have never been obliged to refuse yon. The Norfolk-Southern's "Thanksgiving ' Special" '. The football game between the. team of the North Carolina A. & M. College and the Virginia Po'y technic Institute at Norfolk on Thanksgiving Day -has excited so much general intecest;that the Norfolk-Southern is arranging to increase its passenger train service on the night of the 29th to take the crowd to Norfolk. A special fast train to be known as "Special Cadet" will leave Raleigh at midnight carrying the stu dent body from the college. The foot ball squad of about 25, which will leave Raleigh a day ahead of the students, will join the special train enroute and arrive in Norfolk early en the morning of Thanksgiving. The batalion band will greet the team on arrival at the Norfolk-Southern station, end the grand march to the hotel will begin. In ad dition to the special. tram from Raleigh and the regular trains f rem other points arrangements have been made to pro vide special Pullman sleepers and coach es to care for the crowds who wi9h to see the A, & M. make Virginia "bite the dust." Last year ,at Lafayette Park, when Carolina captured all the honors pandemonium reigned and the scene -was indescribab'e because of the great enthusiasm of the Carolina root: era. The "Farmer" team from Ral eigh this year is said to be the best that has ever been gotten together, and now the bet is on Carolina two to one. Great preparations are being made to handle an immense crowd, and the field is being gotten in first class shape. GREATLT REDUCED RATES TO Norfolk-, -Vi, Account Foot Ball ,arae A. ,f ,M.', va V. P. I. Thanksgiving Day Thure- ' .day Nov. 30th, 1911. Special sleeping cars will be placed t Goldsboro, Kinston and New Bern. General Insurance. Surety Bonds. IS: BANK IN THE PROPORTION OF SilRFLI! PROFITS TO CAPITAL'. THE NATIONALS . ' ' OF NEW BERNE, N. C.! . . :'Sf Apibs'v-. FIRST among the: banks of . the City THIRD among the National Banks of ; ; lr,. the State , : . . ' And as it has Furplus and Undivided Profits amounting to $106,000 and v Capital amounting" to $100,0(10, It has apluce on the ' National Bank Roll of Honor, which hjclude only banks having Surplus and Undivided Profits equal to or exceeding their Capital.'stook. . ' IT STARTLED THE WORLD when the astounding claims were first mado for bucklen's Arnica Salve, but forty years of wonderful cures have proved them true, and everywhere it is now known as the beet salve on earth for Burns, Boils, Scalds. Sores, t ute, Bruises. Sprains. Swellings, Eczema, Chapped hands, Fever Sores and Piles. Only 25c at all Druggists. . Practioa With Wooden Leg. . Of the five cases in the aeelden ward that were pronounced cured at the same time three remained in the hospital more than a week after the Other tw had gone home. "They "Mid to stay," said an interne, "to get -used to their wooden legs. It takes some time to. learn to mauage wooden legs, and most men who will have to peg along with tliem for the rest of tueJr natural lives stay in tue hostiital several days after they get veil to practice stumping around on their new legs. Of course they can learn outside, but the man who has Just acauired a wooden leg feels so awlfr ward and is so likely to fall down and break the other leg or au arm or maybe his heck that we prefer to keep him here so be can lake his first les sons under our supervision." NeW York Times. ;- 1 4 2V INTEREST' PAID DM CSRVISGS DEPOSITS - S A F - DEPOSIT I BOXES FOR . RENT. - i5IEAD01S;MiII FEED KUST I'KOOF l-URT I-) E D T ' 13 jt jfjy AND Aviator Fowler flew from Van Horn to Pyote, Texas. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children,' The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ' si Br Tiitue ot powarof J conUiiMd la that certain mortans deed neentad and deHrendto the nnderticned br Milce Spruit and Eliza SpruU, his wife, which mortgage deed and note thereby second Is dated third day ot March 1902. and recorded in book number 141. page 67S. In the of fice of the Reg liter of Deeds of Craven eountr. the undersigned will oa the 18th. day of Decern- oer. lau, at is o'clock n. at the court bouse door in Craven county, sell to' the highest bidder for cash, the following described land: Two kite situated and lying in the City of New Bern. N. Duplin, Jones C in the part known as Reize'uetelnvule. being eret. Pamlico oisnumner 11 and Z7 In the plan of the said I Reizensteinville, located on the east side of Chap man street between Cedar and Elm streets, and being the same land conveyed to the said Ulleo Spruil by StSi from Chas. Rtiscnsteln. JOHN S. GARRETT. Mortgagee. November I8th. 1811, F. M. Simmons. A. D. Want.' SIMMONS AND WARD ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW HIV BERK, 9. C, Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Craven. Lenoir, Onslow, Cart and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. DR. H, M. Lv. Ar. SCHEDULE GoldsboM '10:15 LaG range . Kinston Dover t Beaufort M. City Oriental New Bern Norfolk ROUND TRIP P. M. 10:42 11:10 11:30 3:45 4:15 2:00 12:30 8:00 A. M. $ 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 . 4 20 4 00 4 00 3 00 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as executor of Flor ence Williams, deceased, all person haying claims against the estate of said decendent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified to tbe undersigned or hie attorney, on or before the IT day of November 1912. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate settlement. This I7th day of November 1911. H. H. PENDER. Executor, R. OUARA. Attorney. MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Tickets sold for all day trains Nov. By virtue of a power contained in a mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by Patsy Col line and Mary Venters on the 6th day of April, 29th and train No. 16 leaving Goldsboro im. and recorded in the office of the Register of Nov. 29th and leaving New Bern Nov. Do" f Craven county, in book 176. page 14. 30th. Tickets crood to raturn until train Mm deed iy9n Mcun Payment of xt. b i i u j ii n i a. pnimwwry Muie. oue ana payaoie one year o. o i uvinK onom uec. isu from date of sold mortgege deed and default in Special Sleeping cars placed at UOldS- payment of said note and interest on the same boro, Kinston and New Bern may be having been made. I will sell at the oourt house ocpiinifirf nt 9-30 n m Nov Mth Ra. doorin New BaTn- N. C. at 12 o'clock M. DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven. Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Offic No. 50 Crivsn Strict. Tslsphon No. 97. New Barn, N. C. Lake Drummond Canal & Water Co. turning passengers using Pullman ser- edtereef tLjSA Drurnmond Transportation Vice, may occupy sleeping cars until 7:00 Mary Ventere in and to that certain tract of land a m Dec 1st at New Bern, Kinston and Goldsboro. : , Tickets sold for trains Nos. 2 and 16 and train No. 6 leaving Raleigh Nov. 29th, tickets good to return on train No. 6 leaving Norfolk 9:00 p m Dec 1st Sleeping car space should be reserved through local agents at once to insure sale cash. satisfactory accommodat'ons. in No, 8 township. Craven county, N. C. ad joining the lands of Edward Richardson on the north aide, on the west side Willis Lewis' tract. containing ten acres, where Mary Venters and John Venters formerly resided, now occupied by Alex Moore: also another tract of land containing 183 1-4 acres, adjoining the lands of Mra, Jennie Harrison. Dr. J B Hughes. J L Rhem. Jas Lyons. Samuel Bowen and Daniel Harries. Terms of I Co. A Prince George's county (Mf r Hnd) grocer was brained and robbed in Wash ington: Nov. 9 Mil, . HAHN. Mortgsgea. MORTGAGE SALE. John Doperty, of Newport News, drank a quantity of carbolic acid in mis take for whiskey. His body was found ten hours later. ' WHAT WOULD YOU DO? In case of a burn or scald what would yoj do to relieve the pain? Such in juries are liable to occur in any family and everyone should be prepared lor them. Chamberlain s Salve applied on a soft cloth will relieve the pain almost instantly, and unless ihe injury is a very severe one, will cause the parts to neai without leaving a scar. For sale by all dealers. 8ick Herrings. "Why," said a youngster to his elder brother, "do herrings have so man? more illnesses than other flsh?" "Who says they do?" asked tbeyontb addressed. 1 "Why, this book says that thousands upon thousands of them are cured ev ery year." Society as the Doctor Saw It When the doctor was asked what he thought of the reception he had at tended the previous evening he said: "It was a carbuncle." "What do you mean by that?" "Why, It was a great gathering and a swell affair." New York Times. Washington Central Labor Union sent charges against Public Printer Donnel ly tq the American Federation of Labor, Secretary Meyer in his annual report wilt advocate higher salaries and age retirement for government clerks. Children: Cry FOR FLETCHER'S castor; a Wellington r Simplicity.'-.-When Sir Edwin Laudseerwas paint tag the duke's portrait, hoping to save him the trouble of much sitting, he wrote and asked if he couid let him have the trousers belonging to the uni form. Tbe duke wrote back in all olemnlty: . . ,: - "Field Marshal the puke of Welling ton presents bis compliments to Sir Edyrin Lahdseer and regrets that ha cannot Bend him the trousers as he hat but one pair." London Nation. . '. The Steel Trust sought to hold off the Congressional inquiry . Into Its affairs pending the Government suit against it.-. . :-r:ru,Cli' ' '-O Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect eerety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened di gestion ad for regulating the bowel. For sale by all dealers, ; ' - " ; ; William J. Cun.minswas found guilty of the theft of $140,000 from the Nine teenth Ward Bank, of New Yorki 1 An Eoonomlo Suggestion. 4 ' Gladys--Tommy Tightwad Is the nieniK'st muq I've ever enconntered. Gweudolyn - What has be doue? Gladys-He's, engaged to Tilly Tllton. yon. know, it appears that be picked up n ring at a bargain sale and had tu nerve to olTcr It a an engagement ring, it was much too small for bet j niii"r. What do you siippoHe he eng-Tp-ilod? Gwendolyn What? ' Gladys -Thn.t she dh't until ute could g it on. Detroit Tree ITops. , , Th Retort Genial. - A southern woman who is now past her prime, hut whose ready wit still makes her a welcome guest wherever she goes, tells tbe, following story about an encounter with what she terms a. "northern Iceberg:" She was at a musical entertainment at a pri vate house in New York, and nt the end of a song which bad been delight fully rendered Bhe turned with an ex Mamntlon of pleasure to a lady who sat near and whom she knew by tight, but bad never met.- The wom an addressed looked at her in surprise for a moment and then asked coldly, "Have I the pleasure of knowing your t . t "No,"; .was the answer, "but I felt al liberty to speuk to you on account of your being under such very great ob ligations to me."- ' , "Will you have the goodness to ei plain what you mean?' said the New York woman haughtily., - . "Merely that I refused yout hus band twenty-flve years ago," replied tbe little southerner as ' she 'moved away to seek a more congenial atmos phere. i' yj- '. .. '. ' ' ' jx A-..'- ' Three psrsons were electrocuted Sing Sing prison,' New York, ."' 4 The Japanese expendition of the Kainan Mara has started on its second attempt to reach the South Pole. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S - CASTORIA S0UIBEBNJ1ILWH DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTH. EAST. WEST. Pursuant to the power of sale contained In that certain mortgage deed, executed by George Brown and Mary E. Brown, his wife to R. O'Hara, bearing date of April 13th. 1911 recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds tor said Craven county in book Ne. 184, folk) 167. The undersigned will offer for sale to tbe high est bidder for cash, at the court house door of Craven county, on Saturday, December 9th. 191 1 at the hour of 12 o'clock M. all the following des cribed property, to-wit; All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being situate in the city of New Bern, aaid state and county on the west side of Ash street and bearing the number one hnndred forty-six. IM, according to a plan of the estate of Joshua Scott, dee'd.. recorded in Equity Docket, page 68 in the office of Clerk of Superior court for Craven county, bounded as follows: Benginning at the northeast corner of the lot formerly owned by Frederick Harrison, and running northwardl: Afty 66, five feet, more or less to the southeast ern cornerof lot No. one hundred 145. forty-five; thence westwardly along the southern line of said lot No. 145 one hundred 110. ten feet, more or less to the eastern line of lot No. one hundred 166, fifty-six. thence southwardly along the east ern line of lote Nos. 166 and I6S fifty 66. feet more or leas to the northern line of lot No. 147; thence eastward ly along tbe northern line of aaid lot No. 147 one hundred 110. ten feet more or to the point of beginning on Asb street. It be ing the same land conveyed by R, O'Hara to aaid George A. Brown and Mary E, Brown by deed dated April IS, 191 1, and recorded in the public records in tbe oflfce of Register of Deeds for said Craven county in book No. 186-folio 276. to which reference is hereby made. This 4th. day of November I9II. R. O'HARA. Mortgagee. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum DeDth Always. Quick Transit for Traffic. Prompt Towing and Freight Movement. For tolls, towing and freight rates apply at office in Seaboard Bank Build; ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Va. M. K. King, Pres. J. A. Mitten. Sec J. B. Baxter, Supt. J. T. Whitehurst, Traffic Manager. Norfolk Office Bell Phone 621. ISOUTHERN RAILWAY BODTalBJi BAIL IV A 1 8CHEDCLI1 N. B. Tteae figures are publiaheo for Information tad are uot guaraav MOBTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of power of sale contained In two certain mortgage deeds executed to tbe under signed by J. T. Harria. one of which ie dated the Srd. day at March. 1910. and recorded in book of deeds No, 174. page 686. In the office of the Reg- star of deeds of Craven county, and the other Very Low Bound Trip Bates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 pm, arrives, Atlanta 6:35 p m, making Cloae connection lor and dated 21rt. day of January. 1911. and recorded in arriving Montgomery following day af- book of deeds number 184, page 67. In the office of to Uavino- RaUlo-h 1 1 (Yl . m Mnhiln f" Regiater of Deeda of Craven county, the un- . T, - a on t I denigned will on the 27th, day of November 1911 y in, ow viiw. o.ov v ui, "- ,..,-,,. housedoor in Craven county at 12 Ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8.-06 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for ' all other points. This car also makes close connection atStlit bnry for St. Louis and.other Western pointsw ' . . Through Pullman to Washington lea ves .Raleigh 6:60 p m, arrive Washing- on 8:53 a m, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Pb.Ua delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:81 p m in President Ramon Caleres, , of 'Santo Domingo,' has been assasginated. ', P. t! i r'tia apix-iiM to the powers to Set 's tnmMws Willi lin'a. V; Very Serious : It la a very serious matter to ask lor one medicine and have the wrong or gtvtr you. For thl reason we urge you In buying to vj be careful to get the genuine . ' J'XK-Dri'SllI liver T'cdlclae . The reputation of this old, rlla bit medicine, for constipation, in d.KCstion and liver trouble, is firm ly eatabliihtd. It does not imitate c h-r medicines. It ta better than oilvr'i, or it would not be th fa vo ltvr r-owdrr, with a larger i c -r l ined. o'clock of aaid day. aeilta the highest bidder for cash the following described lot of land: That certain lot of land in that part ot the City of New Bern. N. 0, commonly known aa Paviotown. and being lot number seventy (70) according to the of aaid Pa vie town, and being on west side of Bloomfleld street In said Pavietown a plot ot which Ir recorded In book lot, page 886. In th office of th Register of Deeds of Cra ven county and being tally described In eertaia contract between J. U Raha and the aaid 1. T. Harria. which contract la recorded is book aum- OetoberKth. lull. T. P.A8HFORD, Mortgages. This car mtket close connection at Wash- b m. pjg. 7Mn th. offlo. f th. agister of . . . . .: Deeds of Craven county. This sale ia raadesuli. ington for PittabUrg, Chicago and. all jet to a prior lien to 1. UH.h. forth, talane. point norm ana West ana at UrMnt- af the purchase money due from thesaid J.T. borO for ThrOUirh Tourist SleODer for Harris to the said J. L. Hahn for th purchase uf Califoinia points and for all Florida mu WM- points." ' ... Through Parlor Car for Ashevill leave Goldsboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 9:35 a m, : arrivee Asheville 7:40 p m, making eloaa connection with the Caro lina Special arid arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving Ral elgh, with eloaa connection for all point North and Not th-Wee t. Pullman for .Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh tM a m, arrives , Greensboro 6:30 a m, making dot connection; at Sreonaboro for all point North, Sotth, East and West ' This ear ia handled en train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro: at 10:46pm. : . ; . If yen desire any information, plea call. - We ar hart .to furnish informa tion a well aa to aU ticket. Twee Ever Thus. "Pa, what does it mean when yon ay that price fluctuate r "It means, my son, that they go up and down. When it' something you've got to buy the pri S nP- and when It's something you've got to ell th price goes down." Judge. : .a-' Hr Dearest Friend.- - Maude I'm a tittle uneasy in my mlud. Ned asked tne to marry him. and I told him I might some day. Now, would you call that a promise) Msrle-No; I should call it a threat H. T. CART, Q. P. A. Washington, D. C i. Oi JONES, 1 Na II Leav Goldsboro, N. C, 8.41 a. m,, through traiu with chaii car to Asheville, connecting at East Durhum, for Oxford, Hen eVeoa, Keysvllle and Rlcsmon -at Dalverslty for Chapel Hill: at Greensboro for Charlotte and all pJlU soma, alsu iur u rill, Lynchburg, Charlottesville Washington, and all poiata urom. MO. IS Leave Goldsboro, 1.05 j. av for Greensboro, handles through Pullman Raleigh, to Atlanta, cos rr-etk at Greensboro for all point north, south aad west NO. Ill Leaves Goldsboro 10.45 p m for Greensboro, bandies pullniaa Raleigh , to Greensboro, wa ned at Greensboro tor Char lotte, Atlanta , New Orleai. Asheville, Knoxville, also for Danville, Lynchbutk, Chariot tosvlll, Washington, at all point aartk. tor further InformatUn ul aay Southern ticket agent or addr U indrlgck H. F. CARY. General Paasenger i.feat Wahlngtoa, D. O, W. H. PARNELL, Travallng Pauenger Agent Ralelgb. N. a Instead of Liquid Antiseptics Peroxide iuany people are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to be) dissolved In water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic naea It U better and more eeonomioej. To oleans and Whiten the teeth, remove tartar and i rvot decay. - - i : To dialnfeot the month, de stroy dlseasa grrraa, and ' porifr the breatn. - To keep artificial teeth and . brlduework clean, odorless To remove nicotine, from the teeth and mrlxy t breath aftt-r smoking. r ?"-'i i ii 1 1 Ther I little)' danger from a cold or from an attack of the grin exoent when i'D 1- followed by pneumonia, and thl never To eradloato perspiration and body I.f. A. I happen when Chamberlain' Cough ho snnnm hathlno-: Ralalirh. Ml C Remdv I ned. Thi remedf baa U It great reputation ana mtensiv, mii vKermt BOd strerngthens tired, wealt. Appeals to Yuan Shi tfal to force th Py. rm,fD' ,enr or ? nd lnflampdeys. ital8 80rethroat., wounds irrtn ann ran nai rp 1 1 nnnn w un im i a. . , . - i r i t i . " ,JJ j w aumvei n 1,,. t . nnoa. r tit I'irf riv an Hsmi- 1 .. . - ... ,w . ' 1

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